TIIE KCBANTON TTlIIiTJNE FRIDAY MORNING . NOVEMBER 23, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AXD RAILROAD. The coal trade, says the Philadelphia Record, has somewhat recovered from the paralysis Into which it was thrown several days ago by the report that Coxe Bros. & Co. had announced a re duction of 40 cents per ton, and that other operators had promptly met the cut. Prices were stated yesterday to be more firm and steady, and dealers were reported to be making inquiries and buying some coal. The coal trade generally does not take much stock in the rumors to the effect that Coxe Bros. & Co. are contemplat ing a. sale of their Interests to Jersey Central. A bit of unwritten history he Philadelphia Times printed because It has a bearing on this point is the fact that at the time of the McLeod coal combination negotiations for the sale of the Coxe Bros.' Interests were carried on for some time and foil through. It was then proposed to divide up the property, Reading, Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central each taking one-third, on the basis of $12,000,000 for the whole. It failed, It Is said, owing to the objec tion, of President Maxwell, of Jersey Central, who thought the price was too high. It is understood that Coxe Bros. & Co. ask more for the property now than they did two years ago. Saward doesn't think much of the In- dividual Operators' plan of battle to se cure better tidewater rates. He re gards it as "Impossible that prices Bhall be higher than they are until there is more honesty of purpose on the part of the producers in carrying out an Agreement. The market will take JuBt about so much anthracite each year, and in order that this may be sold at a price which will be profitable to the pro ducer and carrier It is necessary at times to restrict the production. It is an old story, that 'restriction' does not restrict; but this Is only true where the parties in Interest some of them at least apparently satisfied with the re sults obtained, exceed what has been set down as their quota. A business of such magnitude as the anthracite coal trade, and which really Is in such few hands as producers and carriers, should be better managed. It Is only necessary to apply the rules of common prudence thereto, and the result would be a steady demand and a remunerative price." This, at least, Is easily said. John Wanamaker, upon being asked as to the truth of the report that a number of Lehigh Valley stockholders had Inaugurated a movement to "run" him as a candidate for the presidency of the company, replied: "It is news to me. 1 know absolutely nothing about any movement to place me at the head of the Lehigh Valley. I have not been approached by any stockholders that I become a candidate for the office, and the only reference I have ever heard made to the subject has been in casual conversation with people I have chanced to meet on the street, who have asked me why I did not take hold of this or that or the other company. It Is certainly a very remarkable thing that whenever any people get It Into their heads that there ought to be a change in the management of any large corporation they at once pitch upon me as the man for the position, as though I had no business to attend to, no huge interests to occupy my time and noth ing to do but look after other people's affairs." In reference to rumors as to. the; re tirement of President Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley, the Lehigh Valley of ficial announced that Mr, Wilbur has now no thought of retiring from his position at the -head of the company. This is the truth, and it Is not likely that there will be any change at the election In January. Mr. Wilbur has the support of the Packer estate, which gives him control of the company.- A year or so ago he hud serious thoughts of retiring, but it has been well known for months that he has given up all thoughts of resigning. Says the Philadelphia Stockholder: "The Scranton and Plttston Traction company, which has been operating only three and one-half miles of road during the summer, to Taylor and Greenwood, has Just put In operation two additional miles, to Moosic, and next week will begin operating to Avoca, which is an . additional two miles. The contract has been given to Stern & Silverman, of this city, to com plete the road Into Plttston; this section is now under construction, and will be completed next month, forming the con necting link In a chain of electric rail ways in the Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys comprising between ninety and one hundred miles of track, and bring ing into close commutation the nu merous towns and villages with the city of Scranton the third largest city In Pennsylvania, and the metropolis of the anthracite coal region. All railways in that section are said to be doing a relatively largo business, and the Scranton and Plttston Is regarded as equal in merit to any of them." MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: The Jeddo, Highland and Oakdale col lieries of G. B. Markle & Co. have started to work nine hours per day. The Reading reorganlzers are said to have secured $4,000,000 of the $8,000,000 general mortgage 4s held in London. A tunnel is being driven from No. 2 Highland, to No. 1, to strike a big vein of coal that could not be reached other wise. Lehigh Valley officials say that so far as they know John Wanamaker has no interest, pecuniary or otherwise. In the stock of the company or Its affairs. Much Interest attaches to the call for a meeting of general passenger agents of all western lines at Chicago next Monday, when steps are expected to W &HAM.mUL THE PR'QDUCTIONof.aTuNIC EQUAL in BLOOD and PRODUCING QUALITIES, TO CHE GENUINE HALT EXTRACT. LOOK fOR S1CMTURL on neck Commercial. be taken to bring about"" the formation of a new association. . The Reading's .coal .tonnage for the week ended Nov. 17, aggregated 3L'7,S59. 13 tons, an increase over the corres ponding week in 1S93 of 25,6115.11. tons. Tonnage for the year to that dute ag gregated 11,879,035.11 tons, a decrease over 1893 of 843,452.15 tons. W. J. Bolach, who for the past five years has had charge of the construc tion of the great Jeddo tunnel, on Wed nesday tendered his resignation, and will leave at once for northern New York, where he hus accepted a similar position. Barney J. Goodwin has been selected as his successor. 13. B. Ely, the general coal sales agent for Coxe Bros. & Co., Is dnnger ously ill at his home In New York city. He was taken with an attack of heart disease about a week ago, and at one time his life was despaired of, but he rallied again and the physicians now have some hope fur his recovery. For the past few days the shops Bt Delano have been working full ten hours In every department. Just how long this order of things will continue is not known. Reliable Information, however, is to the effect that there Is enough work on hand to run the shops all winter on full time, without any more being received. Musical Instruments. Yes, we have a big line. Duvldow Bios. Our line of collarettes Is large and com plete. Duvldow Bros. Bronze stutueg for clocks. Tretty de signs. Duvldow Bros. STOCKS AXD BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 22. Naturally after yesterday's developments the stock market opened excited and feverish. A general advance of to per cent, took place, the Grangers, Sugar and Manhattan being most conspicuous in this rise. Following this there was a heavy selling movement In Northwest and Sugar. Northwest was depressed to 97 from 98. A cut In the price of refined sugar was used to hammer Sugar certificates, and on heavy trad ing the price broke from 91 to 884. Toward the close the market Improved on statements by leading bankers that the new loan would be taken care of. It was also, ptated that the big New York banks will furnish their custom ers with the gold necessary for the new loan, which it Is hoped will put an end to the withdrawals from the treasury. Prices moved up Vt to 1 per cent, from the lowest point of the day and the mar ket closed steady In tone. Net changes show gains of (g'i for the usually ac tive stocks. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stock of the New York stock mark'.-t ure given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune, by O. du B. Dimmlek, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Cot. Oil 118 28 28 28 Am.' Sugar' Ke'g Co. 91 ' 91i 88'i 88 Atch., To. & 8. Ke... 5'4 &U 5, - 5'i Ches. & Ohio Wi Wi 18. W Chicago Gas 744 74'd 72 7H'4 Chic. & N. W 8'j 98 97 '.", Chlo., B. & Q 7W 71'i 71 "tlVi C. C. C. & St. L 87(4 l 37'i 117 Chic, Mil. &Sl. P... f,9 ri9'4 58 Wy Che., R. I. & P K0i r,l m Cl'4 Delaware & Hud....l23i 124 123Vj 121 D L. & W 107 157 15t 157 Dlst. & C. F 9V4 9 9 9 Gen. Electric 35 35 35 3.1 Lake Shore .....133 133 132 VS Louis. & Nash 54 M 54 54 Manhattan Klc 104 104 103 104 Mo. Pacific 27'i 28 27 28 Nat. Cordage 9 9 8 9 Nat. Lead 41 41 41 11 N. J. Central 92 93 92 93 N. Y. Central 98 98 98 N. Y. & N. E 31 31 31 31 N. Y L. K. & W.... 13 13 13 IS, N. Y S. & W., IT... 42 42 42 42 Nor., Pacific 4 4 i 4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 8 18 18 18 Ont. A West 15 15 15 15 Phil. & Read j. 17 17 17 17 Rich. & W. P ..10 IB 16 10 Texus Pttclllc 9 94 9 9 Vnlon Pacific 12 12 12 12 Wabash, Pr 13 14 13 14 West. Union 87 88 87 87 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. WHEAT. May 5S 59 56 5S November 53 63 53 52 December 64li 64 63 63 OATS. May 32 32 32i 52 November 28 28 28 2 December 28 28 28 28 CORN. Muy 49 49 48 4S November 60 50 49 49 December 49! , 49 48 48 LARD. January l.Ki 7.07 G.95 0.95 Muy 7.25 7.30 7.12 7.12 PORK. January 12.20 12.35 12.07 12.07 May 12.45 12.U0 12.37 12.37 Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. 1'hlladelphla. Nov. 22.-Tn,llow Is dull und weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4d4c.; country prlmo In bbls, 4a4c; country, dark, in bbls, 4c; cakes, 5c.; grease, 4c. Scranton Wholesale Market. Scranton, Nov. 22 Fruits and Produce Drted apples, per lb., 6u7e.; evaporated apples, 8uloe. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 6u 6c; English currants, 2a2c. ; layer rai sins, $1.75ul.80; muscatels, 4u5c. per lb., lal.4 por box; new Valenclus, 6u7c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, J2.35a2.40 per bush el; mediums, Jl.7nal.75. Peas tiroen, Jl.10ul.15 per bushel; spilt, $2.50a2.ti0; ltntels, 5uSc. per lb. Potatoes 55nd0c. bushel. Onions Bushel, 6560c. Butter 17u24e, per lb. Cheese 9allc. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 24a25c.; coolers, lTulSe. Meats Hums, 10c; small hams, lie; skinned hams, 12e.; California hams, 8c; shoulders, 8c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10p. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c; sets, 15c; FLESH label.; tl V i A 5T If U 1 111 Xt- s A A Imides and knuckles, lCc. ; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cuns, J2.45 dosen. Pork Mess, $17; short cut. $18. Lard Leaf, in tierces, 9c; In tubs, 9c; 10-pound palls, MViC per pound; Im pound palls, 10c per pound; 3-pound polls, 10c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 6c; tubs, ic.-; 10-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 6-pound palls, 7e. per pound; 3-pound palls, 7c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.85u4; Ohio and Indiana umber, $3; Gra ham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.15. Grain Rye, 65c; corn, 61a63c; outs 40a 45c. per bUBhel. Rye Straw-Per ton, $12al4. Huy $14.50al0. . Buckwheat Flour $2.10a2.15 per 100. New York Produce Market.' By the United Press. New York, Nov. 22. Flour Dull. easy. Wheat Dull, firm; No. 2 red store nnd elevator, 67u58c; ullout, 58c; f. o. b., 58'ia59e.; ungraded red, 60a69c; No. 1 northern, CCc; options closed weak at '4ae. under yesterday; Junuury, 59c; February, COc; March, 60c; May, C2c: July, 63c; November, 57c. ; December, 67o. Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, GSUc elevator; 58c uflout; steamer mixed, 61c; No. 3, 52a52c; options dull und weuk at uc. decline; November, 58c; December, 64c; January, 52c; Muy, 62c Oats Dull, steady; options dull, easy; November, 33c; December, 22c; Jan uary, 34 V.; February, 3jV4c; Muy, 3tic; No. 2 white December, 37c. ; spot prices, No. 2( 33a33c ; No. 2 white. 37',ic. ; No. 2 Chicago, 34b34c: No. 3, 33c; No. 3 white, 3iic; mixed western, 33:i34c Beef Inactive. Tleroed Beef-Quiet. Cut Meuts Dull, steady; pickled bellies, Cu7c; do. shoulders, 5c; do. hums, 8u9Wc Lard Quiet, weak: western steam, $7.S5; city, $7; November, $7.50; December, $7.30; January, $7.30; refined, dull; continent, $7.65; South America, $8.15; compound, 5'ia 5c Pork Dull, steady. Butter Firm; state dairy, 13a23c; do. creamery, 18a25c; Pennsylvania do., ISa 25c; western dairy, llal5c; do. creamery, 15u26c; do. factory, 10al5c; Elglns, 2Cc; Imitation creamery, 13a20c Cheese Fulr demand, firmer. Eggs Firm and fairly active; state and Pennsylvania, 24 lie; weHtern fresh, 24c; do. per case, $3.25u4; southern, 23a23c. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 22.-Cuttle Receipts, 17, 000 heud; market; common to extra steers, $2.80u6.30; stoekers nnd feeders, $2u3.25; cows and bulls, $lu3.40; calves, $2u5.25. Hogs Receipts, 45,000 head; market closed eusicr; heuvy, $4.35u4.70; common to choice mixed, $4.25al.U3; choice ussorted, $4.45u4.55; light, $lu4.45; pigs, $2.50u4. Sheep Receipts, 14,000 heud; market weak; Inferior to choice, 75cu$3.15; lumbs, $1.75u3.75. Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Nov. 22.-OI1 closed 82c. We have a large selection of nut picks and cracks. Duvldow Bros. Our lino of 1817 Rogers Bros, quadruple plated custors Is complete. Ask to see them. Davldow Bros. When It is time that you are In need c.f money do not forget Davldow Bros, bank ing establishment. VANDL1NQ. Postmaster H. D. Mitchell Is ill. The supper given by the ladles of the Congregational church on Monday evening was largely attended and an enjoyable time was had by all present. The snug sum of $33 was realized by the ladles. Eugene Christina left Tuesday for Switzerland, his former home, where he will visit his friends for a few months. Mark Brennan, of Carbondale, vis ited friends a portion of this week. John Brown, editor of the. Forest City News, was in town Wednesday. Henry AVetleman is erecting a new building on Main street. Do nod forget to look at Davldow Bros, hundsqme window display. We have Just received a largo Invoice of orange spoons. Davldow Bros. Correctly Sized l'p. From the San Francisco Chronicle. The Democratic party Is the purty of Incapacity. Every time It has been tried It has been found wanting. Anything in the line of sulphur goods cun be hud at Duvldow Bros. Notice to Bondholders. COMMISSIOKF.IIS' Omi'K. 1 Lackawanna County. Scranton, Pa.. Oct 25th, lm. I PURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION OF THE 1 Board of County Commissioners of Lacka wanna county, dated Octouar 'Jltb, 1MI4, notice is hereby given tu holders of Lackuwaunn county bonds that the following mentioned bonds'aro herewith called In for payment at thooillo of the County Treaaurer, in the Court House at Scranton, on Dei ember 1st, 1894, together with Interest to Bald date: Twenty-tlvn thousand dollars (t'Jo.OUO) of the issue of June 1st, lstl, of the fin. series known as Court Hnuao Bonds, Nos. !.l to 300 inclu sive, of tho denomination of five hundred dol lars each, with interest, at the rate of fire per cent; also fifteen thou-tand dollars il5,U00j of the issue ot December 1st, 18H3. of the second aeries known as Court House Bonds, Nos. 1 to 3 1 inclusive, of tho dencmiuation of five hun dred dollars each, with Interest, at the rate of five per cent, Notice is hereby given that Intere.t on the above uuntioned uouds will cease on Decem ber 1st, 18V4. 8. W. ROBERTS, OP KS ROBK.RTS, JOH.S DEML'TH, County Conitnissionsrs. Attest: Ciiahi.es F. Vaum:ii, Clerk. Orphan's Court Sale. ORPHAN'S COUR" SALE BY VIRTUE of an order of the Crohau'a Court f Luckawanua county, the undcraigutd. execu tors, etc., of Amelia C. Derinc, late of the city os Carbondale ill hii 1(1 county, deceaatd, will expose to public sale at the arbitration roams in tho court house in the city of Scranton In Raid county, on Friday, the 30th duv of No vember, IH9I, at 0 o'clock a. ni.. all that cer tain lot of land spuatt d in the Third ward of the city of Carbondale. ronnty of Lacka wanna and Slnto of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz.: loifinninir at a corner in the line of atront on a map of lota of John Murrin, 100 feet easterly from ti e line of Wayno Street, thence in a northerly direc tion 10)1 font to a corner in line of lands of William Morrison, thonce in an east-rly direc tion aong aald Morrison's lmida 60 feet to a corner, thence In a southerly direction 100 feet to the btreet aforesaid, thence aloii atld atreet in a westerly direction 60 feet to the place of beginning, contalnning about 6 0 JO square, feet of land, improved with a two story frame dwelling house. Terms of tale, 50 per cent, of the bid to be Said down on day of nalo and tho balance on nil confirmation of rale and delivery otdcod. WILLIAM HALL and EDWARD HALL. Executors. E. C. NEWCOMB, Attorney. Charter Application. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN ii application will be made to the Court of Common Hoaa of Lackawanna county, or one of tho law judges thereof, on Kept. 24. I8V4 at V o'clock a.m., by John T. Edwards, Evan J. William;. William J. Jenkins, John K. Richards and Thomas Lowia, under the act of assembly of tho Commonwealth ot Penn sylvania, entitle! "An act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations." approved the 20tb of April, 1874, and supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended coi'i oradon to be called "Hyde Hark Lodge, No. U0J, KnlghU of Pythias of the gtateot Pennsylvania, the character and object of which la the maintenance of a so ciety for beneficial and protective purposri to Its member! from fund collect d therein, and for those purpose to hare, potui) and enjoy all the rnoti aud bene tits ot said aot of ara'mbly and IM supplement!. Said applica tion ia now on Ale in the Irothonotary'a oflloe of Lackawanna county aa of No, V44, Heptanv bar terra, 1881. E. L. TAYLOR, ' W, It. LEWIS, ?N . Solicitor, 0 CERT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MICH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCR. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, HX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Wanted. WANTED-TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN ' isu to secure tho services of a lady or nentleman to t aeli them the English language. Address P. O. Box 1SH. city. Agents Wanted. WANTED - LADY AGENTS TO SELL fluest tulbt preparation for the com plexion. Address MHS. A. C. MYERS, 17J1 Plttston avenue. T IFE AGENTS AND COLLECTORS wanted. To good nnd bright ennrgotio men we can offir big indncementi. Ap ply John L. Hoftinunii, Roim 13, Old Post otlice building. WANTED A FEW RELIABLE WORK- ers to sell our Nur-ory Stock. Special inducements. ELLWANUKR & BARRY, Rochester, N. Y. WANTEU-SP''"C1ALTY ADVERTISING ' canvassers familiar with premium mer cantile trade; money maker ot 1MM. Also clever gtn. canvassers on greatest seller of the day. Stanley Btadiey, 5 K. iUth bt. Now York. WANTl" d "active "salesmen TO handle our lino, no peddling. Balarr, S75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6308, Boston, Mass, Helo Wanted Females. :a NWDiDYUUuTFuR housework. Must be a gotd cook. No washing. 018 Washington avenue. V ADIES"CAN MAKE $:i DAILY BV FoLd". xJ ing and addressing circuiaia for us at home. No canvassing. Position permanent. Reply with stamped envelope. MISS MARIE WORTH. Ashland. O. Help Wanted Male. H f AN 1 1 10 INT I T.I .IIIKVI 'K 4M1 I il," 1.1(11 111 111 address; j.'iO to begin; 0 today. D. 11. THOMAS. Library Building. UANTED-AN EXPERIENCED BOOK canvasser. Address T. !).. care Tribune oillce, Scranton, Pa. SalehmenIsalary oSlMMrssToNl to introduce our goods tu the trade. Per manent position, staple line, fust sellers, big profits, pleasant work. Address with stamp, KINO M'K'O.CO., D. Si, Chicago. For Rent. LCRNl(sr1l?lT1too r or withi ut board. 132 Adams avenue. VORltENT-a FURNISHED OR UN FU R 1 nishod front rooms. Inquire W0 Lacka wanna avenue. IfOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avenue. Address 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, aeur 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. POR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. 120 Ponn I avenu", I'JO pr month. TT'OR RENT NICFLY FURNISHED HALL r sultablo for lodge rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 110 Wyoming oveuue. For Sale. IOK 8ALE- L!6 WILL BUY ONE OK THE X bk'gust bargains ever offered in this city. A privnto gentleman will sell for one-fourth her cost laht summer ayoiragoln Lexington, Ky., the handsome nnd tine trotting mare Cora B., lui hatidi high, six years old, lona flowing mane and tail, perfectly sound, weighs 1, 123 pounds: sired by Signal, tli sire of Jer sey Hammond, record 'X14, of Red Light, 2 27U. and starlight, record 2.15, at Lexington, Ky., last full; Cora B.'adum Klla iWllkes, by Red Wilkes. Shois without question the most stylish, gamest and best formed mare in this city, ana showed last s immer. in lior five year old form, in the geutleman's road races, 2.214, 2 2li and 2.10; has no public record or has never trotted for money; has since been used as a road and family mare for my wife and daughter to.diive; ahe drives with or without blinds; fearless of steam and not afraid of trolley vars; ahe will be gurantoed perfectly sound and safe for the most inex perienced driver; will gurantee her to go on tlietraO in lier present condition and trot a mile in 2.25; have her full pedigree; her breed ing is tine, and sbe would make one of the finest brood moros in the state. Here is a chance to buy a beauty for little money; must be seen to be appreciated. 1 The reason I sell this marn at this low figure ia to get my daughter's saddle hordes good home. N. B. If convenient, will pay purcbaior S28 fier mouth to board my daughter's saddle lurse and take rare of him until her return from Europe next spring. Also a fine fulling top buggy, made by Brewstor, of New York, pole and shafts, fine set of tingle and double harnesr, blankets, robes, whip, &c , will be sold for $126; for complote turnout 1250. Full particulars will be given by applying person ally or:bv letter at owner s residence. 120 North Fiftoenth atreet. Philadelphia. No dealers need apply as I want to get my horses Into good hands. W. H. SCOTT. Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illuatratio.il ISOl-ldtiTi. Two Volume Folio, IKUiO: payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Addiess P, O. MOODY, tils Gibson urooi, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAoX zines, etc., bound or reliound at The Tiiidune ollice. Vukk work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS "CAN BE HAD aVTH corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.50. Good table board. leeal. INSTATE OF ELMER E. SCULL, LATE OF J Mocow, Lackawanna county, state of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of admluls' ration upon tho above named estate having been granted to the un dersigned, all pei sans having claims or de mands ag lust tl e sMd estate will present them for payminU and those indebted thereto will please make Immediate payment to i JOSEPH DUNSTON. Administrator; Moscow, Pa. THOS. F. WELLS, Attornoy. Situations Wanted. cnTnoNWAfrra O yrurs of age, as oftlco nr errand boy. Is willing to work: ran furnish lust of nfer enccj. Addross H. A., Tribune ofhee. UiTUATION"' WANTED- FORW ASH1N (i, O ironing or cleaning by the day. tailor addrosa L. B., 'SU North Sumner avouue, Hyde Park. CirUATION WANTED IN MEAT BUSI O ness by a young nimi wi'h long experi ence. Will board at home or with employer, beat roferenco furnished. Address Butcher, Tribune office. WANIED-A PLACE BY A CARPEN- V ter. a good worker, iu or near the city, C D Tribune office. WIDOW LADY OF EXPERIENCE or private boarding house or la widower1! inuiiij wunio v mi ia iin kouii auui vaa a, C' B., T)2i North Kebucca uvea no. HOTEL VVAVERLY European -Plan. First-class Bar at tached. Depot for Bergner & Engle'i Tannliaeuser Beer. , R. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts.,Pbila. Most desirable for residents of N. IS. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth nnd Market Btreet station. Desirable for visiting Scruntonlans and people In the An. thraclt Region. T. J. VTCTORY, PROPRIETOR. l?S;im,.,,' ilm Hit rou Bora Throat, Plmplea, Copper-Colored Spots, Aches, Old Bores. TJlcart Id Mouth, Xlalr- Una? W oale Tr mpl,C'hli(o,Ill.,for proofa of oures. Capital KSIMhtHM. Patlenticumd nlnevcara ajotortaraounuanhje onnollO & Wallace I OUR HOLIDAY LINE now on exhi bition and It surpasses all previous efforts. WE AIM TO BUY only those cover ings that are guaranteed to give satisfactory wear; aud our unqual ified guarantee goes with every Umbrella sold. Have You Seen tie "Fairy Wardrobe?" CONNOLLY A WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. -.v OPP. COURT HOUS!?:. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND IU, HURTS WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Othera PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL J1ERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wspwallopca Mills, Lt zerne couuty, Pa., und st Wil mington, Dulanara, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. AUKSf-IE8 : THOS. FORD, Httrton. Pit. JOHN" B. SMITH & HON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes barre, P. A (tents for tho liepauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis Ry.) botweon I Columbus, Springfield, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnlflcont Wagnor Bleeping' can. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ele gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." Bee that your tickets read via the BIQ 4 ROUTE. Time tables and information cheerfully furnlshod on application to S. J. GATES, Oen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 KxchanRe st Buffalo, N. T. M. E. Jngalls, President; D. B. Martin, General' Passon gar Agent; E. O. MoCor mlck, Traffic Managor, ClnoInnaU, O. P8XTKB SHOE CO., Ino'p. Capital, ft ,000,063. BEST S1.60 bHOli IN THE WOULD. "A dollar tared i a dollar tarntrt." t Thl.T.Mllos' Holld French Dongola Kid nat ion Boot dellvend frw anywhere Id th. U.S., on raMipiotUMD, Money uraer, or l'oiul Note for 11.40. ' ' I Kami, mn war th boot Mid la .11 Mt.ll .tora for ' V: ' I .inn IV. n.k till, boot f( fy: r 1 ourtolTM, thtrator w guar- ( tb (, tiyu ana wrar. and if any ou I not MUidtd we wui reruna ui. money TMnaanounrpair. upm To or Common 6mt, width U, ii. IE, B KB, In. 1 10 I IM Ball lie.. Stnd four tit; vt mill M yon. iuuur.ua Cola. logu PNCC nnrTTR $nnc HiHmerai ST., lMMaM wi.wb vw BOSTON, JUaS. lUfc UUn nnnrnt Sfnial Imu I ituUit, 1 I POWDER MEGARGEL k CONNELL I Mil. Ill THE CLOTHS comprise everything from the Cotton Twilled Gloria up to the Quest Silk. MANY NEW IDEAS in handles to be seen only in our display. bcranton by the CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO our W ashburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure tlieir many pat. rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD W1IKAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. VVashburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed VVashburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MM Wholesale Agents. AN era NEW YORK WASHINGTON BAIT With time to spare for side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for 18 hours la the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD .-. DOHINION .-. LINE And returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early winter Is delightful. , Tickets include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $32.00. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD D0&V3I0N S. S. COMPANY, W. L. GUILLADDEU, Traffic Manager. Pier 26, North River, Hew York. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. ' Lafllln V Rand Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Electric BatUrlei, Fun for explod- ' Inc blast, Bafety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive) NATURAL HANDLES in loops, hooks.twirls and all sorts of shapes. Gold and silver in new effect. Dresden in new shapes, French, agate, horn, ivory, walrus, etc., in endless variety und beautiful de signs. SEE OUR Great Special Umbrella for Gentlemen, at $1.85 each. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: IDEAL ES TCOMFBRT. HE, PHI Inntrumenti In every aenM of the term ai applied to Pianos. Exceutlonal In holding their original ful neBu or tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE. No. Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1115 Adama Ave.,'.New Telephone Bdg A Handsome Complexion la one ot the greatest charms a woman can poiHeas. fouoai'a OouruzioN Powoaa (tivei it. ' i , I LD