The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1894, Image 1

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' m 33
He Observes That Great Victories
Bring Great Responsibilities.
MIghy Victory Was Won Xot By Organ
ization but hy 1'rlnclples-VVisdom,
.Modcrutiou and. Good Sense Must
Prevail That Success May Follow.
By the United Press.
Boston, 'Nov.i22. Distinguished speak
ers, 1,300 gue3ts and unlimited enthusi
asm over the recent Republican vic
tory made the eighth annual dinner of
the Home Market club in Mechanic's
building this evening a grand success.
When President Bent rapped for or
der he was greeted by nearly 6,000 peo
ple. After a brief reference to the re
cent victory us establishing the prin
ciples of the club, he Introduced Gover
nor Grcenhalge to welcome the guests.
The next speaker was Senator Hoar,
who was greeted with three cheers and
frequently applauded. His speech was
entirely devoted to a recital of the vic
tory attained by the Republican parly
In the recent elections.
Senntor .Hoar was followed by ex
Fpeaker Reed, who was greeted with
enthusiastic cheering, the audience giv
ing three cheers and then rising, shout
ing and waving handkerchiefs. Mr.
Reed said:
I do not desire to waate your time In
exultation, though 1 am obeying Scrip
ture when I rejoice with those who do re
joice. Nevertheless wo have got some
thing else to do besides rejoice. Vic
tories bring responsibilities, and our vic
tory Is co great that it probably means re
sponsibilities for many years. If we have
wisdom for two years v.o will ba trusted
for more, and the wisdom for the next
two years seem to be easy. We have
neither the president nor the senate and
all we can do Is to let the country try
the results of the folly of 1K12. It Is a
poor prospect, but it Is all there is.
There are compensations, however. We
shall have two years to look over the sit
uation, so as to do the best we can when
our tlmo has fully come. So far, we have
done ull that lay In our power. The bad
work cannot go on, even If the good worii
cannot commence. We have removed one
uncertainty, that of the future, the uncer
tainty of possible change, but the uncer
tainty of the present still remains.
This country Is in favor of the doctrine
of protection, largely In favor of It.
We have had a mighty victory, the
greatest In the history of our country.
It was won, not hy our organization, but
by our principles. But great as our vic
tory Is, there Is a greater which we must
win. By our wisdom, moderation and
good sense we must so govern
this country that the great ques
tions of the. next six years may have
as noble a solution as the great questions
of their day had had at .the hands of
those great Republicans who preserved
the Union, upheld the honor of the nation
and gave the pcoplcthirty years of peace,
prosperity or " - t
Jt " GEXEk. voaON DEAD.
The Famous Silver Tongticd Orutor Uc
s ponds to the Final Koll Call.
Ey the United Press.
Tlflin, O., Nov. 22. Generul William
Harvey Gibson, well known through
out the length and breadth of the land
as "General Bill Gibson, the silver
tongued orator," died this evening. He
was born In Jefferson county, Ohio,
seventy-two years ago. No political
campaign, state or national, was
thought to be thoroughly inaugurated
until the clarion notes of "Rill" Gibson
were heard In behalf of the principles
and policies of the Republican party.
At sold Vers' reunions, pioneers' meetings,
etc., he was always in great demand
and the announcement that he hud
promised to be present would Invari
ably attract a larger attendance than
all other Inducements combined.
Upon the outbreak of the war, Gen
eral Gibson raised the Forty-ninth regi
ment and was commissioned its colonel.
While leading a charge at the battle of
Shlloh he receled a severe bayonet
wound and had three horses Bhot under
t him. Soon, however, he was again at
the head of his regiment and gallantly
served until the end of the war.
Lewis -Moore Receives n Death Wound
from Kearney Brown.
By the United Tress.
Falrview, O., Nov. 22. Kearney
Brown, aged 22, while intoxicated went
Into the borne of his father near here
an bega&a&uarrelling with the family
this afternoon. ' Mrs. Brown became
alarmed arid called on Lewis Moore, a
farm hand, who was at work near the
house, to assist In quieting Kearney.
As Moore entered he found Brown in
the act of shooting his father. Moore,
In trying to get possession of the re
volver, received a bullet wound Just
above the heart from which he will die.
Brown was locked up. Moore Is a
married man and the father of four
email children.
Hud Not Seen a Statement of the Institu
tion's Condition in 21 Vcurs.
By the United Press.
New Bloomfleld, Fa., Nov. 22. The
astonishing statement was made today
by President W. A. Sponsler, of the de
funct county bank, that he hud never
seen one of the bank statements since
1873. He admitted that the bank had
lost heavily then, claiming that he had
never examined books nor had been
shown a statement of the banks condi
tion since that date.
The testimony of Sponsler Is In direct
opposition to that of Cashier Willis.
A decision That May Send Hundreds of
Chinese Duck Home.
By the United Press.
New York, Nov, 22.-United States
Commissioner Shields today decided
that Lee Yuen, must be deported to
China as a Chinese laborer. Us was a
cigar maker In this city for two or three
years, but a year ago returned to China.
He returned to the United States and
took oath that he was a merchant. On
his trial Lee declared that he was a
member of the firm of Kwong Shing
and Yuen, grocers at No. 5 Mott street.
It was charged by the government
that the firm had been created for the
express purpose of evading the law. It
was Bhown that Lee worked at his trade
as a cigar makor In this city and he was
arrested 'while working at his bench.
The decision has excited great Interest
among Chinamen, as it is expected that
a decision adverse to Lee would mean
deportation for hundreds of Chinamen.
Coroner's Jury F.xoncratcs lllra from
Itlnmc for Rlordan's Death.
By the United Press.
Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 22. The inquest
touching tho death of Cornelius Rlor
dnn, who was killed in a sparring bout
with Robert Fltzslmmons last Friday
night, was held before Coroner Rob
erts and a Jury tonight. The verdict
is as follows: "We find that Cornelius
Rlordan came to his death on the even
ing of Friday, Nov. 16, from an acci
dental blow delivered by Robert Fitz
slrnmons while engaged In a sparring
exhibition on the stage of the opera
house. We exonerate Robert Fitzslm
mons from all blame."
Strong testimony against Fltzslm
mons was given by Dr. D. M. Totman,
who attended Rlordan. He testified
that the blow delivered by Fltzslmmons
alone caused death.
In a Fit of Hysteria Arising from Anger
, Annie (.luinn Kaisos a Lively Itow la
Mrs. Pearson's Kitchen.
Riverton, N. J. Nov. 22. Annie
Quinn, a -servant girl, attempted to cre
mate the 2-year-old baby of Edward
Pearson, a butcher, today. The girl,
who Is only 15 years old1, but large for
her age, has been In Pearson's service
about two months.
Mrs. Pearson was In the kitchen as
sisting the girl in the preparation of
dinner. She left the girl busy about
her duties and passed into the store.
Scarcely had she turned her back when
she was startled by the screams of the
older of her two children. She hurried
back and the sight that met her gaze
appalled her. Annie, the girl, held the
2-year-old baby over the stove, from
which she had removed ull the lids and
In which a furious fire was burning.
The little one was already withering
under the fierce heat, a strange light
shone from the girl's eyes, and as the
frenzied mother sprang toward her she
turned like a demon and screamed:
"Get out; you must die, too."
Mrs. Pearson braVely attacked the
girl, who, dropping the little one on the
lloor. she turned and fought like a tig
gress. Mrs. Pearson was no match for
her and the girl thrust her from the
room and locked the door.
Mrs. Pearson's frenzied cries for help
brought Frank Dean. He burst through
the kitchen door and was Just In time
to divert the attention of the girl, who
had seized the baby -again. Though a
strong, Jiearty fellow, he was no match
for the girl In her frenzied condition,
and ho summoned assistance.' She was
overpowered by three men, and Dr.
Marcy administered opiates which
quieted her.
Dr. Marcy said tha,t the girl's condi
tion was due to hysteria arising from
angry passion. Her mother, who lives
In East Riverton had called at the
house during the morning and collected
the wages due her daughter. Annie
flew into a violent rage when she learn
ed this, and for the balance of the morn
ing was like one In a trance.
Scores of Europeans Are Murdered.
Truces of Cannibal Feusts.
By the United Press.
Sydney, N. S. W., Nov. 22. A - Kan
akee uprising is reported to be In pro
gress on the Islands In the vicinity of
New Guinea. Scores of Europeans are
said to have been murdered and most
of the trading posts are said to have
been burned.
The steamship Three Cheers- brings
the news that her captain found fresh
traces of Cannibal feasts on Admiralty
Island and at New Ireland. He be
lieves that every white person In New
Ireland was killed.
The Purchaser of the Celebrated Peach
blow Vase Pusses Away,
By the United Press.
Baltimore. Nov. 22. William T.
Walters, the well known art collector
and capitalist, died this morning. The
immediate cause of his death was para
lysis of the stomach and Brlght's Ur
He was financially Interested In near
ly every important enterprise In Balti
more. He was in his seventy-fifth year,
and a widower.
The mine flre at Lansford has been ex
tinguished. In a collision of ntrppt rnra nt Plttahnrir
half a dozen persons were Injured.
A Lancaster Jury Indicted M. L. Dell
lnger for distributing obscene literature.
A supposed mad dog bit a number of cat
tle at Drehersville, all of which have been
Bethlehem will hereafter compel tramps
who are arrested to carry heavy rocks for
three hours.
The Lytle Coal company has broken
ground for a shaft on the Wharton tract
at Jonestown.
The members having all moved away,
the Welsh Calvlnlst church at Pottsvllle
will be sold at auction.
Tho Jefferson Coal company, of Coal
Glen, has reduced the price of mining
from 45 to 40 cents per ton.
Injured while dismounting from a Le
high Valley car nt Kaston, V. H. Sehufer
has sued for $10,000 damages.
Tho Pottsvllle city council is consider
ing the question of borrowing $200,000 and
erecting a public water works.
Friends at Tamaqua are alarmed for
the safety of George Jones, a business
man who disappeared lust week.
An International exposition will be held
at Montreal in im.
Diphtheria Is spreading rapidly among
Detroit school children.
Under $1,000 ball, John Gurvln, the Astor
tramp, was held at New York for trial for
By the overturning of a boat In the river
at St. Hllalre, N. B., Isidor Olgle and lilt
two sons were drowned.
Women of Montgomery, Ala., presented
a lino silver service to the crulBer Mont
gomery, now at Mobile.
General N. A. Miles formally assumed
command of the Department of the East
on Governor's Island, N. Y. '
Family troubles led John Schorpe, pres
ident of the Enterprise Brick company,
of St. Louis, to commit suicide.
Wrecked by a forger manager, now In
prison, the Caledonia Publishing com.
pany, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., sold Its plant
for $5,500. . ..
New Developments Are Pulzling the
Detectives Daily.
Another Mysterious Individual Appears
with a Letter Directing That the Best
Counsel Be Fngaged for Holmes.
The Prisoner Loses His Nerve. -
By tho United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 22.- J. D. I '.owe,
th : o :ng St. Louis lawyer, who is sus
pected of being an ac.-esory in the Pit
zel Insurance conspiracy case and who
Is under indictment for the crime, ar
rived here this morning from Washing
ton. He went to the capital to enlist
the services of Senator Cockerell, of
Missouri, In his behalf, but the senator
told him he had no acquaintances In
this city who he could ask to go Howe's
On his arrival here Howe was met
by a number of reporters to whom he
made a statement of his connection
with the case. His statement was a
general one and he claims that he was
only connected with tho case as an at
torney and that he knew ' nothing
further about it than what Mrs. Pitzel
and Holmes told him when they se
cured him to collect the claim against
the Insurance company. After making
the statement, Howe and his law part
ner, McDonald, went to the ofllce of
Superintendent of Police Linden and
the former was Introduced to Captain
Linden and formally surrendered him
self Into custody. Judge Bregy fixed
Howe's ball at $2,500.
Through the aid of his friend, Mc
Donald, Howe succeeded In getting ball
this afternoon. William McGonigal, a
saloonkeeper, an old friend of McDon
ald's became Howe's surety.
Another Flcmcnt of Mystery.
Another element of the mysterious
was Introduced into this mysterious
case today. Yesterday afternoon W.
A. Shoemaker, a young lawyer, had a
call from a man who is a stranger to
him. This man gave to Shoemaker an
unaddressed envelope in which was a
short note addressed to Shoemaker. In
the note the writer wrote that he had
heard of Mr. Shoemaker through the
brother of A. W. Perk, of Chicago. One
hundred dollars was enclosed and the
wrltor of the note stated that he
wanted Mr. Shoemaker to undertake
the defence of Holmes and to secure
the services as well of two of the best
criminal lawyers In Philadelphia.
Money in abundance to conduct the
defence was promised, and tho writer
Bald he hoped to meet In person the
attorneys within ten days. If he was
not able to come himself he suld that
a man who was designated as "H"
would come In his place, and that he
might be Identified he would bear with
him a slip of paper, upon which would
be writing similar to that of the note.
The letter .was merely signed "P. L,"
and was dated Chicago, Nov. 19.
After answering such questions of
Shoemaker's as he saw lit the man dis
appeared and Shoemaker has seen
nothing of him since.
Shoemaker today engaged Harry
Hawkins, the well known criminal law
yer of this city, ns his fellow counsel In
the case, and they called upon Holmes.
They had a long Interview with Holmes
and the latter agreed to accept them as
his counsel. Of the Interview Mr. Shoe
maker would only say that Holmes
said that he did not know who "P. L."
was, but that he knew who "H" was,
and then for the . first time the
cool nerve of the much accused man
gave way and he broke down and ried.
The police still adhere to their belief
that Pitzel Is dead.
Chicugo Journalist Plots Against the Gov
ernment and Is Forced to Suil Away
from Honolulu.
By the United Press.
San Francisco. Nov. 22. The ntr.fimpr
Mariposa, which arrived from Honolulu
today, brought news of an attempt to
overthrow the government by Claud H.
Wetmorc. a newsoaoer man who form.
erly represented a Chicago paper there.
vv etmore had several hundred royalists
connected with him In the plot, which
was to have been sprung on the day
after the last steamer from Honolulu,
the Australia, had sailed.
On the morning of the steamer's do?
parture Wetmore was summoned to
Attorney General Smith's ofllce and
told that the government was In pos
essslon of full details of his scheme,
and he was given the alternative of de
parting on the Australia or being
thrown Into prison for treason. He
took the former course.
Mrs. Joseph Timlcr Dies from tho Effects
of a Dose of Ntix Vomica.
Special to the Scrunton Tribune.
Plttston, Nov. 22. Mrs. Joseph Tlm
bler, a married woman about 40 years
of age, died this evening from the ef
fects of poisoning. Mrs. Tlmbler lives
on Smlthfleld road about a mile out of
town, and Is accustomed to earn her
living and support her three children
owing to the roving disposition of her
husband, who absents himself from
home with every change of the moon.
Yesterday she was cleaning up at
Click's drug store and went home late
In the afternoon, and was suddenly
taken 111 and complained of Internal
pain. A medical man who had been
summoned elicited the Information
that she had taken a dose of nux vom
ica by mistake for a cough mixture.
An autopsy will be held by the cor
oner tomorrow.
There Were Two Bullet Holes In Harry
Peoples' Head.
By the United Press.
Johnsonburg, Pa., ' Nov. 22. Harry
Peoples, aged about 24 years, a bank
clerk, was found dead In his room, over
the Johnsonburg National bank, this
morning at 8 o'clock. Two bullet holes
In his head and a revolver by his side
told the story. The coroner's inquest
brought out no evidence as to the cause
of the shooting.
He was engaged to be married to a
Johnsonburg young lady, and when the
news of the tragedy was communicated
to her she swooned.
ill -0 I i
Grcut Battleship Chen Yuen Is De
stroyed by a Torpedo.
Anticipating Officlul Condemnation He
Ends His Own I.ife-Tlie Ship Is Acci
dentally Dumugcd by One of tho
Chinese Torpedoes und Beached,
Washington, Nov. 22. The navy de
partment toduy received a cablegram
from an ofllcer of the American fleet In
China, detailed for the purpose of giv
ing confidential information of impor
tant events In the Eastern war, stating
that the Chen Yuen, the great Chinese
battleship in leaving Wel-Hnl-Wel har
bor on Nov. 18 was accldently damaged
by a torpedo and was afterwards
beached. There being no docking fa
cilities, she Is therefore now useless.
Commodore Lin, who was in command
of the vessel, anticipated official con
demnation by committing suicide.
Wel-Hal-Wel harbor Is directly across
the bay of Korea from Tallen Wan,
distant 150 miles, and It Is significant
that the Japanese admiral, Ito, tele
graphed to his government under date
of the 18th from Tallen Wan stating
that the principal Chinese fleet With
four gunboats was lying Inside the har
bor at Wei-Hal-Wel and that, although
for two days the Japanese fleet had
made every effort to induce the Chinese
vessels to come out, their attempts had
proved fruitless. The admiral appears
then to have returned to Tallen Wan,
probably on the 18th, leaving a portion
of his fleet watching for the appear
ance of Chinese vessels outside of Wel-Hal-Wel.
Fell Into Her Own Trap.
The Chen Yuen possibly came out to
attack the Japanese fleet when she
touched upon one of the submarines
which the Chinese themselves had
placed In the channel of the harbor, as
a means of defense.
With tho loss of the Chen Yuen, her
greatest battleship, China has become
practically powerless on the sea. This
Bplendld vessel was very much like the
Maine of the United States navy. Her
length was 308 feet, beam 69 feet, and
draught 20 feet. She had a belt of 14
Inch composite armor, her turrets be
ing 12 Inches thick. She was armed
with four 12-Inch Krupp guns, two of
fifteen centimeter caliber, four of one
ton, ejght machine guns, two light
rapid fire rifles and wus provided with
two torpedo launching tubes. She was
finished at a cost of about $3,000,000 in
1882. Her speed was fourteen and one
half knots and her bunkers held 1,000
tons of coal.
Posse of Fifteen Officers Are Balancing
Around tho Cook Gang.
By the United Press.
Muskogee, I. T., Nov. 22. A courier
who arrived la Muskogee at 1 o'clock
this afternoon reports that three of the
bandits, French, Cherokee Bill, and
Lucky are in the bottoms, five miles
North of here. A posse of 15 men left
for the bandits' quarters at once. As
the officers have been severely rrltlclspd
by the citizens, it is believed that they
will make a genuine effort to capture
the bandits.
The gang are headed In the direction
of Muskogee. The citizens are prepar
ing for a battle If the bandits attempt
a raid. The bank Is heavily guarded.
Hustling Undertakers Stub Each Other in
a Fight Over a Corpse.
By the United Press.
Ottawa, Kan., Nov. 22. Last night
Charles Lathrop and his brother, Ham
ilton, attempted to force an entrance
Into the residence of William Sheman.
The latter shot and liiBtantly killed
Charles, and Berlously wounded his
brother1, Hamilton.
This morning In a quarrel between
rival undertakers for the possession of
Charles' body, Undertaker Sessions
was dangerously stabbed by Undertak
er Miller.
Seven Miners Chnrged with Burning
Paine Mines Tipple Are Convicted.
By the United Press.
Rldgway, Pa., Nov. 22. The seven
miners charged with conspiracy to
burn, and with burning the Tipple at
the' Paine mines last June during the
Btrlke, were found guilty by the Jury
this morning. Ed Fox and Leo Wurm
pleaded guilty to the charge of placing
explosives under a building, which was
all that was charged them. ' '
The other five, Frank Myers, Ludwlg
Rosenbeck. Joseph Kreltle, William
Beltner - and Wassel Swlntner, were
and Downs of Alley Journalism.
found guilty of all charges of the Indict
ment, which uccused them of burning
and consenting to the crime. Frank
Myers was the man who agreed or
offered to do the act when It was pro
posed. At a meeting of miners, who
had gone to Paine mine on June 10 to
Induce the men to quit who were sup
posed to be ut work, it was proposed to
kill tholr employer, but that was voted
down. A second proposition to burn
the tipple was unanimously carried and
the query as to who should do tho act
was settled by Myers volunteering to
do the deed. The men then ran a score
or more mine cars into the tipple,
wrecking them and they were burned
with the other property.
All of the evidence consisted of a
series of Belf-confesslons which had
been obtained from the men by dectec
Kcmainsof General John C. Fremont Are
Consigned to Their Lust Hosting Place
on the Bunks of the Hudson.
By tho United Press.
Sparklll, N. Y Nov. 22. On the crest
of a high hill commanding a view of the
Hudson river, the remains of General
John C. Fremont were today placed to
rest. A band of followers of the "Path
finder" were present. Prominent
among them were Lieutenant John C.
Fremont, United States Navy, a son of
tho dead general; Mrs. John C. Fre
mont, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John D. Town
send, relatives by marriage; Mrs. John
W. Magruder, widow of General Ma
gruder, Major General Miles, United
States Army, and Hear Admiral Mead,
United States Navy. There was a doz
en or more forty-niners, members of
the organization known ns the Asso
ciated Pioneers o the territorial days
of California.
At 2 o'clock the casket was lowered
Into the grave. Kev. Ward Dennis, of
Sparklll, read the simple Interment ser
vices of the Protestant Episcopal
church. Francis D. Clark, secretary
of the Associated Pioneers, spoke a few
words, and Rear Admiral Mead deliv
ered a short memorial address.
Mrs. Fremont, who Is 70 years old,
Is living at Los Angeles, Cal.
Congressman Cummings Wus the Friend
of Progress in That Department.
By the United Press.
Washington, Nov. 22. The appoint
ment of Congressman Amos J. Cuin
mlngs as a sub-way commissioner of
New York city, and his consequent re
tirement from the house of representa
tives, will make a radical change In
one of the most Important committees
of the house.
Ever since the retirement of Secre
tary Herbert from the house, Mr. Cum
mlngs has been at the head of the com
mittee on naval a (Tars. He hus been
one of the most Intelligent and enthu
siastic advocates of the policy of con
struction pursued by Secretaries
Chandler, Whitney and Tracey, and a
friend of everything calculated to Im
prove the efficiency of the navy or the
comfort of the men.
A Syndicates Formed to Take One llulf of
the Government Bonds.
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 22. It was reported
late In the day that after a protracted
conference a syndicate was made up
this afternoon to take one-half of the
fifty million government loan, Presi
dent Stewart, of the United States
Trust Co., and h(s friends to subscribe
for the other half. The new syndicate
Is said to comprise the Chemical, Park,
Importers and Traders, the Chase, the
Fourth National and Bank of Com
merce. Those banks are among the largest
holders of gold and If they take the
loan, the treasury will be a lurge gainer
of the yellow metal.
Plans for changing the crulner Minne
apolis into a llugshlp have been completed,
A warrant for $10,770,000, with which to
pay pensions on Dec. 4, was drawn by
Becretury Hoke Smith.
Postmaster General Blssell's annual re
port will contain several novel sugges
tions and recommendations.
President Proctor, of the civil service
commission favors making postmasters
and consuls permanent officials.
The standard time system now in. use In
the United States will be put In operation
In the Argentine Republic Dec. 1.
A very amiable conference between Sec
retary Carlisle and the general apprais
ers on tho lutter's generul powers was
Commander F. R. Smith. United Stnles
navy, retired, fulled to appear Tuesday
for trial by court-martial for "scandal
ous conduct."
Secretaries Lamont and Smith and At
torney General Olney are conferring an to
the moBt effective means of checking
.lawlessness In the Indian Territory.
Finds That His Mother's Remains Had
Uecn Disseeted and Cremated.
Di D. Dovles Places His Mother in the
Almshouse During Temporary Absence,
On Returning Finds Her Dead Body
Wus Sent to a Medical College.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia. Nov. 22. D. D. Davles,
of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, has
been to this city upon a fruitless search
after the remains of his mother. Davles'
father died in 1876, and from that time
until about ten months ago the son
cared for his mother, even when she be
came so helpless that he had to dress
her in the morning and undress her at
night. Davles' business called him away
form home, and his mother being un
able to prepare a meal for herself, the
son took her to the almshouse of Lu
zerne county. He also asserts that he
made diligent efforts and was unable
to employ any one to care for the aged
According to Davles' story he left
word with the superintendent of the
almshouse to notify him at Blooms
burg In case his mother died. Then the
agent went on his tour, going to
Rochester and Buffalo, N. Y., and as
far west as Amherst, Ohio, leaving
word nt the various postolllces to for
ward his mall. Returning to the Lu
zerne county almshouse last Saturday
he found that his mother had died on
September 18 and that her body hud
been turned over to the Anatomical
board In Philadelphia.
Scurch for the Body.
Then Davies came post haste to this
city In search for the body. He ascer
tained that It hurt been duly receved, a
record being kept of It, and he was in
formed that if it was possible to col
lect the parts it would be returned to
him ugnln and if he was able he would
be expected to reimburse the anatom
ical board for Its outlay. An attempt
to collect the parts, however, disclosed
that they had all been cremated.
Davles threatens to prosecute the au
thorities of Luzerne county for turn
ing the body over to the anatomical
board without notice to him of his
mother's death.
It Is claimed that notice was sent as
Davles directed, but he failed to re
ceive It on account of his absence, from
his usual place of residence. The law
which was enacted to prevent the dese
cration of graves by supplying medical
colleges with bodies of paupers provides
that the officers of almshouses shall
turn over all unclaimed bodies to the
anatomical board, and the officers claim
that their act was In compliance with
this statute.
Resolutions Adopted at the Sessions in
New Orleans Yesterday.
By the United Press.
New Orleans, Nov. 22. The Knights
of Labor met nt 9 o'clock this morning.
A resolution that each local assembly
shall make a maximum Bcale of wages
above the regular scale adopted by the
National Trades assembly wasadoptod.
Another resolution was adopted by
which all grievances and complaints
must come up In the local courts of the
assemblies within sixty days.
Recommendations from tho general
master's annual address advocating
that the legislature should enact laws
providing for the creation of state labor
bureaus In each of the states was
A proposition was submitted that all
tradesmen shall affiliate with organiza
tions of their own trades. It was
Another resolution was adopted that
In all labor parades no flags shall be
carried except tho national colors.
The general masters' recommenda
tion in his annual address that a plank
be Inserted In ,.ne preamble agalnBt
gambling of farm products In any way
or options, was adopted.
The Italian parliament has been con
voked for Dec. 3.
Several more shocks of earthquake were
felt at Regglo dl Calabria, Italy.
Two Bteamers, carrying 14,000 bales of
American cotton, the first of the season,
entered tho Manchester Ship canal en
route for Manchester.
Cork and Dublin merchants will protest
rigorously ugaltuit the Cunurd company's
pluu to drop (jueenstown as a stopping
place, In order to husten the malls.
Fair, followed by increasing cloudiness:
slightly warmer; south winds.
It being our intention not to carry
over a piece of Dress Goods that o
can turn into cash, we make the fol
lowing quotation,
ONE LOT fine all wool mixed Suit
ings, former price, fcoo.
This Week's Price $2.50 a Suit.
0XE LOT extra fine Silk and Wool
Scotch Suitings. Special price for
This Week $3.25 a Suit,
0XE LOT 5-'-inch Covert Cloth, '
tra quality. Former prices, i.oo
This Week 75c.
ANOTHER LOT, the last of the sea
son, of our special Foreign Cash
mere in 40 and 40-inch. The price
This Week Will Be 35e. aud 45o
Interesting prices on Fine Black
Dress Goods.
See our Velvetiua Cords for Dress
and Coat Sleeves; also in Cream fol 1
Babies' Cloaks.
Fine German so-inch Seal Plush.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
313 Spruce Street.
Telephone, No. 4633.
We will have wet weather. Ws
will furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful invest
ment. illifli
114 Wyoming Avenue.
HAVE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily,
to call and see our fine line of
Jewelry and Novelties, whether
you buy or not
X. B. Look at our show windows ad