TIIE RCIiANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNTNG. NOVEMBER 22, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AXD RAILROAD. The Philadelphia Press yesterday (aid: "A movement la uu foot to se cure the election of John Wanamaker an president of the Lehigh Valley Kail road company at the annual meeting of the company which will be held on the third Tuesday in January. For some time there has been considerable dl satlsfactlon among the stockholders of the Lehigh Valley Railroad company in lesard to the present management. It is contended that the affairs of the com pany have been mismanaged and that from a dividend paying company it In now being run on n non-dividend basis, All this it is said, Is wrong, as the com pany Is as good now as it was years ago and It should be showing fair results. The opposition to President Wilbur and the present management Is not only In this city, but it is spread ull over the line, especlaly where any quantity of the stock Is held. It is claimed that the management, with its conservatism, has practically ruined this valuable prop erty and it will take some time to get It into the condition In which It once was. While Mr. Wanamaker will not talk on the subject It is known that a number of large stockholders In this city are going to make a fight for him and they are confident of winning. If they should be successful there will be a complete change In the reorganization of the company. The election of Mr. Wanamaker means a new board of di rectors, all of whom will be In harmony with his Ideas. Previous to the last elec tion It was thought that it was an Im possibility to defeat the present offi cers, as they were said to control a ma jority or the stock, but the total amount of stock voted was only a little over 330,000 shares, of which about 160,000 were credited to the Packer estate. Pince then it has been thought that, if a fight was made In earnest, there was 8ome Bhow of success. The total num ber of shares of stock of this company is a little over 800,000, so It can be seen that the Wilbur party did not vote one half of the Btock at the last election. It Is said that if Mr. Wanamaker should be elected his chief llentenant will be J. Lowrle Bell, who was his Becond as sistant postmaster general. Mr. Hell is a well known railroad man, standing at the top among the traffic managers. He is conversant with the Lehigh Valley In terests, and it Is generally conceded that he would be of great service to the company. While the election Is two months distant there has already been considerable canvusslng done In work ing up the demand for a new president, as well as other officers of the com pany." A New York special yesterday said: ''Investigation of conflicting rumors re garding coal prices establishes the fact that while the companies which ship anthracite coal have not put out a new circular for the "line trade," a number of them have reduced their prices on that class of business about 75 cents B ton, or to the basis of tidewater prices. This 1s the result which the Anthracite Coal Operators' association sought to bring about by means of their request to the Lehigh Valley company. C'oxe, HroH. & Co., who are the leaders in the movement, claim that, owing to the sickness of their manager, E. B. Ely, they have not begun the new policy. There is evidence that Philadelphia has been selected as the trade center in which the battle In lo be fought, and that a number of line ports on the-Jer-fey Central and Lehigh Valley have been chosen for the new rates. The beurlng of this action on the trade de pends upon the extent to which It Is carried on. If It becomes universal, It will mean that the anthracite interests will secure 75 cents a ton on 70 per cent, of their output that amount at present going to line points. The ac tion, has also affected the line trade ad versely. Another factor of importance In its bearing on the situation is the prospective close of lake navigation, which will occur some time this week, shutting off Western shipments and causing the overflow of production to seek Eastern channels. The various Bhipplng Interests-, who at first were very much inclined to ignore the stand taken by independent operators, now admit that the situation has grown much more serious because of the cut, and that some Immediate action mutt be taken to prevent demoralization." In partial contradiction of this, the Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday said: "Coxe Bros. & Co., and the Pennsyl vania railroad have restored the prices of coal to their old figures. They are quoting egg and chestnut at about $2.15 and stove at about $2.25. Coxe Bros, declare they did not take a single order at the $2 basis. Until E. Brock Ely, the general manager of the Coxe Inter est, recovers from an attack of illness that now confines him to his room it is Improbable that any sales will be made below' the present figures. The Read ing, Lehigh Valley and Lehigh Naviga tion companies have all resolved not to lower prices, and they have induced the Pennsylvania railroad authorities to withdraw their cut prices also. The local situation seems to be held In abev- nnce until some step shall be taken by Coxe Bros. The Pennsylvania people say they are ready to sell coal as low as anyone, but do not Seem ready to' take the Initiative in cutting prices." The same Journal In its financial column said: "The Inactivity of the anthracite stocks seems to be the re sult of efforts to patch up the difficul ties caused by the determination of the FOR FIVE HUNDRED YEARS and over, the whole world has been coming to Carlsbad to be cured. t)is ordcrs of the stomach, of the liver, of the bowels, of the kidneys 'and blad der, gout, rheumatism, diabetes, obe sity all have been sent to Carlsbad. Here is the very same remedy now, right at your own door the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, the water solidified and put into powder form at the spring. You need it for constipation, for iudi. gtstion, for biliousness; just as 'much as in other or graver ailments. All druggists keep it. But see, that you obtain the genuine imported, with the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. Commercial. individual operators td Invade tide water . markets. The Pennsylvania railroad, which was prepared to meet any cut that might be made, has with drawn Its $2 circular, and Coxe Bros. are resting on their oars because of the illness of Mr. Ely, their manager. For the present the trouble has been ad Justed, but it has been bridged over, not remedied. The trade is In a fearful state of disorder, dealers are cancelling orders on all sides and no one will buy until the situation is clear. The fact that the individuals are not making an aggressive fight, that all the companies in the combination have refused to make cuts and that the Pennsylvania railroad has been Induced to withdraw for the present afford ground for the hope that the whole matter will be sat isfactorily arranged. How this will be done does not appear, but the simple fact that the situation is becoming no worse Is sufficient to account for the comparative steadiness of the anthra cite stocks." Thus It will be seen that according to the able metropolitan 'newspapers the anthracite situation, to borrow a suggestive slang phrase, is almost as clear as mud. One thing, however, Is fully apparent. The rail road companies are beginning at last to learn that the individual operators are not to be trifled with indefinitely. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES. New rollers, to reduce the size of coal are be-lng placed in the No. 1 Honey Brook washery operated by the Bulack Coal company. The slopes of the Coleralne colliery are being worked to their utmost ca pacity, in order to keep the improved breaker going. A Philadelphia gentleman who has been opposed to President Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley, admitted yesterday that his successor could only be elected with his Mr. Wilbur's consent. The report which has gained circula tion that the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill has been leased to the Central Railroad of New Jersey is dis credited in Philadelphia and denied by Coxe Bros. & Co. General Passenger Agent Lee, of the Lehigh Valley railroad, is preparing some very handsome calendars for dis tribution as souvenirs. The cover con tains picturesque views along the Le high Valley route. In Boston It Is said that the Lehigh Valley Coal company has chartered a large barge holding 3,000 tons of coal, which It is distributing in small quan tities at the rate of $4 per ton, a reduc tion of fifty cents. The Hallstead colliery, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany, ut Duryea, which was flooded In September hist, still contains much wat er, says the Pidtston Oazette. Th water In the first vein was all pumped out more than a week ago, and the large World's fair pump was lowered to the second vein, 20S feet farther down. There has been a little delay now and then, and owing to the rains water flow ed In fast, but the pump goes on day and night. . The mine will hardly be dry enough to permit work before the holi days. STOCKS AM) BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 21. The overshadow ing feature for the speculation at the stock exchange today was the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy divided matter. There was quite a bullish feeling pre vailing throughout the morning prices moved up Vt to V2 for the leaders. American sugar, the grangers, Louis ville and Nashville, Missouri Pacific, Reading and Western Union ull were In the strong list. Near midday private reports were received that Quincy had declared the usual quarterly dividend of 114 per cent. On this there was a rush to cover and brokers bought a big line of block. A feeling of hesitancy was then noted, due to another dis patch that the dividend had not been declared as yet, and thut the directors were still In conference. Then came the official announcement that the divi dend had been reduced to 1 per cent, pet quarter. This led to the biggest selling movement in the stock for a long time under which the price yielded from 74 to 70"g. The other grangers were also under the hammer und fell in price. The street was Indignant at the meth ods employed by those handling the news of the Burlington dividend and it is expected that the matter will not be dropped until a thorough investiga tion Is had. Sugar was the only stock on the list that refused to be influenced by the demoralized Burlington dealers. In the early trading the stock was marked up lii to 91. When the Grang ers broke there was a recession to 90, but in the latit half hour the stock sold up to 91. Its strength steadied he general market for a time. Near the close, however, there were renewed liquidations in Quincy and the stock broke to 70. The closing was feverish. The total sales were 287,500 shares. The range of toduy's prices for the ac tive Btock of the New York stock market are given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by G. du It. IMmmiok, manager for Wllllum Linn, Allen & Co., Btock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. I ntf. Am. Cot. Oil 2S,a 28'? 2 27 Am. Sugar Ke'g Co. mi 9iv giBi !J'4 Atch., To. & 8. Fe... 5'4 Wi fit Can. South r.l'i r.1'4 6114 MVi Ches. & Ohio U 18 18 18 Chicago Gas 73 74'4 73 7J Chic. & N. W 100 100 !W !K Chic, B. & Q 73 74 70 7u C. C. C. St. L 37 38 37 37 Chic, Mil, & St. 1... 0 6i 58 Mi Chic, It. I. & P 1 1 ) Ki Delaware &Hud 124 124 123 123 D. , L .& W...... 158 158 lfti 150U Dlst. & C. P 9 9 9 9 Gen. Klectrlc 35 35 35 35 Lake Shore 134 134 133 m Louis. & NuHh 5414 54 53 53 Manhattan Kle 104 104 1U3 101 Mo. Pacific 28 28 27 27 Nat.' Cordage 10 10 9 ! Nat. 1-eud , 42 42 41 1 N. J. Central 94 94 92 '.2 N. Y. Central 99'4 99 98 ! N. Y. & N. E 32 82 31 31 N. Y., L. E. & V... 13- 13 13 13 N. Y., 8. & W 14 14 , 14 '.4 N. Y., 8. A W., IT... 42 42 42 42 Nor Puclllc....; 4 4 414 4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 17 17 17 17 Ont. & West 15 15 in 15 Phil. & Read 17 17 17 17 Rich. & W. P 1U ll! 15 1,1 Texas Pacific 9 9 9 9 Union Pacific 12'i 12 12 12 Wabaah G 6 (. Wabash, Pr 14 14 14 14 West. Union 87 88 87 87 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICE9. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. WHEAT. May 00 C0 59 51 November 53 53 53 53 December 55 65 54 04 OATS. May 32 32 ' 32 S2 November ' '28 . 28 1 28 IVinnmtinii 'Hi M1 Ht7t. 28 December 29 28 28 CORN May 49 49 48 48 November 50 60 .... ... LARD. January 7.02 7.02 6.97 7.02 May '. 7.20 7.22 7.15 7.20 PORK. January' 12.15 12.17 12.05 1215 May 12.40 12.47, 12.32 12.42 New York Prod 11 co Market. Ey the United Press. New York, Nov. 21.-Flour Dull, weak. Wheat Quiet. 1c. lower, closing Bteaily; No. 2 red store and elevator, G794uj)lv-'. afloat. 5safi9c.i I. ' a. b., 58aikle.; un graded red, 61uii0c.; No. 1 northern, Wa. 67c; options were active, closing heavy at ftalc. decline; January. 59o.; Feb ruary, 6Uc; March, 614c.; May, t2'-; November, 67c.; December, 58c. Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, 58e. elevator; 59c. afloat;, ungraded mixed. G2c,; steamer mixed, 63'j.c; Mo. 3, Iila32c.; No. 2 white, 59c. ; options active, ao. lower; No vember, 57ic; December,' 54c.; Januiry, 52c. ; May, 52c. " Oats Dull, unchanged; options qulit, easier; November, 33'sc. ; December, 33V.; January, 34c; February, 35'ic; May, Stti'.ic; No. 2 white December, 37c. ; spot prices. No. 2. 33';a33c; No. 2 white, 371aO.; No. 2Chlcago, 84a34l4!r.; No. 3. 33c; No. 3 white. Xo.; mixed western, 34a34c, Beef Dull, unchanged. Tlerced lleef Dull. Cut Meats Quiet, unchanged. Lard Quiet, lower; western steam, $7.4U; city, J7; November, $7.40; December, $7.35; January, $7.35; refined, quiet; con tinent, $7.70; South America, 88.20; com pound, 5,4u5c Pork Quiet, sternly. Butter Firm; state dairy, 13a23c.; do. creamery, 18u25c; 1'ennsylvunia do.. 18u 25c; western dairy, llullic; do. creamery. 15a2tic. ; do. factory, lual5c.i Klglns, 20c; Imitation creamery, 13ul9c. Cheese Firmer, unchanged. Eggs Fair demand; choice firm; state and Pennsylvania, 24a25c; western fresh, 24c; do. per case, $3.25u4.50; south ern, 23a23'ic. Toledo Grain .Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 21. -Wheat-Receipts, "2, 000 bushels; shipments, 21,000 bushels; mar ket dull; No. 2 red cash, 54c. ; December, 54c; May, 69c; No. 3 red cash, 53'ic Corn Receipts, 41,000 bushels; ship ments, 5.000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 mixed cash, 47c; May, 48c. ; No. 3 white cash, 47c. Oats Receipts, 1,000 bushel; shipments, 4o0 bushels; market nominal. Clover Seed Receipts, SOU bags; ship ments, U00 bugs; market llrm; December, $5.07; Februuiy, $5.75; May, $5.77. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 21.-Cuttle-i-Recelpts, 25, IWU head; murket weuk; common to extra steers, J2.llOa0.4o; stockers und feeders, $2a 3.50; cows and bulls, $ia3.60; calves, $2.50a 5.50. Hogs Receipts, 45,000 head; market weak; heavy, $l.ffiu4.7u; common to choice mixed, S1.2f.u4.U3; choke assorted, $4.i5a 4.50; Unlit, 4u4.45; pigs, $2.50u4. Sheep Receipts, 15,000 heud; market firm; Inferior to choice, $1.25u3.2o; lambs, $2a4. Philadelphia T 11 lion Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 21.-Talliw Is dull u49.:.-. country prime in bids, 4a4c; country, duik, in bids, 4'jC.; cakes, 5c; grease, 4c Oil Alurkct. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Nov. 21.-OI1 closed at 82c the only quotation. When In need of coin call at Davld3w Bros, banking establishment. Kloquence l et Loose. . From the North American. The splendid achievements of Republi can success flushed to us from all directions are like the myriad times myriad of glit tering urrows shot before the chariot of Auroru. to betoken the certain coming of the day-giving sun. a thousand sparks of promise here, a thousand gleams of ac complishment there; but here and there, and everywhere, the brightness of a new assurance that the Americun people are determined to pass out of the misery anil the darkness of Democratic control. Beecliam's pills are for bili ousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sal low skin, when caused by con stipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores, or write B. F. Al len Co., 365 Canal St., New York. . AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping .! meat hotter 223 Wyoming Ave. Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No.' 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1115 Adams Ave.,' New Telephone Bdg ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART- MAN'S PATfc'VT DA VT ,klh I... of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be aiinllHll tn till irfilviiMlv.wl .1., I-,.- ri n. --..'.i.i fi, niit;ci 1 1 Ull roofs, ulso to brick dwellngs, which will I'lcvrm uimoiuieiy any cruiuDiing, crack ing or breaking of the brick. It will oul- Inat tlmittlfr (if anil lrlt.,1 hu vnon.. ...... and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the lob or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HARTMAr;. K7 Birch St, Thli Famone Remedy cure quickly nnd p: r manontly all imrvoitB illwuscn, ouch as Weak Momiiry, !. of llraln Powor, Hendnche, Wuko lulnexi, I.uut Vltulltjr, iilabtly emlsiluni, evil dreumi. Impiilonry nml wnninKillseBVCs canted by yoticlifiil errors or vxensiir. Couudni no oulnte. la n nrrve (on I on nil lilnod bullilrr. Makes Hie pule nnd nnnv Btronannd iWutun. Euilly carried In rent ixwket. 1 per lioic; e lor 89. 11 r mall prepaid will) a written (nnraiitop to euro or money refunded. Wrllo ns tor I'ree mrdlenl book, flout nettled In plain wrapiwr. wltteh con tln ttlmonlal mid llininolal roferericos. No chra; Tor oonanllatloni. Htwnrt of imita ftn. sold hT nur ndverilneit nuentn. or nddivm NEUVKHKED CO.. Maionlc Temple, fhlcuto, BOLD IN BCRANTON, PA., H. 0. SANDERSON VYABUISGTON.COH. SPRUCE, DKl'OUISTB, 0 CENT A Word. wants of all kinds cost that much, when paid for. in ad vance. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Wanted. 1XTANTED TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN' ' ' inn to secure the serv cm ot lady or gentleman tot sell them the English Unjruage. Addren P. O. Box lss. oitv. Agents Wanted. 1 If E AGENTS AND COLLECTORS -lJ wanted. To (rood and bright energetic men we can off r big Inducement. Ap ply John L. Hoffmann, Koiru 1A Old Post otlico building. WANTED-A FEw1bEl7a1bIWORK , , ers to sill ouf Nnrerv Stock. Kpecial inducements. ELLWANQi:H BARRY. 4 Rochester, N. V. lyANTED-SPKCIALTY ADVERTISING ' canvassers familiar with premium mer cantile trade: money maker of 18'JI. Also clover g( n. canvassers on greatest sailer of the day. Stanloy Biad ey, 4 E. Kith Now York. A I'ANTf D - ACTIVE SALESMEM TO hundlo our line, no peddling, go'arr, 5.5 per mouth and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely now. Apply quickly. P. O. Bjx, 63US, Boston, Mass. - Helo Wanted Females. T ApIES CKSlAlWIM'rFoCu 1J lug and addressing cirruht-B for as, at home. No canvassing. Position permanent. Reply with stamped envelope. MISS MARIE WORTH, Ashlaud.O. Help WanUd-Male. WANTED MEN; $S A THOUSAND DI8- tributing willing fluid sample; city atid country; winter job; ?nd two reference! nd two stumps; work ready for rel ables. Piatt Process company, Camden, N. J. V ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK ' canvasser. A ofllce, Scranton, Pa. SALESMEN-SALARY OR COMMISSION to introduce our goods tu tlm trade. Per- innnptu position, staple iiiie, profits, pleasant work. Add Ilnt, fast selli-rs, big rass witn stamp, KING M'F'U.CO., I). 61, Clllcauo. For Rent. A or Withi.nt tioind Adumn nvpnun TflD T?E VTo itdW t it i? r d t t . ft'tj nw i. m r l n ion ivu viv j v j u ntshoj frotit ruunis. Inquire 620 Lacka wanna avenue. L'OR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST A Lackawanna avenue. Addresi 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, gear 1133 Lmerne, Hyde Park. POR RENT-ONE HALF KTOReT 120 Peon A tivenu-, $30 pr month. T.-OR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED HALL I suitablo for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK- II i N, UU Wyoming oven in. For Sale. vwwwwv rOK SALK-SL'ft WILL BUY ONE OF THE J bl;gest bargains ever offered in this city. A private gentleman will sell fur ouo-fourtli bur cost Ufct summer a year ago in Lexington, Ky., t lie bandsome and flue trotting mare Coral., li liand-i liili. six years old, long flowing niano and tail, perloctly sound, weighs puuuuet, mieu uy iivilHl, mn sire Older i sey Ilnminond. record i'Jj.y, of Rei Light, I 2 iJTW.. and Starlight, record S!. 15. at Lexington, 1 Ky., bstfall; Cora B.'sdam kiln Wilkes, by Red Wilkes. Sheis without question tlieiuost stylish, gumeBt and bust formed mare in this city, and showed lust simmnr. in her five year old form, in the gentleman's road races, 2.21V4, i'-liMi and 3.1'J; bus no pnbl'c record or lms nover trotted for money; has since been used as a road and fnuitv mare for my wife and daughter to iHv: she drives with or without blinds; fearless of steam and not afrtiiaof trolley cars: she will be guranteed perfectly snuti'l and safe for the most inex iierien ed driver; will gurantee her to goon thetran r In her present condition and irota mile in 125; have her full pedigree; her breed ing is hue, und she would make one of the finest bred mares in the state. Here is a chance to buy a beauty for little motioy; must bo seen to be approbated. The reason I sell this mare at this low figure 19 to get my daughter's saddle horse a good home. N. B. -If convenient, will pay purchaser $2S per month to board my daughter's saddle horse and take care cf him until her return froln Europe next spring. Also a fine falling top buggy, made by Brewster, of New Y'ofk, pole and s'lafts, tine set of tingle nnd dnuhie names.--, blankets, robes, whips, c, will be sold for $lSi; for complete turnout Full particulars will he given by applying person ally or.oy letter at owner s residence, 125 North Fifteenth street. Philadelphia. No dealers need apply as I want to get my horses into good hands. W. H. BCOTT. In Pound. M POUNDED AT 323 S. MAIN AVENUE, I .-1.1. 1.1... . I. --.4 . . iii-iiui wiiu iiini-a miiu wuut, star on luie head; another with dark co orei rlirht khonl- aer. Wid sell Hnturdny at 2 o'clock unless called for. JACOB JilLLlL'K, Pound Master. Special Notices. yoU WANT THIS RELIO - REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's llluHtratod Week y War Illustriitio s IMIl-lSIIS. Two Volume Folio, f IliiU: payable monthly, $.'.1:0. Uelivored by express complete, Prepai 1. Addiots P. L'. MOODY, UlS Uibson street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS? PAMPHLETS, "'UAQA-zim-s, etc., bound or rebound at The Tiiiiii-m: ollice. (juick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN"BEH AD'aTTTi corner bpnicu stront and Frnukliii nve nuc Twenty uu-al tickets for $S.W. (jood mblo board. Situations Wanted. CirUATION WANTED IN MEAT BUSI O ness by a young ni:in wl:h long experi ence. Will board at home or with employer, brrt rcforonce furnished. Address Butcher, Ti ibiuie office. UTAN I ED-A PLACE BY A CARPEN ter. n good worker, in or near the aity, C. D.. Tribune office. WIDOW LADY OF EXPERIENCE I. wihhes a poitions housekeeper In hotel or private boarding house or In widower's fiimily where servants are keep. Address E. C' B., S2J North Rebecca avenue. Maloney Oil and Manufacturing Co OILS, o-or VINEGAR AND CIDER. m to 101 MERIDIAN ST, . HOTEL WAVERLY European Plan. Firm-class Bar at tached. Depot for Borgner & Engle'l Tannhaeuser Beer. A. E. Cor. 16th and Filbert Sts., Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. E. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for traveler! to and from Broad Street Htatlon and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Desirable for visiting Sorantonlnns and people In the An thracite Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Have you gore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spot., Aches, Ud Bores, Ulcers In Month, nnlr Falllng7 Write Cook Bemedr C.,80 Ma MinlcTemDle4,hleai.lll.ornroofiof fiuiM Capital P. lie nit cured alae year. ajjoUMjjsmrnanwjMJ (onnolly & III. III. Ill III. OLR HOLIDAY LINE now on exhi bition and it surpasses all previous efforts. WE AIM TO BUY.only those cover ings that are guaranteed to give satisfactory wear; and our unqual ified guarantee goes with every Umbrella sold. CONNOLLY & Have Yon Seen the "Fairy Wardrobe?" Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N.A, HURT'S 1 11 II WYOMING AVE.. SCRANTON. STEINWAY & SON DECKER BROTHERS and KRANICH S BACK Others STULTZ 2 BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at tho Wapwallopen Mills, Lt xeme county, Pa,, and t Wil mington, Dolamare, HENRY BE LIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Dulldinz. AOKNl'IKS: THOS. FORD, littstmi, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH ft SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes llarrc, P. Agents for the liepaunu Chemical Com pany's High Ef plosives. THE SOUTHWESTERIf LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Ry.) between Pinni 1) Columbus, Springfield, Dayton, Indian tpollB, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleeping can. Combination Library and Cafe care, Ele. Cant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." Bee that your tickets read via the BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to B. J. GATES, Oen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange st Buffalo, N. T. M. B. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, General Passenger Agent; E. O. McCor tnlck. Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, O. DKXTRB 8B0B CO.. Ine'p. Capital, ll.OOO.Wtf. BEST SI.50 SHOE IN THE WORLD. "A dollar lend a dollar omd." Thl. Ladles' Solid French Uongola Kid Bat ton Hoot delivered Iree.nfwhore In the U.S., 00 receipt or vun. Honey ura.r, or 1'o.ul Note for tl.M. Kauai, av.rv w.v the hoots sold la all retail stores for t'2.60. We m.k. this boot ourwlvet, therefore we guar unlit th. . itult and wir. and if any one u Dot iatlAed win reiuna me mousy and another Dalr. Onara Toe or Common Sump, V, p. Jt, BK. 1 to t ma halt lie.. Stndyonriiui 111 mi yon. Iliu.lrid Cata logue FRCC Dexter Shoe CoTsJJ TON, MASS. jcai limi fo X'laltri. PftWMB 1 V II iJJll "llVJlrU I 1 N, ft THE CLOTHS comprise everything from the Cotton Twilled Gloria up to the finest Silk. MANY NEW IDEAS in handles to be seen only in our display. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. OPP. COURT HQU5F bcranton by the CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co, wish to assure their many pat. rous that they will this year hold to their usual custom pf milling S1R1CTLY OU WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to everv detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 4 ME6ARGEL Wholesale Agents. AN 1 j NEW YORK WASHINCTQN BALTIMORE With time to spare for side trips, if tks'.reil. Skirting the sea coast for i3 hours in (he beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD .-. DOniNION . LINE And returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early winter Is delightful. Tickets Include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $32.00. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOMION S. S. COMPANY, W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Pier 26, Hortn River, Hew Yort Moosic Powder Co Boons 1 and 2 Commowealtb Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH 1 DALE WORKS. Lamin Rand Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repaiino Chemical Co.'s High Explosives Walldce NATURAL HANDLES in loops, hooks.twirls and all sorts of shapes. Gold and silver in new effects. Dresden in new shapes, French, ugate, horn, Ivory, walrus, etc., in endless variety and beautiful de signs. SEE OUR Great Special Umbrella for Gentlemen, at $1.85 each. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. IDEAL DueberHampden 17-Jewel Watches KoSMiteSk. are Itntwn hv 1 it ' LnTrSlroadmcnoth U adjusted JI experts to be un. WiK UATf.urc -J 11 kVw cquauea tor weai CKt3 and arrttracv. The Daeber Watch Works, Canlon, ti. I For Dollcncy, For pnrlty , and f or ImprOTement of the com plexion, nothing equal PotzOKi'a Powder. h Cf ILL COMFORT DID A