The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 21, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Are handed over to our patrons
that they may know what the
goods are made of, where they
come from and what they are
good for.
No mysteries, no evasions,
no nonsense, but simply
straightforward, doing the
proper thing at the proper
Fur Capes
Rich, high class goods, at prices
, that are not surpassed for nwder
' ation:
27-inch Astrakhan Capes, $18.50
Were $25.00.
There is almost no end to the bar
gains in this department.
The colors and styleg arc all beau
tiful, the harmony of color in the
combination of effects is a w on
derful creation of the artist's
Children's Black Wool
Hose, 25c.
Women's Black Wool
Hose, 25c. .
Women's Black Hose,
Fleeced, 35c. .
Grand Depot.
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
Dr. Reeves In now fully established at
412 Spruce street, Scranton. He has per
formed some wonderful cures and has
Kalned the confidence of the public. He
has come to stay and will remain PEtl
MANENTLY at his Spruce street parlors.
He has had long and varied experience in
hospital and private practice and treats
all acute and chronic diseases of men, wo
men and children.
He gives advice, services and examina
tions FREE OF CHARGE. No one Is
turned away.
He, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of the nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood poisoning, tits, epilepsy, In
discretions and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, scrofula. St. VtatT dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The
doctor has discovered a specllio for this
dreaded disease. You can treat and cure
yourself and family with it at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
. free.
OFFICE HOURS-Daily 9 a. m. to 9 p.
m. ; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator In Christian's Hat Store,
or stairs.
Remember the name and number.
Oil Cloths,
' Curtains,
Window Shades and
Wall Paper.
All the Latest Designs.
J. Scott Inglis
four doors above Wyoming Houso. ,
NHighest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
11 ws:
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held at the Methodist Episcopal church
this year, Rev. S. C. Hodge, pastor of
the Presbyterian church, preaching the
sermon. The sen-ices begin at 11 a. m.
It Is said that forty-two Lehigh Valley
conductors were discharged simultan
eously with the change of time schedule.
Big, good natured Conductor Kinney
says he was aware that a "spotter"
was going up and down on his train,
but, as he was doing his duty faithfully,
he felt no uneasiness, and his discharge
was a surprise to him. It Is alleged
that the spotter Is the Italian detective
who ferreted out the Mafia-society
criminals who were concerned In the
well remembered tradgedy at New Or
leans a few years ago.
Clarence W. Fish and family, of
Hornet's ferry, were guests of Lyman
Ellsworth people the tlrst of the week.
The W. C. T. U. meets with Mrs. L. T.
Burns Tuesday evening.
A series of wrecks, four In number,
have occurred on the Valley road since
Saturday morning. Involving consider
able loss of property and narrowly es
caping the destruction of a passenger
tnalu In Instance. Several train
men are taking a vacation In conse
quence. '
W. E. Bullock has closed his shoe shop
on account of 111 health.
Sheriff Knapp will go to Philadelphia
the first of next wek to c. nvey Ben
Sanders, the convicted horsethief to the
Eastern Penitentiary. Sanders gets two
years In solitary confinement at hard
labor. W. A. Stark, of East Lemon, will
accompany the sheriff.
It Is hinted that E. J. Jordan, esq.,
will be the choice of the Wyoming
county Republicans to fill the vacancy
In congress.
The personal property of E. G. Lott,
of Forkston, has fallen Into the hands
of the sheriff and will be disposed of
under the hammer Monday next.
The real estate of E. F. Keener, lying
In Moshoppen and Braintrlm townships,
which was advertised to be cold by the
sheriff on Saturday, was not sold. A
part of the Indebtedness was paid and
the sale was stayed.
The court has appointed Oeorge
Cooke, G. P. Dershelmer and Asa H.
Frear viewers on a proposed road In
Clinton township. N. P. Wilcox, Au
gustus Colvln and David Goodwin will
serve In a like capacity on- a road In
Tunkhannock township.
The grand jury refused to recommend
that the county build a bridge near Wil
son's mill in Monroe township. In their
Judgement the bridge Is not too expen
sive for the township to build, hence
there will be no county bridge at that
point at present.
The grand jury found a true bill
against the supervisors of Tunkhan
nock township for neglecting to repair
the road neap the outlet of Lake Carey.
The case was continued to January
Mr3. S. W. Weiss has been entertain
ing her sister, Mrs. Shlppey, of Exeter,
for a few days.
Alexander Rogers, an elderly citizen
of Eaton township, Is burled today.
anteed, Davldow Bros.
Our line of 1817 Rogers Bros. quaJruple
plated castors is complete. Ask to see
them. Liavldow Bros.
Miss Pearl Westgate, of Uniondnle,
spent Sunday with, her sister, Mrs. Geo.
Archie Pentecost was In Carbondale
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrath visit
ed friends In Scranton, yesterday.
Mrs. II. A. Purple was the guest of
Carbondale friends yesterday.
Oliver Cffyle made a business trip to
Scranton Monday.
George S. Dunn, of Jermyn, visited
his parents In this borough, Sunday.
Mr. Dunn has resigned his position as
station agent for the Ontario and West
ern railroad, and has accepted the po
sition of general agent In Pennsylvania
for a building and loan association, of
Syracuse, N. Y.
Mrs. Benj. Maxey and Mrs. F. M.
Dulph were In Scranton yesterday.
Sunday morning, about five o'clock,
the alarm of fire was sounded. The (Ire
was located In a house belonging to Jno.
Radltes, a Polander, on South Hudson
street. Radites and family occupied the
upper story, where the lire originated,
and John AVhlte and family lived In the
busement and tlrst floor. Owing to the
distance from the fire .companies', quar
ters the fire had made considerable
headway before the Enterprise hose
company, which was the flrst to arrive,
had astream of water on the building.
The fire was extinguished, but not until
the house was ruined. It looks very
much as If It was of Incendiary origin
as this was the third time in a week that
It had been on fire. The Hillside hose
company also responded, but their ser
vices were not needed.
About three o'clock yesterday morn
ing, the Inhabitants of this borough
were agatiaroused from theirslumbers
by the whistles tooting an alarm for
fire. The fire this time was in the one
story building owned by II. W. Brown,
and occupied by W. F. Davles as a shoe
store, on Main street. The Enterprise
hose company's rooms are near by, and
that company soon had the burning
building under control. The Hillside
fire company were quick to respond
and had a stream of water on the flames
and the adjoining buildings. The In
terior of the store is completely ruined
and Mr. Davles' stock spoiled. The fire
was of a mysterious origin. Mr. Puvles
carried $1,000 Insurance.
We have sterling silver butter knives
and sugar shells. Davldow Bros.
Mothers ! Mothers 1 ! Mothers ! ! f
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hai
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays nil
pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best
remedy for diarrhea. Sold, by druggists
in every part of the world. Be sure and
askfor "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents
a bottle.
We have an exquisite llpe of silver nap
kin rings. Davldow Bros.
The Standard Manufacturing com
pany, of ";EaBtv Stroudsburg, . have
started to build an addition to their
factory, making It, twice the Blze than
at present. The' company have been
J very busy Of late and havt received
largeorders from the states and foreign
countries for their famous cash regis
ters, and found an addition was neces
sary. Superintendent Thompson stated
that the Increase In business was due
to the recent election, and said that
when the Republican president occu
pied the chair there would be a still
better increase In the country's pros
perity. The sheriff sale of the Keystone Fibre
company's plant that was to' take
place last Saturday has been postponed
for two weeks, and unless satisfactory
arrangement Is made the plant will be
sold as has been advertised.
Cards are out announcing the wed
ding of Miss Bessie Ackerman, a popu
lar young ludy of this borough, to H.
L. Walter, a well known school
teacher of this place, on Wednesday,
Nov. 28.
Teacher's Institute Is holding forth In
this borough this week and all the nice
looking school marms are congregated
here, making the place exceedingly In
teresting for the male population of this
town. The programme for the week Is
exceedingly interesting and the course
of lectures In the evening Is an elegant
course for all as u source of Instruc
tion. The boarding house of George H.
Davey, who lives on the Jersey side of
the Delaware, opposite the Water Gap,
was destroyed by fire .on Saturday
night. Nothing was saved and the In
mates barely escaped with their lives.
The building was Insured for $3,000.
Mrs. Susan Peek, a life long resident
of this borough, died very suddenly on
Monday morning at the age of 68 years.
The cause of her death was a stroke of
apoplexy, which occured the evening
before, and she never rallied,
1847 Rogers Bros, triple plated butter
knives, 37c. Davldow Bros.
Have you seen our line of 1SI7 Rogers
Bros, quudruple-plated pickle castors?
Ask to see them. Davldow Bros.
Miss Lydla Barrett, of Hyde Park,
Is visiting Miss Ellle" Clink, of Pine
The fair of St. Thomas' congregation
will be open every night this week. A
musical programme will be rendered
each evening by the best talent in this
Tomorrow evening the fourth lecture
of the University Extension Course will
be delivered. The Baconian theory of
the authorship of Shakespeare's plays
will be considered.
On Thursday evening, Rev. W. W.
Shaw, M. A., will lecture on "North
Chlnu," In Father Mathew hall.
Prof. J. A. Moyles w'us In Scranton
Squire Glldea was a visitor In Scran
ton yesterday afternoon.
The borough council met last even
ing. Members present being President
Lane, Blake, Swift and Padden. The
following bills were ordered paid: Jno.
Farrell, police duty, $40; Thomas Pad
den, committee work, $3; Archbald Wa
ter company, $75; C. L. Hpll,(!i.25; road
work, $80; M. J. Swift, committee work,
$6. Mr. Blake called attention to the
bad condition of North Alain street and
the street commissioner was ordered to
repair it. Mr. Blake also stated that
he had seen the Traction company
about theuncoverud ditch onSouthMaln
street and had been Informed that the
company would cover It at once. .
We have a large selection of nut picks
and cracks. Davldow Bros.
When In need of sporting goods, remem
ber Davldow Bros.
M. W. Bliss, sr., before going to Florl
da, entertained his family to a sump
tlous farewell dinner at hlscosy homeon
Beach street, last Friday. Amon
those present were his daughter Mrs.
B. O. Camp, of Montrose; Miss Carrie
Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bliss, Jr.,
and family. Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Mackey
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R
Bliss and daughter, of Factory vllle, and
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Coult and son John
His daughter and son-in-law, the Rev.
and Mrs. J. Mulr, were unavoidably ab
The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal
church have reorganized their aid so
ciety, and Instead of one holding It, as
formerly, they have now grouped three
or lour togeiner, to assist eacn otner.
The first ono was held on Friday, Nov.
16th, at the home of Mrs. C. E. Mahoncy
and Miss P. D. Relph, their assistants
being Mrs. S. H. Bailey tind Mrs. Chas.
Tinkham, with Misses Grace Winchel
and Cora Relph as waitresses. Forty-
five ladles und gentlemen partook of an
elaborate supper, many from Clark's
Green being present.
Last Saturday there was an Epworth
League rally at Clark's Green. About
twenty from Waverly chapter attended
and report a very Interesting meeting.
M.W. Bliss, sr., and daughter Carrie,
accompanied by Mrs. Nelson Dean and
daughter Annie, left for Orange city,
Florida, Monday morning.
Baby rings, buby rings, baby rlng3,
baby rings, baby rlnns, baby rings.
Davldow Bros.
Anything In the line of sulphur goods
can be had at Davldow Bros. .
Mr. and Mrs. Geary Gray entertained
a party, of friends from Plttston at
their home on Main street yesterday.
The big fire at Mudtown yesterday
has certainly aroused the people of our
town, and for the first time In their life
they begin to realize the dangerous sit
uatlon of property here; and yet, there
is no particular causo for alarm, be
cause we have Just' recently organized
WEAK HEN your attention
Uruat English Remedy,
Gray's Specific Medicine
IF Vnil 5IIFFFR from Nor-
ivMiruoa ura itm
billtv. VTcakiiMi of Eodv nd Wind. Krxrm
torraea, Mid I in potency, sod all ditwaies that
rue f:om oTm-lndulganc and MU-abuaa. as
mxw "i memory ana r owar, uimness or vis
ion. Prematura Old Aire and rnnnv otbe dia
eases that lad to Insanity on Coninmptlon
ana an cany praTt, write rnr a pampaiec.
N.Y. The Busciflo Medkina la sold It all
drnrplate at II per packairor six-, raokago
lor , or sent dt man on reoeipi oi monov,
and with evary J5.00 order UfC GUARRftTFE
a rare or mony refunded, ilfi V'mlrlH
ITOn arrojnt of counterfeits wo hnva
adopted uia Xui ovr wiappar. me
iu Bold 1a Saautoh by Ma..faw, Brut.
a splendid fire company, who propose
to purchase a hose cart, and have fire
plugs place In' different parts of the
town, and lna very shorttime they will
be ready to slit Area. A committee
win solicit uidxrom the citizens and it
is hoped they will be generous towards
this cause. "
Those wedding presents should be
bought of Davldow Bros., Lackawanna
Dessert knives and forks. Triple plated
goods. Davldow Bros. I
The entertainment held In Smith's
hall last evening, for the benefit of the
Comet band, was lately attended.
Thespaclous hall was decorated tastily,
and was crowded to the doors. The fol
lowing programme . was i rendered:
Overture, O'Hara's Orchestra; recita
tion, Miss Sarah Raines; cornet solo,
a stranger; guitar solo, Mrs. Kennedy;
recitation, Miss Portia Jones; Wig,
Miss Mame Grler; recitation. Miss Mil
He Gleason; violin solo, James Watklns;
baritone solo, Benjamin Beddoe; duet,
Mesrs. Cook and Hall; guitar solo, Miss
James; duet, Robinson and Evans; re
citation, Miss Annie Roberts; zlthersolo,
Prof. Lloyd; John Rebels In his artistic
production, assisted by Durcey and
Moore; song, Miss Mary J. Rellly;
song, Miss Portia Jones; violin duet,
Watklns and Cooper; recitation, Miss
Vellda Griffin; duet, Isaac Cooper and
Miss Hall; selection, Lewis Richards;
recitation, Miss Sarah Lnjigan; remarks,
Prof. John E. McCawley; master of
ceremonies, John E. McCawley. After
the concert there was a social.
Peter Munley, who fell down Rich
mond's shaft, Is doing nicely. He will
Henry Derks) of Green Ridge, visited
his paronts yesterday.
A man, while driving along the road
opposite Koeler's hotel last evening,
was struck by an electric car. ' One of
his mules was killed and the other was
bleeding freely. The man is reported
to be dead. The car was going down
grade and couldnot be stopped in time
to prevent the accident.
Mrs, Lcttle Goes a
Tyrone City, Peua.
After the Grip
Hood's Cave Back Health
and Strength '
That Dreadful Prostration Cured.
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
"Gentlemen A little over a year ago, I was
attacked by the grip and, alter the crisis had
passed, I was left so weak and with that dread
ful prostration, flint I was unable to dress my
self for almost nine months. Some friends who
knew its merits, persuaded mo to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla and I urn now taking my fourth
bottle. I am so thankful to be able to say that I
cau do my housework, and am gaining fast
I Sleep Well,
do not have sourness of the stomach, and can
cat with good appetite. I think Hood's Sarsa
parilla deserves all the praise It gets and more.''
Mas. Lettik (loss, Tyrone City, Penn.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
UUousuess, Jaundice, sick headache, luuiijestlon.
Store Crowded All the Week with Enthu
siastic Buyers at the
We bought the stock of the Hyde Park Hat and Clothing store at Sheriffs
Sale, and are sellitij it at a great sacrifice. Sale now (joing on at the store,
Hi S. MAIN AVEM'E, UVDE PARK. great opportunity for the people
of Hyde Park and vicinity to make their winter purchases in CLOTHING at
very low prices.
Boys' Pants, -
2 for 25c
Men's and Boys' Overcoats, listers, Suits, Pants, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Etc.,
at Your Own Price. Every Purchase a Genuine Bargain.
Sale at Hyde
Park Hat
Clothing Store
114 S. :
Main Avenue.
Look for the Sign: BANKRUPT SALE.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
r 1 , " Genera Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Always Sore. Face Burned Like Fire.
Ashamed to be Seen. Four
. Doctors but Little Benefit. .
Cured by CUTICUKA, .
For about ten or twelve years I have been
troubled with scrofula. My head was alwavs
sore, my face was dry and scaly.and burned liko
nro most or tne time. My
body had big red spots on it,
and I did not know what to
do. I went to four different
doctors and they helped me
at Drat. In the fall I got
worso again; then I tried
other remedies, but they did
mo no good. 1 was ashamed
to go into public. I was a
slplit to look at. Every one
would say, ' What is the mat
ter, why don't you take some-
(111111??" F.vfin At. niv il.itlv
labor I had to wear a sort of cap to keep the dirt
from getting into the sores. Afaer I would
wash, 1 would be covered with big red pimples
all over my neek and face. Borne two or three
people advised me to try the Cuticira Reme
dies. I did try thoin, and am glad 1 have done
so. Glad to suy 1 am a well man, and in the best
of health since. I cannot praise the Clticlka
Remedies too highly. 1 enclose my portrait.
LEWIS V. KATOX.Larksville.Pa.
Cfticura Resolvent, the now Blood and Skin
Puriller. internally (to cleanse tho blood of all
impurities and poisonous elements), and Cuti
cura, the great skin cure, with Cuticuka Soap,
an exquisite Hkin Purifier and Beautiller, ex
ternally (to clear the skin and scaln and restore
the hair), cure every diBeaso and humor of the
skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of linir, from
Infancy to ago, from pimples to scrofula, when,
the best physicians and all other remedies fail.
Sold throughout tho world. Price, Ct'TtcnRA,
60c; Soap, 2ic; Kksolvbst, $1. Potteb Dbco
and Cueii. Corp., Uolo Props., Boiton.
B " How to Cure Ekin Diseases," mailed free.
DIMPLES, tlackhcnds, red, rough, chapped, and
r 1 111 oily skin cured by CuticuiuBoap.
In one inlnnte the Cntlcnra Antl
Puiu Plaster rolieves rheumatic, sci
atic, hip. kidney, chest, and muscular,
pains and weaknesses. Priue, 20c.
Manufacturers of tho Celebrated
100,000 Barrels per Annum
Coal of the best qualltv for domestic
Use, and of all sizes, delivered In any
part of the city at lowest price.
Orders left ut my Office
NO. 118 WYOMING AVrkllir
Rear room, lirst lloor. Third National
mum, or em uy mull or lelepliono to the
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will be mado for the
lale and delivery of Iluckwheut Coal.
Sale at Hyde
Park Hat
Main Avenue.
Lack. Ave.
g IfiC Folf jig
gEk 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. a .5
ninnin iiiiiiiirnusl
o vLU I Hi 111 LLlllLli 1 t
fp. -o
1 11 181 1 IBM 1
I SPECIAL Httffi 3
6-4 Clicnille Cover, $1.00 each;' reduced from $1.35.
We also carry the 4-4 and 8-4 sizes.
Chenille Draperies
An endless line of patterns. The low prices will as
tonish you.
Japanese Screens
Black and Gold, White and Gold'and Light Colored
Cloth Screens.
Unfilled Oak Screen Frames
$1.40 EACH.
Oak Tables
75c, 90c., $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50 each. These are
Great Bargains
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
Branch at Carbondale.
That's the word that expresses the results of the
past few days of our annual Room-making Sale.
The best advertisement we have had will bespread
around by the crowds of pleased buyers who attend
this sale. The bargains we are selling are some
thing more than noteworthy, something more
than wonderful, and although at these prices al
most everyone is paying cash, we still continue to
extend the use of our PEERLESS CREDIT system,
to all who desire it, at prices lower than that of
exclusive cash houses. Prompt delivery guaran
teed, due to the increase in our wagon service.
Prompt attention from salesmen, as two more
were added this week. Join in the march and
look these bargains over : ,
ine dosi qutiiuy cneiisn tirus- 490.
sels Carpet for 7Bc. per yard. Beat . Jsto.
Woolen Carpet for liUe. per yard. 19c.
Yard-wide Ingrain Carpet per We.
(yard) for v.'p.
(33.00 Polished Ouk Sideboard, SI 90
handsomely carved base and $1 It)
top plush lined drawer, large $1 80
bevel mirror, $18.50. An J18.0O set jl CO
of Dlnlnn Chairs, hiBh backs 1 80
covered, per chair for jl no
Notwithstanding above give-away prices,5 we continue
to give the American Onyx Finished Clock with $50 or
over ond the 100-piece Dinner Set with $75 purchases or
over. .
: DM
WO. 00 Bilk Plush Parlor Suit, five . S3 75
pieces for )2S.OO. (75.00 All Silk 3 75
Hroeatelle Fringed and Over- .$3 75
stuffed Suit, (39.00. A Tapeatry 3 73
Covered Lounge, 18 spring for... (3 75
Special bargains In Chamber Fur- ' (5 75
nlture, C5.00 suit, Antique Oak,, (5 75
fine gloss finish, for (18.00, fine (5 75
quartered oak suit, piano finish, (5 75
large French bevel plate, (32.60. , ?5 75
Neat odd dressers, each for (5 75
le Table Covers