THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21, 1894. Industrial arid Commercial. M1XE, MILL AXD RAILROAD. Probably the most unique view yet taken of the existing: "coal trade war" Is the following one from the Philadel phia Stockholder, which requires no comment: Opinion prevails among the larger com panies that Individual operators, who are being led by Coxe Bros. & Co., Into at tempted demoralization of the coal trade, will be the real sufferers; and it is hinted that some of these operators, particularly Coxe Bros. & Co., have an object In break ing the market other than that which ap pears on the surface. It Is, In brief, an uttempt to force the larger companies into purchasing their properties at a hlijh price, and thus enable them to quit the business. This, It is asserted, is the real significance of the recent cut in prices by Coxe Bros. & Co. It has been already re ported that there is a probability that the Jersey Central may secure control of the firm's line of railroad, known as the Del aware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill, and. In addition, lease or purchase its coal properties; and It is intimated also that. -I Tl 1 .-I II 1 . I " mw x-euns.vivuiua. ruurouu may uo exacuy the same thing to strengthen its position in the anthracite coal trade. There is, however, one objection ,to bo offered against this theory, if it is a theory, namely, the agreement existing between the Lehigh Valley Railroad company and Coxe Bros. & Co. It provides that all the coal shipped by the firm to tidewater shall be over the Lehigh Valley for a period of fifteen years from July 1, 1S04, and that the firm, during that time, shall not use, or seek to use, any other outlet to tidewater. Should the Jersey Central or the Pennsylvania secure control of Coxe Bros. (& Co.'s property, therefore, it would not affect the agreement, anil the product of the mines, consigned to tide water, would still have to be over the Le high Valley. Whether, In view of this, the Jersey Central and the Pennsylvania will be deterred from making the pur chase remains to be seen; but It is be lieved that the trade would be greatly benefited by the property fulling Into the Pennsylvania's hands. H would mnke the company such a factor in the trade that it would probably 'abandon its "freo lance" proclivities and aid the other com panies In keeping the market In good shape, while, at the same time, It would remove a disturbing factor from the trade the firm of Coxe Bros. & Co. That those shippers have been a disturbing element does not admit of doubt; lust week's cut Is evidence of this. The whole situation, as can be seen from the above. Is inter esting, and before matters are straight ened Important developments are likely. Both Coxe Bros. & Co. and Stlckney & Conynghani, representing the Penn sylvlnia railroad, deny that they have made a new cut of 40 cents per ton In the price of coal. The Lehigh Valley Coal company also denies that It lias made any cut In coal prices, but says It proposes to take care of Its trade. Coxe Bros. & Co. deny the story current that the Delaware, Susquehanna & Shuyl klll railroad, owned by them, was to be , leased by the Jersey Central and that an inventory of the stock of the road had already been taken by that com pany. This was further corroborated by the Lehigh Valley ofticials, who put In evidence the traffic agreement made between the two companies on July 1 last, under the terms of which the Dela ware, Susquehanna & Schuylkill Is bound for a tern? of fifteen years neither to seek nor make an outlet for their coal tonnage other than over the lines of the Lehigh Valley. The Philadelphia Inquirer says the action of the Lackawanna road In the near future Is awaited with apprehen nlon, for all Indications point to the probable unloading of a large quantity of coal upon the tidewater market by that company next month. At present It is shipping Its coal west, but with the close of lake navigation It may in vade the- east, us Indeed Its officers threaten. The Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal company will drive a tunnel from No. 4 Honey Brook slope east toward the Yorktown workings, the object being to discover. If possible, what seam of coal Is back of the Buck Mountain, or which underlies, If there be any at all. Opinions vary as to the prospects of a vein lying alongside or beneath the Buck Mountain, and If It is situated In the latter place It muat be of great depth. Contractor Thomas Hughes will put a force of men to work this week to drive the proposed tunnel. The advisability of an advance In rates of freight on pig Iron has been discussed by trunk line officials. The present rates are on the basis of $4 per ton from New York to Chicago, while the usual charge In $5 per ton. In May last with eighty-one furnaces In blast the stock of pig Iron on hand In this country was 900,000 tons. At this time there Is an Increase of over 100 per cent. In the number of furnaces In blast and the stock on hand has fallen to approx imately 500,000 tons. In view of the ap parent Increase In the consumption and the necessities of railroads to Improve thlr earnings, some officials have ex pressed the belief that this is the proper time for a restoration of the old rates on pig Iron. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: In New York the story continues to find believers that John Wunarmiker will be a candidate for the Reading presidency. Officials of the Lake Shore say earn ings are as large as they were last year, and that westbound business Is con siderably better. A mammoth plant to wash the coal from the big culm banks at Morris Ridge colliery, near Centralla, Is to be erected within a few weeks. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on and carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the year thus far has been 13.7S9.213 tons, com pared with 15,831,542 tons in the corre-' spondlng period of 1893, a decrease of 2,062.329 tons, of which 10,861,480 tons were coal, a decrease, of 1,405,2S9, tons, and 2.927,733 tons coke, a decrease of 577,040 tens. The Reading company has not met the cut of 40 cents a ton In coal prices made by Coxe Bros, and the Pennsyl vania railroad shippers. The Reading may reduce prices later, but it has not been determined to do so yot. Dispatches from various points along the Lehigh alley announcing a reduc tion in the number of train hands is not confirmed at Philadelphia offices of the company. It is stated that while waires khave been reduced the ofliclals there are not cognizant of any movement to reduce the force. STOCKS AXD B0XDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 20. -The opening of the stock market was attended with firmness and leading Kharv gained 4 to Hi. Lackawanna, Manhattan, the Industrials and the Grangers were most prominent In the Improvement. Shortly after the first hour, however, the de mand from the shorts for covering pur chases ceased. There was, however, no special activity in the market until the last hour when a raid was made on the grangers. The heaviness of the grangers in the last hour led to Eelllng of the general list and for a time the whole market sagged. American sugar, however, was the first to recover and sold up to 90 ufter declining to b9. Owing to the rally in sugar the market left off steadier in tone. Net changes show, losses of to 1 per cent. Total sales were 108,fi(0 shares. The range of today's prices for the nc tive stock of the New York stock markot are given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by Cl. du II. Olmml.-k, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co.. stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. Sugar Re'g Co. KM J mi KtVi sm't Atch., To & 8. Ve... G .'. Ches. & Ohio 18 18'fs 18 ISi Chicago Gas 74 74"Ss 731i 73", chic. & n. w ioi4 mi & mi mi Chic. Mil. & St. P... 60 Cli-i 69 U0',a Chic, It. I. &P 624 2i fi0 Delaware & Hud. ...124 124 124 124 D., L .& W 159 159 1,19 119 Dlst. & C. K 9 9i 8-i 9'A Gen. Electric 35Vi 3f'j 354 31 Lake Shore ISGMe 3351-a lMVs 13 Hi Louis. & Nash 64'i 54i, M; ,13 Manhattan Kle 104 104 KM KM'4 Mich. Central 99'i 99' j 99' soy- Mo. Pacific 2A 29 28 " 28 " Nat. Cordage. 10"j, 10T U','2 10'i Nat. Lead 42 42 41i 4114 N. J .Central 94 9l'i 94 94 N. Y. & N. E 31 31 31 31 N. Y S. & W 14i 14"4 U 144 N. Y S. &W Pr.... 42 42 42 42 Nor. l'aclzc, Pr 17 17 17 17 Ont. & West 15 1.1 11 lu Phil. & Head 17 17 17 17'4 Rich. & W. P 10 IG'i 11 1,1 Texas Pacific 9 9 9 I'nion Pacific 12 12 12 12 Wabash, Pr 14'i 14 14 14 West. Union 87',a 87 87Vi 87 CHICAOO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. WHEAT. May COVa 04 CO 00 November 04 G4 D4 .11 December 65 55 51 51 OATS. May 32 324 32 ."!2Vi November 28 & 2S CORN. May 49 49 49 49 November ....... 60 6U 50 50 December 49 49 49 49 LARD. January 7.15 7.15 7.05 7.05 May 7.30 7.30 7.20 7.22 PORK. January 12.31 12.35 12.17 12.20 May 12.U2 12.70 12.42 12.50 Scrunton Wholesale .Market. Scranton, Nov. 20 Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., UuTo.; evaporated apples, 8al0c. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 6a 6'jc; English currants, 2a2c.; layer rnl Blns, Ji.73al.8o; muscatels, 4a5c. per lb., $lal.40 per box; new Valuncias, lia7c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, J2.35a2.10 per bush el: mediums, tl.7oal.73. Peas-Green, $1.10al.l5 per bushel; split, $2.50a2.C0; lentels, 6a8c. per lb. Potatoes 55aC0c. btigliul. Unions Bushel, 55aii0c. Butter 17a2io. per lb. Cheese 9alH'. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 24a25c; coolers, 17al8c. Meats Hams, luV-jc; small hams, lie; skinned hams, 12!ic; California hams, 8c; shoulders, 8c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, lO'ic Smoked Beef-Outsldes, 12',ic; sets, 15c.; Insldes and knuckles, lijc. ; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, 52.45 dozen. Pork Mess, $17; short cut, 518. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 9c. ; In tubs, 9?ic; lu-pound polls, luc. per pound; C pound palls, 10c. per pound; 3-pound polls, 10'io. per pound; compound lard, tierces, Ofee.; tubs, 0c; 10-pound palls,' 7c. per pound; 6-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 3-pound pails, T2c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.85a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.13. Grain Rye, C5c; corn, 01aii3c.; oats 40a 45c. per bushel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12al4. Hay $!4.50al0. Buokwhcat Flour $2.10a2.15 per 100. New York Produce .Market. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 20. Flournull tron. ernlly easy. Wheat More actlvp. Htomlv v.-. . store and elevator. WWlnMi.f ,. "u' COc.; f. o. b., 59allc: Uiurraderl reil Iiin Clc. : No. 1 northern. itfa.iuiiiK ni.11...,. closed firm at 'iae. under yesterday'; January. 60Uc: Februnrv. nn.. r..i. C2c; May. c.; July, Clc; November," 58c. ; December, 59c. corn Dull, weaker; No. 2, 580. eleva tor: G91!.a59?lc. afloat: umrrinl,l miv.,.i 62a.13c.; steumcr mixed, 62c; No. 3, m-xiumc; options active, closed aiic down: November. 5Sc: Deromhor. n-.i.,. ' January, 53c; May, 53e. ' "' uats yuiet, easier; options dull, firm; November, 33'c; December, 33:ic; Jan uary. 34W Fehrilnrv f!-.:ii... M.,., 'Krt-.. . spot prices, No, 2, 33a33ic. ;' No. 2 white," IS OLD AGE PITIABLE? Not While Vigor and Zest in Living Lasts. Bismarck, Gladstone and Holmes Full of Years and Honor. They Keep Their niood Well Stocked- Their Nerves Well Pod. Some people carefully disguise the fact. But a coat of paint on an old build lug only makes It look smart; it doesn't keep the rickety old staircases from creaking nor make the framework stronger. What is needed is fresh bricks and mortar. Fresh blood and new tissues are the building materials that tired human bodies need. Palne's celery compound supplies all the elements for building up the worn-out, exhausted nerves and tis sues. . One is never older than he feels Many are young at 70, and the world is full of men and women who are old In heart aud spirits at 30. Nothing "uges" one like Illness. To keep young, keep well; keep the nerves calm, the blood ruddy, the sys tem well fed. And when the sudden at tack of fever or the heavy cold conies the sturdy, because well-nourished body will resist and prevent calami tous results. All over the country there are hard worked business men, and men in pub lie offices, subjected to Incessant critl cism and feurful nervous strain, who appreciate the saving power of Prof. Phelp's remarkable discovery, Palne's celery compound. In the thousands of cases where overwrought brains have at last refused the sleep that they so vitally needed, this great modern nerve nutriment has brought the happiest re- suits. Multitudes of women reduced in strength, half sick and on the road to becoming life-long invalids, have sent heartfelt stories of their rauld gain In vigor after a trial of Palne's celery com pound. "It takes years off their aching shoul- uers. j As the years go on, the regular tick tick of the heart and the rhythmic ac tlon of the digestive organs and the brain slow up and the strength must be economized. The important organs neett more frequent assistance and en couragement. Palne's celery compound gives Just the needed stimulus to di gestion and assimilation that the sys tem requires. It purifies the slowly moving blood of any bad humor that Its stagnant flow is apt to engender, and thus removes rheumatism, neuralgia, heart palpitation, nervous weakness, sleeplesness and troubles with kidneys, liver and stomach. It was a favorite remark of the fa mous Dr. Parr, when 106 years old, that he had always taken care to keep his body well nourished. Pure blood and healthy activity of the nervous system makes a happy, hopeful, useful old age. Palne's celery compound makes people well. 37!ia37e.; No. 2 Chicago, 31a34'ic; No. 3, 33c; No. 3 white, 37c; mixed western, ;a fi'f:'' WhiUi d" 3"u34' '; whlte state, 33a Beef Inactive. Tierccd Beef Quiet. Cut Meats Quiet, steady. Lard Quiet, closed weak; western steam, $7.45; city, 7c; November, $7.45 December, $7.40; January, $7.40; refined, dull; continent, $7,75; South America, $8.21; compound, 6oSc. Pork Quiet, steady. Butter-Firm; state dairy, 13a23i.; do. creamery, lSa25c; Pennsylvania do., 18a 25c; western dairy, llaldc; do. creamery, 15a2Cc; do. factory, luul4c.; Elglns, 20c; imitation creamery, 13ul9c. Cheese Strong, unchanged. Eggs-Firmer, fairly active; state and Pennsylvania, 24Via35c; western fresh. 24c; do. per case, $3.25a4.50; southern, 23a 231ic; limed, ltialti'ie. Toledo Grain Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 2o. Wheat Receipts, 27,- 000 bushels; shipments, l.ueO bushels; mar ket easy; No. 2 red cah and December, 55c; May, COc; No. 3 red cash, 54c; No, 1 white cash, GG'c Corn Receipts, 39,000 bushels; ship, ments, 31.UU0 bushels; market dull; No. 2 yellow cash, 45VjC Rye Market firm; No. 2 cash, 49:ic Oats Receipts, 2,000 bushels; shipments, none; market nominal. Clover Seed-Receipts, 3S5 bacs; ship ments, 421 bugs; market firm; cash and January, $5.06; February, $5.72!i; March, $5.75. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts, 10, 000 head; market steady; common to extra Bteers, $3a.40; atockers and feeders, t2a 3.50; cows and bulla, $la3.50; calves, $2.5Ja 6. GO. Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head; market weak; heavy, $4.40a4.75; common to chol-e mixed, $i.3ua4.70; choice assorted, $4.50a 4.55; pigs, J2.T5a4.15. Sheep Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady; inferior to choice, Jla3; lainos, $2a4. Buffalo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffulo, Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts, 6S0 head; on sale, 0UO head; market easy; good steers, $3.90a4.25; fat cows, J2.40a3.25; light stockers, .$2a2.25; veals, J5.25ati.50; ex tra, J0.75a7. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; on Bale, 10,0u0 head; market steady; Yorkers, J4.31al.40; mlXL'd packers, $l.50a4.G0; good mediums, $4.ll5a4.T5; choice heavy, $4.80a4.H0; plga, $4.3'ia.40; roughs, J3.75a4; stags, $3a3.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,400 head; on sale, 20,000 head; market shadu strong er for good sheep and lambs; best mixed sheep, $2a2.25; fair to good, Jl.50al.75; good yearlings, $2.05a2.75; good to choice lsmbs, J3.10u3.40; fair to good, $2.50a3; culls, sheep, 50ca1.21; culls, lambs, $1.50a2; CamAla lambs, $3.75u3.80. Oil Market. , By the United Press. "- Oil City, Pa., Nov. 20. Oil opened, 82V.; closed 82c. MONTROSE. Hugh McCollum, one of the youngest members of the Susquehanna county bar, Is dead. He was taken with typhoid fever about two weeks ago. On Mon day afternoon death came. Hugh was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McCollum. He was president of Rough and Heady Hose and Chemical com pany; a mason and a lawyer. He was also deputy revenue collector for' the Twelfth district, and secretary for the Consumers Water compnny..( The fu neral services will be hold this after noon at 3 o'clock. There are several coses of typhoid fever. New ones are reported every day. , . wlien Eaby Was slctc, ire gave her Ciutorta, fthen she wag a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she become Silas, she clung to Castorla. When ! hud Children, sh gTB taaa Costal Ml A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 35 CF.NTH. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB! INSERTED FREW. Wanted. YYr ANTED TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN wish to aoenre thttwrv.casof ft lady or pcntleniau to t neb tliem tlio Euclish luuuuugu. Alliums P. O. Rux 1HH. city. Agents Wanted. XtnSxTsKkuTuiA 1 1 Grows Iwlr on ny buld huud; retails "!. pur bottle. Exclusive territory; $23 weekly easily made. We udvortise you as agent in your town paper. Address MM E. DAVID REMEDIES Jl 702 Congress, Chioajo. r antedIa fe w "keTubleTw oh k- ors to g.-ll our Nursery Stoi'k. Kpcclul inducements. ELLWANUER& BARRY, Rochester, N. V. W'ANTED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING canvassers familiar with premium mer cantile trade; muney maker of IS'JJ. Also clever gin. canvassers on greatest S3ller of the day. Htauley liiad ey, 5 K. lULh ht., New York. IV'ANTrD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our lino, no peddling. Balarv, S'i per month and cxpHnses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 630S, Boston, Uasa. Helo Wanted Femates. 1J ing and Hddh'sxiiig circulars for us, at home. No ranvajning. Position pprmcuunt. Reply with stamped euvelupu. MISS MARIE W'UWTH, Ashland, O. Hcls Wanted-Male. ,'ANTEU-A.N EXPERIENCED LOOK ' canvasser. Address T. 13.. oars Tribune olllcc, Scranton, Pa. BOY V A N TE D-ib LEA RN BAR B E R trado. Call at 214 Penu uremic. (SALESMEN SALARY OR COMMISSION, kJ to introduce our goods tu th trado. Per manent position, staple line, fast sell, rs, mg profits, pleasant work. Address with stanip, XI Mi Al lf'O. CO.. D. fil, t UioaifO. For Rent. IfOK RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST i. Lltl'k.'iwunini nvaniKt ArirlvMaj 1 W i?.f SI E, EVANS, near 1182 Luzerne, Hydo Parlt. r;OR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. 120 Penn L avenue, f 30 par mouth. r,"OH RENT-NICELY FCRXIS1IEU HALL i,.?uitab' f"r luiZ room JOHN JEU J11N, 111) Wyouiiug ovenuu. In Pound. "I MI'OCNDED AT 321) S. MAIN AVENUE, -1 heifur with black and white star on tut e- ntau; nnotuer witn durk co orod riitht nhoul Uer. Wld sell Saturday at 2 o'clock unless cilled for. JAC'OH M1LL1CK. Pound JlaHtei. Special Notices. OU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT i rrnnK Leslie s illustratort Week y War Illustrations JMll-18liK. Two Volume Folio. SltU'iU; payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered by express compute, Prepaid. Addiess 1'. o. MOODY, 018 Oibson (.treet, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOK, PAMPHLETS, MAGA zinos, etc., bound or rebound at Thb TitincNB office, (aick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 corner Spruce street aud Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for 81.50. Uood lable board. Situations Wanted. A WIDOW LADY OF EXPERIENCE wibhos a position as bousckaenar in hotnl or private boarding houso or iu widower's r.iniuy wnero servants aro fceop. Address E. C' B 522 North Rebscca avenue. A YOUNG WIDOW WANTS A S1TUA JY tlon as housekeeper. Apply M. J. K., 610 Paliu street, .-outli Sidu, city. STAR GAZERS. Dream of . unknown worlds, but thrifty men and women make the most they can of this world, and take advan tage of every opportunity that offers for a real bar gain. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Frccmon, the Jeweler, is going out of business, his store is for rent, his fixtures for sale, and bis stock is now being realized on at private sale. Your price, if within the bounds of reason, will buy anything you want C. W. FREEMAN, CORNER PENN AND SPRUCE, aloney Oil and Manufacturing Co OILS VINEGAR AND '- ' CIDER. 1 to 151 MERIDIAN ST. Instruments In evrv gno of tha term as applied to Pianos. exceptional In holding their original ful ess of tone. NEW YORK WArtTnwriT'sm v an Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1113 Adams Ave..New Telophono Bdg HOTEL WAVERLY Kuroponn Plnn. FlrBt-clusg Par at tached. Pepot for Bergner & Ensle'i Tannhacuxer liver. fi. E. Cor. 45th and Filbert Sts., PUIIa. MoBt desirable for rsxidenU of N. B. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for traveler to and from Broad Struct motion and the Twelfth and Market (Street Btntlon. Desirable for visiting BcmntonlHiis and poople in the An thracite Region. . i , T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. (onnolhj I. OL'R HOLIDAY LINE now on exhi bition aud it surpasses all previous efforts. WE AIM TO BUY only those cover ings that are guaranteed to give satisfactory wear; and our unqual ified guarantee goes with every Umbrella sold. CONNOLLY &. I Have Yoa Seen the "Fairy W Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N. A. WERT'S m WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWBY & SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH t BACK STULTZ I BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-dass ORGANS MUSICAL riERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S ffllMNG, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Li zetne county, Pa., aud at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Ueneral Agent for tlie Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa , Third National Bank Building. AUENCIEg : TOOS. FORD, Httston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & BON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULL1UAN, Wilkevbarre, Pa. Agont3 for the Krpauuo Chemical Cum pauy'a Bigh Explosive. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs daily via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louie Ry.) between Pinninnnti I I) Columbua, Springfield, Dayton, Indian apolU, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnlfteont Watmor Sleeping cars. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ele Cant Coaches and Dining cars. " Tho Finest Train in America." Bee that your tickets read via tha BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnlihod on application to B. J. GATE3, Qen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. T. M. E. Jngalla, President; D. B. Martin, General PneneiiRor Agent; 10. O. McCor mlck, Trumu Manager, Cincinnati, O. BETTER SHOE CO.. Ine'p. Cnyltal, (1,000,06). Biisr miok in tb(; would. "A dollar tared U a dollar tarntd." Thlil.atllra' Solid Kromli Dimcola Kid But. ton Uoot delivered free anywharatn tho U.S., on rccel pioicain, Money urder, nr l'uttul Nolo for tl.40. lioiuli every way the boon mid la .11 retell ttnroa for mm i.6D. We mnke thli boot Ourtolvn, thorcfore wo guar anltt tlie Jit, $tylt and wrtir, and If any ooe ( not aatlallud wo ttiii reiuna tne mauey ruiiu another pair, upora Too or Common Brntr, wliilh. V, I K, K KK. tea i to 8 ana can ice. S'nd your tin; im trill xi ya. llluitretcil Dexter Shoe CVbS MASS Sjntial Urm It Mtaur 1 i t i I ill THE CLOTHS comprise everything . from the Cotton Twilled Gloria up to the finest Silk. MANY NEW IDEAS in bandies to be seen only In our display. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. bcranton by the CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO OUR Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their uaual custom of milling S1R1CTLY OLD WHEAT until tlie new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry w eather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosbv Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fullv three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. to? Wholesale Agents. AN IDEAL NEW Y0I1K, 010 POINT COH, RICHMOND, ISiHON, BALTIMORE, P1BI, With time to spare for sale trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for i3 hours la the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD DOniNION .-. LINE And rctuiniiijj leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early winter li delightful. Tickets Include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $3'2.0'J. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOMION S. S, COMPANY, W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Pier 26, North River, New York ?Af. Pnwrior Rooms i and 2 CommoweaJtli Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH- ! DALE WORKS. Lafllln & Rnnil Powder Co.' j Orange Gun Powder Electric Bntterlta. Fuses for picplod- ( Ing blauts. Safety Fuao and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives ElllGO Wallace 15. Ill NATURAL HANDLES in loops, hools,twirls aud all sorts of 6hupes. Gold and silver in new effects. Dresden in new shapes, French, "Kate, bom. Ivory, walrua, etc., iu endless variety uud beautiful de signs. SEE OUR Great Special Umbrella for Oentlemeu, at $1.85 each. ardrobe?" OPP. COURT HOUSE. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. PATRONS : E3 r"""""''""' .' AYLESWORTH'S :AT MARKET The Finest In Hie City. The latest improved furnish' ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Avo. . What is More Attractive Than a pratty face with a.treah, bright complexion? For it, um Potxonl'i Powder. (fee? CULL