The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 21, 1894, Image 1

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Remarkable Narrative Given by
Holmes, the Insurance Swindler.
the Lehigh Valley mail when the rap
idly running: train bore down upon him.
An Explosion of Coal Dust Causes a
means determined. Mr. Lowell Is of
the opinion that It is dependent upon
the season, and has predicted all along
that the canals would not bo seen In
duplicate until some time in November.
Classic Boston Has a Full Pledged
Free Trade Society.
the presence of her husband, and ask
his forgiveness.
Osborn had previously made a con
fession of his guilt before the church.
He was receiver In the church on condi
tion. Osborn is a brother-in-law of
Mrs. Jack.
Reddington was aged about 35 years
and unmarried. The funeral will occur
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Terrible Mine Disaster.
Falling to Get an Opportunity to Escape,
the Captive Relates an Astonishing
Tale of Crime Admits Being a Big'
oinlst and an All Around Fraud.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 20.
The developments today In the con
spiracy and possible murder case
whereby $10,000 insurance was obtained
from the Fidelity Mutual Life Associa
tion were the arrival In Philadelphia of
Herman Mudgett, alias Harry H.
Holmes, alias Howard, the arch-conspirator;
Mrs. Benjamin F. Pitzel, alias
Cook, the wife, or widow of the victim
with her 16-year-old daughter, and the
receipt of intelligence that Lawyer
Howe, of St. Louis, who was Indicted
as a co-conspirator, is on his way here.
Holmes and Mrs. Pitzel were brought
from Boston by Detective Crawford and
Supervisor of Claims Perry, of the Fi
delity association. Mrs. Holmes is not
under arrest, but accompanied her hus
band, and the Pitzel children were in
the company of their mother.
Petecive Crawford's Story.
Detective Crawford today told the
story of the trip from Boston which was
full of exciting incidents. The party
left Boston lust evening and on the
train Holmes, handcuffed as he was to
the detective, went over his adventures
from boyhood. When the train was
passing Providence Holme3 turned to
Ills custodian and remarked: "See here
Crawford, I think my wife and Mrs. Plt-
zcl can raise between them $500. I am
a hypnotizer. If you will let mcJiypno-
tlze you so that we can escape, I will
give you the $300."
"Hypnotism," returned the detective,
"always spoils my appetite. I am
Rfrald $500 Is no Investment when
weighed against possible dyspepsia."
Holmes then told the detective that
he was raised in Burlington, Vt., and
attended the schools there until he was
llfteen yeais old. He taught school for
a time, and afterwards went to a local
college, working in summer time to pay
his fees. Graduating in Burlington he
went to a Michigan college and there
made the acquaintance, as a student, of
the physician, who, he alleges, agreed
to supply the body used in this last
fraud, from New York. About twelve
years ago, one summer, they were short
of funds, and Holmes' friend thought of
an Insurance swindle, in which a bogus
body was to be used. The friend, now
a physician, had his life Insured for $12,-
600; the body was procured In Chicago;
the Identification with the Insured doc
tor was made, and Holmes secured the
The scheme was repeated several
times. On one occasion Holmes insured
his own life for $20,000. Then he went to
a hotel in Rhode Island wearing a beard
He got a 'body, took it two miles from
the hotel, cut the head off, and buried
the rest. He shaved, went to the hotel,
registered under a new name, and asked
for Holmes. They said he had gone out,
but was staying at the hotel. The
swindler took the head, charred It in the
hotel furnace and tried to Identify it as
his own. This particular scheme fell
A Type Writer in the Case.
The arch-conspirator then without
giving any names dwelt, upon his deal
ings with Miss Williams as narrated to
day in a United Press dispatch from
Chicago. In Chicago, he said, where he
was living with his second wife, he be
came intimate with a young girl, a
typewriter. He furnished apartments
for her, where she was visited by an
elder sister. The young girl, infat
uated with Holmes, became jealous of
her sister, and one day in his absence
Bhe brained her with a stool.
"When I came back I found the dead
body In the rooms. I took the corps.?,
put it in a trunk and sunk It in the
lake. This was a year and a half ago.
The younger sister, in danger of arrest
for murder, was anxious to escape. She
owned some property at Fort Worth
amounting to $40,000. Pitzel and I took
this property oft her hands and gave
her money to fly the country. We then
bought horses, getting credit on the
strength of . the Fort Worth property.
But the deeds were not straight, and
we needed money to keep the thing
going. So the two of us agreed to work
the Insurance scheme, and that is how
this trouble began.
Supervisor Perry who ran Holmes to
earth In Boston last Saturday, declared
" this morning that he believed the case
to be one of murder; that Pitzel upon
whose death the insurance was collect
ed, is in reality dead and has not disap
peared, as Holmes alleges. Mr. Perry
said that Holmes has three wives, one
In New Hampshire, who Is divorced and
with whom Is a 13-year-old child; an
other In Illinois who has a child of 6
years; and the spouse who accompanied
him to Philadelphia and whom Perry
believes to be Innocent. When asked
how Holmes accounted for the dlsap
pearance of three of Mrs. Pltzel's chll
drcn, the supervisor said: He claims
to have left one child at a hotel In In
dianapolls while he went on to Detroit,
where he delivered the other two to
Pitzel, their father.
Assistant District Attorney Klnsey
stated that the district attorney has
not yet taken action upon the murder
allegation. "No evidence of murder has
been presented to us," Klnsey continued,
"for all of the testimony upon which
the Indictments were drawn bears upon
the conspiracy alone. The Indictments
say the body found In this city and upon
which the $10,000 insurance was paid, is
not that of Pitzel. If it should prove to
be Pltzel's remains, all that need be
done is to draw up a .new Indictment.
Then the trial for murder would go on."
John Reddington Run Down by a Lehigh
Valley Freight.
Special to the Scran ton Tribune.
Plttston, Nov. 20. John Keddlngton,
of Pine street, was struck and Instantly
killed late Monday night by a Lehigh
Valley freight train. The accident oc
curred near Smlthvllle.. Reddington
was employed as a miner In one of the
shafts In the vicinity. He was return
ing home by way of the railroad, and
had reached-a, point where the D. & H.
railroad croBBea the "cut off" branch of
Two Men Are Probably Under the Debris
of a Wreck,
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 20. The bodies of
three men John Rice, Frederick Thome
and John Thome (father of Fred Thome)
have been recovered from the wreck
of the coal train last night, on the Lari
mer branch of the Pennsylvania rail
road. Two others are missing and are
believed to be under the debris.
The character of the wreck is such
that it will be at least two days before
It is definitely known whether other
bodies are under the broken cars. The
loss to the railroad company will reach
about $10,000.
He Is Chosen Master Workman Without
By the United Press.
New Orleans, Nov. 20. The KnighU
of Labor met today and received the re
ports of the finance committee which
were approved. Payment of the expense
of the delegates were ordered, the
amount involving about $2,C00.
Grand Master Workman Sovereign
was elected without opposition to his
old position. Messrs. Bishop, of Massa
chusetts, and Merritt, of Colorado, were
nominated for grand master foreman,
and Bishop was elected. Secretary
Treasurer Hayes was re-elected over
some opposition.
Washington was chosen as the place
for holding the next annual convention.
The officers were installed by Henry T.
Allen, of Michigan.
Powderly and his delegates will leave
the city tonight without springing their
sensational charges and applying for
writs of Injunction against the officers
of the central assembly, as has been an
The Celebrated Pianist Iiics of Heart
Disease Neur St. Petersburg -Sketch of
His Brilliant Career.
By the United Press.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 20.
Anton Gregor Rubinstein, the cele
brated Russian pianist and composer,
died today of heart disease, at Peterhof,
near this city.
Anton Rubinstein's futher, Gregor Ku-
uiusiein, was a Polish Jew, and his moth
er, whose maiden name was Levensteln,
was a German Jewes3 of Prussian SIIphI.i.
but Anton was born in the Russian vil
lage of v eehwotlnez. in Moldavia. Po
land had produced three of the world's
greatest pianists Chopin, Tauslg. Pad
ercwskl and It might with some Justice
claim Rubinstein, too. He himself uaud
to say that the Russians looked on him
as a uermun, and the Germans as a Rus
slun. Hfj was born Nov. 10 (2Sth new stvle)
1829. Although of Jewish parentage, Ru
binstein wa? a Christian, for his grand-
lainer naa mm ana about sixty others
members of the several branches of the
Kuomstetn ramlly, baptized In order to
escape the cruel persecutions of Emperor
mcnoias. wnen Anton was 5 years oil.
tne ramuy moved to Moscow, where he
had good opportunities to hear music. Ills
nrst lessons he received from his mother.
who had considerable talent herself. Ills
only other teacher was Professor VII-
lolng, reputed to be the best teacher in
Moscow; after hearing him play, he of
fered to undertake his education free of
charge. He was refused admission to
the Conservatory, as Liszt had been be
fore him, but continued his lesson with
Mlloing, who had accompanied him. In
Paris he heard Liszt and Chopin. After
hearing Anton play, Liszt embraced him
and predicted that he would bo his sue
cessor. In 1SC2 he founded the National
Conservatory In St. Petersburg, Russia's
lirst musical high school. He assumed
the directorship, and among the profes
sors were w lenlawskl and Leschetitzkl,
He married Vera Tchekouanoff In lSif.
In 1872 he gave, with Wienlawskl, 215 con
certs in America, for which he received
$40,000. He suffered much from his tour.
"May heaven preserve us from such sluv
ery!" he wrote In his autobiography, Un
der such conditions there is no chance for
art one grows Into an automatom, per
forming mechanical work; no dignity re
mains to the artist, heis lost." This expe
rience, comDineu witn nis uread of sea
slcKness, made mm reruse to come to
America (he has been ottered $125,000 for
50 concerts). Ho pronounced the Amerl
cans more musical than the English. Ru
binsteln's leonine head was often com
pared 10 neemoven s. He was very
chivalrous toward women, and no pretty
gin ever applied to mm ror a dowry In
vain. He spoke German, F.sglish, Rus
slan and French fluently. Had he saved
all his earnings he might have been a mil
llonaire. His most successful operas wero
"Nero, "The Maccabees," and In Russia
"The Demon. Of his symohonles, the
greatest are tho "Dramatic" and tho
"Ocean." To the general public he
most iavoramy Known by nis songs,
which are pervaded by a charming Orten
tal coloring, and by his piano pieces.
Six Story Store House Burns.
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. 20. The big six-story
brick store house at Benson and Leonard
streets, belonging to E. 8. JafTrey & Co
the dry goods firm, was burned tonight
L,oss, ;tu,uw; partiauy insured.,
The Boston museum will be controlled
next season by Rich & Harris and Charles
Nebraska Republicans will demand that
the legislature recount the votes cast In
the recent state election.
Packer Nelson $Iorrls gave $10,000 bail
in Chicago under an Indictment for vlo
latlng the interstate commerce law.
Poisoned flour in cookies mado sick and
almost killed the ten members of Martin
and Herman Basse B families at Vandalla,
While resisting arrest In New York
Bernard Buchhoerst murdered Policeman
J. H. Kellar and narrowly escaped lynch
Bootes of Captain L. Brooke, of Pine
City, and an unknown man have been
found In tho ashes of last Septembers'
torest nres in Minnesota.
It Is legal to reproduce photographs of
the late Inventor of steam engines, George
H. Corliss. Bo Judge Colt has decided in
Boston, regardless or the Corliss family
Burglars stole the 400-pound safe owned
by Mrs. Cornelia Lewis, of Brooklyn, and
he advertises: "Fifty 'dollars reward
and no questions asked, for return of tho
valuable papers.
When Shoemaker John Bannon's llt le
daughter Nellie wont to bring hli.hino
from his shou Irrmew York, she found
that he had cut his throat to escape the
effects oi nara limes
A row of miners' dwellings at Port Mo.
rlen, Cape Breton, N. B., were destroyed
by tire at noon yesterday. A largo num
ber of families are rendered homeless, but
are being cared ror. The intense cold
however. Is causing much suffering,
Wife Who Finds Her Husband with His
Skull Cracked Open May Die from
the Shock Scenes at the
Mouth of the Mine.
By the United Press.
SteubenvUle, O., Nov. 20.
By an explosion of com dust this
fternoon In the Blanche coal mines,
near Colliers, West Virginia, seven
miles east of SteubenvUle, seven men
ere killed and four badly Injured.
The killed were: Michael Roney,
Thomas Jordan, Thomas Tucker, David
Rowlands, John Donnelly, Antonio
atti, Mazzle Gessldo,
The injured were: Jose Rifle, Raphael
Neckie, Jasper Lawrence, Thomas Mor
Tho disaster occurred in No. 9 entry,
000 yards from the mouth, and was
caused by a new Italian hand firing an
over-charge blast, which ignited the
dust. There were forty-eight men in
the mine at the time. After the explo
sion a terrific whirl of wind followed
Donnelly and Roney were going' tow
ard the entrance. Tho force of the ex
plosion blew them nearly 100 yards out
of the mouth of the mine and landed
Roney on the track, killing him, while
Donnelly landed In a gully, Btrikln;
his head against a post, spilling his
brains all over it. Ills wife was the
first to find him, and she swooned away
and may die of the shock.
Hundreds crowded about the mouth
of the mine, where some tragic and sor
rowful scenes were enacted. A rescu
ing party volunteered and went in after
the bodies and brought them out. The
sight of the dead men caused several
women to swoon away. Prosecuting
Attorney Colton and Coroner Wilklns,
now of Wellsburg, arrived shortly after
tne accident and took charge of the
bodies. They will conduct a rlirid in
estlgation, as this Is the second acci
dent of this kind that has occurred at
this mine, the other on Nov. 21. 1892
when three men were killed and seven
burned and injured. The state mine
inspector will be there tomorrow and
his report will show where the blame
Is to be attached.
William Davis was in the mine entry
M feet from the entrance. When he
heard the explosion he laid down near
the rib of the mine and the whirlwind
carrying rocks, fire, air and death,
passed over him. An empty car stand.
ing at the entrance was blown 250 yards.
The miners blame the accident on the
nexperlenccd Italian miners and de
Clare they will not work with them any
Three People Are Killed in a Collision Be
tween u Light Carriuge and a Philadel
phla it Heading F.ngine.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 20. A south bound
accommodation train on the Chestnut
Hill branch of the Philadelphia and
Heading railroad ran Into a two horse
carriage containing John Horace Meac-
ham, aged 70 years, his wife and Mrs.
Harriet Smyth, at 10:35 o'clock this
morning at the East Washington lane
crossing in Gcrmantown.
Mr. Meacham was killed, as was also
Patrick Lacy, aged 67 years, the watch
man at the crossing, who had seized
tne horses heads and endeavored to
back them off the .track. Mrs. Meacham
received a fractured skull and died
Ohortly afterward. Mrs. Smyth was
slightly injured. Both horses were kill
ed outright and the vehicle was smash
ed to pieces.
The train left Chestnut Hill at 10:25
o'clock and was to have stopped at Wal
nut Lane station, but a short distance
from where the accident occurred. It
Is supposed that Mr. Meacham, who was
driving the team did not hear the ap
preaching train and was not aware of
the danger until he had driven upon the
Engineer Morris Lacy, states that he
did not see Hie team until within two
car lengths of the crossing. He then
saw tho horses on the track with the
watchman, Patrick Lacy, at their
heads and endeavoring to back them,
The engineer blew the whistle and re-
versed the lever, but the collision could
not be averted and the watchman and
the team were struck and hurled some
distance away.
M. Meacham was a retired business
man and lived In the vicinity. The
watchman had been In the employ of
the company for about twenty years,
and he wa3 killed within a few feet of
his home.
Number 11, of the Lehigh Navigation
Company, Is Burning.
By the United Press.
Mauch Chunk, Pa., Nov. 20. Number
11 colliery of the Lehigh Coal and Navi
gntiou lom.iany, !o;ate letween Lans-
ford and Taniuqua, is on fire. The lire
started at 3 o'clock this morning. It
or'slnatcd in the -lamp house at th
f lot of the shaft, six hundred feet under
ground. The flames spread rapidly an
the entire mine will have to be flooded
before the Are can be extinguished.
Only three men were in the mine at
the time. Their escape by means of the
shaft was cut off but they reached th
surface through the steam pipe Bhaft
which is very steep and narrow. Over
300 men are thrown out of employment
The Phenomenon for Which Astronomers
llavo Closely Watched.
By the United Press.
Boston, Nov. 20. A dispatch received
from Perclval Lowell, at the Lowell
observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, say
that the canals of Mars, as observed
last night, had begun to double and
that Phlson and Euphrates were seen
geminated. The duplication of the
canals of the planet Mars ls.a tihenom
enon for which astronomers have been
watching with a great deal of Interest.
It was first observed by the Itallun as.
tronomer, Schlaparelll, quite a number
of years ago. He announced that some
of the stralghtest lines, whlchi are
known as canals, were to be seen ae
companled by a parallel line, as If an.
other canal existed beside the first.
The cause of the duplication la by no
oung Men Are Trying to Earn $10,000
on a Wager.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Nov. 20. The footsore and
weary travelers who will attempt to
walk around the world, arrived here
estprday. They are Gus Koegel and
Fred Thoemer, who set out June 10
om San Francisco.
The trip is hiring made to win a wager
several San Francisco sporting men
putting up $10,000 against $6,000 wager
ed by the pedestrians. The trip is to be
made within two years and the pair
believe they can do it In twenty-two
months. They have the signatures of
the governors and the prominent
oiBcials of the states through which
they have passed. They will continue
their Journey In the morning.
It Drops from a Ten-Story Building to an
Kdifice Below,
By the United Press.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Hurled by a fu
rious blast of wind a section of heavy
sheet Iron smoke stack was lifted from
the top of the 10-story Boyce building
this morning and crushed through the
sky-light of a 1-story building adjoin
ing in the rear and occupied by the
Title Guaranty and TruBt company.
Eight persons, who were Immediately
underneath the skylight, , "were injured.
The most seriously injured was Taylor
Snow, a real estate agent, who sus
tained a deep scalp wound, producing
concussion of the brain, probably fatal.
he Anarchist Renounces the l'aithl'hut
He Kmbraccd Sometimo Ago and Be
comes Blasphemous us Before.
By the United Press.
Barcelona, Nov, 20.
The governor of the prison went this
afternoon to the call of Salvador
Franeh, the chief conspirator in the
Lyceum theater outrage, and read to
him his death warrant. Some time ago
Franeh declared his penitence and was
admitted to a monastic order. Later
he became as blasphemous as ever.
Nevertheless, two priests hnd accom
panied the governor to offer the anar
chist consolation. One of them ap
proached him immediately after the
eadlng of the death warrant.
"Hurrah for anarchy," shouted
Franeh, stepping back.
But you declared your repenltence
and conversion to the true religion,"
exclaimed the priest.
"That was all nonsense," replied
Franeh. "Now get away from me, und
don't "show me your ugly features
Franeh was taken to a cell near the
place of execution and was chained to
the wall. He fought so uavagely that it
required three guards to handle him.
After soldiers had been on guard with
fixed bayonets, they appealed to him
again to confess. "I don't need you;
get away," was the only response.
Franeh became calmer and talked to
the guards concerning an execution of
an anarchist he had witnessed. He also
asked the warden to explain the me
chanism of the garrote. He said that
he would face death bravely, adding
that he did not care what was done
with his body. He will be executed to
morrow morning.
The crime for which French will
suffer death was committed on the
night of Nov. 7, 1893, in the magnificent
Lyceum theater in Barcelona. On that
night 4,000 persons had assembled to
hear the opera "William Tell." At the
height of the performance two bombs
were thrown to the ground floor from
one of the upper galleries. One of the
bombs exploded. The effect of the ex
plosion was awful. Fifteen persons
were killed instantly and fifteen others
so badly injured that they died In thp
course of the night and following day.
Besides these about eighty persons
were hurt, some very severely. Sal
vador Franeh, alias Santiango Salva
dor, was traced to (he city of Sarag-
ossa and was arrested there on Jan. 1.
Terrible Results of the EarthuuuLe in
Southern Italy.
By the United Press.
Rome, Nov. 21. The deaths caused by
the earthquakes In Southern Italy and
Northern Italy are now known to num
ber more than 400. In Procopio alone,
200 were killed.
Forty-eight bodies have been recov
ered from the ruins of the church, and
several bodies are still under the fallen
Ytultj .Lumbermen &H1 Three Negro
1 Laborers.
By the United Press.
Birmingham, Nov. 20. The white la
borers employed at Williams' lumber
camp In Escambia county objected to
the presence of -fifty negroes who had
Just been brought In, and last fired
into a party of them, killing three.
The remainder of the negroes fled
from the camp.
Falling from a railroad trestle at
Clair, Charles Whetstone was killed.
William Yardy was smothered to death
by a sudden rush of coal at Shenandoah.
The Schuylkill Electric Railway com
puny will erect a $100,000 power house In
Rev. Addison B. Collins, of PhlladelDhla.
has been Installed a pastor of Lewlsburg
rresoytenan cnurcn.
Heirs of the late John Barnum began
suit at Pottsville to recover $10,000 from
Levi Miller & Co. ror coal royalties.
A convention of lawyers has been
called to meet at Harrlsburg In January
10 organize a biuib oar organization,
As two pastors claim the Trinity United
Brethren church pulpit at Lebanon, the
trustees fear a clash and permit no ser
vices .. '
h'The wife of JelTerson Beashalts and
three children, at Pottstown, were badly
poisoned by eating wild root, but all will
Illness caused by eating an apple In.
duced Mrs. Edward A. Prodell. of Leb
anon, to vomit, a blood vessel was rup
tured and she bled to death,
f Frank Boyd and Samuel Gordon, of Phil
adelphia, convicted of various burglaries
In Lancaster, were Bentonced yeBterday,
Boyd, to fifteen years and Gordon to ten
years la the Eastern penitentiary.
This Band of Latter Day Patriots xMcans
Buslncss-Tlie Members Will Shout
for Free Trade iu the Last Ditcb
Regardless of Party Tics
By the United Press.
Boston, Nov. 20.
The first meeting and banquet of the
season of the New England Tariff Re
form league was held this evening at
the Copley square hotel. The object of
the dinner was to consider the adoption
of amendments to tho constitution,
changing the name of the organization
to the New England Free Trade league,
and so revising the articles as to make
the following statement of the leagues
object: "The object of the league Bhall
be to free our trade, our industries and
our people from all tariff taxes, except
those imposed fop revenue only.
"Its method shall be to enlist the con
science, Intelligence and patriotism of
England against the system called pro
tection, which at the dictation of organ
ized wealth, taxes the whole American
people for the benellt of the few."
William Lloyd Garrison, In his ad
dress, heartily favored the amend
ments, and gave his reasons therefor
at length as follows:
Personally I could have wished that we
were advanced enough to adopt the lirst
amendment proposed without deeming it
necessary to add the second, but I feel
sure as wo near our goal a truer and wider
definition of free trade will obtain, and
that indirect taxes for revenue will tlnd
no economic support when protection dies.
Today, however, the sentiment of our
league has not reached that point, and tho
second amendment Justly represents the
limit to which the majority of our mem
bers are willing to commit themselves.
The proposed change will help to liberate
us from party shackles to which we
have been too much subjected. Our very
policy has been dictated often in the In
terest of a party and we have been Im
plored to abate our Interest against tho
protective evil for feur that it might
Impair the rlionces for some aspirant tor
congress, or secure some timid represen
tative from voting our way.
We have recently had an object lcsBon
to show us what compromise and tim
idity accomplish. The Democratic party
was elected on a plank exactly tallying
with the Becond amendment we offer to
night. The majority of the voters of the
country approved It. Had the adminls
t ration attempted to carry It out to the
letter, the party might have lieen In exile,
as it Is today, but it would have had the
comforting companionship of self-respect
and the assurance of ultimate success in
the near future.
We are not a political party; wo are not
In search of offices; we ure not dismayed
when majorities go against us. We know
that our feet stand upon an eternal prln
clple and arc sure that in the long run
principles never fall to vindicate thein
selves. We hitch our wagon to a star
Our sole function Is to educate the minds
of men and to change mistaken convlo
tions. The political atmosphere may be
molting with fervent heat, but It Is for us
to stand In the cool atmosphere of truth
and to point out that, whether men will or
will not, there Is no deviation in tho work
Ing of the moral law. To transgress Is to
suffer ami Its benign reign can never be
brought about too quickly.
President Henry W. Lambin, opening
the meeting, spoke generally of what the
policy of the league should be. "Pass this
declaration," he said, "and hereafter
when tariff reformers are called tree
traders let thein stand by It and face the
His Kcmuins I.ulJ at ltcst In Princeton
By the United Press.
Princeton, N. J., Nov. 20. The body of
Dr. McCosh was laid at rest In the
Princeton cemetery this afternoon with
simple but Impressive ceremonies. Tho
undergraduate body of the students,
numbering more than 1,000, marched to
the McCosh residence and escorted the
hearse to the Marquand chapel.
President Patton opened the services
with a short prayer which was followed
by a hymn und reading of the scripture.
Dean Murray followed with a eulogy of
the Christian character of the ex-presl-dent.
Dr. Henry Van Dyke, of New
York, delivered an address sketching
the life of Dr. McCosh.
Melunuholy Mun's Throat Cut from Ear
Ey the United Press.
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 20. The mystery
which has surrounded the disappear
ance a week ago of Landls Kostetter, a
prominent young man of this city, was
cleared up tonight by the discovery of
his .dead body In Little Conestoga
Ho3tetter's throat was cut from ear
to ear, and It was undoubtedly a case
of suicide. Hostetter started for work
last Tuesday, but never turned up at
his place of business. He had been
melancholy lately on account of ill
llungnrian Woman Who Witnessed the
Death of Her lliishnnd Is I'nbalanccd.
By the United Press.
Allentown, Pa., Nov. 20. The express
on the Lehigh Valley railroad due here
at 7 a. m. struck and Instantly killed
two Hungarians who were walking on
the track near White Haven this morn
ing. Hoth of the men were frightfully
mutllHted and the wife of one of them,
who was a witness of their death, was
driven Insane by the dreadful sight and
was with difficulty prevented by the
trainmen from committing suicide.
Sunday School Pupils Did Not Want e
i. Murderous Teacher.
By. the United Press.
Sharon, Pa., Nov. 20. Kmerson Os
born, of Sandy Lake, who was arrested
last Friday and confessed to an assault
on Mrs. Samuel Jack, of Kllgore, was
released on ball. Last Sunday he en
tered the Irwin Cumberland I'resbyte
rlan church and created a sensation by
taking up his former position as in
structor of a Sunday school class. This
did not satisfy the class and they raised
objections 'nnd a substitute was ob
tained. In the afternoon the directors
of the church held a meeting and Os
born was compelled to make a confes
Bion of his relations with Mrs. Jack In
Cause of a Murderous Assault on a Bhino
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 20. Gustave Goet
bert lies at his home In this city in
danger of death from the effects of a
beating received at the hands of John
W. Priestly and Michael Harklns. The
affair was the outgrowth of a visit paid
by Goetbert, who Is a piano dealer, to
Priestly's house on Nov. 10 for the pur
pose of tuning a piano. Priestly's 1.1-year-old
daughter was In the room and
Goetbert picked her up and kissed her.
When Priestly came home and heard
of this he immediately set out to give
the piano dealer a beating.
Goetbert said that he did nothing but
kiss the little girl. Priestly and Hark
lns are held In Jail without ball.
Well Known EdIscoduI Clercvman Ex.
pires at Clifton.
By the United Press. ..
Trenton, N. J., ..ov. 20. Rev. Allx
Shiras, a retired Episcopal clergyman,
died tuday at Clifton, Pa., after a long
Illness. He was born at Mount Holly,
N. J., In. 1813, and graduated from the
theological Bemlnary at Alexandria,
He married Francis Adams Butler.
daughter of the late Steuben Butler, of
Wllkes-Eurre, Ta. After the war he
held a position In the bureau of educa
tion at Washington for some twenty
Governor Pattison Has Issued No Writ
for Special Election.
By the United press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 20. Governor
Pattison has not yet issue.l a writ for
a special election to fill the vacancy in
the Fifteenth district caused by the
death of Congressman Wright.
Ihe vacancy may not be filled until
the regular February election.
European Capitalists Are Anxious to In-
vest In American Securities, but the
Cold In This Country Is Slow.
By the United press.
New York, Nov. 20.-J. Pierpoht Mor
gan has been In consultation today
with a number of bankers with a view
to ascertaining how much gold Drexel,
Morgan & Co. can obtain from the
banks before putting In the firm's bid
for the new issue of bonds. If the gold
can be obtained the firm will take a
large block of the bonds. Speaking of
the position of the private bankers on
the question of the new bond issue,
Kuhn, Loeb & Co. said today:
"As soon as the government invited
subscriptions for bonds various Euro
pean subscription orders were received
with Instructions to draw exchange
against these subscriptions. Exchange
Is payable under the existing custom iu
current funds and not in gold. To ob
tain gold. If the banks should refuse to
give up gold to the dealers no other way
Is left to draw it out of the treasury. It
will not do for foreign bankers to cuble
their European correspondents that no
gold is readily obtainable, for .the ex
change drawn to pay for bond sub
scriptions. Such a course would result
In the greatest Injury and distrust
abroad. No Individual banker should
therefore be blamed if he draws gold
from the treasury if he cannot secure
the necessary gold to pay for bond sub
scriptlons from the bankB. Tho re.
sponslblllty should attach solely to the
banks who have been using the ma
chineryof thelrnatlonalcharters for the
purpose of hoarding gold, and since the
banks have no gold obligations out
standing, now that the government re
quires the gold, they should either sub
scribe for the bonds themselves or furn
ish gold freely to their dealers who
desire to subscribe."
It Is understood that the presidents of
the local banks will confer tomorrow on
the question of subscriptions to the new
Again T.Iectcd to Preside Over the Wo
man's Christian Temperance Union.
By the United Press.
Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 20-Af today's
session of the A'. C. T. U. Miss Frances
E. WUlard was unanimously re-elected
president. Mrs. Lillian N. M. Stevens,
of Maine, who has been recording secre
tary of the union since 18S0. was elected
vice-president and Mrs. Katherlne L.
Stevenson, of Chicago, was elected cor
responding secretary to succeed Mrs.
Woodridge, deceased.
Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, former assist
ant, was elected recording secretary
and Mrs. Frances Beecham, of Ken
tucky, her assistnat. Mrs. Helen M.
Baker was re-elected treasurer.
Hichard AUGuy, a Night Watchman, Fa
tally Wounded.
By the United Press. i
Morrlstown, Pa., Nov. 20. Richard
McGay, night watchman at the DeKalb
street bridge, was dangerously wounded
this evening by being shot by an un
known Italian. The latter was about
to cross the bridge with a drawn, revol
ver In his hand. McGay spoke to him
about carrying the weapon, when the
Italian wheeled about and shot him In
the left breast. The Italian then made
his escape.
McGay was removed 1o his home In a
critical condition and is not expected to
Gctz Gets Fourteen Years.
By tho United Press.
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 20. Alfred Gets,
a colored Welsh mountain desperado, con
victed of criminally assaulting Mary
Steffy, over W) years old, was this morn'
Ing sentenced to fourteen years and nine
months In the eastern penitentiary.
Captain Glass Bays the cruiser Cincin
nati struck a wreck, and It will tako six
weeks to repair her.
The president has extended the beneilts
of the civil service to employes of postal
transfer sub-stations.
Generally fair; warmer; south winds.
Offered at Prices Far BcIgw
Their Real Value,
80 Children's School Umbrellas,
2C or 28-inch, natural wood or ox
idized handles, at 43o.
100 Ladies' Umbrellas, "Extra
Gloria," 26-inch Paragon frame,
beautiful line handles, $1.00.
40 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled
Union Silk, natural wood, rubbei)
and horn handles, $1.75.
60 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled
Union Silk, black, brown, navy
garnet and green, handles, small
Dresden knobs, Ivory, natural root
or fancy bent sticks, with neat
silver trimmings, $2.25. $2.73,
$3.25 and 3.75.
100 Gent's Umbrellas, English
Gloria, 75c; Silk Gloria, $1.00;
Union Twilled Silk, $1.50 and $2;
Extra Union Twilled Silk, $2.50,
$3.00 and $3.05; sizes 28, 30 and
32-inch. Handles finest imported
natural sticks, Weichsel, Congo,
Scotch furze, French oak, acacia
and olive, in bulbs, hooks, crooks
and roots.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave,
Wholesale and RetaiL .
313 Spruce Street.
Telephone, No. 4633.
We will have wet weather. We
will furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful invest'
314 Wyoming Avenue.
HAVE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily,
to call and see our fine line of
Jewelry and Novelties, whether
you buy or not.
N. B. Look at our show windows u9
you pass.