The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Arc banded over to our patrons
tbut they may know what the
goods are made of, where they
come from and what they are
good for.
No mysteries, no evasions,
no nonsense, but simply
straightforward, doing the
proper thing at the proper
Fur Capes
Rich, high class goods, at prices
mat me uui surpassed! ior muuer
27-incli Astrakhan Capes, $18.50
Were $25.00,
There is almost no end to the bar'
gains in this department.
The colors and sty leg are all beau
tiful, the harmony of color in the
combination of effects is a w on
derful creation of the artist's
Children's Black Wool
Hose, 25c.
Women's Black Wool
Hose, 25c.
Women's Black Hose,
Fleeced, 35c.
Grand Depot.
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
Dr. Reeves Is now fully established at
12 Spruce street, Scranton. He hus per
formed wine wonderful cures and has
gained the confluence of the public. He
has come .to stay and will remain PER
MANENTLY at his Spruce street parlors.
He has had long and vai led experience In
hospital and private practice and treats
all acute and chronic diseases of men, wo
men and children.
He gives advice, Bervlces and examina
tions FREE OF CHARGE. No one Is
turned away.
He, with his assistants, treat nil dis
eases of the nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy, in
discretions and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, Bcrofula, St. Vtas' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS The
doctor has discovered a specific for this
dreaded disease. You can tieat and cure
yourself and family with It at home. It
never fails ,to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOURS-Dally 9 a. m. to 9 o.
m. ; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator In Christian's Hat Store,
or Btairs.
Remember the name and number.
Oil Cloths,
Window Shades and
Wall Paper.
All the Latest Designs.
J. Scott Inglis
(our doors above Wyoming House.
Henry Zlegler. of Smlthvllle, has com
menced a suit In ejectment against the
Wllkes-Barre and Eastern Railroad
company. He has retained Attorneys
E. A. Lynch and John T. Lenahan to
conduct Ills case. The suit Is the out
come of trouble arising In consequence
of the defendant's taking possession of
a certain lot of land belonging to the
plaintiff and appropriating It for Its
own use.
Considerable excitement occurred
Saturday afternoon on North Main
street. It was occasioned by the ap
pearance of an outraged husband, a de
tective and a constable at the house
adjoining the Adams brick building at
the foot of Parsonage street and which
has been occupied for the past three
months by a man and woman who were
known to the neighbors by the name
of Wilson. The woman Is the wife of a
well-to-do German residing In Wllkes
Barre, and Is the mother, according to
the husband's story, of five small
children. In January last she eloped
with Wilson and the couple's where
abouts had ever since remained a mys
tery. The discarded husband employed
detectives, who tracked the couple to
New York and Philadelphia. The de
tectives located the couple In the latter
city, but when about ready to arrest
them they found their prey had flown.
It appears the couple came to this place
and after looking about for quarters
settled In the house alluded to. Wilson
since coming here has worked In the
mines at Duryea. His financial condi
tion, It would appear, is not what it
might be, for not only was the erring
woman required to work for him, but
for two boarders also. The woman, It
appears, had a mania for watching
street cars. Every time the cars passed
the door Bhe could be seen ' by the
passengers eyeing the occupants. It
was while doing this a Wllkes-Earrean
aboard the car recognized her and In
formed her husband, who had about
given tip all hope of finding her. The
couple were taken to Wllkes-Barre for
a hearing.
The Clear Spring shaft, which has
been Idle since the accident, will resume
operations this morning.
WllllamA. colliery of Conneli & Co.
at Duryea was the scene of a slight tras
explosion yesterday morning. The ex
plosion occurred In a chamber worked
by several Polos. Mine Foreman James
Jones ordered the men not to enter the
chamber, but they disregarded his or
ders. On going Into the chamber the
fjume of their naked lamp ignited the
gas and the explosion followed. ' The
men escaped with slight Injuries.
Mrs. Alexander Law, of South Main
street, who has been a patient sufferer
for some time past with a troublesome
ailment, will undergo an operation at
the Wllkes-Barre hospital during the
present week In the hope of reguinlng
her health.
"Cell 22" will be the next attraction
at Music hall. It will be presented by
Madam Manvllle and her son tomor
row evening, supported by an excellent
Misses Pollv nnd 1A7.7p Cn litis nf
Wlnton, were callers In town last Sun
day. Regular communication of Oriental
Star lodge, Free and Accepted Masons,
will be held this evening.'
The committee that was appointed to
solicit for the purpose of organizing a
fire comnanv reDorted hist Sntnnlnv
evening that they had got signers to
the amount of $240.25, and the promise
Of COnsldpl'nVtlp mnrp H.nmrilou nf hnaa
of different sizes was presented by sev
eral hose companies. The size that was
nirreed on was the 21A Inch with ennn.
lings seven threads to the Inch. C. H.
lieattys, w. j. uroad ana v. S. Bloes
were appointed a committee to draw ui
a copy of by-laws. Another meeting
will be held next Saturday evening at
7.30 O'clock for organizing at the hnint
of M. D. Betts, on Main street.
Miss Minnie Warner left yesterday to
Bliend the winter with her slatup Mia
Tanner, at Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Jones left
yesterday to visit with relatives ut
Mrs. A. W. Brnndflpp rotnmorl va.
terdav after several wwU-a visiting with
friends In New Jersey .
The Riverside and Ontario breaker
and the Consumers' Powder
will pay today.
In .Meinurlura.
We. the members of th Tmnrmnui
Order of Red Men, of Peekvllle, Pa.,
have been called upon to fulfil a sor
rowful but a noble dutv. We lmv harm
called upon to mourn the loss of one of
our most active and conscientious mem
bers. David E. Stearns, nnd til nfP,r tn
his bereaved family the sympathy of
our brotherhood. But a short time
since he, who Is the occasion of our sor
rows, occupied the highest position In
the gift of the tribe and the performing
of his duties was the admiration of all.
But the life which seemed bo promising
has gone out and we again ne'e the
transitoryness of all things here below.
His admonitions to his comnanlnna in
life were: Take warning of me, avoid
my errors, cultivate the virtues I have
chosen, and would you rescue any
thing from final dissolution, lav It ud in
Whereas, The Great Spirit In the wla.-
dispensation of his providence, has by
suddeu death called from the midst of
his usefulness and In the nrl nip nf mn m
hood our well beloved brother, David
E. Stearns, and
Whereas, His death has mn.lp a M.
vancy In the councils of this order
which time cannot fill or man rpnlnnp
Whereas, It Is our dutv to the mm.
ory of our brother that we, the surviv
ing members of thl3 brntherhnnH u.i,.-.
have so often listened to his words of
wisdom and council, should express In
a becoming manner our appreciation of
the brother and the Irreparable loss this
order has sustained.
Resolved, That we extend our warm
est sympathy and condolence to his be
reaved family. ,
Resolved, That as a tribute of respect
to the memory of our deceased brother
the charter of our lodge be draped for
a period of thirty days and published In
the Scranton Tribune.
A. II. Jenkins,
, . George Cooper,
' H. E. Barnes,
' i .1 . Committee.
Bauers' orchestra, of Scranton, will
furnish the music for the hop at the
Central theatre, Wednesday evening
Nov. 21.
The Amity Social club Is noted for Its
hospitality and cordial treatment of
visitors. The reception to be given those
who attend .their annual hop at the
Armony on Thanksgiving eenlng will
be no exception to the rule end a grand
old fashioned good time Is assured all.
A largo number of Invitations have been
issued and a large attendance Is expect
ed, not only from Honesdule but from
neighboring towns.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crossley, jr.,
returned to their home in Forest City
The last permit fur boats to come up
the oanal was given out Saturday. This
week Will probably end the boating for
the season. .
Miss Margaret Maule Is seriously 111
at her home on Second street.
George S. Dunn Is In Syracuse on
business connected with the Syracuse
Safety Investment and Loan associa
tion, of which he Is state airent.
The Epworth league ut the Methodist
Episcopal church gave a very success
ful social last evening.
A number from here attended the lec
ture under the auspices of the Masonic
lodge In Carbondale last evening.
Night school opened last night with a
good attendance. Professor Bovard
and Miss Grace Squires are In charge.
Oscar C. Smith camp. No. 2S4, will
give a bean bake in Klnback's hall
Wednesday evening.
William Osborne spent Sunday with
friends In Kingston.
J. C. Turner Is a candidate for the
position of "Keeper of Arsenal" under
Governor-elect Hastings.
The Temperance band will give an
entertainment In Enterprise hall Wed
nerday evening. The proceeds to be
used In paying for their new uniforms.
The admission has been placed at "j
cents; this will Include a chance on a
$5 door prize. Thomas Bousedy will act
as chairman. The programme Is as fol
lows: Selection, Mozart band; song,
John Jlowarth; cornet solo, Willie
Rowe; selection, quurtette; violin solo,
Thoma3 E11I4; duett, Lizzie and Nora
Powell; song, Samuel Tinner; violin
duett, Hannah Murphy, Thomas Ren
nle, sr.; selection, Mozart band; song,
John Nalzby; recitation, Mamie Doley;
duett, Lizzie and Nora Powell; solo,
Richard Hawkins; violin duett, Hannah
Murphy, Thomas Rennle, sr.; sketch,
colored troupe; selection, quartette.
Mrs. Fred Soby and daughter Glad
dls are visiting In Forest City.
Have you seen the new cars of the
Electric Transit company. They are
beauties and so comfortable.
John Rawlings returned yesterday
after a three monthB' vinit with friends
In England.
The entertainment under the auspices
of Division No. 10, Ancient Order of
Hibernians, In Enterprise hall last
evening was well attended.
William C. Nicholson bought the
property of the lute Henry Brown sold
at administrator's sale by order of the
C. L. Bell Is In Virginia and S. C.
Whltmore In Alaska, both looking up
some real estate investments.
The phonographic concert advertised
for Nov. 13 will begin at the same place
on Dec. 13. All tickets will be honored
on this date.
P. F. Flaherty, train dispatcher of
the Ontario and Western railroad, is
confined to the house by a very severe
The lodge of American Mechanics
will attend service In the Methodist
Episcopal church Sunday morning next.
The Epworth league will have charge
of the evening services. A Thanksgiv
ing offering will be received.
John Bliss, of Scranton; William
Jenkins, of Pittston, and John J. Samp
son, of Duryea, were Jermyn visitors
The Junior Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the Baptist church is making
preparations for a Thanksgiving enter
tainment, which will be held In the
chapel of the Tabernacle on Wednesday
evening, Nov. 28. The programme will
consist of a dialogue, recitations and
music, also during the evening light re
freshments will be served. The pro
ceeds of the evening will be devoted to
the Christmas offering, w hich each por
tion of the church Is working to make a
large amount and thereby reduce the
church debt. The first rehearsal was
held last evening In the chapel. Among
the juniors who will take part In the
above entertainment are Misses Anna
Watklns, Sadie Watklns, Minnie Her
bert, Blanch Hubbard, Mamie Jone3,
Anna Chilton, Stella Morgan, Maggie
Lewis, Allle Bates, Allle Watkins and
Masters James Kcglar, Ray Tallman
and little brother.
James McComb, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
McComb, of Garfield avenue.
Harry Bennett, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with his mother In this city.
Benjamin Bachman, of Wllkes-Barre,
spent Sunday with his family In this
city, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
P. Hallock, of Gilbert street.
On Friday evening of this week a cot
tage prayer meeting v.ill be held at the
home of Samuel Llngfelter, on Ulrkett
street, under the auspices of the Bap
tist Christian Endeavor society.
Mrs. Charles A. Hall, of Elmlra, N. Y.,
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ralph Lis
ter, of Washington street.
Frank Rickering, of Scranton, spent
Sunday In this city.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Bap
tist mission will serve their regular
monthly supper on Wednesday after
noon and evening of this week, at the
home of Mrs. Lewis Correll, corner of
Tenth avenue and Spring street. Sup
per will be served for 10 cents. , All are
Diamond lodg,e, No. 20, .Shield of
Honor, will hold their third anniversary
masquerade ball this evening In the V.
W. Watt building.
Mrs. E. R. Gardner, a former 6llfford
lady, died at an early hour yesterday
morning at her home In Montrose.
Joseph Palamountaln, the lS-year-old
son of Mrs. Jane Palamountaln, of
Simpson, and who, It was found, had
hidden for several days without food In
the old Butler breaker near his home,
since his return to his home he had the
greatest care with the hope in view that
he would again regain his reason; but
he steadily grew worse and within. the
past few days has become violently In
sane. Today the Fell township poor
authorities will have him tuken to the
state asylum for the Insane at Warren.
Mrs. J. E. Watt and daughter, Clara,
are visiting Mrs. Watt's parents," In
Wllkes-Barre. ,
Frank L. Smith and daughter, Lois,
are on a few days visit with friends In
Rochester and Johnstown, N. Y.
Mrs. Charles O. Mellon has returned
to her home on Lincoln avenue, after a
pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs.
Bartlet, In Illinois.
Miss Ida Mitchell, of Plttston, Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kel
low, of Eighth avenue.
Mothers ! Mothers ! 1 Mothers ! ! !
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing gyrup hni
been used for over fifty yeurs by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums,' allays all
pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best
remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists
in every part of the world. Be sure and
ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'i Soothing; Syrup,"
and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. ,
Edward Gallagher, of Miner's Hill, a
pioneer resident of Mlnooka, died Sun
day night at 12.30 o'clock after a pro
longed Illness. The deceased was about
70 yeara of age and was a much respect
ed citizen, beloved by all who knew
him. He Is survived by two daughters
and three sons. The funeral will take
place on Wednesday morning at 9
o'clock. A high mass of requiem will
be Bolemniezed at St. Joseph's Catholic
church. Interment will be made In Ml
nooka Cathojlc cemetery.
Mis. James Hart, of Sayre, Pa., who
has been visiting here for the past two
weeks, returned home yesterday. y
Miss Ruth Wldeman spent Sunday at
her home In Fleetvllle.
Walter Reynolds made a flying busi
ness trip to Scranton Monday.
Mrs. Charles Brower ls suffering from
a severe attack of quinsy. Charles
Waiter, principal of the graded school.
Is ill with pneumonia, and Walter
Tourpe is also confined to his home.
Miss Gertrude Northup, who has been
confined to her room for the past three
weeks by sickness, is no better at this
Aciile fcimaiism
Months of Suffering -Hood's
Sarcaparilla Cured
Mr. oah J. Horner
Etahlitown, Fenti.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
" Gentlemen : Four years last January I wai
taken down with sub-acute rheumatism which
located at tlio base of the brain. It was eight
weeks leis one day before I was able to walk
out of the house and after mouths of suffering
and much pain I feared
I Would Never Bo Well. '
My physician udvised me to use Hood's Sarsa
parillu. After tailing It la half doses for two
weeks I felt better, so at different times after
wards I used It awhile and during the last year
I have again been restored to invigorated hcallh
by It. I attribute my restoration to health to
the use of Hood's Sarsapiirllla. My sou hasliad
catarrh since quite young and last summer
while attending school he used two bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparllia and said it did hiin more
food than ho realized from $100 for prescrip
lons, etc." Noah J. Hokner, Postmaster and
General Merchant, Stalilstown, henosylvania.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, ludlgestloo.
Thl.Fnmna. Kcmcdv euros quickly and per
manently all nervous (M-ciikcf. such ao Weak
Memory, Lou of Hrain Power, llcnditclie, Wake
fulness, I.o.t Vitality, nlulit'y emissions, evil
ctreniiiH. Ini potency and tvnstlHK diseases caused by
youthful error or excesses. Contains no
oilalo8. In n nervo tonic unci tilnotl builder.
Makes tho pnlo and iunr stronaund plump. Kaslljr
carried In vest pocket. SI per box; lor By
mall prepaid wltn n written guarantee to cure or
money refunded. Write u for free medical
book, pent sen led In plain wrapper, which con.
tain3 testimonium and financial references. No
cliurgp for consultations. Flnvarc nf 4mfta
timiit. "told nr onr ndverilsed fluents, or nddrens
NKKVKNEKIM'O., MusoiilcTeiuplo.Chlcuso.
y w '-
Store Crowded All the Week with Enthu
siastic Buyers at the
Wc bought the stock of the Hyde Park Hat and Clothing store at Sheriffs
Sale, and arc selliiiK it at a great sacrifice. Sale now going on at the store,
1U S. 3IAIN AVENl'E, HYDE PKK. A great opportunity for the people
of Hyde Park and vicinity to make their whiter purchases in CLOTIILN'G at
veijr iuw puces.
2 for 25c.
Men's and Boys' Overcoats, listers, Suits, Joints, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Etc.,
at Your Own Price. Every Purchase a Genuine Bargain.
Sale at Hyde
Park Hat
Clothing Store
.114 S.
Main Avenue.
230 Lack. Ave.
Look for the Sign: BANKRUPT SALE.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers
liUlolINu ANU rUMPItSLS mAUrslritRT.
Having suffered from Dys
pepsia for three years. 1 de
cided to try Burdock Blood
BlTTBiss, and after mine one
bottle I found myself so much
better that I was encouraged
to utu another; after taking
this I find myself so fullv re
stored tbut I do not need any
more medicine, fflelinif truly
grateful to B. B. B.
Mus. Q. Win Li, '
Tab:rg, Oneida Co., N.T,
Manufacturers of the Celobratoi
CAPACITY : Barrels per Annum
Win, Linn Alton
& Co.
Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain
on New York Exchange and Chicago
Board of Trade, either for cash or on
412 Spruce Street.
6. duB. DIMKICK, Manager.
"Spectacles I"
Yes sir I We
have a specialist
here to fit you who
does nothing else.
Sit right down
i i
If F f eyes tted n a
' scientific manner.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
ose, and of all sizes, delivered lu any
part of the city at lowest price.
Orders left ut my Office
Rear room, ttrst floor, Third National
Bank' or sent by mail or telephone to tho
mine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will bo made for the
lale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
Ulsters EoysW2trc
Sale at Hyde
Park Hat
Clothing Store
Main Avenue,
RE, PA., Manufacturers of '
u nil
r. 7 ia
idhe rairjf;
gi'" 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. -
111 11 1 Ml:
Chenille Tab
6-4 Chenille Cover, $1.00 each; reduced from $1.25.
We also carry the 4-4 and 8-4 sizes.'
Chenille Draperies
An endless line of patterns. The low prices will as
tonish you,
Japanese Screens
Black and Gold, White and Gold and Light Colored
Cloth Screens.
Unfilled Oak Screen Frames
Oak Tables
75c, 90c, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50 each. These are
Great Bargains
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
Branch at Carbondale.'
NOV. 19, AT 8 O'CLOCK A. M,
""o inaugurate our annual "R00M-MAK1XG SALE" for our Xmas dis
play. One-lialf of our superb stock, comprising the choicest of all
departments, will have to be sold at almost any price, as our Holiday
Goods are arriving daily. This will bo good news for all and will
arouse pleasant anticipations in the minds of those fortunate ones who
secured great bargains last year at this sale. In anticipation of an un
usually large trade we have secured extra salesmen in all departments
and extra wagons to deliver,as we believe in delivering goods promptly
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling Antique Bcdsteads,Springs,
Mattress, Comfort and Pillow,
worth $15, for 7.50 entire outfit.
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling $15 Cook Ranges for $11;
best made.
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling $12 Sideboards for $6.75 1
Ant. Oak.
Salesmen will keep busy giving you all the credit you want and
giving you THAT Handsome Timepiece with purchases of $50, or a
Dinner Sijt of 100 Pieces with $75 purchases.
REMEMBERXext Monday, Nov. 19, at 8 o'clock, at the .
e Covers
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling 75c, English Brussel Car
pet for 4SC., new patterns,
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling $1.25 Lcae Curtains for 73c
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling 05c. Kitchen Chairs for S9C
Salesmen will keep busy
Selling the Finest and Heaviest
$48 Bedroom Suits for $25,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.