THE RCEANTON TKIBUKE TUESDAY MORKING. XOVEMBEH 20, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. The statement of shipments -of an thracite coal for the month of October shows a total of 4,136,859 tons, or only 388,804 tons less than were shipped In the same month last year. The Wyom ing region led with the largest reduction, 212,895 tons, while the Lehigh region was only short 41,024 tons of Its ship ments in October, 18M. The decrease in the Schuylkill region was 134,883. The October decrease makes the total reduc tion for the ten months 1,974,092, the to tals being 33,773,551 for 1894 and 35,747, 644 tons for 1S93, The stock of coal on hand at tidewater shipping points on Oct. 31 was less than on Sept. 30 by 80,284 tons, the decrease being from 812, 649 tons Sept. 30 to 732,365 tons on Oct. 81. Owing to the scarcity of curs, total shipments for the week ended Nov. 10 amounted to only 954,659 tons. Says the Philadelphia Press: "In New York stove coal has been sold at about J3.05a3.15 per ton, or 45 cents net below circular, and there is continual cutting of prices. In the meantime the com panles are sending coal to market with out reference to the demand, and this prevents free buying. When lake navi gation closes a further break In prices wll take place, unless the production Is lessened. As It Is, there Is not one an thracite coal carrying company which has earned the dividend it has been pay ing this year." The coke production and output has more than doubled In the past four months, and the indications are that the year's output will exceed that of 1893 nearly half a million tons, In spite of the paralytic effect of a six-months' strike. The September trade was big, yet the output for October is 65,000 tons great er. At this rate, the year's output will run to 5,500,000 tons. This has been ex ceeded but three times In the history of the Connellsvllle region. In 1S89 the out put was 6,825,826 tons; In 1890, it was 6,221,518 tons, and in 1892 It ran up to 6,300,691 tons, though the price was not so good as In 1890, when It averaged $2.08 per ton. The worst feature of this year's trade Is the price, which has been ruinous. The average has not been much, if any, over $1 per ton, and Is the lowest average price that has ever pre vailed. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: The Wellman Iron and Steel plant at Chester will be sold on Dec. 15. E. E. Berlin has resigned as train master of the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill railroad. ( The Brazilian government lias In creased Its order with the Brooks Lo comotive works to about 100 engines. The Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre engi neer corps are making a general survey of the Audenrled and Honey Brook In terior workings. The Pennsylvania lines west of Pitts burg have made arrangements whereby portions of mileage tickets can be de tached to pay excess baggage charges, A meeting of the committee of the Central Traffic association has been called to meet at Buffalo" Nov. 21, for the purpose of considering the com mission question. G. J. Grammar will, after Jan. 1, have the title of traffic manager of the Lake Shore. Tha Vanderbllt people are sur prised at the ability Mr. Grammar Is showing as a freight man. The Tresckow No. 2 stripping, which has been an Important source in sup plying , the Tresckow colliery for the past few years, Is exhausted and the employeshavebeen transferred to other places. . . v t Expectations of an Instantaneous Im provement In the Iron and steel trade after the election have not been borne out by the result. The business is still limited In volume and shows a tendency toward contraction rather than expan sion. On and after Jan. 1 Drexel, Morgan & Co. will be known as J. P. Morgan & Co., and In Philadelphia as Drexel & Co. Robert Bacon, of E. Rollins Morse & Co,, of Boston, will also be a member of the firm. Paris firm will be known as Morgan, Harjes & Co. According to the Philadelphia Record, "the anthracite trade Is In a fairly good condition, and Is said by Lackawanna officials to be better than It has been for a year or more." According to the Phil adelphia Inquirer, "The anthracite coal trade seems to be steadily growing worse Instead of better." Another case of great minds which disagree. The Lehigh Valley management lias ordered a rueductlon of 10 per cent, in all salaries over 11,000 per annum, to go Into effect Dec. 1. The order Is a persuance of a general policy to reduce expenses to the lowest limit consistent with a proper administration of the company's business. Wages and sal aries less than $1,000 will not be dis turbed. It has been currently reported for some time past, that the Jersey Central had made a complete Inventory of the stock of the Delaware, Susquehanna & Schuylkill. Only last week, says the Hazleton Sentinel, Mr. Twining, the di vision superintendent, walked over the entire road and made a close and care ful Inspection. Among railroad men the belief is generally that the, Central wlll securo control of the Delaware, Sus quehanna & Schuylkill next month. The outlook for the passage of a bill at the coming session of congress to re peal the anti-pooling clause of the In terstate Commerce act continues to Im prove, end It now looks as If such repeal can be regarded as an assured fact. Judge Reagan, of Texas, chairman or QOINQ TO CARLSBAD isn't necessary now. Carlsbad is coming to you. At . least,, the healh giving part of it is. You get every curative quality that has made the place famous for hun dreds of years in the Carlsbad Sprudel Water and Salt. That is, if you get the genuine. . Beware of the many worthless iiui tations sold as "improved" or "artili cial" Carlsbad Salt. These are only mixtures of common Glauber Salt or Seidlitz Powder, sold by unscrupulous dealers for the larger profit they yield, Take the, genuine imported natural remedy only, which has the signature of "Eisner 1 Mendclson Co.) Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. Write for pamphlet. lit l Commercial. the Railroad Commission oMhat state, believes that the law may be amended so as ta benefit both the" railroads and the people by allowing the railroads to enter Into traffic agreements with each other. In the Philadelphia Inquirer's opinion, the "threat of the Individual coal ope rators In the Lehigh Valley district to Invade the line markets is not consider ed as meaning more than a declaration that they want more money for their coal. They are now paid for their coal on the low basis ruling In the tidewater market, while their product is actually disposed of In the West or to the local trade, where higher prices are obtained. But little danger Is to be apprehended on this score, as the companies will never sacrlllce their local markets." The Delaware & Hudson and Erie & Wyoming rialroads have, says the Wllkes-Barre Times, obtained a new route for sending their coal quickly and cheaply to tide water. Arrangements have been made with theWllkes-Uarre & Eastern road to transport the output to New York. The Delaware & Hudson is building a long branch to connect with the Wilkes-Barre & Eastern, a short distance up the line, while the Erie & Wyoming will connect near Plttston. The Wllkes-Barre & Eastern railroad Is now hauling a tremendous amount of coal over Its system. Quite a different story from the fore going Is this Ingenious solution by a Philadelphia newspaper: "It is believed that at the next Lehigh Valley meet ing E. P. Wilbur will step down and support Eckley B. Coxe for president. The Lehigh Valley will absorb the Dela ware, Susquehanna & Schuylkill and its coal Interests, and the Individual Ope rator's association. This reorganizing will make the Lehigh Valley the com manding figure in the coal trade and with its splendid lake and tide term inals and facilities for mining and hand ling coal will place it In a position to dictate terms to the other carrying com panies." STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov, 19. Stocks opened lower in sympathy with a decline in London and then Improved. The rally In the general list was merely frac tional but Jersey Central sold up 1. Following this the brokers of the big bear leaders sold the grangers and Chicago Gas heavily and under the pressure the market yielded readily. St. Paul fell ; Burlington 1; Rock Island Chicago flus 1; Manhattan ; Louisville Delaware & Hudson Vt Lake Shore and Western Unlonl. In the late trading there was decided change for the better owing to an effort on the part of the bears to cover up shorts In American sugar. The list Im proved steadily, Manhattan, the grang ers, Louisville and Reading were all prominent In the late recovery. The closing was firm In tone with prices of the active list anywhere from 114 to 1 above Saturday's list. Union Paclllc, Western Union and Louisville lost Vt, and . Total sales today amounted to 201,500 shares. The range of today's, prices for the ac tive Btock of the New York stock markot are given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by, G. du B. Dlmmiok, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran- ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos Iiik. est. eat. Imr. Am. Cot. Oil 2!S 2S 28 28 Am. Sugar Ite'g Co. 88 MP 87 S3'.; Ateh., To. & S. Fe.. 5 Cr;i 5 5 Can. South 51 61 51 BH4 Chen. & Ohio 18 18 18 18 Chicago Gun 74 75 73V4 74i Chic. & N. W 1W KHi W'i Chic, B. & Q 73'i 73i 72 731 C. C. C. & St. L 374 Ifl'a 37'4 37!i Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 6014 Cu'a 69 C0i Chic, R. I. & P 82 62V 61 B Delaware & Hud. ...123 123 122' 123'j, D. , L. & W 157',i 1T.7M, 157Vi 157'A Dlst. & C. F 9 10 9 '. Gen. Electric 34 34 34 84 54 . 63 63 103 1U2U 103 28 28 2S 1U - 10 l(.'i 41 41 41 93 92 93 99 99 W 31 31 31 13 13 13 11 14 34 43 42 42 Louis. & Nash 54 Manhattan Ele...,103 Mo. Paclllc 28 . Nat. Cordage 10 Nat. Lead 41',; N. J. Central 2i N. V. Central W N. Y & N. E 31 N. Y., I j. E. & W... Wi, N. Y., 8. & W M4 N. Y B. & W.. Pr.. 43 Nor.Paclftc, Pr 17 17 17 17 Ont. & West 15 16 15 18 Phil. & Read 16 17 18 17 Rich. & W. P 10 36 16 15 Texas Pacific 10 9 10 9 Union Pacific 12 12 12 12 Wabash, Pr 14 14 14 11 West. Union 87 87 80 87 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PIUCES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est, Ing. WHEAT. May 61 Cl 60; G0 December 60 68,a 60 65 OATS. May 32 32 32 S2 December 29 29 2874 28 November 28 28 28 28 CORN. May 49 49 49 49 December 5u 5u 49 49 November , 51 61 60 6u LARD. January 7.30 7.35 7.17 7.17 May .7.62 7.55 7.35 7, PORK. January 12.70 12.77 12.42 12.47 May 13.10 13.15 12.75 12.77 Scranton Wliolcsulo Market. Scranton, Nov. 19 Fruits and Produce- Dried apples, per lb., 6aic: evaporated apples, luallc. per ll.; Turkish prunes, fa 6o.i English currants, 2a2VJc; layer rai sins, Jl.75al.S0; muscatels, ?lul.40 per box; new Valenclas, 6a7c. per lb. Beans Murrowfats, $2.35a2.40 per bush el; mediums, Jl.i0nl.7u. Peas Green, Jl.10al.15 per bushel; split J2.50a2.GO; lcntels, Onsc. per lb. Potatoes-65a60c. bushel. Onions Bushel, 6Ta60c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9allc. par lb. Eggs Fresh, 24a2rc; coolers, 17al8e. Meats Hams, 10c; small hams, lie; skinned hams, 12c; California hams, 8c. ; shoulders, 8e.; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c; Bets, 15c. lnsldes and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, 12.46 dozen. Pork-Mess, $17; short cut, J18. Lard Loaf, In tierces, 9c; In tubs, 9c; 10-pound palls, 10c; per pound; 6 pound palls, 10c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 10c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 6c; tubs, 6c; 10-pound pails, 7Vic. per pound; R-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 7c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, S3.SOa4; Ohio nnd Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, 3; Rye flour, S3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., H.15. Grain Rye, 65c; corn, 61a83c; oats, 39a 46c. per bushel. Rye Straw-Per ton, J12al4. Hay-$lU0nlfi. , Buckwheat Flour J2'.10 per 100. New York Produce Market. By the United Press. Now York, Nov. 19. Flour Quiet, held firmer; winter wheat, low (trades, $1.9ia 2.60; do, fair to fancy, $2.40o2.86; do. pat ents, J2.65u3.10; Minnesota clear, $2.20u2.f.(t; do. straights, J2.90a3.25; do. patents, $3.:5a 1.90; city mills, $3.26; do, patents, $3.90u4. Wheat Spot market dull, , lower; No. 2 red store and olnvator, 5S)c; afloat, 60c; f. o. b.,60a61c; ungraded red, 63a61c; No. 1 Northern, 68c; options closed steady at ac. under Saturday; January; 0f ; February, 6lc; March, 62Mic.; May, Kc; November, 6c.; De, cember, 60, , Corn Spotl dull, easier; No. i, 69c, elevator; ungraded mixed, 6ia55c.; No. S. 62a63c.; options easier; November, 68c; December, 65c; January, 63c; May, 53c. Oats Spots quiet, easier: tuitions dull, easier: November, 33c; December, 33c; January, 34c; February, 36c; May, 36c; No. 3 white" December, 38c; spot prices, No. 2,-83a33c; No. 2 white, S8c; No. 2Chicago, 34a34c; No: 3, 33c; No. 3 white, 37cr mixed western, 83u34c; white do. and white state. 37a41c. Beef Quiet; family, S10al2; extra mess, JSa8.50. Beef Hams-Quiet; 17al7.50. Tlerced Beef Inactive; city extra India mess, JlK.ilO. Cut Meats Dull, steady; pickled bel- Hb, 7c; do. Hhouldera, 6c. ; do. hams, 8a9c; middles, nominal. Lard Quiet, closed easy; western, $7.60; city. 7i; options, November, $7.50; l)o- cpmber, $7.50; January, $7.53. Pork Moderate demnad, steady; mess, $13.75al4.75. Hutter Firm; state dairy, 13a23c; do. creamery, 18a25c; Pennsylvania do., 18a 25c; western dairy. llalOc. ; do. creamery, 15a2Gc.; do. factory, 10al4c; Elglns, 25c; Imitation creamery, 13al9o. Cheese Firmer; state large, 8ullc; do. fancy, 10allc. : do. Rmall, 9alle.; part skims, 34Sc; full skims, 2a3c. Kggs Fair demund, tinner: stute and Pennsylvania, 24a2Ec; western fresh, 22a 23c. ; do. per case, $3.25a4.50; southern, 22a22c; limed, 16al6'ic. Toledo Grain .Market. 1 By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 19.-Wheat-Recelpts, 37,- 000 bushels; shipments, none; market firm; No. 2 red cash, 5ipc; December, 5jc; May, 60c; No. 2 red cash, 53c. Corn Receipts, 30,000 bushels; ship ments, 62,000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 mixed May, 49c; No. 3 yellow cash, 47c. Oats Receipts, 2,000 bushels; shipments, 400 bushels; market dull; No. 3 white cash, 31c. Clover Seed Receipts, 217 bags; ship ments, 625 bags; market firm; cash, $5.80; Januury, $5.45; February, $5.67. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chlcutfo, Nov, 19. Cattle Receipts, 20,- 000 head; niurket steady to Arm; common to extra steers, $2.85a6.15; stockera Mid feeders, $2u3.50; cuws and bulls, $lu3.50; calves, $2.50a5.60. Hobs Receipts, 60.000 head; market strong; heavy, $4.55n4.85; common to choice mixed, $4.4oa4.80; choice assorted, ll.50a4.60; Unlit, $4.25a4.50; piKS, $2.75a4.25. Sheep Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong; Inferior to choice, $la3; lambs, $2a4. Buffalo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, Nov. 19. -Cattle Receipts, 5,900 head; onsule, 4,200 heud; murket dull and weak for common, light and stockers, steady for others, veals lower; good, $5.50 a5.80; extra, $6.75a7; extra export steers, $5.15a5.35; good heavy shipping, $4.75a5; fair to medium steers, $4.35a4.65; light to good butchers' steers, $3.80a4.15. Hogs Receipts, 31,000 head; on sale, ;3,- 400 head; murket llrm; Yorkers, $4.30a4.35; pigs, $4.35n4.75;. Sheep and Lumbs Receipts, 47,600 head; on sale, 46,800 heud; market very dull and weak; Canada lambs, $3.50u3.75; good to best lambs, $3.15a3.50; fair to good, $2.75a 3; culls and common, $l.50ti2.5o; mixed sheep, good, $2.60a2.55; culls to fulr, 50c a $1.75. Philadelphia Tallow .Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 19.-Tallow Is dull and weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4a4c. ; country prime, in bbls, 4a4c. ; country, durk In bbls, 4c.; cakes, 5c. ; grease, 4c. Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Nov. 19.-011 closed at 82C, the only quotution. UNPREVAKICATED PROVERBS. From the Boston Home Journal. The rolling utone Is a good one for grinding axes. Three removes are frequently the re sult of three fires. If Caesar's wife is to be above sus picion, Caesar must not be suspicious. Woman's work Is never done because Bhe seldom begins until It Is time to stop. Clergymen marry for money far more frequently than men of any other pro fession. Hope deferred frequently brings the opinion that we didn't want what we wanted anyway. There are no new thing under the eun, for debutantes are generally In troduced In the evening. The way of transgressors Is hard, but it Is always easier to travel on a hard road than a Boft one. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorls, When she became Miss, she clung to Castotia. When she had Children, she gave them Castorta, IS CO., UAKUTICTCRIRS' AOCNTS 103 TRENTON IRON GO 'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & COS STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON CO.S HERCHMT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO3 BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATKER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEMENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON COS BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. W.L.DoycLAS tl CUfET " TMC BEST. V) vilWiaNoaaucAKiNa f 5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH tNAMELLEDCALf. .3.yFlNECAlf&KWi3AH!a 1 3.5PP0LICE.3 Soles. 2.l7.?BOYftCH0l)l5H0ESl LADIES , 3tNU rUK LAIALUUVb TV? BROCKTON. M3S. You can save tnonry br purchastag M . lu llnnili,. Al.u.a. Because, we re the largct mamifacturcrs of oaveruscfl tnocs in me worm, aua gunramee the value by stamping the same ana price on the bottom, which protects :'OU against high prices and the middleman's profits. Cur shoes equal custom work ill style, eaay fitting and wearing qualities. We hsve them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. noia oy E.J.LEONARD. HELL jr.. r" 0 A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL, WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AUK INSERTED FREE. Wanted. Y7ANTED-TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN wish to iiH'urft the Herv ccM nf a ladv fir petitleiunn to t avh them the English language. AddresH P. O. Box 188. citv. Agents Wanted. WANTED-A FEW RELIABLE WORK era ti R 'll nur Nnrrrv Ktnrk. KnwiMl inducements. ELLWANGiOIt & BARRY, Koctiestor, a. . VI rA2s" TED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING T canvuKfluru fHmilinr with nrAminm mer cantile trade; money maker of 189. Also clever gtn. canvassers on (jrcatest a jller of the day. Staulny Brad ey, & E. 16th tit., icw York. WANTKD ACTIVE SALESMEN TO liandli our Hnp. nn upilriiiiit?. Sa'&rr. 875 per lnuntli and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. 1. u. bjx, wub, boston, Muss. Helo Wanted Females. AYOUNO WOMAN WOULD LIKE SIT U ation at general liousework. Addicus liHM Lackawanna avenue. 1IHL WANTlilPOlt GESEKAL HOl'SlC. VT work in Euiull family. Cad 110 Nuw York street. AyANTED LADY AGENTS TO SELL V ilueat toil it Tm.nurutiun for tlin com ploxion. Address 21 1,8. A. C MYERS, iUl f'ittston avenue. AD1ES CAN MAKE S3 DAILY BY FOLD J ill? nnd fidill'PNKitiLr rirrnliLin fur n. ut. Iioine. So cnnvaisKing. Position permanent. r.epiy mm stamped envelope, illba A1AKIE WOKTH, Ashland, O. TYTANTED-AT 1:53 WYOMING AVENUE, il two llirU. one. to cook. one. to wash dishes, come at onoe. P. DKOAD. Help Wanted Mala. "I r A N T K D M A N ABOUT S3; GOOD, f faithful, honest wnrkor! tilnin writer: $10 weekiy to LcKin, 9 to II, U Lib ary .B l g. A GOOD CHANCE FOR ANOTHERWILL ing worker. Snlary and i nrticulars 9 today. D, M. THOMAS, over Globe Ktore. For Rent. UOR RENT-SIX ROOM. HOUSE ON WEST 1. Lackiuvanna avenue. Addresi 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, aeur VA2 Luzerne, Hydo Park. I?OR RENT-ONE HALF STORE avenue, 'M wr month. IM Penn ."OR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED HALL suitable for loiifo rooms. JOHN JEH- J1YN, 11U Wyoming ovonne. Special Notices. ArOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Wuek y War lllustrntio .'8 iMil-lBivi. Two Volume Folia JltLoU; payable monthly, fc'.OO. Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Addiesu P. O. Jiuuui, oi9 iiiuson Htruot. scranton, 1'a. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA zinex. etc.. bound or rebound at Tim olllce. Quick work. Reusonabls prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 rnrnor Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for iM. Good table Hoard. Situations Wanted. A WIDOW LADY OF EXPERIENCE wishes a position as bousekeeuer in hotel or private boarding house or in widower's family where servants are keep. Address E. C B., 522 North Rebecca aveuue. A YOUNG WIDOW WANTS A SITUA tion ns houselteeuor. Atiylv M. J. K.. 61B Palm street, couth Side, city. STAR GAZERS. Dream of unknown worlds, but thrifty men and women make the most thev can of this world, and take . advan tage of every opportunity that offers for a real bar gain. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Frccmon, the Jeweler, is going out of business, his store is for rent, his fixtures for sale, and his stock is now being realized on at private sale. Your price, if within the bounds of reason, w ill buy anything you want C. W. FREEMAN CORNER PENN AND SPRUCE. Instruments In evory tense of tha term as applied to Pianos. Kxceptionul In holding; their original ful ness of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE. No. 80 Flfh avenue. SOLD BY E.C. RICKER&CO 1115 Adams Ave.,' New Telephone Bdg AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The" Finest In the City. The - latest imoroved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter aud eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. I0TEL WAVERLY European Plan. First-class Bar at tached. Depot for Bergner & Engle'i Taiiuhucuser Beer. U, Cor. 16th and Filbert Sts.,Phila. ' Most desirable for residents of N. 13. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travolors to and from Uroad Street Ntution and the Twelfth und Murket Htrect station. Desirable for visiting Bcrantonlufcs and people In the An thracite Keelon. f . J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. onno HANDKERCHIEFS. A GOOD time to buy Handkerchiefs is now, before the 1irnn HQ ivTii'lo ctnoVc arp iinhrnlfti anr! oecni-tniontf. We llnvp nl:inV thlc dnnnrrninnr i - u CVCrVthlniT in the Hnndltprrhii-f line fur " .......v.. ..v... Silk or Gauze Linen that is made Embroidered, Hemstitched or Lace Trimmed, mti TLCKs, too, come in ior a first hands and Selling at small nrnlkvi o - j- into our Handkerchief stock as well as During tins Handkerchief bale we -GREAT SPECIALS ioo doz. All Linen Hemstitched, full size, 2 for 25c. 100 doz. Scalloped Edge, Embroidered, always were 25c, now 15c, so doz. Jan. Silk. Initial, wide Hemstitch, nil letters. -nr. pnrh 50 doz. Jap. Silk, Initial, wide Hemstitch, all letters, extra size, 48 CONNOLLY Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND U HUT'S WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ 2 BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONTS MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallnnen Mills, Li lerne county, Pa., and ut Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third Natioml Bank Building. aoe!cim: TH08. FORD, ittston. Pn. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. WULLIOAN, W likes Bnrre, P. Agents for the Kopuuuo t'hoiuical Com pany's High Explosives, THE SOUTHWESTERN LUTED run3 dally via 4 (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and Bt. Louis Ry.) between n 0 Columbus, Sprlngflcld, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleeping curs. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ele Cant Coaches and Dining cars, " The Finest Train In America." Bee that your tickets read via tha Bid 4 ROUTE. Time tables and information cheerfully furnished on application to S. J. GATES, Oen'l Eaatcrn Ag't, 40 Exchange St.. Buffalo, N. T. M. E. Jn (jails, President; D. B. Martin, General Fassongor Agent: E. O. McCor mlck, Tralfto Manager, Cincinnati, O. DKITKB BHOR CO., In'p. Capital, $1,000,OG8. UE4T Sl.SO Hit OK IN THE WOULD. "A dollar niKii it a dollar tarntd." t This Ladles' Holld French Uongoln Kid But. ton Boot delirerod free snywliora in tha U.S., on receipt 01 on, uoneyuracr, or 1'o.tnl Not for l.iu. Kqiuls evory wny tho boots sold la sll retail stores for i.M. We Diako tills boot ounolros, therefore vro guar antte the Jit. ilult and tcmr, sud If any one Is not utuflcd win roiuna uiv muuc r.DndauoihcrTwlr. Opera Toe or Common Bense, widths O, T. B. KK, k. sizes 1 to I and halt litcs. Stntlyourtlitl I HI yea. lllutt rated Cata. logtta FREE nevTtn W ntvT43 FEDERAL ST., UkAIUI UliUb WUif BOSTON, UASS. BjHdal Irrtu fe JJtuiirt. ! 1 iL'iur .in: we cnopinl ctudir nn,1 i r., ntAtnrj( in nff.. j pi.uti.u iu vim I..irii f.pnfli'nuMi and ChSldrun frn.n large snare ot attention this year, and we lias lii-i-n nnp nf lln t,.iT,.tc nf nur turmo ... v. vm. all other departments. oner the following WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO OUR patrons: , Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat. rons that thev will this vear hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers art of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling ha3 placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far ubove other brands. Wholesale Agents. AN Pi HEW YORK, OLD POUT COMFORT, RICHMOND WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, With time to spare for side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea caast for iS Lours lu the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD .-. DOriSNION, . LINE Aud returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early vantcr Is delightfal. Tickets include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $1)2.01). Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to II IIIB LF1 B If H I1H m HI Hfll in H I Ml W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. loosic Powder Do Rooms 1 and 2 CoEinowealtli Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lamin & Rand Powder Co.'s Orange Gun Powder ' Electric Batteries, Fuse for explod ing blasts, 'Safoty Fuse and RepaanoCnemical Co.'s High Explosive; Wallace rush of Christmas trade comes r. 1 I l I .l . i' i iiic ucm v in lies ever siiuwd. n v nave tli l.... ... n... i: uii ui-av yiKlll U11IUC UJJ IU IUC 1 1UCSI as you mav desire have provided liberally. Buying at ii,: .....n. .1 i i r uiiu ima UJllUUU 1IU3 Lii.LU lillUblU Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. Sop IDEAL E3 wu tm 1 1 Pier 26, Eortli River, Hew YorL Stand at the Head. For thirty yean DuobcrWatrh Casot have been endorsed by every prominent dea lcriu tbcUuitcdSta'xs. T'.io Duobor trade- mark in this country. i -...1 . V. TT 1 1 , 1. I RUDY JEWELED England aro a uaran- ADJUiiLu uj'ii tee ol pure metal, if . .: intvol llnmndoll lllOYO" menta in Duobcr cusc f.iuid r.t tho head. . If your dealer does not keep cur watclios malt us your uililrosa und w will send you ma lianin "f ft deulor wlit Cm, I(UKnit V JCU Wouks, Cauton, O. For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals l''S Powder. k v