a - r,.m W EIGHT 1'AGES 5G COLUMNS. SCItAXTOX, PA., TUESDAY MOBXIXG, NOVEMBER' 20, 1894. TWO CEXTS A COPY. CABINET 1SJSADE AT LAST General Reeder, of Easton, for Secre tary of the Commonwealth. M'CORMICK,ATTOKXEY GENERAL Colonel Thomas J. Stewart, of Xorrlstown, Is Named us Adjutant General and Lewis . Bcitler, of Philadelphia, Becomes Private Secretary. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 19. It was officially announced tonight that the make-up of Governor-elect Hastings' cabinet has been decided upon. Governor Hastings' official ad visors will be as follows: Secretary of the commonwealth, Frank Reeder, of Easton; attorney general, Henry Clay McCormlck, of Wllliamsport; adjutant general, Thomas J. Stewart, of Norrls town; private secretary, Louis E. Belt ler, who Is now private secretary to Mayor Stuart, of Philadelphia. The In cumbent of the position of superintend ent of banking has not yet been chosen. Who the Fortunate Ones Are. General Frank Reeder is a native and resident of Easton, Northampton coun ty. He was born May 22, 1S45, and Is the Eon of Andrew Reeder, the first governor of the territory of 'Kansas. Knterlng Princeton at the age of 15, he left it In 1SU2 to enlist as a private in the Fifth Penn sylvania regiment, and served until it was mustered out. P.e-enlisllng In the One Hundred and Seventy-fourth regiment, he served In South Carolina. In October, 1803, he helped recruit a cavalry regiment, and went out again as captain. His bravery and etliclent services led to his promotion to colonel and brevet brigadier general, commanding a brigade before he was cf age. After the war he studeld law, und practiced In New Yoflc, where he was as sociated with the late President Arthur. Returning to Easton, and engaging In his profession, he was In 1S73 appointed by president Grant Internal revenue collec tor for the Eleventh dlntrlct. He was ateo brigadier general In the National guard, tmmandlng Uhe Fifth brigade. Gen eral Reeder has long been prominent In Republican politics, and was a delegate to the national convention of 18S8 and vssi. He was never a candidate for office ex cept in 1893, when he ran for congress against Howard Mutchler, reducing large' y. the Democratic majority in that diS' trlct. Henry C. McCormlck, of Wllliamsport Is a native of Lycoming county, and Is CO years of age. He was educated at Dick inson seminary and studied law, being admitted to the bar In 18GC. He has since been actively engaged in the practice of his profession, and ranks among the ablest attorneys of the state. Mr. Mc Cormlck never held public oflice until 188(1, when he was elected to congress from the Sixteenth district. He was re-elected in 3888, and earned the reputation of an ac tive and useful representative. Thomas J. Stewart, of Montgomery, wen horn In 1818 near Belfast. Ireland, and was brounht by his parents to NorriS' town, Montgomery county, where he now resides. He enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth regiment, Pennsylva nia volunteers, at the age of 1C. He was elected to the legislature In 1881, and in 1880 was elected secretary or internal ar fairs on the ticket with General Beaver. In 1890 he was renominated and again elected. Colonel Stewart has been con nected with the National guard since K0 He Is prominent in the Grand Army of the Republic, having served as assistant adjutant general and commander of the Department of Pennsylvania. James Henry Lambert, of Philadel phia, political editor of the Press, In surance commissioner. ENGLISH PEOPLE CHAGRINED Over Triumph of Republican Party und Protection in America. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Youngstown, , O., Nov. j9. Harry Bonnell, a prominent Iron manufac turer and member of the Mahoning Valley Iron company, has Just returned from a three months' trip through PJng land. "When the Wilson bill was passed, the manufacturers thought England more greatly elated," said Mr. Bonnell, "because they saw at once it would open the ports of this country to their products. The result of the elec tions Nov. 6 greatly chagrined them, as they know as well there as we do here that the Republican party believes In the principle of protection to home Industries against the world. Under the Influence of the Wilson bill, great preparations are being made by the manufacturers there to flood this coun try with their goods. At Bradford I was Informed the firm of Sir Titus Salt, Sons & Co., of Saltalre, have orders to run several months and refuse to book more, anticipating higher prices. "There Is a strong feeling In England In favor of bimetallism. The governor of the Bank of England, Mr. Grenfell, is strongly in favor of It and has so expressed himself In public. He Is a nephew of Lord Salisbury and admits that In studying the question from the standpoint of American economists, he was converted to It. A .tour through the manufacturing districts of England will convince any one that Democratic success means prosperity to England ai d the reverse to the United States, ana ttat. with the HepuUlcans in power, we In every way help our own people In this country and not those abroad." HOWE IS ARRESTED. Wanted in Philadelpnla on Chargo of Fraud, By the United Press. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 19. Jeptha D, Howe, of the law firm of McDonald & Howe, was arrested today on a warrant charging him with being a fugitive from Justice. Ho Is wanted In Philadelphia on a charge of fraud preferred by the Udellty Mutual Life Insurance com' pany. It appears that Howe had Pit zel, of this city, Insured In the Fidelity company for $10,000. A few months ago Pitzel went to Philadelphia and later It was reported that he had been killed in an explosion. The insurance people claim that the body bore evidence of having been Saturated with some Inflammable fluid and believe It was not the. corpse of Pitzel. TO SIFT IMMIGRATION. Colonel W. A. Stone WIjr.Try to Push Ills j Measure xwotigh. Special to the Scranton Tribune. " Washington, Nov.' 19. Representative W. A. Stone, of Pennsylvania, is de termined to push his bill for the further restriction of Immigration, and hopes to be able to accomplish something. Colonel Stone says that the idea, of a further restriction of Immigration has been growing since congress adjourned. He thinks that It Is becoming more pop ular and the Importance of it was being more fully realized than ever before. He will, however, have the same dif ficulty to contend with In the coming session that he has had in the past, and that is, the opposition of Chairman Gelssenhalner, of the House Committee on Immigration. That gentleman wa3 badly defeated for re-election and In consequence is not likely to be any more favorably disposed to immigration leg islation than he has been. As long as the Interests of certain steamships com panies are affected by proposed legisla tion, Mr.Selssenhalner will, it is feared, be opposed to that legislation. CARLISLE AND WILSON. If the President Gets a Chunce, Ho Will Promote Both. Speclul to the Scranton Tribune. Washington, Nov. 19. Two names are prominently mentioned here as prob able appointees to the supreme bench In case of a vacancy. One Is that of Secretary Carlisle, and the other Is Pro fessor W. L. Wilson, chairman of the house ways and means committee. Mr. Carlisle has been credited with an ambition to occupy a seat on the su preme bench, as he has held almost every other position of rank and honor In the gift of the people and the admin istration. Mr. Wilson is named because It is thought that the president wishes to take care of him. THAT GOLD WITHDRAWAL. The Bank Presidents of New York Are In clined to l et Koch Bank Take Its Own Course of Action. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 19. There hus been considerable missionary work among the bank presidents today regarding the subscriptions to the bond issues. There were many informal conferences of two and three different presidents. The result of these conferences brings to light the disinclination of the banks to distribute the loss of gold which will come from the subscriptions pro rata among the associated banks of New York, according to the percentage of each bank's holding of gold. This was the method taken in February. The banks now appear to prefer to let each individual bank take its own course of action regarding th sur render of lis gold. The calls for gold from out of town correspondents are quite numerous, and the withdrawal's of gold from the sub-treasury by New York banks are made on orders from correspondents in the Interior. There was withdrawn today nearly two million in gold from the sub-treasury and the amount withdrawn from the sub-treasuries throughout the coun try with which to purchase bonds is es timated at $4,000,000 since last Thurs day. The net loss of gold to thp gov ernment is not so great, as Rome gold has been paid In during that period. PACT OR FICTION', WHICH .' If Fact, the Message 'tells of Another TruRcdyof the Sea. By the United Press. Bayfield, Ont., Nov. 19. On the beach near here today was found a bottle con taining a paper on which was written: 'The heavens bless you, my deaf wife. We are on a rock at Cheboygan Reef and sinking with all hands. Water five feet in the hold. God take care of vou and daughters. Yours, A. A. Cartiere." The vessel's name is given as the Charles A, Eddy. The paper on which the note was written also contained a list of groceries dated Buffalo, Oct. 9. WHY NOT END THE FARCE? Attorney , 'General Olney and District At torney Barney Vainly Confer. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 19. Attorney Gen eral Olney and District Attorney Bar ney were In consultation this afternoon as to the future course of the prosecu tion against the recalcitrant witnesses before the senate sugar Investigating committee. They reached no agreement. A DUEL WITH AXES. One of the Fighting Woodmen Has His Arm and Shoulder Severed. By the United Press. Hopklnsvllle, Nov. 19. Word comes from Trenton that two woodchoppers engaged in a bloody duel near that place yesterday, using axes as weapons. I he arm and shoulder of one man were completely severed from his body. The other man was badly hurt. KEYSTONE VIGNETTES. ' A fall of coal at Ashland killed Phllin Smith. The price of bread at Pottsvllle has been reduced ' per cent. Forests In Schuylkill county are beln'ir stocked with quail and rabbits. A free library boom has struck Erie and the volumes are coming In rapidly. Harry Brooks has been arrested at ISrie for the alleged murder of Henry C. Young. Jostled from a car at Cornwall, Con ductor Peter Shay was mangled to death by his train. The annual love feast and feet washing ceremony was celebrated by German Bap tists at Stevens. A thief halted little Phoebe Sehaeffer at Pottstown, was hotly pursued by a posse, but escaped capture. Seven years In prison Is the penalty suf fered by the Sunbury negro brute, Thomas Peach, fho assaulted Miss Julia Hicks. Palatinate college, at Myerstown, may be Bold to the Esherlte Evangelicals, w ho have surrendered Schuylkill seminary. Connollsvllle people want Postmaster Harry Marietta, recently convicted of aiding coke rioters, dismissed from oflice. There Is talk of changing the county seat of Bradford connty from Towanda to Athens before the new court house Is built. The body of a man supposed to be John Duffy, the Mlnersvlllo llpuor dealer, who recently disappeared, was found In the river at Pottsvllle. Attempting to rescue live stock from Henry WaBhelm's burning stable at Eas ton, Policeman Herman was overcome by smoke and nearly perished, The suit of Mrs. Caroline Tracy to re cover J10.000 life insurance from the Alu tual Reserve association, of Heading, has been tawn to tne uniteu states court. Suit for J25O.0OO has been brought by S. H. Barrett, at Pottsvllle, against the Pennsylvania railroad, for damages done In the building of the Shenandoah branoh. LAST FUNERAL CF CZAR Alexander HI Rests in the Tomb of His Fathers. THE IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES Thirty .Members of the fcuropcan Royal families in Attenduncc-The Streets Thronged with People Good Order Prevailed. By the United Press. St. Petersburg, Nov. 19. The body of the late Czar Alexander III was placed In the tomb of his fathers beneath the fortress Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul today, seven teen days nfter his death. The funeral services were the most elaborate of any similar service that have ever taken place In Russia, and the last rites were performed In the presence of an assem blage of royalty and representatives of royalty such as seldom or never con gregated In similar circumstances under the roof of the sacred edifice. More than thirty members of European royal families were In attendance, and with their suites and the representa tives of sovereigns who were unable to be present in person, the monarchlal representatives numbered several hun dred. The ceremonies were conducted with all the pomp with which the ritual of the Greek church Is capable, and with all the display that the Russia court could command. The streets were thronged with people throughout the day and the utmost good order pre vailed. Story of the Day. The correspondent of the United Press, who was an eye witness, tells the story of the day as follows: The morning opened cold and foggy. There was no rain; but a thick mist overhung the streets and the emblems of mounting were dripping with mois ture. Tli? populace were astir before daylight, and lines of people converged upon the fortres3 cathedral of St. Paul where the booming of cannon an nounced the beginning of the funeral services. The troops, which had been told oft for duty took their positions and the thoroughfares were lined with In fantry, cavalry and artillery. From eight o'clock until the hour of the fun eral there was a continuous flow of state carriages conveying the high officials, who we. e siialng hast - to lake posses sion of the places In the cathedral, which had been allotted them. The religious ceremony over the body of the dead emperor was probably the most magnificent ceremony of modern times, In Its external uspects far excell ing In h- atity and grandeur the memor ial buiiul service of Alexander III. The music was devlne and the performance of the liturgy sublime in the extrme. The surroundings were subdued in color, but they were of a quiet char acter, which greatly enhanced the splendor of the whole fcene. The cream of the royalty and nobility of the empire assisted at the service and princes of the blood, prelates of the orthodox church, noblemen, representa tives of foreign sovereigns and princes, foreign diplomats and other distin guished persons Joined in the devotions. DISASTROUS WRECK. Sixteen Carloads of Coul Go Through a Trestle. By the United Presn. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. ID. A disastrous railroad accident occurred at Larimer, on a branch line of the Pennsylvania ralroad about twenty-five miles east of this city at 4 o'clock this afternoon, In which It Is believed four or five coal miners and probably more lost their lives. The list of the dead as far as can be learned Is as follows: Frank Rice, married: Fred Loyn; Fred Loyn, his son, aged 17. The train wrecked consisted of sixteen car loads of coal and was Jut pulling out from the new Larimer mines, and on board were a number of miners. As It was crossing over a trestle near Larimer Btatlon the axle on the second car broke down, the balance of th" enrs piling up In a heap, which resulta '. In the break, lng of the trestle and the whole mass of cars and human beings went down with a crash Into th creek below. FIGHT WAS A DRAW. Bout Between Zlcglcr and McAullffe Dis appoints the Crowd. By the United Press. Co.iey Island, N. Y., Nov. 19. Fully 3,000 spectators were assembled at the Sea Beach Palace hall tonight to wit ness the boxing entertainment given under the auspices of the Atlantic Ath letic club. The final bout of the evening, and one which has attracted much atten tion, was between Jack McAullffe, light weight champion of the world, and Owen Zlegler, of Philadelphia, who but recently graduated from the ranks of the amateurs. At, the third round the referee an nounced the bout a draw, and In the same breath Informed the crowd that McAullffe had broken his left hnnd. The crowd went away very much disap pointed, FATAL BOILER EXPLOSION. Six People Scalded to Death and Several Injured, By the United Press. Cale, I.T., Nov. 19. The boiler In John Malcolm's exploded this morning: The killed are: Charlie Malone, a pressman; Will Robblns, engineer. Mrs. John Malcolm wife of the proprietor; Hal Morris, of Kansas City; Oeorge Townsend and Alex. Jonklns, of Cale, were probably fatally scalded. William Creel, colored face scalded; II. D. Miller, colored badly bruised. M. S. Brown, pressman; was the y one uninjured. , WALTON SURE TO WIN. The Philadelphia Candidate Has a Clear Track for the Speakership. By the United Press. Harrisburg, Nov. 19. The action of the Republican members of the Phila delphia, Allegheny, Lancaster and Montgomery delegations In declaring for Henry Walton, of Philadelphia, for speaker of the next house will probably culminate In his unanimous selection by the Republican house caucus. Representative Kunkel, of this city. had been assured of support of his can- dldaey for speaker from a considerable number of members, but the formid able strength Mr. Walton has exhib ited has induced the virtual withdrawal of Mr. Kunkel from the race. Since Representative Seyfert, of Lancaster, and Kunkel, of Harrisburg, are no longer candidates, Walton seems to have a clear track, the other aspirants having developed no material strength. Walton has already received pledges to support him from 123 Republicans of the house. ASTOR'S MANSION INVADED. An Unwashed Tramp Found Asleep in One of the Guest Chambers. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 19. A typical Bow ery lodging-house tramp was found asleep last night in a bed in one of the guest chambers at the Astor mansion. One of the men servants summoned a policeman to the house. He was sure that a stranger had found his way into the house and was asleep in one of the rooms. The policeman went up four flights of stuirs, and, opening a door In dicated by the servant, found lying awake in a bed with finest lace hang ings, the tramp, unshaven and stripped to hl3 undershirt. The lodger was not the least discon certed. He said he had found the car riage gates open and had secured an en trance without difficulty. CONVICTS AGAIN LEASED. Alabama's Democratic legislature Goes Back on One of Its Promises. By the United Press. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 19. A bill was Introduced In the house of repre sentatives yesterday providing that the state convicts be leased again to mine operators. Two years ago the Demo cratic legislature on the strength of promises made the free miners of the Birmingham district to remove the con victs from competition with them, bought an Immense farm twenty miles north of here and put the convicts to work. The plan has not been found to oper ate satisfactorily, as the convicts have been an expense rather than a source of revenue to the state. Hence the bill, GIHSON'S END NEAR. The General Wasting Away und Cunnot I.ust Muny Days. By the United Press. Tiffin, O., Nov. 19. The condition of General Gibson became much more critical today, and it is evident that the end is near. He can no longer talk above a whisper, and even that exer tion tires him so that he seldom at tempts It. His wife, daughters, their husbands and children are with him. He takes little or no nourishment and cannot be prevailed upon to take any medicine, fearing he cannot retain it on his stom ach. He Is slowly wasting away, and he cannot last many days. IS ROCH THE STR ANGLER? Denver Police Are Confident That They Have the Murderer. By the United Press. Denver, Colo., Nov. 19. Chief of Po lice Armstrong declares that In his opinion Frank Roch, who has been un der arrest for a few days, Is the man that murdered the three women of Mar ket street. Roch has given nothing but stolid de nials or evasions of all attempts to wring a confession from him. JONES DIES HAPPY. Prevents the Return of Grief by Cutting His Throat with a Huzor. By the United Press. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 1. "I never felt happier In my life," Bald Owen Jones, of Buttonwood, to his daughter as he closed the Bible he had been read ing. A few minutes afterward he cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor and expired. PAYNE MAY HE LYNCHED. The Negro Who Attempted to Assault .Mrs. Rush Is in Uunger. By the United Press. Fayette, Mo., Nov. 39.-Isome Payne, the negro who attempted to criminally assault Mrs. Mary Rush lust Thursday evening and made his escape, was captured at Clinton, Mo., hiBt night. Deputy Sheriff W illiams will return to Fayette with him tonight. There Is strong talk of lynching. Powderly's Friends Vnscated. ,By the United Press. New Orleans, Nov. 19. At today's con vention of the Knights of Labor the min ers' delegations from Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania were unseated. The min ers are in the Powderly camp and Pow derly himself proposes to lead a vigorous fight and keep the controlling knights here much longer than they expected. The miners were unseated by a vote, of 34 to 27. which shows that Sovereign and Hayes will be re-elected. Gold Agnin Withdrawn. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. '19. Gold was with drawn at the New York sub-treasury to day in exchange for currency to the amount of (1,648,000. .Mr. Kilmer's Pension Renewed. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 19, Among the pen sion certificates issued yesterday Is one of renewal to James II. Kilmer, of Aloosle. WAFTED BY WIRE. Friends of free silver will hold a Bllver conference at St. Louis Nov. 27. The Lotus club, of New York, banpueted Dr. A. Conan Doyle, the English novelist. To end his mental troubles. Rev. Rob ert Klein, of Port Huron, Mich., hanged himself. i . A fall from a moving train at Shelby, Ind., killed Jeremiah Sullivan, a Chicago ticket broker. It Is Bald that Congressman W. C. P. Breckinridge has signed with C. D. Hess for a lecture tour. Nine Indictments for forgery and grand larceny were found against J. c. Thomp son, the mlsBing cashier of the Sedalia (Mo.) National bank. Before an Immense crowd a bronze statue of the Danish sculptor, Thorvald sen, was unveiled at the Fifty-ninth street entrance .to Central park, New York. Two years after strange disappearance, the young daughter of Mrs. Parrot t, of Mattoon, III, was found with a band of gipsies, revisiting the neighborhood, The Garfield Memorial association trus tees at Cleveland elected Andrew 8quire and Levi P. Morton to vacancies left by the deaths of ex-President Hayes and ex Secretary Blaine, , . t AWFUL ACT OF A Kills His Mother, Brother, ami Sister and Commits Suicide. HE FIRST FIRES THE BL1LD1XG Thomas Porterchcck Arms Himself with an Axe and Finishes Up the Family with the Exception of one Sister Who Jumps from a Window. Wellsvllle, Mo., Nov. 19. This village -was the scene of a hor rible triple murder and suicide early this morning, which wiped out all but one member of a family. Thomas Por tercheck, with his mother, two Bisters and a brother, occupied a snmll house half a mile from the business portion of the village. They were Bohemians in humble circumstances. Yesterc'ay afternoon Thomas was discovered act ing strangely and gave Indications that his mind was deranged. He labored under the. hallucination that his neck was broken and insisted that u phy sician be summoned. His relatives en deavored to convince him of his error and tried to get him to bed. He in sisted on sitting up all night. Late at night the family retired, leav ing Thomas in a rocking chair. At 3 o'clock this morning his sister Mary was awakened by an agonizing scream from her mother. When she emerged from her bed she found her mother ly ing on the floor while Thomas stood above her brandishing an uxe. The floor was covered with blood, and from an adjoining room her brother James could be heard moaning in the agony of death. The Escape from a Window. The girl ran through the house and finding all the doors locked, opened a window and Jumped to the ground. She remained under the window, and as her maniac brother made no attempt to follow her, she stood and watched him at his murderous work. The murderer seized a can of coul oil and after pour ing It over the floor and furniture, set it on lire. He then drew a butcher ltnlfo across his throat and fell by the side of his dead mother. The girl attempted to extinguish the flames, but they spread so quickly that In less than ten minutes the house was like a furnace The screams of the girl awakened tht neighbors and they rushed to the scene but the flames had finished the work which the maniac had commenced. When the blazing wood had cooled sufficiently to allow a search of the ruined home, four bodies were found blackened und charred. They were those of Mrs. Portercheck, her youngest daughter and her sons, James and Thomas. Investigation showed that the mother, daughter and son, James, had been horribly mutilated by an axe. It is believed that Thomas had first killed his brother, then his sister, and mother. It was probably his intention to kill hlu sister Mary also. The mother had been confined to her bed for twelve years. THEY WANT THAT BOUNTY. louibiunu Sugar Growers Are Not iSatis- ficd at .McComus' Ituling. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 19. General J. L. Brent and G. E. Hamilton, counsel for the Miles Planting and Manufacturing company of Louisiana, In Its applica tion for a writ of mandamus to compel Secretary Carlisle and Commissioner Miller of the internal revenue bureau to examine the plant of the company as a preliminary step In obtaining the sugar bounty for the present year which It is claimed has been repealed by the new tariff act today, filed a brief in the district court of appeals, on its appeal from the decision of Judge McComus overruling the application. The claims made by the appellants are that the provisions of the McKlnley law authorizing the payment of bounty to sugar producers and manufacturers are In full force and are left unrepealed by the new tariff act; and that the duty of the secretary of the treasury and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Is a ministerial duty and not one Involving the exercise of discretion as claimed by them and sustained by Judge McComas. SENATOR ROSS DEAD. The Democratic Member from Bucks Ex pires After Serious Illness. By the United Press. . Doylestown, Pa., Nov. 19. State Sena tor George Ross died at his 'home here this morning. Mr. Ross' term would have expired with the present legisla ture. He was not a candidate for re election. Mr. Ross was born In Doylestown, Aug. 24, 1841. He graduated from Princeton college In 1K01, was udmltted to the bar In lsM, and practiced ever since In Bucks and neighboring counties. He was a member of the state constitutional con vention In 1873; was elected to the state senate In 1886 and re-elected In 1890. He was the Democratic candidate for con gress from the Seventh district In 18S1 and 1888. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. It Operates So As to Keep. More Democrats In Public Office. By the United Press. ( Washington, Nov. 19. On the recom mendation of the postmaster general, the president has extended the benefits of the civil service to employes of postal transfer or sub-stations. About 300 peo ple are affected. They were Inadvert ently left out of a former classification. The president signed the extension or der Saturday and it will go Into effect without delay. KNIGHTS AT WORK. They Consider Cases of Pennsylvania Mi ners, but Decide Nothing. By the United Press. New Orleans, Nov. 19. The Knights of Labor did nothing at their session to day other than consider the fcase of the Pennsylvania miners. They adjourned without reaching a conclusion. ' TWENTY DAYS OF GRACE. Justice Train Signs an Order Affecting Sage and Gould. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 19. Justice Truax, In the supreme court chambers, has signed an order granting Russell Sage and George J. Gould and the other exequtors of the will of his father, Jay Gould, twenty days additional time to answen or to demur to the complaint in the action brought by the bond holders to recover the proceeds of secu rltes which were placed In the hands of Jay Gould and Sage and trustees of the consolidated bondholders of the Kansas Pacific Railroad company, which, Is Is charged, amounted to $11, 000,000, and were taken by the trustees and put in their own pockets. LOOKS LIKE SOME FUN. Kolb Said to Be Contemplation an Oliver Cromwell Move.' By the United Press. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 19. When the legislature met this morning it leaked out from among the Kolbltes that Kolb would today or tomorrow come to Montgomery and be sworn in as governor and then issue a proclama tion to the people of the state declaring that he had been legally and lawfully elected chief executive. What further steps, if any, he proposes to take or whether or not he will attempt to estab lish' a dual government Is not known. It Is believed that Governor Jones will at once have Captain Kolb arrested for treason If he attempts to be sworn In, THAT INSURANCE FRAl'D. Holmes Confesses in Boston That lie Palmed Off u Bogus Corpse ou the Life Insurance Company. By the United Press. Boston, Nov. 19 H H. Holmes, the life Insurance swindler arrested in this city, was taken from the city prison to police headquarters today. He was then taken Into the municipal court room, where Judge El dismissed the case against him here, so that he can be delivered to the police of Philadelphia. He made a full confession. The police and Pinkertou men are still at work on the case in connection with the Phila delphia police, and It Is believed thut in the course of a few days some addi tional Information in connection with the big conspiracy will be unearthed. In his confession the man is said to have been careful not to Implicate any others with himself, and lie positively (Stated that the body found in the room at Philadelphia was not that of P. Y. Pitzel, the man Insured, but the body of some unknown person whose corpse he obtained from a medical friend. The policeauthorities are somewhat Inclined to disbelieve Holmes' story in that connection and It is stated that they feel almost positive that Pitzel was murdered. Philadelphia, Nov. 19. The grand Jury this afternoon indicted Herman Mudgett, alias II. H. Holmes, who is under arrest in Boston; Jeptha D. Howe, the St. Louis attorney, and Car rie A. Pitzel, alias Cook, whose where abouts are kept a secret, but who will probably be arrested today for obtain ing $10,000 Insurance from the Fldelty Mutual Life Insurance association, of this city, upon the death of B. V. Pitzel. The bill charges "conspiracy to cheat and defraud." Extradition papers will at once be Issued for the purpose of bringing the accused to Philadelphia for trial Vice President McKnlght, of the Fi delity Life association, announced this afternoon that Mrs. Pitzel, alias Cook, had been arested today In Burlington, Vt and that she had confessed to the conspiracy. Mr. McKnlght further stated that Lawyer Howe was arrested today In St. Louis. Boston, Nov. 19. Mrs. Carrie Pitzel, wife of the, man whose life was Insured for $10,000, was found in Burlington, Vt., and came to this city today with a Plnkerton dt-teetlve, where she Is held on the charge of conspiracy after the fact. When she arrived at police head quarters, she realized for the first tlma that she was under suspicion, her trip to Boston having ostensibly been made for the purpose of meeting Holmes. She fuinted dead away, but later recovered her composure and told the officers what she knew of the case. To the best of her knowledge she be lieves that he husband is alive, but she Is not certain. Neither does she know the whereabouts of three children other than the two who are with her. All she knows Is that Holmes has re peatedly told her that she would meet Pitzel and the children In different places, only to be disappointed when she went there. It Is the suspicious things that make the police tend tu !the theory that Holmes has done away w ith Pitzel and that he has been deceiving the wife In the matter all along. The police Intimate' that perhaps Holmes and Pitzel were Involved In business troubles to such a degree that Pitzel was murdered by Holmes so as to get a dangerous man out of the way. WAS WILSON'S BROTHER. llut Ills Nume Was Not Like the Kx-Vlce President'. By the United Press. Natlck, Mass., Nov. 19. George Albert Colbath, one of the two living brothers of the late Henry Wilson, ex-vice-president of the United States, whose orig inal name was Jeremiah Colbath, died last night. The other brother is John Colbath, of Whltelield, N. H. Court to Tuke a Keccss. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 19. Chief Justice Ful ler announced to the bar at the opening of the supreme court of the United States today that upon adjournment of court next Friday, a recess would be taken until Monday, Dec. 3. Jumped Through u Port Hole. By the United Press. Quarantine, 8. I., Nov. 19. Eugene Hayes, aged 35 years, a steward ,of the steamer La ,Touraine, .while Buffering from delirium tremens, jumped through one of the port holes Into the sea and was drowned on Nov. 15. Walton Captures Duupliln, Too. By the United Preos. Harrisburg, Nov. 19. At a meeting of the Dauphin county legislative delegation today resolutions were adopted Indorsing Henry P. Walton, of Philadelphia, for speaker of the next house and pledging him their support. Champion Wing Shot. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 19. George Kllneman, who holds the medal as champion wing shot of America, and Dr. Carver Bhot a 100-blrd match today for JloO a side. Car ver won by a score of 91 to 87. WEATHER REPORT. Fair; warmer In western portion; varl able winds. , INLETS LI U Li Offered at Prices Far Below Their Real Value, SO Children's School Umbrellas, 20 or 28-inch, natural wood or ox idized handles, at 43 c. 100 Ladies' Umbrellas, "Extra Gloria," 2G-inch Paragon frame, beautiful line handles, $1.00. 40 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled Union Silk, natural wood, rubber and horn handles, $1.75. 60 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled Union Silk, black, brown, navy garnet and green, handles, small Dresden knobs, ivory, natural root or fancy bent sticks, with neat silver trimmings, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25 and 83.75. 100 Gent's Umbrellas, English Gloria, 75c.; Silk Gloria, 1.00; Union Twilled Silk, 1.50 and 2; Extra Union Twilled Silk, 2.50, ' 3.00 and 3.05; sizes 28, 30 and 32-inch. Handles finest imported natural slicks, Weichsel, Congo, Scotch furze, French oak, acacia and olive , in bulbs, hooks, crooks and roots. FIN LEY'S 610 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MIN OIL CLOTHING Wholesale and Retail H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street. Telephone, No. 4633. We will have wet weather. We will furnish you with SHOES for wet weather, It will be a healthful invest' meat. 114 Wyoming Avenue, I HAVE just returned from New York buyiug Holiday Goods. We are receiviug them daily, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to cull and see our Cue line of Jewelry and Novelties, whether you buy or not. N. B.Look at our show windows as you pass. , W. J. WEIGHEL. (408 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR DIME BANK.