'ME. SCKANTOX Tit I lit '.N J3 .MONDAY MUUNLNU, 'iNOV-EMJiEtt 19, .189-1. 7 - ur (apes Two kinds of Fur Capes ours and other people's. Ours from cheap est to dearest, are well made and Exceptionally Stylish. Every garment LOOKS more than it COSTS. Kush of business tremendous. Pleases women to get "elegance at moderate cost." PRICES $6,50, $19.50, $23.50, $25 $27.50 up to $75 COATS. Never, never, never so much for so little. Every detail of manufacture closely watched and carefully calcu lated, Result Maximum style, mini mum cost Prices $5. 50, $0.50, $7.50, 9.50, 810.50, 812.50 up to (hO. Every one a bargain. Tell jour neighbors. LADIES' GLOVES Only the styles upon which Dame Fashion has set her stamp of ap provaland just such, too, as have been pronounced perfect by competent glove judges. GORMAN'S Grand Depot. DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scrantoo. Dr. Heaves ia now fully established nt 41!! Sdi-uco street. Seranton. He has per formed pome wonderful cures and has Kulned the confidence of the public. He lias come to stay und will remain PER MANENTLY at his Stiruce street ourlors. He has had lonir and varied experience in hospital and private practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases of men, wo men and children. He etvs advice, services and examlna lions I'Kfcii uj- uiAKUti, sso one turned away. He. with his assistants, treat all dls eaues of the nervous system, diseases of tne eye, ear. nose aim tnrout, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature Weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous ueouity, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tlons, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy, In discretions and errors of youth, Bst man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtas' dance, HSinuia, diseases or tne heart, lungs, liver Kiuneys, maaaer, siomacn, etc. YOUNG MEN POSITIVELY CURED Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to be permunently, quickly :uvJ cheuply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. Tho doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourseir ana ramiiy with it at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment zree. OFFICE HOt'RS-Daily 9 a. m. to 9 p, if 7uluu.Vt V IV Aw tVIIU Ji IV . Tak elevator in Christian's Hat Store, Remember the name and number. DR - REEVES 412 SPRUCE STREET. SCRANTON. CARPETS Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Paper. All the Latest Designs . ' J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. four doors above Wyoming House. Highest of all in Leavening Power. jd&fel Baking i bSS Powder P1TTSTON. Durlnff tho week Just closed the writer had occasion to visit the J'ltlstoa hospital, and the many striking mani festations of man's generosity that he beheld prove that the poor and the af flicted la their hour of adversity we not forgotten by the noble spirited men ml women of this place. The monthly reports published, which enable the public to learn just what Is received 11 the way of dellcucles, etc., give but faint Idea of Its substantial condition. n the south ward ure thirteen beds, nil of which have been endowed by socie ties and residents of this place. Each bed Is worth $50 and have been donated by the following: No. 1, St. John's lodgi?. Free and Accepted Masons. 233; No. 2, W. G. Nugent post, 24D, Grand Army of the Republic; No. 3, Gohouto lodge, 314, Independent Order of Vdd Fellows; No. 4, Wyoming; lodge, Knights of Honor; No. C, Royal Arcanum, 134; No. 6, Mrs. W. L. Watson ; No. 7, Catho lic Mutual Benefit association, 48; No. Blessed Virgin sodality, St. John's (R. C.) church; No. 9, "Mary Bed;" No. 10, "John Brown Bed;" No. 11, Valley lodge, A. Y. M., 499; No. 12; Luzerne lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fel ons, 721; No. 13, Archie F. DeWltt. The "Mary Bed" was purchased by a fund creatod by popular subscription through the efforts of Editor Hart, of the Gazette. It ln located on the east side of the building and adjoins the 'John Brown Bed," which has been provided In tho same manner. The 'Archie DeWltt Bed" was presented by Archie DeWltt, sr., as a gift In honor of his son's birthday, which occurred Oct. 6. The several appliances, many of them the origin of Superintendent Glle son, tend greatly to facilitate the work Incumbent upon the removal of patients from the several wards to the operating room. Particularly among them Is a vehicle with a table body. It Is six feet ong and two feet wide. The running geur consists of two rubber tire wheels ocated In the center, and are of bicycle pattern. The vehicle Is of polished oak and Is the same height as the beds. In the removul of patients Its comfort and utility can be readily understood. Si impressed was Lr. Guthrie, one of the staff of the Wllkes-Barre hospitul, with the vehicle while on a recent visit, that he expressed his Intention of having two built for similar use In the hos pital in that city. Another feature that commands the admiration of tho visi tor is the recent changes made In the bath room and closet service. With out exception In point of cleanliness and elegance they stand unsurpassed by any similar Institution. The floors are of tile and the walls to a height of nix feet are liulshed with a coating similar to Celluloid. The bath Is of the latest pattern, as are also the closets and wash stands. Two radiators furn ish steam heat to each eomuurtmnet. Both rooms are convenient to each of the -wards. .While all these comforts are greatly appreciated, the necessity of financial aid and necessaries such as are needed In Institutions of this kind must not for a moment be lost sight of. The winter Is close at hand and a dona tion of apples, potatoes, turnips, coal, etc., be the quantity treat or small. would no doubt be gratefully accepted. While much has been said In praise of the generosity of the friends of the hos pital, but nevertheless deserved, what the physicians who all along have done and who continue to .give their time and attention to alleviating the suffering, their services, while overlooked, have not been forgotten. At an early day the writer will endeavor to eonvev as minutely as possible some Idea of what these gentlemen have done without re ward other than the acknowledgment of a grateful community. Joe Hltchner, of "Tld Bit" fame, Is In trouble. He has been accused of ap propriating ty his own use a Shanghai rooster, belonging to his neighbor, Jo seph Lungford.and must stand trial for the offense. The trial Is set down for next Thursday evening In Music Hall, and all deshious of witnessing the fun can do so for 50 cents. G. S. Ferris, esq., will represent Mr. Hltchner, while 1'. A. O'Boyle will look after Mr. Lang ford's Interests. Burgess S. B. Bennett will be the judge, while tho jury yet re mains to be manufactured. It Is safe to say that the truth will be gaily flirt ed with. By a new schedule of the Lehigh Val ley road, which went Into effect yester day, the competition which the com pany has been compelled to suffer by reason of the Traction company run ning cars between Wllkes-Barre and this place1 at a one-third less rate, has caused the Valley company to annul all accommodation trains running be tween both points. 1 Mudam and Augtmtln Neuvllle, In their new play, "Cell 22," will be seen at Music Hall next Wednesday evening. TUNKHANXOGK. J. H. Miller writes from Oklahoma that he has acquired the lease of a semi bitunilnous coal tract about four miles square. Joe Is a hustllntf youiur sur veyor who went west a few months ago to seek bis fortune. If there Is any money In the coal business out there he of the sort of stuff to get It out. May success follow him. James F. Day, Junior editor of the Democrat, Is about to take a trip to the Lone Star state. Ho hns an uncle down In that region whom he expects to visit. Washington Camp, No. 4S9.I'atrlotlo Order Sons of America, of East Lemon, will hold their annual anniversary sup per on "Wednesday, Deo. J2, In the base ment of the Methodist Episcopal church at that place. The iRast Lemon boys are naturally hospitable and their sprends tire always something to be en- Joyed. F. P. Avery received word yesterday morning that his cousin, Mrs. Will iam Hement, of Philadelphia, is dead. Some of the members of the family will go down to the funeral. The wagon bridge across the Susque luinna has been replunlced one-half its entire length. Perry Hillings had the contract. A. S. Wlntermute Is wearing crutches, tUt result of dropping a timber on his foot while working on the river bridge. Mrs. J.JL Miller gave a. dinner party to a large number of fnlends Saturday. A settlement of the ease of the com- monwiHun vs. t;. t-. voBhurg was agreed upon, but for some- reason the selllomeiit was not consummated und the case will be laid before the grand Jury nt January term. Vosburg was In- dloted for tearing down fences and do ing malicious mischief. Leonurd Cooper 1 taking a course at Latest U. S. Gov't Report Wood's bti'ineis college, Scranton. MeEhoppen has organized a board of health and passed the regularly pre scribed borough ordinances appertain ing to their work. Miss Grace Bonner, of Eatonvllle, the bright and sparkling elocutionist, Is winning fresh laurels wTi-srevef she goes. She has been at Forest City uiiil adjacent towns within a few days und the press compliments her highly. The policy of retrenchment on the Le high Valley has extended to the passen ger service, and the new schedule cuts off one Important train running from New York to Elmira. It Is No. 13,pass- Ing here at 10.48 a. m. Some important changes In the running time of other trains have been made, notably the New. York vestibule, which passes here at 2.46 p. m., instead of 3.16 as hereto fore. Jewelry repaired. Davldow Bros. CARBONDALE. The chapel of the Baptist tabernacle was a very pretty sight Friday even lag, the occasion being the annual chrysanthemum supper under the aus pices of the Ladles' Aid society. In the center of the room was a large collec tion of chrysanthemums, artistically grouppd. The tables were nicely ar ranged and also presented n tempting sight. The supper was well patronized and the ladles added a neat sum to the treasury. Miss Lillian Storm and Miss Whit more, of Scranton, spent Sunday as the guests of Miss Mattle Hards, of Lin coin avenue. A. A. Hall has returned from a visit to his sun, Charles Hall, in Elmira, N. Y. On Tuesday and Wednesday evening of this week will be held the annual supper In aid of the Congregational church. Burt R. Hall nnd a committee are ar ranging for a cantata, "Crowning of Christmas," to be rendered by the Sun day school of the Berean Baptist church. It will be given on Christmas night in the tabernacle and will take the place of the unnuul Christmas exer cises of the school. C. E. Spencer and daughter, Margery, are on a ten days' visit to friends In Ypsllantl, Mich. Henry Brennan Is on a business trip to New York city. Sunday evening Rev. T. E. Jupson, of the Baptist tabernacle, preached his second sermon on the Bible as a book His subject wus, "How the Bible Was Given Us." Edward Hinted and family, of Darte avenue, spent Sunday with Waymart relatives. A most exciting game of foot ball was played on Saturday afternoon on the new nthletlc field between the Car bondale High school team and a team from the Scranton Business college, Some hard fighting was done nnd both sides made a touchdown. The score was 4 to 4. The teams lined up us fol lows: Scranton. Cnrbomlale. Thompson renter Singer Barnes right guard Watt Richards left guard .... Hockenberry Brooks right tackle .Luftus Burnes left tackle.. ..Hockenberry Cummlngs right end Abbott Matthews left end Rutherford Klple .uuarter Murrin Peters right half back Bovard Owens left half back.. ....... Walsh Beck full back Brennan On Saturday morninir C. W. Walker hurriedly entered a Salem avenue bus! ness place and asked for change for $ he was accomodated. He was In such a hurry to go out that he opened the door, but instead of going out the open door, he came with great force against the other door which was shut. The result was that his head went through the pane of glass and he received a deep gash on the nose. Miss Gertrude Dennis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dennis, of Washington street, entertained a large party of little friends on Saturday af ternoon In honor of her tenth birthday. William Plel, prescription drugtflsl for A. W. Reynolds, spent Sunday at his home in Honesdale. Miss Murian Crane and Miss Florence Harrison spent the Sabbath as the guests of the Misses Hutchins, of Moosie. On Saturday at 12.45 p. m. occurred the death of John D. Jones at his home on Wayne street. He had been a suf ferer for a long time with lung trouble Deceased was 110 years of age. Funeral will be held this (Monday) afternoon, Service -will be conducted in the First Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock. In terment will be made In Maplewood cemetery. Have your eyes examined at Davldow Bros. Free of charge. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over titty years by millions of mothers for their children whllo teething. With perfect success. It sooths the child. softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for di arrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-tlvo cetits a bottle. For line watches cull on Davidow Every watch s uaraiiteed. Bros. HALLSTEA1). W. rike attended the funeral of M. B. Wright ut Susquehanna Satur day. Silas K. Pike was In lUnghumton Sat urday. Phllo McDonald, who hod hid hip dislocated a few days since, is but aKaln on the streets under the good treatment of Dr. Lamb. H. B. Georgia, of the Blnghamton Herald, was In town Saturduy. Mrs. M. Brown, who hus been 111, Is out' again. L. T. Truvls hns built a new meat market on Chase avenue.' U. R. W. Beurle, of Susquehanna, was In town on Saturday. A member from this place attended the funerul of M. B. Wright nt Susque hanna yesterday. Unredeemed pledges. Davldow BroB. T HONESDALE. Hon. E. K IlanU-tibprgr, Hon. Honry Wllrtou nml E. A.- Pennlmmi left hero Saturday to ntteml the. funeral Bvrrlces of the lute M. B. wrltfht.- Hunting partlou have been out In the wllds of Pike county nfU-r the fleet- footed deer fur neverul weeks past. Sat urday n litti'ly composed oV Murtln W'lll- lum Kimble, KusHell Kimble, William I Blukney and V. E. Cook, returned from a few days' trip and brounht home two i flue deoA They are Justly , proud of their trophies. - t Harry Svmmong visited friends in Glrdland lrtist week. : : . ' Miss-Susie Walt, of Hawley, wh the guest of Houcsdale relatives Saturday. Magnifying glasses. Davldow Bros. MAYFIELD. Miss Alice Pigeon, of New' York city, visited at W. J. Bergan's last week. Ernest Caryl was in Mayfleld Satur day. . , Patrick Bergan was In Scranton Sat urday niaht. C. S. Hnyt was in Pittston yesterday. C. S. Hoyt und H. J, DeGraw attend ed the Worren-Uulikwertz wedding at Scranton last Thursday night. Richard Friend was In Carbondale Saturduy night. Walter Griffiths and Edward Masten W. .1. Bergan und Timothy McCarty were in the Pioneer City Saturday night. Eyeglasses 25c. Davldow Bros. YANDLINQ. The employes of the Delaware and Hudson mine received their monthly wages Thursday. Born, tn Mr. and Mrs. William Beero, a son. Mrs. Henry Vlzzard, who sailed to England about two months ago, Is ex peceted home today. The Delaware and Hudson mine worked fourteen days during the last month. The pay-roll amounted to about )110UU, and lu,0u0 tons of coal were shipped. Uriah Mitchell, of Monroetown, has been visiting his brother, II. D. Mitchell.' Was a Good Job, From the Troy Times. Waite, of Colorado, attributes his defeat t the opposition f the women, thousands of whom voted Tuesday. It was a good Job. whoever did It. Alt Katie Rosengrant lister, reon. Scrofula The Worst Case the Doc tors Ever Saw Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: I wish to testify to the great value of Hood's Sarsaparilla. For some time I bad been troubled with scrofula, which early last winter assumed a very bad form. Sores Appeared on My Face and hands and gradually increased in number until they reached to my shoulder. The doctors said It was the worst case of scrofula they ever saw nnd also went so far as to say It was In curable. I tried ointments uud other remedies but to no avail. A friend recommended Hood's Hood'sCures Sarsaparilla, and although I was completely ills couraged, a last chance I resolved to give It a trial. AitertaKlngoiie bottle I noticed the sores hod commenced to heal. Alter the sixth bottle They Were All Healed. I continued to take It, however, until I had used nine bottles, and now I am perfectly well." AUBS KATIE ItOSKNUHANT, Ulster, reiiu. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet asy In action. Bold by all druggists. 2c. fl 1 Store Crowded All siastic Buyers at the GENUINE BANKRUPT SALE OF CM We bought the stock of the Hyde Salt, and are selling it at a great 1HS.31AL AVEME, HIDE PARK; A great opportunity for the people of Hyde Park and vicinity to make their winter purchases in C'LOTIILNG at very low prices. J RnV5' Boys' Pants, 2 for 25c. :. ""J" Men's and Boys' Overcoats, listers, at lour Uwn Trice, tvery 50LD Sale at Hyde Park Hat aud D I) Clothing Store 114 vS; . Main Avenue. 230 BIQN OF THE Look for the Sign! THE DICKSON M SCRANTON AND WILKES Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, liUlollNLi AND 1 WEAK TIEN YOUR ATTENTION I U CAt-LBll TO IB Uraat English Remedy. Specific Medicine YOU SUFFER from Nor- mrw ana uuadULaMU 111 III I I TOU biUty, WeakneM of Body and Mind, Bpm torrn, a ad Imuotaney. and all diraaaes that aril tiom OTM-kirtuldeioe and aelf-abniw. as Loaa of Memory and Powar, Ulmutea of Vis ion. Prematura Old Age and many otbar Ola' I ease that lead to Insanity or Conanmptiun anu au iy grave, write ror a pamuniet. .Addrew GRAY MEDICINE Vu.. Buffalo. N.Y. Th Bpecino Uxdlclna la sold by all druggists at II par package,, or six cackagee for $5, or tent bv mail on receipt of mooev, and with every 5.C0 order Ur RllnRoNTFc a cure or money refunded. 1 V'fHnB"lri IWVn account or counterfeits we nave adopted the ullow Wi-apser. tho only Etna- hie. Bold In Bcranton by Matthew Bros. s so LAGER BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY 3 100,000 Barrels per Annum Win. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Gralr. on New York Exchange and Chlcagi Board of Trade, either for cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. DIHMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 5.W2. "WELL, SIR" 'Spectacles !" Yes sir ! We have a specialist here to Gt you who dues nothing else. Sit right down and have your eyes fitted in a If If I scientific manner. LLOYD. JEWELER 1 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. HT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of tho best quality for domestic use, unu 01 an size, delivered in part of the city at lowest price. any viiiurH mil. &i my umce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Hear room, first floor, Third National dank, or sent by mall or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the uie nun ueiivery or jsucKwneat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. the Week with Enthu Park Hat and Clothing store at Sheriffs sacrifice. t Sale now going on at the store, ktfir.Q I Boys' Waists, yiviui v r 2 for 25c. Suits, Pants, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Etc., Purchase a Genuine Bargain. BY THE Sale at Hyde i Park Hat and ClothingStore 114S. Lack. Ave. Main Avenue. BELL. BANKRUPT SALE. ANUFACTURING CO - BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of PUMPING MACHINERY. . . General Office: SCRANTON, PA. vLEADEgS OF e - . 2 ,1 . s -V Iflhe ..Fair. 1 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. . , v ifi glg) g DEPARTMENTS ' SSg II IBM 1111 i SPECIAL WUK - I EUERY Chenille Table Covers 6-4 Chenille Cover, $1.00 each; reduced from $1.25. We also carry the 4-4 and 8-4 sizes. Chenille Draperies An endless line of patterns. The low prices will as tonish you. Japanese Screens " Black and Gold, White Cloth Screens. Unfilled Oak Screen Oak Tables 75c, 90c, $1.25, $1.50 Great Bargains KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. Branch at Carbondale. ECONOMY'S NOV. 19, AT 8 We inaugurate our annual " ROOM-MAKIXll SALE" for our Xmas dis play. One-half of our superb stock, comprising the choicest of all departments, will Lave to be sold at almost any price, as our Holiday Goods are arriving daily. This will be good ' news for all and will arou9e pleasant anticipations in the minds of those fortunate ones who secured great bargains last year usually large trade we have secured extra salesmen in all department and extra wagons to deliver,as we Salesmen will keep busy Selling Antique Bedsteads,Springs, Mattress, Comfort and Pillow, worth 15, for $17.50 entire outfit. Salesmen will keep busy Selling $:s Cook Ranges for $11; best made. Salesmen w ill keep busy Selling 'i: Sideboards for $0.75 5 Ant. Oak. Salesmen will keep busy giving you all the credit you want and giving you THAT Handsome Timepiece with purchases: of 50, or Diuuer Set of 100 Pieces with $73 purchases.' REMEMBER Xext Monday, pijiww nil wifw LOW PRiCES. : DRY I and Gold and Light Colored Frames $1.40 EACH and $2.50 each. These are O'CLOCK A. at this sale. In anticipation of au un believe in delivering goods promptly Salesmen will keep busy Selling 75c, English Brussel Car pet for 4MCi new patterns. ' " Salesmen will keep busy ' Sclliug.jSi.:5 Lcae Curtains for 75C Salesmen will keep busy Selling 05c. Kitchen Chairs for 30C. Salesmen will keep busy Selling the Finest and Heaviest ,j8 Bedroom Suits for f 25, Nov. 10, at 8 o'eloek, at the mi: rtv,AV'J I, -