TIIE SCIIAOTON TRIBUNE MONDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1894. LACKAWANNA WON THE SUIT I. y Sew ,yorh Parmer's Claim That the Tracks Caused a Severe Flood. INVOLVED 1 J1AXY THOUSANDS After Flvo Days of Spirited Litigation and Kxpcrt Testimony tho "Judge Took the Case from the Jury and KcjcuscJ the Company. A litipatlon which terminated Friday in Livingston county, N. Y., included the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad as defendant and renders Im probable further action of a large num ber of land owners whose, farms were, claimed to have been damaged by flood , to the-extent of many thousands of dol lars through the building of the com pany's line of road. The circumstances are peculiar and Interesting. The suit Just ended. was begun last week Monday In Genesee before Judge Yeomans. John E. White, the plaintiff, was represented by Attorney Hastings, of Mount Morris, and ex-Judge Nash, of Batavla, The defendant company was represented by such eminent counsel as Attorneys John J, Vilburn, of Buffalo, and Charles J. Blssell, of Rochester. In tense interest was attached to the case from the fact that its result bore upon suits ..which might follow In case the plaintiff was successful. However, the case was taKen from the jury and a decision made that the company was not liable. ' ' 'District of Semi-Annual Flood. ' Vt'hfen the Lackawanna system was extended tn Buffalo the company leased . the New York, Lackawanna and West ern road, which traversed the Oeneseo valley. In the spring and fall of nearly every year-the valley to the distance of six or seven miles, and for an average width of a mlje, would be overllown. In iSS9 the region was visited by an unusually severe flood, which created great damage, and the cause was at tributed to the company by the plaintiff, Mr... White. The amount-of damages was not specllled. Tho line of road running west crosses the Canasersi?a creek, about- six miles from the creek's Intersection with the Genesee rlvt and runs paralell 'with the .smaller stream- all the distance. At the time of the alleged dama;;o the tracks and embankment separated the stream from the Hooded district. The plaintiff's claim was, In substance, that the company had not provided for the passage of the receding waters through Its embankment And was the cause of serious Injury to the farm lands, which were submerged for four days. In de fense the company proved that it only took thirty hours for the water to over flow the land, and it had provided suffi cient sluiceway for It to recede, In the earne length of time. After five days of spirited trial and expert testimony of engineers. Judge Yeomans took tho case from the jury and decided the plaintiff had no cause of action. RELIGIOUS TOPICS. Lay Reader Charlea Fraser preached two excellent sermons at St. David's church yesterday, in the ubsence of the rector, Mr. Mill, who was administering communion at Tunkhannock.- . . George R. Sanborn, of - the Rescue Mission, and F. .W. Pearsall, of the Railroad Young Men's Christian asso ciation, occupied th pulpit of the Cal vary church yesterday. ( , , ' ''.A' ti und.rallji'of"4h JSundijt- iclioutfi of the Scranton Street Baptist church was held by the teachers and other olll cers. Special music was rendered by the choir: ' Captain Fattie Watklns, of New York, conducted the services at the Salvation Army barracks, Hyde' Pui k, throughout yesterday. , Bishop Nicholson will hold a Confirm ation service at the Grace Episcopal church, Wyoming avenue, - tomorrow evening at 7.45 o'clock, i Bible day was celebrated at the West Market Street Baptist church last night, when an excellent programme was per formed aiu a substatl,al offertory was taker, for the Publication society. Few citizens have heard of the Scran ton Berean club, which Is accomplish ing such excellent work In the ranks of the young men of tho city. The cjub has been organized by Secretary Mahy, of the Young Men's Christian associa tion, and has fifty-two members In the first branch and fifty members In the railroad branch, under the direction of F. W.. Pearsnll. The member,! Wear a badge with an Impress of the letter W signifying "Waiting; Watching, Will ing, 'Working, Winning," and are also pledged to a systematic course of BRle study, which is undertaken chiefly on Saturday evenings at the Young Men's Christian association rooms and on Tuesday evenings at the railroad rooms. A. W. Dickson delivered an excellent address at the afternoon meeting at the Young Men's Christian association yes terday. At next Sunday's meeting Mr. and Miss Mechlem, of New York city, will leuder harp and saxophone duets. St. Luke's Magazine for November is a. very blght numbec-and contains nn Interesting recapitulation of the work How Irs.Becse Became a Convert Ilcr Arm Wa9 Useless, and Could ' ' Not Be Moved Without Paln IIow She, Was Cured. Mrs. John Reese, South Pottstown, Pa., says: "It is now .about a year since I was cured of one of the worst attacks of rheumatism I ever had. I had' tried all kinds of remedies and had several docturs,..but nothing did me any good; so I concluded to try Munyon's Reme dies;' I never had any' faith in homeo pathy; I confess now I am a firm be llever,4n it. After, taking the Rheuma tism remedy a few days Iv was able to ralBe my arm,-which I had not moved for two weeks' without the most in tense torture. Within a short time I was completely cufed, and it was per manent, for during the past year I have not had the llghtest return of the dis ease." ' "' -Wunyon's Rheumatism Cure Is Kuar anteed to cure rheumatism Jn any part of the body. Atfute or muscular rheu matism cured In from one to five days. It never falls to cure Bharp, shooting patns in tlfe.arms, legssUles, back or bre'aBt, or soreness in any part of the body In from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff and swolen joints liff back,' and alVpalns In the.hlps iffd loins. Chronic rhiuniatlsin. sclatlont, lumbago or pain In the baclf are'speefjlly cured. " " i tytunyon's Homeopathlo Home Rem edy companjN of Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. - . . . 11 SAVED of the past month and the current work of the various guilds. The rector writes a pithy account of a week's work as taken from his diary which will surprise many members of the ch.urch Who other wise would not appreciate the numer ous call upon a clergyman's time. IS LOCAL THEATERS. Tonight the Frothingham lady or chestra will give the Beyond of its series of concerts at that beautiful play house. It will be assisted by Miss Pauline Glld-don-Chapman, cornet soloist, and Fred Emerson Brooks, the California poet humorist. An evening of rare enjoy ment is in store for those who attend this concert. Among Mr. Brooks' noted compositions are the following, which he will recite: "The Wasp at the Camp Meeting," which illustrates .the devil ment of two young Americas; "Old Ace," which describes a horse race and has a vein of delicate humor; "Little Tim's Tobacco," a pathetic story: "The Orthod-Ox Team," a description of a Callfornlan's twelve-yoke team; "Oh, Ye Yus," how a Yankee boy sparks. The admission price will be but 50 cents; no reserved seats. II II II At the Academy of. Music .tonight "The- New South" will be produced, as a benefit for the ;Nay Aug Hose company.- It is the most successful Amer ican play that has been given to fho public in the past few seasons. Joseph R. Grismer and Miss Phebe Davis, two well known stage favorites, sustain the leading roles. - II II II McKenna's Flirtation," a laughable farco comedy that has been seen before In this city, will be, produced at the Frothingham tomorrow night. The company that will be seen In It here is very strong and evenly balanced. The singing Is especially commendable, and tho airs are tuneful and harmonious. To all lovers of rollicking, healthy fun, taking from a class of real life in New York, there Is no play that affords a better chance than "McKenna's Flirta tion." I' I' II "Tim the Tinker," the Irish comedy drama in which John E. Brennan. Is starring this season, will be seen at the Frothtngham Wednesday and Thurs day nights. It Is an exciting and well constructed drama and has a number of clever mechanical effects. II II II ' ' Charles A. Hartley, the Scranton boy wno nas won such rame in New York as a ventriloquist, will appear at the Academby of Music Thursday evening and give an entertainment, assisted by his own specialty company, every mem ber of which is a star. - II II II i Friday and Saturday evenings and baturday afternoon the "Country Cir cus," will be given at the Frothingham under the direction of Jefferson, JClaw & Erlanger. It Is the biggest Indoor entertainment given on a stage any- wnere. II H II A gymnastic exhibition will be given by the members of the Scranton Turn Vereln Monday evening, Nov. 26. ii ii ii Manager Davis lias secured a great attraction for the coming week In Will iam O. Austin's Glganteans and famous Living Pictures," which will come di rect to Scranton after a straight run'oi six months at the Palace theater. Bos ton. Every precaution" has been taken by Mr. Davis and a written guarantee given that no Indelicate picture or scene is introduced, but that the whole per formance is a first-class entertainment. The press records and . recommenda tions sneak unusually well of the com pany, and there is no doubt but' that the reputation of this popular nouse win be more than sustained dur ing the coming week. "City Government." a nln James Gilbrlde, of this city, and said to deal With councllmanic corruption and boodle, will be given in' Scranton next spring. The scenery is said to In clude the Elm Park church and the chimes of that edifice nro tn ua - - - w m. . ciji in duced. Olir Una nt yiftn, L ... , . .. lln uuiL-uununs is tne handsomest, as well as the most conven ient In the city. Bavldow Bros. ANOTHER HOOD MOVEMENT An Emergency Club ho lid Organized in the City. Arrangements are belnir mndn tn organize an Emergency club In the city, with headquarters av the Young Men's Christian association. Tho work has been carried on for.many years In Eng- iuiiu unoer tne name of the St. John's Ambulance association, nnd th mnvo. ment will be set on foot upon the same lines in tnis clt. Such a club will nmw nf mn. benefit, as the physicians and surgeons nve oeen approached and have prom ised to give free lectures and lessons weekly upon the ImDortant wni r ''first aid" in cases of heeldont . ti membership will be free and tii'i ! cellent opportunity will nmhui.i. k grasped by miners, mechanics and rep- i-rcmu lives oi otner trades where lia bility to accidents exist. Wa VlQI.A CiikIIm hll. ... Gents ask to sop them. Davldow Bros. KI.I.XE WAS VINDICATED. Arbitrators Estimate the Damage to Ills i.naractcr at $25. Mrs. Mary Langan openly alleged that James Kline and another man drove her cow out of her yard and to the pound bo that they could collect the pound-fee. .He' sued her for slander and placed the case in the hands of Attorneys Hulslander & Vosburg. At torney Joseph O'Brien was engaged by Mrs. Langan. Court appointed as board of arbitra tors Charles E. Olver, John Edwards and E. H. House. After hearing the evidence on both sides an award in favor of the plaintiff of $25 was given. And If you want to be an early riser, think of Davldow Bros, alarm clocks. 217 Laeka. ava. RHEUMATISM in the back, shoulders, nips, ankles, elbows, or wrists, Is caused Mv accumulation of add In tho blood. Hood Sarparllla neutralizes the acid and cures rheumatism. HOOD'S PILLS a"re the best family catarth e and liver medicine. Harmless and reliable. . Opera glasses at Davldow Bros. The $40,000 School House fnf 1 , . K I n ........ 1 . . . avenue mis ueen let ana will be commenced Immediately. There are fit 111 n fnur mnra In. a l.ff n. i . - - ...v. , . u . . l ai a iuw price. Arthur Frothingham, Office, Theater Lobby. Our one dollar solid gold stud is the fad Guaranteed. Davldow Bros. , .M.55 to New York and Return. Special exouralon to New York via the popular Central Railroad of Now Jersey on Tuesday, Nov. 20. Rain or shln Faro $4.66 from Scranton, and all Inter mediate points, Plttston, Miners, Parsons Wlkes-Barre. A HrBt-class refreshment car In charge of the Union News company will be attached at Wilkes-Barre. Qood to return on any regular train within Hve auys. L.eavo scranton a. m. LARKIN GETS $700. Two Juries Keach Verdicts and One Agrees n ho Disagree. He sued for 2,500, but a Jury gave Michael Larkln, of West Lackawanna avenue only $700 for damages sustained to his property by the widening of tho street. ,. A Verdict for the defendant was ren dered in the replevin suit of John P. Jones against William Maxwell and others. . In the trespass suit of William Mc Manes against George Cooper, the Jury could not agree and were discharged. . pnd rapidly growing, children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion,than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. "Emulsionr stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood.overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it.- For Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Bron chitis, Weak Lunt;s, Emaciation, Con sumption, Blood Diseasos and all Forms Of Wasting. Send for pamphlet. Free. ScottiSowne, M.Y. All Druggists. EOc.andSl. Maloney Oil and Manufacturing Go OILS VINEGAR , AND CIDER - U to 151 MERIDIAN ST. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATHNT PAINT, which consists of iiiKiedlonts well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, Ralvanlzud tin, sheot Iron roofs, also to brick dwellnKs, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack Ins or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and it's cost docs not exceed one-llfth that of tho cost of tinning. ' Is sold by tho Job or pound. Contrai-ls taken by ANTONIO HARTMAKM. 627 Birch St nure Ton Sore Throat. PiniDles. Conmr-Calornd Spot, Aches, Old Soren, Ulcers In Month, llnlr fr'alMwi? Write Cook Krmrdy Co., D07 M oBlelVniplf ,hlrago,lll.Jorpr(M)fof on res. Capital 8)500,000. Patlontncurod nine yean nirotPrtaysounrt andwr-ll. loo-pngr hook Trrn SHAW EMERSON J. Lawrence Stelle, FORMERLY STELLE & SEELEY, MUSIC DEALER, SHAW PIANOS to the Front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU That we WILL GIVE you terns oi sterling SILVISK. SFUUMS and FORKS for an erual weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All- elegantly en . . . ' graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU yr, 1V..V: 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. B.s 1 ICON MAKERS' Id ipnlipiifipr if n - ' . CALKS . .Xf We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large ' share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles. Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North .Carolina Short an"3 Long Leaf Yellow Pine, i . ; Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails,' Mine -Ties, Mine ; Props arid Mine Supplies iri general, - . THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. I V The Only Specialist in Rarvoai Diseases Be lucco Buffalo and Philadelphia. DR. W. H. HACKER, Physician In Chief for The Lackawanna . Medical Co. ' 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite tho New Hotel Jernivn. has opened ormcs for th treatment and curs of Kidney Bladder, Stomach, Bowel, Biood, Skin mm Nervous Diseases, ... Tlie cumpauy dhs udupted the plan of NO CURE, NO PAY, to all rsponsildo pnrtifs. Therefore taking upon theinsclvei the rink of failuro to cure, and provinK to a d'lulitfnl public th superior ity of the medial tnlcnt employed by tbira. Tnis offor holds good until January 1, 18.i. Geneto Urinary Surgery in all its nSauehes will be o. loriued by Competent Surgeons. .Call or send 6 cent) in stamps for "Good ftowa," a treatise on Isorvoua Diseases of you k men. Office Hours-8 a. m. to 8 p. in. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $260,000 This bank offers to depositors every fa cility warranted by their balances, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. WILLIAM CONNELL, Presldi-nt. , GEO. H. CATLIN, Vlce-Presklent WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. pIRECTORS: William Connell, Gcorse II. Catlln, Al fred Hand, James Archbald, Henry Belin, jr., William T. Btnlth, Luther Keller. CLOUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER, CROWN KNOW? PI A NfT) beautiful new pat- ' & CONNELL SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Lino of Scranton; Pa, Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County (Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and f 'Studding. . , ' ' ' A BEAUTIFUL. (hristmas Present FOR IT'S EfiOUGH TO 1ME1 FROG JOLLIEST HERE THEY'ARE! SCAT!! LOOK AT , 'EM!!! Qir t ir t try I J wP THE PRINCE OP JUVENILE ARTISTS This new production from the pen and pencil of Palmer Cox whose world-wide fame as the -greatest Juvenile Artist of this age is literally crammed from cover to cover with ROLLICKING FUN for LITTLE FOLKS and BIG FOLKS. too.t"-. It tells of the most remarkable and ludicrous experiences cf FAIRIES OIANTS, KINOS, CLOWNS, PIXIES, OBTAINABLE exclusive supply COUPONS. Just a Christmas Treat for ...... ..w .v p,. , w V M 25,000 of these books, and determined to distribute thein to the first com oy inn zo.uuu lots, j ney are genuine rainier cox books, ana beauties, apeak quick, lor they won t last long. Each book is complete in itself. . - -IT IS Each part contains thirty-two pages, about fifty unique piuures printed ir a variety of colors, on a superior grade of paper, very highly calendered, and they are bound in beautifully illuminated covers, executed in the highest style of the art, from designs by Palmet Cox. A lovely set, complete n EIGHT BOOKS WORTH 50 CTS. EACH. The price of this wonderful series (just funny enough to make a frog laugh) if sold in the stores (they can't get it) ought to be at least 50 cts. each, but as you are one o our readers you shall have them, if you speak quick, for only 10 cts. each. 0. 1, Houx !ft!l Piftl Thnrn 1U1HU UGl IIIOSBI era THE CHILDREN. JUVENILES . ENTITLED . . . . AUTHOR OP "The Brownies," AND Widely Famous. as ONLY THROUGH TIIE TRIBUNE. ih rWfrtn'nf is'nrtft cAt mr for this nty ' A WONDERFUL FUNNY SERIES. Y A WONDERFULLY GIFTED AUTHOR, SOLD AT A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. THIRTY-TWO PAGES EACH ABOUT FIFTY PICTURES ILLUMINATED COVERS ISSUED WEEKLY -S37THH pifST OF THE SERIES Ready Come or send to oiir office mail to your address, as you riton 1 no Cor. Spruce Street and Perm LAUGH! The Children - Jast Go Cfazy OVER Tun Latest, Brightest PEASANTS, FOXES; ; RATS, MICE, BIRDS,' INSECTS, ELEPHANTS, etc., describing their strange adventures and thelr quaint conversa-, tions, their FROLICS, ESCAPADES, FLIRTA TI0NS.C0URTSHIPS, WEDDINGS, etc., etc., all of which are Illustrated in that unapproachably humorous and grotesque style peculiar to our sifted author. Palmer Cox. nnp DPAHFRf?.' iand the our LITTLE PEOPLE. VM VMk UJ D Will l&l 14 IX lJIVIUU UII that came at 10 cents each, to cover Price ta Our Readers Onfy 10c. each ISfif This dumber mill bt DUtrlb ated this meek. CflLH EALY. 10 cts., and we deliver or wish. No extra charge. 1 tine 9 Avenue. PPOPI P