THE SCRANTON TltlJJUJttS-MOXDAY MOUNIiTC, XQVEMliEB 19, lSi4. Jkranfon ZxiUu PUSL18H1D DART mSORAMTOH. PA.. BY TH1 TRIBUKI PUBU8HIB0 GOMPAMY. C. P. KINGSBURY, Pum. Ctn'i Man. ' C. H. RIPPLC, Sce'T h Tim. LIVV . RICHARD, Coito. W. W. DAVIS! SuKKIMTINDCNT. W. W. YOUNOS, Adv. Mano's. Hiw Tons omci : tribum Buildinq. frame a ORAY. MAIIAQIR. BXTIRID AT TUB rOSTOFFICB AT SCRANTON, PA.. iS 6IC0ND-CLtB8 HAIL UATTSR. . . , . j , i " Printers' Ink," the recognized Journal for advertisers, rates Till: SCRANTON i TKHil'NE us the best advertising medium in Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers' Ink" knows. SCRANTON, NOVEMBER 19, 1804. THE SCRANTON OF TODAY. Come and Inspect our city. Elevation above the tide, 740 feet. Extremalv healthv. Estimated population, 1S94, 103,000. Registered voters, 20, Value of school tirout Number of school children, 12,000. Average amount of bank deposits, 000,000. It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. Can produce electric power cheaper tnan No better point In the United States at which to establish new Industries. See how we grow: Population In 18i0 . Population In 1870 Population In 1880 Population In 1890 'iltnSl Population In 1894 (estimated) MOW And the end is not yet. It Is not easy to see how there can be fair or just criticism of Mayor Connell for vetoing an ordinance which opened an indefinite hole in the city treasury and specified no exact compensation. If a viaduct is to be built largely at the city's expense, let the city first know what the viaduct will actually cost. Hypercritical Criticism. The declaration of a contemporary that It "Is a bad precedent" for the county commissioners to save the tax payers' money by reducing the rate of Interest on the outstanding 6 per cent, bonds to Wi per cent., Is one of the , novelties of this hilarious season. Its contention is that such a reduction will "disturb the Investments of hundreds," Including "the estates of widows and orphans." From the list of bondhold ers, elsewhere reproduced, the reader can judge for himself what degree of truth there Is In this assertion. The county, In an affair of this kind, naturally stands In the same relation toward its bondholders that a private business firm does toward those who hold Its Interest-bearing commercial paper. If such a firm Is paying 5 per cent, on promissory notes and can from another Bource borrow money at 4 per cent. It will, If legally free to do so, cancel the heavier Interest charge in favor of the lighter one. This Is all there is to the so-called "deal" of the county commissioners with Blair & Co., the New York bankers. It Is a saving of the public's money, In a perfectly fair and legitimate manner, and crit icism of It comes with 111 grace from any person assuming to represent the Republican party or Its economical con duct of the county finances. According to advices received by Chris Magee, a wish by Quay is again the father of a gubernatorial appoint ment In Pennsylvania, Some time ago, Admiral Walker, pending his appointment to the super- lntendency of the Annapolis school, was commissioned to make a study of the political situation In Hawaii. He re turned an enthusiastic convert to. an nexation, and thus reported to the presi dent. Mr, Cleveland now revokes the admiral's original appointment and the general belief is that he does this as a punishment to the admiral for having presumed to differ from the president's wishes. A very big man, pnysicauy, can sometimes be a very email and also a very contemptible one, mentally. The commissioners of Lackawanna may congratulate themselves if they never do a worse thing than save the people's money. Looking Ahead. ' An announcement is made, appar ently upon good .authority, that ex- Senator Thomas C. Piatt has declared that he would fight to the bitter end any effort to nominate either General Harrison or Major McKlnley for presl dent In 1896. Asked If New York would have a candidate of Its own, he la quoted as having made a negative reply, add ing that New York would be likely to support Thomas B. Reed or Senator Allison. Passing: the question whether Mr. Piatt Is authorized to speak for the Re publican party In New York state, It would be idle to deny that his feeling of animosity toward General Harrison Is shared by many men who are known colloquially as practical politicians. In the case of Mr. Piatt It Is believed that this feeling originated largely In the refusal of General Harrison in 1889 to make him "secretary of the treasury. The selection of Mr. Windom for that responsible position, despite the latter's lukewarmness during the preceding presidential campaign, was Interpreted by Mr. Piatt to mean a direct affront to himself; and an enmity once formed In this leader's mind does not speedily disappear. We know of no reason why a Blmllar feeling of animosity should exist toward Major ( McKlnley, unless It be due to the latter's obstinate re fusal, In the - Fifty-first congress, to accept Mr. Blaine's policy of reciprocity. which, according to all reports, was en grafted upon the McKlnley bill In the face of the Ohio leader's earnest "pro tests. , ", We do not now care to express an opinion oh the subject of the justice or Injustice of Mr. Piatt's opposition to these two eminent Republican leaders; but purely as a matter of spefcilation we feel free to notice the growing proba blllty that the next Republican national convention may, like the celebrated Cin cinnati convention of 1876, be compelled .to take up a fourth man,. a "dark horse,' as tt were. With Reed, McKlnley and Harrison dividing the vote, and Intensi fying with each ballot the firmness of their respective adherents, what would be more natural than that the conven tion should at last turn to a new can didate, who, by his prior neutrality, would be-acceptable to all the follow lngs?Any discussion of a political event two years In advance of Its occur rence must necessarily be held subject to later revision; but Is there not plausl blllty In the theory of a repetition, in 1S96, of the exciting episodes of 1876 and 18? 'Not without Interest, In this connec tion, Is this question of the Philadelphia Tlme3, "Why Not Grow?" The Times entertainingly points out that "Grow, n J 1 . ., the first Republican candidate of Tcnn- sylvarila who crossed the hundred thousand line In a majority, in his sec ond contest received the largest ma jority given to any one of the six state candidates, ' and the largest majority ever given to any candidate of any party In any state of the Union. It was Cleveland's majority of 192,000 for gov ernor in 1882 that made him the candi date for president in 1884, and the Times now repeats to the Republican leaders, In view of their present discussion of presidential candidates for 1896 Why not Grow? He has outrun everything that has been put In the field by the Republicans, not only in his own state, but he has surpassed any majority ever received by a candidate of any party In any state of the Union. Such a record ought to point with distinctness to the man the Republicans should take as their candidate for president in 1896. If they want a man who can do his own running and pile up the largest majorities the party has ever known, they should take Galusha A. Grow." The presidential boom period is young yet. Rut the public attention is douiiq to recur to It, as the days glide by; and it can at least do no harm to keep the foregoing facts In mind. We doubt whether the quality of jus tice dispensed in Luzerne county is, upon the whole, worth the $500,000 to $800,000 that the taxpayers of that county are to be asked to expend upon a new court house and grounds. We are free to confess that we can not perceive much to criticize In the Offer of President Cleveland to mediate between China and Japan. If Grover Cleveland never-made a worse blunder than to try to prevent tho needless shedding of human blood, his foreign policy, at least, would be clean and commendable. There Is entirely too much eagerness on the part of the op position press to pick flaws In the diplomacy of the administration at Washington. It ought to be America's proud boast, as It Is England's, that In matters pertaining to the national honor In foreign affairs, party lines are cordially forgotten. The disposition to quarrel can be abundantly gratified without going outside of home pretexts. Having "reformed" the tariff until his party Is licked out of all resemblance to its former self, Mr. Cleveland will next entertain the world with a pranc lng "go" at finance. This will no doubt be equally severe on the decrepit Democracy, but then think how proud It will make Mr. Cleveland. One Job Declined. Our estimable Democratic friend, "Roderick Random," Is pleased to ob serve: ' The Tribune is an ingenious logician and a deep reasoner. There fore, I hope that it will tackle the job of demonstrating to Its readers how that which Is a crime In Hyde Park can be a virtue on Sanderson's hill. Thus far it has only stated the fact and Us statement is not convincing." We must respectfully decline to tackle" a "Job" that exists only In our friend's imagination. The casting of a complimentary vote for one's neighbor who differs from one politically is an error of judgment, but not necessarily a cardinal political sin. It Is quite dif ferent from conspiring, day after day and night after night, to wreak ven geance on those of one's political house hold who have been guilty of no graver offense than fairly defeating one in a nominating convention. Organised treachery, in war; means death; and even in politics, It some times means pretty much the same thing, metaphorically at least. The postmaster of Pittsburg has just had to return 200,000 2-cent postage stamps which looked sick and wouldn't stlck.because the tongues of the resi dents of Pittsburg resented this money- saving Democratic administration's at tempt to trlile with their vainly sali vated papillae. ' Now that overwhelming defeat ha3 released It from the duty of advocating Democratic "tariff reform," the New York Sun Is once more frisky, sclntlll ant and sincere. "Tho outcome bf the late election," It says, "has made It as clear at Ottawa as It is in New York that in 1897 the Stars and Stripes will be run up again at Honolulu, and stay there; while Canadian producers will be notified by suitable changes In the tariff that, If they want admittance to the American market, they must get tt by becoming American citizens. This remark rings clear and true, like a Danalsm of old. What a relief tt must be to the paper which Rhlnes for all to be able once pore to say what it really thinks! . There Is no Important reason why the election Of a successor to the late Myron B. Wright should not be deferred until the regular local elections in February 1895. During the coming unimportant short session of congress Galusha A Grow could do all that the district needs to have done, and thus the district would be spared a considerable Item of expense. A Tempest in a Tea Pot. From the point of view of the aver age man, It must be confessed that the stir of the Cleveland, O., temperance women oyer the fact that in christening the new steamship St. ' Louts Mrs, Cleveland broke upon its side a bottle of wine' instead of a bottle of water, appears very like a tempeBt in a tea pot.. The custom which prescribes wine upon such occasions is as old as old Neptune hlmBelf; and in following it Mrs. Cleveland merely kept within the bounds of precedent and modesty. bottleful of muddy river water would doubtless have served the wetting pur pose quite as well; but It would have possessed no poetical symbolism, no ro mantic ouggestiveness and no substan tial benefit to the cause of true temper ance. If wo should be asked why this same coupe of temperance does not make larger and more gratifying progress among men. we should feel under the necessity of citing as one of the reasons the fact that women, when engaged In the laudable work of reforming man kind, often grow utterly irrational over trifles, thus alienating masculine sym pathy. Nor are we wholly sure that this christening episode would not sup ply ua with a pertinent example. With due respect to Maine, we wish that Tom Reed were located west of the Mississippi river. CHATS BY THE WAY. The Electric Traction company, of Phil- dclphlu, after experimenting with moro thun 100 devices to save life, has decided that tho Robins trolley cur fender fulfills Us demands; and each ear of this com-. puny will hereafter be equipped with one. V hat is useful in Philadelphia would seemingly bo equally beneflela:! in Beran- ton, a fact of which General Maur.ger Ueutcin will no doUbt make note. In its report of a recent meeting of the board of health, The Tribune quoted Health Officer Allen as having reported only one case of typhoid fever In the ity. Dr. Allen says this unintentionally does him an injustice. "What 1 said was that In my Individual practice as a phy sician I hud encountered only one malig nant case of typhoid. I have nothing to do with reporting canes to the health board. Tho records of the secretary show how many cases there have been reported to the board, throughout tho city." The overhead wire problem Is about to bo solved in Wllkcs-Harre by means of a mammoth wooden conduit, divided Into twenty-four sections, each with a capac ity of 100 wires. Dunn Uros., contractors, '.111 bury this conduit In a trench from ten to fourteen feet deep, leaving manholes at every Bquure. by nieana of which wires can be repaired or changed without tear ing up tho streets. The sections of 'ho conduit are of eresotod wood and arc ex pected to remain sound In the ground fur 100 years. The conduit will be used for telephone wires only, and Is evidently an emphatic disproof of the recent conten tion in this city that telephone wires can not successfully be strung beneath iho street surface. It might pay councils to send a committee to Wllkea-liarre to study this sytHem; for It can be put down as unerringly certain that sooner or' later the overhead wire nuisance In Scranton will have to go. In the opinion of Captain Morris, who assisted In the Incubation of tho now cele brated "Jermyn revolt," what this county needs most "Is a prison about a mllo long that would hold all the crooks and boodle politicians." The captain is a trlile severe on his friends. Speaking of bacteria, it's a good thing they don't live long; for Mr. Aberdeln tells us that if the progeny of one single bacterium should live for one week, it would form a mass that would All the ocean and all the dry land upon the earth to the depth of one mile. In twenty-four hours, the multiplication Is from one to 17,OUO,000. What saves us from being crowded "oft the earth" is the happy fact that these- little ruscals die just as rap Idly as they are born. As heretofore re marked, It's a queer world. It was a cynic, with a sprinkle of pro fanity in his list of sins, who divided man kind Into two great classes the fools and tho damned fools. Sometimes I um forced to suspect that he was not fur from right. The Carbondale Leader makes a good point by asking whether Don Cameron's present of money to E. H. Heuse, when the latter was a senatorial candidate, Is to be taken as an explanation of why the Cameron dynasty has so long defied popu lar disfavor. The custom thus exposed is common enough; and Cameron Is not by any menus the only sinner. But JuU the same, It is a vicious custom, which to the uninitiated looks really little differ ent from open bribery. This will be Schlverea week In Wllkes- Barre. Evangelistic Bervices began there yesterday and will continue throughout the week, both afternoon and evening. M. Weeden, the sweet singer, will bo as sisted by a male chorus, of forty voices. and If the deviltry of that depraved city doesn't get a thorough tearing up it wdl not result from any lack of effort. Tha contract, wo admit. Is a Herculean one; but let us nevertheless hope for the best. With every other body " throwing a tribute at NWon and Rockwell's new song, Darling Helene," I feel that I must not bo out of fashion, I haven't seen the words nor heard tho nlr; but after all, that doesn't matter. The mun la often happiest who uccepts new songs or. faith. POLITICAL POINTS. Lancaster and Allegheny have oach In dorsed Walton for speaker. David H. Lane's ward has Indorsed Coroner Ashbrldge for mayor of Philadel phia. Tho Montgomery county delegation will support Walton for speaker and Fetterolf for chief clerk. To smoothc things over, Quay's pro gramme In said to be to let General Reeder be secretary of tho eommonwulth; ex- Congressman McCormlck, attorney gen cral ;Tom Stewart, udjutant gonoral, and Colonel Lambert, lnsuranco commissioner. This leaves Chairman Ullkeson tempo rarily "outsldo the breastworks." Pittsburg Republicans had a rattling jollification Saturday night. Congress men-elect Dayton and Dovener, of West Virginia, were the guests of honor, in an Interview Mr. Dayton said that West Virginia would bo solidly Republican In 1890, when she electa a governor. Ex-Con- gressmnn G. W. Atkinson is prominently mentioned for the plnce. Mr. Day'.on says that Stephen II. Elklns will undoubt edly be elected to the I'nUcd States sen ate to succeed Camden. 'It Is known to be a fact," says Iho Philadelphia Press, "that Senator Quay and his friends are for General Reeder for secretary of the commonwealth, and that tho senator would also like to have Lyman D. Gilbert appointed attorney gen oral. Tho politicians believe that Quay will get Reeder, but they have little hope for Gilbert, Ex-Congrossman Henry Clay McCormlck, or Wllllamsport, Is now be lleved to Btand the best chance of being appointed attorney general and there Is some tnlk or naming Mr. Gilbert for dep uty attorney general." . Tho plurality of 241,397 by which Governor-elect Hastings was eloctod cx ceeds by C0.000 tho combined pluralities of all the Republican governors elected in Pennsylvania, and Is 8,000 greater than the combined pluralities of all tho Repuollcun and Democratic governors chosen in thin state staec the formation of the Hepub llcan party. There has never been a gov ernor clocted In this state who came v ith In 170,000 of recevlng the enormous plur ality by which General Hastings was elected. The nearest approach to it was Governor Schulze, who wan re-elected in 1828 by a maorlty of 70,546 ovor John Ser geant, the Federal nominee. Govornor Johnston, the first Whig executive, was elected by the smallest majority over received by any governor of this state, His majority ever .Morris Longstreet, Democrat,, was only 297. There will bt many familiar faces among the members of the next legisla ture, says the Patriot. Of fifty senators, twenty-five hold over until 1897 and seven have beon re-elected; nlnoty-seven of the 204 members of the house of representa tives have been returned. The legisla ture of 18B3 organised with thirty -eight old and twelve new sonators and eighty-two old and 122. new members of the house. The next senate will be composed of forty three Republicans and seven Democrats. In the house the Republicans will have 177 members r.nd tho Democrats twenty nine, the two Pennsylvania Democrats In cluded. In 'the last legislature tho Repub licans had thtrty-threo Ecnators and 134 members of the house; tho Democrats, seventeen senators and seventy members of the house. Colonel Lambert, when asked If he had heard anything about tho report that he was to be named lnsuranco commissioner under Hastings, said: "I deem it proper for mo to say that at no time havo I sought any favor at the hands of Governor-elect Hastings, either for myself or any friend, nor shall I ask anything. I have no claims to present. I um only desirous that Governor Hastings' admin istration shall bo worthy of him and of tho people who havo shown their conil denco In htm by such an unprecedented majority, and all that I bellove it will be." The aggregate pluralty for the Repub lican candidates for congress la oven greater than that received by General Hastings for governor. Tho official Re publican pluralities follow: First district, Plnpham, 15,802; Second district, Adams, 12.0S2; Third district, Halterman, 6.403; Fourth district, Reyburn. 23,105; Fifth district, Harmcr, 26,457; Sixth district, Robinson, 10,914; Seventh district, Wan ger, 4,826; Tenth dstrlct, Brosius, 12,033; Eleventh district, Scranton, 2,077; Thir teenth district, Urumm, 2,229; Fourteenth district, Woomer, 9,9G2; Fifteenth dis trict, Wright, 8,ir.O; Sixteenth dlstrijt, Leonard, 5,074; Seventeenth district, Kulp, 894; Elghteonth district, Wahon, 7,010; Nineteenth district, Stohle, 2,384; Twon tleh district, Hicks, 11,377; Twenty-first district, Heiner, 10.C57; Twenty-second dis trict, Dalzell, 21,706; Twenty-third district, Stone, 10,311; Twenty-fourth district, Acheson, 1,234; Twenty-fifth district, Phil lips. 11,721; Twenty-sixth district, C. W. Stone, 0.S72; Twenty-eighth district, Ar nold, 1,797. Total Republican pluralities, 248,183. These are the Democratic plural ities: Eighth district, Hart, 197; Ninth district, Erdmnn, 2.018. Total Democratic pluralities, 2,215. Deducting tho Demo cratic pluralitltes In these two districts, those of the Republican congressmen ag gregate 245,933. III-Will Mora lifili HILL & CONNELL 131 AND 133 WASHINGTON AVE., Hare just received a carload of the celebrated n "The best business desk in the world," which are offered at greatly reduced prices. The reduced prices at which this celebrated desk is now of fered make them the cheapest in the market. itliui the Reach of all. AS LOW AS $19. A full line of Office Furniture. Type Writing Desks and Chairs. We are now showing the larg est line of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in HAVILAND & CO., CHAS. FIELD HAVILAND, . R. DELENINERES & CO, . FRENCH CHINA, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If you want a Dinner Set examine our stock before buying. Coursen, demons & Co. HIS A FEW GG03 STYLES OF IMPORTED II (I U rillULtll UL1U jf3 CONRAD, THE HATTER THAT WONDERFUL WEBER 4 S . GUERNSEY Instantaneous stamping done while you wait. Over 500 designs to select from, and at one-half the price charged for some in places where you have to leave your work, and wait for it; sometimes for days. Specimens Can Be 5een at Our Decorative Art Counter I 111 I'D II ft m Full Dress Patterns of Lewiston Suitings at $1.15 per pattern. Full Dress Patterns of all-wool Imported Novelties your choice at $2.94. This is less than one-half value. SEE BIG CENTER WINDOW. Oil You Wear Shoes If you do and need a new pair, why not examine the stock of Tiie Lackawanna Store Association, Um. Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Aves. We are solo agents In this city for tho J. S. TURNER & CO.HInh GradeShoesfor men's wear (these ahoes took first pre mium at tho World's Falr.L'hlcutfo), and for KDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S Celebrat ed Shoes for ludleH' wear. We also handle the following lines: FOB MEN. ForLADIES.MISSES and CHILDREN. C. P. Ford & Co.. Thomas a. Plnt Co., Strong & Carroll, J. & It Pltzpatrick. Utucy, Aiinma & Co., n. o. Aiurigm lo. If desired, will take measure and order ipuclal pairs from any factory in tho country. Our aim Is to be prompt, to plve our customers the best attention and lowest prices, guaranteeing satisfaction on all our goods. We also carry a fine line of GROCER IES, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, CLOTI1INO, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, otc. A trlnl is what wo nik of our citizens and we will endoi.yjr to plum.'. Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce ments, Reception Cards, Visiting Cards, flonograrns, First-Class Work, Prices Low. - Stationers and Engravers, 217 LACKAWANNA AVI DR. HILL & AL.BANY DENTISTS. Bet toctli, $5.50; best set, $8; for pold enpa and teeth without plates, called crown nnd brldKo work, cull for priuea and refer eneeH. TONALGIA,- for extracting tcctfe without pain. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 04 O 4 TONE IS REYNOL SOU BROTHERS, SCIENTIFIC EYE Tho Cliiua Closets reduced 13 to 40 por cent. . NOV, 19, 1391. Removal Sale of Furniture HULL & CO.'S, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. Fine Drrsjin; Tubfes crcatly roJuccJ In price If tou would have the LARGEST Amount of heat from the LEAST Amount of fuel, you must have a Howard Furnace. Shear Go. FOUND ONLY IN THE -224 Foote k WEBER PflNO WYOMING AVE, u 0 3 0 v o TESTING FREE BY DR. SHIMBURO Sprcio!i9t on tho Kya. Headache" and Nervous EN B Cess leliovoM. L,ntogt ana impn veu piyio 01 r.y Clas'O!) anil bro'im'l-s t tiiu Lowest Prices. Btat) Artificial Eyes Inserted for Si. 305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postoffico. .sW v' DR. E. GREWER, Tho Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso elated dtatT of Kntrlish and German, physicians, are now permanently located ut Old Postoffico Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. Tho doctor in a (truduuo of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and suifjery at the Medlco-ChlruiKlcai college of Philadel phia. His speeialtles are Chronic, Nor vouh, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis ease. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness.laok of cunlidciicu, sexual weakness in men nnd women, ball rising In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unahlo to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which unfits them for performing tho actunl du ties of life, inaklnif happiness Impossible, distressing the action of tho heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spii its.evll forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams.mel nncholy, tire cusy of company, fueling as tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected tihould consult us immediately, nvd bo restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you havo been given up by your phy sician rail upon the doctor and bo exam 'd. Ho cures tho worst cases of Ner vous Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Peniale Weakness, Affec tions of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Dcalnosa, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred nnd conllilenir.",. Olllce hours dally from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom blanks and my book called "New I,ife " I will pay one thousand dollars In gold to anyonn whom 1 cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. , , i DR- R' GREWER, Old Post Office Ilullding, corner Pena avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON, PA. OF ALL KINDS. Maurice River Cove, ft,,-.!,, liluc Point and llUQlMrV Rockaway . . . UjOluIO) nnnc MEDIUM AND OLAIVjS LITTLE NECK, Ail kiutls uf i'l'csh Tisli, Lobster, Hard Crabs, Escallops and Slu imps; at . PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVENUE, HAVING pnrchsed the 1 stoek ftr.d renttd tha Shosing Forgo off Willium Silica Ss Sea, I eb.tll noxr give constant ultentlcn to shoeing hores In a practi cal and snientiflo niuDr. Quick work and good is the motto. JOHN HAMLIN, DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY. IF YOUR OLD BOOKS NEED FIX. INO, SEND TIIEM TO The Scranton Tribune Bookbinding Dept. 1 POULTRY AID M HORSE SHOEING