TIIE fiCHANTON TRIBtlNE-MOXDAT : MORNING. NOVEMBER 10, 1894. 2 Industrial and MIXE, mil axd railroad. "QeorRe Giles, of Carbondale," says' the Anthracite, "Is the Inventor of a culm cleaner and coal washer which promises to be adopted for universal use and at the same time make its father one of the flnanclul powers of the. country, He is in receipt ot letters patent and has placed his models and specifications In the hands of the Hen dricks Manufacturing company, which are now making an estimate on the cost of manufacturing the machine, which will soon be placed on the market. The machine consists of two cylinders, one fitting closely over the rim of the other, forming a water tight Joint, and being constructed in a man ner that permits of their separation easily and quickly. The upper one Is a perfect circle, while the lower one is cone shaped, the small end being down. In the bottom of the tub or upper cylin der is a perforated sheet Iron plate, be neath which Is a screw propeller which forces the refuse out of an opening in the bottom of the catch basin or lower cylinder. On the upper side of the per forated disc are wings or paddles for agitating the coal and keeping the mass lifted from the plate. On one Bide of the tub Is a twoer or sluice way through which the cleaned and prepaVed-coal passes. The revolution of the paddles set on a slight Incline raises the coal to a level with the open ing and from the tub It Is forced Into a screen of shaker, or both. The tub Is fed by a ohute or funnel at the top, regulated by the momentum of the paddles to . prevent blocking or over feeding. Water is also .fed from the itop, and to every two inches of water supplied, three-fourths or one Inch passes out at the bottom of the catch basin with the mud, and the balance Is forced through the sluice with the clean coal. The capacity of a test machine built for Vse at the Fall Brook mine is one ton In seven or nine minutes. Its cylinders are three feet In diameter, the tub being two and a half feet deep. In the machines to be constructed, Mr. Giles says, the capacity will be governed entirely by the demands. "With re quisite power he claims that one of his tubs will clean a ton of coal per minute, but, he added, that two-horse power would 'suffice for the smaller cleaners. The estimated cost of construction of the machines Is $400. The Philadelphia Press' financial edi tor regards as very Important the ac tion which the individual operators took at their New York meeting. "The companies, as Is well known," he say.i, "bring from . the Individual operators some 12,000,000 tons of coal per annum, for 60 per cent, of the tidewater price of coal at New York. This average for stove at the present time is about $2 per ton at the mines, which is all that Is received by the individual operators. The companies put an entirely different price on coal delivered at Buffalo along the line of their roads and in Philadel phia. At this time while the individual operators are getting $2 for stove coal at the mines based on tide prices the companies are getting $2.40 at the mines for coal delivered along the. line,. Rt Buffalo and in Philadelphia. The feel ing of the individual operators is that thev are not eettintr enough money for their coal or that the price of coal at other points is too high. The matter Is an extremely Important one, as it will lower the price of coal at practically all non-competitive points and interfere with an arrangement which is as old as the coal trade." MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: ' The Lehigh Valley shops at Delano are working thirteen hours a day, with enough work ahead to last for months. The earlngs of the Chicago and East ern Illinois, for . October, this year, dropped below those of October, 1893, $129,670. The Lake Shore Is running its shops full time and full-handed, and in some departments sixteen hours- a day. The work Is largely repairs. In railroad circles the revival of the Trans-continental association is thought to be imperative, since the Canadian Pacific has Inaugurated its low rates. The Wilkes-Barre and Eastern Is sur veying a route from Yatesvllle to con nect with the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad in Pltston. A good deal of coal from this road, as well as from the Delaware and Hudson, will be run over the Wilkes-Barre and Eastern. Six new Babcock boilers, which the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre are connect ing at No. 4 slope, Audenrled, are now ready for use. The boilers In position nlnee the place was first opened are un able to furnish enough steam to hoist two cars a trip, hence the improve ment J. D. Caryl, superintendent for the Hillside Coal and Iron company, at Forest City, for the past nine years, has resigned his position, to take effect Dec. 1, next. He will be succeeded by Victor Peterson, an employe of the com pany at Scranton for many years. Mr. Caryl will reside in Scranton. STOCKS AXD EOXDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 17. The tremendous falling off In earnings of the St. Paul road for the second week of November was the signal for a heavy selling movement in the grangers, which car. ried these stocks down ltt to 2V6 per cent. The earnings for the period showed a decrease of $194,901, or nearly 25 pec cent. The statement frightened weak holders and at the same time bears on other properties took ad vantage of the uneasiness to hammer the general list. The Cammack brokers were active again in Manhattan and their sales forced the stock down to 102, the low est figure for a long time. All the low priced Issues were heavy, the weakness HIGHEST T7rl4LY MCNATM"1' WsWfSSttfllP 1 ii a i 'J m t m . tiu Commercial. of "the ' Southern railroads com mon and preferred stock being quite a feature of the market. The common fell from 12V4 to 10, and the preferred from 38 to 35. Small holders were said to be realizing. After 11 o'clock Jersey Central was bid up to 93, and this checked the decline for a time, but in the final dealings the selling was re newed and the lowest figures of the day were generally made. Other Important losses were: St. Paul, 2 to 60; Big Four, W4 to 38; Burlington and Qulncy, 1 to 74; NorthweBt, 1 to 100; Rock Island, 1 to 62; Louisville and Nash ville, to 57; Missouri Pacific, to 28; Susquehanna and Western pre ferred, 1 to 43; Richmond Terminal, Y, to 15; Richmond Terminal pre ferred, 2 to 19; United States Cordage preferred, 1 to 17, and Western Union, 1 to 87. The closing was weak. Total sales were 120,820 sales. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stock of the New York stock market are given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by O. du H. Dlmmlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, out. est. ins. Am. Sugar Re'g Co. 88 88-'i HVV ki Ateh., To. & S. Fe... 6 5 5 6 Ches. & Ohio 18?4 Wt 18 18 Chicago Gas 75 70 H 74"i Chlo. & N. W 10H 102 10(1 1(10)4 Chic, B, & Q 74 71 73 7U C. C. C.& St. h 38 38 38 38 Chlo., Mil. & St. P... C2 62 C0 H0 Chic, R. I. & P C3'4 63 62 02 Delaware & Hud.... 123 124 123 124 D. , L. & W.. ..157 168' 158 158 Dlst. C. F i 0 11 9 Gen. TSlectrle. ........ 35 33 31 344 Lake Shore 136 136 13(i 13G Louis.. & Notih M 61 hi M Manhattan Ele 103" 104 102 103 Mo. Pacific 28 2S 28 28 Nat. Cordage 10 10 9 10 Nat. Lead 41 41 41 41 N. J. Central 92 93 92 92 N. Y. Central 99 99 99 99 N. Y. & N. E 31 31 31 31 N. Y., L. E & W 13 13 13 13':. N. Y., S. & W 15 15 14 14 N. Y S. & W., Pr... 43 43 43 43 Nor. Pacific, Pr 17 17 17 17 Phil. & Read 17 17 16 1G Rich. & V. P 10 16 15 15 Union Pacific 12 13 12 12 Wabash, Pr 14 14 14 14 West. Union 88 88 87 87 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. WHEAT. May 60 01 60 61 December 65 56 65 66 OATS. May 32 32 32 32 November 28 2S CORN. . May 49 49 49 49 November., 51 61 60 51 December 50 50 60 50 LARD. January 7.12 7.22 7.12 7.22 May 7.30 7.40 7.30 7.-.0 PORK. January 12.30 12.50 12.30 12.50 May 12.65 12.82 12.65 12.S2 Scranton Wholesale Market. Scranton; Nov. 17 Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., 6a7c; evaporated apples, lOallc. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 6a 6c; English currants, 2a2'4c.; layer rai sins, Jl.76al.b0; muscatels, $lal.40 per box; now Valencias, 6a7c. per lb. Beans Marrowfat3, $2.35a2.40 per bush el; mediums, $1.70al.75. Peas Green, $1.10al.l5 per bushel; split $2.60a2.60; lentels, 5a8c. per lb. Potatoes 55a60c. bushel. Onions Bushel, 55a60c. j Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9allc. per lb. Eggs Frosh, 24a25c; coolers, 17al8c. Meats Hams, 10c; small hams, lie.; skinned hams, 12c; California hams, 8c; shoulders, 8c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c; sets, 15c. Insldes and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.45 dozen. Pork Mess, $17; short cut. $18. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 9c; in tubs, 9c; 10-pound palls, 10c. per pound; 5- pound palls, 10c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 10c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 6c; tubs, 6c. ; 10-pound pails, 7c. -per pound; 5-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 3-pound pails, 7c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; Rye flour, $3 . Feed Mixed, per cwt $1.15. Grain Rye, 65c; corn, 61a63c; oats, 39a 45c. per .bushel. Rye Straw-Per ton, $12all Hay-$14.50al6. Buckwheat Flour-$2.10 per 100. New York Produce Market. New York, Nov. 17. Flour Quiet, steady. Wheat Fairly active, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator, 59a69c.; afloat, WH,a 60c; f. o. b., 60a61c; ungraded red, 53a61c; No. 1 northern, 68c; options closed strong; May and December most active; January, 61c; May, 64c; Novem ber, 59c; December, 69c Corn Quiet, firm; No. 2, 60a60c. ele vator; 60a60c atloat; No. 2 white, 60c; rejected, 54c; options closed steady nt c, decline to c. advance; May most active; November, 59c; December, 66c; Jan uary, 54c; May, 63c Oats Quiet, firmer; options dull, steady; November closing 33c; December, 34c. February, J5c; May, 36c; spot prices, No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white, 3814c; No. 2 Chi cago, 34c; No. 3, 33c; No. 3 white, 37c; mixed western, Jla35c,; white do., 38a41c; white state, 38a41c. Beef Quiet; family, $10al2; extra mess, $8a8.50. Beef Hams-Dull; $17al7.50. Tlerced Beef Quiet; city extra India mess, JltialS. Cut Meats Quiet, steady; pickled bel lies, 12 pounds, 7c; pickled shoulders, 5c; pickled hams, 8a9c; middles, nominal Lard Quiet, firmer; western steam closed $7.60; city, 7c; sales 100 tierces; November, $7.60; December, $7.5o, nom lnal; refined, dull; continent, $7.80; South America, $8.50; compound, 6a5c rork Quiet, steady; mess; $13.75al4; cx- trat prime, nominal. Butter Quiet, steady; state dairy, 13a 23c; do. creamery, 18a25c; Pennsyl vania do., 18a25c; western dairy, llalGo. do. creamery, 15a26c; do. factory, 10n 14c; Elglns, 26c; imitation creamery, 13a 19c; June creamery, 18a22c Cheese Quiet, firm; state large, 8a 10c; do. fancy, 10al0c; do. small, 9a 11 c; part skims, 3o8c; full skims, 2 a3c . Eggs Steady, moderate, demand; state and Pennsylvania, 23a24c; held fresh, 18 a20c; western fresh, 22a23c; do. per AWARD case, $3.25a4.75; southern, Zfia22o.j limed, llial6c. Buffalo Stock Market. ' , By the United Press. ' .' Buffalo, Nov. 17. Cattle Receipts, 1,- 820 head; on sale, 140 head; market dasy. Jiogs Kecelpts. 19.060 head: on salo, 12,- 000 head; market weak for light grades; good mixed, $4.45a4.55; good mediums, $1.60 a4.70; choice heavy, $4.75a4.80; roughs, (3.73 a4; stags, 3a3.60; Yorkers, $4.30a4.35; plg, S4.20a4.3U. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,200 head; on sale, 19,400 head; market very dull and weak; good sheep, J2a2.50( heavy exports, J2.50a2.75; best lambs, $3.40a3.60; culls and common, $2a2.75; Canada lambs, $3.76a3.90. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. . Union Stock Yards, 111., Nov. 17.-Cattl Keceipts, 4,000 head; market quiet and un changed; common to extra steers, $2.85a 6.15; stockers and feeders, $2a3.50; cows and bulls, $la8.50; calves, $2.60a5.(K). Hoss Keceipts, 22,0(10 head; market Dtrong for heavy grades, others steady; common to choice mixed, $4.40a4.60; light, $1.25a4.45; pigs, $2.75a4.15. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 heud; market un changed; Inferior to choice, 75c.a$3; lambs, $U0a3.80. Toledo Grain Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 17.-Wheat-Recelpts, 24,097 bushels; shipments, 43,000 bushels; market firm; No. 2 red cash, 65c; November, 55c; December, 56c; May, 60c; No. 2 red cash, 54c Coi n Receipts, 9.500 bushels; shipments, 25.000 bushel; market dull; No. 2 mixed May, 49c. Oats Receipts, 2,090 bushels; shipments, 2.900 bURhels; market easy; No. 2 mixed cash, 30c. Clover Seed Receipts 280 bags; ship ments, 108 bags; market firmer; January, $5.C5a5.67; February, $5.70; March, $5.72. I'hllndclplila Tallow Market. Qy tho United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 17.-Tallow Is 'lull and weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4a4c; country prime, in bbls, 4a4c ; country, dark in bbls, 4c; cakes, uc; grease, 4c Oil Market. Pittsburg, Nov. 17.-Oil-Market un changed; closing at 82c DIXJIORE DOINGS. Mrs. A. C. Van Worme" S ill with la grippe at her home on Elm street. Fresh oysters received daily at Pal mer's market. Rev. A. W. Cooper, pastor of Hamp ton Street Methodist Episcopal church, Scranton, addressed the Loyal Legion Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Deasey, of Philadelphia, are visiting at the resi dence of P. J. O'Hara. Mrs. J. H. Way has recovered from a short illness. Mrs. Warren Grant, of Butler street, spent Saturday visiting nt Ilawlcy. MIssBlancheCapwell.of LakeWlnola, la visiting at the home of William Pack ard. William G. Alexander, of Avoca, spent Sunday In town. The Lake Ariel train on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad will be taken off today. The talent social that Is to be given Wednesday evening by the Epworth league promises to be one of the most successful social events of the season. Do not forget the supper given by the Woman's Guild at Mr. lironson's, on Elm street, Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. J. Healy, who has been sick a long time, Is Improving. G. W. Simpson, who has been nt Dansville, N. Y., for treatment for the past two months, returned home last Friday. Resldentsof the Sixth ward will mnke another effort to cut loose from the borough and be annexed to the city. In former years the cry was keep Dun more out of the ctly; the taxes would ruin us. Now we believe If a vote was taken on the question the majority would favor annexation. Our tax payers are already burdened. Taxes seem no higher In the Thirteenth ward of the city than they are in this borough. The Dunmore Gas nnd Water com pany are building a new reservoir on the hill above Horan & Healy's store. It is for the purose of furnishing the high portion of our borough. Tho water supplying It will be pumped from the Roaring brook. Hall Thornton and William Eden, contractors, spent Sunday at their hemes In this borough. They ore en gaged In drilling a tunnel and sinking a shaft at Wyoming. The Epworth league will hereafter commence their meetings at 7.30 Instead of 7.45 p. m. Clarence Watrous last Friday after noon shippwl a bear to Dunmore over the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad. The animal weighed 175 pounds and was killed by Mr. Watrous over in the wilds of Pike county. YOUNG CHRISTIANS. r.nthusiastic Meeting of the Fndeuvorcrs at HallHtcad. Hallstead, Pa., Nov. 18. The conven tion held on Wednesday by the Jeffer son Branch union. Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor was a grand success In every way. Many will return to their homes inspired with new zeal for their work. There were be tween seventy and eighty guests and delegates. The following were among the promi nent speakers present from out of town: Rev. J. R. Egnn, of Forest City, presi dent of the union; Rev. P. B. Kennedy, Forest City; Rev. H. J. Crane, Union dale; Rev. T. A. Hughes, of Montrose; Rev. T. P. Jepson, Carbondale; J. T. Ball, Honesdale; Rev. J.-S. Crompton, Great Bend. Over-flow meetings were held in the Young Men's Christian Asooclatlon hall and the Presbyterian church. Dele gates responded nt the roll call from nearly every society In the union. Rev. L. W. Chruch gave the address of welcome, and Rev. O. Boughton, of Susquehanna, responded. Excellent addresses were made by Revs. John Davis, Hughes and Cromp ton; also an able paper was read by W. W. Aclalr on "The'Llkes and Dislikes in Endeavor Work" during the after noon session, Interspersed with excellent singing led by B. A. Bauman, of Blng hamton, and fine solos by Miss Lowry, of Elkdale. . Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relloved In six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This now remedy Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It al most Immediately. If you'want quick re lief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. Mi Harris, Druggist, 126 Penn ave nue, Bcranton, Pa. When Baby was lick, we gtv her CutorTa, When she was a Child, she cried for CoatorU. Whan she became Mist, the dunf to Castorla. . Then ih had Children, she ge Uiem Caatori boUi in tbe way It acts, and in the way It's sold, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. I 'I v A long procession of diseases start from a torpid liver-and impure blood. Take it, as you ought, when you feel the first symp toms (languor, loss of appetito, dullness, de pression). As an appetizing, restorative ionic, w repei uiboa&u mm build up tbe needed flesh and strength, there's noth ing to equal it. It rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and en riches the blood, braces up tlio whole system, and re stores health and vigor. Mrs. Si'SAN GoiDEivr, of Uice, lienlon Cound. Minn., writes: " I have taken three bottles of your 'Golden Medical Discovery and If now, so that 1 am able to tin nv wnrlr vithnut thn Mrs. Goedert. ioa9t fatigue." erGGaUure. STAR GAZERS. Dream of unknown worlds, but thrifty men and women make the most they cau of this world, and take advan tage of every opportunity that offers for a real bar gain. -.. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Frccmon, the Jeweler, is going out of business, his store is for rent, his fixtures fur sale, and his stock is now being realized on at private sale. Your price, if within the bounds of reason, will buy anything you want C. W. FREEMAN, CORNER PENN AND SPRUCE. Instruments in every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness oi tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1119 Adams Ave.New Telephone Bdg A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL PE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THI8 RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Wanted. WANTKD TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN u igh to secure tho snrv can of luily ur pentlcmnn tot aoh thorn the Eut'lisli language. Aililrvm P. (). Byx 1(W, city. Agents Wanted. 7ANTED-A FEW RELIABLE WORK- V ore to Bill our Nnrory Btorl;. Spuciul Inducements. ELLWANUliR & BARRY, r KocheHtor, N. V. WANTRD-8PKCIALTY ADVERTISING V canvassers familiar with premium mer cantile trade; money maker of IKII. Also 1 lover gi n. caurassere on greatest 8;ller of tho day. Utaulcy Biad ey, 6 t". IGth St., Now York. w fANTi-D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO ' handle our lino, no neddiinz. tta'nrr. 75 per month and expenses paid to all. (tixxls entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. B ji, to(W, Boston, MaAB. Help Wanted Females. w ANTED - LADY AOENTS TO SELL n . ..:!. ............. .!.. .1... .... mitral uiju. uiuimi.iiuu iui inn niii riexiou. Address 111(8. A C. MYERS, I'll t'lttston avenue. 1 ADIES CAN MAKE Jii DAILY BY FOL.D I J lug and eddressiug circuits for us, at home. No canvassing. Position permanent. Replr with stamped envelope. MISS MARIE WORTH, Ashlaud.O. ITASTED AT 133 WYOMING AVENUF. VV two trirli. one to cook, ono to wash dishes, come at once. F. BKOAD. WANTED - TWENTY MIDDLE-AGED, V roil iblo men, acquainted with tbe city and suburban towns. Light work, Rood pay. Must furnish reference as to reliability. Call at 10 a. in. at office Lackawanna Medical Co., 'd'il Spruce street, city. For Rent. RENT FROM DEC. I, A NINE ROOM X hou e fully f urn shed, Address "Abbey" Tribune oBIca I70R RENT THE HANDSOME STORE V presently occupiai by (J. W. Freeman, Jeweler. Low rent. FixturM for auU. In quire at af ore. i;OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avenue. Address 'J HOMAS E. EVANS, aear lliS Luzerne, Hyde Park. FOR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. laOPenn arenur, t-10 per montrl. T.'OR RENT NICfLY FURNISHED HALL V suitable for lodge room JOHN JErt MYN, 111) Wyoming uvonun. Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT . Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustration lwtl-l8iB. Two Volume Folio, t ltl.SU: payable monthly, J'.oO. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. MOODY, (JIB Gibson streot, Scranton, Pa. B LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA xinea. etc.. bound or rebound at The Tribune office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT corner Spruce itreet and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets or IS. 60. Good irtble board. Situations Wanted. A WIDOW LADY OF EXPERIENCE wishes a position as housekeeper in liotol or private boarding house or in widower'! family where servants are keep. Address E. V B., 5'ii North Kelwcca avenue. A YOUNG VUDOW WANTS A 6ITUA tion as houirkeepor. Apply M. J. K 010 Palm itreet, South Side, city. A YOUNG MAN, AMERICAN, DESIRES A situation; willlngtodo anything; 27 years of sge, first-alass lu every respect; handy with tools: strictly temporals and ruliabls; good refereuus. W. P., Tribune ofllos. GERMAN-WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO take In washing. M. T I01K, West Lack awanna avenue. WANTED-StTlTATION TO TAKE CARE of Invalid lady or children, by tuorough ly reliable German lady, experienced in house work andaewlnf ; can teach German. Addrsn GEKMAN, Tribune office. V onno HANDKERCHIEFS. A GOOD time to buy Handkerchiefs is now, before the rush of Christmas trade comes upon us while stocks are unbroken and assortments are complete. We have made this department a special study and are prepared to offer the best values ever shown. We have everything in the Handkerchief line for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, from the best 5-cent article up to the Finest Silk or Gauze Linen that is made Embroidered, Hemstitched or Lace Trimmed, as you may desire. MUFFLERS, too, come in for a large share of attention this year, and we have provided liberally. Buying at Drst hands and selling at small profits has been one of the secrets of our success, and this method has been infused into our Handkerchief stock as well as all other departments. During this Handkerchief Sale we offer the following 100 doz. All Linen Hemstitched, full size, 2 for 25c. 100 doz. Scalloped Edge, Embroidered, always were 25c, now 15c, 50 doz. Jap. Silk, Initial, wide Hemstitch, all letters, 29c. each. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, Initial, wide Hemstitch, all letters, extra size, 48c. CONNOLLY &. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N. A. HURT'S WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S WINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, La xerne county, Pa., und at Wil mington, Du!aaro, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. Aoenciks : THOS. FORD, I ittston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. A gents for the ltitpauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. THE . SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs daily via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis Ry.) between (ii ill I Columbus, Springfield, Dayton, Indian, polls, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleeping ears. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ele. Cant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." Beo that your tlckots read via the, BIQ 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnlahod on application to 8. J. GATES, Qen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange Bt Buffalo, N. Y. II. E. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, General I'assonger Agent; E. O. McCor mlck, Trartlo Manager, Cincinnati, O. MXTKB MOB CO., Ino'p. Capital, $1.000,0 BEST Sl.ftO SHOK IN TUB WORLD. "A dollar lactii it a dollar tarnrd." -f TblslAdlxa' Solid French Dongola Kid nat ion Boot delivered f res any here In ths U.S., on reMipioiiMQ, uonej uraeti or l'ostal Note for !.. Kemals STery war tbe boots old in ail retail stores for fl&O. We make tbls boot ounolTos, therefore we ffuar- afUM IDflJK, liyim ana wrur. ma ix any ooe u on we will refund the moaey or send another pair, opera Too or I'oBimon mum, widths C, Ii, B, s K, kiiiee 1 to I sad half . Send yonriiut Kill JU Illuil uttratod Cata logue Dexter Shoe (VbS Sputat ttrm to Sultry PrTl43 1 1 1 i "ii miliar- iu GREAT SPECIALS WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. a j CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO our HT-..i. i"' i rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. ' .- MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. AN IDEAL NEW YORK WASHINGTON nil I Til DHL I With time to spare Tor side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast fur i3 .... hours in the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD DOHINION . LINE And returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early w inter U delightful. Tickets Include HOTEL ACCOMMODATION'S at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $!!2.0t). Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOMION S, S. COMPANY, W. L GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Pier 26, North River, New York, Moosic Powder Go, Booms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. ... Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.'s Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing; blasts, Safoty Fuse and RepannoChemlcal Co.'s High Explosives Wallace Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: - i i. a 1. 1. : 11 AYLESWORTITS MEAT MARKET The Finest in the City. The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave). A Handsome Complexion Is one ot the greatest charms s woman can posHens. PauoM'a Oompuxioh Pownma gives it. 1 1101