The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 19, 1894, Image 1

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Mystery Concerning nn Attempt to
Swindle an Insurance Company.
It Is the Opinion of Detectives That the
Supposed Ilogua Cadaver Was That of
the Policy Holder Who Was the
Victim of the Conspiracy.
By the Vnited Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 13.
H. H. Holmes, alias II. II. Howard,
the man arrested in Boston charged
with swindling the Fidelity Mutual
Life Insurance association, of this city,
out of $10,000 by palming oft a bogus
corDse as the body of B. V. Pltzel, a
policy holder of the company, will be
brought here tomorrow and arraigned
on the charge. The charge of swind
ling may not be the only one Holmes
will have to answer, for the more seri
ous crime- of murder may le laid to
Whi n lh body of the supposed Pltzel
was found in the room of 1316 Callowhill
other personal feeling the compensa
tion of postmasters is sometimeB se
riously curtailed by mailing letters on
the cars, or sending them to an adjoin-
Jng postotlice, thereby reducing the
postmuster's salary. This is carried to
a grievous extent in some communities
and is such an Interference with the
usual and regular disposition of the
malls that In the judgment of First As
sistant Postmaster General Jones It
culls for legislation by congress.
Cose Uros. & Co. Announce a Cut of 40
Cents Per Ton.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 18. Coxe Eros. &
Co., the coal producers and shipper,
yesterday announced a cut of 40 cents a
ton In coal to local consumers. Agents
of the Arm made a thorough canvass of
the retail dealers offering to sell egg
and chestnut coal at 1M at the mines
and stove coal at
These prices were? at once met by
Stlckney & Conynitiham, sales agents
for the Pennsylvania rullroad, who do-
Southern Italy Suffers from Severe
Sicily Involved In the Catastrophe, Which
Destroys Much Yaluuble Property.
Punic Kelgns Everywhere and Tbou
sunds Are Camping in Upcn Air.
Rome, Nov. IS.
. Reports of disasters caused by the
earthquakes in Southern Italy are stlfl
meagre, but they sufllce to show that
there has been great loss of life. Pro
coplo, a village of 1,200, inhabitants in
Regglo Dl Calabria, has been obliter
Virtually nil the buildings were
thrown into ruins. The number of
deaths Is not known, but in church
forty-seven persons were burled alive
under fallen walls. The. last authorita
tive report was thut the list of dead was
lice guarding that district rushed into
the house and found Mario Andrews
struggling with nu Italian. He had his
hands closed tightly about her throat
and fought savagely. In his posses
sion the police found a dirk and n, dag
ger. He was hurried off to the county
Jail, where no one Is allowed to see him.
Chief Armstrong, of the city police, Is
of the opinion that the prisoner is not
the man who committed the three pre
vious murders. The prisoner Is booked
as "II. Moeler." He cannot speak I2ng
llsh, at least only makes signs In re
sponse to questions.
Treacherous base Ball Knights Are
Suspended by the Board.
The Mugnatcs .Make Kxamplcs of A. C.
Buckcnburgcr, Willlum llurnle and
Fred Pef fer, Who Have Been Iden
tified with New League Schemes;.,
clerk, one night, and, calling him out,
lired five shots nt him. Shepard es
caped Injury by falling to the ground.
Rosenberg was sent to the- asylum at
Tuscaloosa, but escaped last Tuesday.
He was recaptured here, and, while
being taken back yesterday, plunged
from the window of the toilet room
while the train was moving at the rate
of fifty miles an hour. Nearly every
bone In his body wns broken and death
was Instantaneous.
dared that they would sell at these i wel1 uu,,Vt' H,xty' J" "t,,,n vl"" ol
ine s line oritim-e ciKiit iieiwun
The llulelon W ife Murderer Bungs Him
self lnjuil.
By the t'nlted Press.
Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 19. Andrew
Juka, the man who attempted to hang the
his wife In Hazleton on Nov. 13. and who
was arrested, at Treskow the next day,
committed suicide In the county prison
here at 1 o'clock this morning by bung
ing himself.
He wus still allvo when cut down, but
died before the prison physician ar
rived. .
By the United Press.
New York, Nov. IS.
Messrs. Byrne, Brush, Hart, Van
Der Horst and Young, the committee of
National Base Rail league, has
made the following report to the na
tional board of professional base ball
associations: The fundamental prin
ciple of the national agreement, os
originally drawn anil which Is now in
operation, is a respect for territorial
rlghls, . This, in fact, is the eonir
stone of the structure It contemplates
and provides for the organization of
prices and even lower if Coxe Bros, or
street, on Sept. 3 last, it was stretched any t,ther shipper makes a lower offer.
The Reading Hnd Lehigh A'ulley compa
nies did not meet the cut.
flat upon the floor und was perfectly
rigid. The coroner's physician claims
that the body could not have been
brought here in a trunk from another
city, as confessed to by Holmes, for the
reason that it was stiff, und a body once
bent does not again become rigid.
Furthermore If It had been la tho
trunk It would have shown murks of
where It hud been doubled up, and no
such marks were upon the body. The
theory Is advanced that the body found
was really thut of Pltzel, and not of
nny one else. As a basis for this theory
It Is argued that Pltzel and the other
conspirators plotted to disfigure the
former by burning the face with some
chemical und then culling In a phy
sician to prescribe for his injuries. A
body was then to be procured und simi
larly disfigured as Pltzel was, and then
it was to be given out that the man had
died of his injuries, and It wus trusted
thut the attending physician would not
discover the fraud, and would give a
certificate of death in accordance with
the facts told by the conspirators.
' The Various Theories.
It is supposed that Pltezl had his fel
low conspirators administer chloroform
to him so that he would not feel the pain
of the burns when they were Inflicted,
and that he was either given un over
dose and died from the effects or was
killed while unconscious by his treach
erous friends. Another theory in sup
port of the belief is that a man resem
bling Pltzel was decoyed to the room,
chloroformed and killed, and his face
disfigured so us to render Identification
more difficult.
Another suspicious circumstance, as
viewed by the detectives, is that Mrs.
Pltzel wus home "on u visit about a
month ago to her parents in Illinois
and she said nothing about the death of
her husband. In the neighborhood of
Thirteenth nnd Callowhill streets, no
body could be found today who remem
bered or knew unythlng about Pltzel.
School Attonduuce Increased 'JO Per
Cent, by the taw In the Interest of I'nl
vcrsul Education-Dangers of Sectari
anism. By the United Press.
Harrtsburg, Nov. 18. The annual re
port of the superintendent of public in
struction Is no In the hands of the
state printer. Dr. Schuefer refers to
the operation of the free text book law
and says It has been the most Import
ant step of progress since 1S7. He suys
one of the Immediate effects was a large
Increase In the attendance; In some dis
tricts from 20 to 30 pel- cent. The su
killed outright by fulling buildings. The
I damage has been enormous. Troops
and ofllciuls are going to the help of the
! suffering districts. King Humbert has
sent several donations from his pii-
vate purse.
! The province of Reggio Di Oalubru
t has suffered most from the earth
quakes, nlthoubh several towns In the
udjucent province of Cutanzuro t!
Culubrla were shuken severely. In Tii
parnl, for Instance, twenty buildings
were laid la ruins and several persons
were killed. In Mlleto, also in Cutau
zaro, many Were Injured. A Bchool
house was shaken to the ground, but
the teachers and pulpils had escaped a
few minutes before it fell.
At 10 o'clock this evening reports of
deaths, injuries und the demolition of
buildings had been reported from sev-
entuen communities. In Ragnara seven
i persons were killed outright. In Op-
Two Italians Jlurned in an Early Morning
South Side I ire Supposed to Have Been
First Murdered-Nclghbors Heard Shots
from u Revolver-Bodies Charred Al
most Beyond Recognition.
A fire which occurred at 2.15 o'clock
this morning at the corner of Stone ave
nue and Fig street, Is thought to have
been started to cover evidence of crime.
Two Italians are supposed to have
been burned to death, or else one, or
both of them, was shot before the fire
The burned structure was a one and
u u u
Offered at Prices Far Below
Their Real Value.
perlnteudentsalinost without exception ' ."amen, in. tour, six in , r.i p
glves favorable reports concerning the I lha eight Scores of others were In
practical workings of the law. In but ' 3uml 1,1 th,'s" tov"1- '" ",0!"'
uessinu, u snaip shock wus icii louuy.
Many walls were cracked, but nobody
was killed.
Serious Wreck Follows a Lehigh Valley
ITagraun's Neglect.
By the United Press.
Tunkhannock, Pa., Nov. IS. By the
mistake of a flagman two freight trnins
collided near Hornets Ferry, on the Le
high Valley railroad, ut 3 o'clock this
morning. Engineer Freeman, of the
west bound train, was badly injured,
and his fireman, George Smith, had a
leg broken while Jumping from the en
gine. An east bound freight train had
pulled over on the west bound track to
let the United States express, which
had the light of way, pass. The engi
neer of the west bound freight train
saw no flag, hence the collision.
The Latest Eastern Horror Tale Doesn't
Receive Much Credence.
By the United Tress. ,
Washington, Nov. 18. Secretary
Oresham says he has heard nothing of
ficial of the rumored atrocities In Asi
atic Turkey, whereby It was claimed
10,000 Christians, men, women and chil
dren, were massacred In cold blood by
Armenian unbelievers, and ho does not
think they are trustworthy. The United
States consulate at Slvas Is but L'."0
miles from Bltlls, and our agency at Is only 2i'0 miles away.
It Is thought most Improbable that
such widespread butchery could occur
without these consular ofilclnls hearing
of it and reporting upon It.
one county did the new act cause direc
tors to shorten the school term and re
duce the teachers' wages. Dr. Sehaefer
declares there is no Justification for this
short sighted policy In view of the fact
that the legislature added half a million
to the annual appropriation.
Mauuul training in the school is rec
ommended and reference is made to the
improved school architecture. An ex
tension of the high school system to the
townships districts is recommended; as
Is also a law authorizing directors to use
a portion of the annual appropriation
for the purpose of establishing und
maintaining school libraries.
Training the children for citizenship
and Instilling Into them a love of our
country Is urged by Dr. Schuefer, who
commends the patriotic orders for caus
ing Slum and Stripes to bo displayed
on school buildings. He says, however,
that the girls and boys should be taught
what the flag stands for.
One of the dangers to the school sys
tem upon which the report dwells Is the
peril of sectarianism. He says "It Is
eleurly not the function of the public
schools to give sectarian Instruction.
Tho genius of our state and national
constitutions demands in all schools
supported by taxation, the separation
nnmelv, to employ only teachers or their
own religious faith or political party or
secret society, cannot be too strongly
The statistical summary shows the
number of school districts in the state
to be 2,413; number of schools, 24,541;
number of graded schools, 12,869; num
ber of superintendents, 123; number ctf
male teachers, 8,464; number of female
teachers, 17,777; whole number of teach
ers, 26,241; average sulurles of male
teachers per month, $44.16; averuge sal
aries of female teachers per month,
(33.05; average length of school term In
months, 8; numburs of pupils, 1,010,071);
average number of pupils, 759,560; cost
of school houses, purchasing building,
renting, etc., $3,396,818.13; teachers'
wages, tN8,998,343.66; cost of school text
books, $1,215,375.73; cost of school sup
plies other than text books, Including
maps, globes, etc., not including Phila
delphia, $559,233.42; fuel, contingencies,
fees of collectors and all Other expenses,
$1,386,975.39; total expenditures, $18,586,
751.33; state appropriation for school
year ending June, 1S93, $5,000,000; esti
mated value of school property, not
including Philadelphia, $42,679,5l'4. A
comparison with the previous year
shows an increase of twenty-seven dis
tricts, 529 schools, ' 565 graded Bchools,
36,272 pupils and $549,906.78 in wages of
In Messina, whore the srhocks were
almost as violent as across the strult,
the convicts in the penitentiary were
panic stricken. Two hundred mutinied
and tried to escape by overpowering
the guards, but they were overpowered.
1 list Shock Most Violent.
The earthquakes were felt in south
ern Italy and Sicily. The first shock If.
Messina was the most violent. It last
ed twelve seconds, and was ucroin
pnled with loud rumblings. The in
habitants fled shrli-kiug with fright
from their homes, und filled the streets
with their clumor.
The hospital, although but slightly
dumuged, was shaken so violently thut
many patients became hysterlcul und
had to be removed. Most of tho ln
habitunts decided to puss the night in
the streets and open squares.
After two hours the rumblings began
again, und the former scenes were re
enacted. Men and women run aimless
ly in all directions. Hundreds dropped
to their knees and prayed aloud for de-.
llverance. I
Today many streets are entirely de-1
sorted. Dozens of persons have taken I
refuge on ships la tho hurbor. There
have been six shocks In all.
In Iteggio many houses are cracked
and threaten to fall at any moment.
The panic stricken inhabitants are
camping In shelters erected by soldiers.
Patrols distribute food and other neces
saries. It Is known that six persons
were killed und several injured In Bag
nara, but details are wunting owing to
the demoralization of the railroad and
telegraph services.
Slgnor Tacchinl, chief of the Home
observatory, believes that the shocks
were confined to the Li purl Islands and
tne provinces or Aiessina Him iteggio, i tni, bumpers.
tivlty in Mount Etna.
Premier C'rispl has sent funds to the
prefects of the provinces to supply the
most urgent needs of the distressed In
Lmcrson Osborne Confesses Having As
saulted Mrs. Jack, Whom He Left for
DeuJ in a Hollow Log.
By the United Tress.
Shuron, Pu., Nov. IS. The mystery
surrounding the recent assault on Mrs.
John Jack, of Kilgore, has been partly
solved by the confession of Kmerson
Osborne, a prominent member of the
Sandy Lake United Presbyterian
church. Mrs. Jack, about three weeks
ugo, disappeared from her home und
und wus found three days later In u
hollow log half deud. She said she had
attempted to take her own life by
beating her head with a stone.
This did not satisfy the authorities
and they arrested Osborne. Yesterday
he broke down nnd confessed all, say
ing he had made the assault, und,
thinking ;Mrs. Jack (was duUt 'hud
placed her In the log to cover up his
Osborne Is a brother-in-law of Mr..
Jack, ami. It Is alleged, she Is making
I every effort to shield him. Her object
j.ln so doing cannot be surmised, unless
' It be a desire b save the family from
disgrace through further investigation
und publication of the outrage. .Mrs.
Jack Is the daughter of ex-Sheiiff
Fleming Smith, and all parties are
prominently connected.
cities Into leugues or associations, with
one club, nnd only one, In each city, and a half story frame bluldlng occupied
a contest between the respective cities
SO Children's School finbi-ellas,
26 or 2S-inch, natural wood or ox
idied handles, at 43c.
It Will Meet on Dec. S In the 1'umousNcw
By the United Preps.
IK'iiin, Nov. IS. The programme, of
the opening of the rclchstug on Dec. 5
has been completed. After divine sei-
for championship honors.
The interest which base ball arouses
in any city is based absolutely on local
pride. The essence of value to a cham
pionship Is entirely to the city to which
the victorious club belongs.
Experience has demonstrated that
whenever and wherever territorial
lights have been Invaded and rival
dubs established, the clement of local
pride Is absent and Interest In both de
stroyed. It Is this which makes u re
spect for territorial lights a principle
which wo must uphold.
Today thu future of base bull Is con
fronted by a new condition, a condition
which. In every particular, Is us harm
ful and, in many respects, far more
dangerous than open dishonesty or fla
grant dissipation. That Is, treachery
within the lines. Today ami for months
past we have had men identified with
professional base ball who, for years,
have been the beneficiaries of the game,
have received liberal compensation for
the work they have done, earned their
livelihood entirely and absolutely from
the opportunities afforded them by
clubs npd organizations operating
under the national agreement, and we
find und now know that these men, dur
ing this time, have persistently been
identifying themselves with schemes
und combinations, the sole objects and
sole purposes of which are to weaken
and perhaps destroy the splendid fabric
of our nutlunul game w hich it has taken
years of effort, anxiety and large out
lay of capital to construct.
A Time for Action.
The time bus come when some action
should be tuken to place this element
100 Ladies' Umbrellas, "Extra
by an Italian named Adego, his wife i Gloria," 2C-iuch Paragon frame,
and two brothers. During tho day they beautiful line handles, $1.00.
hud a nuinlwr of visitors and all had I
10 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled
Union Silk, natural wood, rubber
and horn handles, 1.75.
been drinking and carousing. Neigh
bors claim to have heard several re
volver shots nnd when they arose to in
vestigate, the house was a mass of
Adego nnd his wife were almost
crazed with excitement and could give
no coherent account of the origin of the
fire. A search for the missing meh was
The lire burned fiercely and the build
ing was entirely consumed. in less than
an hour.
Later The bodies of Antonio and
Martin Adego were found charred nnd
blackeneu beyond recognition.
tiO Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled
Union Silk, black, brown, navy
garnet and green, handles, small
Dresden knobs, ivory, natural root
or fancy bent sticks, with 'neat
silver trimininjis, !2.25, $2,75,
3.25 and .'.75.
100 Cent's Umbrellas, English
Gloria, 75c; Silk Gloiia, $1.00;
Union Twilled Silk, $1.50 and $2;
Extra Union Twilled Silk, $2.50,
$3.00 and S3.f!5: skes 28. 30 and
GOVERNOR HASTINGS' CABIN KT. i 32 inch. Handles finest imported
. , .": V. ,' ... ! natural sticks, Weichsel, Congo,
Chris Mugcc.llas Information 'I hat f ia
Kccdcr. Mcu.rmlck, Steart, (illkeson d u hooks crooks
and Morrison Will Walk Off with the rootS
Choice Plums. ' '
Speclul to the Scranton Tribune. I , , '
Pittsburg, Nov. IS. The Pittsburg
" w,r '"'I'e.m. uepuues win usseinoio without the nail of our rnU Tho
obligations of contracts, the lights of
Tuty Curried Guns, and (Juurreled and
Now both Ar Ieud.
Uy the Vnited Press.
Alberquerque, N. M., Nov. IS. Last
night at Magdalla, south of this city,
E. D. Horn, a merchant, and Scott
Heed, a cow man, got into a quarrel and
commenced shooting at each other.
Itoth are dead.
Horn was a peaceable man and P.eed
was quarrelsome and had killed several
Destitution Caused by the lllucklist
Aguinst Nullroud Men.
By the Vnited Press.
Denver, Col., Nov. 18. After a careful
canvass a committee has reported that
'J15 families of the American Railway
union are on the verge of starvation,
nnd 400 unmarled men destitute.'
This Is In consequence of the black
list enforced by the railways against
the men who struck last summer.
In the riltersaal of the OKI Castle to
hear the emperor read the speech from
the throne. From the castlo the depu
ties will go with the precession to tho
new rclchstag bulKllngr The emperor,
members of the federal council, relch
stag officials and provincial grandees
will swell the numbers of the great
After the Solemn Inauguration cere
mony the deputies will go to the old
house and In the afternoon will hold
their farewell sitting there. The ad
dress will be given by Herr Von Levet-
zow, president of the relchstag.
Shocking Heath of an Actor Who Kodo
on the Plutform.
By the Vnited Press.
Chester, Pu Nov. IS. Charles Smith,
a member of "The South Before the
War" dramatic company, was killed
this morning on the Bultimore an?
Ohio railroad as the company were
leaving for New York. He was stand
ing on the rear platform of the car nnd
when a connection was being made he
i was Jostled oft und crushed between
He was 3,"i years of age and lived at
Louisville, Ky.
I npopulur Of f iclals Appeul for Legislation
to Prevent boycott.
By tho Vnited Prnss,
Washington, Nov. IS. A a result of
First Assistant Postmaster General
Jones' request in his annual report for
legislation to prevent the boycotting of
minor post the post ofllce de
partment bus received a large number
' of letters from postmasters, who say
they have suffered to a great extent by
fhe system." The compensation of post
masters of the fourth-claVa Is based
mulnly upon the cancelation of post
age stampB upon matter actually
mailed at heir oltlces.
Owing to polltlcul differences ; or
Kunsas gave over 3ii,wg majority against
Woinun suffrage. .
A heavy snow put out the foiY'Rt Mot
In Boulder county, Col.
Tho price of Ua will go up 25 per cent,
soon, unless the eastern wur soon ends.
West Superior flour mills broke ull rec
ords by making barrels lust week.
Thieves got tl.CuQ In a Chicago theater
from George DeBull, un Iowa cattleman.
'Frisco business men will memorialise
congress In favor of the N'lcaraguu cunul
Governor Flower hall derided not to call
an extra session of the New York leg
islature. On a I00i claim of Manager D. B. Har
rison, Actor M. V. Curtis wus arrested
ut Lowell, Muss.
Failure to get enough morphine hus
made very violent Train Robber Morgan
Held, now In a Cincinnati Jiospltul.
After sixty-five years' service In the
Methodist church, Kev. Kichard Carroll,
of Muynochvllle, Ky., hungad hlmeslf.
In despondency ovr her husband's lack
of work, Mrs. Charles Ulchseker, of Can
ton, O., killed herself with carbolic acid,
Typhoid fever germs In raw oysters are
thought to have caused the epidemic at
Wesleyan university, Mlildletown, Conn,
By a full of a freight elevator In a Chi
cago grocery store, John McGregor and
Alexander Illomstrom were fatally hurt.
After wedding Clurence W. Clark, un
adventurer, on two days' acquaintance,
Uerture Hutchlns, a Denver heiress, de
serted him,
Ex-Preslucnt Harrison will b a candi
date' In 'SM, predicts Chulrmun Thomas
Taggert, of the Indiana Democratic state
committee. ' ' . t .
For'falsely stating the condition of tho
Johnson City (Tenn.l National hunk,
President 3. K. Cruadull wus arrested ut
Bristol, Tex. '
C'oxey says .his "army" will , go to
Washington In greter numbers If the
Fifty-fourth congress doesn't please him
In Its legislation. - l
Preliminary Steps Toward Procuring a
Statue for War Governor.
By the Vnited Press.
Bellefonte, Pu., Nov. 18. At a regular
meeting of Gregg post last night with
General James A. Beaver us chulrmun,
John C. Miller, S. H. Williums, James
Harris and William T. Pitzgerald were
nppolntpd a committee on the Curtln
The Center County Veteran club
starts the fund with a subscription of
ym, and the committee Is now ready to
receive aid from any and all soldiers'
organizations In the state that wish to
assist in memorializing the "Old Wnr
Governor" In marble.
The Young Pugilist Laid In a Vault at
By the Vnited Press.
Syrucuse, N. Y., Nov. 18. The body
of Con Kiordon, who died from the ef
fects of a blow received while sparring
with Kobert Fltzslmmons, was laid In
a vault at Oukwood cemetery this morn
ing. The funeral services were held In
Mulllns' morgue by Rev. A. S. Durstou,
secretary of the local Young Men's
Christian association, and were attend
ed by members of the company with
which Fltzslmmons Is traveling.
Fltzslmmons and the rest of the com
pany left later In the morning for Bos
ton, where they will fill nn engagement.
lire of I'nkuown Origin Consumes $20,
000 Worth of Prtiperty.
By the Vnited Press.
Wilkes-Barre, Nov. 18. The fan und
boiler houses connected with the Dela
ware and Hudson . Coul compuuy
breaker near Parsons were destroyed
by fire late this afternoon .
The loss on buildings and machinery
is estimated at $20,000. The origin is
as yet unknown.
The Police Arrest a Would lie Murderer
. In Denver,
By the X'nlted Press.
Denver, Col., Nov. 18. At 11 o'clock
last night the denlsons of "Strangler'd
Row" were startled by screams from
1330 Twentieth street. The special po-
Mr. Gladstone Will Attend.
London, Nov. is. Mr. Gludstone has
forgiven the Duke of Westminster for the
luUer's ubuse of him and his desertion of
the cause of home rule, und In token of
his forgiveness will attend the marriage
of the daughter of the duke to Prince
Adolphus of Teck, and at the uiurrlugo
breakfust will propose a toast to the duke.
(iarflcld Monument Trustees.
Cleveland. O., Nov. 1.-The board of
trustees of the Garfield Memorlul asso
clullon la charge of the Garfield monu
ment hus chosen Andrew Squire, of this
city, and Levi P. .Morton, of New York,
for the vacancies left by the death of ex
Presldent Hayes and Jumts G. Blulne.
reserve and the territorial rights of
clubs, associations nnd leagues must
bo upheld and shall be at any cost.
It Is a mutter of public rumor, and is
also a fact which has come to our
knowledge, that men Identillcd with
flubs, members of the national agree
ment have been co-operating In the
formation of clubs or organizations,
whose purpose is to conflict with tho
i national agreement. In view of this
knowledge, the National league nnd
American association of professional
clubs, In convention assembled, respect
fully suggest and requests the national
board to declare A. C. Ilnckenburger,
William Barnle and Fred PelYer ineligi
ble to be employed In any capacity
whatever, by nny ciub organisation
operating under the national agree
ment, and they be forthwith suspended.
The national board, consisting of
Messrs. Young, Soden and Byrne,
makes the following announcement:
This hoard has decided to announce,
and does declare that A. C. Bucken
burger, Willlum Barnle and Fred Pef
fer are ineligible to be employed cither
as manager, player, or In nny other
capacity, by any dub br organization
identified with the national agreement,
und said persons are hereby declared
This board further declures that such
suspension shall remain in force up to
und Including Dec. 31, 1894, and In the
event of the failure of the above named
persons, or either of them, on or before
the above named date, to show to this
board. that he or they have been in no
manner, directly or Indirectly, engaged
In any attempt to promote the organi
zation of clubs, leagues or associations
antagonistic to the national ugreeinent,
they -shall be expelled und forever de
burred from any connection with clubs
or organized bodies operating tinder
the national agreement.
Times, Christopher L. Magee's paper,
prints the following significant special 1
from Philadelphia: :
Mrcrr and 512 Lackawanna Ave,
Governor Basting's cabinet will be i
made up as follows: Secretary of tho I
commonwealth, General Flank Keeder, -
of Northampton county; attorney gen-1
oral, tienry u. McUormlcK, of Williums- i
port, cx-congressman from the Six- i
teenth district; adjutant general, i
Thomas J. Stewart, of Montgomery
county, now dosing his second term us .
secretary of internal affairs. The two I
principal appointments remaining, !
those of commissioner of Insurance and
superintendent of banking, will be filled
by B. Frank Gllkeson. of Bucks count',
chalrmun of the Republican state com
mittee, and ex-state treasurer, John W.
Morrison, of Allegheny county."
Wholesale and Retail.
It Is suld Chairman Gllkeson has his eye
on Cumeron's Beut.
Amos Camming Is to be pilloried, next
session, fur alleged misrepresentations In
his Carnegie armor Investigation report.
Willlum L. Wilson Is regarded at Wash
ington as slated for the first big vueuuey
that occurs within range of
appointment. '
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union nutlonul convention at Cleveluud,
O., will censure Mrs. Cleveluud for spill
ing ohumpagne Instead of water when she
christened the St. Luuls.
"Objector" Hulmun says Kurd time.?,
tariff deluy and CievelunU's blundering
rorelgnpollcy uid' It. He thinks free sil
ver will be the Issce In 'fW, and thut the
Democruts will nominate Auiul for presi
dent. A conservative compilation credits the
ltepubllcun purty with a net plurality of
UKt.uuo votes ut the recent election.' Its
plurulity In the north was und In 1
the south, U3.500. From this Is substrae'ed !
Democracy's estimated 'MM0 plurality In
the only nine states It curried.
President's Authority to Make the Propo
sition Is to lie l.lucstloned,
Uy the Vnited Press.
Washington, Nov. IS. Representa
tive Bellamy Htorer will lead the fight
In the house aguinst the policy of the
administration In regard to the Chlnu
Japan war, und ho has already drawn
up a resolution which he will Introduce
as soon us congress meets, calling upon
the state department for Information
as to the authority under which it pro
pose to act as mediator between the
wurrlng governments.
It Is maintained by many congress
men that the state department has no
lights, without the sanction of con
gress, to undertake to mediate in a wnr
between foreign powers, even when
asked to do so by one of the govern
ments engaged In the war.
Congressman Wright and Ills Son Burlc
in tirund street Cemetery.
By the Vnltod Press.
Susquchnnna, Nov. 18. The. double
funeral of the lute Hon. Myron B.
White, congressman from the Fifth
teeiith district of Pennsylvania, and
his oldest son, Albert, occurred from
the First Methodist church yesterday
afternoon. The utendunce. was Very
large, neighboring cities and towns
sending large delegations of noted men.
Rev. C. M. Surdam, pastor of the Metho
dist F.plseopal church in Waverly, N.
Y., officiated, assisted by Rev. Stephen
Jay, pastor of the Susquehanna. Metho
dist Episcopal church.
The Vnited Stutcs senate was repre
sented by Senator W. A. Pefl'er, of Kan
sas, and the house of representatives by
Congressmen J. B. Robinson, C. A.
Gibson, J. D. Hicks and Howard Mutch
lor. of Pennsylvania; J. W. Carsey, of
Deluware; C. A. Cadmus, of New jer
sey, and T. M. Paschal, of Texas.
The florul tributes were numerous
and very beautiful. During the ser
vices, the locomotive shops of thu New
York, Lake Erie. & Astern road and
tha business places of the town were
closed, and the public buildings were
draped in mourning. ThP interment
was made; In the Grand street ceme
313 Spruce Street.
Telephone, No. 4633.
Playing with a brush lire near Ashland,
Lizzie Sells wus burned to deuth.
Western Pennsylvania' milk dealers
have orgunlzed to keep up prices.
Poter McDonnel, 'who accidentally
shot himself at Locust Gap while gun
ning, Is dead.
Since borrowing a ruzor three days ago,
Edwin M. Schauz, of Poltstown, hus been
missing und his f liends are alarmed.
Knocked out of a tree by the limb he
sawed off, Benjamin Berr, ut Barevlllo,
Luncuster county, fell, breaking his neck.
The great tunnel to drain the mines at
Butler valley, Luzerne county, will not
be opened until tho court hus settled John
Uettiag's injunction case.
We will have wet weather. We
will furnish you with SHOES for wet
weather. It will be a healthful invest
114 Wyoming Avenue.
French Radicals and Sociajlsls will op
pose th U,ow,oou loan for tho Mudugas
cur war. I $ )
A splendid present was sent by the kul
sr to the king und queen of Roumanla
for their silver wedding.
An earthquake shook Catunzuro and
Regulo, In southern Italy, and Messina,
Sicily, but did little damage.
President Buriios, of Guatemala, says
there Is no prospect of war with Mex
ico on tho boundary question. '
Slam's king Is In good health, despite
recent rumors, and gavo his first audi
ence to Mr. Currett, the now American
minister. ... ..(
For Insulting the prince regent and In
citing class hatred. Willlum Bernhurdt, a
New York . anarchist, was arrested In
.Brunswick. ' ...
Hurled I'ndcr Tons of Hock by u Phos.
j phutc Barge's Capsizing,
i By the Vnited Press.
Jacksonville, Fin., Nov. IS. An acci
dent occurred In Charlotte harbor by
which eight men lost their lives. Ten
employes wore asleep on a barge loaded
with phosphate, when It suddenly cap
sized, burying the men under ions of
rock. i .
Two of them managed to escape, but
eight were lost.
It Was Moving nt the Hate of Fifty Miles
on Hour.
By the Vnltod Press.
Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 18. Louis
Rosenberg, a wealthy merchant at
Johns, near here, went Insane a ypar
ago over financial troubles. He drove
to the home of David Shepard, hi?
It Is said thut Secretary Hoke Smith
will recommend statehood for the Indian
Territory. '
Commander Fred B. Smith, Vnltod
Suites Navy, retired, living at Lusblng,
Yt will be eourt-inurttuled for not puy
lug his debts.
Emit Krey, of Mllwuukce, W;is wrote
to President Cleveland for a hund organ,
with permission to play It- In every city
of the Vnited States.
Major Kelly, .Tenth cavalry, Vnited
Btutes army, Imllun agent at Fort bel
kaap agency, accompanied by eight of
the Asslnubolne and Uros Ventre Indians,
Is In Washington visiting tho vurlous de
partments of the government, ,
111 '
Will Visit tho Pope. .
Rome, Nov., 18. The state department
of the vntlcun learns that Cardinal Gib
bons, of Bultlmore, will embark for Ku
rope on Dec 11 and Immediately aftir
landing at Qeflsu, will visit the pope. Ha
will remuln In Kurope two months and
will attend the consistory.
JIA.VE just returned
from New York buying
Holiday Goods. We are
receiving them daily,
to eall and see out' line line of
Jewelry and Novelties, whether
you buy or not.
X. 15. Look at our show windows as
you jinss. '
Generally fair; cooler Monday evening:
winds shifting to northwest; voider and
fair Tuesday..