4 THE SOKANTON TUIUUiyrjfl-JUllDAr MOUNIiVU. NOVEJUIEU 1U, 1694. (Je cranfon CrtBune KJBU8HI0 DAILY W SCSAMTON. PA. , BT TBI TfUOTM PUBUSHWO OOMPANT. C. P. KINGSBURY, Puis. w flin'k M E. H. RIPPLI, Sco t and Tul LIVY S. RICHARD, Eoitoh. W. W. DAVIS. SUMMNTINDtNT. W. W. YOUNGS, Ao. Mko' iw tors omci : tribohi Btnuuna. Trass S, Gray, uanaoir. INTIRIO AT THI POSTumOl AT 8CR4HT0H. FA, AS SlOQND-CLASa MAIL MATTER. " Prlntors' Ink," the recognized journal tor advertisers, rates THE SCKANTON HilBtNE as the best advertising medium in -Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers' Ink" knows. (SCRANTON, NOVEMBER 10, WW. THE SCRANTON OF TODAY. Come and Inspect our city. Elevation above the tide, 740 feet. Extremely healthy. Estimated population, 1894, 103,000. Registered voters, 20,699. Value of school property, $750,000. Number of school children, 12.000. Average amount of bank deposits, lu, 000,000. It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. Can produce electric power cheaper than Niagara. , No better point In the United States at which to establish new Industries. Bee how we grow: Population In 1800 f-f2 Population In 1870 3?'Jl"J Population In J 880 -i Population in 1890 Population In 1894 (estimated) WU.W And the end Is not yet. The man who, claiming to be a Re publican, deserts upright nominees of his own party to work for Democrats, has only himself to blame If his nB Bertlons of Continued party loyalty arc followed by an Interrogation mark. The Viaduct Ordinance Vetoed. The message accompanying the mayor's veto of the West Lackawanna viaduct ordinance Indicates that the Inadequacy of the accompanying speci fications was a prime reason for the withholding of executive approval. While this Is undoubtedly one strong factor In the situation, another Is to be found In the gradual change of public opinion since it became apparent that the enactment of the viaduct legisla tion would in all probability open the the door to excessive damages. As the mayor points out, the limit of the city's indebtedness has already been reached and with two expensive new bridges Boon to be paid for, it would undoubtedly be Imprudent for councils to contract further obligations without a clear and distinct understanding as to their amount. The percentage of carelessly contracted municipal indebt edness is large enough, at best; it would obviously be a poor policy to take an other large leap In the dark, particular ly when there is abundant time to form ulate an ordinance which shall fully cover the present uncertainties. From a canvass taken Borne time ago by representatives of this paper, We are convinced that unless public sentiment on the West Side has since changed, opinion there Is about equally divided for and against a viaduct, not to men tlon a third factor of comparative In difference. The probability of the early completion of the Swetland street bridge, thus alienating a large per centage of the traffic now belonging to West Lackawanna avenue, has doubt less contributed to this indifference. Such being. the case, there Is reason In the suggestion that the details of the viaduct be first finally adjusted before the city shall be asked to obligate it self to large extra enpense. The viaduct, within reasonable cost limits, would no doubt be a good thing for many residents of the West Side; and we do not Interpret the present veto to mean the project's death blow, but simply an admonition to caution and exactitude In the contraction of new debts, Numerous bright features will make tomorrow's Tribune even more Interest ing than it ordinarily Is. There will be twelve neat pages of first-class reading and the cost of It all will be just that of two penny cigarettes. Forego the cabbage leaves and buy a Tribune. Preserve the Forests. If at next week's conference of the heads of departments of the state government It . shall be decided to recommend Dr. Rothrock's scheme for state forest reserva tions, an important forward step will be taken toward the preservation of our wooded domain. Dr. Rothrock's Idea, In brief, Is to empower a com mis Blon to locate three reservations within the commonwealth one to be In Pike, Monroe, Luzerne or Lackawanna coun ty; another In Sullivan, Lycoming, Clin ton, Center or Potter county, and the third In Clearfield, Elk, Cameron, Mc Kean or Forest county paying for the same an equitable price; then to have the state geological survey commission and the state board of health examine these reservations, reporting their value and possibilities as public parks or sanitariums; and Anally to put them tinder such supervision as shall Insure their remaining in nature's original dress, with all the natural accompani ments of game, (fish and plant life. Thisproject Is in some senses a daring one. It triplicates the task which lnw perlal New York state has been Btrug gllng over for nearly a decade, by ask ing Pennsylvania to make three parks where the Empire state cannot success fully secure one. But Us adoption Is urged by unanswerable arguments. Al ready our foreBts are bereft of game and our forest pools and Btreams nil but deprived of sportive fish, while the forests themselves are rapidly dlsap' pearlng before the combined assaults of repeated forest fires, the railroads, the saw mills and the wood-aotd works At the present rate of destruction, a few more years will see the tall timber of this vicinity wholly gone; and not even the smaller second growth will then be Ignored by the eager chopper or the relentless flames. If, therefore, a decided stand Is to be taken In the hope of averting a foreseen and a certain calamity, which every year brings nearer, this is the thne to take It. It will be useless to cry forest protection when there are no longer any forests to protect. Though there should be objection to some of the details of Professor Rothrock's project, the gen eral purpose of it is worthy of most earnest commendation. The main thing is to get legislative action started. That done, experience and discussion will shape It properly and regulate er rors of detail. Pennsylvania Is yet rich In the natural treasures of her wooded uplands . and hills. Will she preserve this wealth, or will she wantonly squander it? For the holiday season, an advertise ment In a paper like The Tribune reaches the eyes of buyers and Insures a brisk trade. The surest antidote to calamity crying Is systematic advertis ing. The county commissioners have com pleted negotiations through which they will be enabled to reduce the Interest on the bonded Indebtedness of the county from 5 to 4V4 per cent., making a saving for the county of $2,100. This saving, It may be said, Is not, perhaps, of great consequence to the prosperous county of Lackawanna, but it proves that the commissioners are alive to the Interests of the taxpayers and are on the alert to be of genuine service to them. They manage the business of the county as they would a private enterprise of their own. In this connection it will be of In terest to know that the commissioners are now redeeming $40,000 of the out standing county bonds, leaving a bal ance to be provided for on the 4Vfc per cent, basis of $120,000. Lemuel Ell Qulgg swears he didn't spend a cent in his second campaign for congress. And Ell got there, too. Ridiculous Financiering. Our present method of replenishing the treasury with gold suggests to the New York Herald the story of Davy Crockett's coonskln. "Peltries," suys the Herald, "were a circulating medium In the backwoods, and Davy at the log house tavern paid for the drinks with the fur of a coon which had been the sole reward of his prowess with a rlllu that day. ' The bartender threw the peltry under the rude counter, and Davy, recovering It through the Inter stice In the logs, tenderd It In payment for another 'round,' and repeated the trick until he and his compotators had drained the barrel, and the puzzled pro- prletor discovered that as a result of the prosperous trade he had been drlv- lng he had nothing on hand but the same old coonskln." There Is this Item of difference, how ever. While we may have on hand the same old paper mill that grinds out the same old bonds, under a new title, we have each time a larger debt, which the people will have eventually to make good. The deficit which serves as an excuse for our latest bond issue was a purely gratuitous one, due to no other cause under the sun than to Dem ocracy's meddling penchant for blun derlng. But for the threatened repeal of the McKlnley act, finally consum mated by the substitution of a measure carrying with It $70,000,000 of new de ficiency, and the abrogation of reclpro cal treaties, there would have been no occasion for new bonds and no short age in the national government's cash drawer. There Is no doubt as to what would be thought of a private business man who, while In the receipt of a good In come, should deliberately revolutionize and experiment with his trade until ex penses regularly and largely exceeded receipts. He might make ends meet for a time, by borrowing money on promts sory notes, but It would be a reckless and dangerous kind of management. sure eventually to come to grief. The one safe way to do business Is to keep one's expenses within one's Income and thus save needless Interest charges This was the policy which character ized the Republican party's adminis tration of the national finances. The worst objection that Democrats have ever made to that administration was that it resulted in the accumulation of a surplus, whereas their own control has achieved nothing but deficits. Massachusetts will, at its forthcom ing legislative session, again pass upon the proposed assumption by the state of the control of the liquor business, after what Is known as the Gothenburg sys tern. Two years ago this proposition passed one house and was defeated In the other. Its advocates contend It will pass both,- this time. The plan. In de tail, contemplates the leasing of license rights by state agents, under restrictive conditions assuring a minimum amount of disturbance from the trafllc in In toxicants, combined with a consider able revenue which can be devoted to public purposes. We must frankly con fess that this plan seems quite as logi cal as the present high license system as known In Pennsylvania. It would put the state In the position of having to enforce Its laws on this subject or else lose good tenants. Assuming that the drink traffic is still an essential branch of commerce, the arguments In favor of Its practical restriction and careful regulation are too apparent to need definition; and the Gothenburg system, from all accounts, is a very successful solution of the vexing prob lem, from a practical standpoint. The supreme court, by affirming the right of the state to collect tax on cor poratton franchises, has Raved the treasury of Pennsylvania a neat' sum But what Is to be done where valuable franchises have been given away by negligent or culpable councllmen? Such Instances exist, and not a., thousand miles from Scranton. Republicans should so conduct them selves that the million or more Demo crats who last week voted with them, on trial, will be Induced to become regular subscribers. It Is possible that Secretary Carlisle will not entirely relish the exuberant manner In which Mr. Cleveland admits him Into a partnership In the president's numerous mistakes. Recorder-elect Goff, of New York, ex pended 76 cents of his own money to get elected last week; and the Lcxow committee did the rest. In twenty-one states, Including Con necticut, Indiana and West Virginia, the Democrats will soon not have a sln- gle representative in congress. From the northern states only fifteen Demo cratic members have been returned, the majority of them by scratch pluralities. In consideration of this fact, we ques tion whethpr It paid the Democratic party to play to the socialistic rabble by means of the Income tax. Until within a few months ago, the government purchased Its stamps from private manufacturers under the con tract system. Then some lynx-eyed paternalist thotiKht he saw a chance to save a few pennies, and a federal stamp factory was established. The saving, up to date, Is about $50,000, not counting the cost of the new ma chinery; but the new stamps are rotten In fiber, sickly pale in color and ab solutely worthless with respect to their slicking capacity. The people who buy stamps will, of course, have to keep on buying them at the same old Btand; but they are certainly entitled to a vigorous complaint. No explanation of Democracy's over whelming defeat has been more satis factory than was the prediction of it made by Crover Cleveland In his letter to "Sir" William Wilson. That party simply did not dare to "face the people after such odious 'discriminations and violations of principle." Mr3. Kendal, the English actress. Is displeased with the American newspa pers, which, she says, cure more for medicine advertisements than for Mrs. Kendal's plays. Medicine Is usually nasty, to be sure; but aren't her plays a good deal worse? An Iowa minister recently pronchod a sermon on Puullne Hall nnd is now de- fndunt In a libel suit. The clergyman will probably hereafter confine his la bors to the spiritual Satan and let the personal example work out Its own de struction. We know of no better man to lend the demoralized 'Democracy of Pennsyl vania up to high and solid ground thun William M. Slngerly. In this lofty mis sion he would have the moral support of every Republican In the land. Withln a radius of sixty miles, Pitts burg claims a population of 1.C08.9R4; but that's nothing, for Scranton, within a radius only four times as large, has a population exceeding 10,000,000. Editor gingerly Is evidently con vinced that If the Democrats of Penn sylvania do not speedily reorganize, there will soon not be enough of them left to man the caucuses. The army of the unemployed Is greater Just now In politics than it is In Industry; greater, and more formid able. Those " new bridges" will yet doubt less materialize; but we are not pre pared to make definite predictions when. The enthusiasm of the average at torney over the prospect of an election contest Is not always disinterested. CHATS HY THE WAY. Secretary Nlven, of the Wllkos-Tia-re board of trade, Is cheerful, happy anil en thusiastic. "In my opinion," he says, "tho possibilities for high achievements are great, nnd primarily because there is every evidence that the sun of commer cial prosperity Is rising to blaze for a long time over this favored land. The re cent elections have ended a prominent disturbing factor In trade conditions, and the settlement of national policies will naturally relieve the business men of all anxiety and apprehension for some years to come. Already information comes from trustworthy sources that confidence has been restored and that the avenues of commerce will soon echo with the bustle of renewed activity. This Is good new.-) and must have its effect in stirring up things in the Wyoming valley. With a happier feeling in relation to the future Industrial matters must Improve, and It Btrikes me that If those Interested In the board of trade will give It the encourage ment of their confidence nnd wise advice and experience that It won't take long to Infuse new life Into Its work and muko It what It has been on occasions In the past, an organization whose benefits will be substantial nnd far-reaching." Thin Is the kind of talk that makes the mare go. Out of compliment to his services dur ing the recent campaign, Representative Kulp, the sturdy young Republican who defeated the veteran Ruckulew In the HiVenteenth district, has proffered to Hugh O'Doiincll, of Homestead fume, the position of private secretary. Mr. O'Dun nell will accept, and beside do newspa per work at Washington. In the course of an extended essay on bores, the Minneapolis Times remarks: "Probably no professional man has more or more kinds of bores to contend with than the editor of a dally paper. In the large eastern cities every newspaper has an ex-puglllst In Its employ who earns his salary by throwing this class of floating population down seven flights of stair. The west has not arrived at this stage of Journalism and the bore ha3 It all his own way." If any Scruntonian. wishes to see The Tribune's pugilist at work, let him vlslst this office at the busy time of night. Our stairs number only four flights, but the stones at the bottom are hard, cruelly hard. As before snld, John Donovan, of nay county, constitutes the boIo relic and reminiscence of the Derrtocratlc party in Michigan, a fact which the Detroit News commemorates as follows: "The first John was the voice crying In the wilder ness; so Is the latest John to achieve dis tinction. Ho Is the Democratic party In the legislature of 1895. He Is Winkolrled and the Pans of Thermopylae, all in one. He is the New Zealamlcr on London Bridge, sketching tho ruins of London. He Is Napoleon pacing the quarter deck alone on the way to St. Helena. He Is the solitary sentinel on the watch tower. He must be awake all tho time to partisan legislation, and, being the Democratic party, must keep himself well-organized to withstand the attacks of the enemy upon the principles of which he la at once the custodian, the representative and the protector. About the first thing he will have to do will bo to hold a joint esuens with himself, to nominate party candi dates for the UnlteD States scnatorshlp. Donovan, of Ray, Is a landmark. He Is the monument of the Democratic great ness. Ho Is all that Is left of his party In Michigan. More power to him. A green spot- In a desert, an islet In the sea, Asingle, small, green leaflet, upon a blast ed tree; A Crusoe minus Friday, a bright spot In a cave, The man without a party, the boss with out a slave; The chief without an army, an estate without an heir, A prisoner In a dungeon at a game of soli taire. The unlit earth, with but a single tantal izing ray, Is not by half so lonely as John Donovan, of Ray; O, Donovan, John Donovan, thou spot upon the moon, Thy legislative llddlo hath but a single tune; ' Hast read aright the legond, with many as they run. That still the greatest numbtr Is always number one? POLITICAL POINTS. Representative-elect Hart's' olllclal plu rality over Judge Klrkpatrlck In the Eighth district is 197. The Rucks and Montgomery county Re publican members-elect of tho next house have indorsed Harry Walton for speaker. Senator Quay passed yesterday as the fcuest of David Martin at his country home at Holmesburg, near Philadel phia. Philadelphia Republicans will press upon Governor Hastings the appointment of City Solicitor Charles F. Warwlek as at torney general. Billy nines is said to be in hot water again over the Huzleton postotlice. An indorsement from him will mean dozens of new enemies. Free Trailer Tom Johnson, of Cleveland, O., will establish a dally newspaper to light the Plain-Dealer. He also expects to be a candidate for re-election two years hence. William P. Owen, the Republican can didate for secretary of state In Indiana, according to' the olllclal count, has 44,733 plurality over Myers, his Democratic competitor. This Is tho largest plurality ever cast for a Republican candidate. Every one of the thirteen congressional districts in Indluna was carried by the Republicans. The lowest plurnlity Is that of Watson over Holman, In the Fourth, 434; and the largest Is that of Johnson over Elliott In the Sixth, 12,017. The candidacy of ex-Representative M. A. Foltz, of Chambersburg, for Btate printer Is receiving comment from breth ren of the craft throughout the state. Mr. Foltz has passed upward of a quarter of a century In the practical schooling of a newspaper ofliee. His paper, Public Opinion, Is not only a notable financial success, but also a model of typograph ical neatness and excellence. Tho ap pointment of Mr. Foltz by Governor Hast ings would Insure good work honestly done in the state's olllclal printing. The Philadelphia Press kindly corrects an error which Inadvertently crept Into a recent Issue of The Tribune relative to the representation which Philadelphia will enjoy In the next Republican state con vention. The number of delegates based upon tho last presidential vote was In the state 2til, ofwhich Philadelphia had sixty three, or something less than one-fourth. "In tho next convention," says the Press, "there will bo an additional number of delegates, amounting probably to about thirty, and of thin Increase Philadelphia will get a little more than one-third, but It will still have less than one-fourth tho whole membership of the convention. In fact, the relative representation to that of the stato at large will not be changed In any material degree, because every district which has made a siifllclent in crease in Its Republican vote will also have an Increased representation." Harking t'p tho Old Tree. From the Philadelphia Record. If the Democratic party should be able to go to the country In 1S9C with the policy of free raw materials well established, and rid of the income tax Incubus, there is no reason to doubt that It would com mand the samo renponslvo approval on the part of the people it obtained in 1890 and 1SU flajly Demoralized. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. At last accounts General Coxey's scheme for borrowing money on non-convertlblo security was lame In one leg, blind in both eyeB and suffering from both ring bone and spavin. I HILL & CONNELL 131 AND 133 WASHINGTON AVE., Have just received a carload of the celebrated 1 J IITI "The best business desk in the world," which arc oll'ercd at greatly reduced prices. The reduced prices at which this celebrated desk is now of fered make them the cheapest in the market. Within the Reach or all. AS LOW AS $19. A full line of office Furniture, Type Writing Desks and Chairs. Wc arc now showing the larg est line -of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in HAVILAND & CO., CHAS. FIELD HAVILAND, R. DELENINERES & CO., FRENCH CHINA, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If you want a Dinner Set examine our stock before buying. Coursen, demons & Co. I THAT WONDERFUL WEBER t - GUERNSEY Q Instantaneous stamping done while you wait. Over 500 designs to select from, and at one-half the price charged for some in places where you have to leave your work, and wait for it; sometimes for days. Specimens Can Be Seen at Our Decorative Art Counter 1 0 Full Dress Patterns of Lewiston Suitings at $1.15. per pattern. Full Dress Patterns of all-wool Imported Novelties your choice at $2.94. This is less than one-half value. SEE BIG CENTER WINDOW. Do You Wear Shoes If you do and need a new pair, why not examine the stock of The Lackawanna Store Association, Urn. Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Aves. We ore solo agents In this city for the J. S. TURNER & CO. High OrsdeShoesfor men's weur (these shoes took first pre mium at the World's Fair, Chicago), and for EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S Celebrat ed Shoes for ladies' wear. We also handle the following lines: FOR MEN. Strong & Carroll, J. & 11. Fitupatrlck. HUey, Adams & Co., FurLADIES.MISSES snd CHILDREN. C. P. Ford & Co.. ThomaoO. PUntCo., a. o. Aiurigac x 10 If desired, will take monsure nnd nrrinr special pairs from any factory In the country. Our aim Is to be prompt, to give our customers the bout attention and lowest prices, guaranteeing satisfaction on ull our goods. We also carry a fine lino of GROCER IES, HARDWARK, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, etc. A trial is whit we ask of our citizens and we will oudocTor to piers.'. Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce ments, Reception Cards, Visiting Cards, rionograms, First-Class Work, Prices Low. REYNOLDS BRO 5 Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE DR. HILL & S . ALBANY DENTISTS. . Rot teeth, Jii.KO; best set, 8: for gold caps and teeth without plates, called crown nnd brldffo work, call for prices and refer ences. TONALGIA, for extracting tectlj without pain. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. BROTHERS, WYOMING ilor p b (J SCIENTIFIC EYE China Closots reduced 15 to O per ceiA ', Nov. 15, 130L Removal Sale of Furniture at HULL & CO.'S, 235 WYOMING AVENUE. Fine Dressing Tables greatly relucod In price If you would have the LARGEST Amount of heat from the LEAST Amouut of fuel,' you must have a Howard Furnace. Foote & Shear Co. 6 1 m TONE IS FOUND ONLY IN THE .WEBER PlflNO AVE. h u O 0 ! 0 0 s O is. TESTING FREE BY DR. SH1MBURG Th9 Specialist on tho Eye. Headache! and Nervoes niss relieved. Latest aurl Iiupn ved Style of Eye tclns'ftsiaud Spe;tni Ds nt tho Lowest Prices. BuS Artificial Ej-cb Inserted fur 0. 305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postofflce DR. E. GREWER, The Philadulphla Specialist, and his asso elated staff of Kngllsh and German physicians, aro now permanently located at Old Postofflce Building, Corner Pent) Avenue and Spruce Street Tho doctor Is a graduae of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strutor of physiology and surgery at tho jMedico-ChlrurRlcal college of Philudel phlu. His specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and lilood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dlzzlness.laclc of cuniidence, sexuul weakness In men nnd women, ball rising In throat, spots floating buforo the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on ono subject, easily start led when suddenly spoken to, nnd dull distressed mind, which limits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing tho action of the heart, caus lng Hush of heat, depression of splrlts.evll forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreHms.mol ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In tho morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought.depresslon, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those bo affected should consult us Immediately; u. ii uc icttiuruu iu peneci neuun. Lost Manhood Restored. Wcakuess of Young Men Cured. If yon have been given tip by your phy xlclun cull upon tho doctor and be exam-'x-d. Ho cures the worst cases of Ner vous Debility, Scrofula. Old Sores, Ca tarrh, l'lles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of tho Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, deafness. Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and Btrletlv sacred nnd confident.".. Olllce hours da'ily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom blanks and my book called "New Life " 1 will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or KITS , t, m na E. ORISWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Penn avenue and Spruco street, SCRANTON, PA. POULTRY ID CM OF ALL KINDS. Maurice River Cove, ?r Oysters, Blue Point end Uockaway CLAMS MEDIUM AND LITTLE NECK, Ail lauds of Fresh Fish, Lobster, Hard Crabs, Escallops and Shrimps; at PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVENUE. HAVING purchsd th toek aid rnt?d th Shoeing Forge of William Blums & Son, I shall now give constant attention to boeinir borsas In practi cal ant iuientllle munnor. Quick work and good Is ta motto. JOHN HAMLIN, DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERT. J I IF YOUR OI-D BOOira NEED FIX INO. SFNn THEM TO The Soranton Tribune VI Bookbinding Dept. ' HORSE SHOEING