THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 10, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. The meaning of the sudden resigna tion of Eckley B. Coxe from the presi dency of the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill, Railroad company, the Coxe Bros Iron' Foundry and Manufac turing company and the Cross Creek Coal, company la thus explained; In a Hazleton dispatch: "It Is known that he had been for some time endeavoring to shape these vast Interests so that a proper division could be made in the event of accident or death. The duties devolving upon him have been tremen dous, and together with Increasing en-1 terprlses he has been burdened and to a degree hampered so that he was un able to carry out some plans as orig inally contemplated. The constant spreading out of the Delaware, Susque hanna and Schuylkill road has also de manded more attention thun circum stances would permit him to give. To enable him to carry out the plans and place his road among the strong est coalers of the state it Is said that this Btep was taken. Alfred Waters, general manager of the Erie and New York railroad, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Coxe as president. He will assume charge Dec. 1. Mr, Waters is a practical rail road man. The Delaware) Susque hanna' and Schuylkill people have' for months been busy making surveys and securing the contour of the country between Drlfton and Stroudsburg. While no official announcement of the Intentions of the company in this re spect has been made, it is understood that they will connect at Stroudsburg with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, thus giving them a direct line to the coast. As it is at present they practically control the coal tonnage of the Lehigh region, and with such ad ditional resources as this connection would give them It would place the road among the most Important entering the anthracite region." Some one In the Philadelphia Bulletin thus exhibits his knowledge of anthra cite mining: "The greater economy In the use of coal, and the fact that coal dust is valuable as fuel, have brought on a contention over the ownership of the plies of culm or 'waste' coal which have colelcted In the neighborhood of the anthracite mines of the state. As this 'waste' represents the coal for Which the miners were not paid, their wages being reduced in direct propor tion to the amount of such 'waste' dis covered in their share of the daily mined article, it certainly seems that morally it belongs to them. But the ownership of It from a strictly legal Standpoint Is another thing, and It Is In this aspect that the mine owners re gard the matter. The contention is an other instance of the multiplying diffi culties arising from the low rate of wages paid the miners and the bitter ness felt over the Introduction of great hordes of Ignorant foreign labor In the mines, and it is not likely to be settled amicably, for It Involves a good deal of money. The only square way to deal with the subject, in the future, is for the mine owners to pay the miners a fair rate for the labor of mining the culm and then to dispose of it them selves to the best advantage they can. It certainly is unfair to refuse both pay and all share of ownership to the men who practically produce the article in marketable shape. Of course, in re- gard to the culm already accumulated, It will be difficult to settle with the men now working, as the actual produ cers of the 'waste' coal are for the most part dead or have left the region." ' A recent decision rendered by the supreme court of this state is of con siuerable importance to railroads. The capital stock of the Delaware, Susque hanna and Schuylkill Railroad was val ued for taxation at $2,000,000. The com- pany had declared a dividend of 40 per cent, upon $1,000,000 of capital stock and made net earnings for the year of $523, 243. The commonwealth maintained that the valuation should be $4,000,000, and that the worth of the franchise should be taken into consideration. The supreme court has just upheld the state in its view, and other railroads in this state will have to conform to the deel Blon. It Is expected that the Tresckow coal washery, at present the property of the Conlack Coal company, will change hands on Dec. 1. A number of Wtlkes Barre capitalists have been viewing washery sites and determining the per centage of coal In some of the slate banks at the Yorktown and Tresckow collieries. The Conlack washery was thoroughly inspected, every piece of machinery being examined. A well founded rumor Is- that this party has made a satisfactory offer for the pur chase of the plant and the sale may be closed within a few days or not later than Dec. 1. This washery has been idle for almost a year. If bought it will be again started. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: What are known as commodity rates In Central traffic teritory will not be advanced until January, 1895. The new Buffalo and Susquehanna rnllroad opens up a vast tract of valu able timber land in Potter county. For the first time In eighteen months every freight locomotive and freight crew on the Michigan Central are in snrvlce. The Ontario and Western statement fur the Sept. 30 quarter, shows a sur- plus, after charges, of $18,716, a de crease of $261.G1. The Indiana Car-service association in October handled 21,739 loaded cars, the largest business of any month of the present year. Mayor Connell on Monday went to Shamokln to inspect the Enterprise Coal company's workings, of which he is general manager. The North Pennsylvania railroad an nounces a quarterly dividend of 2 per cent., payable Nov. 26 to stockholders of record on Nov. 15. The Lebanon Car works is again mak- KYilrtMri Ffrirhnr. tjilui fVi fijirfn World's Dispsmbabv Mkdical Association jpuutuu. n.z.s German I cannot tell you bow my wife dm improved ainoe me began the use of your - rarorue rresenp- lon," coupled with "Q. 1. u." She has no mora trouble with falling of toe womb, and the never feols any pain unleat the standi too long. Bho hu no bear Ing -down pains ainoe kh began the use of I your remedies, sne iQoee nearly all of her own housework now, but before the oom menoed taking your Mrs. Lawn. remodles, the oould hardly walk aoroaa the room. I do not know bow to thank you for 11 the food your remedies have done her, for the beet doctors had given ber case up oe In. UUi BUI. Tonn truly, aLfUBD LEWIS. FIERCE CURE OB HONEY RETCBNEa Commercial. Ing daily delivery of from fifteen to twenty-five new 60,000-pound capacity gondolas to the Lehigh Valley. Railroad company. A contract for 1,400 new coal cars has Just been placed by the E. P. Wilbur Trust company, of Bethlehem, with two car manufacturing concerns In this state. They are for use on the Lehigh Valley railroad, and will be of much the same pattern as those in use on the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill (Coxe Bros. & Co. road.) Shipments of Lykeus Valley coal over the Summit Branch railroad for the week ended Nov. 10 reached a total of 13,559 tons, against 11,491 tons for the same week last year, an increase of 2,087 tons. For the year to that date the shipments amounted to 4S8.329 tons, a decrease of 69,966 tons compared' with the corresponding period last year. Shipments of bituminous coal over the Huntingdon and Broad Top rull road for the week ended Nov. 10 again show a slight decrease; the total ton nage was 41,414 tons, against 44,564 tons for the corresponding period last year, decrease of 3,149 tons. For the year to thut date shipments aggregated 1,- 953,173 tons for the corresponding period last year, a decrease of 183.327 tons. During the present week nearly nil the large boats on the lakes will be laid up for the winter, and the railways will have rates under their own control. The past has been the most unprofitable of many years to the boat owners, many of the boats not having paid run ning expenses! to say nothing of In terest on the money Invested. There are over $60,000,000 invested In lake craft, and not one of the lines Is said to have earned enough to pay a dividend this season. STOCKS AND BOXDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. la. Transactions at the Stock exchange today footed up 201,000 shaes. Of this total Suirar fltt- ured for 96,700 shares. The stock opened higher, but the rise led to selling for the long account and a reaction fol lowed. The rise In the stock strength ened the whole list. In the late trad ing, however, a drive was made against the anthracite coalers and sugars, the whole market receding in sympathy. The break In the coalers near the close was due to a report that the price of coal had been reduced 25 cents a ton. The market closed weak. Net changes show losses of M,aVi. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock market are given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by O. du B. Dimmlrk, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ine. m. uoi. Ull at'fc ai'ij 2vi Am. Sugar Ke'g Co. 88 to 87H Atch., To. & S. Fe... 6' 5 5 B. 8. 0 25'i 25 25. 87'b 5 fiHi K 75 l(f."i sa 62'4 M 124 153 36 Can. Bouth 61 '4 61 li 61 '4 Ches. & Ohio 194 19, 193i Chicago Gas 75H 76Vt 75 Chic. & N. W 101T4 10214 101 Chic., B. & Q 74 75 74a, C. C. C. & St. L 39 39 39 Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 62 63 C2'4 Chic, R. I. & P 63'i 64 83 Delaware & Hud....l26T4 127 124 D. , L. & W 159'4 157i 1591$ Dlst. & C. F 974 9;4 9A Gen. Klectrlc 3014 3(i'4 36 Lake Shore 137V4 137"4 137'i Louis. & Nash 65 55 55 Manhattan Ble 1054 10514 104 Mo. Pacific 294 29V4 28'4 55 ltMT'it 2S"4 Nat. Cordage 11V 11 '.4 9 Nat. Lead 41 42 41 N. J. Central 95'4 95 93 N. Y. Central 99 100 99 41 100 32 N. Y. & N. E 32 32V4 82 N. Y L. E. & W.... 14 14 14 14 15i N. Y 8. & W 16 16 15 Nor. Paclllc, Pr Wi 18'4 18 Phil. & Read 17 17 16 IS 17H 17' Rich. & W. P 17 17 17 Texas Pacific 10 10 10 Union Pacific 13 13 13 Wabash, Pr 14 14 14 10 13 114 West, Union 89 89 88 88 CHICAGO BOARD. OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. WHEAT. Muy 61 61 60 CO' 55 December 56 56 55 November , 65 55 55 CORN. May 82 33 82 32 December " 29V4 23 29 29j November 28 28 OATS. May 50 50 50 50 November 62 62 51 52 December 51 01 50 60 LARD. January 7.10 7.30 7.10 7.20 May 7.27 7.42 7.27 7.37 November 7.12 7.12 PORK. January 12.20 12.07 12.20 12.42 May 12.60 13.05 12.60 12.8! Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 15. Tallow Is dull and weak. We qijote: City prime In hhds, 4q4c; country prime, In bids, 4a4e. country, dark, In bbls, 4c; cakes, 6c. grease, 4c, Scranton Wholesale Market. 8cranton, Nov. 15 Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb.; 6u7c; evaporated apples, luallc. per lb.; Turkish prunes, &a Ec; English currants, 2a2'4c ; layer rat sins, $1.75ul.80; muscatels, $lal,40 per box; new Valenclas, 6a7c. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, $2.35a2.40 per bush el; mediums, $1.70al.75. Peas Green, $1.10al.l5 per bushel; split $2.50a2.60; lentels, 6a8c. per lb. Potatoes 65a60c. bushel. Onions Bushel, 55a60c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9allc. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 24a25e.; coolers, 17al8c. Meats Hums, 10c; small hams, lie, skinned hams, 12c; California hams. 8c; shoulders, 84c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. -Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c. ; sets, 15c, Insides and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lu. cans, $2.45 dozen. Pork Moss, $17; short cut, $18. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 9c; in tubs 9c. ; 10-pound palls, 10c. per pound; 6- pound palls, 10c. per pound; S-pound palls, 10c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 6c.; tubs, 6c; 10-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 5-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 7c. per pound, Flour Minnesota patent, per ' barrel, $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; Rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.15. Grain Rye, 65c; corn, 61a63c; oats, 59a 45c. per bUBhel. Rye Straw Per ton, $12al4. Hay-$14.50a16. Buckwheat Flom-12.10 per 10 New York Produce Market. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 15. Flour Moderately active, held firm. Wheat Quiet, c. lower, closing firm; No. 2 red store and elevator, 68a58c; afloat, 69a59c.j f. o. b., 69aG0c; un graded red, 63u60c; No. 1 northern, 67o.; options closed weak at ae. below yes terday; January, 60o.j February, 61c; March, 02c; May, 63c; November, 58c; December, 56c... Corn Firmer; No. 2, 60a604c. elevator; 60a. SOVic. afloat; ungraded mixed, 55c; No. 8, 53a53c; options dull, weak at a e, decline; November, 59c; December, 56c; January, 65c; May, 54c. Oats Quiet, firmer; options firmer; No vember, 83c; December, S4Wc; January, 35c: February, 35a.; May, 36c; No. 2 white December, 38c; spot prices. No. 2, 33a33c; No. 2 white, S8c; No. 2 Chicago, 84a34.; No. $, 33o.; No. 3 white, 37 o.; mixed western, S3a36c; white do., S7a 41 c; white state, S7a41c Beef Quiet. , Tlerced Beef-Inactive. - I. Cut Meats Quiet, steady. Lard Quiet, firmer; western steam, $7.05; city, 7"io. ; November, $7.60; Decem ber, $7.55; January, $7.60; refined, firm; continent, $7.90; South America, $8.50; com pound, 5ia5e. Pork Quiet, steady. Butter Moderate receipts', firm; state dairy, 13a23tyo.; do. creamery, Wan.; Pennsylvania do., 18a25c.; 'western dairy. Hal6c; do. creamery, IBaiMc.; do. factory, 10Mial4o;; Elgtns, 20c. j imitation cream ery, 13iu9c. Cheese Fair demand, unchanged. Kkks Weaker; state and 1'ennnylvanla, 24a25c; western fresh, 23a24c.; do. per cuse, $3.25a4.75. Toledo Grain Murkct. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 15. Whent-Ref elpts, 19,- 000 bushels; shipments, tuo bushels; mar ket firm; No. 2 red rHh, Ebc; December. 55c; May, 6oa60'4c; No. 3 red cash, 54c. Corn Receipts, 10,000 bushels; ship ments, 2.5U0 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed May, 60c; N6. 2 mixed tush, 4c; No. 3 white do., 49',o. Oata Receipts, 1,000 bushels; ship ments, 2,000 bushel; market nominal. Rye Market firm; No. 2 cash, 49c. Clover Seed Receipts, 120 bags; ship ments, 325 bags; market firm: cush, $5.50: December, $5.52; January, $j.52; teU- ruury, J5.60. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 15-Cattlc Receipts, 13,- 000 head; market firm; common to extra steers, $2.S5a3.60; stackers und feeders, &2a 3.51); cows and bulls, $lu3.50; calves, $2.5ua 5.60. i Hogs Receipts, 60,000 head; market weak and lower; heavy, $4.50a4.70; com mon to choice mixed, $4.40u4.05; c hoice as sorted. 't4.45a4.55; light, $l.25a4.45; pigs, $2.75a3.75. Sheep Receipts, 15,000 head; market weak; luferior to choice, 75c.a$2.8u; lumbs, $1.50a3.90. Oil Market. By the United Press. Oil City, Nov. 15,-OU-Dull; closed s!y4e. 110NESDALE. Professor Roeves' Dancing class will hold a grand masquerade ball at Pio neer hall, Wednesday evening, Nov. 28. This will be the first masquerade of tho season. ' The Exchange club have Issued the ballots fur the nnnuul election of offi cers, to take place nt their club rooms Dec. 4. The polls will be open from 7.30 to 9 p. m. Those nominated for office are: President, J. P.. Clark and Clar ence E. Foster, M. P.; vice-president, Fred J. lUone; secretary, J. Frank Ham; financial secretary, Fred J. Tol- ley and Fred B. Whitney; treasurer, Fred M. Spencer; board of directors, (five to be elected), J. Kirk Rose, George Seaman, W. ' F. Suydam, Thomas M. Fuller. William O. Hlak ney, L. Dodge, John Kuhbach, Richard W. Murphy and George A. Smith. Joseph M. Welch Is In New York this week. Henry Brede. the 18-year-old son of Peter Brede, died Wednesdny. Paymaster H. B. Snyder, of the Dela ware and Hudson Canal company, was In town yesterday paying the employes of the canal department. ntlCEDUlltt. Mrs. Zimmerman and son, Fred, vis lted friends In Bcranton yesterday. The work of cribbing Jermyn's air shuft is nearly completed. The funeral of Michael Costello took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was made in the Ulyphunt Catholic cemetery. Where are the cross wull-s? Are they lost In oblivion like the borough building? The work of driving Jermyn's tunnell has been suspended for a time to have repairs made. Miss Sarah Cooper visited Scranton friends yesterduy. When Caby was sick, wo gave her Castor!, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorio. When she had Cuildnia, she gave them f"orl& legal. STATE OF ELMER E. SCULL. LATE OF ju AI04COW, LiacKawanua county, state oi Panniiulfonl. ,l,.,.nu,.,l Letters of 'administration upon tho aliovo natneu estate uhviiik neon (framed to mo un dersigned, nil pel h jim liavinif claims or do manus un Inst tl e &Md estate will present them for paymtnt, and thosu indebted thereto will please maKo linuitmiato jiaymont to JOSEPH DUNSTON, Administrator; Moscow, Pa. THOS. F. WELLS, Attorney. Charter Application. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Court of Common Hens of Laekawanna connty.or one of the law judges thereof, on Sept. 24. IMI4 at 9 o'clock a.m., by John T. Edwards, Evnn J. Williams. William J. Jenkins, John K. Richards and Thonius l.owls, under the act of assembly of tho Commonwoultu of Penn sylvania, entitle! "An act to provide for the incorporation ami regulation oi coriniu cor uoratlons." annroved the 29th of Anrll. 1874, and supplements H ereto, for the oharter of an intended corporation to be called "Hvdo Park Lodge, No. UOii, Knight of Pythias of tho SUteor raunsylvanla, the clinractur ana object of which is the maintenance or a so ciety for beneficial and protective purposes to its members rrom tunas conoci m inerein. and for those purposes to have, p-s iss and enjoy all tuu rivuts and bsQotits of wild act of aiannblv and its sutinlenient. Said applica tion is now on tile in the Prothonotury's office of l.ackawannu county as oi ao. UH, Septein ber term, 1894. H. L. TAYLOR, W. . LEWIS, Solicitors. Orphan's Court Sale. "iRPHAN'8 COL'BP SALE BY VIRTUE J of an ordor of the Ornlian s Court l Lackawanna countv. the undersiinnd, execu tors, etc., of Amelia 0. Derinif, late of the city os Carbondale in said county, deceased, will expose to public sale at the arbitration rooms in the court house in the city of Scranton In said countv, on Friday, the HOth day of No vember, Irili, at 9 o'clock a. in., all that cer tain lot of laud situated iu tho Third ward of the city of Carbondale, county of Lacka wanna and fiiato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz.: lieuinntnif at a corner In the lino of street on a map of lots of John Alurrin, l(ti reel easterly rrom tne line of Wavne street, thence in a northerly direc tion lu) feet to a corner in line of lauds of William Morrison, thonca in an easterly direc tion song said Morrison's )ngda 60 feet to a corner, thence in a southerly direction 100 feet to the street aforeeald. thence alonz Baid street in a westerly direction 50 feet to the place of beginning, contalnning about 5.OU0 aquaro feet of land, Improved with a two tnrv frami. dwellitnr house. Terms of lalo, 00 Tier cent, of tho bid to be paid down on (lay of sale and tne balance on Dual connrmanonor sale and delivery or ueea, WILLIAM xlALu and tllWAKU UAL.U Executors. E. C- NEWCOMB,. Attorney. Situations Wanted? A V ' . , ' . ' ' . .. .... ... 1 . .J . V, , t tion as housekeeper. Apply M. J. K . voinuri urnow viutc a uirpiTA QlV mill ebrvvi,, cuiuuaiuo, uity AYOUNU MAN, AMERICAN, DEBIREti A situation; willing to do ant thin; ill years of ago, first-class in every respect; handy with tools: strictly temperate and reliable; good reference. W. r., Triimno omce. GERMAN WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO IX take in washing. M. T., lint), west Lack awanna avenue. II J" ANTED SITUATION TO TAKE CARE T T of invalid ladv or children, by tiiorouirh ly reliable German lady, experienced in house work ana sewing;; can teacu uerman. Auuroi OEHMAN, Tribnna omce. OITIIATION WANTED FOR WAHH1NO O ironing or scrubbing, or any kind of work by the day. Call or address L, A., m North buxnaw avenn ONE CENT A Word. MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LES8 rru a xt at nevrnd rpuTQ D r TT .171 A I. jinn ay sEj n 1 a, 1 iaiu imiju PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX- JWEJ IDi OCtt 1 jU B IliEJ Wanted. 7ANTKD-TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN 'V wiBh to secure the services of a ludr or gentleman t t ai'h them the English language. Adcli ess K O. Hox M. city. Agents Wanted. VI,7 ANT hD ENERGETIC MAN TO PUSH ' V now nntciit. needed in everv house. Liberal Commission. Room 11. 412 Suruce street, between b aud 10 a tu. WANTED-A FEW RELIABLE WORK era to s?)l our NurnBrv Stock. BugcIuI Inducements. ELLWANUER & BARRY, Koelioster, $i. . WANTED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING canvassers familiar with nremlum mer cantile trade; money maker of 1CJ4, Also clover gen. canvassers on greatest seller of the day. Stanley Biadley, 5 E. ltlth St., Now York. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handlo our line, no neddlinir. Salurr, $75 per mouth and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, (Mi, Boston, Mass. Helo Wanted Females. IAD1ES CAN MAKE $3 DAILY BY FOLD J inir and addressiuir circulars for us. at liomo. No canvassing. Position permanent. Ruply with 8tained euvelope. MISS MARIE vvurU H, ABliiuml, O. LADIES - YOL'R NAME SENT ON Rtamnprl tmvnlnnA will ffivA vnu ataailv work; good salary. No canvassing. Nettie nurnson, can r raucisco, vai. For Sale. "kAAAAAAAAVWWWVAAAAWUVAAAAAAAAA ;OR SALE-ALUMINUM NAPKIN KINOS I 4Co. each, link cull buttons. GOc. ladies' brens; plus, 40c; thimhles, 10c or all four articles sent fir one dollar. F. Lathi ope, Riverside, 111., Box ltt. For Rent OR KENT THE HANDSOME STORE uresentiv occimiod uv (j. W. Freeman, Jeweler. Low rent. Fixtures for sal, lui quire at store. L'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST I Lackawanna avenue. Address 1 HOMAS E. E ANS, uear II 112 Luzerne, Hyde Park. OR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. J20Ponn uvonu', , per month. ."OR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL Huitablo for lodwt rooms. JOHN JEH- MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenuo. Special Notices. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's lllustrutod Week y War inustrutio s jom iTO. two voiumo rono, lHM: iavab!e monthlv. S2.U0. Delivered bv cxpreas comiuete, rrepaiJ. Addieis f, u. muuLii, ui Ulbson btreet, scranton, Pa. 1 J LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA- II zines. etc uounu or rebouna at THK Tiiiiiukk oUke. Ouick work. Kcasonuhle prices. A fEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 i'l corner Suruce street and Franklin ave1 uue. Twenty meal tickuts tot tS.'M. Good i a hlo board. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- U oeived at the office of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7 ao o'clock p. m., Thurs day. December 0. 1W4. to construct she suuer structure of the Liu Jen Street Bridge ovor the Lavlmwanna river. Each bidder shall inclose a certified check for 10 per cent ot'th) amount f his bid as asuarantoe that the contract will be executed. The cheek of t le successful bid der shall be forfeited to the city If he shall fail or rufuso to execute a contract for the per formance of the work, aud a bond, as iirovidod in the ordinance and in accordance with plana and specifications, within five days after the same shall be prepared and submitt d to him, Thech'cks of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them after the contract is award ed. Bidders are requested to mall their pro posals from the postolllceof the oity or towu m wlilcD their p ant is situate. Proposal shall be mailed to City Clerk, and shall be marked on envelope "Proposals for Linden stroot linage. Tltp eitv reserves tho rlidit to reflect anv and all biut. . ... -. - - By order of City Councils. M T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. BcrauUn, Pa.. Nov. 12, Ib4. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- IJ eeived at the office of the City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., until 7 30 o'clock p. ni , Thurs day. I eceinber 13. 1!H. to construct the sillier struc tare for Sprnco Street Bridge over the Roaring Brook. Each bidder shall inclose a certified check for 10 per cent, of tho amount of his urn a a gii .rauteo tunt tne contract will bo executed, I lie cDocR oi tiiesuccesstul bidder shall be forfeited t) the city If ho shall fail or refuse to execute a contract for the nerformnnce of the work, and a bond, as tiro vided in the ordinance, and in accordance with plans und specitleations, within five days after tho same shall be prepared and submitted to him. The checks of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them after the contract is awarded. Bidders are reiiu istud to mail their proposals from the postoffice of the oity or town wiiere their plant is situate. Proposals shall bo mailed to City Clork and shall bo marked on envelope "Proposal, for Spruce Struet Bride." . The city reserves the right to rojoct any and an nms. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVrJLLE, City Clork. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 12, H04. OEALEl' . PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ceivod at the office of tho Secretary of tho scranton Board oi voiiiroi nniii ciock Moudav evening. Ho v. 20. 1MII, for the eon strnction and comphtion of a retaining wall at No. PJs-hool in the Fourth ward of Scran ton, according to puns mid apecitiaitions In the lianas oi Uavis & Von storcli. urchl. tects. Commonwoalth building. Scranton. Pa. '1 be sum of $ in cash or certified check shall be unclosed witli each proposal, which sum shall bo forfeited to tho school district in care of refusal or omission on tne Dart of the bid der whose proposal shall be accepted to exe cute contract within ten days after tin award ing of said contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the bcranton Board or control. EUUENE D. FELLOWS, Secretary, Scranton, Pa., ISov , 14, 181H. Notice to Bondholders. L'OMMlSStOXF.ItS' Ot'KICK, Lackawanna Countv. Bl'lt ANTON. PA.. Oct 2oth h, 18114. t PUR8UANT TO A RESOLUTION OF THE Board of County Commissioners of Lacka wanna countv. dated October 24th. 1KIU. notice is hereby given to holders of Lackawanna county bonds mat tne ioiiowing mentioned Iximls nre herewith cullod in for uavment it tho office of the County Treasurer, in the Court tiouso at Scranton, ou tieremuer 1st, 18114. tos-ether with interest to said date: Twenty-live thousand dollars ($25,000.) of tho issue of June 1st, 1831, of the firsi series known as court House Bonas, ros. 2,11 to wi inclu sive, of the denomination of ttve hundred dol lars each, with interest, at the rate of five per cout: also fifteen tbounand dollars ($15,1100) of the issue o! December 1st. UnvJ. of the secon seriea known as Court House Bonds, Nos. 1 to 8 'inclusive, of tho denomination of five ban dred dollars each, with Intermit, at the rate of five Der cent. - Notice is hereby given that intereit on the above mintiouea uonas wiu cease on uecein- ber 1st, 18V4. 8. W. ROBERTS, OI' ES KORKRT8, JOHN DEMUT1I, County Commissioners. Attest: CiiAni.ES F. Waunkh, clerk. Reward. $10.00 REWARD Ten dollars cash reward will bs naid to anv person giving Information that will lead to the apprehaasiou and conviction of the party, or parties, wno maliciously tore uown ana car ried away the six sheet ana tnree snoot bill boards, urooertv of the Frotlilnghnm Theater from locations in the South Sidu, Providence, Pine Brook, llvde Park and Burauton, or who may continue such dopredationa. Call on tho undersigned. J. H. LAINE. Manager, The Frothingham, CO M ll AND 8E OB CONCERNING THE PRINTING YOU NEED SOON. We can please your tsste sua van to. (Jet an estimate. . Tlio Ecrmton Trlbms Job Dcpt (onnolly RED LETTER WEEK The Greatest and Cheapest sale of aild AT 37Kc 40-incu all wool Henriettas in all the desirable colors. 40-lnch all wool Serges; every new . shade represented. These two Cloths are noted for their serviceable qualities, and have never been sold under 50c. a yard. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in ' Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND IU. HURTS (I u WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH 4 BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others ' PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL flERCHANDlSE,, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING,' BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, La tome county, I'tu, una hi Wil mington, Dolare, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Gunerol Agent (or tho Wyoming District 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third Natioiul Bank Building. A a unci ks : THOS. FORD. HttMton. Pn. JOHN B. SMITH & WIN, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLWAN, WilkM-rJarre, Pa. A Routs for tho Kcuauuu Chemical Com pany a High &XU10S1VUS. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and 6t Loula Ry.) botween ni 00 Columbuii, Springfield, Dayton, Indian polls, Peoria ana ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wogner Sleeping cars. Combination Library and Cafa caro. Ele gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." Bee that your tickets read via the . Bid 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to S. J. GATES, Gen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. T. M. E. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, Genoral Pasaongor Agent; E. O. McCor mlck, Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, O. BRTTRB BH0S CO.. Ine'p- Capital, l fifi0. BEST tl.ftO SHOB IN THE WORLD. "A dollar uril it a dollar tanud." Thl.TAdie' Kollil French InngalKldBat too Boot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., on roocipt oi twn, aauirej vraur, or 1'o.Ul Mot. for (1.60. Kquil. ewry wciy the booti mid In all null (tore, for tiM. W. nk. tht. boot ourwlnw, th.refor. we guar- ante tneju, (VM ana wear. and tf any one I. sot Mtlellcd Win roiuna lam mnn; mdanothormir. Opera Toe or Common Bento, width. 0, l B, k KH. k.lie. 1 to I and halt lie.. Send ijonrtiee; will Kl yo. luttratea Cta ro rue FRCC Dora Shoe Co?tJ.S tfftnt irriM i euHrt. 1 1 POWDER lllllllf kiKKI IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Dress Goods ever inaugurated in Scranton, Be?JHS FRIDAY, NOV. 0, ElldS FKIDAT, NOV. 10. Don't Miss it AT 50c Here is the greatest collodion of liargaiua you ever faw: ' 4S-ineli Herges, staple Bhailes, were 75e.; Popelin Ottoman, 4U Indies wide, staplo colors, were $1. A large va riety of fancy weaves, including Jacquards, Prunelle Cloths, Satin Berber's aud many others, in ev ery conceivable color. Never sold for less than 1, and our entire stock of 4(1 inch all wool Henriettas the regular 75c. grade, ull go at 50c. a yard, and is the opportunity of a lifetime. WALLACE 209 Whlnton Ave. fl 1 CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN - - i i TO OUR patrons: Washhurn-Crosby Co. wlslt to assure their many t rons that they will this vcar hold to their usual custom oi millliiK STRICTLY OLD WHEAT 'Until ;tio.ii(w crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon-the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather nttfiiy millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured,' and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new. wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has E laced Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other rands. ' " ' MEGARGEL k GONNELL Wholesale Agents. AN NEW YORK, OLD POINT IT Hi WASHINCTON DillTI DHL 111 With time to spare for side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for i3 hours In the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD . DOniNION .-. LINE And returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early winter is delightful. , ....... Tickets Include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail aud steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $32.00. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOEmON S. S. COMPANY, W. L. CUILLAUDEU, .Traffic Manager.. Pier 26, North River, New Yori. Moosic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtb Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER - MADE AT MOOSIC AND RU8II DALE WOKK3. Lafflln ft Rand Powder Co.'s Orange Gun Powder Electric Batte'rlea, Fuica for explod ing bloats, Safety Fuae ana , Repauno Chemical Co.'s HigbEiploslKS walldce ? .4 AT 75c 5G-lnch striped and check Sack ings, specially adapted for Child ren's Cloaks aud Jackets; very handsome colorings; reduced from $1.2-5. SPECIALS Hill Bleached Muslins, 36 inchei wide, only be. per yard. Sea Island Brown Muslin, 1 yar wide, great value, 4c. a yard. 50 genuine Marseilles Vliite Quilt regular $2 number, at $1.25 each. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. IDEAL E3 COMFQRL RICHlONDi mrdd DuiinnmDu n lILHiiLLllUHi AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest la the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face Tith a fresh, bright oomplexlont For It, ue Pononl'i Powder. few