THE SCRANTOX TltlliU-NE THURSDAY MOKX1XG, NOVEMBEK 15, 1S91. NEWS OF IBIS HIM Tur (apes PITTSTON. Two hinds of Fur Canes ours and other people's. Ours from cheap est to dearest, are well made and Exceptionally Stylish. l-vcrv garment LOOKS more than it COSTS. Kush of business tremendous. Pleases women to cet "elegance at moderate cost." PRICES $6.50, $19.50, $23.50, $25, $27.50 lip to $75 COATS. Never, never, never so much for so little. Every detail of manufacture closely watched and carefully calcu lated. ' Result Maximum stvle, mini mum cost. Trices D. 50, $G.50, 87.50. $9.50. 10.5O, 812.50 up to ?",(). Everv one a bargain. Tell your neighbors. LADIE S' GLOVES Only the styles noon which Dame Fashion has set her stamp of np tiroval and msl such, too, as haVe been pronounced perfect by competent glove judges. GORMAN'S Grand Depot. The citizens advisory sub-eommlttee and Messrs. Ikmiwllv, Keaii, CllftrU. Lynott and Muiigiui, a committee pi the town council, met in Joint seselon in the town linll Tuesday evening to i dlncunH the paving quest loa in all it plmses. The following ineinhers uf lh! advisory committee were pivseiii: Messrs. Harding, Kryden, Flupatrlrk, Abbott, Drnry, Bolmu, lirown and Slelnmeyer. Several of the icouucil- men spoke on the manner or laying vitrified brick and asphalt. Their argu ments were based on observations made while on the famous Junketing expedi tion around the different cities. After a prolonged discussion of the question the citizens' committee approved of the action of the borough council In award- Ins the Barber Asphalt company the contract of paving Main anil Water streets. Under the decision recently rendered by Judge Woodward the borough council cannot execute a con tract for such an amount ,as tlioy wished for, ns the greatest debt the borough can Incur in excess of its pres ent liabilities is about $32,000. In order to make up the difference necessary to proceed with the work It will lie neces sary for the property owners fringing on the streets named to make a separate-contract with the liarber com pany, thereby ugreelng to subscribe the amount required. Thu soliciting com mittees will at once call upon each property owner and, If possible, obtain i their consent. How successful this will be Is the merest conjecture, but If the decided preference for brick as hereto fore expressed continues, it is not a wild prediction to state that thu project of having asphalt pave on our streets is as far off as ever. After continuous residence in this place for twenty-one years, (leorge T.. lloiiser and his estimable family will, today,, take linal leave of their many friend-i by departing for Helhlehem, where Mr. Hoiiser's headquarters now are. The funeral of young Tlerney. of Tort Griflllth, who died from being shut by flying coal In, No. 14 shaft on Monday, occurred yesterday afternoon and was one of the largest held in this place in a long lime. Friends from all parts of the valley were present In large num bers. Interment was made in Market Street cemetery. The foot ball game between the Pitts- ton Athletic club and Curborulale eleven, on Thanksgiving Day, will take place at 10 a. m., instead of 2 p. m., as previ ously announced. The team will meet for practice Friday evening. The funeral of Airs. James Walsh, of Duryea, took place yesterday morning at St. John's church, Pittston, where a solemn high mass was celebrated. Revs. M. J. Kelley acting as celebrant, Will- lam Hrehl deacon, and J. F. Oreevo as suli-deacou. A choir of young girls from the academy sang the Gregorian mass. The Traction company have com menced the laying of tracks on Parson age street. The foot ball (earns of the West Pitts- ton high school and the Harry Hlllman ncademy,Vllketf-Harre,wi!lplayat West Side park on Saturday, beginning at 3 p. in. (leorgo Martin, who shot bis mother on Monday night, as related heretofore In The Tribune, was taken before tlan Ktideavor convention, held in this place today, was largely attended and a full account will appear In Friday's Tribune. Charles L. Crook Is in Montrose. The funeral of Douglass Mitchell, who died at the hospital at Scranton Monday morning, was deld in the Pres byterian church In this place today and was largely attended. The lloral offer- i lugs were beautiful. The services were conductnd by Itev. h. W. Church. In terment was In Hose Hill cemetery. The deceased leaves a wife, two children and an aged father to mourn his loss, .Mrs. Nathan Brown Is 111. N. Buck is seriously ill. LOOK -TO YOUR DAUGHTERS The Wives and the Mothers' That Are to Be. (JAltilOXDALE. The remains of the late Mrs. James Brucy, who died at her home in Vand ing on Tuesday morning.will be brought to this city this morning on the Krie "Flyer." Interment will be made in St. Hose cemetery. hast evening a very quiet wedding occured ut No. 22 t'opeland avenue when Mrs. Ketiu Hi ks and Herbert I'.. May were united in marriage. The oer mony was oerformed by ltev. Charles Lee, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and was witnessed by about thirty-five gut-sts, who comprised the relatives and Intimate friends of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. May have commenced housekeeping at No. 22 Copeland avenue. Charles P. O'Malley called on Carbon dale friends yesterday. Today will be pay day at the Hen- drlek Manufacturing company's works The til-emeu's fair is still the principal attraction in this place. Kacli evening the attv-ndence Increases. Miss May Johnson, of Seventh ave nue, entertained a party of friends on Tuesday evening In lienor of her guest, Miss Mary Rodlne, of Honesdale. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. John Watklns, a daughter. On Friday evening an entertainment will be given In the lecture room or the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Young Ladles' Mission band. Mr. A. A. Hull, of Park street, Is visit ing relatives in Klnilra, N. Y. Mrs. Horace Starkweather, of South Wyoming street, is visiting relative s In Clinton. Wayne county. Fred Pierce, of Dickson hill, w ill leav this morning for Philadelphia, where hi will consult a physician regarding ids ill health. Work will be commenced in the new factory of the Spell Heater company on Dundaff street, on December 15 T. J. Walker Is on a business trip to New York city 110SESMLE. Mrs. Martin Halin di-d at the home of her son, Leopold Halin, at Seeb-y-vllle. Tuesday, aged SO years. She Is survived by seven children, Mrs. All gust us Olsen, Dunmore; Mrs. William Olelchman, Moscow, Pa.: George and Jacob Hahn. Stewart, Neb.: Mrs. Fred Hoft and Mrs. John Thomas, Hones dale, and Leopold Hahn, Seeleyville. The funeral will be held from the home of Leopold Halm at 2 p. in. today, ltev. William Schmidt officiating. InttfP nient la (ilen Dy berry cemetery. A team of horses owned by a Mr. Itoss ran away here yesterday morn ing. Mr. Itoss was loading coal on his wagon at the Delaware and Hudson chutes when a car of coal was dumped In the pockets above and the., horses Their Thin, Pale Checks and Luck if Spirit l.cuvos no Doubt. The Nerves Are Poorly led and blood I neks In He J Corpuscles. O, my boys are never nervous. One couldn't stand that. Hut with the girls, you know, doctor, It Is different. , Too many mothers reason like-that. They do not like to hear their girls called tomboys, and they hasten to make them "ladylike," to keep them from running and climbing and from vigorous games, while the boys are lay ing In a stock of health that will last them far into middle age. The least sign of physical failure on the part, of girls ut the critical times in their lives should ring a grave alarm. 'lie Hps, nervous habits, retarded growth, a lai-1: of high, youthful spirits and a poor condition of the skin, ur gently demand a better and a more complete nutrition. in all cases, whether it tie a young child or an aged person, Paine's celery compound adds vigor and increased weight by strengthening the very foun dation of health, by feeding blood and nerves richly and promptly. It Is only when the nerve centers are healthy that the other bodily function can be heulthy. If anxious mothers will only follow the advice of the most careful physi clans, and make nre that their dill dren are getting sullicleiit material to meet the big demands made by their growing nerves and tissues, there will be an end to the weakly condition, the continual headaches, tile "blue days auu me general ill-hoallti thai so few- young girls escape. The best ally against nervousness and iiTiianuity is Unit remarkable nerve food, Paine's celery compound, llrsl pre scribed by Dartmouth's greatest edu cator. Day by day, when taken with the regularity and care that physicians say is indispensable for excellent re sults, comes invariably a steady gain in weight, which can mean but one thing a gain in quantity and quality of the blood, t i liles begin to worry them less, sleep conies naturally and refreshing appetite Increases, ami their frames grow plump with solid Ilesh. because all tlie delicate parts of their nervous sys tem, upon which the nutrition and well li,ing of the body directly depends, are beginning to be fully nourished and to work wiihouc friction. A body thus foil by Paine's celery compound makes those Joys and little Innocent pleasures possible, without which childhood and girlhood Is sad to look upon. lion of this borough held a large and enthusiastic meeting on Sunday after- uoon at the rooms in the Hollingshead block. They gave a reception on Tues day evening. , Mrs. Frank Decker Is spending a few days with Morton Decker and family. A large number of persons from both boroughs attended the foot ball game at Trenton on Saturday last and were agreeably surprised at the result. A. 11. P.abcock. of Hrookiyn, X. Y., was in town-, over Sunday visiting lends. iV. S. H. Voorlieis, of Mount Pocono, was In town on Monday visiting friends. J. Silverman, the clothier ftntl gent's furnisher of Fast Stroudsburg, will move from his present quarters and take up his abode In the Fenner building, a large and commodious structure. He will take possession about Nov. 15. VAXDL1XQ. Mrs. James P.racy died at her home on Main street of pneumonia after a very Miort Illness. Deceased leaves a husband mid six children to mourn her loss. Funeral announcement will ap pear later. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Congregational church will serve a turkey supper at the residence of W, Dryden on Monday evening next. Night school was opened Monday evening by Professor Itrennan. William Bryden was at Carbondale Monday evening attending a meeting of the board of hospital trustees, The Misses Ella ami Lizzie Screen, of Waymart, were the guests of Mrs. J Kilpatrick Sunday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mad den, u son.! Albert Nlcol has removed his family from the (lenther block Into the house recently built by the Delaware and Hudson Canal company ut the lower end of town. Miss Leoua Hit and Susie Cole, of Island Pond, were the guests of Mrs Wesley Peck Saturday. William Lavln and James Hlnes are circulating among Waymart friends, Mr. Cray, of Forest City, will locate a barber shop In Vnndllng in the near future. Henry Carter and wife attended the funeral of the late James Davis at Car boiidale Saturday. fdWfwWWmW Ontor nt the ffs-Jff fiMmWg&m foaslMe. As yet Squire Matlske, at Duryea, Tuesday , ,mur" "7" ' " """ ' '" ' , n i,,. cn0, ii f boy was ill the wagon with Mr. Itoss, and as the lints had fallen to the evening by Constable Henntt, where he was charged with fellonlous Wound ing and attempting to kill. Chief of Police Lol'tus appeared as prosecutor. After hearing the evidence, the 'squire mmitted .Martin to the county Jail to await the results of his mother's In juries. DR. REEVES : 412 Spruce St., Scranton. Dr. P.eoves Is now fully established at 412 Spruce street, Scranton. He has per formed some wonderful cures und Jiaa gained fho confidence of the public. He lias come to stay und will remain i'KU AlANllNTLV at his Spruce street parlors. He has hud long und varied experience in hospital and private practice and treats nil acute and chronic diseases of men, ire- men and children. He gives udvlce, services und examina tions FItEK OF CHAHCE. No one Is turned away. He, with hts assistants, treat nil dis eases of the nervous system, illsenses of the eye, ear, nose anil throat, dyspepsia. rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous uublltty, cutarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, Wood poisoning, Hts, epilepsy, in discretions and errors of youth, lost mai- hood, eczema, scrofula. St. Vtas' dance. usinma, diseases oi tne neart, lungs, liver, moneys, Diaauer, siomacn, etc. YOUNG MEN POSITIVELY CUBED Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLAUS. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease, lou can tieat und cure yourself and family with It ut home, it never falls to cure. A trial treatment 'oFFICE HOURS-Dally 9 a. m. to 9 p. hi.: Sundays. 10 to 12 und 2 to 4. Take elevator In Christian's Hat Store, VI mau n. Remember the name and number. DR. - REEVES, 412 SPRUCE STREET. SCRANTON. TUNKHASAOCK. Lake Winola people are speculating upon the chances of an electric line from Coxton to Tunkhaiinock via the lake. They would have It take la Newton other little hamlets nnd claim the route Is there is no enthusiasm lu the project at this end of the line. Whooping cough and chicken pox are making inroads upon the attendance at the borough schools. The death of Hon. M. H. Writht was a shock to Ins friends here. Hon. W. N. Reynolds was apprised of It by tele gram immediately after the sad occur rence. Ills name is suggested on the street as a possible successor. Rodney J. Hurdwell, the rising young attorney who was admitted to the bar here this week. Is one of Tunkhannock's brightest young men. He Is popular In social circles, und is being congratu lated on having acquired the title of esq." A case In court that has occupied a good deal of time and attracted con siderable atentlon is a commonwealth suit against one Abram Kyman, of Monroe township, for shooting a bull. Kyman was crossing a Held with a gun on his shoulder when Taurus charged down upon him full tilt. Kyman brought his gun to hear and brought the animal to his knees. The former then took to his heels. There had been some bad blood previously between Ky man and the owner of the bull, and us the animal still lives, the Jury ground there seemed no way to stop the team. Mr. Itoss put down the brake 1 and held it until the horses were stopped In the upper part of the town. Mrs. Thomas Crossley, Jr., of Forest City, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Tolley. this week. The Amity Social club will hold their second annual ball at the armory Thanksgiving eve. Nov. is. Metzgur's orchestra will furnish the music. A hop for the married members of the Exch auge club will be held the latter part of this month. The annual hop of the club will take place In the armory the latter part of December. old fokgj:. Kev. J. L. Race and daughter, Lillian, left on Tuesday for a two weeks' stay lu West Virginia. Miss Lydbi Reed spent Sunday with friends in Dunniore. C. S. Brodhead, of Montrose, spent Sunday at the home of his father, K. Hrodheitd. Mrs. Hannah Kennett was a visitor to Pittston on Monday. At a meeting- of the l!rie'.- ,.hmi.h i " ' Sunday school, on Monday evening, it ; was derided to have no entertainment ,on Christmas. ituuk .-uoran. or t'urbon Hill, was killed on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, near the Law rence store, on Monday night by an engine returning to Kingston rmpty None of the crew saw him till after he was struck, and how he came to be struck Is a mystery. T'riah Shafer, who has been working at M uncle. Pa., has returned to bis family, after an absence of nine months. Professor Orman, of Princeton, spent Sunday with his family in this borough. Sydanhani Irons, of Tom's River. N. , spent Sunday with S. Walton and family, of Center street. Kaiinie Fetherman, of Cherry Valley, spent Sunday liHown, the guest of Miss Millie ilrewer. Moses Hellman, the genial merchant of this borough, spent Sunday and .Mon day Willi friends 1n Easton. Miss Hattle Thompson, of Kast Sti-oudshurg, left on Saturday last for a four weeks' visit to 1 1 fends In Scran ton and White Haven. A. K. Savacool, formerly of East Stroudsburg, but now of New York city, spent Sunday in town visiting his pai nts oil (ireell street. Miss Alice Feiiierinan, of Hamilton, spent Sunday in town visiting Milton Hou.-cii and family. Theiircgon Indian Medicine company have opened a two weeks' engagement at. .the Academy of Music in Kast Siroudsbtirg. The Young Men's Christian assncia- MAYF1ELI). j.'f. Christophel, operator at Sted Works station, and John ISerghoiise, of ren-1 Croldsmlth's. bazaar, spent Tuesday dered a verdict of not guilty but divided the costs bet wen the plaintiff and tie-' fendant. I Miss Anna Cullingworth, of Chester, ' Pa., is visiting friends here. She is n ! beautiful singer and Is always in good demand in church choirs, at conceits and socials. Mildred, the 13-months-old child of ! Mr. and Mr. John Donley, died of night with Maytield friends. J. D. Cook, of Boston, called on 11. J, DeGraw yesterday. The Hillside Coal and Iron 'company paid their employees at this place yes terday.' H. J. DeCraw was in Scranton lus night. J. B. Hart was in Scranton yesterday J. Ames.of lilnghnmton, called on tin whooping cough Tuesday evening. The I trade here Wednesday. QARPETS OilCloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and U'iv Wall Paper. funeral will be held at 3 p. in. today, with Interment tit Sunnyslde cemetcrv. Drs. Ely nnd Sturdevant, of Lacey- vllle, were called here yesterday morn ing to testify before the grand jury in Ihe Hiirford-Kelly murder cuse. The latter as killed with an axe in the hands of Harford during a drunken quarrel at Golden Hill several weeks ago. Self defense will be the plea of tin defendant. The members of the Woman's flulld of St. Peter's Episcopul church thank fully acknowledge a gift of $1.00 from Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Throop, of Scran ton, made In the memory of their late daughter-in-law', Mrs. (ieorge Throop, who was Miss Jennlo Wull, of this place. Wlllard Garey. the trained nurse, who so mysteriously disappeared in Philadelphia, has been heard from. A card states that It was a case of "mis taken Identity," but no particulars are en. K. F. Edmunds city yesterday. visited the Pioneer JIALLSTEAI). All the Latest Designs. J. 5cott Imrlis , - 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. four doors above Wyoming Houuft, W. D. Lusk, of Montrose, Is lu town. Fhllo 'McDonald, while working on the new brick block on Main street today, had the misfortune to fall nnd get his hip dislocated. He was carried to the olllce of Dr. Lamb and made comforta ble until a eariiage was procured and he wns taken to his home ut DuPols, where the hip was set. He Is now doing well. , ; The Ycting People's Society of Chris- All That's Claimed "I had a poor appetite, that tired reeling mi was run down, but Hood's Sarsai:irll!.i li.n done mo a Brent ileal i Rood. I liavo a better appetite and do no' leel tired, I can rcc uinniend Hood's Sar.ia- parllla as tin excellent spring or fall mcdUine to keep the Meed In order. Myself -an I three ilauKlitum linvo taken over six hurtles, It h.iH doiit) u; Diueh good, We do not now have to cnli upon a doctor, a-i for- I mt-rly, in the snrl- Albert time. an,i I nnnwytliut Auburn, I'a. Hood's B.irsaparilla Is all that Is claimed for it. I lnvst U-arUly rec ommend it, mid shall nhvayj keep it. in n,y house." Aldrrt KfNBr.v, Auburn, To. Hood's Sarsa- 1 JiwM paviUa Be sure to get Of Hood's Pills are puroly vegetable, nsd do lot purse, Fdu or tripe. Bold ky all drujj'tU, STKOUDSBUItt i MCIIOLSOS. Ii'ofossor Llweliyn Shield has r turned home after a brief visit with Kev. (.). It. P.eardslcy and family ut Oswego. r . .M. Williams and Will Decker are attending court this week as jurors. James 1'edrlck, who hus been sick with diphtheria, Is able to be around again. Mrs. Cady Is on the sick list. The Catholic fair held last evening was well attended and was u grand sue cess. Mrs.S. A. Rogers has returned to her home lu Scranton alter a one month' stay whli her parents. Professor and Mrs. H. X. Kelly. Dr. K. S. Wheeler and F.d. Stephens have gone to Pike county hunting dier Mrs. A. H. Walker Is visiting Dr. ui,: Mrs. K. L. Frey, of Scranton. tf,mmMmt.miWimm! LEADERS OF LOW PRICES; a e-' J. ilC 1 Cli; 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. " ; . JL.fl 1 11 j j W S1 DEPARTMENTS , ii Hi mi fJS j.. ...... , , b mm BARGAINS 3 I EUERY : DRY I Glienille Table Covers 6-4 Chenille Cover, $1.00 each; reduced from 1.25. We also carry the 4-4 aud 8-4 sizes. Chenille Draperies MOOSIC. The Ladies' Aid society will meet this afternoon ut 8 o'clock In the Methodist Kplseopnl church. The Woman's t'hrlstluu Temperance union will hold their monthly lible reading 'i'hursduy evening lu the Pres byterian church, to be led by William Drake. t'holr practice Thursday evening at .'i) o'clock. .Motlurs! .Mothers !! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect Buecess. It sooths the child, softens thu gums, ullays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for di arrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Ho sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twcnty-flve cents a bottle. An endless line of patterns. The low prices will as tonish you. Japanese Screens Black and Gold, White and Gold and Light Colored Cloth Screens. Unfilled M Screen Frames Sl-O EACH , Oak Tables 75c, 90c, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50 eacli. Great Bargains IE IB uuuu l no 1 Store Crowded All the Week with Enthu siastic Buyers at the J5ENUIHE BANKRUPT SALE OF 1 line -lotliniQ eniiisicuiaiuflPuiE, We luHiyht ttic stik-k of tba Hyde larl Jlat and Clothing store at Sheriffs Sale, und are siilint; it at a ureal sacrifice. Sale now noini; on at the store, 111 S. MAIN AYKNI K, HYDE PARK. A meat onuortuniiv for the psople of Hyde Turk and vicinity to make their winter purchases in CLOTHING at very low prices. oysJstBraJ'v Boys' Pants, 2 for 25c. Men's and Hoys' Overcoats, listers, Suits. Pauls, Underwear, Hats, Caps, lite, at Your Own Price. Eveiy Purchase a (lenuine Bargain. Sale at Hyde Park Hat and Clothing; Store 114 S. Main Avenue. SOLD BY THE (I 230 Lack. Ave. SIGN OP TUB DELI vSale at Hyde Park Hat aud Clothiug; Store U4 S. Main Avenue. Look for the Sign: BANKRUPT SALE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, KQISTIKG AND PUMPING MACHINERY. QeneraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA. These are KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE Branch at Carbondale. HI 1111 inn . ill j 7 Ji L L 1 (. We will have on sale a beautiful lot of Water Color aud Pastel Effects, framed handsomely in white and gold and antique oak frames. The size of these pic tures is 20x24. They consist of the latest aud most celebrated productions of the masters. The above, mounted on a neat, substantial bamboo easel, will bo sold while in stock at . for Picture and easel saWORTH $3.75. Some are displayed in our large window. -It XXOur Room-making Sale begins next Mon day. Watch and wait.