THE SClf ANTON" TRIBrXE-WEDS ESDAY UOKXIXG, NOVEMliEK U, . 1894. (apes Two Kinds of Fur Capes oiirs and itber people's. Ours fruui cheap est to dearest, are well made and Exceptionally Stylish. Every garment LOOKS more than it ( OSTtS. Kush of busiuess tremendous. Pleases women to get "elegance at moderate cost." PRICES ' $6,50, $19.50, $23.50, $25, $27.50 up to $75 COATS. Never, never, never so much for so J it tie. Every detail of manufacture closely watched and carefully calcu lated, Result--- Maximum style, tnini nhim post. Prices 3. 50, $0.50, $7.50, 9.50, 10.50, 812.50 up to $30. Every one a bargain. Tell our neighbors. LADIES' GLOVES Only the styles upon which Dame Fashion has set her stamp of ap provaland just such, too, as have been pronounced perfect by competent glove judges, GORMAN'S Grand Depot. DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. Dr. Itoovos Is now fully established nt 111! Spruce Htreet, Scranton. Ho has per formed some wonderful cures nnd 1ms Ruined tlio confidence) of the public. Ho has come to stuy und will remain PEit ilANENTl.Y ut his Spruce street parlors. Ho has had long and varied experience In hospital and private practice and treats iili ucuif and chronic disunites of men, wo men and children. H gives advice, Ron-Ices nnd examina tions KTi-EE OP CflAKG. No Olio is turned away. Ho, with his assistants, treat nil dis eases of the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dvspep-ilu, rheumatism, lost vitality, premuturo weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood poisonlnir, fits, epilepsy, in discretions and errors of youth, lost'inan hood, eczema, scrofula, Kt. Vtas' dunce, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. YOUNG MEN POSITIVELY CURED Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any ono suffering with Catarrh who visnes to be permunontly, qulcklv mid cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DUI.LAHS. Tho doctor lms discovered a specific, fur this dreaded disease. You can ttent and cur yo.irseir ana lamny with it at home.. It never falU to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOUR3-Dal!y 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.: Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. Take elevator In Christian's Hat Store, ir stairs. Romember the name and number. DR -:- REEVES, . 412 SPRUCE STREET, SCRANTON. CARPETS OilCloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Paper. i All the Latest Designs, J.Sc6tt Inglis ". 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. four floors' above Wyoming Uousew imSk Highest of all ia Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report HEWS OF THIS VIC5NITY TITTSTOX. John Walsh, npo 113 years, died at hlB home in Morgan' Lane Sunday night, from pneumonia. His Illness was of short duration a little less than a week. A wife and three children sunive him. The funeral will occur tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be made In Market Street cemetery. The funeral of Charles M. Allen took place yesterday afternoon. The re mains lay exposed to view nt the family home, on Swallow street, from 10 until 2 o'clock. The coffin in which tin? body lay was completely lost to view by the many floral tributes received from friends and societies to which he be longed. Brief services were held ut the home, after which tho remains were borne to the First Presbyterian church. Dr. X. G. Parlte conductor! the servces and they were Impressive. At the con clusion of the services the remains, were borne tn Flttsion cemetery, where the last sad rites were performed. The pall bearers were: John Thompson, Henry S. Gresq;, James l"!one, Judson Tiffany, Alex liryden, M. J. llrennan, Owen Junes, John liobble. Anions the societies thut attended were: I'itston Canton, Patriarchs Militant, with a delegation of fifteen from tho Scranton Canton, led by Brigadier Uencral Ed. C. Deans, department commander; the dd Fellows, including the Daughters of Uebecka; the school board, and the Order of the Golden Chain attended In a body; also large companies of F.n deavorers and school teachers and their pupils. Gus Williams and his excellent com pany will present his latest success, "April Fool," at Music Hall this even ing. James Fleming, of South Main street, was taken 111 on Sunday and his condi tion is quite alarming to his friends. Pneumonia is the trouble. Charles Kusehcl, who had a tumor removed from his left breast a few weeks ago, Is recovering his old-time health and strength rapidly. The dissenting members of the First Paptlst church, who have, shico their withdrawal from tho church, been holding meetings in Cooper hall, have organized a Sunday school and elected tho following oillcers: Superintendent, Charles Smiles; assistant superintend ent, J. II. Fierce; treasurer, Miss Edith Davis: librarians, William Hale and Isaac I.ovell; chorister, George Lovell; irganlst, Miss Edith Davis. Martin Tierney, ape !(!, son of Michael Tierney, of Port Griliiith, was badly In jured In No. 14 shaft, of the Pennsylva nia Coal company yesterday morning. His injuries were caused by a blast. TUNKIIANXOCK. Court Ir in session this week. Cards are out announcing the coming wedding of Dr. F. Judson Burdwell to Miss Hattie R. Little, tho bright and accomplished daughter of AV. E. Lit tle, a member of the Wyoming county bar. The event will take place Thurs day, Nov. 22, at high noon, at the resi dence of the bride's parents. The groom is a rising young physician, and the twain have . the best wishes 'of a host of people. i Judge-elect Dunham Is spending the week hero, and last night was tendered ti serenade by the band at "Wall's hotel. The judge cordially responded. The friends of Willanl Garey, a trained nurse In Philadelphia, are much concerned and mystllled over his sud den disappearance. In Philadelphia. Ho came to this place about a month ago with his little daughter and spent some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It U. Garoy, who reside on Wyoming ave nue, lie returned to Philadelphia the Sunday night before election In re spouse to a telegram to tuke charge of a patient. A few days later his wife went to the house where her husband was engaged to take him some clothing, and was amazed to learn that he was not there, nor had been for two or threo da;, s. The lady of the house in formed her that she und ho disagreed about tho medicine and ho left election night. The distracted purenls went down to tho city Sunday night, but friends here have heard nothing since. The grand jury ignored the ensr; against Charles and A. 1 1. Russell, of juissen mil, ror njogai llsliing, and put the costs upon Fish, Commissioner Clark, of Moshoppen, 1) UK YEA. William Uesecker, of Kingston, spent Sunday with his brother Ezra. Robert Timlin returned home nfte a visit to friends at Taylor. J. F. Arnold, of Forty Fort, was the guest of friends here on Sunday. Dr. Hislop spent Sunday with friends at I'lains. William Monk will leave today for i two weeks visit with friends ut Phila delphhi. The Adonis Social club will elvo i social at the Pullman hall this evening wnicn promises to be the grandest af fair of the season. The unany friends of Mrs. .Tame: Walsh were grieved to hear of hei death, which occurred on Sunday. She is survived by a husband and four daughters, Mrs. Mnry Cm-ley, MisBei Anna U. Mary and Nellie. Tlio fnnern will take place on Wednesday morning with high moss of requiem ut St. John church, Pittston, at l.3(. Infertile In Market Street cemetery. nt FACTOKYV1LLE. IiCwIsWhltmnrsli.a student at Klnors. ton seminary, spent Sunday with his uncle. Dr. E. T. Whenton, of this place Mr. und Mrs, Frank T. Okell, of Scranton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gardner over Sunday. Iilble day was observed ut the Bap tist church Sunday morning, nnd a very fine programme was carried out. In the evening the Baptist and -Methodist dutches held a Gospel temperance mept Ing nt the Methodist Episcopal church. Hurry L. Gardner, of Blnghamton, visited his parents und friends Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Myron Mott was taken to Mill City for burial Friday last. .. She was sick about two weeks, und leaves a hus band and a married daughter to mourn her loss. Maurice L. Carpenter, one of our for mer town boys, who was bo suddenly killed atWIlkes-Barre Sunday after noon, was brought home Monday after nuoti f jf bui'lul, Funeral will be held PURE at the Baptist church this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. 1IALLSTEA1). Dr. C. C. Edwards, of Blnghamton, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Giles Carpenter, of this place, visited Montrose the first of the week. " Mrs. M. P. Currier, il this place, is Visiting In Hackettstown, N. J. ' Mrs. Fannie Sirnrell was in the Tar- lor City Saturday. , Mrs. B. F. Bernstein and children are visiting friends in New York city. Mrs. Davis, of Nicholson, Is visiting P. It. Carpenter, of ths place. Mrs. George Stone, of Blnghamton, Is visiting her parents in this place. James Davis' house on Main street is nearly completed. Charles Morley and wife visited New Mil ford on Saturday. Mrs. John Crook is visiting friends In Blnghamton. .Mrs. W. J. Murphy, of Buffalo, is vis iting friends in town. There was ait Interesting revival held in the Baptist church on Sunday even ing. J. M. Hays, of San Delgo, is visiting friends In town. Barney Alien Is digging a cellar for a new house on Railroad street. Mrs. James Millard was in Blngham ton Monday. Howard Miner, of New York, is visit ing friends in town. Mrs. John Tyler was in the Parlor City on Monday. Mrs. Jerry Miller was in Scranton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tinker, of thlt place, who have been visiting In Vestal, have returned home. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western pay car visited this place yes turday. Miss Ella Burgett i:i sick. The new depot is nearly completed. Colonel Tyler, of Blnghamton, sang in the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. J. M. Gray, of Blnghamton, was in town yesterday. Tho new brick Mock on Main street Is being built rapidly. Mrs, Gcorgo Lamb, who hns boon vis iting in Blnghamton, has returned home. The HalMoad Cornet hand will Sere nade the delegates for tho convention this evening. Douglass Mitchell died at the hos pital In Scrunt.m where he had I n taken for medical treatment. Jt will be remembered he was Injured on the Montrose road about a week ago. He did not regain consciousness, as his in juries were about the head. The re maiirs were brought to this place and taken to tho home of his brother-in law, H. ,T. Vosburg. He was the son of Albert Mitchell, formerly of this pluc and it nephew of N. T. Mitchell, pro prietor of the Mitchell House. The funeral will be held today. AKCHBALD. The funeral of the lata Nellie Gaughan, who died on Saturday even ing, took place from the home of her parents, on Hook Terrace, yesterday morning. A high mass of requiem was sung in St. Thomas' church ut 10 o'clock by Kev. Dr. Lueas, during which he delivered an eloquent and impressive eulogy of the deceased. The remains were interred In the Catholic cemetery . The pall bearers were John McDonnell, John Duly, James Kearney, John Neary, and Michael Keogh. Last evening Mrs. Michael Muhridy, one of tlie oldest and most respected residents of tills borough, passed away. Mrs. Mahady had been ailing for sev eral months, but It wns only recently It beenme evident that (loath was near. Mrs. Mahady was a klndhoarted lady and a good wife and mother. Her hus band and son died within a year, and tho shock their deaths occasioned has tenod her decline. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Michael R. Munley, a daughter, Mrs. William F. Brennan, und a son, William Mahady, of Carhondalo. Her funeral takes place this morning, A high mass of requiem will bo sung at 10 o'clock. Interment will be In th Catholic cemetery. The unfinished condition of tho cul vert along the street railway on Dutch Hill Is a menace to life nnd limb. It should be covered ut once. Already sev eral have fallen Into It. The borough council was to have met last night. A quorum not being present adjournment was had. 3IIK00KA. Miss Lizzie Raw-son, of Church street, is confined to her home by a severe cold Thomas Mullen, of Greenwood, who has been sick for the past month, Is In a crltlenl condition und his recovery Is doubtful. There Is a movement on foot among some of the leading citizens In this place to get up u petition to have Minooka nnd Greenwood annexed, to the city. A meeting of the citizens will soon be called to take action in the premises. An unsuccessful attempt was mad Saturday night to organize a branch o the Young Ladies' Irish Catholic Ben evoletit union in this place. Only four teen ladles were present, fifteen being required to invalidate a charter. An other meeting will be held next Satur day evening. NEW MI1F0M) The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western pay car distributed cash on fids division vestetdav. The Gibson Cornet band Is preparing for a grand concert nt Robert s hall Gibson, next Tuesday evening. Charles Alexander Is visiting friends In town. Misses Julia Fenian und Annie Dale were calling on Harford friends Mon djiv. The Woman's Christian association will hold a dinner at thi Methodist Episcopal church today. Whoouiutt cough is still on tho rage The voting beople are making efforts to start a dancing school In town for tho winter. Mothers! .Mother!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hns been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children whllo teething. with perfect success. It sooths tho chile softens tlio guma, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is tho best remedy for ill arrhca. Bold by druggists In every par of the world. Be sure, and ask for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a Liottlu, BUCKNELL XOTES. t Herbert M. Pease preached at the Baptist church in Pittston on Sunday. ..Miss Hanna represented the univers ity as clt legHto to tho Young Women's Christian association convention held in Scrantou Jast week. . . The lecture on China and Korea, giv en' by F. S. Doffin3, of Philadelphia, on Thursday night, was very Instruc tive and interesting. The week of prayer for schools and ctdleges is being observed at tho uni versity. Professor Hulley has charge of the meetings, which are held every veiling In the Theta Alpha hall. We are glad to see Ceptaln Kauffman with us again nnd we are sure tlmt he must have had the best of care at the Lackawanna hospital to return so soon in such good condition. The foot ball game with the Indians, )f Carlisle, played on the college cam pus, Suturday, wus interesting and ex iting throughout. The Indians were heavier than our men and showed su perior shin in tackling. The character of (lie game is Indeed deserving of com mendation: not a Hlu'ile c'ispute oc curred during the entire game. Buck hell succeeded In making two touch downs Uiid kicking one goal in the first half. During the second half the ball was kept changing territory alternate ly, neither side scoring. This ended the contest with a score of 10 to 0 in favor of Bucknell. Thus far our record stands 152 points to our opponents' 12. Next Saturday a game will be played with Swurthinore college, ,and upon Thanksgiving Day, with Dickinson, at Harrisburg. WAVERLY. "William Wnnmr i.f NVw Ynvlf nltv. spent Sunday Willi his pureiits, Mr. ad .Mrs. George F. Warner. George Fell post. Grand Army of tho lopublic, No. 207, held their regular lonlhlv nieetiior lnst SfiturClnv nleht and nominated their officers, who are to o voted for at their next meeting ight. Mrs. A. Bergen Browe was suddenly ailed to New York city last week on A SUFFERING CHILD IJcad and Scalp Kaw with Places Size of Sliver Dollar. Va rious Remedies only caused Fresb. Eruptions. Applied CUTICUKA. Change in Twenty-four Hours. Perfect Cure In Two Weeks. Mv little son, nitcd three, was very much troubled with a bruikin out on his scalp and behind his ear. The places affected wero about as large as a silver dollar: the flesh seemed raw and covored with little blisters. The child suffered considerably, and was nat urally very fretful. I tried several remedies without obtaininn any beneficial results; fa fact the eruptions seemed to be spreading and new places breaking out. I concluded to trv tho lincntA, Remedies. I washed the al'iPi.'U'd parts with the C u ricflcA Hap, talc ini; care not to irritate the flesh, and applied Cltici ra. I noticed a change for the better In the appearance of tbe eruptions In tr.enty l'oar hour, and In two weeus the eruptions entirely disappeared, leaving the skin smooth nnd the scalp clean; in fact a perfect cure, as I have not seen any indications of any eruption or breaking out since. 1 Rave the child only a few doses of the CfTiCLUA ltK solvent. I consider your Ct'Tici-KA Kuuu dies very valuable. 1 believe CtTict RA would be excellent forapplylng to insect bites, which are verv annoying in this country. C. A. AK.MSTltO.NG, Swift islaud, N. C. Bold throughout the world. Prlce.CcTIccr.A, 60c; HoAi'.aie.; I'oitkkDuuo asu 1,'HI S. Cohf., Solo Props., Boston. 3 " How to Cure Every Bkta DUwose," free. Store Crowded All the Week with Enthu' siastic Buyers at the ENUINE BANKRUPT SALE OF ulinilKSJfllUiiPUIu, We boimht the stock of the Hyde Sale, and arc selling it at a great sacrifice. Sale now going on at the store, 111 S. MAIN AVE MK, HYDE l'AKK. A great opportunity for the people of liyde Park and vicinity to make their winter purchases iii CL0TIUX(i at very low prices. .Boys' Boys' Pants, 2for25c."'J"9l Men's aud Hoys' Overcoats, listers, Suits, Pants, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Etc., at Your Own Price, tvery SOLD Sale at Hyde Park Hat and Clolhiny Store ii4S. Main Avenue. 230 8IQN OF THE Look for the Sign! THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-EARRE, PA., Manufacturers of j Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 7 , , General Office: SCRANTON, PA. account of the Illness of her granddaughter. M. W. Bliss, sr., leaves for Florida this week, where, he Intends to spend this winter. Mrs. C. E. Mahoney, Miss P. D. Relph, Mrs. S. H. Bailey and Mrs, Charles Tinkhnm w ill entertain tho Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church, at the home of Mrs. C. E. Mahoney, Fritlay afternoon, Nov. 16. The gentlemen of the church are cordlully Invited for supper. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mrs. J. W." Mershon, Tuesday, Nov. 13, at 3 o'clock. All are welcome. Oysters raw, stewed and fried at Martin Hold's "Little Delmonico." The Magic Touch OF Hood's Sarsaparilla You smile at the idea. But if you are a sufferer from Dyspspsia And Indigestion, try a bottle, and he fore you have taken half a dozen doses, you will Involuntarily thiuk, and m doubt exclaim, That Just Hits It!" "That soothing effect Is a nia'i touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla genii tones and strcnetheni the stotnaci anl digestive organs, inviiiora'.cs th liver, creates a natural, healthy desio for food, gives refreshing sleep, an.: in short, raises the health toue of tin entiie system. Kemember Hood's Sarsa parilla Hood's Pills curt liver ills, constipation tlUousni'ss, jaundice, sick beadaehe. Itellf . ti.. 1 AYLESWORTH'S iEUT MARKET The Finest In (he City. The latest improved furnish inys and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and wjgs. 223 Wyoming Ave. ITEL WAVERLY European Plan. First-class Bar at tached. Depot for licrgner & Engle's Tannhueuser Boer. 5. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts.,PMIa. Most desirable for residents of N". K Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Desirable for visiting eerantontans and people In the An thracile P.eglon. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. A. W. JURISCH, 405 SPRUCE ST. BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, (Jendron, Eclipse. Lovell, Dnv moud und Other Wheels. rr Park Hat and Clothing store at Sheriff's Ulsters Boys' Waists, 2 for 25c. Purchase a denume Bargain. BY THE Sale at Hyde Park Hat and I Cloth ing Store 114S. Lack. Ave. BELL. Main Avenue. BANKRUPT SALEi. 1 v LEADERS OF flE-' ef the rair 400402 Lackawanna Avcnua. j DEPARTMENTS ssl I ! jE5 UERY B III ill SPECAL tS2- TZ taille Table Covers 6-4 Chenille Cover, $i.oo each; reduced from $1.25. We also carry the 4-4 and 8-4 sizes. Chenille Draperies An endless line of patterns, The low prices will as tonish you. Japanese Screens Black and Gold, White Cloth Screens. Unfilled Oak Screen Oak Tables 75c., 90c., $1.25, 1.50 Great Bargains KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. Branch at Carbondale. hut j pinnniiu imu in 1 I 1 UllllL 1! UlllJ Hi iiU 9 11 , e will have on sale a beautiful lot of Water Color ' and Pastel Effects, framed handsomely in white and gold and antique oak frames. The size of these pic tures is 20x24. They consist of the latest and most celebrated productions of the masters. The above, mounted on a neat, substantial bamboo easel, will be sold while in stock at rno niivrnor nun men run nuivmt hihu tnotLi AnRTH $3.75. Some are displayed in our large window. '. tfciOur Room-making Sale begins next Mon day. Watch and wait. .1 ..,,1 . k if V ' " n. . Wk li fK -M MW P" " " ...j LOW PRICES. 31 ' : DRY and Gold and Light Colored Frames EACH and $2.50 each. These are . .. PIC iis - -'r-n - 1 - A
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