THE SCI? ANTON TRIBTJNE--WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1894. T F1TZ SftYS HEJS A WINNER Is Confident That He Will Be Able to . Dcfent Cotbctt. ... VERY ANXIOUS ABOUT" FIGHT Willing to Have It Come Off Within Six Weeks from Dote-An Effort to Have It Take Place In January . or February. In his dressing room at the Frothing ham theater yesterday afternoon Pugil ist Robert Fitzslmmons, middle-weight champion of the world, entertained representatives of the press and was in terviewed regarding his proposed fight with James J. Corbett for the heavy weight championship of the world. The specialty theatrlcnl company, of which Mr. Fitzslmmons is a member, arrived in town in the morning from Hazleton. He and his manager, Captain Charles Glori, of Newark, registered at the Wy oming, and after dinner walked to the theater, where the "Kangaroo" took his usual daily exercise. He looks as healthy as a spring trout and savs he feels that way. In his bare feet he stands 5 feet, 11 inches and weighs now about 1C-' pounds, in fighting costume. The only part of his frame that assumes the build of a fight er Is the upper portion of the trunk, his massive Bhoulders and long sinewy arms. He chatted pleasantly with a Tribune reporter, mainly about his coming match with Corbett, and he says without any semblance of bravado that he will win it. "The fact that I am willing to fight Corbett and will stake my money and reputation on it," he sulci, "ought to be prima facie evidence that I am confi dent of whipping him. There Is no brag about it at all; it Is simply a nat ural confidence, in myself of my ability to defeat him." "Don't you think," asked the report er, "that you may be underestimating your antagonist's fighting qualities, and that you will have a bigger con tract on hand than you seem to be aware of?" Bob Is Confident. "Never mind, don't worry, I'll lick him," was the response. "What is your personal wish about fixing the date for the fight?" "I will fight In six weeks from now; I Just want enough of time to get in training, that is all. For my fight with Dan Creedon I trained only four weeks and I could train In that time to meet Corbett. You can see I have no super fluous flesh on me and all I need is exercise for my wind. I take an hour's exercise every day and that keeps me In trim muscularly, but to get my wind right, I would have to do some running and walking, or Jogging, anything you please to call It. There is. nothing builds a man for endurance, such as counts in a fight, better than, say, a walk of nine or ten miles at a good, Steady gait, and on the return, run four miles of that swiftly, then break Into a Jog for a mile or more and switch off Into a motion like this," and Mr. Fitz slmmons got up und went through a pantomime after the fashion of a goose on n dead run. He said that he does not think, to use his own words, "that the light will ever be pulled off In Florida." Where It will take place is a matter that he is as far away from knowing as he ap parently could be. Corbett does not want to fight before September, and In the meantime something may develop that would disrupt the plans for a fight If the place were settled upon now. ,'' .". Jacksonville Doesn't Want It. The city council of Jacksonville, Fla., recently rescinded the ordinance allow ing prize-fighting, and that constitutes a stumbling block. Mr. Fitzslmmons would like to fight before the Olympic club of New Orleans, which has offered a purse of $50,000. Negotiations with this club did not pan out, because Cor bett refused to consider the offer when It was not accompanied with ready cash. He refused to allow the club twenty four hours to stake the money, because he was unfriendly to that club. Mr. Fitzslmmons is responsible for these Statements. The Edison Klnitlscope company of fers $50,000 for the fight and wants to have It take place in Mexico, where there is no danger of Interference from the authorities. The pugilists could fight, it is claimed, before the instru ment, and every movement, every blow, and even the twinges of their muscles would be reproduced. These instru ments would be carried through the country and a price charged for look ing at the fight through them that would reap a hnrvest to the stockhold ers of the company. Mr. Fitzslmmons favors fighting under Buch auspices. He prepared himself for his exercise and Invited the reporter to witness it. In the center of the stage was arranged nn apparatus for punching the bag. He superintended the arrangement of It and suspended the bug with his own hands. The exhibition he then gave wlas a marvelous one. Ills cat-like quickness and agility came Into play ns his long arms shot out and sent the bag iupward against the boards as quickly as the puffs from a locomotive going sixty miles an hour. He gave an exhibition of parrying, uppercuttlng, forearm blows, shoulder thrusts, and swinging blows that awakened in the reporter's mind a thankfulness that it was the bag and not himself that was getting them; After an hour's vigorous exercise, he dressed and went to his hotel. He Is Easy to Manage. Captain Glori, his manager, speaks in the highest terms of Fitzslmmons off the stage. His habits and conduct are of the best and there Is no trouble In mnnaglng him. He said that the pugil ist is so anxious to meet Corbett that he has given cast Iron Instructions to make no engagements that can not be ter minated at a moment's notice. He Is Anaemic Women with pale or sallow complexions, or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous blood, will find quick relief in Scott's Emulsion. All of the stages of Emaciation, and a general decline of health, are speedily cured.' Scott's Emulsion takes away the pale, haggard look thaf. comes with General Debility. It enriches the blood,' stimulates the appetite, creates t healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. ForCounhs. po'tfs. Throat, Bronchitis, v;ak inns vis Semi for our pamphlet. Mailed FREE. (eotHBtwM,N.y. All Druggists. ftOc.tndty. not under contract at present to fulfill any theatrical engagements beyond Jan. 20. Captain Glori carries the articles of agreement between FitislmmonB and Corbett in his . pocket and says he Is going to make another effort to get the fight to take plaoe either In February or March, If he cannot, he Is willing to wait until Corbett Is satisfied to ar rirge a date. As Mr, Fitzslmmons was ready to depart, ho predicted that the fight would be settled inslda of twenty five rounds. At the Frothlngliam. Last night Fitzslmmons and his com pany gave an entertainment at the Frothlngham to a large audience. The gallery was crowded, the balcony well filled, but the first floor had a- number of vacant seats. The performance opened with Juggling by John R. Harty, Little Flo Perry, a mite of tender years. who should not be allowed to apear on the stage, sung, danced and recited In a creditable manner, and Gordon and Lick, musical comedians, did an enter taining turn. Miss Nellie Franklyn sang several character songs in a pleas ing way, William E. Whittle gave a good exhibition of ventriloquism, Bar ron and Forrest, descriptive vocalists, sung several songs and then, Howley and Doyle made their appearance. Howley is a Scranlonian, and was given a hearty reception. The exhibi tion of dancing given by himself and Mr. Doyle was one of the best ever seen in the city. Joe Hardman did a mono logue that had some local hits In It, but was coarse at times, and the Fltzglb- bons family entertained with songs and dances. They were the most creditable feature of the evening's entertainment. l'iusimtnons Appears. Cob Fitzslmmons brought the enter tainment to a close by a Bplendld ex hibition of bag punching and a Bpar ring bout with Con Heardon that was so tame that the gallery protested In long continued whispers. Fitzslmmons Is quick, but his work with the gloves against Iteurdon did not srive the au dience a viiry exalted opinion of his prow jrowess. 1 PERSON SON AL GOSSIP. C. P. O'Ma ley has been In receipt of and telegrams of con many letter; gratulation since the result of his great vlctoryln tho Fourth legislative district became knov n. One of the messages was from Governor-elect Hastings. It referred to Mr. O'Malley as the "Baby" of the next house. Physically and In tellectually there will be few bigger men in the next state legislature than Mr. O'Malley, but he will be younger by four years than any other member of the house. Judge Peck, of Towanda, who is hold ing court In court room No. 2 this week, is a pleasant, affable gentleman and makes an excellent Judge. Miss Nellie R. Beamish, daughter of ex-Mayor Beamish, is earning quite a reputation as a musical composer. Her latest work, "The Dance of the Brown ies," has been accepted by Hamilton & Gordon, of New York, and will soon be published by that firm. Attorney John J. Bonner, of Old Forge, who, a few a weeks ago, was admitted to practice in the several courts of Lackawanna county, will, to morrow, leave for Carlisle, where ho will take a course at the Dickinson Law school. Mr. Bonner expects to complete his studies at that institution next June and will then begin the practice of law in this county. I ' Protronotary C E. Pryor and Clerk of the Courts Johri H. Thomas have re turned from Philadelphia, where they went for a few days of . rest after the excitement of the campaign was over. Saturday night they witnessed tho big Republican Jollification demonstration in the Quaker City. SACRED MUSIC SOCIETY. Rehearsals I nst Night for the Moody Gos pel Concert a Grand Success. Last evening there was a large at tendance at the rehearsal of tho Sacred Music society, and the liveliest interest was manifested in the proposed Moody Gospel concerts that are to be held by the society at one of the play houses of the city. It is the intention at present to hold these concerts at 6 o'clock on Sunday evenings, and to dismiss in time for the church services In all parts of the city. At the first concert It is expected that W. C. Weeden, and his sister, who is a very fine soprano, will take the solo parts. A circular platform 'will ' be erected for the chorus, which will num ber not less than 300 voices, and they will bo accompanied by piano and or chestra. Tho admission to the concert made the arrangements complete in every possible detail. Alderman Wright Gave Judgment. Alderman Wright yesterday gave Judgment in the action brought by the forty-five Italians against Contractors Fahey & Ntcholls, for work done at the Ridge, Archbald. A largj sum was de ducted for purchases made at the store and the figures, as calculated by the alderman, received by both parties, Attorneys Taylor & Taylor represented the workmen and Attorneys Taylor & Lewis the contractors. DIXMORE D0IXG8. Fresh oysters received dally at Pal mer's market. The Potter residence, corner of Blake- ly and Potter streets, Is being exten sively repaired. H. A. Depue and Edward Early have returned from a hunting trip with un usually good success. ', The Pennsylvania Coal company and the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad will pay their employes today. Miss Ella Walsh, of Peckville, who has been visiting Dunmore friends the past week, has returned home. The Dunmore Cash Btore Is giving free lunches of "breakfastlne.," served by a young lady., Drop in and try a dish. Thomas Thornton has removed from G. W. Frost's building at the Corners to his father's house on West Drinker street. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church Is growing In membership. Several new members Joined last Sunday evening. The funeral of tho Italian that was murdered Sunday night was held yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Inter ment in Mount Carmel cemetery. ' A surprise party was given last even ing to Frank Bllckens and Carlton Letch wotth at their home on Chestnut street, it being Mr. Blicken's birthday If You Need a good medicine to purify your blood, give nerve strength and build up your entire system, take Hood's Bar- naparllla. It prevents sickness by mak ing pure blood. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, indigestion and biliousness, pc. We have sold thousands and thousands of alarm clocks .since our arrival In the -. city and they gave perfect satisfaction, Davldow Bros. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, J p. m. TWENTY ACRES OF LAND "f " " Ejectment Suit to Determine Owner of a Property of That Size. INTERESTING LEGAL BATTLE Distinguished Attorneys Who Are Trying the Caso for Plaintiff nnd Defendants-Case of Moran Against Leon ard Will Go to the Jury Today. A legal battle that will prove most Interesting opened In court room No. 3 before Judge Gunster yesterday after noon, and in all probability will occupy the attention of the court for several days. The action Is one In ejectment and Is brought by the Mutual Life In surance company against O, S. John son, the coal operator, and Mrs, Cath arine Wlnton to obtain possession of twenty acres of land in the Thirteenth ward of this city, which Is valued at upward of $50,000. Mr. Johnson Is mining the coal from under this land in accordance of a lease with Mrs. Wlnton. The plaintiff com Dany Is reDresented h ritv Solicitor Torrey and Attorney h' man, of Phil adelphia, and the deft dants by ex Judge Harding and ex-Attorney Gen eral H. W. Palmer, both of Wllkes Barre. The cause of the present action is briefly as follows: All Due to a Loan. Away back in the seventies the Mu tual Life Insurance company lent a sum of money to A. B. Dunning and took as security for It a bond and mort gage on his property at Elmhurst, then known as Dunnlngs. W. W. Wlnton was security for Mr. Dunning on the mortgage. The debt was not paid and the property was sold, but sufficient money was not realized to pay the amount due the insurance Company, and it began proceedings against Mr. Wlnton to compel him tas security to make good the deficit. The Green Ridge land now in dispute was levied on as his property and sold, . the insurance company becoming the purchaser. It never obtained possession of the property, as It was claimed that It was not owned by W. W. AVlnton at the time the sale was made. It is con tended that W. W. Wlnton owed his wife Catharine a lnree sum of "nnev. and that some time prior to levy made at the Instance of the )ae company he confessed Judgmt,.. .o her and the property was sold to satisfy the claim, Mrs. Wlnton becoming the pur chaser. This sule, the plaintiff will en deavor to show, was a fraud. But little testimony was heard yesterday, and at 4 o'clock court adjourned for the day. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Wlnton will be put on the stand. Morun-Lconord Suit. In the main court room, before Judge Archbald, the .suit of J. J. Moran against B. E. Leonard was tried yes terday. Moran sues to recover for work done In erecting a brick stack for boilers used to heat the Holy Rosary church buildings at Providence. Mr. Leonard refused to pay, for the reason, as he believes, that his contract did not provide that ho should have the stack erected. His contract, he says, was to provide the boilers and a build ing to cover them, nothing else, and he believes that Mr. Moran should apply to Rev. N. J.- McManus, the rector of Holy Rosary church, for his pay for the stack. All of the testimony had been heard when court adjourned for the. Mr. Moran is represented by Attor neys II. M. Hannah and T. J. Duggan and the defendant by Major Everett Warren and Attorney C. H. Welles. The case will be given to the Jury this morning. .Mills Against Holthara. Hugh Mills, of New street, was the plaintiff In a suit tried before Judge In No, 2. Thomas Holtham, a Penn avenue wholesale liquor dealer, was the defendant. In 1892 Mr. Holtham con ducted a hotel on Capouse avenue and employed Mills to do some work about his home, at Green, for which the plaintiff claimed he was entlttied .to $24.75. As an offset to this bill the defendant alleges that Mills obtained food and drink at his hotel far In excess of what the wages claim nmounted to. The Jury gave a verdict for the full amount of Mills' claim. WAS NOT ARCHIBALD'S WIFE. Gay Scrantoninn Who .Made Trouble for Wllkcs-Burro Authorities. George Archibald, of Scranton, came to the mayor's office yesterday and said his wife had ran away from him and was living In a house of HI repute on Fell street, conducted by a woman named Anna Thoma3. Warrants were issued and Officers piercy, Helm, Gal lagher and Chief Brlggs made a raid on the place at 3 o'clock yesterday af ternoon and arrested the Inmates, Liz zie Seymour, Maud Steward and the proprietress, Anna Thomas. At the hearing It was shown that the man Archibald was not legally mar ried to the woman he called his wife and that he had another woman living with him. The mayor expressed his con tempt for men of Archibald's stamp in vigorous language, and after scoring the Thomas woman for being engaged In such business fined her $25 and the other women $5 each. The mayor also held Miss Thomas under $300 ball for court. Monday evening's Wilkes-Barre Times. FIGHTING FOR LIFE. SUFFERING WOMAN TESTIFIES Mrs. Henrietta Button, of Janvier, N. J., writes: "For a long time I suffered from a disordered stomach. My appe tite was gone and what little I ate dis tressed me terribly. My health failed rapidly. I became very weak and feared I should never be well. After reading your "Quide to Health," I was encour aged to try Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. Its action was so prompt that I soon felt like a new woman, and am now completely cured." .. . MUNYON'S STOMACH AND DYS PEPSIA CURE cures all forms of In digestion and stomach troubles, such as constipation, rising of food, distress aftet eating, bloating of the stomach, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, and all affections of the heart caused by indigestion. It soothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs that have been weakened by over-eating, or where the lining of the stomach has been im paired by physio and Injurious medl- ciness. Price, 25 cents. . Munyan's Homeopathic Home Rem edy oomiteny; of, Philadelphia, put up specifics fcr nearly every disease, which are sold by) all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bctw. - IX LOCAL THEATERS. The management of the Academy of Music take pleasure In announcing to their many patrons a double event on Friday evening, a grand revival of D'Enm 1 great drama, "The Two Orphanv Vith that ever popular ar tist, Miss ivate Claxton, as Louise, und the distinguished tragedienne, Madam JanauBchek, in her great Impersonation of the Countess, assisted by a cast of superior excellence, only equalled by the original Union Square Theater com pany, including such well known names as Arthur Forrest, Donald Robertson, William F. Clifton, Nell Warner, Edgar Halstead. Miss Marion P. Clifton, Miss Stuart, Miss Douglass and Miss Thor- ley. II II II At the Frothlngham Friday and Sat urday and Saturday matinee, "My Wife's Husband" company, which Is credited as being one of the strongest and best comedy dramas on the road, will be produced. The company is com posed of a carefully selected metropoli tan cast of ladies and gentlemen, In cluding William H. Smeadly, last sea son with Charles Frohman's "Gloriana" company and three seasons with Thomas Keene; Mr. Krafton Walton, stage manager for Jeffry Lewis the past three seasons, and others. The play Is so constructed as to give ample sedpe for good acting, singing and danc ing, and Just enough pathos to create one quart of tears to every 10,000 laughs. One of the features will be the living pictures by Miss May Callaham, Ameri ca's most beautiful model. II II II "Wang," with a large company of sixty people and two carloads of scen ery, drops and properties, comes to the Academy of Music on Saturday evening with a special ladies' and children's matinee at 2.30 p. m. Among the novel features of the much-talked-about comic opera, "Wang," Is a banjo chorus ren dered by ten of the cleverest and pret tiest girls in the company; a quaint and taking chorus of nursery rhymes given by several charming little tots, none of whom is over seven years old; a Siamese wedding ceremony reproduced accurately In every detail; a real launch and a royal barge floating among French men-of-war at anchor In the harbor of Bangkok, and a really won derful elephant, whose method of get ting rid of a four-gallon gluss of beer is a mystery to the audience. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE The following resolutions were unani mously adopted by Green Ridge castle liHJ, A. O. K. of M. C, at the meeting held Nov. 5, im: Whereas, It has pleased God In his In finite wisdom to call from his labor Broth er J. H. Manton, who was killed while In tho faithful discharge of his duty as a miner In the Alurvine shaft on Oct. SO. Resolved, That while we humbly submit to the rulings of un ull-wlse Providence In the death of lirother Manton, our cas tle hus lost a worthy member and the communty an upright citizen. Resolved, That a faithful husband und a kind and loving father has been tulien from his home, and that we sincerely ex tend the bereaved ones our profound sym pathy, hoping thut He who dries the mourners tears will be their consola tlon In this their hour of alllletion; be It further Resolved, That we drape our charter for thirty days In memory of lirother Manton, and that a cony of these reso lutlons be presented to the family, spread upon the minutes of the castle and pub lished in Scranton dally newspapers. Committee, George Barron, Edward Jones. The following resolutions were unanl mously adopted by the Green Ridge oaB tle VM, A. O. K. of M. C, at the meeting held on Nov. 0, 1894: Whereas, It has pleased Ood In his in finite wisdom to call from ihis labor Brother R. D. Blossom, who died at his home In Scranton on Saturday, Oct. 27. Resolved, That while we humbly submit to the rulings of an all-wise Providence in the death of Brother R. D. Blossom, our castle has lost a worthy member and the community an upright citlzon. Resolved, That a faithful husband and a kind and loving father has been taken from his home and that we sincerely ex tend to the bereaved ones our profound sympathy, hoping that He who dries the mourners' tears will be their consolation In this their hour of affliction; be It fur ther Resolved, That we drape our charter for thirty days In memory of Brother Blos som and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family, spread upon tho minutes of the castle and published In the Scranton dally newspapers. Com mittee, George Barron, Edward Jones. Cured of Malaria and Dyspepsia of Five Years Standing. Mr. G. B. Quick, one of our leading merchant tailors, writes: Auburn, N. Y., Sept, 6, 'HI, Dr. Potter Medicine Co., Gents: Five years ago I had a severe attack of ma laria which wus followed by dyspepsia In its worst form. Every succeeding year the malaria has returned, until I was al most a total wreck. I have tried every remedy that I thought would benefit me, but obtained no relief. One of my friends advised me to try your D. Laroque's Nerve Tonic and Dyspepsia Pills. 1 (11 1 so with the most beneficial results. I have been using them since June 1st. My dyspepsia is gone and the mularla has not returned the first time in four years that it has not visited mo annually. I think your pills have done wonders for me and would advise all sufferers of malaria and dyspepsia to try them. Dr. Laroque's Nerve Tonic and Dyspepsia Pills cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Neu ralgia, Headacho, Catarrhal Headuche, Sciatica, St. Vitus Dance, Female Weak ness, Excess, Early Decay, Run down and wasted Vitality, Pale and Sallow peoplo, and all Diseases having their origin In the nerve centers. They act direct upon the Stomach, Nervous System and Blood. 25 cents a bottle. For sale by Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail. Our line of clock ornaments is the handsomest in the city. Prices lowest, quullty finest. Davldow Bros. WEAK HEN your attention Is CALLKD TO TBH Groat Enalish Romodv. Gray's Specific Medicine IF Villi S1IFFFP from Nor- ntn mi tiim 1 ' Tone D- Dlllty, Weaknna of Body end Mind, Bpermi torrbto, and Impotency, and all dlMe that arise from overindulgence and solf-abuo. as Lou of Memory and Power, Uimnesa of Via Iod, Premature Old Age and many other die' mm tbat lead to Inuuuty or Consumption and an early crave, write for a pamuhlet. Addrns GRAY MEDICINE Co., Buffalo, N.Y. The Bpedflo Medicine is sold by all druggist at II per package,, or six packages for A, or lent by mail on receipt of money, and with every W-00 order Ur GUARANTEE a care or money refunded, TT Fi liVrPHP I IfOn account of oountarfeita we hsve adopted the Yellow WrapDer, the only genu ine. Sold la Scranton by Matthews Bros. Instruments In every sense of the terra as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful nesi of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLO BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1119 Adams Ave.Now Telephone Bdg EES What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Pdrefforic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays foverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castorla Ib an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mas. ' Castorla Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending (hem to premature graves." Da. J. F. KiNcniooi, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 E. Mi LAGER BEER BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY: iootooo Barrels per Annum THE HUNT & C01ELL CO., MAvAc-rrjRiR8' Aoihtb fob TRENTON IRON COS WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN& COS STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S MERCHANT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER COS BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER&LADEW'S "HOrrS" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CERENT. AMERICAN BOILER CO.S "ECONOKY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON COS BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. Atlantic Refining Go Manufacturers and Dealers in Llnseod Oil, Napthas and Gaso lines of all grndeB. Axle Greaxe, Pinion Grease nnd Colliery Com pound; also a large line of Par alilne Wax Candle. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil In the market. . Wm. Mason, Manager, Office: Coal Exchagne, Wyoming Ave. Works at Pine Brook. Wm. Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or oo margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL BTOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. DIM1ICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6,002. MMIIHiHII JJJIU1LJ. J Castoria. " Castorla Is so well adapted tochlldren thai I recommend it ossuporior to any prescription known to me." B. A. Ar.cnco, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians la the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet wo ore free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispihsaht, Boitoj, Mass Alles O. StrrH, Pro., Murray Street, Hew York City. ev Oil Manufacturin OILS VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 to 151 MERIDIAN ST. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with bv the ns nf u apt. MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists of ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, Kulvanlzed tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will prevent ubsolutuly nny crumbling, crack ing; or broiiklm; of the brick. It will out last tinnlnK of any kind by muny years, and it's cost does not exceed onc-IICth that of tho cost of tinnlnK. Is sold by the Job or pound. Contracts tahen by ANTUNIO HAKTMAilN, 627 Birch St SHAW EMERSON J. Lawrence Stelle, . . FORMERLY STELLE & SEELEY, MUSIC DEALER, TSSSffiffiS? SHAW PIANOS to the Front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAVY? if J0b Also a Full Line of IvBWSIIIlS'fllD M I WAGON - MAKERS' H WITH ! SUPPLIES. j . Hold Fast m 1 ..jts Jf R Ipnlipiiflpr X f?n V Sharpening, Jfrj U (V III VfV Detachable U lU WU UU W We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. y. The Only Ep:c!aIIst In Nsrvom Diseases Be tween Buffalo and Philadelphia, DR. W. H. HACKER, Physician in Chief for The Lackawanna Medical Co. 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite the New Hotel Jcrmyn, has open! nlllcoa for the treatment and cure of Kidney Bladder, Stomach, Bowel, Blood, Skin unu Nervous Diseases, inecompauy nasuuoptod tne plan of NO CURE, NO PAY, to all responsible parties. Therefore taking npon themselves the risk of failure to cure, arid proving to a doubtful public the superior ity or trie uit'diikl talent employed by thtm. Tuts otfur holds ifood until January 1, 18B. ijieneto urinary surgery tu all its hxitiiclit-s will bo poitormsd by Competent Surgeons. C'ull or send 6 cetiti in stanire for "Good News," a treatise on Nervous Diseases of you g muti. Office Hours-8a. m. to 6 p. in. THIRD NATIONAL BAJiK OF SCRMT0X. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $260,000 This bank offers to depositors every fa cility warranted by their balances, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. WIIXTAM CONNELL, President. GEO. H. CATLIN. Vice-President WILLIAM II. PECK. Cashier. DIRECTORS: William Connell, George II. Catlln, Al frod Hand, James Archbald, Henry Eelin, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. CLOUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER. CROWN & CONNELL NNA AVENUE. 1 SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlt Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. - Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. PIANOS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers