THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1894. 5 A rounded spoonful of Ldoes better work Uhan a heaping spoonful of others. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned tit for wear, iruued with care, and all of it there. LACKAWANNA AUNDRY. ) Peon Ave. A.B. WAR MAN. IF YOU Want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades Come to Us. We a Fall Line of Goods, and Onr Prices ire Very I27 WYOKIflG AVE. CITY JiOTES. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2p. m. The Prohibition county committee will meet In Tallle Morgan's office next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Next Frlduy evening the Soranton I-odge of Elks will conduct their firm full dress social for ladies. . , A ludlcs' sight reading class will be or ganized at the Scranton School of Mualc next Monday afternoon at 4.1f. U. Scott, Jr.; the well known auctioneer of New York, ia In the city. He is mak ing arrangements for a series of art sales. The employes of the Soranton Trac tion company yesterday received the en velopes that contained their earnings for the month of October. The ladies of the Penn Avenue Baptist church are making great preparations for their -annual church dinner and sup per. Dinner from 12 to 2. Supper from C to 8. The directors of the St. Joseph's so ciety will hold a meeting at the Foundling home at 2 o'clock this afternoon, a regu lar meeting of members being held at 3 p. m. The fair that the Ladies' Aid society of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church have been making such extensive preparations for, will be held Dec. 5, 6 find 7. ' The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union of Green Illdge was held yesterday afternoon at 8 o'clock In tho Evangelical church on Ca pouse ovenue. ' A special ladies' and children's matinee will be given at the Academy of Music Saturday at 2.30 p. m. for "Wang," the oriental opera, presented by a large and finely equipped organization. Prices reg ular, 25, 50, 75 and $1. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to Michael Labonlg and Maria Homobya, of Old Forge; Bernard Frout, Scranton, and Katie Grossman, Roaring Brook town- Ship; William Bullvlnls, Scranton, and Agnes Yenpofki, Throop. The members of the Scranton Oratorio Society held an enjoyable meeting on Monday evening which was largely at tended. The ranks of the society have recently been reinforced by the addition of many new members and the rehearsals of the Chimes of Normandy" are pro greasing merrily. On Sunday, Nov. 18, a change In the time table will go Into effect on the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey. Among the changes, train No. 12, now leaving Scran ton at 12.50, will leave at 12.45 p. m., and train No. 1G, now leaving at 3.30, will leave at 3.10 p. m. This train will arrive in New York at 9.30 p. m. The Dudley Street Baptist church, Dun more, will hold recognition services in the church on Dudley street Thursday Nov. 15, at 2.30 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. In the even lng Rev. D. C. Hughes, D.D., will preach the sermon, and other prominent minis ters will deliver addressses. All are cor- dlully Invited to be present. On Thursday evening an entertainment will be given at the residence of Ed ward C. Dlmmlck, 1806 Sanderson avc nue, for the benefit of the Green Ridge 11 brary. The programme will comprise rccitutlons by Miss Florence Ham, nf Honesdale, and several musical numbers by Mrs. George duBols Dlmmlck and Eugene Ham, of this city. In the matter of the attachment exectt tlons issued by the Bennett, Pressly & Train and the Yule and Town Manufac turing compuny against Henry Battln & Co., rules were xycsterady granted to show cause why attachment should not be dissolved. In the case of Merchant & Co. against Battln & Co. a rule was granted to show cnuse why attachment should not be quashed for want of am davit. It Is earnestly desired that all the young men of the Young Men s Christian asso- tlon assemble In the parlors at 9.15 this evening, the object In view being the for mation of a banjo and guitar olub. The project already has received encourage ment to the extent that forty names are In the hands of Secretary Mnhy. That number of young men will bo more than adequate to form a club, but if at the meeting tonight there may be others will lng to tuke an Interest two clubs will then be organised, an advanced class and one for beginners. Gentlemen'! Driving club races Batur day, j p. m. . . i i . i ' Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, m iwiiHWMt t uu unwi,' Muslo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautscht ft Hons, manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won- derful orchestral organs, only 15 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re- paired and improved who new tunes. THE BOARD OF HUES Met and Listened to the Report of Officers for the Year. A SPLENDID SHOWING MADE Amount of Money That Has Been Ex pended During the Year Good Work Accomplished I'ndcr the Direction of Mrs. Duggun. A meeting of the Board of Associated Charities was held lust night at which Colonel E. H. Ripple presided, there being also present Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cohen, W. T. Smith, J. T. Mooro, E. J. Lynett, Rev. Rogers Israel, Mrs. Duggan and Mrs. Pettlgrew. It was decided to hold the annual meeting of the board at the Albright Memorial hall on Tuesday evening, when five directors will be ap pointed. Tho members of the board will bo specially Invited to attend. W. T. Smith, treasurer, submitted his annual report stating that $3,185. Si was received and 12,826.38 hud been ex pended, leaving a balance of $:ib.4G In hand. The secretary, Rev. Rogers Israel, presented his annual report, which will bo printed In full In a later Issue of The Tribune. The thanks of the moetlng were tendered to Mr. Israel for his valuable services. Mr:,. Duggnn's Report. Mrs. Duggan presented her report, which showed that 820 applications had been dealt with, out of which 430 were worthy and assisted accordingly, B24 were unworthy and wore not assisted 123 were not In need of assitance, 125 were Impostors and 28 were confirmed Inebriates. Seven had been Rent to the Home for tho Friendless, nine to the Home of the Good Shepherd, six to the St. Patrick's Orphan asylum, eight to the St. Joseph's Foundling Home, four teen transferred to tho poor authorities and eleven to the Lackawanna hospital The amount expended from tho mayor's fund was $1,829.60 and $G7 from the emergency fund. Mr. Harris, druggist, of Penn avenue, had supplied drugs, etc., for forty faml licsand IGOblank forms'still remained to the order of the board. The St. Vincent de Paul society, chief of police and pa- trolmen were also thanked by Mrs, Duggan for the kindness nnd assist ance displayed during the last year. Lecture by Dr. Walk. Dr. James M. Walk, M. D., of the Philadelphia Society for Organizing Churlty, will deliver a lecture nt the Young Men's Christian Association con cert hall on Nov. 20 on "The Benefits of Associated Charities." Dr. Walk Is an accomplished spenker and Is thoroughly Cognizant with the Intricate question of charity dispensa tion, which forms a subject of deep in terest to several citizens of Scranton as an essential part of church work. Ex ccllent mimical selections will be ar ranged, and, as the admission will be free, a large audience will greet the lecturer's appearance. MEETING OF DOCTORS. Interesting Cases of Surgical Operations Inspected and Discussed. An Important meeting of the Lacka wanna County Medical association was held at the court house last night. Dr. M. J. Williams presiding. Dr. Callen der, of Olyphant, was introduced by Dr. O'Brien and duly elected a member of the association. The following were nominated as officers for the ensuing year: President, Dr. Capwell; first vice- president, Dr. Van Sickle; second vice- president, Dr. W. G. Fulton; secretary, Dr. L, S. Barnes; treasurer, Dr. Gates; censor for two years, Dr. P. F. Gunster. Dr. Bateson, of Scranton, Introduced a case of a man, 50 years of age, who was kicked by a horse last January and suffered severe Injury In the center of the forehead. He had suffered from paralysis of the hand and foot. After an exhaustive review of the case he opined that the operation of trephining would not produce good results. It was decided that the annual meet lng be held at Scranton on December 11 and that It be celebrated by holding a banquet, the following members be ing appointed a committee to make the necessary arrangements: Drs. Rea. Barnes and Frey. ARE STILL MAN-IIINTIN6. Detectives Have No Clue of tho Dunmorc Murderer's Hiding Pluco, The search for Joe Boschlno. who murdered Francisco Combort on Bun ker Hill, Dunmore, Sunday, was con. tinued yesterday by County Detective Shea and the Dunmore police. Until a late hour last night It could not be learned that the man hunters had found a tangible clue of the assassin's hiding place. A report that Boschlno was concenled near the scene of the shooting In the house of a friend did not bear fruit when Investigated. The officers be Hove they have guarded all Immediate points for hiding and routes for escape and are concentrating their efforts In territory southeast and northwest of Dunmore, along the rail and wagon roads. It Is believed Boschlno chose one of these directions after the killing, The jury lmpanenea on the case Monday by Coroner Kelley meets this evening in the arbitration room of the court house. FIRE AT GREENWOOD. Flumes Are Responsible for Two Homo less Families. Before It was discovered, at 7.30 last evening, fire, which had originated in the top story of the building owned and occupied by Mrs. Austin Mulherln, of Greenwood, broke through the Toof and had gained such headway that, with the lack of facilities for fighting the fire, the building was speedily con sumed. Not more than a remnant of the furniture was saved. The home of Mrs. Jane Hennlgan, ad joining, also caught fire and was burned down. Both houses were frame two- story structures and were not Insured, Mrs. Mulherln's loss amounts to about $'.100, and Mrs. Hennlgan's to $700. Both women are widows and their loss falls heavy upon them. The belief Is that the fire originated from a defective stove pipe leading from a heating stove In which a fire had been Just started for the first time this fall. MANGLED ON THE RAILROAD, Francis Moran, of Old Forge, Run Over and Killed. A short distance below the Lacka wanna station on the Bloomsburg road the dead and mangled body of a young man was found yesterday morning by laborers on their way to work. The re mains were gathered up and carried to the depot, awaiting the arrival of Cor oner Kelley, who was telegraphed for. When the coroner arrived he empan eled the following Jury: John A. Wood, E. J. Brodhead, Robert Gray, P. B rod- head, G. R. Drake and Thomas j. Stew art. Before the Jury had heard ttie tes timony of the men wfeo discovered the boflj', Jamea Moran,' of Barbertown, came to the scene and said the dead man was his brother, who had left home Saturday and had not been seon since. 'The skull was crushed, both lees were cut off and the body other wise mutilated. The verdict rendered by the Jury was to the effect that death was due to being struck by a train while walking on the railroad tracks. CHIEF OF POLICE ARRESTED, Four Priccburg Officers Confined in the County Jail. A Prlceburg citizen turned the tables on the law yesterday and caused the arrest of Chief of Police Max Koehler, Constable John Sweskle and Joseph and John Gerskle, deputy constables. Tito four were brought to this city last night and locked In the county Jail on a charge of having forcibly entered the residence of John Slles. Each of the quartette was silent when questioned concerning his of fence, but signified that all would be released on ball today. The warrant for their arrest was Issued by Justice of the Peace Gllday, of Archbald, and reads to the effect that the chief of police, constable nnd two deputies are guilty of forcible house-entry. It Is supposed that the men are only guilty of being over-zealous In the discharge of some duty. Chief Koehler Is considered a pains taking and efficient officer, and was re cently wounded while arresting a party of drunken Hungarians. NEW HOTEL TERRACE. It Was Opened to tho Public Yesterday in a Very Auspicious Manner N'otnblo Ad dition to Scranton Ilotols. The Hotel Terrace, the palatial new building at Wyoming avenue and Vino street, was opened yesterday with a sumptuous banquet, which augured well for tho excellence of cuisine and arrangement. The building comprises over lOOrooms and the visitor Is at once Impressed with the exquisite taste displayed In the furnishing arrangements. Enter ing the wide doors on Vine street the guest Is ushered Into the colonial hall, which Is filled with alcoves, delightful ly situated amid ferns and rare flowers, and in the center of the hall a large old-fashioned hearth Is erected, which Immediately makes the guest feel that he Is at home, an essential point in ho tel life. From the large hall massive oak doors open Into the chief drawing room, which is furnished In the Roman style and, although artistic, has the ap pearance of solid comfort, a combina tion rarely successfully attained. Tho dining room will seat about 125 per sons. Beyond this are the private dining rooms, designed for small social din ners, etc., and are within easy call of the chef. The culinary arrangements comprise all recent Improvements, In cluding steam tables, steam washing and cleaning apparatus and all inven tions which tend to a first class cuisine. There are five stories, all of which are furnished In the best style and the proprietor, W. H. Whyte, Is to be con gratulated upon the successful result of his labors. Mr. Whyte, who is well known In .Scranton, endeavors to sup ply a want which he considers has long been felt In this city, as many require a home of refinement, and where first class attendance and arrangements can be guaranteed, and this U,e Is strenuously endeavoring to fulfill. Although the hotel was opened but yesterday, a large number of guests were registered, which formed a very auspicious first day for the enterpris ing management of the latest addition to Scranton hotels. DID NOT REORGANIZE. Another Effort Will Be Made to Revive the Institute Friday. Last night there would have been a meeting of the Lackawanna County Historical Institute at the board of trade rooms If a quorum attended. Dr. Gates came In when the rest of the members had decided to go home, and as his presence constituted a quorum a meeting was called to fix a date for another meeting. Upon the suggestion of A. W. Dickson an adjournment was taken until Friday afternoon at 4.30. This was agreed to and no other busi ness was done. The meeting Friday afternoon will be expected to Infuse new vigor Into the dormant members, and active meas ures passed tending toward putting the society on a plane in keeping with the progress of the Electric City. To Our Friends and the Public. Replying to an article In yesterday's Is sue of this papor saying that "we are no longer In the employ of the Frothlng- ham" we would say: We never have been In their employ. We have a service to offer as bill posters which Is open to any one, and as members of an assocla tlon which ImpoBes a penalty of $200 for non-fulfillment of a contract, we guaran tee such work. Mr. Frothlngham ac cepted this service for his theater. Since the advent of a now manager? we have been constantly in hot water and sub lecteu 10 insults anu diuits owing to a narrow-minded, Jealous feeing on the part of this manager? that he was not getting equal advantages with other people In the same line of business. Finally, tiring of his abuse, we asked to have a contract which would define our relations exactly and secure prompt payments for our work which ho refused. Wo then declined to do any more work for the house, except under a contract. The balance still due us for our services was the cause of our arrest on Friday last (which Is only ono of his petty persecutions) as we held some papor, Intended for that house, for our money. We expect, however, to remain in the bill posting business, and take this oppor tunity to thank our many frlonds for their support, and with the assurance that any work given us will be cared for. Respectfully, ' REESE & LONG, City Bill Posters. The duty on diamonds has been raised 15 per cent. Davidow Bros, are selling them lower man ever. Annual commutation tickets for the use of the Nay Aug Falls and Elmhurst Bou levard for driving purposes can be pro cured at the office of the treasurer, room 7, Commonwealth building. Price, $15. Lessons Taught on Guitar, 10c. The above heading sounds ridiculous to think that you ran get guitar lessons for 10c., but you could well afford to pay $1.00 a lesson it you Dougnt your guitar at Davidow Bros. Fur and Cloth Copes. No sample line. But complete stock. Superior In style and make. Offered at very moderate prices, G. W. OWEN8 & CO., Furriers and Cloak Makers, EOS Spruce it. Court House Square. - We have money and plenty of it to loan Keep the name of Davidow Bros, bank lng establishment Impressed upon your memory wben in neea or money. I am prepared to receive a limited num ber o( piano pupils. For terms, etc., ad' dress Kicntra tr. Lindsay, 823 Mulberry Street. Or at Powell's Muslo Store. ' , . (. Men and women, youths and misses, boys and girls We have watches for ev IS NO FEARJF EPIDEMIC Health Officer Allen Says There Is Xo Cnuse for Alarm. PECULIARITY OF THE SEASON That Is Reason Why Typhoid Is So Preva lent at Present Dr. Allen Keeping a Close Watch on Klmhurst Water Shed. Twenty-three cases and five deaths from contagious or infectious diseases and twenty four deaths from ull causes were reported to the board of health last week. Eighteen of the cases nre typhoid fever, three are diphtheria and two are scarlet fever. Monday six cases of typhoid and two of scarlet fever were reported. This Increase In Infectious typhoid is attributed by the health officers to the peculiarity of the season, and no sense of alarm is attached to the large num ber of new cases. Health Officer W. E. Allen, M. D., said to a Tribune reporter last night: "While the prevalence of typhoid is perhaps more general than usual even at this season of the year, the number of cases is not greatly In excess of pre vious similar periods. It would require a vastly larger number of cases to ascribe the diseases as 'epidemic' Typhoid Is existing all over the state, and, speaking comparatively, Scran ton with Its 1.00,000 population Is re markably free of the disease. With our healthful water Bupply, sewerage sys tem, sulphur water of tho Lackawanna river and air currents changing almost hourly, It Is reasonable to presume that no general contamination from typhoid will develop." As the state deputy health Inspector and health officer of Scranton Dr. Allen has been keeping a close watch upon the general health of Elmhurst and the watershed of that region from whence comes Scranton's water supply. He has been particularly vigilant lately nnd Isits the Elmhurst region frequently. but when Interviewed last evening did not signify that there exists any Indl cation of approaching epidemic. SPENSER'S PRINCESS RONNIE It Was Received with Enthusiuum at the Academy of Music, The author of "Little Tycoon" needs no Introduction to Scranton music lov ers. It Is, therefore, needless to state that a large and enthusiastic audience assembled at the Academy last evening to witness the first performance In this city of Willard Spenser's last opera, Princess Bonnie. There is no question that the antici pations of the most enthusiastic admir ers of this well known American com poser were realized In the presentation of the much-talked-of "Princess Bon nle." The opera in every way Is su perlor to the "Little Tycoon," and the manner In which It was put upon the stage last evening showed that no ex pense had been considered In arranging the details of the magnificent stage set tings and dazzling costumes. The plot is something of the Sunday school library fairy tale order and deals with the lost child, who was washed ashore along the coast of Maine or some other eastern state, and later turns out to be a Spanish princess. The story, however, is worked out In a charming way that covers many Incon sistencies In construction. Miss Eleanor Mayo, asiPrlncess Bon nie, gave an excellent impersonation and captivated the audience at the start. Miss Mayo possesses the first essentials to success In comic opera Hare beauty and a fine stage presence, Her voice, though lacking In cultiva tlon, Is one of great power, which will no doubt Improve under future training, There seems no question that a bright career Is before the young artist. Miss Lillian Swain Marlon, who has delighted Scranton audiences hereto fore, never appeared to better ndvan tage than as Kittle Clover; and the Inimitable Frank Daniels, as Shrimps, was funnier than ever. The support by the company was ex cellont throughout, Miss Mabella Baker and Messrs. Burnham, Greenfclder, Armstrong, Broderlck and Walker were worthy of especial mention. ORIGIN OF AN OPERA. Willard Spenser, composer of "Little Tycoon" and "The Princess Bonnie," is among the most pleasant and sociable of American composers, and ever has an encoruraglng word for struggling must clans and authors who aro at the foot of the ladder which he so successfully scalei years ago. Spenser haB the advantage of the average librettist and composer In that he Is able to write dialogue and mu.uc and produce an opera without the assist ance lot any one. tie states mat in comuoslmr a song he usually writes In words first and the mualc win suggest it self. The arrangement of a libretto, ho savs. Is tho hardest work that he en counters In writing an opera. The music comes easy and spontaneously, but th libretto, as he expresses It. "causes his hair to turn gray and drop from his head. Mr. Spenser Insists that all music of any account is written under an inspiration In speaking of the favorite walti song in "Princess Bonnie to a 'irioune rep resentatlve yesterday, he gave an Illus tration of the way in which a musical theme would occasionally force itseir uoon a composer: "The waits song orig inally written tor "ine t-nncess uonn'e never satisfied me. I had written Blx or Heven different airs, but none seemed to come up to the standard of 'Love Comes Like a Summer sign.' 1 Know mai my efforts would be gauged by this selection and the fact gave me considerable anx letv. Soon after the opera had been fin lBhed I visited New York and during the dav nlaved selections over for some $ Says our canned goods are, on most things, be ter than fresh. WHY NOT? ' They are picked in the early morning and can ned immediately,' We guarantee our prices low Ui er than elsewhere. E. 0. Coursen 1 Leading Crocer N. E. Pa musical people, and when I retired at the hotel in the evening, I presume the opera wus on my mind. About 3 o'clock the next morning I was suddenly awakened and the air of a waltz song was running in my mind. I had previously promised my wife that I would write no more muslo nights and so' I turned over and covered my head with pillows and tried to sleep again. But sleep was Impossible. The air kept ringing In my ears and notes ap peared before me In tantalizing profusion. At lust I . could stand It no longer. I sprang from the bed and lighted the nas. had a lead pencil with me, but there was no paper in sight. I finally took a large sheet of brown wrapping paper that had been tied about a pair of shoes that I had purchased the day before. I ruled this paper and began to write. In a short time I had the melody of the waltz song upon the paper complete. 1 lost no time upon returning home In placing It In the opera, without the alteration of a single note, and It has proved the most popular air In the work." In speaking of the various successes and failures In opera, Mr. Spenser said hat It was his opinion that the opera that had the longest life was the one In hlch the libretto contained a story of ramatic Interest. No matter how bright and witty the dialogue, if the plot did not contain something that appealed to the interest or sympathies of the auditor hey would not cure to listen to It the second time and it is not long that good music can bolster up a play that Is com posed of Jokes that have become thread bare with age. The most successful or Gilbert and Sullivan's works, "Pinafore," and "The Mikado," Mr. Spenser claimed, wed their success to the dramatic Inter- st that was attached to the plot of the libretto. While tho music of others per haps might have been Just as good, and the bits of satire more keen, yet they lacked that something which appeals to the masses and creates an interest that Is not satisfied with the witnessing of one rendition of the opera. I worked two years upon 'Princess Bonnie,' " said tho composer. "I had tho opera In my mind during the first presen tation of Little Tycoon," but could get r.o opportunity for work upon the thenm. Whenever I attempted to lot some one Ise control the destinlf-s of 'Little Ty coon the lliianclal returns seemed to dwindle, so I was obliged to stick to tho management until everything was upon a soundbaslsundl hud accumulated eno-jgh to ullow me to feel able to devote the time to a future venture. I feel very grateful to Scranton people nnd to Scran ton newspapers," said Mr. Spenser. "It wuslnthisclty thatniy first successes were made, and the favorable criticisms of tho Scranton press have been of untold bene fit to me during my entire career." The Testimony Filed. The testimony In the divorce case of Jennie Davis against George Davis was filed with Prothonotary Pryor yester day by Attorney E. D. Fellows. Mrs. Davis ' alleges that her husband de serted her two years ago, went to New York state and mnrrled another young woman with whom he is now living In Forest City. Another Deserted Wife. Mrs. Mary Francis Morris, of Wall ville, this county, Is an applicant for a divorce. She filed her petition yester day. On Dec. 24, 18S4, she married George Nathan Morris and they lived together until March 14. 1 SS'J. when it is charged that Morris deserted his wife. He has persisted in hia desertion ever since. SPECIAL NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern: This is to advise all persons that Reese & Long, bill posters, are not In the employ of tho Frothlngham, neither do they have any business transaction In any nvin ner whatever with this house. The man agement return thanks to the many citi zens who have extended advertising prlv lieges to this theater and invito an exten sion of the same. The advertising and bill posting for the Frothlngham will hereafter be conducted by ourselves. ery respectfully, J. H. LA INE, Manager. Loans negotiated to the extent of $100,- 000. Davidow Bros. Paper Art Exhibition. Tho crepe tissue paper art display of the Dennlson Manufacturing company, under the supervision of Miss Gray, of Boston, attracted large crowds of ladles to Price & Roe's stationery store on Washington avenue yeatrday. The dis play is the same as those given In the huge cities and one who has not wit nessed the exhibition can scarcely realize the beautiful effects that can be produced In tho artistic arrangement of the ar ticles made from the crepe tissue. The exhibition, to which the public Is Invited, will continue through the week, and no lover of art should fall to witness It. Change of Time on the Central Railroad of New Jersey. A new time table will take effect on Sunday, Nov. 18. Among other changes train No. .12, now leaving Scranton at 12.50 p. m., will leave at 12. 15 p. m and train No. 10. now leaving at 3.30 p. m., will leave at 3.05 p. m., arriving at New York at 9.30 p.m. Tho $10,000 School Iloiiso for Columbia avenue has been let and will be commenced Immediately. There are still a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frothlngham, Office, Theater Lobby, Stylish Chrysanthemums. are not near so stylish as Davidow Bros, line of holiday goods. I have just received u new line of Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in nnd see our new stock. TNC OELEBRATtb FiAiros in it Prmiil "Ijrty'ISl "4 lrrrn1 by Wtreroemt : 0OMKCtlumbui Monument, rOBWiMnaten Aw. Soranton. Pa. Including the painless extracting of teoth by an entirely new prooeta. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S. 139 WYOMING AVE. IIM'I THf IDEA jTlF "3 ftJ W.W. BERRY , V-J ff 417 Ltcttawenna Ave. k'm S1KI1 Fresh Candy Just Received, at ' 10 if INC UDING Fine Chocolate Creams, Chocolate Cream Walnuts, Cream Dates, Butter Scotch, Cocoa Bon-Bons, Lemon Drops, Chocolate Nougats Van Cocoanut Kisses, Smooth Almonds, Choc. Fried Oysters, Shellbark Caramels, Assorted Imperials, Chocolate Pralines, Wintergrean Wafers, Chocolate Nectar, Cream Almonds Cream Walnuts, burnt Almonds, Oriental Jellies, Chocolate Queens Marshmallows, Soft Creams, French Nougats, Chocolato Margusrites, Cream Peop, Wafers, Chocolate Walnuts, Walnut Kisses Lhccolate Palmettos, Assorted Cachous, Chocolate Nonoareils, St. Nicholas, Chocolate Grenobles Choice of above for 20c. per pound luo. per i lb.; bi. per J iu. Ui 319 LACKAWANHA AVEISU1 Green and Gold Store Front WALKING, Gloves !E HAVE DRESS and DRIVING IS FACT WE HAVE nix,,rtr.of All Kinds. CONRAD. HATTER do vou dread Monday washday? Can't blame yon much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn t it be better to send your whole family wash to us every week ? Special "POUND RATES" to families. Write for these terms. Crop a postal-our wagons will call promptly. Lammidlry 322 .00 Bl HATS AT Dunn's rare S.W00LW0RTH YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK Many a long mile before you will find Shoes to equal our new lines of Fall and Winter Footwear. WE HAVE EVERY STUB and qual ity that is first-class and desira ble Our prices are as low, if not lower, than you are paying for poorer Shoes. BANISTER'S, HI'S II III EI I 111 m ITS NOT . If you buy your Cloaks, Capes, Millinery, Hats, Caps, Under wear, etc., of us. We save you the DOLLARS, and remember "We are also giving away sales of $4 or above. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. FORS theGreatest Offerings in Alaska Seal Sacqucs, full skirts, big sleeves and reviers, $175, worth 350. Astrakhan Sacqucs, full skirts, big sleeves and reviers, $S5. worth $135. Electric Seal Sacqucs, full skirts, big sleeves and reviers, $S5, worth $135. Alaska Seal Circular Cape, length 27 inches, . $123, worth $ 165. Hudson Bay Otter Circular Cape, 30 inches long, . $150, worth $125. Hudson Bay Marten, 28 Inehes long, $03, worth $i)o. Mink Circular Cape, 30 inches long, $03, worth joo. Electric Seal Circular Capes, 30 inch es long, $!5, worth $40. Wool Seal Circular Capes, 30 inches long, 22, worth $35. Astrakhan Circular Capes, 30 incites long, $15, worth $25. REMEMBER, we manufacture all our fur garments. For that reason we can guarantee full . satisfaction or money refunded. All mail orders receive prompt atten tion. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Have your Furs repaired by tho only Practical Furrier in the city. J.B0LZ 13S Wyoming Av. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR Clothiers, Hdlera&Fumishera TODAY. You can be fitted with any style of Corset free of charge. Ol'R NEW RAZOR or Needle Toes for Ladies and Gentlemen are the per fection of the Shoemaker's art They cut their way into favor with every one who sees them. 01R CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT will prove attractive to parents who are looking for reliable Shoes at the lowest possible prices. Corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming AYennes. . handsomely framed pictures with One of tfcS OSLANDS I28 WYOMING AVENUE. COII Oil i 11 eryone. Davidow Bros., Lacka. ave. )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers