The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 14, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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rususaiD daily m scrahtok. pa., btthi Trisum
C. . KINGSBURY, Pirn. uiSiii'iMm.
C. H. RIPPLC, Sic- o Taut).
UVV . RICHARD, Cditon.
W. W. YOUNG, Aov. Man'
Iiw York omoi : TRinoni bbiumho. FXARK &
"Printers' Ink," the recognized Journal
for advertisers, ratog THE SCRA.VION
1 RIDINE as the best advertising medium
in Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers'
Ink" knows. '
Como and Inspect our city:
Elevation above the tide, 710 feet.
Extremely healthy.
Estimated population, 1894, 103,000.
Kegistered voters, 20,69!).
Value of school property, J75O.O0O.
Number of school children, 12.0U0.
Average amount of bank deposits, J10,
000, uoo.
It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn
sylvania. Can produce electric power cheaper than
No better point in the United States at
wnicn to establish new inuusines.
Bee how we grow:
' Population in 18G0
Population In 1870
Population In 1880
Populutlon In 18!H)
Population In 1894 (estimated)...
And the end is not yet.
The Democratic party has never had
a surplus to complain of, except when
out of power.
The New Bond Issue.
In anticipation of the circular invlt
lng proposals for the purchase of gov
eminent 5 per cent, bonds, which was
Issued yesterday afternoon at Washing
ton, the New York Commercial Adver
tiser recently compiled some statistics
which are so pertinent to the present
subject that we copy them forthwith.
"From July 1, 1866, to June 30, 1893, or
twenty-six years," says the Advertiser,
"the fiscal policy of the nation was
directed and controlled by the Republi
can party. The value of the accumu
lated wealth of the country on the for
mer date did not exceed $18,000,000,000,
The wealth per capita was $310. Our
total foreign commerce was $051,996,570.
Of railways we had 36,810 miles, cost
Ing $1,472,000,000. The public debt (prin.
cipal and Interest payable In gold) was
$2,773,236,173. The annual Interest
charge was $133,067,625 (gold sold In
July, 1866, at 152). The Industries In
one-half of our settled territory were
completely paralyzed. Labor was thor
oughly disorganized. Production was
almost suspended. The south was at
enmity with the north; angry passions
werehlghly Inflamed; a war of races was
impending; state governments were de
moralized. Two millions of armed men
had lately been disbanded. The na
tional credit was at zero; United States
6 per cent, gold bonds were at a heavy
discount; our relations with Great
Britain were severly strained. In view
of which an early reconstruction of the
south was Imperatively demanded.
This was the administrative problem
which the leaders -of the Republican
party were called upon to solve. Did
they solve It? Let us see.
"When they resigned control to a
Democratic administration the value of
the wealth of the nation was $70,000,000,
000, or, In other wonls, the tuxpaylng
power had been Increased nearly 400
per cent. The per capita wealth was
$1,040. The total foreign commerce was
$1,956,894,446. The public debt was re
duced to $966,322,734; the annual in
terest charge to $23,378,116. Of railways
we had 175,204 miles, costing $10,512,
240,000, In the twenty-six years there
had been paid us principal upon the
public debt $1,776,810,439; as interest
upon the debt, $2,211,838,088; for pen
Bloiis to soldiers, $1,404,502,842. The
odious Income tax had been abolished
and the internal revenue taxation re'
duced. Tea, coffee and sugar had been
placed upon the free list. Postage
rates were reduced, mall routes ex
tended 250 per cent., while the post
office revenue was increased from $14,
000,000 to $70,000,000. Interest upon the
public debt was reduced from 6 per
cent, to 2 per cent.; a n.-ivy was con
structed worthy of the republic. The
south was reconstructed, angry pas
sions were soothed, fraternal relations
were renewed, the nation was united,
the sword sheathed, and our contro
yersy with Great Britain was amicably
and honorably settled by arbitration,
And yet in each and every year from
1866 to 1893 the revenue exceeded the
expenditure! Our per capita wealth was
Increased 100 per cent.; our total wealth
nearly 400 per cent.; our earning power
nearly' 600 per cent.; our foreign com
merce more than 300 per cent.; our rail
way mileage 450 per cent.; the annual
interest charge was reduced 600 per
cent. In short, the resources of th na
tlon had been enormously increased,
while the burdens had been immensely
reduced. Nevertheless, the first year
of Democratic control of the national
treasury the expenditure exceeded the
revenue, the national debt was in
creased by tens of millions and the In
come tax has been restored."
And now, to crown all, it is deliber
ately proposed to plunge the nation yet
further into debt by the issuing of $50,
000,600 of new live per cent, obligations
at a time when the total excess of our
assets over liabilities exceeds $70,000,
000,000 in round numbers, a time, too,
when the only cause of all this pros
tratlon and stringency is the handi
"work qf Democracy's own maladmlnls
tratlon! Is it to be wondered at that
the people have voted such a party out
of power?
Going in debt seems only natural,
these Democratic times.'
The Philadelphia Press aptly asks
Professor Wilson "If the people really
wanted a more radical measure, and
were angry because they did not get it
sooner, what shall be said of their
honesty and Intelligence in defeating by
such-a majority the man who nearly
ruined his health In trying1 to obey their
wishes?" The people In the Second dis
trict of West Virginia who last week
told the professor to stay at home are
the same people who for sixteen years
had kept him in congress. They must
have had a reason for wanting a
change. -
The expediency of giving woman the
ballot after all depends very ' lurgely
upon the woman.
In the course of his short and com
monplace speech at the Philadelphia
banquet' in commemoration of the
launching of the new steamship, St.
Louis, the president" made seventeen
distinct references to himself. One of
the pleasant things that the future
holds In view is the prospect of speedy
elease. from the empty egotism of
Grover Cleveland.
The best plan to reorganize Tam
many is to lay it out straight with its
face downward.
The Future of the Tariff.
The expected has happened. Be
cause The Tribune, one day after it
knew to a certainty that Republican
control of congress was to be restored,
frankly admitted that those Republi
cans who expected radical tariff tinker
ing In an opposite direction from that
of the Democracy which the country
so Indignantly repudiated would be
doomed to disappointment, a Dem
ocratic local organ chirrups forth the
assertion that this Journal has reversed
Itself. Of course, it has done nothing
of the sort, and nobody knows this bet'
ter than the Democratic local organ.
If the Democrats had stopped at the
amended Wilson bill, bad as it was,
scandalous as was the history of Its en
actment and "perfidious and dishonor
able" as were the circumstances attend
ing Its consummation, it Is reasonable
to suppose that they would have fared
decidedly better than they did fare,
one week ago. To be sure, they
would still have reeked of Incompe
tence and smacked loudly of demon
strated Incapacity to govern. But they
would at least have enjoyed the taeti
cal advantage of offering to the coun
try, after much turmoil and travail, an
economic finality a basis upon which
unsettled business could establish Its
readjustments. Instead of this, they
foolishly faced the nation witli threats
of new disturbance and with deliberate
promises of prolonged warfare and sus
pense, until In sheer desperation the
goaded business instincts of the Ameri
can people revolted with Indignant pro
test and buried the warriors of agita
tion almost to a man.
It was and is a cardinal principle In
Republicanism's creed that the welfare
of the people should at all times be su
perior to the trial of a theory or the
fate of a particular bill. It promised
American business interests that the
crusade which meant their undoing
should give way to stability and peace.
It Is prepared to redeem that pledge.
But the McKlnley bill today is only a
memory. Its principle survives, with
increased luster and power; but its
demonstrated errors of detail belong
to the irreclaimable past. In strict ac
cordance with this view, which is
shared alike by Thomas B. Reed, rep
resenting the extreme East, and Sena
tor Vlllson of Iowa, who may be as
sumed fitly to typify the West, comes
the following significant expression
from the Nestor of the American sen
ate, John Sherman, of Ohio:
I do not regard the present result as an
indorsement of the McKlnley bill or a de
mand on the part of the people for rad
ical tariff legislation. There will
undoubtedly be some members who will
regard it as such, but I hardly believe the
party will enter into any extreme legis
lation of this kind. Of course they enn
not do It during the next session of con
gress, because the president would not
allow anything of thut nature to become
law, and the effort would prove fruitless.
would not favor any great Increase of
duties. On the stump in the cumpalgn I
said very plainly that I wus a moderate
protectionist, and wanted only such duties
as would Insure a fair rate of wages for
the worklngmen of this country. Some
protectionists would have foreign goods
absolutely excluded by a high tariff. I
do not believe in this, as It would give a
monopoly to our home manufacturers
and bring on contests between cupitul
and labor. I believe in so placing the du
ties as to allow a healthy competition. If
I should see that any duty was making a
monopoly I would take that duty off.
This Is the voice of prudent and sober
Republicanism. It is in line with the
original principles of the party and it
points the only safe way to the con
tinued confidence of the American peo
ple. America was not made for a pro
tectlve tariff. A protective tariff was
made for America; and it must be so
framed that It can be conservatively
modified from time to time,' as condl
tlons change, without bringing upon the
nation Intermittent panics like that
which lias Just signalized Democracy's
unhallowed effort to fit America to its
impossible free trade theory. Republi
canlsm Is nothing If not expansive,
nothing if not flexible, nothing If not
progressive. The men who never learn
and never forget should honor some
other organization with their embar
rasslng presence. Up-to-date Republi
canlsin Is prepared to sit down heavily
on the extremists and chevaliers who
try to practice Bourbonism inside its
battle linos.
"It Is glorious and patriotic to uphold
our flag, and to follow it and defend it.
Thus said President Cleveland in his
speech at Philadelphia Monday; and
yet never a grin greeted this empty
platitude from the man who plotted
to restore Queen Lll.
As Others See Us.
, It is interesting, sometimes, to view
ourselves as others Bee us. Fortunately
this Is not Impossible, since in the es
teemed Washington Post of Monday we
are favored with the appended por
trait: Tho anthracite coal region In Pennsyl
vania is stained with more crime than any
other section of the United States is now
or ever has been. The record surpasses
in its bloody horrors the worst pictures of
ban I'ranclsco and Sacramento lust be
fore the vigilance oomnilttee took charge
of the administration of Justice in those
cities. Much as we hear of crime In the
Indian Territory, and we doubtless set ex
aggerated accounts, the reports are tami
enough when compared with the Penn
ylvanla record. Luzerne, Carbondulo
and Schuylkill countlei, rich and Intelli
gent as to their native and many of their
adopted cltliuna, are the theater of this
atanle onslaught on life and property.
These three counties have an aggregate
population of 400,000. There were about
100 murders In this res on between Jan
and Oct. 81 of this year. Only eleven of
tho murderers were convicted, and not
one was found guilty of murder in the
first , degree. Last year the number of
homicides was about 150, with few convic
tion and no fxecutlona. The record for
1892 ! similar to this in all respects, in
p'.l minor felonies there Is an equal prom
inence. Incendiarism, burglary, highway
robbery and nameless Boclul crimes are ro
common as to excite little Interest. It is
stated that, by reason of crimes recently
committed near Wllkes-Barre, the au
thorises of that city and of Luzerne
county have decided to organize and pros
ecute a movement for the repression of
crime through the courts. It will be a
herculean task, requiring a large outlay
of money, and it will not bo done in a
week or a month, but it is high time for
determined action. The disgrace Is get
ting to be an Infamy. The prosperity
of tho coal region and the continuance of
wholesale and unpunished murder are in
There are, to be sure, some blemishes
of detail on this pessimistic canvass.
The artist of the Post will search the
map of Pennsylvania In vain for any
reference to Carbondale county. Per
haps he used the word in a prophetic
sense. The point Is Immaterial, however,
in contrast with the picture's depress
ing general effect. We have it in mind
to grow furiously Indignant; and to
animadvert with crushing scorn upon
the fabrications of these numerous
coal-fields penny-a-llners who make a
beggarly business out of peddling dis
torted chronicles of this region's ex
aggerated badness.
Upon second thought, however, we
will desist. The fiction they retail Is
often ghastly In' Its crudeness; but af
ter all, It is not without some ground
work of fucts. The Inhabitants of the
anthruclte region do not, to be sure,
wear their hair long nor go about clad
In buckskins and bowle knives. They
are not yet in tho dully habit of killing
a man before each meul nor possessed
of the disposition which sardonically
revels In human gore. But a goodly
percentage of them are still on the
human side of absolute perfection, and
Bt-veral that we know of are 111 pre
pared to take their places among ser
aphs und cherubim. Lawlessness there
unquestionably Is among us; hence we
should accept the Post's unconscious
caricature in all humility and strive
some day to merit the honor of its dis
tinguished approbation.
Ex-Senator Ingalls' assertion that he
Is "out of politics" need not necessarily
be Interpreted to mean thut he will will
ingly stay out.
The Republican who construes last
week's big victory as a personal invi-
tutlon to build up a dynasty will in all
probability live to repent his mistake.
Dr. P. J. Gibbons, of Svraeuse. elves the
following interesting opinion in regard to
suspended animation followl
electrical shock: "1 claim that there are
no vital organs destroyed, nor Is there any
change In the blood caused by an alternat
ing current or, say 1,780 volts. On the
other hand, I believe thut a continuous
current could be applied from a proper
dynamo which should differ very ma
terially from the one current they now
use, which is the same as that employed
for the purpose of electric llirhtlnir.
There should be a different current of
electricity, that which is coarser. That
would make a change in the blood and
cause death!" Dr. Gibbons' apparatus
consists principally of a sort of bellows of
equal capacity to the human lungs which
may be used for the purpose of artificial
respiration until natural breathing can
be restored. By interbatlm or tracheot
omy the tubes will be connected with the
air passuges and the bellows, which con
be operated from 10 to 30 respirations per
minute. A galvanic battery furnishing a
current of four or five volts will be ap
plied to the body to furnish heat.
The Wllkes-Barre Times is disposed to
resent the publication, by outside news
papers, of facts concerning the "Klectrle
Eye of Professor Jesse C. Coles, of
Kingston. The Wilkes-Barre Times, while
nt liberty to be skeptical, might at least
be courteous In its doubt. Culling by
slung terms a contrivance which many
reputable witnesses have seen and mar
veled at will not alter the facts In the
case. The "Electric Eye " Is a wonderful
thing; almost as wonderful In its way as
the Wllkes-Barre Times.
Wllkes-Barre Is to have a ten-day food
exhibition, beginning Jun. 23, 1895, in the
Ninth regiment armory, for the benefit
of the Ninth Regiment band. Expert
chefs will show how food should be pre
pared and dispense free samples. Noth
ing is left to Srranton now but to get up
a . .
The advertising columns of any repre
sentative newspuper are unfailing ba
rometers to the condition of trade. Judg
ing by the columns of our New York and
Philadelphia contemporaries, business
must be picking up with a .vengeance.
The revlvul bus not reached full force In
Scranton; but it's coming. Now is the
time for wkle-awako advertisers to 'get
good positions at reasonable rates.
Speaking of Luzerne politics, I wonder
If George S. Ferris draws the same con
solation from the recent returns that Cap-
taln Parte does. Mr. Ferris could have
had Darte's place on the ticket as easily
as he could have fallen off a log. But his
friends feared to take a pronounced stand
In convention us between Lctsenrlng and
Williams; and before they could recover
themselves, Darto had walked oft with
the honors.
Artists have, as a rule, been very lenient
toward the bride of the new czar of
Russia. The features of the lady do not
loo!: cs though they had ever collided
with an anarchist bomb; from the expres
sion of the face there is no indication that
sho has ever written a hovel or posed on
the lecture platform; there is not a sug
gestion of tho seven Sutherland sisters In
the arrangement of her-collfure; or any
thing In the expression of her eyes that
would Indicate that she had ever searched
for huckleberries on the mountains near
Wllkes-Barre. The picture resembles that
of a good looking, healthy American girl
of ordinary Intelligence. The world of art
is evidently growing better.
Must Have Been Prank Clcmons.
From tho Chicago Tribune.
"If that man had spoken to me as he did
to you," said one of the bystanders after
tho crowd on the corner had dwindled
away, "and called me a driveling Idiot,
a sneaking scoundrel, a pie-faced mutton
head, a measly hypocrite, a hump-shouldered
vllluin, ami an all-round chump
with a skull fell of cold mush Insteud of
brains, I'd have knocked him down."
"Why. Great Scott!" respondod the big
good-natured man in the heavy overcoat.
"I'm used to worse than that. I've just
run for sheriff." J -' ,
Why Slngerly Is Happy.
From the Philadelphia Record. . "
"The completeness of fhe triumph Is the
source of danger," says Dr. Depew. He
Is not the only spellbinder who begins to
feel the misgivings as to the wisdom of
hlB course in turning on tho tidal wave
full head. -
In the steamer, oh, my darling!
When the fog horns shriek and blqw
And the footsteps of the stewards
Softly come and softly go;
When the passengers are moaning
With a deep and heartfelt woe,
Will you think of me and love me
As you did f week ago?
In the cabin, oh, my darling!
Think not bitterly of mo,
Though I rushed away and left you
In the middle of our tea. -
I was seized with sudden longing
To gaze upon the deep blue sea,
i It was best to leave you thus, dear,
Best for you and best for me.
,- . . .. Paris Gazette.
Senator Pcfter thinks the total Populist
vote will exceed 2,000,000.
. Robert T. Lincoln Is spoken of as a pos
sible successor to Senator Cullom, of Illi
nois. , . - .'"..
Senator Stewart Bays he will not co-operate
with Republicans uhless they give
him free silver.
Twenty-two states that have had Demo
cratic gerrymanders will Boon be fairly
reapportioned by Republicans. .
Judge Denny (Rep.) will contest the le
gality of W. C. Owens' election to con
gress In the Breckinridge district. .
The missing precinct of New York's
Third assembly district gives V. J. Good
win (Dem.) 97 majority for the legisla
ture. This Is Senator Allison's view of the re
cent election: "It means no radical ex
perimentation with the tariff during the
next two years, as proposed by the presi
dent, Mr. Wilson and others. Hence, par
tial revival of business."
Major McDowell, of Sharon, has for
mally locked horns with Secretary
Thomas H. McKee, of the Republican
congressional committee, for the clerk
ship of the next house. No other candi
dates have appeared, as yet.
The Ilazleton Sentinel is unkind enough
to allude to Hon. Morgan B. Williams as
a "stumbling block" and a "relic" who Is
"gone forever" from Luzerne politics. If
John Lelsenrlng has any hold upon the
Sentinel he should quickly put a stop to
nonsense of this kind.
Here is a piece of news which comes via
Carbondale: "An Important office at the
disposul of Governor-elect Hastings !s
that of attorney general, to which it is
said Major Warren, of Scranton, aspires,
with very favorable chances of success.
The statutory salary Is $3,500,' but the foes
thut come to the olllce make the position
worth about $ll,(Xw a year."
Contrary to the general opinion, David
Murtln, Senator Porter and other Repub
lican leaders of Philadelphia suy no may
oralty candidate has been slated, as yet.
The Held Is an open one and Senator Pen
rose, Coroner Ashbrldge, District Attor
ney Graham, Controller Thompson and
Director Wlndrlm are proceeding to oc
cupy it. Nevertheless, If we were dis
posed to bet, we Bhould wager one on Pen
rose. Here is one of Commodore Singerly's
unconscious Jokes, taken from lust Sun
day's Philadelphia Record: "The olfldnl
count of the vote gives the state senator
ship of the Twentieth district to M. K.
McDonuld, of Scrunton. He defeated
Vaughan by 170 votes. This gives the Dem
ocrats seven stute senators, In addition to
Green, who held over." The Record, of
course, had simply the Luzerne end of the
Twentieth district in mind. aughan .1
net plurality is 3.983.
Representative Hurry P. Walton, of
Philadelphia, Is In the Held ns a candidate
for speaker of the next house. He will
huve the solid support of the Philadelphia
delegation, as he had two years ago in his
fight agaliiBt C. C. Thompson, of War
ren. In addition to Philadelphia's thirty'
nine voters. It is said Mr. Walton has a
number of pledges from the country dls
trlcts. Ho also expects to get the solid
vote of the Allegheny delegation. At pres
ent everything points to his election. It
Is probable that the election of Mr. Wal
ton as speaker will result In the coun
try capturing the chief clerkship of the
house. That position Is now held by
Charles E. Voorhees. A. D. Fetterolf, of
Montgomery, apparently lends; but th-n-e
are combinations which msy yet throw
the chief clerkship to Fred W. Kleitz.
- m w w rzssz kv
Have just received a carload of
the celebrated
"The -best business desk in the
world," which are offered at greatly
reduced prices. The reduced prices at
which this celebrated desk, is now of
fered make them the cheapest in the
market., Within the Reach of all.
AS LOW AS $19.
A full line of office Furniture, Type
Writing Desks and Chairs.
We are now showing the larg
est line of Dinner Sets ever dis
played in this city. A splendid
variety in
If you want a Dinner Set examine
our stock before buying.
Coursen, Clemons & Co.
The largest stock to select from and the lowest prices In the
city. We prepared ourselves well before the recent great advance
In these goods, and can sarely say that you will save at least 25 per
cent, by making your selection from us.
We have 27 Inch Coney tapes, with big sweep, at $0t98, w orth $10.
21-Inch Canadian Seal Capes, with great sweep, at $14.98,
worth $K
30-Inch Finest Moire Astrakhan Capes, 113-inch sweeps $19.98,
worth $39.
Best Electric Seal Capes, difficult to distinguish from the genu
Ine Alaska Seal, 3l-lnch long, sweep 158 Inches, $09.73, worth $90.
Notwithstanding the great strike of the Cloak and Cape makers,
we still have as large a range of styles as ever.
Do You Wear Shoes
If you do and need a new pair, why
not examine the stock of
The Lackawanna Store Association, Lira.
Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Aves.
We are sole agents In this city for the
J. 8. TURNER & CO. High Ururte Shoes for
men's wear (these shoes took first pre
mium at the World's Kalr. t'hlcuiro), and
for IODWIN C. Ul.UT & CO.'S Celebrat
ed Shoos for Indies' wear.
We also handle the following lines:
f troiiy & Carroll,
J. 3s II. Fitzpatrtck,
Stacy, Adams Co.,
C. P. Ford & Co..
Thom O. Pliint Co.,
H.S. Albright & Co
If doslrod, will take measure and order
special pairs from any factory In the
Our aim Is to bo prompt, to give our
customers the best attention and lowest
prices, guaranteeing satisfaction on all
our goods.
Wo also carry a fine line of GROCER
A trial is whit wo ask of our ci'.lzea and we
will cudokVor to plca.
Wedding Invitations,
Wedding Announce-
Reception Cards,
Visiting Cards,
First-Class Work,
Prices Low.
Stationers and Engravers, '
Set teeth, $5.50; bost tot, (8; for gold caps
and teeth without plates, called crown and
brldgo work, call for prices and refer
ences. TONALOIA, for extracting teetli
without pain. No ether. No gas.
Special Sale of 10-4 Gray Blankets, 49 cents a pair.
Special Sale of 11-4 White Blankets, three-fourths wool and
w eighi Mg 4 lbs., at $1.98 a pair.
Special Sale of 11-4 Pure Wayne County Wool Blankets, guar
anteed, formerly $0.50, now $4.98 per pair.
China Closots reduced 15 to 40 per cent.
" NOV. 14, 1894.
Fine Dressing Tables greatly re luce J In price
If you would have the
Amount of heat, from the
Amount of fuel, you must
have a
Howard Furnace.
Foote & Shear Co,
The Specialist on the Eye. Headache, and NerTOna
nss relievod. Latest and Improved Style of Er
glaaes and Spectacles nt the Lowest Prices. Beat)
Artificial Eyes luserted for ii.
305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postofflco.
The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso
ciated staff of English and German
physicians, are now permanently
located at
Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn
Avenue and Spruce Street.
The doctor is a graduao of thu Univer
slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon
strator of physiology and surgery at the
Jledico-Chlrurgk'Ul college of Philadel
phia. His specialties are Chronic, Ner
vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and ttlood dis
The symptoms of which are dlzzincss.lack
of conliilence, sexual weakness In men
and women, ball rising In throat, spots
floating before the eyes, loss of memory,
unable to concentrate the mind on one
subject, easily startled when suddenly
spoken to, und dull distressed mlnd.whloh
unllts them for performing tho actual du
ties of life, making happiness impossible,
distressing the action of the heart, caus
ing Hush of heat, depression of splrlts.evll
forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel
ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as
tired In the morning as when retiring,
lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression, constipa
tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so
affected should consult us Immediately,
ftfd be restored to perfect health.
Lost Manhood Restored.
Weakuess of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your phy
sician call upon the doctor and be exam
";d. Ho cures the worst rases of Ner
vous Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca
tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec
tions of tho Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat,
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and
Cripples of every description.
Consultations free and strictly sacred
and conlldunla. Olllce hours dally from
0 a.m. to 9 p.m.- Sunday, 9 to 2.
Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom
blanks nnd my book called "New Life."
1 will pay one thousand dollars in gold .
to nnyone whom I cannot cure of EPI
. m DR- E- GREWER,
Old Tost OfTico Building, corner PenU
avenue and Spruce street.
Maurice River Cove, fi.
Blue Point and llVQlPlQ
Rockaway . . . UjOlGIOj
All kiuds of Fresh Fish, Lobster,
Hard Crabs, Escallops and
Sin imps; at
HAVING pnrchtstd the
1 1 stoek and rented the
Khoetnjr Forge of William
Blum & Son, I shall now
givo constant attention to
boelnfr hones in a practi
cal and acientiflo manner.
Quick work and good la the
The Scranton Tribune
" Bookbinding Dept.