THE SCH AN 'JON ' TWIBUNJbl WEDNESDAY" HOliNING. NOVEMUEit U, .1894. NORTON'S ME 0 js now going on at the Old Store. 322 Lackawanna avc, where the whole of the wrecked stock will be sold at prices . to interest buyers and move the goods quickly. Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, . Jilauk Account Books, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Room and Frame Mould ings, which have been dam aged by water aud smoke, much or little, and must be sold at some price soon to clear the building for repairs.. GOOD BREAD USK THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston mill Go. 1111 THE GENUINE POPULftR Punch Cigars " ; ' ' HIWE THE IWTHLS G. B.&CO. ' MPRIflTED OH EACH CIGAR, Carney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Hernia a Rnecialty. Woll known Scranton physicians in charge. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO., LIB!., 203 Washington Avenue. "PERSONAL. Oi'tiSP W. Owens U in New York on business. , ! Attorney T. A. I'owderly In homo from Xew York, where lie Hpcnt a few days. Edward Scott, of Jersey t.'ity, proprietor of the Iron KiiiR Clpir company, 1h in the city.. ; . MIsm Alinlra Konllinm, nf Montrose, is the ftuctU of .Mrs. J. It. 1'ordhani, of San derson uvenue. Sirs. W. A. I'.rooks, of P.inKliamlon, In FpvndlnK a few iliiya with Airs. 11. M. t'oli), of Capouse avenue. Mr. nnd Sirs. Willard Spenser, nrc Riicstg nt Hie Wyomlni;. Mr. Hpenser Ik the mi thor or "The Uttle Ty(.tn"; nnd "Tho I'l-lneruw Bonnie" operas. Tullio Moi'Kitn was culled to Now. York List night. Mr. Moi'Kan is one of the contributing editors of the American Vrcsu association of that city, nnd has under his chart'e about Hl newspiipers in (liferent parts of the nation. RAILROADERS WILL DANCE. Complete Arrangements for the Hull in Turner Hull. The Motorinen's nnd Conductors' Benevolent usFnolntinn, composed of employes of the Scran ton Traction com pany, will give their third nnmnil hull tills evening in Turner hall, on Seventh Htreet. Other balls of the assembly have been highly enjoyable, nnd llimn tlully successful, and judging from present arrangements this year's affair promises to be no exception. For the CQiiveniencc of the guests special rnrs for all parts of the city will leave the corner of West Lackawanna nvenue and Seventh street nt 2 o'clock n. in. The vurlotis committees have ninde the arrangements complete In ev ery possible detail. Mhlc Reudings hy Mrs. Davis. Bible readings will bo given by Mrs. Davis nt the Taylor Methodist church this afternoon and nlso tomorrow nf teinoon nt :t. m., nnd on fi'hursday evening she will deliver a ljcture on Ihe Three-Story House with One AAindow." Mrs. rmvls hus conducted n series of very miecessful revival meetings nt Taylor during Ihe pnst few days. , Our stoek of musical Instruments Is large and complete. Io not forget us. DavMow Bros. $ I Foe to Dyspepsia 4 0 IS LIKE A HOOD, TEMPER, "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE." . OS OTHER SIBECF CHANNEL fussing Events of the Day on the West Side of the Citv Noted. : CANTATA AT SI.Mt'SOX CHURCH l istened to by u l.nrge Audience- .Meeting of the Hoard of Trudc-l'roKi'ess of . , l'uving Project I'unernl of Patrick WaMi. A large gathering witnessed the pro duction of the cantata, "The Last Night at liethany." at the Simpson Methodist Kplscopul church last nighi. The choir of the church acquitted them selves handsomely and were cltlcieiitly assisted by various vocalists from Sertinton. Frank H. Koynnlds, who pr sided nt the organ, opened the proceed ings with a well played prelude, which was followed by the opening chorus. The quartette by Mrs. Frank Beck, Miss Clara Sanders, KM win llowen and John Jones was splendidly rendered, and greut praise Is .due to Miss Margaret Jones for the artistic manner in which she sang the contralto solos. The per formance wus well received In its en tirety, und Professor W. V. Jones is to be congratulated on the results of his work. Hoar J of TruJc Meets. The West Side board of trade he)d a meeting last evening in St. David's hall on North Main uvetuiv. D. M. Jones presided. After the minutes Will! read by Secretary Daniels, the matter of tuning Jackson, lioblnson and Ninth ntreot'wns brought forward. It was reported that property owners of u majority ot Xeet frontage have agreed to pave, and the Work will prob ably begin In a short time. Concerning the Mueslioii (,f the viaduct, resolutions were passed urging the mayor's signa ture upon tno bill, which has passed both select and common councils. The Park project was discussed, and It meets with the approval of the mem bers. Patrick Walsh HurieJ. The funeral of Patrick Walsh, of South (jariield avenue, who died of heart failure last Sunday morning, oc curred yesterday morning ut ! o'clock. A solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated In St. Patrick's church by Kev. Father MeXally, who preached an eloquent sermon. The lloral tributes were very neat in design. Oxford Mine Accidental Fund, of which the deceased wus a member, attended. Interment was made In the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The pal I -bearers were se lected from the fund. llricf Notes of Interest. Miss. Jennie Kichards, of Plymouth, Is visiting friends on this side. Airs. Henry Scott, of Towanda, has returned home from a visit with friends here. . Kiehard K. Thomas;, of Fourteenth street, is a candidate for common coun cil In the Fifth ward. William Shoemaker, of North Hyde avenue, is erecting u handsome home on North Sumner avenue. Misses Lena Gother ami Sophia Green way have returned home from a visit with Pittstcn friends. M's. Ituth Lnwrenei;, of North Hyde avenue, will soon return from an ex tended visit In Wales. Miss Jennie Lawrence, of North Hyde Park avenue, is slowly recovering from on attack of typhoid fever. The members of "Company V resumed their drill in St, David's hall last even ing, afl.-r several months vacation. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the liellevue Welsh Calvlnistlc Methodist church will give n sash social this evening.- Mrs. Mary Davis, ot Johnstown, will lecture this evening in the Welsh Cnl- vlnistie Methodist church. Her subject will be "Marriage Is Not n T'uiltir:" John Morris, of Rebecca nemie, and John J. Hughes, of North Lincoln u ve nue, have returned home from a hunt at Foster with fourteen rabbits and three pheasants. Frank Chlcllla, the Ttallan who was arrested on Monday evening by ('ou st. tide John Davis for threats, was given a healing at S o'clock last even ing before Alderman Johns, nnd held In D0 ball to keep the peace. ' The Scrauton Traction company has nxgnng ol men employed in laying trncks uloiig North Main avenue to Bull's Head, connecting the Hyde Pnrk and Providence lines. The tracks have already reached Tripp's crossing. This action on the part of the company will make the project of obtaining Tripp's woods as n public park a more feasible one. ' , ' SOUTH EMMTKK. Miss Lizzie Lynn, of Hawley, Is visa ing Miss Mary O'lioyle, of Cusiek ave nue. ., , George W. Owens, of Sanderson ave nue, is on a nusmess triu to :ew i oik city. The Frank II. demons llepubbcnn club will meet In Rogers' hall on Satur day evening. The Bohemian club will hold a ban quet tonight ut the home of Frank Clark, r.n Wllllain street. Mrs. L. C. Wetherby, for many years u resident of Park Place, is seriously 111 at her home In Curbondale. '. William Thornton, of New York city, formerly of this part of the city, Is vis iting his mother, on Oak street. Miss Nellie C. Lnngan, of Bloom ave nue, Is visiting relatives nt Hawley. She expects to witness the ninrrluge of her cousin, Miss Kate Frankland. The annual bazaar of the Puritan Congregational church will begin to night In Company H armory, und will be continued for the remainder of the week, A musical entertulnnnmt: will be held each evening. A number of boys while playing around Mrs. Stohl'x bakery on Main avenue, Monday night, knocked the wooden Indian, which stood on the side walk, against the large plate gl"..i Window, breaking It. Owing to the squeeze lr the Yon Storch mine, which hns lorced the Cayuga mine into Idleiv . the mules were taken out of the Cayuga mine and sent to the Brlsblu nnd Diamond mines until work resumes nguln -at the Cayuga. M. A. Goodwin, who has been man ager of the glass works ever since they llrst begun operations, has resigned to accept the position of general sales agent, With his headquarters in New York city. Ills family Will contlnuo to reside here. Word has been received that Miss John Kttringhuin, of Douglas Flats, Cul., has died after being oomflftSfctlr4 paralyzed for over a year and partially for over eight. Mrs. Kttiinsham, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Reeco, was well known In this part of the city. Her mother, Mrs.' Kvan it. Jones, wfl3 one of the I'm settlers of this place. She went to ealifomlu'iii IMS: Morris V. Morris swore out a war rant, Monday, charging I!. R. Yosberg with passing a forged check with his brother's name attached to It. Mr. Morris says that on Nov. 7, Vosberg came into his hotel and asked him to cah a check drawn by A. A. VosbVrg. He did so, but when he sent the check to Ids bank It was returned to him, with the Information that It was a forgery. The warrant was given to Constable Davis, but Vonberg cannot be found. David ,1. Richards, of Wayne avenue, died at noon yesterday after n long ill ness. Deceased was born in Khunmoy, South Wales, (il years ago, and haM lived in Providence for over thirty-three years. He Is survived by a wife and six children, William K., Richard J., Mrs. T. H. F.vans, Thomas, Joseph and David, all of whom live In Providence, except Mrs. Kvans, who has resided in Moosie for Home time. He wus u mem ber of Carladlawn lodge, No. ,'t, of the Order of True American Ivorites, who will have charge of the funeral ser vices, which will be held at'the resi dence on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. They will be conducted by Rev. K. S. Jones, I). D. THREE TRESPASS Sl'ITS. Itegan YestcrJay by Persons Who Want to Recover Dutnuges. I'liristophcr Smith, through Attorney T. J. Dug-Ran, yesterday begun an ac tion in trespass agaliiMt the Wilkes li.irre nnd Scranton Railmud company to recover $rnO dumageh. I lanlel Kull man also began an action against the Central Railroad of Xew Jersey to re cover SI.noo damages. These suits are the outgrowth of the narrowing of the channel of the Lackawanna liver at Slocuui Flats. Robert I. Savage begun, an action against Robert f. Wills 'to recover damages. His attorneys ure II. M. Han nah and S. 1!. Price. .ir. Savage owns property adjoining the Keystone brew ery at Dunmore of which Mr. Wills is one of the owners. A dispute over the line between the properties nnd the us." of a barn, which, Air. Suvago suys, Is on ids land, is the basis of the suit. To KcbnilJ .Matthews liiiildinu. Work will soon be stal led on a four- story brick building upon the Lacka wanna avenue lot of Matthews Bros., whose store was burned during Sep tember. J. J'.r Woolsey & Co., will erect the building. Scrunton's liiisiness Interests. THE TKIHL'NE will soon publish u care fully compiled und classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Scrau ton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beuuill'ully illustru ed with photogravure views of our pub- lie buildings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given un equal representation ot Scrunton' many industries. It will be an Invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new coin ers and be an unequulled advertisement of the city. The circulation is on u plan that ennnct full of good results to those concerned ua well ns the city ut lur. Representatives of THE TRIDVXE will call upon THOSE WHOSE NAMES are DESIRED in this edition. and explain Its nature more fully. Those. desiring views of their resldunc s In this edition will please leave notico at the offlee. A Hying Stmt. 217. These figures are not astonishing to the public when you know that these .numbers represent Duvklow Bros, ductile palace, where the public in general lauke Hying stin ts for bargulns. ' llny the Weber nnd get tho best. At Guernsey Bros THE PRETTIEST MILLINERY - FASHIONS ORIGINATE HERE. Our styles arc always ahead of all others.. This week we raise the curtain upon a new display of handsomely trim med and imtrimmed I fats and Bonnets. HASLACHER'S : MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. 324 Lackawanna Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank nnd Miscellaneous Books, Photograph and Scrap Albums, Teacher ami Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ ing Tablets. . : PRATT STATIONARY - STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. WHITE, We are showing a full prices, Union Suits a Specialty. , ' M EAR'S feS OF THE SOUTH SIDE ... " ' ' Minujlta Citizens Will Discuss Annex 1 ation Next Monday Ninht. MEETING TO IJE AT NO. S SCHOOL Civil I nKlnccr lilcwltt Preparing a Map of the Proposed District -Ountutu at Phillips' Hull This CvciliilK-Deuth of Mrs. Mnry Colcmtife If persistent effort avails to any pur pose the incorporation of a part of Mluooka with the city will be realized In a short time. It Is a question that has been kept agitated for several years, but neer approached anything tangible until a few months ago. The dlstrct looking forward to annexation embraces that portion of Mlnooka from the city line to the street near the fop of the Greenwood hill, and It represents a population of ut least 2,00(1. The ma jority,, in fact,- all of the citizens, are ready to sign a petition to be presented to the city councils. Civil Engineer K. F. Blewitt is en gaged to make a map of the 'district. He intends to start on the measure ments some day this week. A meeting of the citizens of Mlnooka has been called for next Monday night, and the matter will be discussed. Something definite will be agreed upon regarding tin; territory to be Included. Tbe main reasons that will be contained in the petition which councils will be pre sented with are that the district wants to be provided with light, police protec tion nnd fire protection. The meeting will be held in No. 3 school building and will be culled to order at 8 o'clock. Peutli of Mrs. Mary Colcinnu. The end of the long and respected life of Mrs. Mary fob-man occurred ycslei- duy ut the home of her daughter, Mrs, John Munley. of Beech street. Deceased had been alllicted for a year with rheu matism', but not until a week ngo wus her sickness thought dangerous. Be tides her daughter, with whom she lived, she was the mother of Michael Coleman anil of Mrs. J nines Murphy, of Omuha, Neb. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock with a hlyh mass of requiem ut St John's church. Interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Cantata 1 Ids Evening. This evening at Phillips' hall, Fig street, the members of the choir of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church will produce the beautiful and melodious cantata, "Genevieve." It will be a musical treat worth enjoying and may be expected to attract a good audience. The members of the choir have been carefully und tirelessly re heursing, and hope to give a rendition mat will please everybody. It is a worthy cause and deserves liberal pat roiiago. Thi hour of beginning is fixed nt the usual time, S o'clock. South Side Jottings. Emll Schmidt, of Prospect avenue who has been very ill, is reported much better. rne ;cratiiuu Aini.-uc ciuu will run a social ut Gerniania hall on Thanks giving. Miss Puella Stafford, of frown ave nue, is visiting for a few days In Ma ueJi, Chunk. Miss Annii SchanVr, of Cedar avenue, and Robert N. Evans will be wedded tomorrow evening at the bride's home, The new board of directors of the Scranton Axle works will meet tomm- row afternoon nt the plant at i..,0 o'clock. Alex. T. Council returned home ves- A Philadelphia silverware linn that 'ccentlv failed gave us an opportunity to . pur chase for cash over 1,000 ' pieces of lingers and best makes of triple and quadru ple plated ware at our own price. It goes on sale today. Cliancc Tor Hotel Keepers and Merchants We can't print here but a a few sample prices. Quality aud price tells the tale: Napkin Kings, engraved, triple ."(' Butter Knives, fancy patterns . ! Sugar Spoons, new designs liogers' Teaspoons, set of 6 !")(' Kogers' Knives, i8.() jSl.W lingers' Forks, 1840 UN Pairpoint Butter Dishes, letyies.SIS Pickle tasters,. 5 styles ,11s Dinner Casters, ,)S Cake Basket, engraved .MS This will be the greatest sale of Fine Silverware this city ever knew of. We know vou'll come. CO., 213 Lackawanna Ave. REXFORD JEWELRY SCARLET, NATURAL, FOR line of Underclothing and - & - HAG EN, .415 Lacka. where r, Mrs. he hud James Davenport. There will be a number of revival meetings' held at the Hickory Street Baptist thurch, comluoted by Rev. Si'liwendf ncr, ot St. Joseph, Mich., com mencing tonight at 7..H0 p. m. All Ger man churches of the South Side are cor dially invited to co-operate in this evaagellsfic work. J. f. Schmltt, pas tor. The repulf gang Is doing good work along-the South Side street cur tracks. Between Locust and lireck streets, on Pittston Hvemiti, there are rough sec tions that need overhauling. William M. Singleton, of Patterson, N. J., proprietor of the Meadow Brook Silk company, was at the mill yesterday and reported to General Mnnuger John H. Brooks that the outlook in the silk Industry for the coming year Is exceed ingly blight. rillsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity of 17,5l0 barrels a day. There Is a Satisfaction When Buying a. to know it at a you can replace moment's notice such pieces as get broken. Yon don't have to buy a whole set, but can select such pieces as you need. We have one pattern in La Belle China, But you need not buy tlie full set, if you don't need it, thereby reducing the price to suit your purse. VEICHEL & MILLAR 116 WYOMING AVENUE. Because the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, but drop in and look at our "OH Dongola" slioe3 for misses aud children, Shoes Are Cheaper Thau Medicine And when the children are wearing out Bhoes it's pretty sure they don't need medicine Then Again Our Shoes Are Cheaper Than Others Those "OH Donxolas" are Ihe kind that have good soles, throw oft' water aud dive you about halt more service lor your money than yon usually fc'Ct. Lace or Button. Ladies' Shoes in the same quality. YOUR SHOE MAN, 410 Spruce Street, DID YOU LOSE A HAT ON THE ELECTION? GET IT at 412 SPRUCE ST., or 205 LACKA. AVE offer superior quality at popular tijrday from Shnmokln, been visiting his siste Dinner Set P CESFQRS13.5Q China Ha DON'T SCHflNK CHRISTIAN.THEHATTER Ave., Scranton. LARGE VARIETY, GOOD We want to show you our MEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN . Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors ihe rasnioe 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. ' 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. iLLomsPEunniioiEi 50 Ladies' Beam worth $9.00, for Coats 100 Children's Long Coats, worth $to.oo, for 100 Children's Eiderdown Angora fur, worth $1.50. 1 case Men's Natural Wool 75c for VISIT Something New Every M LUNEBV DEPABMOT lit CHAINS FOR CHRISTINAS PRESENTS. Something nice for a Christmas Gilt. Chains made out of your own or some dear friend's hair. Leave orders us earlv as possible. E. M. HETZEL, - 230 Lacka. Ave. "ON THE FENCE." Snon lip over the swison for viJIns. you wnnt a biryrle now Is the tlnw 10 (tet it. We are rleurliiK up nil stoc k, ami will Kive you siu h u chance an you never hml before. One of our bnrnaltiH. .; A Klrst-i-lusH, llish Oralis J150 Bloyele. for K1. r.rliiK your ensh and CiET OKr THK FKNl'K. CLARENCE H. FLOREY, Successor to Flovoy & Holt. TT if if It would require the entire paper, ami perhaps mure, to do it full justice. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION: We're showing original and '. exclusive STYLUS IV I'HILDKE.VS ( LOTH IN (i that were never before seen ur heard of in this city. Any novelty iinac'inable is here at your disposal, such as ft : CREAT RENOWNED CALLEN COMBINATION SUIT Consisting of a Coat. 2 pit its of Pants, and a cap of all wool material, -WARKAXTE1) NOT. TO RIP. T:;v,:$fk25. IT'S A GREAT TRADE . 1 1 - ; We're delighting hosts of boys Straps combined, which go PRKK to 1 PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters.; ' STYLES AND LOW PRICES, and Oxford Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. in black and blue. $5.98 from 6 to 12 years. $5.50 Coats trimmed with for Underwear, worth 75c 49c OUR Week. See Show Windows. "IP NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. Wo arc now iIoIiik a Kenernl Trnig, Paint ami Oil business hi the above location, durliiK the erection of our store building recently detmyeil by lire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OCR TRLKI'HOXK CALL, NO. SS. All onlers promptly tilled uuil delivered ta any part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. y tP - ! NOW MS Silk Astrakhan Reefers, .Satin Lined, Shawl Collar Cape Ulsters and Over coats, English Paddock Overcoats for Children, Hood Ulsters and Over coats, different designs, Single, Double and Triple Cape Overcoats, a great variety, Reefer, Junior and Yestee Suits, Handsomely Trimmed, " and LAST, but hot LEAST, ' -THE- ' WINNER, 7, ; with the Scholars' Companion and Book Children's Clothing buyers, ; , i -V'li " : . AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. " S. L. GALLEN, 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers