TIIE SCRANTON TIHBTJNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 14, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. The Carnegie company, of Pittsburg, Which produced more Iron and steel In October than In any previous month In Its history, proposes to soon begin the erection ot four additional Immense blast furnaces. When the new furnaces are completed this company will have a total annual capacity of about 1,700,000 gross tons of pig Iron, or nearly one ninth of the present total annual ca pacity of the whole country. A charcoal blast furnace which Is oon to be erected at Ogden, Utah, will be 05 by 11 feet. It will have a 6-foot vertical blowing engine, and will be equipped with Iron stoves. The pipe foundry, to be connected with the plant, will have a dally capacity of from thirty to forty tons of gas and water pipe. A general foundry and machine shop will also be built. Negotiations are pending for the establishment of a email rolling mill for the manufacture of merchant Iron, for a stove foundry is among the poslbllitles. It Is hoped to have all these enterprises In active operation early In the spring of 181)5. The armor-plute department of the Bethlehem Iron company, of South Bethlehem, Pa., Is to have Important additions made to It. Two large open hearth furnaces are to be added to the four now in' place, and a large plate rolling train Is to be installed In the same building. Among the metal exports from Balti more during the last week in October were 600 kegs of nails and 26,880 pounds of wire to Dublin. Frequent consign ments of nails and hardware are made to the West Indies, but exports of American nails and wire to a British port, especially In the quantities shown here, are new and worthy of note. It Beems to show that American manufac turers are beginning to take advantage of the close approximation of prices In the two countries. A Pittsburg dispatch says: D. B. Oliver, of the Oliver Iron and Steel company, says that the big new tin plate mill projected on the South Side before the election Will now certainly be built as a result of the Republican vic tory at the polls. The Olivers and others interested In the venture are busy getting ready the plans. The com pany will be incorporated shortly with a capital of about $1,000,000. The con tracts for erecting the plant will be given out some time soon after the first of the year and the work will be started as early as the weather will permit. The plant will give employ ment to 500 hundred men as soon as It Is completed and twice as many before many months after. It Is proposed to make the new mill the largest of Its kind In the United States and one of the largest in the world. The estimated cost of the mill, excluding the cost of the site, is $400,000. Manufacturers and dealers are hope ful of a fair volume of business in holi day specialties, and are stocking up ac cordingly. In regular lines of business a more cheerful feeling Is clearly ap parent as a result of the elections, which have demonstrated that tariff tinkering will no longer have to be taken Into consideration In contracting for the future. Orders that have been held back will make an Important aggregate, This Is particularly true of the Iron and Bteel trade. The more seasonable weather is having the natural effect of stimulating Inquiry for winter goods, but as yet the demand for spring neces sities has failed to develop, , v MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: Pittsburg trolley cars now carry mall. The Chester Steel Casting company, at Chester, proposes to erect an addi tion to Its foundry. The Carrie Furnace company of Pitts burg has Increased the wages of its day laborers from $1.05 to $1.20 per day. The Pennsylvanlo railroad has seventy-five men repairing Its telegraph line between Berwick and Nantlcoke. Charles F. Case has been appointed traveling freight agent of the Erie lines, with headquarters at New York city.. Earnings of the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad for the last ten days of October increased $10,500. It is reported here that earnings for the second week of November will show for the St. Paul another large de crease. The product of the billet mill, as well as of the wire rod mill of the Illinois Steel company, at Jolllet, 111., are com pletely sold up for the remainder of the year. Chairman Donald has called a meet ing of the Central Trafllo Passenger pool for today in Chicago. The mat ters to be considered relate to reduced rates. The West End Chain works and the Pennsylvania Bolt and Nut works, at Lebanon, are running night and day, with the outlook for future business ex cellent i i The business of the Lehigh Valley Is Increasing, and during October the number of cars handled at Buffalo showed an Increase of over 16 per cent, over last year. The Lehigh Valley Coal company Is to acquire two more collieries In the Pchuylklll region. It Is also to open two new collieries in the Mid Valley region near Mt. Carmel. The Pennsylvania Steel company, of Fteelton, has decided to make the work ing time in Its shops eight hours a day, with no reduction in, wages,, to be effec tive on and after March 1, 1895. There is a general revival among the Industrial plants in the Wheeling dis trict. The Iron mills are full of or ders, and are putting on new men every day In order to rush out the work. The Birmingham Rolling mill, at Bir Ingham, Ala., la Increasing its force M2 mi imm llOVER SPILLED MILK nHAVE, .ppETITE ButTakeTIIE GENUINE JQHANN HOFFS MALT EXTRACT. -1 D0Z. BOTTLES EQUAL IN NOURISHMENT A CASK.Of ALE ..or j-r Af,rfr Commercial. of employes every day. New machinery is being added, and many other im provements will be madd shortly. The Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company Is having a new slope sunk near the site of No. 10, Honey Brook. This slope Is being sunk for the purpose of obtaining a portion of the big vein at that point. According to John H. Inman, of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad com peany, the largest producer of pig Iron In the south, the cost of producing a ton of Iron In that section of the coun try is $5.75 a ton. The new plant of the Morris & Bailey Steel company, at Wilson's Station, noar Pittsburg1. 'Is running on cold rolled steel. The company recently re ceived an order for 125 tons of steel to be used for skates. The movement of east-bound dead freight from Chicago continues to de cline, the total for the past week having been only 44,965 tons, comparey with 46,476 tons in the previous week and 54,932 tons In the corresponding week of last year. STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 13. The railway and miscellaneous stock market today was controlled by the question of u new government bond Issue, but the street did not know anything official until after the close of business. In the early trading the market ruled stronger and higher. The rise at this time was equal to ,4 to 2 per cent. This was succeed ed by a fractional recession, but when Western Union moved up VA to DO'4, the whole list Improved sympathetically. In the lust hour there was heavy sell ing of sugar, the stock falling 1. The steady selling of sugar unsettled the general list, which closed nearly steady; wet changes snow losses of to 1 per cent. Total sales were 201,000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock market are given below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by Q. du B. Dtmmlck, manager for Wllllum Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran- ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inc. Am. Cot. Oil , 'M't affi 28-T4 Am. Sugar Re'g Co. U3i 3'4 1, 91'i Atch., To. & S. Ke... GVi Vi, 5; b Can. South 524 ft!1 62'4 Ches. & Ohio 191 lll'i l!Mj, 19'i Chicago Gas 7Ms 77ti 7ti',i 7'4 Chic. & N. W 1034 l3i 102 103 Chic, B. & Q 7lii4 W 75V4 75- C. C. C. & St. L 39 39 381, 884 Chic., Mil. & St. P... 63H 63 (i3'4 63'lj, Chic, It. I. & P 654 fir.14 i (Hi!, Delaware & Hud....l27Mj 127 127 127 Dlst. & C. F 9 10 9 9 Gen. Klectlic SWi 36 36 3(1 Lake Shore 136'4 137 13t! 137 Louis. & Nush '.' 06 56 M Manhattan Ele lWri 106 106 M Mo. . Pacific 30 30 29 9 Nat. Cordage 1114 12 11 H'4 Nut. Lead 42 42 41 41 N. J. Central 96 96 96 96 N. Y. Central 10i 100 Hw 100 N. Y. & N. K.... 32 My, 32V 33 N. Y L. E. & W.... 15 15i 15 15 N. Y., S. & W 1 16 15Vi 15H Nor. Purine, Pr 18& 18 18 18 Ont. ft west 164 MV4 14 lt Phil. & Read. 17 18 17 ' 17 Rich. & W. V 17 17 17 17 Union Pacific l:Hj 13 13 13'$ Wabash, Pr 14 14 14 14 West. Union 89 90Vi 89 89 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op n- High- Low- Clos ing. est, est. ing. WHEAT. May CO 60 69 60 December fa bo m OATS. May 32 32 32Vi 32 December 28 28 28 28 CORN. May 50 ' 60 60 50 December 60 : . D0 50 50y4 LARD. January '.7.27 7.27 7.12 7.12 May 7.42 7.42 7.37 7.37 PORK. ' ' January . 12.45 ' 12.47 12.22 12.22 May 12.90' 12.95 12.60 12.60 Scranton Wholesale Market. Scraton Nov. 13. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb : 0a7c. ; evaporated apples, lOallc. per lb.; Turkish prunes, fa 6c; English currants, 2o2c; layer rai sins, Jl.7i.al. 80; muscatels, $lal.40 per box; Beans Marrowfats, J2.35a2.40 per bush new Valencies, 6a7c. per lb. el; mediums, Jl.70al.76. Peas Green, Jl.l0al.15 per bushel; split $2.60a2.60; lentels. 6a8c per lb. Potatoes-66a60c. bushel. Onions Bushel, 55aG0c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9allc. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 20a21c; coolers, 17al8c. Meats Hams, 10c; small hams, 8c; Bklnned hams, 12c; California hams, 8c; shoulders, 8c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c; sets, 15c. insldes and knuckles, 16c; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.46 dozen. Pork Mess, '$17; short cut. $18. Lard Leaf, In tierces, Sc; In tubs, 9c; 10-pound palls, 1014c. per pound; '6- pound palls, . 10c. per pound; 3-pound palls, - 10V4C per pound; compound lard, tierces, 6c; tubs, 6c; 10-pound pails, 7c. per pound; 6-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 7c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; Rye flour, $3. , Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.15. Grain Rye, 65c; corn, 61a63c; oats, 38a 45c. per bushel. Rye Straw-Per ton, $12al4. Hay-$14.60al6. Buckwheat Flour-J2.15 per 100, New York Produce Market. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 13. Flour Quiet, about steady. Wheat Moderately active, c. lower, closing firm; No. 2 red store and elevator, 58c; afloat, 69c; f. o. b., 68u60c; ungrad ed red, 52a60c; No. 1 northern, 87ali7',i( options were dull, Irregular, closed Bteady at ac, .under yeHterday; January, 59c; February, 60c; March, 61c, May, 62c; November, 58c; December, 58c Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2, 58c. elevator 58c. afloat; ungraded mixed,' 49aSOc steamer mixed, 5oa51c; options were dull and firm; November, 57c; December, 5oc; January, 54c; May, 64c , Oats Fairly active, firmer; options dull, CiMBU am av A f w MM FOR MEN MOST WORK. The Many Uncomplaining but Weary Toilers. , . They Go Without Rest to Make Sure of Happiness for Others. Overwrought Nerves Work Half Fed and Cry Out with Pain. For eight out of every ten who ever take a vacation, there remains behind some hard working, uncomplaining toller who Is only too happy If he can provide a rest and change for those dear to him. And it Is lucky If In many cases this self-denial does not get to be regarded as a duty, and the thought of a rest for one's self a thing Impossible. Tne number of such overwrought men, who simply toll right on without so much as a two weeks' respite a year, Is surprisingly large. Grateful wls'es and children should see, then, that these cheerful and un selfish fathers and brothers do not 'work themselves to death."' Signs of falling strength and nervous weakness, that none so quickly detect as they. should be promptly and firmly com batted. A thorough feeding of worn- out nervous tissues by Palne's celery compound soon does away with every form of nervous debility and exhaus tion. This great nerve and brain ln vlgorator, Palne's celery compound, supplies rich material for the repair of all the nerve tissues. It makes the thin, used-up blood again capable of feeding the system, and purifies it of all humors that work harm to the body. There are countless men so absorbed In business thut they disregard the In dications of nervous weakness and think that their neuralgia, headaches, and rheumatism are trifles. It Is the duty of those members of the house hold who see this gradual decline from health to Insist on a building up of the 'run-down system and a strengthen ing of the nerves and brain by a vigor ous tonic like Palne's celery compound. In every city In this country there are homes that have escaped sickness and misfortune because some prudent member has known the value of Palnes celery compound for strengthening nerves and brain, purifying the blood, and building up the vigor of the tired body. For overworked men, for nervous, "run-down" women, In a bloodless con dition, Palne's celery compound Is the regular prescription of family practi tioners all over the country. It has permanently freed thousands from neu ralgia, rheumatism, dyspepsia, kidney troubles, and blood diseases by Invigor ating the body, purifying the blood and feeding the nerves. Nothing gives strength like Palne's celery compound steady; November, 33c; December, 33Vic; January, 34c; Februarp, Xc. May, 3tl'ic; No. 2 white December. 374c; spot prices, No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white, 37u37V4e.; No. 2 Chicago, 31c; No. 3, 32ic; No. 3 white, 3i'ic ; mixed western, 33u34VjC lieef Quiet. Tlerced Heef Inactive. Cut Meuts Firm, quiet; middles, nom inal. Lurd Quiet, lower; western steam. 7.00; city, 7u7Vc; November, $7.60; Jan uury, $7.50; refined, quiet; continent, $8; South America, $8.50; compound, 5Viu5o. Pork Dull, steady. Butter Fancy firmer; state dairy, 13u 23c; do. creamery, 18u25c; Pennsylvania do., 19a25r.; western diary, llallic; do creamery, 15a2lic; do. factory, 10al4c; El gin, 25a2iic; Imitation creamery, 13al9c, Cheese Fair demand, firmer. . Eggs Moderate demand, Bteady! state and Pennsylvania, 25a2bc; western fresh, 25c; do. per case, $3a4.75; limed, 10c; southern, 24c. Toledo Grain .Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 13. Wheat Receipts, 35,000 bushels; shipments, 100 bushels; cash, 54:iic; December, 54c; May, 59:SiC; No. 3, 64c Corn Receipts, 13,000 bushels; ship ments, 12,000 bushels. Oats Receipts, 2,000 bushels; shipments 21,000 bushels. Cloved Seed Prime cash, $3.50; Feb ruary, $5.55; No. 2, $5.30. Buffalo Stock Market. ' ' By the United Press. Buffalo, Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts, 6C0 head; on sale, 420 head; market weak; good shipping steers, $4.40u4.50; light to medium, $3.9(a4.2o; common to good cows, $1.5ua2.15. Hogs Receipts, 7,200 head; on sale, 7,000 head; market weak; lorkers, good weights. 4 7llii4 80: lli'lit. S-I.70il4.8u: mixod packers, $4."iia4.80: good mediums,' $4.S0a 4. u; rair, n.unn.iu; rouens, iiui.wi siugx, $3.25a4; choice heavy sold late at $490. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,400 head; on sale, 2,900 head; mnrket dull and weak; good sheep, $2.U5u3; fuir to good, $1.75u2.50; culls, $lal.05; fair to good native lambs, $3.25a3.50; choice to extra, $3.00a3.80; culls and common, $2u3; Canada lambs, $3.30a 4.10. Chicago Stock .Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 13. Caltle-iRecclpts, 10, 000 head; market steady; common to extra steers, $2.85a6.40; stockers and feeders, I2a 3.50; cows and bulls, $la3.50; calves, 2.Mu 5.60. . ' Hogs Receipts, 44,000 head; market opened strong, but closed weak; heavy, $4.60a4.8Ti; common to choice mixed, $4. Ma 4.85; choice assorted, $4.65a4.80; pigs, $2. 75a 4.40. Sheep Receipts, 16,000 head; market weak; inferior to choice, $la3.25; lambs, $1.75a3.90. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. Tallow Is dull and weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4vfea4c; country prune, in uois, 4a4fcc. country, uark, in udis, 4c; cuaes, dc grease, 4c Oil Market. By the pnlted Press. ' Pittsburg, Nov. 13. Oil closed at 82"4c. the only quotation. When Eaby was sick, wo gave her distorts, When she was a Child, she cried for Castor!. Whenho become Miss, eho clung to Castor!, lien sho had Children, (he gave thea Castorl ! Situations Wanted. A YOUNG MAN. AMERICAN, DESIRES A situation; wlllingtado anything; 'Si yours of n Arnt-Rlnas In every respect: handv with tools: ! strictly emperata and reliable; good refuremce. W. r, Triuuueonice. A GERMAN WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO S. take in washing 11. T 1U1H. West Lack awanne, avenue. WANTED SITUATION TO TAKE CARE olun valid lady or children, by thorough ly reliable German lady, experienced In lmuso wnrK aniiwwmv; can lencu uerman. Auurot GEKMAiV. TrilHini omce. CITUA'AlON WANTED FOR WASHING, Ll iron ilir or ocruhbins. or any kind of wor by the d. Call or address L. A., 831 North bum nor a venue. OITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG 17 man In the butcher business, who has had long experience; will hoard with employer or at Home, ayna iurnisn uesi m rmerenre ana bond, 1C roquireu. Auuress uuitnui, inu une omce. OTTI7AT.IOM WANTED BY A YOUKU A man ii salesman in anvkind of store: has bad exparitiu'e In different kinds of business. Addresi Al B.. Tribune office. Will furnish b t of romVonces and bond, it required. T TORHE HIIOER WANTS WORK. STEADY 11 soberand Industrious; Best references. W. O'CONNELL, 817 JourU Street, Beuerua, bcranton. 01 CENT . A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO 8MALL) WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH Alia INSERTED FREE. Wanted. WANTED-TWO FRENCH GENTLEMEN M w ish to secure the serv cat of a ladv or gentleman to t Beb them the English language. Address P. O. Box 18H. citv. Agents Wanted. WANTED - ENTERPRISING AGENTS everywhere tn nnll Intent mud hnfifc hntlHP- hold article. Sond 10 ci-nts for sample and particulars. EMPIRE NOVELTY CO., Bing ham ton, N. Y. fANTED-A FEW RELIABLE WORK ers to 'II our Nnrserv Stork. Stieciul Inducements. ELLWANUcJR & BARRY, Rochester, N. V. WANTED SPECIALTY ADVERTISING canvaRaerfi familiar with nretntum mer cantile trade; money maker of IH'Jl. Also clever gin. canvassors on greatest sailor of the day. Stanley Bradley, 6 E. Itith St., New York. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handlo our line, no Deddlinn. Salarr. 5 per month and exuensi-s uaid to all. Goods (intirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6308, Boston, Mass. Help Wanted Male. :ANTTiDTW(fluEN order deoartinent: 10 weekly, after first mini tli. 8I-"). if satisfactory; tomorrow 9 io ii. ij. ijiorary uuuuinit. Helo Wanted Females. H TAN TED A TIDY GIRLFOR GENERAL V houtework. Must be a Hood oook. No washing. 019 Washineti.n avenue. IADIES CAN MAKE $3 DAILY BY FOLD J lug and addressing circulars for -as, at home. No canvassing. Position permanent. Reply with stamped envelope. MISS MARIE WORTH, Ashland.. O. LADIES - YOCR NAME SENT ON stamped envelope will give you steady work: srood- silarv. No eaiiv&aalnff. Nettie Harrison, San Francisco, Cal. For Rent. IVOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN LARGE r front office, No. 2 Price building, 120 nasmngion avenue TO L3T CONVENIENT HOUSES FOR X small families. Desirable location. Call at JOSEPH KOCH'S, ltoH Capousa avenue. IOR RENT THE HANDSOME STORE X1 Dresoutiv occunlod hv C. W. Freeman. Jeweler. Low rent. Fixtures lor sale. In quire at store. VOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST A- Lackawanna avenue. Addrnnn 'l HOMAS VANS, near 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. 70R RENT-ONE HALF STORE. 120Penn ' ... UOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL r suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEli- Min, iiu Wyoming ovouue. For Sale. IOWFOR SALE AT MRS, MAXEY'S. 519 V7 North Rebecca avenue, Scranton. Pa. Wanted To Rent WANTED-TO KENT A HOUSE WITH V V eiiilit or nine rooms, with niodoru im provements, 111 Scranton or Green Ridge. Ad dress HOME. Tribune office, Lost. I OST-A LARGE POCKET-BOOK .COH- 1J taminir Drlnteu advertising contracts of 1 ue 'i rinuue. r .naerwui comer a taror uy returning same to l no Tribune omce. Special Notices. VOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illnstrnted Week.v War Illustrations 1801-1805. Two Volume Folio, 10.50; payable montuly, $2.00. Delivered by expross compiote, rrcpaiu. Auoiew r, u. oiuudk , mo unison streor, eornnton, fa. 11 LANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAgT 13 zines, etc, bound or rebound at The Tnmi'NE omce. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144 111 corner bnruce street and Franklin five nuo. Twenty meal tickets lor $3.w. Good table board. legal. 7 STATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE J 01 me citv 01 scranton. count v 01 Lacaa- wanna. state of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters teshtmentory mum the above named estate- havinu been eranted to the under signed, all persons having claims or demands ogamst tne said estate will present tnemlor payment and tins) Indebted thereto shall please mnke immediate paymint to ihu.ua?) j. jiiLLt.x, t-xecuior. JESSUP & HAND, attorneys. Charter Application. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN -L aonllcation will lie made to the governor of Pennsylvania, on the 14th day of November, ItVI, by 'I nomas (i. fliluiiev, J urn is w. Jobn win. John A. Law, W. L. Watson and Charles H. Welles, under the act of assembly, entitled An act to provide for the lucorn oration and regulation of certain corporations," approved pril a. 1HV4, ana tue supplements tnoreto.ror the charter of an intended corporation tn becallud the "(.rytnl Lake Park Company," the character and objoct of which is the purchase and sale of real estate, and for these purpos-s to have, possrw. nnd enjoy all the 1 ighu. benefits and privileges of said act ot ts.embly and the supplements thereto. Solicitor. Proposal!. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE cuived at tho office of the Citv Clerk. Scranton, Pa., until 7.311 o'clock p. ni., Thurs day. December 0, 18V4, to construct the super structure of the Linden Street Bridge over the Lackawanna river, barn bidder shall Inclose a certified check for 10 per cent, of thi amount i f his bid as a guarantee that the contract will be executed. Tue check of tie successful rid der shall be forfeited to the city if he snail fail or refuse to execute a contract for the per- . . . i , . i 1 T i , lormance ui uie wuri, uuu n uunu, us uruviuvu in the prdinance and in accordance with plans and specifications, withlu flvo davs after the snme shall be prepared and subnltt d to him. Thoch cks of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them afior tho contract Is award ed. Bidders are requested to mail their pro p isils from the postuttlceof the city or toffu in which their p ant is situate. Proposals shall be mailed to City Clerk, and shall be marked on envelope "Proposals for Linden Street Bridge," The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Crunrlls. M T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scrantf.n,' Pa.. Nov. 12, lMit. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE coiveel at the offlca of the City Clerk. Scranton, P., until T.iW o'clock p. m., Thura day, I eeembor 13, 1894, to construct the mper Btrni t ire (or Spruce Street Bridge over the RonrniK Biook. Each bidder shall indole a certified check (or 10 per cent, of the amount i f his bu wi guirsutee tnat tne contract will be executed. The check of thesucceas(ul bidder Shall be forfeited t J the city If he shall fail or refusq to execute a contract (or the performance of the work, and a bond, as pro vided in the ordinHnce, and in accordance with plans and specifications, within five days after the game nhiill 1m nrenared and submitted to him. The checks of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them after the contract la warden. Bidders are requested to mall their proposals from the posUirtico of tile city or town where their plant Is situate. Proposals shall be mailed to City Clork and shall be marked on envelope "Proposals (or hpruce Street Bridge." The city reserves the right to reject any and an dius. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVJCLLE, City Clerk. Bcranton, Pa., Nov. 12, IWU. Reward. $10.00 REWARD. Ten dollar, raih reward will be nald to an person giving infnrmatk n that will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the party, tmrtioH. &vhn niRliclouslv tore own and i or car Hed awav the six sheet and three ahnet bill boards, nronertv of the Prothlngham Theater. from locations in the South Side, Providence, Pine Brook, Hyde Park and Scranton. or who may continue such.depredatlons. Call on tho undersigned, J. U. JuAlNK. Manager, J ' ' TUt FrotQingbkm. (onnolly '.& Wallace RED LETTER WEEK The Greatest and Cheapest sale of and AT 37Kc 40-inch all wool Henriettas in all the desirable colors, 40-lnch all wool Serges; every new shade represented. Thesa two Cloths are noted for their servieeable qualities, and have never been sold under 50c. a yard. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N. A. WERT'S (I I) WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY I SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH J BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock "of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL flERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Ll zurne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. AQENrins: THOS. FOMD, Httston, Pn. JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. WULLIUAN, Wilkos Barre, Pa. Agents for the Kepauuo Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED ' runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St fti I n 1 I) Columbus, Springfield, Dayton, Indian polls, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleoplng cars. Combination Library and Cafo caro. Ele gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America," Bee that your tickets read via the BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to 8. J. GATES, Oen'l Eastern Ag't, 4D Exchange St., Buffalo, N. T. M. E. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, General Passenger Agent; E. O. McCor mick, Traffic Manager, Cincinnati, O. BKITBB 8II0E CO., Ino'p. Capital, ft ,000,06 BEST Sl.RO SHOE IN TUB WORLD. "A dollar tared Ii a dollar tamed." , Thl. Ladles' Solid French Ikmgola Kid But ton Boot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., on receipiorcann, Money uraer, or 1'o.uil Note for 11.60. liqnal. every way the boots old In all retail stores for ii.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore w. fuar anlti hJlt, ityU and war, and If anVone Is not wtltllcd we will porona we muuvjr orundanolliorpair. uptra oe or Common Bent, wiaia. v, j, .I... 1 r i a. vtt Izo. 1 to s ana nan i. Send yotir tin; in ni you. Illustrated Cola. lotus frcc Dexter Shoe tK i 1 I POWDER i i tit 1 13 r .f'M, IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Dress Goods ever inaugurated in Scranton, BCftjllS FRIDAY, NOV. 9, Ends FRIDAY, NOV. 16. Don't Miss it. AT 50c Here U the greatest collection of Bargains you ever saw: 48-inch Serges, staple shades, were 75e.; Popelin Ottoman, 4(1 inches wide, staple colors, were $1. A large va riety of fancy weaves, including Jaequards, Prunelle Cloths, Satin Berber's and many others, in ev ery conceivable color. Never sold for less thau Jl, and our entire stock of 40 inch all wool Henriettas the regular 75c. grade, all go at 60c. a yard, and is the opportunity of a lifetime. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO our , . . I J ! ! ! Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many rmt rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of millinK STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new 'wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGABGEL Wholesale Agents. AN E3 1 NEW YO 9IN WASHINGTON. UK, PHILADELPHIA, With time to spare fur side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for iS hours la the beautiful fust new steamships of the OLD . DOMINION v. LINE And returning leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the full and early winter is delightful. Tickets include HOTEL ACCOMMODATION'S ot points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip.' Totul cost, $32.00. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOMION S. S. COMPANY, W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. ' Pier 26, North River, New York. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOatC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllln 4- Hand Powder Co.'i ' Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives AT 75c 50-lnch Btriped and check Sack ing, specially adapted for Child ren's Cloaks and Jackets; very handsome colorings; reduced froux $1.25. SPECIALS Hill Bleached Muslins, 30 Inches wide, only Oc. per yard. , Sea Island Brown" Muslin, 1 yard wide, great value, 4c. a yard. 50 genuine Marseilles White Quilta regular $2 number, at $1.25 each. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: IDEAL Ca9 rV (MILL fll 0 lilJH HT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETA'lU V Coal ot tho best quullty for domestic use, and of all Hlzes, delivered In any lirt of tho city at lowest price. Orders lrft nt my Ofllce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Rear room, first floor. Third National Hank, or sont by mall or telephone to the dine, will reeelve prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for th lale and delivery of Uuckwheat tioal. WM. T. SMITH. . What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For It. use Pononl's Powder.
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