EIGHT PAGES 5 COLUMNS. SCRAXTOX, PA., "NVEDXESDAY MORXIXG, NOVEMIfER 14, 1801. TWO CEXTS A COPY 1 BONO' BfflSJE INVITED Secretary Carlisle Issues u Circular Defining Government's Conditions. rim MILL10X 5 l'EK CEXTS. Three Wg Gotham Dunking Firms An nounce That They Stand Prepared to Take the f.ntlre Issue If Others lo Not Apply Promptly, By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 13. This cireulnr was Issued at :.15 o'clock this afternoon: Treas. Dupt., Washington, Nov. 13. The secretary of the treasury hereby Rives public notice that sealed proposals will be received at the treasury depart ment until VI o'clock noon, on Nov. HI, for I'nlted Stulcs o per cent, bonds, In either registered or coupon form, duted 'eb. 1, 1SIIJ, redeemable III coin nt tho pleasure of the government lifter ten yeurs from the date of their Issue, and bearing Interest payable quarterly, In coin, at the rule u per cent, per annum, Mlddcrs whose proposals are accepted will be leiiulred to pay in per cent. In goid coin, or (fold cerllllcales, upon the amounts of their bids, and lo pay in llk) coin or certlllcates an additional ID per cent, at the expiration of each ten days ! thereafter, until the whole Is paid; hut ' ' they may, ut their option, pay the entire I umount of their bids when notllled of ue- i ceptance, or ut any time when an Instal- j nient Is payable. The first payment, how ever or not less than 31 per rent, must lie made when the Milder receives notice of tho acceptance of his proposal. The denominations of the bonds will be JM ami upward. The bonds will be dated Peu. 1, lxM, In order to make the proposed Issue uniform as to date with the exist ing Issue; but interest thereon will begin Nov. 1, ISM, and bidders will lie required to pay accrued Interest at the rule of 5 per cent, on the face vuluu of their bonds from Nov. 1 to the dutu or dates of pay ment. The total Issue of bonds. In pursu ance of this notice will not exceed the sum of &U.UU0.UUI. The secretary of the treasury hereby expressly reserves the right to reject any or ull bids. (Signed) J. (J. Carlisle, Secretary of the treasury. Willing to Take It All. New York, Xov. 33. The success of the new govern men t issue is already assured. It can lie stated on the high est authority that Drexe), Morgan & Co., nnd Speyer & Co., anil John A. Stewart, president of the United States Trust company, and his following stand ready to take the whole issue. Drexel, Morgan & Co., and Speyer & Co., have sounded the feeling in Lou don regarding the new issue nnd have found it very favorable. They will ac cordingly put in bids for large amounts of the bonds, and If the public sub scriptions come in slowly,, will together take the bulk of the new issue. "PENNSYLVANIA'S VOTE. Complete Returns form All Election Dis tricts in the Stute, Ry tho United Press. Philadelphia, Xov. IS The complete vote of every county in the state shows Hastings' plurality for governor to be I'41,9'.i4. The full vote of the state for the various cuhdidates follows: Gov ernor Hasting:?, 573,69!): Singorly. 331.- 705; Allrnan, 10.171; Hawley, :n,;!i'9. Hastings' majority is :!U.".,4Si. Tho figures fur the People's nnd Pro lilliltlon candidates aro not complete, u number of counties buying failed to re port the vote for those candidates. For lieutenant governor, Walter Lyon re i-elved'i&'.twr., and Hilling 330.C6S; Lyon's plurality, therefore, Is 2:11,427. For au ditor general, Mylln got M7.M0, und Magee 327,(W4, making Mylln's plurality 240.29H. For secretary of internal af fairs, Latta received r6i,2!i7, nnd CJreen hmd 33",17il, making Latta's plurality 2UX.121. For congressmen nt large, Crow got 570,131; Huff, 86.1,855; Meyer, 326,11!?. and Collins, 322.11S; Crow's plurality, therefore, is 244,013, nnd Huff's, 241,737. RESULTS OE RIFLE PRACTICE. A Four-Year-Old Child Killed by Cureless Marksmen. Ry the United Press. Philadelphia, Xov. 13. Two XS-year-old boys named Joseph Snyder and Ueorge Pollock wei'itshootiiig ut a mark set up ugulnst the fence In Snyder's yard this afternoon with a rifle. One of tho bullets pierced the fence and struck in the head a 4-year-old child named Charles W. Moore, who was playing in the next yard . ... The child was taken to'tlre hospital, but died from the wounds'thls evening. Snyder and Pollock were arrested. Sny der admitted firing the shot that killed the little boy. 31YRON B. WRIGHT DEAD. The Congressman Kxplrcs In Trenton, Canada, of Typhoid lever. By the United Tress. Susquehanna, Pa., Xov. 13. Hon. Myron R. Wright, of this place, con gressman for the Fifteenth district of Pennsylvania, died in Trenton, Canada, last night of typhoid fever after a long Illness. lie was last week elected for the third term by 8,171 plurality. The deceused was 47 yeors of age. Ho leaves a widow and two sons, the eldest of whom la seriously ill of typhoid fever. THE DYNAMITE EXPLODED. Children Who Played with a Cartrldgo Are Very Badly Hurt. Hy tho United Tress. Reading, Pa., Xov. 13.-While three children of Aaron Dunkle, of. Long swamp, this county, were playing with a dynamite cartridge near a stove last night, it exploded and all were deadly Injured. - One of them, a boy, hud a hand near ly blown off, and the others were cut and burned about tho bodies. COLORADO JUBILATION. The Republican Victory Over Wnitc Cele brated In Denver. Ry tho United Tress. 'DenverNov. 13,-Tho Republicans of the state of Colorado held a ratification meeting here last night. The parade was the largest of its kind that ever passed through the streets of Denver. The towns throughout tho state sent large delegations to take part In the celebration. . The women of Denver who worked for the Republicans on election day took a leading pnrt In the parade, soma preferring to walk rather than ride In carriages through the streets. At the capital grounds speeches were made by Senators Teller nnd Wolcott, Governor elect Mcintosh, Congressman-elect Sha froth nnd T. M. Ilnwen, who was de feated In second district for congress. OWENS IS ELECTED. llrcckinrldgc's Opponent Has a Plurality of 101 Votes. l!y the Unlled Press. Frankfort, Ky Nov. 13. The ollioiul vote in the Seventh district, prepared by Secretary Headley today, gives Owens a plurality of nil. The total vote cast was ns follows: Owens (Uem.), 13,G.'i7; Penny (ltep.1, 13,57'S; JohiiBon (Pop.), 202; Finnel (Pro.), 5."i4. It is, said that Penny has employed attorneys to contest. THEY SETLLE THE CASE. The Pittsburg Nuns Heslgn from the Klvcr side Schools. By the United Press. nttsburg, Xov. 13. Having grown weary of the notoriety attached to their recent positions as public school teach ers, the nuns have resigned from Rlver slde schools. They will not resume as public teachers under the.Gullltzln decision of the supreme court. MYSTERY OF A DEATH. The Causes of the Suicide of Young Rey nolds Are I'uexplained-Who Are the White Girls? By the United Press. Xew York, Xov. 13. Oeorge H. Reyn olds, the father of the young man, Nel son Reynolds, who committed suicide In this city yesterdny, made a state ment to the coroner this morning. He said thut for the last couple of years Xelson had acted in a moody way, nnd did not seem to think life was worth living. On Monday morning the fata lly received a letter In which he Bald that when it reached them lie would be no longer among the living. Mr. Reynolds thinks that the only plausible theory for his son's death was melan cholia. He knew but little- ubout the two I young women, Kathcrine and Mary White, who called at tho house before ! and after the death of the young mun. I About two weeks ugo one of the girls, I accompanied by young Reynolds, up- plied at a house for a room without bourd. They were shown a room und' then they went away, promising to re-1 turn with the irh l's sist-i-. a feur hi. ura i later the two girls accompanied by Reynolds, went to the house and en guged the room. The young mun was a frequent visitor after that, ills last visit was Thursday night, when he brought a mandolin and played in the girls' room for several hours. The White sisters have gone away. They left their room about D o'clock on Monday afternoon, when they went out as was supposed to dinner. This morn ing the landludy found thelrbed undis turbed. Their trunks were strapped and nil their things packed. As their room had been paid for until Nov. 15, she supposes that they probably In tended to send for their baggage be fore then. The landlady is loath lo be lieve that the girls were mixed up in young Reynold's death, as she suyn they were very nice people. It was said today that young Reynolds had taken a great fancy to Kute White, the eldest girl, but that his family objected to anything serious. GREAT BILLIARD .MATCH. Shueffer and Ives Tournament Is Continued-Large Huns. By the United Press. New York, Nov. U-The billiard match between Schnet'fer and Ives was continued tonight. Ives scored f,32 points, bringing his total up to U'on. while Schalfer could -count but I.'ll'. SchulTer's totul score Is till:. The aver age of tonight's play was Schaeffer, twenty-three and one-fifth, and Ives, sixty-three nnd one-llfth, and the aver age from which, so far. Is Schaeffer, thirty-two, and Ives, forty-two and two-thirteenths. The largest runs tonight were: Schaeffer, 124, nnd Ives, 22!!. SIMPSON IS ENCOURAGED. Th Defeated Populist W ill Kun for Gov .ernorof liidiunna in IHDO. iiy thS United Press. La Porte, Ind., Nov. 1.1. A personal letter received here says that Congress man Jerry Simpson, who was defeated for re-election In Kansas, will return to Indiana and accept the Populist nomi nation for governor in 189C. Populist leaders In Indiana are en couraged to believe that their large vote means the overthrow of the Republican and Democratic parties in the presiden tial campaign. KEYSTONE VIGNETTES. niuzlng gas In a mine near Pottsvlllo fatally burned Oswald Luvengood. A Schuylkill county juror was sent, to jail for appearing In the jury box Intoxi cated. Thrown from his wagon, at Columbia, ex-Fire Chief William Yeunish wus In saintly killed. Attorney General' Kennel Is one of the Instructors at the Lancaster county teachers' institute. An aged prisoner In Lebanon Jail, Fritz Witlil, hanged himself, but wns cut down before life was extinct. Within a few months 300 pounds of but ter huvo been stolen from the Monocucy creamery, near Reading. Since Friday last Oseur Chance has been strangely absent from Chester, und his family Is anxious as to his sufety, Last night a bear suddenly appeared in the western outskirts of Ilurrisburg, He was chased to a park near tho driving park and escaped. WAETED BY WIRE. Tramps In camp neur Boone, lu mur dered und cremuted one of their number, named Kendrlcks. ' Mrs. D. W. Moody, of Chicago, claims title to 100 acres, worth ;hi,hoo,iaki, In the heart of Streutor, 111. A concealed case of small-pox among New York's West Bide tenements hus de veloped thirteen others. Aeronaut Ivy Baldwin has been en listed In the urmy at Denver, Col., to train the hIkiiuI corps In ballooning, For wrecking a train nt. binges Tun nel, on the Norfolk und Western, a month ago, William Souther huV just been ar rested at Huntington, W. V. For swindling his own firm out of $22 000 by forgery, Herman Clarke, of Hunter, Clarks & Jacob, Insolvent New York broker!, was sentenced to prison for two year and four months. FUNERAl ALEXANDER Impressive Ceremonies on Arrival of Kemains at St. Petersburg, YISIT0KS THRONG THE CITY Cnr Nicholas and the Prince of Wales Walk in the Procession-United States He-presented by .Minister llreckln. rldgc-i:inblems from America. By the United Press. St. Petersburg, Xov. 13. Tho preparations for tho reception of the body of Alexander lit in this city, today, were hardly equal to those in Moscow, and in consequence of a thaw, followed by fog and snow fall, the pro cession had to march through deep slush and mud. The heralds yesterday announced that the body would arrive at 10 o'clock this morning. The hotels were crowded to their full capacity with visitors from nil parts of Russia and the continent, and windows nlong the route of the procession had been readily rented days ago nt 100 roubles. Preceding the ceremony of removing the body from the Xlcholns station to the fortress three guns were tired. Af ter the third gun the church bells were tolled and throughout the day minute guns were fired. When the funeral train arrived at the Nicholas station ut fl.55 a. in., the station was crowded with the nobility of Russia and represeta tives from every other European coun try. The hearse stood ready to receive the remains of the dead emperor ami nround It was ranged the guurd of hon or, ull representatives of the navy. Jn addition to these there were a largo number of clergymen, choristers and others uwaiting the arrlvul of tho train, and beyond the limits prescribed by the police and military was an immense crowd of people. .Vn Impressive Spectacle. Amid the snlemn music of the band, and the chanting of priests nnd singers, the long funeral train slowly stole into the station, until the mortuary car was opposite the steps leading to the hearse, when It came to a full stop. With candles and Incense the priests stood In a group lining the steps, the metropoli tan of St. Petersburg and tho higher clergy at the top, and the roll of the drums of the grenadiers mingled with their chanting, showing the hurmonv ot til tributes of the church and nrmv to tneir lormer head. A boy choir began a chorus, in which the men Joined, and the volume of vocal music swelled high upon the frosty ulr. The procession moved at 10.30 o'clock. The coltin was covered with u goldi.Mi pall lined with heavy ermine. . The prince of Wales walked with the Czar Nicholas, each wearing a uniform similar to the one he- wore in Moscow, only more eluborate. This characteri zation is true of the whole procession. It was conducted upon the same plan as that in Moscow, only more elaborate ly. The flJor of the cathedral of St. Isaac's was covered with black cloth. ; the edifice, built of massive stone and full of dignity, wus in sharp contrast I to th' gem-like rathedr.il of St. Michael i the Archangel in Moscow. i N laitering the Cathedral. The procession nrrived nt the cathe- I dial at 1.20 p. m. The cotliu was ut . once placed ut the catafalque and a, i requiem service followed, lasting an j hour. The body was then exposed to public view, and immediately long lines I i of people, anxious to see the dead czar's face, begun passing through the cathe dral. The lying in state will contii lo until the day of tho funeral. Const! (it musses will be celebrated. I President Cleveland und the Untied States were represented In toduy's cere monies by Minister llrecklnridge mid the entire stuff of the United States legation, nnd by Lieutenant Rogers, naval attache at Paris. The American colony sent seventy wreaths to be placed on the czar's collin. MINISTER IN A DUEL. Dcspcrule Liicountcr llctwcen a Plucky Clergyinun anJ u Uurglar. By the United 1'rei.s. Xew York, Xov. 1.1. Rev. Frederick C. Seckurson, the nssislunt pastor of the Clinton Avenue 'Congregational church, Rrooklyn, hud a thrilling ex perience with a burglar early today, und narrowly escaped with his life. Mr. Seckerson was awakened this morning by the sound of some one moving about the room. Hy the dim light he discov ered the form of a man moving stealth ily about. The clergyman reached for his revolver and sprang to the floor. The burglar drew u formidable buck horn handled bovvle knife, with a blade ten inches In length, with which he made a lunge at the clergyman. Tho blade penetrated the fleshy part of Mr. Seckerson's left forearm, Inflicting an ugly wound from which the blood flowed freely. Both men then grappled, and a haiid 10 nanu siruggie lor me ensueu. Air. : seckerson munagetl to tire a shot at the I man, wnicn eviuentiy iook enect, as lie at once released his grasp and stag gered toward the open window, through which he mude his escape. The burg lar has not yet been caught. MVSKRATS WRECK A 31ILL.. Tumbled Into the River by the Caving of the liiirih. Ry tho United I'rcss. Elkhart, Ind., Xov. 13. The Elkhart Knitting mills, employing over 100 hands, was completely demolished liy burrowing muskrats undermining the building. The extensive machinery and thousands of pairs (of hosiery were hurled Into the St. Joseph river by the caving-ln of the earth. Only n portion of vth.e building remains. The loss Is estimated at $10,000, EARTHQUAKE IX JAPAN. Houses Swallowed by Opening Ground. .Many People Killed. By the Vnltedjess. Shu Francisco, Nov. 13. Tokio, Japan, Oct. 30.Correspondence to the United Press per Btenmer Peru: Japan has been visited by another disastrous earthquake. Sukata, a town on the northwest coast, suffered most severe ly. The ground fissured In many pluces, poured out muddy water which con verted the etreeta Into rivers and the horror nf calamity was accentuated by a conflagration that . destroyed SilO hoidses. Two houses - were actually swallowed by the opening ground.' . Altogether 300 people were killed and 200 wounded In Sakala- and the sur rounding districts, while thcwjiumber of houses destroyed by tire was over 500, nnd 'an equal number wore shaken down. VIOLENT COAST STORMS. (rent Damage from (Jules Along the I ng lisli Channel. By I he United Press, London, Nov. 13. The gale along the English channel last night was tho most violent experienced this year. The channel steamers report having had fearful passages. The war. ships an chored. nt St. Malo, France, were In serious danger and put to sea Hying s-flgnalsi of distress. Cherbourg and other ports are crowded with damaged craft. The storm was very violent in Paris. Much damage was done to chimneys, roofs and windows. Three persons were killed by falling chimneys and several more were Injured. The velocity of the wind, as recorded on the Eifel tower, wus eighty-two miles an hour. Deaths and injuries, due to the storm, are reported from Nantes, Rouen und other towns In France. The loss of property nnd live stock by the Hoods in PeVon, Cornwall, Dor set, Somerset and elsewhere in England, Is enormous. TIES ON THE TRACK, The Attempt to Wreck u Central Vermont Train lulled. By the United Press. Mulone, X. Y Xov. 13. An attempt was made to wreck a train on the Cen tral Vermont railroad between Cateau gny und Charubusco. A large number of ties were piled across the rails at one of the worst places possible' for a wreck to occur. An engine smashed into Uio construction, but did not leave the rails, although it was badly damaged. Men were hurried to the rear to sig nal an incoming train. Heavy tics were found wedged between wheels and also the cowcatcher. The olllclals have en deavored to hush up the matter, hoping to capture the would-be wreckers. REVOLTING HAKBARITV. Child Seated on Ited ' Hut Stove Its Tongue Also Slit. Ry the United Press. Philadelphia. Xov. 12. A case of bur burlo treatment, on the jiart of n foster mother was revealed before Magistrate Pole today, when Susan Rruce, colored, was arraigned on the charge of cruelty to her G-ycur-old charge. Resslo. The child had been placed on n red hot stove and alter being terribly burned, its tongue was silt by the wo man to prevent it from informing neighbors of the cruelty. The woman was held in $S00 ball. iMR. POWDERLY EXPECTED. Knights oflLubor Regin Their Delibera tions in Peucc. By the United Press. Xew Orleans, Xiy. 12. The Knights of Labor session opened hero today. The representation at the meeting Is large and influential, nnd it Is antici pated a large measure of legislation will he enftOd beneficial to the order. -Mr. Powderly, it was stated, will reuch here tonight, when it is expected the tight over control of the order will begin. RUSSIAN AGITATION. The lriends of l!d. Morgan Desire the Sculp of Just. By tha United Press. Mussillon, ()., Xov. 13. At C o'clock this evening tho friends of young Ed. Morgan, the Russian, who was shot, yesterday, by Marshul Louis Just, of Rurnhlll, are assembling. John .Mor gan, the lad's father, is at their head. It is evident that they wunt Just. Thirty deputies have been hastily sum moned lo preserve the peace. ARKANSAS l'OREST FIRES. farmers lighting the Plumes to Save Their Homes. P.y the United Press. Reebe, Ark., Nov. 13. The forest fires are approaching dangerously near this place. The city wus enveloped In smoko last night and today It hangs like a pall. The situation at Neelyvllle Is alarm ing;, and farmer are fighting day and night to save their homes and build ings. WALTON FOR SPEAKER. The Philadelphia Delegation Decides to Present Ills Name. By the United I'rcss. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. The Republi can members elect of the state house of representatives from this city held a caucus this afternoon. They decided to support Henry V. Walton, of Philadelphia, for speaker. KILLED 1JY EIRE DAMP. Twenty Saxon .Miners Lose Their Lives in a Colliery Accident. uy tne Vnlted Press i),vsden, Xov sden, Nov. 13. An explosion of fire damp occurred in the Pluto colliery at Wless, Suxony, yesterday. It killed twenty miners and Injured a great many more. CABLE CULL1NGS. France will construct a great new naval and military port ut Pessin. King Humbert will send the Prince of Naples with a royal letter to the new czur. Italian railways have been Immensely defrauded by forged tickets and false, booking returns. Spain has announced the appointment of a tnrllT commission for the home gov ernment and Cuba. cleovy ruins ihave) flooded parts of Oreat Hrituln. At St. Ives, tfornwull, peo ple have been rescued In bouts. So successful a debut was mude by Miss Edyth Walker, a New York actress, In Rerlln opera, that her manager signed her for a tlvo-years' contract. The pope has authorized the patriarchs to maintain a resident bishop In Hume to assist In the plans to develop the Catho lic clergy in the Orient and prepare for a union of the churches. FROM WASHINGTON. Populist eyes are peering Into the pap pot of the next senate. j Commodore Norton lias been ordered to command the Mouth Atlantic station, with the Newurk as his flnsshlp. , Rear Admiral Walker has been tempo rarily assigned to duty as president ot the naval examining and retiring bourd. Tho Association of American Agricul tural Colleges and Experiment Stations Is holding Its eighth annual convention In .Washington V ' . is " . . RECALLS JACK THE RIPPER Another Yuunt .Japanese Woman in Denver Is Mvsterionslv .Murdered, IS STRANGLED BY A TOWEL The Peculiar 1 utnlity Which Pursues the Luckless Inhabitants of Stranglcr's l(o Is Again Illustrated In a .Most Wood Curdling .Manner. By I he United Press. Penvcr, ?olo., Xov. 13. "Strunglcr's Row" was the scene of another murder early this morning. About 1.15 o'clock, 1H75 Market street was visited by the fiend whose strange hobby Is to choke women to death, und iviieu ue ion me place jviku uyitmtt. a Japunese girl, was a corpse, with the marks of the strunglcr's work upon her throat. This morning's murder was committed in the row of houses in which Lena Tapper ami Marie Contns solt were' strangled. The mode of the Japanese girl's death, too, was exactly similar. After partially choking her, the mur derer completed his work by tying u towel around her neck and tightening the noose until life left her body. Klk i Oyama was 21 years of ago and emi grated from Japan to Chicago with tho representatives of her native land to the Columbian exposition. There she made the acquaintance, of Tmi Oyama and together they came to Denver last November. Imi Oyama, says he was the dead woman's cook, but the neigh bors say he lived with her as her hus band. He was the first person to enter the girl's room niter her death. Hud Keen u Desperate Struggle. In the room where the murdered woman was found there was every in dication that a desperate struggle had taken place. The bed clothes were dis turbed and the white spread was cov ered with blood In spots. A Turkish bath towel had been used to choke the woman, and there was another towel ''"'if l'l,nn a oressing table. The first towel was tw isted Into a rope and there is every evidence that the victim was thrown buck upon the bed after the towel had been 'placed about her neck, and then deliberately garrotod. No money was found In the room, and. It Is believed, the woman was robbed. Iml Ayama and several other Japanese have been arrested on suspicion. The excitement among the women Inhabit ing the part of the city where the mur ders by strangulation have occurred is Intense, WANT TO BE ANNEXED. The American Union l'urtv In lluwaii Sweeps the Field. By the United Press. Washington, Xov. 13. The latest ad vices from Hawaii show that the Amer ican Union party, which represents the annexation sentiment in the islunds. Hot only made u clean sweep In the election of Oct. 2!i for senators and rep resentatives, but that there are few persons In the country who oppose an nexation. Annexation to this Country over shadows every other consideration. Private letters received from Honolulu show that the annexationists believe that their dream will be realized within the next two or three years ut the far thest. FISHERMEN (JET HACK, Six Jersey-Anglers Recovered us It Were from the briny Deep. Ry tho United Press. Cape May, N. J., Nov. 13. A telegram was received here today from Savanuh, (ia., announcing the safe arrival there, aboard a vessel, of the six missing Anglesea fishermen, who were supposed to have perished in a storm on Nov. .", while out ut sea in their bunts fishing. On Nov. sixteen fishermen put out in their boats from Anglesea, and they were ull cuVight in the storm and their bouts dispersed. Within a duy or two ten of the men had been landed at different ports by ivessels that had picked them up, but hope for the re maining 'six had. about been aban doned. SUPREME COURT ENDS. Vive Eastern District Cases Were Heard nt This Term. I!y the United Press. nttsburg, Pa., Nov. 13. The supremo court today finished the work of the October term and rose. Its next session will be in Philadelphia, beginning on the llrst Monday In January. Five eastern district cases were heard at this term. Right cases wore argued from the eastern district. Among the decisions handed down to day was the following by Justice Jlc C'allum: Commonwealth vs. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Schuylkill Railroad company, appellant. lauphin, allirmed. NO MONEY IN IT. Possibly Thut Is Why .Mr. Russell Doesn't Hunt the office. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 1,1. Ex-Governor William K. Russell, of Massachusetts, who was on Saturday hist appointed a member of the Hoard of Indian com missioners, says he has received no no tification of his appointment und that his professional engagements are such that they will prevent him from ac cepting. The position is-purely an honorary one. imly traveling expenses ure al lowed the commissioners. FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. The Republicans Will Have a Clean Ma jority of Rlrt Members. By the Unlled Press, Washington, Nov. '13. The Republi can national congressional committee tonight gives out a revised list of the membership of the house of representa tives of the next congress. The total gives the Republicans 240 members; Democrats 104, and Populists C. , . ' ... RIGHT SORT OF SHERIFF. Five Inruly Outlaws Knocked Out, One Aftcf the Other, by llira. Ry tho United Press. Anderson, Ind., Nov. 13. Sheriff Van dyke has been bothered for the past month by live outlaws who aro await ing penitentiary trials. They have been Di8ultlng him and his family repent- edly In- the grossest manner. Last night their conduct passed endurance, nnd, locking the otllce door, he opened the cell gratings and Invited them out Into the otllce. They obeyed and made a murderous rush at him. He met them all single handed and with ban- lists. la less than a minute they were all laid out on the door unconscious. He ami his little daughter revived them and they obeyed when he ordered them back to their cells. Their injuries in some cases are serious. CAT .MEAT FOR 'POSSUM. The Sharon .Muennerchur Club W ere Im posed L'ponund Want Heenyc. Ily the United Press. Sharon. Pa., Xov. 13. Several days ago the members of the Maennerchor club gave a 'possum bake to a number of their friends. They all pronounced I the dish superior to any they had tasted before. They might have remained in Ignorance of the facts in the case had Oeorge Jones, a Rrookfleld, )., citizen, of whom they hud purchased the 'pos sum remained quiet. A neighbor asked Jones what had be come of his big bouse cat. Jones laughingly remarked thaf a Sburon del egation hud requested him to hunt them u 'possum. He wns unsuccessful In his hunt and butchered his old torn cut, dressed It and sent it to Sharon. The club membership Investigated the case and found Jones' statement to be true, and have begun legal proceedings against the maltese vender, THEY ABE NOT PLEASED. Uailroud Officials lvxprcss Themselves Somen hat l'reely Upon the ltcport of tho National l abor Commission. Ry tho United Prens. Chicago, Xov. 13. Railroad nfllclals in Chicago, when asked for their opin ions and other remarks on the subject of the report of tho national labor com missions strike investigation, were averse to indulging in extended com ments, excusing themselves on the ground that they could not judge the reports from the published extracts. A general manager, who would not con sent to have his name published, said: "That report Is the most foolish pro duction which has emanated from the present nailonnl administration. J guess. If ull was known, that Debs hud a good ileal to do with the writing of that report. Nothing, else, however, was to be expected frum u commission composed of such men us Carroll U. Wright. It is In effect that a set of hood lums may band themselves together to" destroy property and assault and kill employes on duly, while it is conspir acy and outrage for. the managers of railroads to adopt measures for the protection and operation of properties entrusted to their care. General Manager Merrill, ot the Bur lington, said: "The report is just what 1 expected from the mothod the com mission pursued in taking testimony. It did not appear to be the aim of the commission to have the railroad com panies' side presented, us it should have been done. Report cannot, change the policy or management of tho railroads." GREAT CHURCH CONGRESS. Opening lAercises at the Meeting ot lloston. Ry the United Press. Roston, Nov. 13. With nil the pomp nnd with the full beauty of the church liturgy, the sixteenth annual session of the great church congress of America was formally opened in Trinity Episco pal church this morning. In the afternoon a church temperance conference was held in the same church with addresses by Rlshop Lawrence ami other leading clergymen. Tills evening the real work of the con gress wus begun in Music hull with un uddress of welcome by Rlshop Law rence. GENERAL CLAY WEDS. December and .Muy Unite Despite Their Disparity in Ycurs.l Ry the Unlled Press. Lexington, Ky., Nov, 13. General Casslus M. Clay was married to pretty Dora Richardson at 10 o'clock this morning, 'Squire R. M. Douglass of ficiating. Only tho farm hands and relatives of the girl were present. ' (leneral Clay's children did nil they could to prevent their aged father from marrying Miss Richardson, who Is only li years old, but he paid no attention to their entreaties. TEMPERANCE OBJECT LESSON. Drunken Couple O uar re I, I'pset the tamp und l.oso Their Lives, Ily the Unlled Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. John Reardon, aged 4.ri years, and his wife Lizzie, live yeurs his Junior, died today from tho effects of burns recelve'fl lust night nt their home, 42". South Seventh street, where they conducted n restaurant. Roth had been drinking during the day nnd when they retired it Is sup posed they upset a lamp while quarrel ing. TERRIFIC WIND STORM. I'iftecn Deaths Occasioned in Ilclgium by the Klotlng Elements. Uy the United Press. P.russels, Nov. 13. A terrific wind, ruin anil hall storm prevailed In this city und vicinity today, doing immense damage to property and involving loss of life. So far fifteen deaths are re ported. During the storm the roof of a fac tory at Ath was carried away, killing four persons, WITH NONVUNIOX MEN. r nlted Stutes Iron and' Tin Piute Com (puny begins Operations, Hy the United Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 13. The United States Iron and Tin Plate company started me of Its mljls at Demmler sta-1 tlon today with non-union men. The few striking employes who gath ered about the works created no dis turbance. Two Children Cremated. Ry the United Press. Natchez. Miss., Nov. 13. The bouse of Louis Williams, nine miles below Natchez, burned at 1 o'clock this morning, and two youhg children were cremated In tho blaze. Williams nnd an older child were also badly burned. WEATHER REPORT. Showers, followed by fair; wind shitt ing to west. Rnleys I Offered at Prices Far Below Their Real Value. 80 Children's SchoolUnibrellaa, 2C or 2S-ineli, natural wood or ox idized handles, at 43c. 100 Ladie3' Umbrellas, ''Extra Gloria," 2G-ineli Puragou frame, beautiful line handles, $1.00. 10 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled Union Silk, natural wood, rnbber nnd born handles, $1.75. GO Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled Union Silk, black, brown, nary garnet and green, handles, small Dresden knobs, ivory, natural root or fancy bent sticks, with neat silver trimmings, $2.25, $2.75. 3.25 and 3.75. 100 Gent's Umbrellas, English Gloria, 75c; Silk Gloria, 81.00; Union Twilled Silk, $1.50 and $2 Extra Union Twilled Silk, $2.50, 3.00 and $3.G5; sizes 28, 30 and 32-inch. Handles finest imported natural sticks, Weiehsel, Congo, Scotch furze, French oak, acacia and olive, in bulbs, hooks, crooks and roots. FIN LEY'S Slfl and 512 Lackawanna Ave, MINERS' OIL CLOTHING Wholesale and Retail H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Sprues Street. Telephone, No. 4633. uc will have wet Wenlticr. wo will furnish you with SHOES for wet weather. It will be a healthful invest" tuent. WiSjillfi J IHWyopg Avenue, D m BOY YOUR PRESENTS OF W, J. WEICIIEL, JEWELER, 408 SPRUCE STREET, And get checks on that beau tifnl Piano to be given away Christmas week. ' N, B. Repairing of Fine Watches a specialty. ; ' K Ml
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