G the fcCJ.A;To.v 'liiimiNK n i:sday . jtjoitiNixu, jn'ovjimkeu $m. (These short serial stories are copyrighted by Baciieller, Johnson & Baeh ellor.and are printed inThelribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance In the leading dally Journals of the large cities). MUB winter of 180- was llll;$!fW memornblo on ac- rmiTtt nf rrinti v thhiTrs: WW l!fly remarkable for having given me my young bride. We our honeymoon in tfrpvo spending the lotus-eating land, and had taken up our quarters at that admirable hos Telery known as ".Mena hou.se," which 'istands at the foot of the plateau where the great pyramids of Cizeh are so ma jestically enthroned. It yvas in truth u halcyon time, to be marked in our memories with the whitest of stones. : One slight drawback there, was cer itainly, but it was a mere crumple in cur rose loaf. Tho Itedcnins would never leave us alone. Wherever we went they insisted on accompanying us; it was impossible to get rid of them, but they were withal so polite and jgood tempered that we could not find .ii , i- a. - i n'l.. k m our near w w ue uuyi j . ue , , W6J to avoid, the Bests was to carry put IX TUE SECBKT 'our wanderings by moonlight. The Arabs believe firmly that "El-Ahram"' are haunted, and will not on any ac count venture near tho rains after nightfall. Ia this way we had tho whole place to ourselves but that, for us, was amplo society. Wo revelled in our freedom, and soon became thor oughly acquainted with tho entire plateau from tho sphinx on the south to the dilapidated temple on the north tern verge. Ono lovely night, before the moon tvas quite full, my wife proposed a visit ;to the interior of tho great pyramid; iOnd having procured candles we clam bered up the well-worn track leading to the entrance, and speedily made our :way down the sloping shaft to the cen tral chamber. Outside the air was slightly chilly, and the warmth of the great tomb was very agreeable, in in spite of the closeness of the air. Sit ting ourselves down on tho - edgo of, tho lidless sai'cophagus, we be gan one of thoso conversations so dear to young lovers, during which tho hours glide away like i inutcs, or rath er when all senso of time is lost. Our candles were burning brightly tond steadily beside us, when suddenly "-without tho slightest warning a (rust of wind doscended from above, nnd in the twinkling of an eye wo wore in darkness. The expected tran sition was startling to a degree. My wife clung to mo convulsively, trem bling la eriiry limb, and I freely con fess 1 too was not free from that sign of dlseomposuro. Ilurricdly I exam ined all my pockets, ono after tho other, in a vain search for my match box. It was not to be found! I must Slave dropped it somewhere en route. This was terrible; atid I was still carefully examining every receptacle 1 possessed, , when a dull, grinding noise mado itself audiblo through tho obscurity. There is something dread ful in a noise that ono cannot account for, no matter when or where ono hears it. Oht in the otien a mysterious itound is bad oinuh Ivt r;it.ivit"d fi" wo 'Were, insklo a narrow, couflued vpace amidst total darkness, it whs simply nppalling! Shrinking toward each other we Jistened intently, not knowing what to tip, for the noise, however caused,' ee;ned to como from a direction be tween vfhere IVo were' and the door of tho chamber. At last , it ceased, and WPP 1 1 BY DAVID WCrqSLElt. v, vtr i although half dead with a mixture ol awe end terror we -were obliged to muster up enough courage to try to find our way out. Gradually wo crept filor.g hand in hand, feeling the smooth surface of tin- wall withourdisengaged hands us we went. The chamber is not spacious, but our progress was necessarily very slow, and after what, appoiiiv.l to be en interminable time, 1 actually stumbled up aganst r.a ob stacle. What could it be? Stooping, I tni'd to make out by sense of touch what it was; that impeded our progress. A very slight investigation satisfied me. There could be no doubt that this barrier in our way was the sarcopha gus. We must have made the entire '.reuit of the chamber without finding the door! ' Concluding we had missed the en trance through some stupid mistake or other we set out afresh, tracing with the utmost care every inch of tho pol- i i died wall. Again the distance seemed i,Jlerraiuabk,t and nrain we cccom- CHAMBHB. plished the round of the accursed place, and found ourselves back at the crigl nal starting point. It was a most astounding thing, j Either the door had vanished or we were losing our senses. Tho silence i now was terrible and the darkness wai truly Egyptian it could be felt! Th heavy, close air was so thick and clam my that wo could hardly breathe; out hearts were beating at railway speed nnd the perspiration dripped fro!i every pore. Tho circumstances were, in sooth, as dcaperate as they were in .explicable, but since no good couI5 come of sitting still wo urose onct more and recommenced our search foi tho vanished opening. 'Twas all in vain! The granite was as smooth and unbroken as though it had been fashioned out of ono cnori mous block. Xot a fissure or crack could be found large enough to admit even the point of a knife. Whether we tried from right to left or from left tc right tho result was still the same; wo invariably found ourselves back at tho horrible sarcophagus. At this juncture, while we were rest ing in a half-dazed state against the border of tho fatal sarcophagus, grad ually a faint, weird light became ap- parent above our heads. By degrees tne lignt grow stronger, till finally the . whole chamber was filled with a pale ! green luminousuess whereby wo were enabled to distinguish each other's fea tures. ' Lost in astonishment, wo, guzedaronnd us and at each other, too deeply amazed for speech; and, r.s wo found out after wards, uncertain whether wo were Rsleen or awake. The reason we had been unablo o find tbe nntrance was plain. Tlio cyclopcan muss of stone, forming the liutel of tlio doorway liad descended bodi-, thus completely blocking up tho passug-e, which it lltted with mathematical uccuraey. It was from the frap thereby created on a higher level that thts light was shin itiff, tho lower edgo of thonov? aperturo bcinp about eight or nino feet above the tloor of tho chamber. Tho opening disclosed in this won derful uiuuner was the commencement of u tunnel, or shaft, extending at an acute' anglo upwards into the body sf the pyramid. It was rectangular in form, and in other respects bore a gen eral resemblance to the passu ce. by which we linil entered, save tliat it beemotl to besloftier. Tho question now was. should we attempt to escape along this new road; or bbould wo wait where we were, and trust to the return of tho lintel to its proper place? ... . 1 . . The liffht now bepan to fade away in the same gradual manner it had arisen, and it became painfully evi dent that we should be-again plunged in darkness. Any fate would be prefer able to the frightful sensation of belli,' hermetically shut in amidst an in tense and stifling blackness to which tho darkest night outside would be the bright clearness of uoon. Taking our courage in both hands we resolved to make an attempt to es cape. 1 seized hold of Annette round the waist, and swur.g lu-r form up un til sho was able to scramble on to the ledge of the opening. With her sistauee 1 had then no diiSculty i: I mm ASTOMi-ll.MKST, WF. Kxm oTiir.n. climbing tip myself, nnd r.s we were; both pretty active we con I rived to es.J i tullish dur.-ilvos in tho mouth of the, gallery down which tha Jul'1 given j light was nuw but faintly Ktivr.ming. Tho sloping floor was so smooth and bleep that we were obliged to crawl on ' our hands and knees in order to make I nty progress. In this way wo clam i bored along for fully fifty yards, with much labor and weariness; suppms back every now and again, and more than once narry wly escaping u glissade into tho hateful chamber. It was n ft.'urful task! but at length we reaehcu the top. aud found that the gallery do- i 1 ii, null . i.l lit a crvi.f. i,o linll ....liit.. ! UV U't... .VSl.O ...... II..IIV everything was brilliantly illuminated in a most peculiar manner by means ol appliances which for wur.t of a better term must be called reflectors. Tho whole of the upper part, or ceil ing, of this marvelous room presented n most extraordinary appearance, be- j ing honeycombed so to speak by a vast array of hollow cones, each cone j ending in a bmall aperture, or iky- light, through which the beams of the ni'iou, or tin" rays of tho stars, were I shining with a hundredfold their nor-; mal power. The 'apices of these cones j must have consisted of some magnify ing material, and the chips were lined I with a kind of material that multiplied 1 to an enormous extent their power ol j transmitting light. Tho entire series was so skillfully arranged that the combined pencils impinged on one spot, where there was a most singnlai and complicated apparatus for thcii reception. In front of the mouth of tha gallery stood a manifold frame, almost com pletely filling the opening, which, how ever, was scooped out on one side, thus enabling us. breathless cs we were from our climb, to creep through. This frame was in truth an extraord nary structure. It was fitted with ar infinite multitude of lenses and othet transparent appliances, the like o) which I had never seen before. 1 very much regret that I cannot give a bet ter and more detailed description o) this piece of work, which to my mini) affords conclusive proof that tho an cient Egyptians were the possessors oi u longuineo vanishi'd lore. The read er will shortly be able to see why it h that any account of these marvels is sc vague. Whilst I v. as in the act of making mj way past this frame the never-to-be-forgotten grinding sound again met mj car.5, coming from below ia the direc tion of the chamber we had just quitted. I at once turned and looked down, but could sao nothing. The track we sc painfully had traversed was now us dark aa Erebus. It was manifest thai our rotro;tt wus cut oil'; the ponderous lintel had risen to its original position. TO IiE COXCIAT.LD.l ST. VITUS'S DANCE, Spasms. Convulsions, Dizziiieiis, Fainting (sjx'lls. Nervous Prostration nnd tb.c;sci nerv ous conditions brought on by l'unotionnl dis ordcre are perinaiieutly n-cf by Dr. Picrca's Favorito Prescription. It's a btrensthening nervine and restorative tonic, prescribed by an eminent Physician for all those distress ing " weaknesses'' und irregulurlies coimnon to women. Mrs. Adam nnitK: Allnimi, IkrhsCn., l'a., writes: "1)11. It. V. Pikrck: Dinr .Sir My Bister, Mis3 ('oi--dclia .Mei-kel, lind St, Vitus'! Dance. Her hcd and right urm moved ur twitched constnntlyi "4he could not walk without be in held under her urms. Slip triad four doctora, but without good. After llltcen montliH, having been f ivcii up us a hopeless nvulid. I boiiulit ber Dr. Plcn-e's Favorite Prescript ion: in two Miss Mkiikf.u months sue was wen and stron; CUFlU. aVAJUiAWaJ t tees oi j - RES70AES VITALITY. n B n I iviaae a ry- Well Man 1st Day. IKIhl,.. of Me. incuncAi 30th Dav. produces the above reaults In 30 clays. It act. powprtully aud imUHly. Cures when all othars fail Y'nuumnen wlllr-juln their Inist uiauhood. and old mu will recover their youthful vuior by usioi HEV1 VO. It nnlcltly and aurely restores Nervous neu, Lout Vitality, Impotcncy. KiKlitly Kraitsloss, Last Power, Failing Memory, Wastlus Discatea, aad all rd'ects of sell-auuao or aiceKaaud ludlacrotien. which uullts ono for study. bimtneoB or maiTlago.' It not only curca by atitrtluii at the iieat ot dlaraae, hut lssfreat nerretoulc and blood builder, bring. li:g back the pink (flow to pale rhceksandr storing the tire of joulh. It wards off Jnnuity and Consumption. Inat.ton baTlng ItKVU O, no otkor. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mail, St. 00 Per paokaxe. or six lor BS.OO, with a post tlT written guarantee to cars or refund themouey. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL for sale by Matthews Brofc,' DriRElil Scrautua . i'a. CXT.U) AT : I i IT fiTnr i Ti at rfi aT-rt if I W -.JIV S Hki. a--7il. - V. BTV,(-.. I -,n ' v r s jut. X. iMY W7 Tha Ouly Specialist la Nirvjui Disss3 tVMQ EuHilo acd Pniladclphii Be- DR. W. H. HACKER, Physician in Chief for The Lackawanna Medical Co. 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite llin New Hotel Jrrmyn, lias opened "ttii-i.'i fr th- treatment ami cure of Kidney Bladoer, Stomach, Bowel, Biood, Skin aii'i Nervous Diseases, llio cunpuLV u..a jUiipU'd tlio plan of NO CURE, NO PAY, to all ri.;:orsil.lu pkrtirv. 1 lirvefor.i takluj upon tliPiruu.'lvet the rsk of failure to cure, a:l prnvini; to ii doubtful public tlin superior ity u( tho ninUiU talent i-inploypii bvtli.m. 1 nir olfiT holiis j,mi,(1 until January 1, 1'S!)-. Genoto Urinary Surgery In li its ''t-Biirii-.-H win b p. ro,-UK-it iy Competent Surgeons. Liul or suntl H ccst-i iu lun-.is for ' ttot'd News." a tri-nti.i on Mcrvoui IHscmp of yon trmoi'. Offics Hours -S a. in- tut p. in. antic Refining Co Tilanutucturcrs and Dealers ia m m l I.insc'sd Oil, Napthas nnd Gano lln. of all uniik-K. Axle O reuse, Pinion Urca:;e nnd Colliery Com pound;, also u Iuri;i line ot Far alhtie. Wax CainiU-j. Wo also handle tho Famou:) CROWN ACM F. OIL, tho only family safety burning oil In the market. Win, Mason, Manager. Office: Coul ICxcliaKue, Wyoming Ave. Woiks at Pine Brook. Lftf ft a On SHOE IS THE BEST. NO OOUEAKINd. ?5. CORDOVAN, riV.NCHa. ENAMELLFO CMS. $4.3.5PFlNECAlf&kWJalRCl 4 3.5P P0LICE.3 soles. 2.LSBowISchoolShcsj LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGlE BROCKTON, iVIASS. Yon cay save money hy purchailug W, L. Douclnii Slieei. Hccmise, we are the larfcst niaaufccturerj of advertised shoes in the world, aud Ruuiantce the value by btampiuK the natne and price on the bottom, which protects ou against hipU prices md the tniddletnau's pro&ti. Our ithoc.i equal custom work in ttyle, ty UttinK and wearing qualities. We have tbent told ever-. where at lower prices for the value siren than any other make. Take uo subilUute. If your dealer cannot supply yen, we can. Sold by E.J.LEONARD. EnDssstD st tkc H:oHtaT M.oic!. AuTMesmss vvsnEriTROLiriHaei JASTHM A vn lAn rtn HHDACHE15SSS lxnAi.n will euro you. A .wonderful hortn to fiilfcreiY Iufliienr.i, Rrnaablcu! crtJAK l-F.Kli..ylf.. immentatl reltff. AncfBcicnf rrmpi'T. eonrcnlAnt tn nsrr In pociet. reartT to Po on 0it Indlrailon of cu'.d. (-ctlnned Van I fTecta lermnneDt C'nre. fttttitacUuQruurnnteud or money refunded. Prlc, Ct re. Trial frro nt l)rjiii!. Roiilalcrcd mail. W ccnti. 11. D. CU3U!i, kL-., larw Rum, Hid, D. 8. 4, OtTSHMAW'B MrWTHfll ThesiirMt and aafnt remertr for int-ll I I1UL a,l akin dKna.es. Kcicma. Hch.a!t Ilheum. old Sores, Murnu, rnta. lVondcrflil rvu: ertr for PILKb. rnoo.S.'cU. nt Drug- D A I ' gists or by Kinll prei-.t'l. A drtren .unborn. PH - ' For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Fhelpo. Ooinpkion tavei. DR. HEDRA'3 VIOLA G Removed Frocliirc, plmplJt, Liver Mole., LlncLiieada, Sunburn and Ton, r.d ix atcrzs tho ckln to 1 tn orl rl- nal faebhaess, pronucinu a ,t cioar can ccam:y ikwy ,llnn. UnncTlnrtnallfpo preparations and rjerloclly hsrmlesa. At all druggists, or mailed lorSOcta. tkud tor Circular, VIOL. 8KIN OOAP "aP'T tocaasartbla a. a Aln I'UrtlvlDg Soap, uaequal4 for tha tollrt, ana vlUltmt a rHal in taa u-'ntry. Atooluulr traia aa4 olkalaly ial cui. AUnwtinv Prlot 2J Cea4. G. C. BITTNEB&.CO.,Tci.eoo,0. i For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phalas. A Hancjisome Compisxlon Is one o? tho greatest cliarii's a woman con I)OHse1. POUONI'U t'OMPLBIlOM PoWDEa (rives it. NYBQYJIL "(ewr Bnnd for circular. at - I S3 lay mi at V . 31 For Sale by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist, 127 Ponn Avenue. EVERY WOMA1N3 Ejaetlmaa noodi a rellsblr, monthly, resalatlra medicine. Only harmlaei 004 theporeitdruglshouldbeuaeJ. If you want the beat, got Br. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills They art prompt, sals aid eertaln In renlt. The aaaolne (Dr. Psal'a) nevar ilrep. Boint, BaataaywUMC, 11.00. Adoreaa Piai llXBiaiaa UH CleTSland, 0. For SalebyJOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Soranton, Pa. .PRSfOHAL CARDS Physicians and Surgeons. DR. G. i:DC5AR DEAN HAS REMOVED to Spruce oreet, Scranton, l'a, (J-Hj-g'jL'ggiigt:urt Houso square,) DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFFICK 801 washington avenue, cor, Spruce street, v,er...Frnncke'f drus store. Residence, IS Vina st, Offlce hour! 10.30 to 13 a, ni, and 2 to 4 and 6.3'J to 7.30 p. m, Buu- UKy,J to S p. m. L'R. W.RALLKN, OFFICK COtt, UACK a wanna and Washington avee over Leonard n shoo store,' otilce houri), 10 10 U a. m. and II to 4 p, n),t evenlnei at r.wldenre, 512 NWashliiston avenue, DK. C. U FRi:T, I'RACTIL'13 L:itlTJ!l) iilseases of th Kye, Rar, Noj and Throat; cttleu, 112 WvonniiR vp. Rnal- iDlt. U M. (.tATEA "iSi WA3H1KQTON uwm. Ottlco houi-n. 8 tc. 9 a. m.. 1.50 lo and 7 to K i. m. Realdem Mou- lawn avoiiu.: JOHN I WENTJ5. M. L.. OFFICES Kl tnl OommoniYealth bulldlns; ienl (lencu 711 Madison avo,! omce noui, 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 130 to 4, evenings at resilience A. tpocUlty uic1b uf dsasas of the eve, ear, nose and throat cnd gynecology. DR. KAT, im PENNMT..:"no3 p. ui.; cull )&!. Dla. of womwi, obtetrlce and and die. o chtl. LawTcrs. JEBSITPS & HAND. ATTORNET8 AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth buildinff, Washington avenue. V. H. JKSSUP, KORACR K. HAND, w. n. jBaaL'p, jr. WIIXAUD, WARREN KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsollora at Law, Re publican bulldias, Washineton ave- PATTKRSON & WILCOX. ATTOR neys and C'ounsellora at Law; office) 6 and 8 Library luliiln,", Bcranton. Pa. ROB WELL II. PATTERSON, VVILL1AMA. WILCOX. ALFUKD HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth bulldlnir. Kmiiia Til l anil "1. VT. F. UOYLB, Ari'ORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 and 20, Burr bulldln, Washing ton avenue. HKNRY M. 8EELY LAW OFFICES In Prion bulldliiK, 12C Washinston ave. FRANK T. OK ELL. ATTOIiNEY-AT- at-Luw. Room 5, Coal Exc.hange.Scrau- 1011, i'a. JAMEB W. OAKFOUD, ATTORNEY-Ht-Law, rooi;ut C3, CI and 65, Common wealth Julldin!r. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT- Law. O glee, ai7 Spruce t., Bcranton.Pa. L. A. WATRIDB, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, J123Ijickawttmia ave., Scrantoii. Pa. P. T. SMITH, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office rooms, 64, 56 and 66 Common wealth building. C. R. PITCHER, ATTOItNEY-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scran ton. Pa. C. COMEGYB, 3S SPRUCE STREET. D. R. RnPLCQLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate ecurlty. 40S Spruce Etroet. H. F. K1LLAM, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scrantou, Pa. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Bcranton, Pa., prepares boys and Rlrl.i for collese or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens (September 10. KEY". THOMAS M. CANJI, WALTER HBUELL, MISS WORCESTER'S KINDKRC.AR ten und School, 412 Adams uvenue. Pu pils received nt all timi-H. Next term will oiH-n Nov. 19. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SP3CI ALT Y In porcelain, crown and brldga work, Odontothreapla. OlDce lil North Washing-ton avenue. C. C .LAUUACH, SURGEON DENT jt,No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. JL STRATTOX, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Loaiix. THE REPUBLIC SAY'INGS AND Ixian Association wll loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on In vestment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Calleoder, Dime Bonk building Seeds. O. Tt. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green houfe. 1300 North Main ave nue. Ktoro telephone 712. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. 515 avenue. Scranton, l'a., Wire Screens. LACKAWANNA manufacturer o' Hotels aud Rc-itaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and IS? FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. W. Q. SCHENCK. Manacar. Sixteenth St., one block cast of Broal way. at Union Square, New York. Amerl.-Hn plan, (3.59 per day and tipwur '. HCK ANTON HOl-'BIi. near l. L. & VS passenecr depot. Conducted on th Kuropcan plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proj Architects. DAYM & VON STOVlCH, ARCHITECT? rtooms II. 2i and 2C, Commonwea'.t' b'.tildltiE. Scranton. E. L. WALTKU, ARCHITECT. OFFICK rear ot t'.'XS Washlnirion avunno. V. L. BROWN, AHCH. H. ARCHITECT. Prlco litilldlnic, IM Washington avenue. Hcranton Miscellaneous. BAUER'8 ORCHESTRA -MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions wel dings and concert work furnished. For -Utmn address It. J. ltuuer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert.s mu slestore. MEGARGEE DROTHEK8. PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twin,. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran tou, Pn. CaTsS AND SECOND - HAND CAK liages tor sale. Also line glass Landuu D. L. KOOTE, AG'T, 153.1 Capouse avenue. FRANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordago and Oil cloth, 720 West Lkcko wanna ave. lob Work . I NEAT TASTT OATOHT Thi Scrantou TriSuw JobOtpL Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. . , i 2S(!2:OaS?,S?9iE5 S? ?? PILL ever offered to Ladies, ospooially recommond ed to married Iiadlos. Price S1.00 ncr bolt 6 boseB lor S5.O0. Phsrmsclst, Cor. Wyoming Avenue and RAILROAD TIME-TABLES rcntval Kuilroud of New Jersey. (Lt'hichund Suitquiihaniia Dlviaion) Anthracito coul uted cxcluslvuly, lnsur Ing cl- uiiUnesa anil comfort. TIME TABLK IN KFFECT MAY 20. ISM. Truiim leave Scran ton for Plttaton, Wilki'S-Barrc, eto., at 8.2H, S.15, 11.30 a.m., VIM 2.M. 8.30, S.00. 7.25. 11.05 p.m. Sundays, 9.00 it...... 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p.m. For Atlantic City, u.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Klliabeth, S.20 (oxproHft) u.m.. 12.50 (eipmsB with Huf-fi-t (urlor car) 3M (express) p.m. Sunday, ..l. p.i:i. , Fur llanc.h Chunk, Allentown, 'Hethlc ! lipm. llHHton unit l'lillinlclphia. K.i a.m., : I2.W, 3.U0, 5.0i) (H.f-t'pt l'lilluduliihlu) p.m. i Siindi;y, 2.15 p.m. j For Lotik Branch. Ocean drove, etc,, at 8..U u.m., J -'.".' p.m. t For Reodlnf, Lebanon and Hurrlshurif, I via AUc-ntown, 8.2'i a.m., U"U, 5.(i p.m. 1 dtinduy. 2.15 p.m. ! For Pottsvlllf. 8.2 a.m., 12.50 p.m. j littuTiilntf, leu v. New S'uik, foot nt ; Mherty BtrciH, Nortl. rive.-. :i! H.lo (ex ! i ivsmi a.m.. l.lu, 1.3, -l.3u (express with i uflot purlor t-u.l i p.m. Sunday, 4.: u.m. I. .-jvo Philadelphia. Iteudiiiu Terminal, i Hi ii.ni., 2.00 ana 4.20 p.m. Sunday, 6.27 j l'hnuh tickets to all points at lowest i lej n.ny be had on application In ud- -.ncc to the ticket utfent at tho ntatlon. j H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pasa. Afctnt. II. OLHAt'aiJN. tlen. Supt. MAY 13, 1834. :'niln leaven Scranon for Philadelphia n J New York via D. & H. R. R. ut 7.43 '..:ii., 12.05, H.;)S and 11.38 p.m. via D., & W. t. K., C.OO.K.lCU.lM a.m., und 1.30 p.m. LeuveScranton for Plttstoii and Wllke9 llurre. viu D., L. ii W. H. R., if.00. K.dS,11.20 ; .in.. l.Sv, 3.60 G.07. S.jU p.m. lxavc- Scrantou for White Haven. Ha-U-'.ui), Potlivllli' and all points on iho 'rarer .Meadow nnd Pottivlllc branches, iu E. it W. V., 6.l' :i.m.. via D. it II. H. (. at 7.45 a.m.. lluf.. ll.SS, 4.il p.m. via D . & W R. R., li.ijO, KM, 11.20 a.m., 1.30. ..'iO p.m. luve Scrnntoii for Bethlehem, Easton, leading. Harrisburg and all Intcrm -ulaio "olnls vlu I). & II. R. P.. 7.4fi a.m.. 12,', !.3S. p.m.. via D.. L. & W. R. It., !.'. 3.US, U.'j) a.m., 1.3U p.m. Lvavi Si raiiton for Tuiikhanaot k, To wanda. Klinira, Ithaca, Geneva and all intern"Wlute points via. I). & H. R. R. 8.45 a.m., 12.0.'. and U.3r p.m., via D., L. & YV. It. R., ii.OS a.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave fcieranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Palls, Detroit, Chicago and till points west vlu D. & 11. R. R..8.45 a.in., 12.05. '5. 11.33 p.m., via D., & YV. R. u. and Pttston Junction. 8.03 a.m., 1.S0, S.50 p.m., v'n E. & W. V. R. It., 3.41 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. 4V H. R. R.. 8.45 a.m., 12.05, 6.03 p.m., via IX. L. & ft". R. R., 8.08 a.m., 1.30, and 5.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension liridpe. R OLLIN H. YVILBUR. Oen. Supt. CHAS. 3. l.KK.Oen. Pass. As'l.Phlla .Pa. . V.'.NONNEMACHER. Asst. Qua. Puss. Ag't, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, day, July ff), all trains will arrive dtnew Lack awanna uvenue station as follows: Trains will leave Soran- ton station for Carbondafo und ln termeiiiate points at 2.2U, 6.46, 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.. 12.00, 2.20, 3.55, 5.15, 6.10, 7.25, 'J.10 and 11.20 p.m. For I'urvlcw, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, S.25 and 10.10 a.m. ,12.00, 2.20 and 5.18 p.m. For Albany. Soratoiia. the Adlrondueka and .Montreal at 5.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. For WHkeii-BaiTc nnd intermediate Ints at 7.45, fc.4c, 0.38 and 10.46 u.m., 12.ii5, i.0. 2.38, 4.00, 5.10, 6.05, .15 and 11.38 p.m. , Trains will arrive at Scrunton station from Carbondulo and Intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40, !.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.0O, .Vi;i;sst S.40. 4.54, 6.55. 7.45. .ll und 11.33 p.m. From Honesdale, Waymurt ami Far view at 8.31 a.m., 12.04, 1.17, 3.10, 5.55 and 7.45 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albnny, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. . From YVllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 2.15, 8.04, 10.05 anil ll.nt a.m., l.llij !.14, 3.2J, 5.10, 6.08, 7 T)cl Lack, and Western. Traina leave Scrantou as follows: Ex press lor New York and all points East, 1.40. 1.fiO, 5.15, 8.W and S.Oi u.nt.; 12.S and 3.M p.m. Express for Kaston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 5.13, SAW and 'J.Ci a.m., 12.55 and 3 50 p.m. Washington and way tntionn, 3.55 p.m. Tobyhunna acc.immodaliou, t. Iu p.ui. Expre'.is for Binuhninton, Oswetfo, El mlra, Corning-, Hath, Uansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2. in a.m. and 1.24 p.m., making clo.ie eonnectlons at Uuf 'alo to all polnti! In the West , Northwest nd Routhwest. Hath acconiinodutlon, 9 a.m. HiiH:hiimton and way Ktuttuiis. 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. Hlnghamton and Elrr.lra Express, 6.(4 i.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Oswotro L'tica and Itlehdeld Sprlnes, 2.15 a.m. and '.21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.15 and Hath 9 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Willies larre. I'lyinouth, liloomaburif and Dan nie. tnakliiK close connection at North nlicrland for Wllllumsport, Hurrlsburg, alllmore, Washington and the South. Northumberland und luterinedlulo xta iiiA, 0.00, 9.55 a.m. and 1.3(1 und 6.07 p.m. Nuntlcoke and Intermediate stations, V and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and inter Itttte stations. 3.50 and 8.S2 u.ru. Pullman parlor and sleeping cos eplug coaches on til express trains For detailed information, pocket time ahlcs, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city Hckot offlco, 32S Lackuwanna aveliue, or leiot ticket of!l. SCRANTON DIVISION. Ia tCcct Scpl. ICtli, 1801. ortli Il-xind. South Hound. wTti . ir z Stations s h ii ! i 'Trains Dally, i-1 g- it J . , Except ,'yiinilay) "1 I ;al" p ml "ArVlve Leave A m ... 7'A'il . . !.V V f'ranUlinSi .... 7 40.... ... 7 !U .... We i:id r?l .... 755.... ... 7 01.... Weeliutvlicn ... 8 10.... PHP 111 'Arrive Leave A P M .... SailTlSj.... 'llamwlt .lilac (Too 8tO .... 8 10 1 (Oi.... Hancock (3 0 . VI II .... 7!Wll,.,.-.G .. Htarlijtht ti 1M SiJ .... 75l-.'10 ... Preston Park Oi; X'31 .... 74"iliW .... Como 08-i a 41 .... 78Sil2a .... Purnielle 040 SJ0 .... 71 1! :s .... IK-lmoiit. 114.) aw .... 7ir; litn .... Pleasant Mt. 0.W SOt) .... 710 fll'-O ... Vniondale PJ.H 300 .... 70S! 11 4'.i a M Fvrsetl'ity 710 l!)ip M 051I1I3I lll'i Carhondale 721 8 .'Hi 5 31 O IH fUJO 0 13 White Bridge 727 r 31 5 37 fl!43. .. fOOi .Mavlleld V 3! f3 ii'M 43 041 11 23 IMO Jeriiiyn 7 31 3 43 5 45 63V II IS 8 57 Archihal.t 740 3 M 551 032 ftllJ 851 Wilitou 7 43 3.M 554 029 11 11 W Peckvilla 74H 3.10 559 0 25 1H'7 8 41 Olyphant 752 4 01 04 6 21 1 11 05 8 41 Plcksou TM 4 07 8 07 61llliW 88i Throop 750 4 10 610 6 14 11 (10 8 30 Providence 8 00 4 14 6 14 fO 13 fli7 8 33 Park Place 802 Cl 17 6 M 610 10 W 8 3.' Scrantou 8 05 4 20 .W p m a M 'A MiL?ave Arrive a n p m p m All trains run dolly except Hunilav. f. alanines tltut trains stop on signal for pas seiwrs. Secure rates via Ontario A Western before Surchusinjr tickets and save money. Duyanil igot Impress to the West. J. (.'. Andertop, ((en. Pas. Agt, I. Fll'.Toft, Dlv. Pass. Agt., Scrantou, Pa. Eric und Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate nolnls on tho Kile rail road nt 0.35 a.m. nnd ,124 p.m. Also for Honesdale, Iluwley and local points at 8.1'.. 9.4i a.m.. and 3.H u.m. All tho above are through trains to and from Honesdale. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel ut M0 p. m. and arrives at Scranton from tha Lake at 7.45 p.m TCBins leave for Wllkca-Barre at t.V) a. in, uu a. ii v ". ',,; T.HE FROTHINGHAM. Tuesday Night, NOV. 13. Only Oqs Sight. Champion Middle-Weight of the World, Now Matched to Fight James J. Corbett. For a S4L00J Puiw and 110,000 Stake, and Bib Own COMEDY AND SPECIALTY CO. Including HOWLKV & DOYLE, the F1TZ HIBtlONS FAMILY nnd nu,ny others. BOB FITZSiMMONS willapresrln ltt-t (treat Bad Pum hluK uceur, and display ot the Munlv Art with hid ciimrmiil.in D9m don. ' Sale of seats Monday. Kegaiar price ACADEMY OF MUSIC. uesaay and Wednesday. NOVEMBER 13 AND 14 ENGAttEMENT OF WILLARD SPENSER'S OPERA CO. The f Iriginsl Organization Direct from tho Bread Stieet ThoHler.PliiUdehihis, PRE3ENT1NO THE PRINCESS BQNHIE By the Author of ' The Lit lie Tycoun." 70 PEOPLE, including an Augruente.1 Orcncstia. PRK'tS-First Y loor, $140 and f 1; Bulcouy, l, 75c., slid fiUe.: (tiillei. ir: Sal,; of seats opens Saturday, Nov. la A CADKMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, A Notalilo Drniuatlc Event, Engagement of the Distinguished ActreJS, MISS KATE CLJkXTON, And the Celebrated Tiajcdieime, MME. JANAUSCHEK, Supported by a Selected Company of Players, in a Grand Revival of The Two Orphans. Special Scenery and Accessories, seats opens Wednesday, Nov. li, Hale ot AVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, NOVEMBER 12, 13 AND 14 THE CHAKMINO COMEDIENNE, Pauline Parker In tho leantitu! ComeUy-Drsuia Supported by a Powerful Company, and tha Favorite Ciiinedians, Richards and Kawson. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two performances dallyat2.30and8.lCp.nl. THEY'RE AFTER ME But so far behind in the race when it comes to selling standard goods, at low prices, that they are not -worth consider ing as competitors. DON'T TAKE MY WORD For it. Compare the va ues I offer in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Sil verware, with what you can get elsewhere and be guided thereafter by your own judgment. C W. FREEMAN CORNER PENN AND SPRUCE. CLEARING SALE OF EPICYCLES X Child's Bicycle, Rubb-r Tiro, nsw A (. hild'a Bicycle, ituboer Tire, naw 10 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tlr, new 1 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new J 4 Boys' or Oirls' Bicycle Cushion Tire, new 00 down to I Youth's Bicycla, Pneumatic Tire.new.. 8 8 Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tire.aac ond hand 1 Victor B Bicyclo, Pnaumstlo Tire, nsw 1 Becttre B cycle, Pneumatlo Tire, so-ond-band , 1 Lovel Diamond Blayclek Bolld Tire, seoond-hand 1 Ladles' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second band 3 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, sacona hand .. 1 Victor C Bicyo lis In. cushion Tl second-haud ' TO SO SO 1 s It is IViotorB Bioyolt, m In. Cushion TIM, ' second-hand I... 1 Columbian ti Bicycle, Pnsumatlo Tire, 8 1 Cbalnless Bicycle, Pnsunuitlo Tirs, naarly new w Come Early for Bargains Lawu Tenuis Racquets at a count of one-third rot two weeks. dlv J. D. WILLIAMS 5 BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles ! Yes . sir I Wo have a specialist here to fit you w ho does nothing else. Sit right down and have your eyes fitted in a scientific manner. inn LLOYD. JEWELER, 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. .E,. BOB FITZSIMMONS l.u