4 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 13, 1894. fOBUSBID DAILY Dl 8CRAKT0W, PA.. BTTB1 TUBUXI PUBL18H1H0 C0MPAMT. t. P. KINGSBURY, Phi, imSm'iKm C. H. RIPPLE, (u'tMiTaui. LIVV S. RICHARD, Editor. W. W. DAVIS. 8uh.tindit. W. W. YOUNGS, Adv. Mnd' Iiw Tors omci: teuboni bdildiho. GRAY. IIAHAOIR. FRAME a ST1BI0 AT TH1 POSTOfPIOI AT 8CRAKT0. PA. 8I0ORO-OLASS UAU, UATTIR. "Printers' Ink," the recognized Journal for advertisers, rates THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE as the best advertising medium In Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers' Ink" knows. BCRANTON, NOVEMBER 13, 1804, THE SCRANTON OF TODAY. Come and Inspect our city. Elevation above tlte tide, 740 feet. Extremely healthy. Estimated population, 18W, 103,000. Registered voters. 20,099. Value of school property, J750.000. Number of school children, 12,000. Averaue amount of bank deposits. iio." 000,000. It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. . Can produce electric power cheaper twin Niagara. , , No better point In the United States at Which to establish new industries. See how we grow: . ,, Vrmnlntlnn In IRfin Population in 18fi0., Population in 1870. Population In 1880., PoDulation In 1890. 35,000 4r,,sro ..7S.LIB 103.000 Population in 1894 (estimated;. And the end is not yet. For a man who expects soon to re cover $100,000 in reparation for damages Inflicted on his character, the Honor able William H. Hines certainly acl9 strangely In stopping his subscription to the leading AVIlkes-Barre Democra tic newspaper. No doubt he is begin ning to feel the pinch of Democratic times; but, then, $100,"000 will pay a good many newspaper bills. Repeal the Income Tax One of the very first things thRt the Republican majority Irt the Fifty-fourth congress should undertake to accom plish is the repeal of the Income tax. It should pass a repeal bill In the house, Indorse it In the senate and send It to the president for him to veto at his peril. If the vote of last TueBday means anything. It means that the peo ple do not approve the substitution of direct for Indirect taxation and, by a large majority, are not In favor of the officious Intermeddling which would re pair Its own deficits by levying legal ized toll upon honest industry and thrift. The Income tax will soon become operative, and it will then be seen, to the satisfaction of the most skeptical, that It Is a source of revenue which not only offends every American tradition of jUBtlce and fair play, but which also opens the door to rank partiality In its assessment and gross frauds In its col lection. Beginning upon the founda tlon of Injustice and inequality, It will become doubly unequal and unjust through the wrongs which will attend its practical enforcement. Indeed, we doubt If it will ever be Inforced with any approach to seriousness, so. well are we convinced that the Independent pplrlt of the American people will not tolerate the Intermed'dling in their pri vate business affairs of partisan reve nue agents with grudges to vent as well as "tips" to earn. Be this as It may, however, the In come , tax must go. There can be no further mlstaHing the popular prefer ence for the raising of revenue by means of indirect taxation, such as customs duties and internal revenue imposts. Even though it may be lnex pedlent to immediately undertake any general dismemberment of the Wilson- Gorman tariff, there can be no reason able protest from any respectable quar ter against the Bummary repeal of this odious class blackmail levied by the Democratic party under the whip lash of Populistlc lunacy and socialistic fer ment. The United Press correspondent who Wired a report to the Philadelphia office on Sunday that McDonald had defeated Vaughan for senator, according to the offlclnl count, by 170 plurality, Is en titled to first honors as the most cheer rul liar on record. And the cream of the Joke Is that nine-tenths of the United Press newspapers In Pennsylva nia were hoaxed by It.' Explanations are in order. The New County Fever. With another session of the leglsla- ture near, there Is noticeable a marked revival In the new county agitation, It la certain that one new county bill will be Introduced that to erect pop tions of Luzerne and Schuylkill into a third division and It is possible, al though hardly probable, that the new Elwqod and Anthracite projects the former affecting Lawrence, Mercer and Butlerand the latter mildly threatening a division of Lackawanna and Susque nanna may oe formulated, in any event, however, the only one which will be seriously considered is the one first mentioned. It has twice been before the legislature. Each time the Luzerne members who favored it have been vig orously assailed because of their con nection with It and each time they have been triumphantly sustained by the people. This time the claim Is made that the proposition has gained sufilc lent momentum to carry it in safety through houHe and senate, and befor a Republican governor who will, it is predicted, accord it his approval. A new ruse to win favor has been adopted by the measure's advocates, Heretofore it was proposed to call the new county Hazle county. This time the bill will designate it as Quay coun ty. The territory lh question, that is to say, the southwestern part of Lu sernt and the northern part of Schuyl kill, embraces a population of about 65,000 persons, and would, in the opin ion of the Hazleton Sentinel, which is the new county's persistent champion, "make a large and wealthy county without very much , affecting either Schuylkill ion Luzerne. Only a few townships would be taken from Schuyl kill, just enough to get the necessary 400 square miles, and all of them terri tory that would be greatly conven lenced by having a county Beat at Hazleton. Many of the residents of these townships, In fact, are obliged to go through Hazleton to reach Potts- vllle, a distance of forty-seven miles, while Inhabitants of lower Luzerne are obliged to go fifty miles to rench the county "seat at Wllkes-Barre. To do this they are obliged to cross three moun tain chains. The work of the courts of both counties Is very much behind, owing to the enormous volume of busi ness, and the situation as at present constituted amounts to a practical de nial of justice to the people of the coun ty. To take away the territory cut from either county would really be of advantage to both the old counties, as at present It costs more to both nf them to govern this territory than they receive from the territory in taxes, owing to the enormous mileage. The portion that asks, to be cut off pays in all, at pi t sent about $50,000 taxej, which Is more than sufficient, as stii tistics show, to run over thirty-three counties of tho state." It must be admitted that there Is a large measure of Justice In the com plaint of these people at their present unsatisfactory county government. The lawlessness of the Hazleton region has become proverbial not because the people of that region lire worse than those of corresponding regions else where, but because of the inevitable otlioial laxity of the present system of attenuated government. The one draw back to the erection of the proposed Quay county Is thut 1 would set an ex ample In new county making which would soon, deluge the legislature with lmilar propositions having less foutv iition of Justice and fair play. If the Quay county project shall again fail of its purpose, this will most likely bo the prime cause of Its defeat. In the hour of defeat "Boss" Croker rows philosophic. "Politics," he says, is like a ship plying between two ports and patronized by the public. If the ship makes cruise after cruise for a long time without being overhauled and nspecteil carefully she la sure to be come unpopular with the travelling public, as barnacles and other sub marine growths cause her bottom to be come, foul. She loses her speed and patronage, so that If her boilers do not blow up the ship's owners are forced to send her to the drydoek for repairs, as the public have lost their confidence In both the Bhlp and her crew." The In ference from this somewhat mottled figure of speech presumably Is that Tammany is only temporarily dry- docked. We wish we could muster up ufficlent confidence to dispute tills as sertion. Unfortunately, the history of municipal 'thievery Is nearly all on Croker's side. Woman and the Ballot. The conversion of so practical a poli tician as ex-Postmaster General Clark son to woman suffrage Is a significant fact of the time. Having made a per sonal study of tho experiment in Col orado, he records It as his honest con- Iction that tho placing of the ballot In the hand of the fairer sex has done much to lift that state out of the mire of Populistic misgovernment Into which Indiscriminate male suffrage had plunged It, and has been attended, as yet, with few If any serious evils. This brings us back again to our old contention that while a majority of the Intelligent women of this country muy not yet want to assume the serious re sponsibilities of the suffrage, they will have as good a right to that privilege when they shall really desire It as have the majority of Intelligent males, today. It has not yet been established to our satisfaction that that rule is Intrin sically Just or fair which refuses to take the ballot of an Intelligent woman and yet unprotestingly accepts the ignorant vote of the Illiterate and unthinking male. If the purification of the American ballot Is ever to be achieved with even approximate success, we contend that It will be achieved along the line of fit ness to vote, and not along the line of discrimination ngalnst color or sex. It Is unfortunate, of course, that all mankind cannot be happy over the re sult of last week's elections. But since there must from the nature of things be malcontents, we do not mind confess ing that we prefer to see them In Eng land rather than In America. Wilson on His Defeat. Professor Wilson, in a carefully pre pared statement In explanation of his party's overthrow, compresses his rea sons into the following paragraph: " 'The counsels of calamity are seldom wise,' and a vast multitude of voters rush blindly and passionately Into the assaulting ranks with no pure idea of what they are to gain by doing so, and with only the consciousness of their own hurt for which they are euger to punish somebody and that somebody is necessarily the ruling, not the minority, party. Moreover, the whole teaching of the protective system trains men to depend not on Individual effort, the plain virtues of Industry, thrift and temper ance, for business prosperity and ma terial comfort, but on government aid and laws of congress. We may rally a majority against the system Itself, but It la a much harder and longer task to purge their minds of a gener ation of false teaching. Today It Is the Republican party that Is the bene ficiary of this popular discontent, More than once In recent elections It has been the victim of It.". With reference to Democracy's future, Professor Wilson says much, of which this Is the essence: I do not believe the people have rebuked or discarded tariff reform in their action last Tuesday. To tuppose such a thing would be to accuse the American people of a levity and fickleness of purpose ut terly Inconsistent with capacity for self government. To contend that the people have now chastised the Democratic party for doing what they put It In power to do is to question their honesty and Intelll genre. If they have Inflicted chastise ment because of Its dealing with the tariff It has been rather because the party did not carry out, with sufficient promptness and thoroughness, the work they com mltted to It and becuUBe they held the whole party responsible for the actions of a few of Its representatives in thwarting, delaying and maiming this great work It Is hazardous, of course, to indulge in hypothetic, but I have no doubt that had the bill which passed the house on the first day of February passed the senate as early as April or May In substantially Its original snape me result in many sec tions of the country would have been re versed, and the Democratic party mliht even have weathered the Industrial storm With credit, if not success, - There is much that is plausible in this explanation; and we will be gener ous enough to believe that Mr. Wilson Is absolutely sincere. No less sincere, however, are those much-abused Pro tectionists In the Democratic camp who Insist that only their Intervention In the senate saved the Democracy from utter and merciless annihilation. The wicked partner idea works both ways. in politics as well as In business; and while Professor Wilson blames It all on Senators Gorman, Brlce and Smith, there is no lack of counterbalancing blame, from good Democratic sources, for the estimable professor himself. But, whichever view one chooses to take, one thing at least is sure: The Democratic party, as at present con stituted, will be unfit to reform the tariff until It shall first have succeeded in reforming Itself. And in the mean time, conservative Republicanism will do well to spare It the necessity of again undertaking the task at which It has once so completely failed. Few Democratic tears will be shed over i lines defeat. About the deadect kind of a dead man in politics is a dead demagogue. Demagogism's Emphatic Rebuke. John Leisenriiig's oillclul plurality in Luzerne county over Wllllum H. Hines, for congress. Is 5,470, or exactly 1.S71 votes more than were given for General Hastings, who led the remainder of the ticket. This means that Wit! more Demo crats voted for Lelsenrlng than there were Democruts who voted for the Re publican candidate fur governor. The Lelsenrlng plurality is by all odds one of the finest expressions of popular re buke thut has ever been administered to blatant dcmagoglsm which seeks to trade upon public calamity and indi vidual misfortune. It is a notification to Mr. Hines that hl3 career us a politi cal firebrand Is at nn end; and that, for one time in their lives, even the Demo crats of Luzerne county have arisen to flagellate the windy emptiness of a typical agitator. When It is remembered at what odds Mr. Lelsenrlng fought how, having hud the temerity to succeed In business; and to rench an influential position as a wleliler of capital and a generous em ployer of labor, he naturally became tho target of envy and the objective point of socialistic abuse the victory which he has won becomes addition ally lustrous as a tribute to reasserted common sense and triumphant princi ple. Upon the other hand, had he been defeated, it would have given Just ground for the Inquiry whether, after all, the ability of the people to govern themselves discriminatingly Is not fre quently disproved. The price of bread Is being reduced about the country on account of the low price of flour. Scranton bakers will no doubt gracefully fall Into line. There really seems no reason why the price of loaf of bread should be the same as was fifteen or twenty years ago, when a barrel of flour cost more than twice as much as It. does today and when labor rates were much higher. CHATS BY THE WAY. A. J. Colborn, jr., who went to Phila delphia just before the close of the cam paign, at the express invitation of David Martin to deliver seven political speeches, could not get 'away until those seven had grown to seventeen. Even then, only an attack of Illness released him from the demands of the city committee. One of his experiences before a Philadelphia au dience was dramatic. It was the Satur day night that Governor McKlnley and General Hastings alternated at two mon ster meetings, the principal one at the Academy of Music, where Major McKln ley spoke first. It so happened that Mr. Colborn was chosen to follow General Hastings at the other gathering, with Instructions to hold the audience until MeKlnley should arrive. No one knew just when this would be. After speaking with telling effect for more than half mi hour, "Our Jack" decided that If Me Klnley didn't Intend to get there In proper season that wasn t his fault, hence he proceeded to declaim his peroration In this wise: "After all the havoc, ruin and loss that his agitation had cost to the industries of his countrymen, it was but natural that Sir" William Wilson should flee for con solation to ,the applauding legions of Great Brltuln, who received him with open arms. Leaving Englishmen to wine and dine tho stout champion of English Interests, you men of Philadelphia, you fellow citizens of Pennsylvania, will turn' to greet the defunder of your Interests and your political (faith, who comes among you in the person of Ohio's gullant governor, Major William McKlnley! As he spoke, ho turned impressively toward one of tho wings of tho stage and, sure enough, nt the very Instant, the crowd gave way and a man came to the front who was none other than Major McKlnley himself. The enthusiasm that followed was something extraordinary. It was fully ten minutes before McKlnley could begin his speech. The coincidence wns wholly unpremed itated; yet no doubt half the audience thought It pre-arranged. With the trolley railway already a fix ture In our American life, It ought to lie posslblo coon for material Improvement to manliest itself in the quality or trol ley car accommodations. Tho barn-like characteristics of most winter street cars are us unnecessary as' they are crude. There Is absolutely no fair reason why for five -cents the average passenger aboard a street ear should not receive as comfortable a seat as the average pus senger receives who pays three cents a mile to the Bteum ear oilleluls. The St. Louis trolley compuny which has ordered palace cars correctly interprets a growing public demand. When will the palace street car materialize In Scranton? The faculty of Lafayolte college, In vetoing a proposed game with Princeton, assumes that foot ball, as now played, Is dangerous and brutal. And is It not right? Those who recall the scene In this city, a few weeks ago, when a robimt and strapping youth was pounced upon by a horde of kicking wild men until, with a crack, his thigh bone was broken so that Its ragged ends Jutted out through the bleeding flesh, are not open to argument on this point. Foot ball as a pastime may have Its good points; but It is yet far too barbarous. If the undertone of confidence how aud ible among Scranton business men shall expand into the business revival that most persons regard as certain to result from Republican restoration, it will soon be time to revive the quiescent new ar mory project. That was originally pros trated as much by "Democratic times" as by anything else. Give Scranton its "sec ond wind", and the new armory will cer tainly materialize. ' Tho uncertainties of politics have sel dom been better illustrated than In the election of George Llewellyn, of Plttston, to the Lucerne prothonotaryshlp. . The day Mr. Llewellyn was nominated he was three hundred miles from the con vention and probably had no thought of becoming a candidate for office. When the congressional nomination went to John Lelsenrlng and the judgeship to Captain Darte, the leaders of the conven tion decided It was time to do something for the upper end, and hence threw the prothonotaryshlp to It. It Is doubtless the exact truth to say that Mi. Llewellyn was as greatly surprised as Mr. Bchappert was when Informed of his election,. ELECTION ECHOES. Congressman Springer was beaten 2,933 votes, a change of 5,190. New York's court of appeals will be come Republican on Jan. 1. It Is said the president sent a large check In aid of Wilson's campaign for re election. F. iK.t Downing, (the only Democrat elected to congress from Illinois, has CD majority. Friends of Jeromo B. Nlles, of Tioga county, will push him for speaker of the house at Harrlsburg. It is thought that Mr. Culberson, of Texas, win be "Father" of the Fifty fourth congress. One Populist and one Republican have been elected to congress from Texas, und the Democrats elect the governor by b0, 000. Congressman A. C. Harmer, of Phila delphia, was elected by the biggest major ity of any nutional representative in the state. In round numbers it was 10,000. The proposed "Greater New York" by consolidation was carried In the cities and towns concerned by 33.809 majority of 292, 943 votes cast, of which majority Brook lyn contributed 1,708. By far the smallest votes of all the sixty-seven counties was cast by Cameron, Pilte and Forest. Cameron polled Just 1,400 Republican and Democratic votes, Pike gave 1,510 and Forest went Pike Just one vote better, 1,517. A Bellefonte dispatch says that Gen eral Hustings has already begun to feel the penalty of a successful candidate for otllce. On Saturday he was besieged by a hoard of oltlce seekers from all over the state, nearly hn applicants visiting the governor-elect to ask for places. Gun eral Hastings turned a cold car to all, and refused to make any promises. He will leave Bellefonte today, to avoid the rush. ALL WON. It was evening. It wan moonlight. It was luto, und It was fair. I was courting, I was happy, I was brave, for sho was there. ' She was pretty, sho was blushing, she was willing to bo wed Ho arrived and he objected. He was papa, so I fled. I returned. He was repentant. She was coaxing her mamma. He relented, and I thanked him and for gave him dear pupal Then he blessed us. I was happy, while she blushed a rosy red. Ho was willing. She was willing. I was willing. We are wed. Vogue. HILL & GONNELL 131 AND 133 WASHINGTON AVE., Have just received a carload of the celebrated 1 I) "The best business desk in the world," which are offered at greatly reduced prices. The reduced prices at which this celebrated desk is now of fered make them the cheapest la the market. Within the Reach of all. AS LOW AS $19. A full line of office Furniture, Type Writing Desks and Chairs. We are now showing the larg est line of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in - HAVILAND & CO, CHAS. FIELD HAVILAND, R. DELENINERES & CO, FRENCH CHINA, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If you want a Dinner Set examine our stock before buying. Coursen, demons & Co. Maloney Oil and Manufacturing Co OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. HI to 151 MERIDIAN ST. OFFICE III I- liSW'? ;T.'4 ' , !1 0 1 THAT WONDERFUL WEBER. GUERNSEY GOLDSMITH'S FUR CAPES The largest stock to select from and the lowest prices In the city. We prepared ourselves well before the recent great advance In these goods, and can safely say that you will save at least 25 per cent, by making your selection from us. We have 27-inch Coney Capes, with big sweep, at $6.98, worth $10. 24-lncta Canadian Seal Capes, with great sweep, at $14.98, worth ls, 30-Inch Finest Moire Astrakhan Capes, 115-inch sweep, $19.98, worth $30. Best Electric Seal Capes, diilleult to distinguish from the genu lne Alaska Seal, 36-Inch long, sweep 158 Inches, $09.73, worth $90. Notwithstanding the great strike of the Cloak and Cape makers, we still have as large a range of styles as ever. Special Sale of 10-4 Gray Blankets, 49 cents a pair. Special Sale of 114 White Blankets, three-fourths wool and weighing 4 lbs., at $1.98 a pair. Special Sale of 114 Pure Wayne County Wool Blankets, guar anteed, formerly $0.50, now $4.98 per pair. Do You Wear Shoes If you do and need a new pair, why not examine the stock of The Lackawanna Store Association, Lira, Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Ave. We are sole agents In this city for the J. 8. TURNER & CO. High GradeShoes for men's wear (these shoes took first pre mium at the World's Kalr, Chicago), and for EDWIN C. BURT & CO.'S Celebrat ed Shoes for Indies' wear. We also handle the following lines: FOR MEN. Strong & Carroll, J. St H. Fltzpatrick, Stacy, Adams & Co., For LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN. C. P. Ford & Co.. Thomas O. Plant Co., H. 8. Albright & Co. If desired, will take measure and order special pairs from any factory in the country. Our aim is to be prompt, to give our customers the best attention and lowest prices, guaranteeing satisfaction on all our goods. We also carry a fine line of GROCER IES. HARDWARU, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, etc. A trial is wht we ask of our cltizeut aud we Will endeavor to pleas.1. Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce ments, Reception Cards, Visiting Cards, flonograms, First-Class Work, Prices Low. REYNOLDS BROS. Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. DR. HILL & SON ALBANY DENTISTS. Sot teeth, $5.50; best set, $8; for gold caps and teeth without plates, called crown and bridge, work, call for prices and refer ences. TON ALU 1 A, for extracting teotl) without pain. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Engraving ! TONE IS FOUND ONLY IN THE " WEBER PIANO BROTHERS, WYOMING AVE, 3 BAZAAR BLANKETS SCIENTIFIC EYE China Closets reduced 15 to 40 per cent, Nov. 13, 1894. Removal 5ale of Furniture at HULL & CO.'S, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. . Fine Dressing Tables greatly raJuced In price If you would have the LARGEST Amount of heat from the LEAST Amount of fuel, you must have a Howard Furnace. Foote a Shear Co. TESTING FREE BY DR. SHIMBURQ The Specialist on the Eye. Headachoi and Nervont nesa relievod. Latest and Impn Ted Stylo of Ey gluee nnd bpectncUa at tde Lowest Prices. Beat) Artificial Eyes IiiBcrted for $i. 305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Postofflce. DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated staff of English and German physicians, are now permanently located at Old Postofflce Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor is a Rraduae of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology and surgery at the Mi'ilico-Chlrurgiciil college of Philadel phia. His specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. - DISEASES OF THE HERYODS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizzlness.lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball rising In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which untlts them for performing the actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits, ovll forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, deprcakin, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately; ar-d be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakuess of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy siclnn call upon the doctor and be exam t;d. He cures the worst cases of Ner vous Debility, Scrofula, Old Bores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers ana Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred nnd coniidenla.. Ulllce hours dally from 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent Btampa for Bymtpom blanks and my book called "New Life " 1 will pay one thousand dollars In gold . to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. , r, . DK- E- GREWER. Old PoBt Office Building, corner Pena avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON. PA. OF ALL KINDS. Maurice River Cove, Blue Point and Rockaway . , . Oysters, CLAMS MEDIUM AND LITTLE NECK, All kiuds of Fresh Fish, Lobster, Hard Crabs, Escallops and Shrimps; at PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVENUE. HORSE SHOEING, HAVING purchased the took ai d rented the Shooing Forge of William Biuine tt Son, I shall now give constant attention to hoeing horsae in a prituti oal and leientifto manner. Quick work and good Is tb motto. JOHN HAMLIN, DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY. IF YOUR OLD BOOKS NnWriX. INQ, SEND THEM TO' 11 11 The Soranton Tribune Bookbinding Dfcpt. M mi A