THE SCKAX'JOX TKIliUX E-TL ESDAV MOKNJMJ, NOVKMUEIt 13, 1894. 3 . x ' - NORTON'S FIR is now at the Old Store, 322 Lackawanna ave., where the whole of the wrecked stock will be sold at prices to interest buyers and move the goods quickly. . Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Blank Account Books, Wall Papers, 'Window Shades, Room and Frame Mould ings, which have been dam aged by water and smoke, much or little, and must be sold at some price soon to clear the building for repairs. GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR J ' And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. THE GENUINE PQPUUR Punch Cigars HfiVE THE INITIALS G. B. & CO. IMPRINTED ON EACH CIGAR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Hornta a Hpeclalty. Well known Surantou physicians in charge. SC RAN TON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO,, UNI., 203 Washington Avenue. PEKSOXAL. llffi-niie Collector ('mint Herring was In the city ypsterduy. Mall Currier Ilicliunl Ui-imcs is back at work after a aeverc scourge of typhoid lever. Rev; Thomas Lucas, D;i., of Arelibakl, mill Kcv. Al. F. Crane, of Avora, were callers at the residence of Jllshoji O'Haid vHtrduy. ii-orsp It. Jerinyn In entertaining John Thomas, who appeared ut the Young .Men's Christian association convert last lilKht. Uoth Reinlcmen arc old und inti mate friends. SOUTH EXP XOTKS. A fair mid social timlor the auspices of the Luther league will le held in St. l'aul'.o Lutheran church, on Short ave wio, near N'n. 21 school, Park Place, XVe. 11, 13 and l:t, 1S9I. A large number of useful und funry articles will be on sale, also Ice civmn. candies and eut ubles. Tableaux, sinning and recita tion will be given each evening-. Every body come; do not forget the dates. Members of the league win cull on you with tickets do not fall to Becure one. Tickets also for sale at S. H. Stcklcr's drug store, corner Court street and Providence roud. The 2-year-old child of George IlobUs. nt Cuyuga Htreet, died Sunday night of congestion of the lungs. Tli funeral ser vlees will be held this ufternoon at 2 o'clock. A young child of William Ilobbs, of Warren street, broke Its arm Sunday night by fulling out of a chair. The regulur business meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Ku deuvor of the Green Kldge Presbyterian church will lake place tonight. Miss Ann Curlier, of Suliuiga, Ph., Is visiting Alius Florence Sllkmaii, of Alain avenue. ... Thomas Jehu lectured to a large audi ence In the Welsh Baptist church last evening on "What Is That to Vou," for the bviiellt of the poor fund. The subject was ably treated In his Inimitable style mid sparkled with humorous points and uuccuoics. Another World's Heeord Broken. When Tyler made a mile In 1.4S Hat it was considered marvelous. This time cannot be compared with the time the news of jiavioow liros'. bargains goes around tho coy. The $40,000 Sekool House for Columbia avenue 1ms been let and will He commenced Immediately. There ore mill a rew more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frolhlnghum, , " ' O'hee. Theater Lobby. Filzslinmons & Corbett. ' Thn coming together of these two world reno'wned pugilists would not be as brutal and lerrllle as the way Imvidnw Pros. eonthWinlly Plush high pricey, i , . ... , liny the Wtbcr tho best, At Guernsey Bros and get Ed SHia AFosto Dyspepsia 4 0 014 OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Passing Events of the Day on the " West Side of the City Noted. SIK KNIGHTS' FIRST SOCIAL It Was Held Last Xlfilit In .Wears' Hall. Peter r.lileillu Arrested for MuMng Tlircnts-ltoarU of TraJe Will Hold u Meeting Tonight. The first social of the Sir Knlylits of Pleasure dancing class was hel l In M'.'uni' hull last evening. The room was beautifully decorated with Hags, p.ilns and ferns, limiting of orange and blue was draped on the wall. At 9 o'elocii i in. tmesis had arrived, and niur.V en joyable hours were mailt In dancing to music by Al Ins Nellie Curran. Prof"S '"i' tVoi ue Taylor was prompter, 'i he members of the Sir Knlyhts eluli nr.?: Ceorgs uberdurfer. Harry Wrliii.y. George Sample, Charles Keliur, Horae." Cosier, Gus Woiuel, George Frank, Charles Warnlic, and George Thymus. The lvorite Kooius. -' The new club rooms of Robert Morris lodg..', order of American True Ivorlu-s. In the Aleurs" hull building, were com pleted on Saturday afternoon, and are now ready for occupancy by the mem ber!:. They have been repainted and papered and are made comfortable by Stettin K-at. The rooms are on the sec ond floor, fuciiig botli Main and Serun ton streets. Three writing tablet;, club chairs and a handunme plush and velvet parlor suit have been placed in, as well us carpets, draperies anil fixtures. A formal opening will occur this week. The committee in charge are Daniel J. Phillips. Waller Jones, lioger Hvuns. 1). J. Davie and Dr. J. .1. .Roberts. They held a meeting III the 1'iyirns yesterday afternoon mid decided to have a form il opening on Thursday evening by giving a stiii i!:e. Ancle J for Throats, Antonio Alunutas, an Italian resiling on Scrantoii street, had a wairunt te' Hited last evening for the arrest of Peter Chlcllla. Alalia tas alleged that Chlcllla entered his home and threat ened to kill both he and hla wife. The warrant was served by Constable John Davles, und the would-be slayer Wrt9 found in the saloon of A. Feidlnando, on Penn avenue. He was taken to the West Side svntlon house. A hearing will be held this evening. ; brief Notes of Interest. Samuel McKeever, of Jackson street, Is ill with typhoid fever. The West Side board of trade will meet this evening In St. Vuvld's hall. Druggist George V. Jenkins is ill at hla home on South, Hyde Park avenue. Will Da vies., of New York city., ha returned home after a visit with friends here. Will Crlmniins, of South Alain n ve nue. Is recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. The bachelors of the First Welsh l!ap tist church will give uti entertainment and social on Xov. 21. Airs. J limes Henderson, of West Chester, has returned home from a visit Willi friends on this side. The members of tl(e Hyde Park Liter aty and Debating society had a well at tended meeting last evening. Alany Questions were diseitHSed In an aide manner by the members of the society. The grand oratorio entitled "The Last Night at llethuny," ut the Simp son Methodist Episcopal church, w ill be conducted at 8 o'clock this evening un der the auspices of the choir. The best local tulent will participate. Complaints are continuously being made of the Italians and Hungarians who reside on lower Jackson nnd Robinson streets, and nightly en gage in iirnwis. -ine police are frequently summoned to the place, but no arrests were made until yesterday morning, when a party were brought tip to the station house, by tho oillcers. DIXMORKDOIXGS. Mrs. II. J. Swum, of Electric avenue, Is Hi. Henry P.eyea lias returned home from Philadelphia. Fresh oysters received dully nt Pul mer s market. Mr. Coiitello is building a nev house on Allll street. Stanley Rogers, of Luke Wlnola, is visiting in town. Mrs. W. L. Purcell Is visiting Ply mouth relatives. The Catholic choir were singing at Archbuld lust evening. Nellie Sanders, of Cherry street, spent Sunday with friends in Plttston. Allss Minnie Sanders, of Cherry street, will spend today wth Plttston friends. The Epworth league held their week ly devotional meeting last evening at 8.30. P. J. Regan and Patrick Wulsh spent Friday evening with friends lu Provi dence! Reuben Dulnty, of Shumokln, Is visit ing his brothel's, Janes and George, lu this borough. ' . Aliss Maine Peckens, of North Park, bus returned home from un extended visit In the eastern states. The funeral of Owen Flynn was very largely attended from his lute residence yesterday morning at 10 o clock. The young ladies of Dunniore wlll give a social at Odd Fellows hall Thursduy evening, Nov. 15, Admission, 2D cents. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Allen are at Pltts ton attending the funeral of Air. Alleu's brother, who died Saturday at the Moses Taylor hospital. Members of the Epworth league that have tukeii talents will please remem ber that the talent social will be held a week from Wednesday evening, on Nov. 21. The Ladles' Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will hold a praise service In,, tho lecture , room , of the church Thursday ufternoon at 3 o'clock, All ladles welcome. Miss Sarah Kirk, of West Chester, t delegate ut the Young Woman's Chris thin Association convention, at Scran ton, hold service in the Presbyterian church lust evening. The monthly, business nnd literary meeting of the Epworth league will be held Tuesday evening. Reports of the recent convention will be read, after which essays will be read by local tal ent. Tho Ladles Aid society of the Method 1st Episcopal church will meet on Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Airs, Helen Spencer, on Bloom street. The society Is making earnest efforts to raise Jiioo toward repairing the church In the spring, and wish every member to be present. uwen J'lynn uiea at ins home on Chestnut street, Friday nlg-ht lit 12 o'clock. Mr. Flynn was f,8 years of age nnd a native of Ireland, but came to this country when a child with his par ents. He formerly worked for the Pennsylvania' Coal company. Mr, Flynn wns well known throughout the Lackawanna valley and hus many friends that mourn his loss, He leaves a wldow nnd seven children, live ljoy und two girls. His funeral will be held from his Into residence this morning at 10 o'clock. Funeral services III ' .SV Mary's church, where a solemn hgh mass of requiem will be sung. SOUTH MILI.!$ KEKmi?. .-, I- TIicyAru Now Lvpeeto J to It 11 11 All Win ter. The merry hum of Industry again surrounds the mills nt the South works of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany. Work was resumed in all the de partments yesterday morning amthe mills will be continued cti double turn until all the orders now on hand are Idled. This will require not more than a week, but it is given nut that other orders are expected and that the mill will be kept running for the winter. Since the suspension of work extensive repairs wore made at the pit and around the furnaces, vessels, and in the rail shed. The mill run along smoothly on the opening day without uuy Interruption suve a half hour's stop lu the morning 011 11 trivial reusoii. , Employment was given to nearly fifty new hands to take the places 01 muse who left the city when the mill closed. HAPPY GI S WILLIAMS. - Aprcared ut the AcuJcmy l ust Night in His tntertuining la ice. A small audience greeted Gits Will- lams "at the Academy of Music last ilyht, where he appeared in a taroe ailed "April Fool." It does not pie end to have a coherent plot, but 11I- ows Air. Williams and his company to Introduce entertaining specialties that were heartily applauded. Air. Williams has few superiors In his line of GeiniH.'t comedy work, und Ii was ubly assisted last night by George Al. Cohan. Josle Cohan, Josephine Fen ton, Georgie Hrlar uud Julia Chase. Kl I.1MOI S TOPICS. I'.ev. Lincoln i.ll'h, of pethlehem prcuclicd at the Wushltiiru Street I'n.s bylei l iu eliiucii Sunday. Tin- congregation 01 Calvary elmrcti caul two excellent sermons Sunday by Rev. J. li. Long, of Philadelphia. Prank nweit Jones wus eoiigrittulat'.-d esterduy by his many friends upon the honor conferred upon him by the blshoo of the diocese. Mr. Jones' services tit St Unvbl's are highly appreciated by the rc- tor and the c-wgregatlori generally. fin Satir .lny night St. Peter's, of IVter.:. burg. Rev. Air. Randolph, pastor, eel" brated Luther's birlhduy wjih appropriate exercises. Rev. A!r. Sclieldy, of St. Paul's, dellveied the English address, and on the same night Christ church. Cedar avenue, observed the sevinh unidveisaiy of tlui: Yuung People's society . Rev. Air. Ett- wein and his choir, of lit.slon, insistc. in the service. St. Paul's Lutheran church, Vtev. '. M eheldy, pastor, was closed Sunday on account ot 1 lie extensive renovations no.v in progress. The pastor Is doing sonic hustling work In that growing part of tin city. Indications are that St. Paul's will soon become one of the largest and most prosperous of the English congregations In the city. St. Alark's, Hyde Park, 1 vacant und Is supplied by students from the Alt. Airy, Philadelphia, seminary. Rev. Air. ischium, now past ids sev eutleth year, is the oldest pastor In Ser in ton. lie Is still active and Ids step ii th v of a young man. fie visits the sick faithfully and serves the mother church. V.ww'i, 011 AIIMII11 avenue, with the same activity which chinacteiized him In the days of I'M. . Rev. E. L. Miller, of the Holy Trinity church, is a most energetic pastor. As president of the State Lutheran league his luili'S are in u 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1101 m. and on Saturday ho attended a meeting in New York and lust nlglit .le spoke ut lirooklyn. 1'enn sylvunlu lias become his parish and fiis study u regular business olliee. The ladles of the Puritan Congregation al church w 111 hold their buzanr on Wed nesdi.y und the three following days. GFTTYSHIKG CASK. Llcctrie Kullway Company Not-Satisfied with SUII, 000. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov.- 12. Gettysburg Electric Ruilroad company, through its attorney, today took un appeal to the nlted States circuit court from the recent award by a Jury of seven, com pensating the compuny to the extent of $:iO,aiM) for the taking of land by the gov ernment to reserve the battlefield. The railway company claims that the award Is Inadequate und It asks that a Jury of twelve puss upon the mutter in court. Sci anion's llnsiness Interests. THETK1HTNR will soon publish a care fully compiled and elussllled list of the leading wholesale, bunking, manufactur ing und professional Interests of Scran toii and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully lllustra- ed with photogravure views of our pub- He buildings, business blocks, slreets. etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No simllur work has ever given an equal representation of Serunton'.-i many Industries. It will be an Invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new com- ers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circulation is 011 a plan that cannot fall of good results to those concerned as well us tho city- at large. Representatives of THE TRIBUNE will cull upon THOSE WHOSE NAMES are DESIRED In this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of tholr residences in this edition will please leave notice at tho oltlce. ; An experienced Fur manufacturer from New York will be at our store for three days Alonday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 12, 13 and 14 with a representative line from the largest Fur House in Amer ica. This is your opportunity for a Fur Cape. CONNOLLY & WALLACE. WHITE, We are showing a full prices, Union emits st-specialty. ' ... (EWS Of THE SOUTH SIDE Dointjs at the Rooms of Yonntj Wo men's Christian Association. INSTKl'CTlONS IX BIBLE STI DY Vocal Cluss to Be Organized w ith C. II. Mer man at Leader Looking About for a Cnndidute to Take Council, nun Cnmuil's Pluee. The lilble class at the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association receives instructions each Alonday eenlng from Rev. George Aldrlcli, pas tor of Grace Reformed church, Wyom ing avenue. Lust night the class was a large and uttentive one nnd the Scrip tural lessons were highly Interesting. In u short time 11 Vocal cluss will be formed und Instructions given one night a week by Professor C. li. Her man. Anybody wishing to Join this class may let the secretary know. Sun day school teachers of till denomina tions are invited to Join the Dible class. Friday evening of this week will be taken up with an Informal assembling of all the members, who ure Invited to bring their sewing with them and spend, a pleasant evening. It Will lie Lively. Since the victory of Alex. T. Council In the recent legislative contest, there has been much speculation as to his successor. There will be a lively time before the question Is settled. Profes sor Thomas Coyne, of Ptvck street, whs strongly urged to oppose Air. Council In the recent eoiinciliiianle contest, but he Molcrred not to c uter the ureiiu ul that time, lie may be uskod again to be n. candidate. Just a few of tin-many who ure announcing- boldly their candi dacy are: .Michael AlcGarry. Patrick Corcoiau, Thomus AlcGruil, James Clare. Frank Aloeller. Alurk Cahilla, Al. J. Lovern, 'Squire Patrick Roche und 1 host of others. South SiJe Jottings. .Next Saturday evening, at Cernianla hall, the Eig Five Social club will hold a social. MIsm's Annie and Tillle Kearney, of Jessup, have returned home after a visit with Aliss Alary Ruddy, of Cedar avenue. Columbus Council. Young Men's In stltuU , held a meeting last night und initiated throe new members: Edward Durkin, .Michael Welter, Jr., and Ed w a id Crane, No change for the better has been observed lu the condition of Professor Thomas J. Coyne's sou, Eugene. There Is a fear that the bright child may suc cumb to the dread disease. Thursday evening the marriage of Aliss Nellie Dankwei t:: to lirich War ren will be celebrated at St. Paul's Evangelical (church. Rev. Edward Lang, the pastor, will perform the cere mony. The Souths Side choir organized to compete at the Taylor eisteddfod on Christmas Day will assemble tomorrow night nt Phillips' hall for rehearsal. A new piano will greet the members of the choir tomorrow night. Dr. und Airs. J. J. Wulsh have moved Into their beautiful new home 011 lilts ton avenue, near the corner of Locust street. It is a splendid ten-room build ing, handsome in its exterior nnd In terior finish, and is an architectural ornament to the South Side. The Iron fence lor the guurd on both sides of the Plttsion avenue culvert ar rived yesterday and will be put In place before the end of tho week. The fides of the culvert are graded and the ad dition of the fence will liuish the Job. Without delay the fence should be put In place or some one may take an un ceremonious tumble and sue the city for damages. Pillsbtiry's Flour Mills huvo a capacity of 17,rxW barrels a day. THE PRETTIEST ORIGINATE HKKK. Our styles are always ahead of all others. This week we raise the curtain upon a new display of handsomely trim med and uutrimmed Hats and Bounets. HASLACHERS : MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. 324 Lackawanna Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank aud Miscellaneous Books, Pbotugraph und Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fiue Stationery and Writ lug Tablets. PRATT - STATIONARY - STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. Kill FASHIONS SCARLET, NATURAL, FOR . line of Underclothing and MEARa-''frAGEN, ; 415U.acka. Ave., Scranton, SPKCIAL NOTICE, To All Whom It May Concern: This Is to ailviMA nil persona that Ueesu & Long, bill posters, are Hot in the employ of tho Frothlnghum, neither do they have any business transaction in uny man ner whatever with this house. The man agement return thanks to tho many citi zens who have extended advertising priv ileges to this theater and Invite Hn exten sion of the same. The advertising and bill posting for the Frothinghum will hereufter be conducted by ourselves. Very respectfully, J. II. LA INE, Aliiiutgcr. The lirlving Purk lots will be opened to tho publlo soma day next week. The date will be given in Tribune, later. Rest facilities offered, such as street railways, gas and water, etc. Watch Tha Tribune for tho date of opening. Fur Capes from to i'niw. Every kind of Fur represented. Special engagement of a New "York manufacturer ut our store on Nov. 12, 1", und 14. Speclul low prices prevail. CONNOLLY & WALLACE. There Is a Satisfaction When Buying a. to know you can replace, it at a moment's notice such pieces as get broken. You don't have to buy a whole set, but can select such pieces as you need. We have one pattern in La Belle China, But you need not buy the full set, if you don't need it, thereby redueiug the price to suit your purse. 116 WYOMiKG AVENUE. N'T KICK the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, but drop in and look at our '0H DofiKOla" shoes for misses and children, Shoes Are Cheaper Than Medicine And when the children are wearing out shoes' it's pretty sure they don't need medicine Then Anuin Our Shoes Are Cheaper Than Others Those "(Ml Doilti'Whls" are the kind that have good soles, throw off water and uive you iiliout hull jnore service for your money than you usually get. Lace or Button. Ladies' Shoes in tho same quality. your shop; man, 410 Spruce Street. ON THE ELECTION? GET IT ' at 412 SPRUCE ST., or 205 LACKA. AVE. Tl offer superior quality at popular 1 100PIECeSFOR$13.50 China nail WEICHEL I MILLAR, SCflnNK DID YOU LOSE A HAT CHRISTIAN. UTTER LARGE VARIETY, GOOD We want to show you our MEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN ....... Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors 08 LACKAWANNA AVE. Pin j nnnnmi llihL 50 Ladies' Beaver worth S9.00, for Coats 100 Children's Long Coats,' worth $10.00, for 100 Children's Eiderdown Angora fur, worth $1.50. 1 ease Men's Natural Wool 75c., for - VISIT m uft tin or a n n m m a t nt ipr n m m m m kbk rra n n in n n m ll Nt 1 mm mm Something New Every Week. HAIR mil FOR Hoiuothiii)? nice for a Chribtiuad CJift. Chains made out of your own or some dear friend's hair. Leave orders a early as possible. E. M. HETZEL, - 230 Lacka. Ave 'ON THE FENCE." j u j Ml . li Soon be over tlie season Tor rirtlnc. If yon want a bleyele now !; tlm time to set it. We are eUailin; up all tUoelt, ami will tve vou such a elianep as you never tent before, tine of our luirijaiiis. A l'ir:-t-elass, illfli Uldh l.i'J llieyelo for tti.". . KrliiB your eaali an.l tiET Ol F J ill: CLARENCE H. FLOREY, Sucressor to Florey & Holt. , FALL AND WINTER Mips wmmmm mm rttwi.-iv-i'au -. il. UVrMoM Emm SEE THESE FOR LADIES. ' Ladies' Fine Button Shoes - Ladies' Fine Dongola, Opera Button, Ladies' Fine Dougola, Phila. toe, patent leather tip, SEE THESE FOR MEN Men of good standing in this town are standing in our shoes; that's why they "stand good" and walk with comfort. Men's Fiue Buff Laee or Congress, at Men's Fiue Satin Calf ' Lace or Congress, at Men's Genuine Calf Lace or Congress, at All Shapes of Toes. PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 133 Complete Outfitters, STYLES AND LOW PRICES. and Oxford Mixed, DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. MS IS II in black and blue, $5.9S from 6 to 12 years, $5.50 Coats trimmed with for Underwear, worth 75c 49 c OUR if! CHRISTMAS I Tl NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. Wo ore now doinfr a Kenoral Drug. Paint and OH busln.- .it ilin above location, duriiiK the creel Ion of our ftori building reevntly destroyed by lire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. . OCT. TIOI.RI HOXE CALL. N'O. :2!. All orders promptly tilled and dilivercd in uny part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. Don't spend more money lliau yon ought lo. That iiic;iiis: tome hero tor your1 shoes. We iieiareil an immense stock of line Fall Footwear, from which every member of the fanrly can 1m easily suited. , v While worthy styles and reliable makes alone- are represented, never theless this fall the feet of men and women, boys and girls, is tripping to the merry jingle of cheapness. $1.00 1.35 2.00 1.75 V V " "' '" ' Hull in. Ses Show Windows. RESENTS. 2.50 AND SHOE HOU PENH AVENUE, S. L. GALLEN.