0 Tin: SCRAXTON T1MJ5UXK-MONDAY MOItN'INTJ, XOVEMJ'.EIt 1SJM. 1 I!Y RIDYAKD KIPLING. (Theso short serial Btorles nre copy righted ty lliichollor, Johnson & Bachel or, and mo printed In Tliu Tribune by rpeclul arrangement, simultaneous with their nppcarunco In ihu leading Cully Jor.rnnls of the larRP cities). IV. ' "Sot before the iifth shot." said the mugger, aa though ho had never Creamc. of stunning one of his listen ers "net before the fifth shot did I sink, ami I rose in time to hear a thief of a boatman telling all those white women that I was most certainly dead. One bullet had gone under a neck- plate of mine. I know not if it Is there still, for the reason I cannot turn my head. Look and see, child. It will show my tale is true." . "I?" said the jackal. "Shall an eater of old shoes, a bone-cracker, presume to doubt the word of the Kuvy of the Kiver? May my tail be bitten off by blind puppies if tho shadow of such a thought have crossed my humble mind The Protector of the Poor has con descended to inform mo, his slave, that once in his life lie has been wounded bv a woman. This is sufficient, and Will tell the talo to all my children, fishing for uo proof." "Over-much civility is sometimes no better than over-muuh discourtesy, for, as the saying is, ono can choke a guest with curds. I do not desire that any children of thine should know that the mugger of Mugger-Uliaut took his only wound from a woman. They will have much else to think of if they get their living as miserably as does their father." ; "It is forgotten long ago! never said! There never was It was a white Nothing woman! Thero was no boat! 'whatever happened at all." The jackal waved hi3 'brush to show fcow completely everything was wiped out of his memory, and sat down with an air. "Indeed, very many things hap pened," said tho 'mugger, beaten in his second attempt that night to get the better ol his friend. (Neither bore malice, however. Eat and be eaten was fair law along the river, and the jackal came in for his share of plunder when tha mugg-er had finished a meal.) "I left that boat and went upstream, find, when I had readied Arrah and tho back waters behind it, there were no more dead English. The river was empty for awhile. Then came one or two dead, in red coats, not English, but of one kind all Hindoos and Purbeeahs then five and six abreast, and at last, from Arrah to the north beyond Agra, it was as 'though whole villuges had walked into the water. They came out of little creeks one after another, as the logs come down in the rains. When the river rose they rose also in companies from the shoals they had rested upon; and tho falling flood dragged them with it across the fields Bud through 1.e jungle by the long hair. All niijfit, too, going north, I heard the guns, and by day the shod feet of men crossing fords, and that noise which a heavy cart wheel makes on sand under water; and every ripple brought more dead. At last even I was afraid, for I said: 'If this happen to men how shall the mugger of Mugger Ghaut escape? There were boats, too, that came up behind me without sails, burning continually as the cotton boats sometimes burn, but never sink ing." . "Ah!" said the adjutant. "Boats like those come to Calcutta of the South. They are tall and black, they beat up Ihe water behind them with a tail, knd they" j "Are thrice as big as my village. My Tjoats were low and white; they beat up the water on either side of them, and were no larger than the boats of one who speaks truth should be. They made mo very afraid, and I left water And went back to this my river, hiding by day and walking by night, when I could not find little streams to help me. I came to my villago again, hut I could not hope to see any of my people there. Yet they were plowing and sowing and reaping, and going to and fro in their fields as quietly as their 6Wn cattle." "Was there still good food in the triver?" asked the jackal. '"More than I had any desire for ;Even I and I do not eat mud even I ,was tired and, as I remember, a little jfrightened Of this constant coming down of the silent ones. I heard my people sny in my village that all the English were doad, but those that came iace down with the current were not English, as my people saw. Then my people said that it was best to say nothing at all, but to pay the tax and plow the land. After a long time the river cleared, and those that came down It had been clearly drowned by tho floods, as I could well see; and, though it was not so easy then to get food, I was heartily glad of it A little kill ing here and there is no bad thing hut even the mugger is sometimes sat isfied, as the saying is." ' "Marvelous! Most truly marvolous!" B&id the jackal. "I am become fat through merely hearing about so much good eating. And afterward what, if it be permitted to ask, did the Protector 431 the Poor dor' "I said to myself and by the Eight and Left of uungal locked my jaws on that vow I said I would never go rw Ing any more. So I lived by the ghaut Very olose to my own people, and 1 watched over tnem year alter year; nd thoy loved me so much that they threw marigold wreaths at my head whenever they saw it lift. Yes, and tny fate has been very kind to me, and jlho river is good enough to respect my poor and infirm presence; only "No one Is all happy from his beak to his tail," said tho adjutant, sympathet ically. "What doeB the mugger of Mug- rer-unaut nee a mora " -; "That little white cllfld which I did . not got," said tho mugger, with a deep eigh. "lie was very small, but I have not forgotten. I am old now, but be low I uio It is my desire to try ono new thing. It is true they are a heavy. tooted, noisy and foolish people, and tho sport would be small, but I reraein bcr tho old days abovo llcuares, and if (the ohild lives he will remember still. It rnav be he (roes im and down the hank of. some river, telling how he once panted his hands between tho teeth of the mugger of Mugger-Ghaut, And lived to make a tale of it. My fate has been very kind, but that plagues me sometimes in my dreams the ituought of the little white child in the bows of that boat." lie yawned and closed his jaws. "And now I will rost and think. Keep silent, my children, and respect tho aged." lie turned stiffly and 6huffled to tho top of tho sandbar, whilo thb jackal drew back with the adjutant to tho shelter of a tree stranded on the end nearest the railway-bridge. "That was a pleasant and profitable life," he grinned, looking up inquiring ly at the bird who towered above him. "And not once, mark you, did he think lit to tell me wiiere a morsel might have been left along the banks. Vet 1 have told him a hundred times of prood tilings wallowing down-stream. How true is tho saying: 'All the world forgets the jacknl and the barber when the news has been told, ffoing to sleep. Arrh!" xow he is j "How can a jackal hunt with a muff E'er?" said the adjutant, coolly. "15ig thief and little thief; it is easy to say who gets tho pickings." Tho jackal turned, whining impa tiently, and was going to curl himself up under the treo trunk, when he sud denly cowered and looked up through the draggled branches at the bridge al most above his head. "What, now?" said tho adjutant, opening his wings uneasily. "Wait till wo sec. The wind blows from us to them, but they are not look ing for us those two men." "Men, is it? My office protects mo. All India knows I am holy." The ad jutant, being a first-class scavenger, is allowed to go where he pleases, and so this one never flinched. "I nm not worth a blow from any- thing greater than an old shoe," said the jackal, and listened again. "ITurk to that footfall:" ho went on. "That was no coui-try leather, but the shod loot or a wniteiace. Listen again. Iron hits iron up there. It is a gun. l'riend, those heavy-footed, foolish English are coming to speak with the mugger." 'Warn him, then. lie was called Protector of the Poor by seme one not unlike a starving jackal but a little time ago." "Let my cousin protect his own hide, lie has told me again and again there is nothing to fear from the whitefaccs. They must be whitefaccs. Not a vil lager of Mugger-Ghaut would dare to come after him. See! I said it was a gun. Now, with good luck, we shall feed before daylight. lie cannot hear well out of water, and this time it is not a woman!" A shiny barrel glittered for a minute in the moonlight on tho girders. The mugger was lying on tho sandbar as still as his own shadow, his forefeet spread out a little, his head dropped between them, snorting like a mugger. A voice'on the bridge whispered: "It's an odd shot straight down almost but as safe as houses. Better try behind the neck. Golly, what a brute! The villagers will be wild if he's shot, though. He's tho deota (godling) of these parts. "Don't care a rap," another voice an swered. "He took about fifteen of my best coolies while the bridge was build ing, and it's about time ho was put a stop to. I ve been after him in a boat for weeks. Stand by with the Martini as soon as I've given hiin both barrels of tills." "Mind the kick, then. A double four- bore's no joke." That s for him to decide. Here goes'." There was a roar liko the sound of a small cannon (the biggest sort of elc' phant-riflo is not very different from j some artillery), and a double streak of flame, followed by tho stinging crack of a Martini, whoso long; bullet makes nothing1 of a crocodile's plates. But the explosive bullets did the work. One of them struck just behind the mugger's neck, a hand's breftdth to the left of the backbone, while the other burst a little lower down, at the beginning; of the tail. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred a mortally wounded crocodile can scramble off for deep water and get aw.ay; but the muprgcr of Mugger- Ghaut was literally broken into three pieces, lie hardly moved his head be fore tho llfo went out of him, and he lay as flat as the jackal. "Thunder and lightning! Lightning; and thunder!" said that miserable lit tle beast. "Das the thing that pulls the covered carts over tho bridge tum bled at last?" "It is no more than a gun," said tho adjutant, though his very tail-feathers quivered. "Nothing1 more than a gun. lie is certainly dead. Hero come tho white-faces." Tho two Englishmen had hurried down from the bridge and across to tho sandbar, where they stood admiring the length of tho mugger. Then a na tive with an az cut oil the big head, and four men dragged it across tho spit. "The last time that I had my hand in n muggers mouth," said one of the Englishmen, stooping down (he was the man who had built the bridge), "it w4s when I was about five years oldcaai ing down the river by boat to Monghy'r. I was a mutiny baby, y' know. Po'or mother was in the boat, too, and she often told mo how she fired dad's old pistol at the beast's head." "Well, you've certainly had your re venge on tha chief pf thd clan even if my gun has macv yvat nose bleed. II 1, you boatmen! Haul that head up the bank and we'll boil it for the skull. Tho skin's too knocked about to keep. Como along to bed now. This was worth sit ting up all night for, wasn't it?" Curiously enough, the jackal and the adjutant made the very same remark sot three minutes after the men had left. Don't Forget that when you buy Scott's Emul sion you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion cannot be se cret for an analysis reveals all there is in it. Consequently the endorsement of- the medical world means something. Scott's overcomes Wasting, promotes the making of Solid f lesh, and gives Vital Strength. It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Coldt, Soro Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Sorofula, Anaemia, Ema elation, and Wasting Diseases of Children. 8coltoBowia,N. Y. All Drug jiala. 60c. and L EmuMl AND Perfect Nutrition r . j i ,i is necessary for good health ' . " I lo insure these you need a preparation of the juices of lean, raw meat, carefully selected, containing ail the elements for making new, pure blood, and giving perfect nutrition to all the organs of the body. That is what ijS It IS endorsed by 25,000 I J " physicians aS the lllOSt perfect j r J 1 COIldenSed food knOWfl. For sale by all druHglxts. the eovixise co., xf,w voar. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF Id safe, reliable and effectual because of the tstim ulatlnsf uction which it exerts over tho nerves and vital powers of the body, atUl ln:( loim to the one and Inciting to re newed and Increased vigor the slumbering vitality of the phynltal structure, and through this healthful stimulation and increased action the cause of PAIN is driven uway uiul a natural condition re stored. It Is thus that th- READY RK LIEr' la so admirably adapted for the CURE OF PAIN and without tho risk of iijury which Is sure to result from the use of many of the so-called pain reme dies of the day. It Is Highly Important That Every Family Krepa Supply o!" READY RELIEF. Always In the house. Its use will prove beneficial on all occasions of pain or alck iies.i. There lsnothlng In the world that will stop pain or arrest the progress of disease us quick us the READY RE LIEF. CURES AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CURES THE WORST PAIN'S In from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOL'R after readinc this advertisement ueed any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAISS. Forheadache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and weakness In the back, spine or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and paint of all kinds, the application of Rudway'a Ready Relief will afford Immediate ease, and Its continued use for a few days ef fect a permanent cure. Internally A half to a teRspoonful In half a tumbler of water will, in a few minutes, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Head ache, Flatulency and ull Internal pains. There Is not a remedial audit In the world that will euro Fever and Axue nnd all other Malarious. Bilious and other fevers, aided by RADWAY S PILLS, eo quickly as RADWAYS READY RE LIEF. Price TO cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Always Reliable. Perfectly tasteless. Purely Vegetable. .elegantly coat.1 puree, regulate, puriry, cleanse and utrenrthen. HADWAY'S PILLS for tho cure of nil disorders of tho Stonnoh, Dowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Norvoos Dis eases, Dizziness, VerUgo, Costlveneas, Piles, SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, ' DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Observe the following symptom.? result ing from dUeaaes of the dlgusllvo organs: Constipation, Inward piles, fulinoia of blood In the head, aoldlty of the stoicRon, nausea, heartburn, dlssust ot food, full ness of weight of the stomsoB. sour erue tatlons, sinking or fluttering of the heart. choking or suffocating senantlonn vraea In a lying posture, dimness ef vision, dots or webs before the light, fevo" and Oul! puln tn the head, deflalenoy of !rnp4r tlbn, yellowness of the skin and cytj, )!Un lntheelde,ohcst,llmb, and sudden flushes of heat, burning In the fle-ih, A few doses of HADWAT'fl PILLS will free the system of all the above-named disorders. Prloe 2Bo. per box. " Sold by Druggist or aent by mall. Send to DM. RADWAY & CO., Look Box US, New York, for Cook ot Advice. nT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of tho best quality for domestic ase, and of all sIssdh, delivered In any part of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Offlco NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, fn-.it floor. Third National Bank, or sunt by mall or telephone to tho ailno, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the lale and delivery ot buckwheat Coal, WM. T. SMITH. UP-TO-MTE ELBTBISS selddirect to iwiuuraera iTIOWt'TrnH ts n K ovmi (i its a srnni TV. tu.n,ir...,u ior 1' ItK maiinuotn oAUlair. ildrtsa OXFORD MFC.CO..flkl"ri. IT 44WabshAve. Chlosgo.lll. The Original Ravy Food j i ! '" vfir befora ofrpred. Bu.vcuract Iroiu i"t f 'l J. 'IpoTten fttid mAmlf6L't-.u era. We eil i'i l-.bl.jaw'TH rnmi.'ut or hahkiitiux wo ii-;(J,-"l )'wu ti rju iv ut u 11 cunt. A tellor i 1'A ", inll or winter oeivut, i i .'.J . combination Suits 42.10. YOUR ATTENTION IS CAI.LKD TO TUt Great English Remedy. Gray's Specific Medicine IF VOII SUFFER 'n Npr- buh un tij ii r - i i i i ru tous De bility, Wiakumsof Body and Mind, Bperina toirura. cod Iuipote ucy. and all (lindanes that nrle from overindulgence and self abuse, an Loss ol Ucmorjr and l'owar, dimness of Vis ion, Preointuro' Old Age and many other dis eases tbat lend to Insanity or Consnroptlou and an early grave, writ for a p&zuphlot. .Address URAY MLblUlNK Uj., Buffalo. K.Y. Tbs Kperifio liedidne is sold by nil ilruKKists at $i per package,, nr n ja.-kncfH ior jo. or scut dv : nd with every . a pure or, moony r lur to. nr Kilt or mail uu rn-vini i j; CU order UfF refunded. t-yOii account of counterfeits wo Lave adopted the Yellow Wrnprer, the only ir. Da mn. Sold la Scranton by Matthews Bros. European Plan. First-clnss Bar at Inched. Depot for Bergner & Ensle'l Tannhacuser Beer. . E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts., Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. E. Pennsylvania. All convonlem-eH for travelers to und from Uroad Street Htallon mid the Twelfth and Murket Strei't stution. Deslrublo for visiting Scriiiiloninns and peoplo In the An thracite tU'slon. T. J. VTCTORY, PUOPIUETOP.. A. W. JURISCH, 405 SPRUCE ST. BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, (lendron, Eclipse, Lovell, tnond and Other Wheel. Dla- REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a xstDay. ri's wrymwew man 15th Day. mYM ofMe. THE GREAT 3Oth fasy. produces the abovo reiulU in 30 tlayi. It cl I powerfully mid quickly. Cures wiien til other fall i Vouna men will retain their lout manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor or uaimj HE VIVO. It quickly tnd aurcly restorra Nervoiu tiees, Lot Vitality, Iiuuoiency. Nightly Eruiutions, Lout Power, Failing Memory, Wuitiuv Disease, and 111 effects of aelf -atmae or ezcew und indiscretion, which unlita one lor aiudy, buaiaeiia or marriage. It not only cures hy startiug at the teat of disease, but laisreat nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the plnli clow to pule cheeks and r atorinj tho Are of youth. It wards off Jtisauity and Consumption. Insist on hiving RKVIVO.no other. It can b carried iu Test pocket. By mtll. H.00 per nackaue, or ail for 85.00, with a poit tlvo written guarantee to car or refund the money. Circular free. Address 0YAL MEDICINE CO.. G3 River St., CHICAGO. ILL Tor inle by Matthews Broi., DrfJKgUt Scrautoo . I'm. For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pazzoxi'g Ponder. SHAW EMERSON WEAK HEN HOTEL rfw rhsUynnkml S-TyX frra Lift. J. Lawrence Stelle FORMERLY STELLE & SEE LEY, MUSIC DEALER, SHAW PIANOS to the Front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. ORGANS PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL CxIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. S T?T. All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in stock. IRON Of every description. Prompt shipments guaranteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn-buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. CO ',-L7A ft' 3 IffW dipcmrr. l All! A k kf . V a 4. nti ",'. ''if iDToluntirv Imisfiont AniMiMMlliMaMB coimmnpUen ot luv.ilr, e(x 4B4 Al.vJ tiusg. ordr wa aira e Written fAL HED1C15K 0 For .ale by JOHN H. PHElPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. WE Thntrvedr SZljP AMPl'M the erjMUTe i $idjcP jiaKin aulupllon an7l' RESTORED MANHOO in i niaifii imsjitain i iiairm niaMiiiMiiiai mtmt niti'iiu .an .iTLii nalNU auiee loenre ornsiuna me mrami. ruie pr. " JTor lH by O. M. OABBIS, Drastlafc THIRD NATIONAL bank of scnmoN. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, -SURPLUS, - $200,000 ' $260,000 cArv clllty warranted by their balances, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. WILLIAM CON'NELL, President. QEO. H. CATIjIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. DIRECTORS: William Connell, George II. Catlln, Al fred Hand, Junn-s Aivhbukl. Henry Belin. Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton. ORQAMZED 1890. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS $30,000 SAMUEL TIINE3, President. W. W. WATSON. Vice-President. A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Hlnes, James M. Everhart, Irv ine: A. Finch, Pierce H. Finley. Joseph J. Jermyn, M. 8. Kemerer, Charles P. Mat thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. This bank lnvlte9 the patronate of bus iness men and Ih ms geiieruly. "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles 1" Yes sir ! We have a specialist here to lit you who does nothing else. Sit right down and have your eyes titted in a scicutilk manner. .1 IF 1 LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 134 WYOMING AVE SCRANTON, PA. CLCUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER, CROWN pat & CONNELL Nil. Ill, GOKSERVATIVE and LIBERAL. PIANOS BITTENBENDER & GO,, Scranton, Pa. RESTORE LOST VIGOi. WtU brio too vpU wwk with WRITTEN W.n. b.k.lit 1 nssnfMeiiltl ('Avar IB althsl lil. foa ut cauit. U LeaUctod. tuch trtiH itid i ll.flft por box by trill, ft box for V With ? V aucTantfe ta cux a or raiuud tea aaonar. Allr Cleveland, Gbla. Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming Avenue and DDR. MOTTJ SEETEIUSI PILLS fornervoat proitrmtloa and llMrrouidlMC or Kanboud. liupotencr, Nlgkily Cmlaalona.TonUifal Krrprt,. orrmna ox viunr hi, inca bb CTrroui rronrawi u. i- nunlir. With evarT Mordur we elves wntiensur' zeeaaiTe use wx -rooacco er ueiura.wmuu ieu w w- 1X1 Veua Avanue. R All ROAD TIME-TABLES al Railroad of New Jersey. aivn and Mi8c;uohan:ia Division) iclte coal need exclusively, tnsur nllness and comfort. (1 Antt lng ch TIME .'ABLE IN EFFECT MAY 20.18U TraIi.,-1 ' leavo Scranton for Pitteton, Wlikes-Burre, etc., at 8 21), 9.1S, 11.30 a.m., Vi.M. iCW. 3.30, fUO, 7.2T, 11.(6 p.m. Sundays, tUXJ a.u.. 1.00, II. ID, 7.1(1 p.m. ; For Atlnntlo City. f.2u a.m. For New York, Newark and Kliralth, 8.20 (express) r.iii., IS!.' (esprc w itii Buf fet parlor carj (express) p.ia. riunrtay, 2.15 p.m. For Maurh Chunk. Allt ntown. Rethlo lieui. KaHton and Philadelphia. R.&) p.m., 12.M, 3.o, u.Ou (except Philadelphia) p.m. Sunday. 2.15 p.m. For Loajr branch, Oean Grove, etc,, nt S:m a.m., li! W p.m. For Kcndlnp, Lebanon and Harrliburg, via Allentown, s.20 a.m., 12.50, 5.v p.m. Biindnv. 2.1S p.m. For Pottsvillc, 8.20 a.m., 12.50 p.m. Rotiivnlns. leavo New York, foot of Llborty street, North river, at 9.U) x pres) a.m., 1.10. 1.30, 4.3u (express with LlutTet parlor carl p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. J.OO a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday, 6.27 .m. Throitch tickets to all points at lowest utes may be had on npplioalion in ad-,-anee to the ticket anont at the station. II. P. HALDWIN, Gen. Puss. Agent. J. II. OL1IAUSEN, leu. t3Ui,t. MAY 13, 1SJ4. Train leaves Seranon for Philadelphia ..id New York via D. & H. R. R. ut 7.45 ,.ni.. l:.6, 2.38 and 11.38 p.m. via D.. & W. It. It.. 6.0M.0S.U.2O a-m., and 1.30 p.m. Leave Seruuton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. & W. R. R., 0.00, 8.08,11.3) a.m., 1.3o, 3.60 6.07, 8.W p.m. Leave Scranton for Whlto Haven, Ha zleton, Pottsvlllo and all points on the leaver Meadow and Pottsvlllo branehcB, . la E. & W. V., (J.40 a.m., via D. H. R. .1. at 7.45 a.m., 12.U6. 2.38, 4.W P.m. via D., '.. & W . R. R., .(), li.OS, 11.20 u.m., 1.S0, M p.m. Leavo Scranton for Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points via u. & ri. K. it. MS a.m.. i-VM 2.3(1, D.3S p.m., via D., L. & W. It. It., 0t, 11.20 a.m.. 1.30 D.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To- wanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all intermediate points vlu D. & H. It. R. 8.4S a.m., U'.Qa and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. & W. H. R., 8.08 a.m., 1.10 p.m. Leavo Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. ChlcaRo and nil points west via D. & 11. R. H..8.4G a.m. 12.05. H 15. 11.88 p.m.. via T.. & W. R. R. and P uston Junction. 8.1)8 a.m., 1.30, 8.50 p.m., v a t;. & w. v. k. 1;., s.4i p.m. For Elmira and the west via Salamanca, via l). xl. it. it., s.46 a.m., iz.ua, ii.115 o.m via P., L. & W. R. R., 8.08 a.m., 1.30, and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. v. chair cars on all traln.8 between L. & B. Junction or Wllkes-Barro and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Brldpe. R OLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Sunt. CHAS. H. LKE.Oen. Pass. A(r't.PhHa.,Pa. . W.NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Pass. vAg't, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commenoins: Monday, -jl nay, juiy ov, an iru. will arrive atryew Lack awanna avenue station as follows: Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carboudale and in termediate points at 2.20, 5.45, 7.00, 8.2a aud 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.55, 5.15, 6.13, 7.25, 8.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farview, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 and 5.15 p.m. For Albany, Saratoga, the Adironducks and Montreal at 5.44 a.m. and 2.211 p.m. For WHkes-Barre and intermediate ,incs at 7.45, 8.45, 8.38 and 10.45 a.m., VIMi 1.20. 2.3S, 4.00, 6.10, 6.06, .16 and 11.38 p.m. . Trains will arrive at Bcranton stutlod from Carbondaki and Intermediate points at 1.40, 8.40, $.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2,344 140, 4.54, 6.65, 7.45. 8.U and 11.33 p.m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far view at 8.84 a.m., 12.00, 1.17, 3.40, 5.55 und 7.45 p.m. - From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. , From WHkes-Barre and Intermediate) points at 2.15, 8.01, 10.05 and 11.55 a.m., 1.1W 2.14, 8.38, 6.10, 6.08, 7.2v, 8.03 and 11.16 o.m. , Del., Luck, und Western. Trains leave Rcrantun as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.40, 6.15, 8.QU and 9.S5 a.m.; 12.E6 and 3.M p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia ami the south, o.li, 8.00 and S.5S a.m., 12.55 and S.S0 p.m. Washington and way Btattons, 3.55 p.m. Tobyhanna acrommodatloa, i.V) p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswefo. EU mlra, Cornins;, bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.15 a.m. nnd 1.24 p.m., making clone connections at Buf falo to ill points In the West , Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a.m. Binvhamton and way stations, 12.27 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 4 p.m. and .10 p.m. Binghamton and Elmira Express, 6.0 p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswe?o Utlca and lUchllold Springs, 2.10 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. Ithaca, 5.15 and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburar and Dan ville, making' cIohi connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsluire, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00. 9.K a.m. and 1.30 unil 8.07 p.m. Nuntlcoke and Intermediate stutlouo, 8.08 mid 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and inter nipdinte stations. 3.50 and 8.52 n.m. Pullman parlor and aleoplnu coaches on an express trains For detailed Information, pocket time tames, etc., apply to M. L. Bmllh, cltv ticket offlco, 328 Lackuwanna avenue, or uupui iicaei oiure. SCRANTON DIVISION. In Effect Sept. lGtli, 1804.' North Biiind. So ti til Bound, Hat 205 'JUJ 201 202 204 400 H S J (Trams Dally. s 3& 82 J v. j Kxceut 8nn.lay) J gal",, ! M I Arrive Leave i. u .... 7 'ij ... N V Franklin St .... 7 40 .... .... 7 10.... West 4-.'ml Si .... 75ft .... .... 7oo!.... Weehawken .... 810.... PHP m lArrire leave AMP M .... "SlW "l IS .... Hancock Jtiac. 0 Oii SOS .... 810 103 .... Hancock 0 00 Kll .... 7 58 W56 ... 8trll(jht 018 .... 751 18 .... PreatonTork fl S3I .... 7 4S Mil) .... Como 6 3J 41 .... 78f l .... Pavntelle 0 4l S0 .... 73.1 li:S .... llelnioiit 6 45 IS SH .... 7lWiliiu3 .... Pleasant Mt JS 3 06 .... 7 lit' f 11M ... Uniondalo f0 58 SOU .... 7 08 1 11 49 X V ForsetClty 710 8 19 P U 0 51 1131 915 t'Hrhomlale 74 834 5 St 84871130 0 12 White Hrl'lge 7 UT f3 3s! 5 37 f8 43 1. .. f0U Mnyltrld f7 Si f.3 4-3 tr 44 6 41 11 US Wl Jermyn 731 8 45 5 4 6 3.S 11 18 8 57 An-llibuld 7 40 8.M 651 0 3.' 11115 854 Wintun 7 43 3 54 5 M 60llll 850 Peckvllle 7 48 3 50 6 59 635 11"? 811 Olyplmnt T53 404 604 6 21 11 05 8 41 Dicksou a, 7 54 4 07 6 07 61VIU0S 8 30 Throop 7 50 4 10 6 II) 6 14111 00 8 30 Providence 8 00 4 14 6 14 fO 13 f I0T.7 8 33 Park Place 8 OS f4 17 6 16 ti 10; 10 VS 8 30 Hcranton 8 05 4 90 6) p m I A ma ii Leave Arrive a m p m p m All trains run dolly except Sunday, f. aifciiirlea that trains stop on signal for pas sengers. Secure rates vlrt Ontario Western before purchaolna; tickets and save money. Day and Night Kxpreas to the West. J. C. Anderson, Gen. Pass. Agt. T. FT'croft, Div. Pass. Agt., Scrautou, Pa. Erie und Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Vork and Intermediate points on tho Krle roll' roud at 6.3S u.m. and 824 p.m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 1.36. Mi a.m., and 8.24 p.m. All thi above are through trains to and from Honesdale. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 5.10 p. m. and arrives at Bcranton from the Lake at T.4E p.m Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.40 a. ta. and 8.41 p.m. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MUIUMT, WUVtMBER 12. THE GERMAN SINGING COMKDIAK MR. - GUS - WILLIAMS In a Sucrxaful Laugh-Provoking Molo Fares, by ' Wallace Walteu, eutitlod (t'p to Date.) Jolly Comedians, Sweet Singers, Merry aouorettes, graceful uancers Lule of eats opjns Friday, Nov. V. THE FROTHINGHAM Tuesday .13. Only One : mght. mgat, BOB FlTfollfilOHu Champion Middle-Weight of the World. Jiow Matched to Fight James J. Corbett. For a 841,000 Purae and tIO.000 Stake, and Ills Own COMEDY AND SPECIALTY CO. Inoludlmc HOWLF.Y DOYLE, the FITZ GIBBONS FAMILY aud many othtra. BOB FITZSlMMONSi'lPlriulii great Ball Puiichiug oceiir, and diaulay ot the Stanly Art with bis companion, Con Rear don. Sale of seats Monday. Regular prices. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tuesday and Wednesday, NOVEMBER 13 AND 14. ENGAGEMENT OF WILLARD SPENSER'S OPERA CO. The Original Organization Direct from the Broad Btreat Theater.Philadelphla, PRESENTING THE PRINCESS BONNIE By the Author of "The Little Tycoon." 70 PEOPLE, including anAugmentel Orchestra. PKiCkS-Flrat l'loor, 1.50 mid Jl; Balcony, 1. 75c, and 50c,; Gallery. 2fc. Sale of seats open Saturday, Nov. 10. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, NOVEMBER 12, 13 AND 14 THE CHARMING COMEDIENNE, Pauline Parker In the Eeautif ol Comedy-Drama nortd bv a Powerful Company, aud tha Favorite Comedian, Kietards and Kswson. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two performances dallyat2.30and8.1ip.m. THEY'RE AFTER ME But so far behind iu the race when it comes to selling standard goods, at low prices, that they are not worth consider ing as competitors. DON'T TAKE MY WORD For it. Compare the val ues I offer in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Sil verware, with what you can get elsewhere and be guided thereafter by your own judgment. c. W. FREEMAN CORNER PENN AND SPRUCE. CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES A Child's BIcycUBubbar Tire, new A child's Bicycle. Hobber Tire, new 1 A Bey's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 19 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 6 Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Cushion Tire, new 00 down to S 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tlre.new,. t Viator B Biaclas, Paeumatlo Tire, sec ond hand 1 , 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatic fire, sew SO 1 Secure B ovale, Paeumatlo Tire, seo- ond-band M 1 Lovel Diamond Bicycle, Solid Tire, second-hand 10 1 Ladles' Blcyole, Solid Tire, second hand " I Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second hand It 1 Victor O Bicycle, IX in. ouahlon Tire, secondhand 1 Victor B Bicycle, 1H In. Cushion Tire, second-hand w.. ' 1 Columbian Hi Bicycle, Pneumatlo Tire, SS 1 Chalnlees Bicycle, Paeumatlo Tire, nearly new , 10 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tenuis Racquets at a dis count of one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. Maloney Oil and Manufacturing Co OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER Hi to 151 MERIDIAN ST. lob Work . I XSAT TASTT OATOJIT Tha Sennlos TrfeaN fekOlBt, Fill NOV l