n THE fS(.liAXTON TBIIIUNE-.MONDAV MOltNlNG. OVEMJER 12, 1S9I. 3 NORTON'S is now going- on ' at the Old Store, 322 Lackawanna ave., . where the whole of the wrecked stock will be sold at prices to interest buyers and move the goods quickly. Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Blank Account Books, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Room and Frame Mould ings, which have been dam aged by water and smoke, much or little, and must be sold at some price soon to clear the building for repairs. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good-Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. 1 THE GENUINE POPUUR Punch Cigars , , HAVE THE IHITHLS G. B. &CO. IMPRINTED OH EACH CIGAR Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square, PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Eornin a specialty. Well brown Seranton physicians in charge. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO.. Llflfl., 203 Washington Avenue. PERSONAL. The members of the (Jns Williams dia niati! company are staying at the Wyom ing MoUFe. Miss Puulinc Pai-ktr, Jolin Richard), Manager Taylor and J. W. 8rke, of the 'Wild Hose" company, have registered at tbo St. Churles hotel. . I'. ,T. Lyneit, of Providence, formerly fcalgsinaa for-Kelly's bakery, has accept id a position an traveling representative of the Seranton Caramel company. Mrs. V. (I. School) milker, of Eimhurst, vill tomorrow besln a journey to her win ter home In Lake Helen, Fin. She bade her Seranton friends good-bye Suturday. On Saturday John S,weeney, of North Washington avenue, and his daughter. Mary, left for Niagara university to vlatt John J. O'Oonnell, who is Mr. Sweeney's ward. Rev. Samuel Doddx, who delivered an excellent address in the Vouiiif Women's Christian association eonvenllon, was a (,'UesT at the Westminster, and left for tirove City on Saturday. Ur. P. J. McAndrcw retired Saturday from the position of senior house surgeon nt the Lackawanna hospital. He fullllled that trust most ttcceptubly for eighteen months and after an European vacation of a few months, ho will return and open sn office in Seranton. A. n. Dunning, sr., has gone to Blng humton to escort W. W. Wlnton home. Mr. Wlnton lias been under treatment for failure of eyesight for 3omo time, but the specialist who he consulted ts hopeful of his recovery. Business matters, however, made his early return home imperative. , Seronton's Business Interests, THETIUBITNE will soon publish a rare fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Seran ton. and vicinity. The edition will- be bound In book form, beautifully lllustra ed with photogravure views of our pub - lie buildings, business blocks, streets, tc, together with portraits of leading citizens, rso similar work lias ever given ,an equal representation of Scranton's many Industries. It will be an Invaluable exposition of our business . resources, Sent to persons outside the city, copies of 1MB handsome work will attract new com. ers and be on unequalled advertisement of the city. Tho circulation Is on a plan that cannot fall of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large, Representatives of THK TRIBUNE will 'call upon THOBR WHOSE NAMES are DESIRED In this edition and explain Its nature more ruiiy. i Thoso desiring views of their residences In this edition will please leave notice at the otllce. The $40,000 School House for Columbia avenue hus been let and will be commenced Immediately. There are till a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frothlngham, Office, Theater Lobby, . Buy the Weber and get the test. At Quornsey Bros- . ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Passing Events of the Day on(thc West Side of the Citv Noted.' i AKKESTED 1H)K SHOl'LIFTIXd Mrs. liiink Conn;)) Taken In CustoJv. -Mr. KlchnrJs Has l.rcctcJ the Totnh. stone That Is tu Mark His llemaiils. I icatli of l'utrlck WuWIi. Mrs. Frank Conway, a resident of Jackson street, was arrested on Satur day afternoon by Constable Timothy Junes for shoplifting.' During the: day Mrs. Conway, who was a former resi dent of Dunn-ore, became Intoxicated and shortly afterward went Into the store of K. B. Houser, on North Main avenue, and stole two dog collars. Sic; was not detected, however, and went from there to the People's dry goods store on South Muin avenue, where she appropriated :i desert pairs of socks. In the latter act shu was caught by Miss Mame Kroiner and hold until the pro prietor, Arthur Ho:il, came. Mrs. Con way was then placed in the West Side station house by the olllcer. She raved madly and would have dis robed herself If this unseemly action had not been chee'-.ed by the oilieers. Later In the evening she was given n hearing before Alderman l'.lair, of the Fifth ward. Mr. Houser Identified tho dog collars tis those token from his es tablishment. - KreelcJ Hi .Monument. Thomas A. Hlchanis, who is about S'l years of age, recently purchased a handsome Scutch grnnlte monument and a few days ago it Was placed upon Ills plot of ground In the' Washburn Street cemetery. The slow weighs over la.ooo pounds uml Is made from one solid piece of granite, it bears the names of Mr. Richards and his wife u.-i well us the hitter's maiden name, Mary Morgan. Mr. Richards wished to super vise persotmlly the stone that Will mark ills liiBt resting place, hence the el ection of the stone ut this time. There Is a place left on the stone to Inscribe the time of death. Patrick Wulsh Dead. About 7.20 o'clock yesterday morning Patrick Walsh, an aged and respected resident of this side, died at his home 122 South Garfield avenue, after an Ill ness of three weeks. Heart failure was the cause of death. Deceased' was OS years of age and was born In Ireland. He was employed In the Oxford mines and was a member of the Oxford Acci dental fund. Mr. Walsh wus 11 ma.n of Integrity, honesty; and sobriety. He is survived by a wife arid the following children: Patrick, John, Edward, Mrs, Mary A. Coggins, Kathnleen, Agnes and Hannah Walsh. The ruiwral notice will appear later. llrlcf Notes of Interest. ' Mius Clara Jones, of Washburn street, is 111. Joseph WrlgleJ', .of Twelfth street, Is 111 with dropsy. ' Mrs. Richard Hall, of Hampton street, is ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Potberg, of Philadelphia, Is visit ing friends on Meridian street. Edward C. Moore, of Hampton street, is visiting at Waterbury, Conn. Company K will resume drill tomor row evening In St. David's hall. Miss Lizzie Connors, of North Brom ley avenue. Is 111 with pneumonia. William C. Davis, If Lafayette street, Is recovering from" typhoid fever. Mrs. F. AV- McAvloun and children, of Eynori street, Is visiting at Nicholson. The Sir Knights of Pleasure club will give a social this evening In Meurs hall. Mrs. Hice, of Susquehanna, Is visiting her mother. Mrs. Newton, on North Bromley avenue Rump .178. Patriotic Order, Sons of America, will give a social on Dec. 13 In th Red Men's hall. Miss Luce, of Wllkes-Hurre, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William X. Chase, of North Hromley avenue. Mrs. Hunslnger, of Lackawanna, is visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs Gomer Reese, of Rebecca avimue. '. The Bachelors' society of the First Welsh Baptist church will give uu en tertainmeut and social on Nov. 21. The English and Welsh churches on this sldi are preparing for special exer clses to be held on Thanksgiving Day. The Tinners' union, No. SC, will give a hall in Turners nun on ew Years evening. Lawrence orchestra will fur nlsh music. Druggist Thomas H. Jones, of South Main avenue, bus- purchased a hand some whito horse of full Tennessee stock, with a record of 2'.20. Rev. Hugh Davles, pastor of t he Welsh Calvliiistlc Methodist church preached bis usual monthly, English sermon yesterday morning. Edward Howell, of North Lincoln avenue, preached to a large number of men and women at the Contlneuta mission school yesterday afternoon. E. W. Scott, of Camp 178, Patriotic Order, Sons of America, uud ten mem bers of Camp 333, will organize a drum corps in the near future. The drum corps wilt giva a ball on Dec, 20. BIRTH OF MARTIN LUTHF.R. Commemorated toy Special Service In the Kvungclical Lutheran Church.: Services commemorating the birth of Martin Luther were held last evening In the Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of Adams avenue and Mulberry street. The exercises were under the auspices of the Luther league, which, In Its organization and purpose, is siml lar to the Epworth league of other COULD HARDLY BREATHE. Catarrh of the Nose, Throat and Stomach Life Made Miserable by Headaches, Pain and Cough. Llda McCandless, 1230 South Thirty nun street, i'miadrinnia, in conversu turn with a reporter, said: "t hud very bad case of catarrh of the nose, throat and stomach, 'with frequeii headaches, pain under the shoulder blades and a horrible cough, I hod to keep my mouth constantly open day and night to breathe, and felt as miser able as one possibly could. 1 tvus' ad vised to try Munyon's Catarrh Cure. am happy to say that from the begin. nltig 1 relt relieved and continued to grow better until now I am entirely wen. i am so inauarui mat this re. markable remedy wub ever discovered and hope others will take advantage of my experience. . Have you catarrh? Are you wllHng to Investigate a treatment that cures Catarrh by removing the cause? if ho ask your druggist for a 25 cent bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Cure and 2h cent bottle of Catarrh Tablets. The Catarrh Cure will eradicate the disease from the system, and the. Tablets will cleanse and heal. the afflicted parts and restore them to a natural and healthful cundl tlon. ' 't Munyon's Homoeopathic Rome Rem edy company, or f tiuaaeipiiiu, put up specifics lor nearly every disease. which are sold by all druggists, mostly lor ' evnts a oouie, r- , , i churches. ' In the absence of the pasflffijej Kev. k. 1.. Miller, v. II. fierlocK, prem dent of the league, presided. i ' Five essnyn wore read, bearing upon the life of Luther, who van born Nov. 10, 14N3. The essays were: "Childhood and Youth of Martin Luther," Miss nna, von Konecny; "Luther's Domes tic and lVrxunul Life," MIhk Hrsxte rol't; "The Diet at Worms," MIsb mm Schiller; "Luther us a. Lover of Mufle," K. W. N'ewbuuer: "Luther ns u muter of Education," Miss Katie Kareher. Kuch impel was apt and in- retlnj? in lt particular purport, Vncl eoelved attentive consideration from large audience. .NORTH feND NOTES. Frank Lewis, of reckvlll has removed his family to William street. til Hughes and Kdmund Davles, or Nun- tleoke, spent Sunday with Kev. Thomas H. Walking, of Wales street. Rev. and Mrs. 2d. D. Fuller 1. av ,v today spec to for Hurvey s lake, where lliev espect pend part of his annuul vacation. J. A. Athurton, father or J. 1j.. tt. r. aim D. B. Athtrturi, will spt iid the winter here 1th Jeremiah L on Market street. A sale of fancy goods will be held In the Asbury .Methodist Episcopal church Nov. , under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society. Th Ladies' Aid society of the l'resbyle- liiu church will hold lis annuul turkey supper In the church parlors next inurs- ,iy evening. A public drill of tho Roys' brigade of the Green lii'lgo Baptist church will be held tonight. A company of young ladles will also give nn exhibition. ilr:. Dr. Mary A. Shepherd, of Market street, left Suturday morning for Wan- eon, O., where she expects to spend the winter with her mother. , Ueorge. A. Dickenson, of the Heady Pay ore, hus purchased from A. D. Ijord, of Chleiigo, the house on Putnam street In which he has resided for some time past. Kev. W. U. Wutklns preached two elo uent sermons In the North Main Ave nue Hapllsl ehurcli yesterday. In Hie morning he preached espcclulh to wo men and in the evening to men. A number of ladies of the Presbyterian liiiii.li intend to start a brunch of the Needlework t'.alld of America. The only eyulrements to membership In 1t Is tliu donating of two nev.- garments every year. Kev. It. 8. Jones, D.D.. has been m ited to read his excellent paper on 'Christ's View of the Old Testament," which he lvad a few weeks ago ut a meet- ag of the Pastors' union, at a meeting of the Methodist Episcopal pastors tills morning in the Kim Park church. Tbesoclalof the Keystone dancing cl.nis, which should have been held last Friday In Company H armory was, owing to a previous engagement of the hull, ,post- poned until tonight. The club lias been re- ently reorganised, A. K. Detweller being elected president, and Stanley tfllkmnn secretary, The Puritan Congregational church wass. completely Allied lust evening to hear the eloquent sermon of Itev. A F. Ferris on "Die Fust Young Man." Special music- was lurnlshed by the choir, nidi d ny, an orchestra, which consisted of lirst cornet, William Smith; second cornet, Duviil lteese; violin, John Stoppard; ci-llo, Isaac: Jones. Thomas Jeliu Llew y bryn will lecture tonight at the Welsh Baptist church, Pro vidence, upon the subject, "What Is That to You," the proceeds being devoted to the relief of the poor of that chui;eh. 'there Is no doubt that a treat will be provided, as Mr. Jehu Is humorous above all things and his wit this evening will enthuse tho large audience that will assemble to hear the bard of the North End. The proiiis of tho lecture are to be devoted to the as sistance of the poor and needy. At Tliursdiie evening s business meet ing of the North Main avenue Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor It 9ii decided to hold a meeting every Thursday evening during the present month, this meeting to be of u literary character. Next week the society ex pects to read Shakespeare's "Julius Cae sar." It has not yet been decided Just what line or reading will be taken up, but this will be decided in the near fu ture. Not only members of the society. but all young people who are Interested in the development of the mind, are cordially Invited to attend. DIXMOKE DOlXfeS. Mrs. Tompkins and son, of Staruccn, arc visiting at the residence of Mrs. Bransons, on Elm street. , Fresh oysters received dally at Palmer s market. The Loyal Legion entertainment was largely attended Saturday evening, it be ing tlie lirst of a series to t" given liie coining winter. The Legion hn. become n. fixed Institution in Dunniore and Is doing much good In. the town. The following mofrruninie wus given: iteenuuuii. .oisa Ethel Jackson: recitation, .vtiss i-.me.i; m e.ia icitil- Swartz: recitation. Miss Eva Hess: rei Hon, Garfield Auglvln. W. Dillon gave a very .Instructive and rorciDie address, speaking of the horrors that drunkards experiences. Mr. Dillon was listened to very attentively and pleased me large au dience. Charles A.' Cramer, of Mill fitrcet, and Miss Maud Woodward, of ilawley, will be married Nov. 2S. IX IM'ALTHKATKKS. Tonight Our Williams and compony will entertain the pntronn of the Academy or Music with his laughable farce "April Fool." There Is no nume fietter Known among lovers of legitimate comedy than that of Mr. Williams, and although he has been visiting tis for years his luugli- maklng powers do not seem to be on tho decline. Other mngnots who will netp to make tho evening's enjoyment will be JosleCoha.il, the refined dancer; Josephlno Fcnton, the operatic soloist; jula cnace, the character sketch artist; Cjcorge Co han, the comic boy specialty artist; Jerry1 and Nellie Cohan and their dancing dolls; Luhora Darcy, Ueorgle Briar, Julia Bar ton and Ed YYIdeman, all artists of worth and merit In their respective lines. !l II H Tho great Philadelphia success, "Tho Princess Bonnie," Is to be presented In this city by tho original company, in cluding Frank Daniels und Eleunore Mayo. It is the tnorougniy pure and wholesomo churactcr of Mr. Spenser's opera that appeals to the very best class of people. From beginning to end there Is not a word or suggestion In "ThVlTln cess Bonnie" which could offend tht most sensitive. The presentation In this city will be complete In every sense of the word. In fact it will be given in the same handsome manner i'ns In Philadelphia. "The Princess Bonnie" will be seen on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at tho Acedemy of Music. ii ii :i Bob Fltzslmmons, he champion mid dleweight pugilist of the world, who, Is now matched to light James J. Corbett, will be seen at the Frothtnghum tomor row night surrounded by his own com pany of vaudeville artists, among whom are Con Reardon, Little Flo Perry, How ley and Doyle, Gordon and Lick, liar rem und Forrest, John R. Harty, Joe Hard man, Miss Nellie Fraiiklyn and William E. Whittle. At Davis' theater the beautiful comedy-drama "Wild Rose" will be presented today, tomorrow and Wednesday ufter noon and night by Pauline Parker, the charming comedienne, and the favorite comedians, Kichurds and Thompson. Tho public may confidently rest assured that this charming play will be acceptably presented, - . . . ' I! -II II . The excellent satisfaction given by last week's engagement of the "American Pluyers" at the Frothlngham has in duced Manager Lulne to secure a return engagement for next January. Tlils com pany Is managed by T. L. Dlggens, Well known to Scrantonlans, and Includes such capable persons as Joseph .Ransome, Dora Vinton, Frank Harrington arid Miss Well., who were all seen two years Ago In Dan L. Hart's play, "Underground;" : , ., " ' Mufclo Boxes Exclusively. Best made.' Play any desired, number of tunes. Oautschl. & Sons, manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only $5 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunes, HE HAS TOOBIT WIVES Arthur E. La Bar Has One Here and . Another in Hallstead. NO. 2 HAS LEAKXEDTHE TKl'TH She Paid a sil to iliis City Saturday and .Made an Investigation Which Satis fied tier of l a Bur's Du plicity to Her. Mrs. Arthur E. La Bar, nt Hallstead, acconipu tiled by Mrs. Doherty, a lady with whom she boards, paid a visit to this city Saturday In search of evi dence of a former marriage of Mrs. 1 La Bar's husband. They found it and j Mrs. La Bar's emotion when she discov I efed that her husband had another wife '. living was distressing to behold. She ! raved and moaned and declared that ; she would shout the man Who had de ceived and wronged her so cruelly. Mrs. La Bar Is u. young woman of 21, pretty uml Intelligent uud of a natural ly conlldliig disposition. Her parents are dead and site resided with n mar ried sister at Hallstead. where three years ago she met La Eur, whose homo : Is at Munger's tannery, three miles from Hallsteatl. Soon the two became fast friends. i Then La Bar came to Seranton, but j continued at Intervals to pay court to j Miss La liar. He obtained n position here as u hostler and formed many ac t'yualntaneos. Among those he became I very Intimate with was Miss Beulali : F. Vail, u young woman lrt years of age, who resided on the West Side. I.a Bur Takes I nto Himself a N lfc Filially Lu Bar was asked to marry I the young woman, mid when he refused I u wiirrunt was Issued for his arrest, j and on May ::, 192. lie was arraigned , before Aldermtui De Long to answer a ; charge preferred by tho young ludy's father. Thereupon La Bur decided to ; marry, . und at !) o'clock that nlt-'ht a marriage license was obtained and Miss Vail married to La Bur by Alderman i De Long. i Two'days later he deserted his young I and, pretty bride and went west, j Some time Inter he made his uppear I mice at Hallstead again and obtained 't work on the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad as a brakemuu. : He reviewed his attentions to the young woman, who afterward became wife No. 2, uud In July lust she consented to elope with him to Bilighamton, where they were married. They returned to Hallstead und have since boarded ut the house of Mrs. Doherty. Souii after her marriage Mrs. I.aBnri began to hear stories intimating that her husband hud another wife living and bout the same time she observed that he paid frequent visits to this city. She fought ngnlnst the feeling of dis trust of her husband that was taking possession of her, but It grew, ntid un able to bear tho suspense any longer, In the absence of her husbund, she came to this city Saturday to ascertain the truth.. She Becomes Convinced. After making many Inquiries about the city oncerning LuBur, the lattor's wife and Mrs. Doherty went to the clerk of the- courts' office and there upon the records found the evidence of LaBar's previous marriage. The young wife almost fainted when she saw the words that convinced her that she had been duped. She cried and v screamed aloud that who would arm herself with a revolver and kill the man who had blighted her Hie by his Infamous conduct. Nothing could Induce her, she said, to live, for a moment under the sumo roof as LaBar, and she left the court house supported by Mrs. Doherty with the tears atreaming down her cheeks. Another I'wci of happiness had been dissIpaterV SPECIAL NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern: This is to udvlse nil persons that Re"se & Long, bill posters, are not In the- employ of the Frothlnglmm, neither do they have any business transaction in any man ner whatever with this house. The man agement, return thanks to the many clii zenS who have extended advertising priv ileges to this theater and Invite uu exten sion of the same. The advertising and bill posting for the Frothlnghiim Mill hereafter he conducted by ourselves. Very respectfully, J. H. LAIN E, Manager. An experienced Fur manufacturer from New Y'ork will be at our store for three days .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 12, IK and U Willi a representative line from the largest Fur House In Amer ica. This Is your opportunity for a t'nr Cnpe.' CONNOLLY & WALLACE. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2 p. in. Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity of 17,GuO barrels a day. THE PRETTIEST , IRY-FflSHK ORIGINATE III It K. Our styles are always alieatl of all others. This week we raise the curtain upon a new display of handsomely trini iuecl and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets. HASLACHER'S : MILLINERY H. UNGFELD, SUCCESSOR. 324 Lackawanna Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Photograph and Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Gold Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ - lug Tablets. PRATT - STATIONARY STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. "THE, BEST IS, AYE, THE v TATI0XS OF AXD ,. .. A Grand Musical Trent. in Tuesday evening. Nov. ISth IrwU: a choir of forty voices will render the sored cantata, "Bethany," nt Simpson Method ist Episcopal church. No time or expense has been spared In the preparation of tho rendition of this beautiful work. Tho choir will bo assisted by some wall known artists of this city, and owing to the thoroUKlmess of the conductor, Pro fessor w. W. Jones. In drilling the sev eral voices, the music loving people ef our city will be assured a grand musical treat. Fur Capes from S! to iM. Every kind of Fur represented. Special engagement of a Now York niauul'iicturcr ul our store on Nov. 12, i:i, uml H. Sopclal low prices prevail. , CONNOLLY &WALLACH. Annual commutation tickets for the use of the Nay Aug Fulls and Klinhurst Bou levard for driving purposes can be pro cured at the ofliee of tlio treasurer, room 7, Coiniuomsealtli building. Price, ilD. The Driving Puik lots will be opened to the public some day next week. Tho date will be given in Tribune later. Best facilities ottered, such as street railways. ga3 and water, etc. Watch The Tribune for the dato of opening. ' There Is a Satisfaction When Buying a. to know you can i-eplace it at a niomeut's notice such pieces as get broken. You don't have to buy a whole set, but can select such pieces as you need. We have one pattern in La Belle China, But you need not buy the full set, if you don't need it, thereby reducing the price to suit your purse China Hall WEICHEL 4 MILLAR 116 WYOMING AVENUE. DON'T KICK Because the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, but drop in and look at our ''Oil Dongohl" shoes for niissea aud children, Shoes Are Cheaper Than Medicine And when the children are wearing out shoes it's pretty sure they don't need medicine Then Again Out Shoes Are Cheaper Than Others Those Oil DOflfroln" are the kind that have good soles, throw off water and trive you about hall more service for your money than you usually get. Lace or Button. Ladies Shoes in the same quality. SCfifM YOUR SHOE MAN 410 Spruce Street. 1 DID YOU LOSE A HAT ON THE ELECTION GET IT at 412 SPRUCE ST. or 205 LACK A. AVE Instruments In every sense of the term 8 auuiiea lo Pianos. Exceptional In holding; their original ful nesM or lone. NEW YORK Fifth avenue. WAREHOUSE, No. 80 SOLD BY E.G. RICKER&CO 1115 Adams Ave.,'New Telephone Bdg CHEAPEST." : AVOID SMSTITITES FOR 100 PIECES F0RS13 THE HATTER REEFERS LARGE VARIETY, GOOD STYLES AND LOW PRICES. We want to show you AlEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 50 Ladies' Beaver' Coats worth $9.00, for 100 Children's Long Coats, Avorth $10.00, for The Fashion WILL OFFER 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK 100 Children's Eiderdown Coats trimmed with Angora fur, worth $1.50. for 1 case Men's Natural Wool L'ndenvear, worth 75c, for - ' - - -' VISIT OUR HILUNEBY DEPARTME Something New Every Week, See Show Windows. ir cms C3t Something nice for a C'hri.stuias (.tit't. Chains made out of your own or '. some dear friend's hair. Leave orders as early as possible. E. M.HETZEL, "ON THE FENCE." Soon he over Hie fenson for riding. If you want n Meyele now is the time to net it. We nre clearing up nil sfoek, uml will jilve you sueh u cflmnee us you never htd Iwrore. one or our nai'KUins. A l'lrst-cluss, Jlltfli Uraclu JS lllcyele for JUj. Itrlng your casn and ukt wv tiik FKNCK. CLARENCE fl. FLOREY, Successor lo Florey & Holt. FALL AND flip SEE THESE FOR LADIES. Ladies' Fine Button Shoes - Ladies' Fine Dougola, Opera Button, Ladies' Fine Dongola, Phila. toe, patent leather tip, SEE THESE FOR MEN Men of good standing in this town arc standing in our shoes: that's why they "stand good" and walk w ith comfort. Men's, Fine Buff Lace or Congress, at - ( $1.25 Men's Fine Satin :,Calf Lace or Congress, at . Men's Genuine Calf Lace or Congress, at ' All Shapes of Toes." , PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters. REEFERS our and Oxford. Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. INSTH1SWI iu black aud blue, $5.98 from 6 to 12 years, $5.50 75c 49c 230 Lacka. Ave NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We arc now dolntf u neutral Drug, Faint and Oil huslness ut tho above location, flurliiK the erection of our tor tiultdtnc recently destroyed by lire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OUR TELEPHONE CALL, 'NO. J2S. All orders promptly filled and delivered tg any part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE, WINTER Duu't spcntl more lunucv than vou 011 g lit to. That means: Come here ff .yoiiC shoes. We prepared an immense stuck of title Fall Footwear, from which . every member of the fam'ly can be easily suited. While worthy styles and reliable makes alone are represented, never theless this fall the feet of men and women, boys and girls, Is tripping to the merry jingle of cheapness. $1.00 1.35 2.00 i S PRESENTS, I I 1.75& 2.50 AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. , S. L GALLEty