a THE SCRANTON TIUBUNE-MOXDAY MORNItfGj KOYEMBEIt 12, 1894. i . ! . ' . Industrial and MINE, MILL AXD RAILROAD. The statement of shipments of an thracite coal (approximated) for the week ended Nov. 3, compared with the corresponding period last year. Issued by the bureau of anthracite coal statis tics, has only slight tearing on the policy of the companies as to produc tion the present month, when no bar to restriction prevails. Only three days of November are Included In the state ment of coal shipments for the week, during which there was an Increase of 31,403 tons In shipments from the Wy oming region, a decrease of 19,684 tons from the Lehigh region, and a decrease of 3,678 tons from the Schuylkill region. The pith of the statement is that there was for the week an Increase in the out put of the three regions of 8,141 tons. For the. year to date shipments from the three regions aggregate 34,162,914 tons, against 36,286,343 tons for the same period last year, a decrease of 1,123,429 tons. The relative use of money and checks, drafts and bills of exchange In the prac tical operation of commerce and trade is well Illustrated by the deposits for a single day recently In a leading Nation al bank in the city of Chicago, as given by Lyman J. Gage, a bank president, In an address delivered before the Com mercial club of that city, which was as follows: . . Gold coin..'.-. SH.885 8llvcr coin lWO Gold certllleaterf 4,015 Silver certificates , 88.12!) Legal tender notes and greenbacks. 82,172 Treasury notes 25,4 National bank notes 34,203 Total deposit of money $209,810 DtposltB In checks, drafts and bills of exchange 3,298,SW It will be observed that of the total deposits 95 per cent, was in checks, drafts and bills of exchange and 6 per cent, in money. That in total deposits of $5,668,751 only $13,930 was in gold coin and gold certificates or of 1 per cent, or upon the basis of $100,000,000 of gold to $40,000,000,000 of checks, drafts and bills of exchange. The percentage of deposits In checks, drafts and bills of exchange to total de posits for one day was In New York 98 per cent. London 97"4 per cent. Kdlnburgh 80 per cent. Dublin 90 per cent. This tabulation in the Commercial Advertiser's opinion illustrates the vast Importance and value of confidence in our financial institutions, and to what an extent commerce and trade are founded upon business integrity. The people of Savannah, Ga., are en Joying the sweet privilege of riding whither they please on electric cars at the rate of 1 cent per trip, and the car lines collect as many as 60,000 fares a day; yet a Savannah exchange inti mates that everybody is not yet happy. There are almost as many kickers as if the fares were 5 cents and cars hauled empty. There are the' motormen and conductors. They kick because they have so much more to do without a proportionate Increase In pay, just as If in' the crush a faro now and then should not fall short of the bell cord; then there are the green grocers and suburban market men; they are kick ing because the 1 cent fares are carry ing their customers by to the regular markets and the larger establishments, and last, if not least, of all the shoe -V 1 1.1,1-1 UAAn..nA an ,,nt. riding saves shoes and causes a heavy falling off in their trade. MINOR INDUSTKIAL NOTES: St'. -Louis was the first city to Introduce the mall car and tho hospital car. The Nickel Plate stutement for the Sept. 30 quarter shows a surplus above charges of $1(10,351. There is Borne talk of sprinkling the Btreets of St. Loiils from huge tanks mounted on an electric motor. A consolidation has been effected of the Fort Wayno and Eastern railway of In diana, and the Ohio Hallway company. It Is stated that In round numbers there are on all lines of steel railways In the United States 50,000 cars. Including steam dummies, electric motors, cable grip cars, trail and horse cars. It Is announced that the Southern Hail way company will control the whole stock of the reorganized Georgia Central com pany,' but that the latter will remain a separate corporation, A bellcose feeling is developing be tween the Big Four and the Pennsyl vania lines which may yet lend to a pas-Benger-rate war. As yet It Is confined to competing points in Ohio, but la liable to extend. The first week In November the Hlg Four handled on Its system 34,246 loaded cars, against 31,354 In tho corresponding week of 1893, and against 32,932 In the eor respondlng seven days of 1892. when freight traffic was heaviest on the Big Four. By the organization of tho Norrlstown and Perklomen Electric Railway com pany, which has just secured a charter from Pottsvllle to Chestnut Hill, where connection will be made with the Peo ple's Traction company to Philadelphia, It is expected to have ,ihe connections completed by next summer. According to statistics just gathered. there are sixty-two street railways In the United States carrying mall, fifty-eight or which have government .contracts. Five roads operate special cars for the itervice. Thirty-five roads are now en gaged In the express business, while forty live roads are hauling freight. V. D. Kwlng, who went from the Maokay lines to take the superintendenev of the Fltchburg railroad, is receiving praise ror the manner In which he Is handling the department. For tho quar ter ending Sept. 30 the road increased Its net earnings over the corresponding pe riod of 1893 $150,597, and Increased Its sur plus J1M.U00. Freight traffic on the Pennsylvania railroad's eastern lines Is holding Its own as compared with last month, but Is con Blderably heavier as compared with the month of November, 1893. The move ment Is made up principally of high class i reign i, on wntcn the rates are more re. muneratlve than on grain, coal or other ouik rreignt. The equipment of a new St. Louis trol that one. dozen bottles of CHE GENUINE f .ALT EXTRACT : WTHQUT BM iNTQXICATJNQn Beware of Imitationsr VLQOK FOR SIGNATURE Commercial. ley line Is to consist of thirty double truck cars, each of the unuBual length of 30 feet. They are being made by a St. Louis car company and are said to bo the llnest curs In the world. The scats ure reversi ble. Tho main panel on tho outside of thu car will be' English Vermillion. Those palace cars, It is said cost. .10,000 apiece. Statistics collected by the Iron Age show that thero were in active operation on Nov. 1, 181 blast furnaces, with a week ly capacity of 157,4iS tons of nig Iron. This is nn Increase of 6,331 tons per week over Oct. 1. Tho coke furnaces were pro ducing on the 1st Inst. 134,171 tons, the anhrarlto furnaces 18,000 tons, and tho charcoal funraces 4,094 gross tons per week' Another effort will be made to revive the Transcontinental 'Passenger association and the meeting for that purpose may le neiu in Lhlcago on rov. 10. although the date Is not certain. The Southern PaclHc Is, as before, the principal mover In the scheme, and It is understood that It will make considerable concessions to the di rect California lines to induce them to en ter the association. STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 10. The Stock market was active and higher again today. Total sales, 195,250 Bhares. Prices were higher all through the liBt, the belief that the administration had arranged for a bond Issue with the syndicate that placed the last loan of $50,000,000 having stimulated purchases. European firms announced today that they were In the market for the new bonds, which guar antees the success of the loan before its public offerings. Wall street traders Increased their lines of stock,, and this buying led to a rise' of to 3 per cent., the Improvement being mostly marked In the Industrials, Grangers, Luke Shore, the Southwestcrns, Louisville and Nashville, Union Pacific, Northern Pacific preferred and Western Union. The market closed strong and on the ad vance, the reduction iiv the rates of ex change of V4 cent In posted and actual rates having exerted a good effect. Net changes show gains of U to 3 per cent. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of tho Now York stock market are given below. The quotations are fur nished Tho Trlbuno by U. du U. Dhnmlc k, manager for Wllllum Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. et. ins. Am. Cot. Oil 28'4 29 L'8'i 28Vi Am. Sugar He'g Co.112'4 r2'i 9PA 91 Atoh., To. & S. Fe... Kt 5-y, 5t f.',4 Can. South linK, 52' 52Vi Wit Ches. & Ohio lHVi lra l'J'i I'Jra Chicago Gas 77 77' 70'u 77 Chic., & N. VV 0V'i 101" ltl3',i 103 Chic, 13. & Q 7lii W 7554 70 C. C. C. & St. I HlHis 39 3ii, SH Chic, Mil. & St. P... 04 4' 63Vi 03 Chic, IX. I. & P 4S Slrt' Gild ;.V Deluware & Hud.... 127' 128 127! 127ii I)., L. ftW 102H 102Vj 16014 KRI'ji Dlst. & C. F 104 1UU. loft Gen. Electric 37Vii 37i 37Vi 37'.s Lake Shore.... '.136 i 13S 136 138 Louis. & Nash 50 M!a 56 M',4 Manhattan Elc.:....mvi 1"8 M 108 Mo. Pacific 30 3iF 30 3014 Nat. Cordage 12'i 13 1214 1 Nat. Lead 424 4:i 42'4 42i N. J. Central 9Ui 97'4 90 90',i N. Y. Central lliOV) 10IU, (io'4 ikii., N. Y. & N. K 32'4 32'4 32 32'i N. Y., 8. & V Pr... 45 4:i'4 45 461,. N. Y., S. & W 101,4 IOMj 16 16 Nor. Pacific, Pr 18'4 19.14 W4 -934 Ont. & West Wi . 16H K 16", Phil. & Head 1814 Iff 18' J Rich. & W. P 18 18 17- 1774 Texas Pacific 1014 1014 1014 J04 Union Pacific 1314 14 13'i 14' West. Union 8914 69"4 8914 894 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. WHEAT. May 60 60'4 C94 59 December 64 fc1 54:14 Sl OATS. May S2 324 31v4 32 November 2X"j, 2814 December 281j 2S4 CORN. May 50 604 4954 49T4 November 504 511 5u?i 601s December 60 '50 49U 49?i LARD. January 7.00 7.20 7.00 7.00 November 7.U0 7.00 May 7.17 7.35 7.15 7.30 PORK. January 12.00 12.30 11.97 12.17 Muy 13.20 13.07 13.30 13.55 Scranton Wholesale Market. Scranton, Nov. 10. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb., 0a7c. ; evaporated apples, 10a 11c per lb.; Turkish prunes, 5a 6Vjc; English currants, 2a2ViC; layer rai sins, $1.75al.80; muscatels, $lal.40 per box; Beans Marrowfats, $2.35a2.40 per bush new Valonclas, 6a7c. per lb. el; mediums, $1.70al.75. Peas Green, Jl.10nl.15 per bushel; split J2.Ma2.0O; lcntels, 6118c. per lb. Potatoes GouGOc. bushel. Onions Bushel, 55aC0c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9al 114c per lb. Eggs Fresh, 20a21c; coolers, I7a18c. Meats Hams, 1014c; small hams, 814c.; skinned hams, 1214c; California hams, 8,iiC.;slioulder9,84c.; bellies, 8Mic; smoked breakfast bacon, 1014c Smoked Beef Outstrips, 1314c; sets, 15c; insldes and knuckles, 1614c ; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.45 dozen. Pork Mess, $17; short cut, $18. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 914c; In tubs, 9?ic; 10-pound pails, 1014c per pound; Si pound palls, 1014c. per pound; 3-pound pails, 1014c per pound; compound lard; tierces, 614c; tubs, 0c; 10-pound pulls, 714c per pound; 6-pound palls, 7c per pound; 3-pound palls, 714c per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; Kye flour, $3. FeedMixed, per cwt $1.15. Grain Rye, 65c; corn, 61a63c; oats, 28a 45c. per bushel. . Rye Straw Per ton, $12al4. Hay $14.50al6. Buckwheat Flour $2.15 per 100. Now York Produce Market. By the United Press. , New York, Nov. 10. Flour Steady. . Wheat Dull. u' lower with options. steady; No. 2 red store and elevator, 6714a 5714c;; afloat. 6814a58y4c; f. o. b 5S14a59y4c ungraded red, 63u59c. ; No. 1 northern, 6640.; options were less active but steady at 14aHc. decline; December, 5814c; Janu ary, 69c f March, 61c.; May, 62c Corn Quiet, old grades firm, new grades easier; No. 2, 57c. elevator; 67c afloat; un graded mixed, 48a50c; options dull and steady at 1iac. decline; November, 57c December, 64c; January, 63c; May, 6314c . Oats Dull, steady; options dull, easier November, 3214c; December, 3314c; Jan- ' . 4A$ ' amt '-IM MM mi A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH Agents Wanted. WANTED-A FEW RELIABLE WORK era to H-ll nnr Nnrrv Ktnplr. Hnwinl inducements. ELLWANOtH & BARRY, Rochester, N. i. SALESUEN.873 MONTH AND EXPENSES. Belf soller: exueri-nce unnecessary. KN EEL AND M'F'G CO.. Chicago. WANTED SPf.UALTY ADVERTISING canvassers familiar with nreniltini mer cantile trade; money maker of lttOt, Also clever gcu. canvassers on gretttwt sailer of the duy. Stanley Bind ley, 5 E. lUtU St.. iNcw York. WANTI'D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handltt nnr line, im ntnldiinir. Sa'arr. 85 per month and expenses paid to nil. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. hox, 6308, bo.iton, Mass. Kelo Wanted Females. T A DIEM PAIS HIKE T1A1T.V TtV Pnt.D I J nut and cddroHsinv circuhtis for us. at ome. No canvKFHiiig. Position permanent. It'nlv With Ntttmnnl nttvolmia. UIMUARIK WORTH, jshlaml,0. LADIES YOUR NAME SENT ON stamped envelope will give you steady work: good silury. No canvassing. Nettie Hurrisou, Sun Francisco, Cal. For Rent. IWR RENT--DEHK ROOM IN LARGE I front office. No. 2 Price buildina. 120 Washington avenue II OUSEFOK RENT, 723 MAHION STREET, urt'en MiciKu. yon RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST E, EVANH, sear 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. OR RENT-ONE HALF STOKE. 120 Penn nvenu, 130 par month. FCRRENT NICFLY FURNISHED HALL suitable for In Wo na mi JoMN JLti- 1IYN, ll'J Wyoming uvenus. For Sale. 7U11 SALE CHEAP-TEAMS AND LIVERY stock. Inquire at ola (Jakford Court. BROWN'S LIVERY. Wanted To Rent. WANTED-TO RENT A HOUSE WITH eiirht or nine rooms. Willi modoru Im provements, in Scranton or Green Ridge. Ad dress HOJIE. Trlhnno office, Special Notices. VOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT I Frank Lcslio'o llluxtraleil Week y War Illustration I mi U ML',. Two Volume Folio. $10..jU; payable monthly, J2.C0. Delivered by exureBs complete. Prepaid. Addioss P. O. MUJUl, ui uilJHon Btreoi, Bcrsuton, ra. H LA NIC BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA vmnu otj... hmmrl nr ri'bound Ut TllB Timiiunu office. yuic-U work. Rdasouuble prices. M EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 rnrnnr Hmiif.n Atriut anil Franklin RVe nno. Twenty meal tickets for $3.50. Good lablo board. Lost. T OST-On Wednesday, near tlieD.. L. W. 1J station, a small band mtcllul with namo on it. Tlio finder will confer a favor by re turnlnRit to ;nn Phelps street. Situations Wanted. CITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING. O ironin. or ncrubbinir or anv kind of work by the duy. Cnll or address L. A., Sil North Sumner avenue. UATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG L7 man in the butcher busmen", who liai had long experience; will board with employer or nr ilium., and rnrniHn dl-e or reroren. e nno bond, it required. Address BUTCHER, Trib une otnee. CITUATION WANTED UY A YoUNG O man as salesm in in uuvkind of storo: has bad experience in dillercnt Uiutls of biisineNS. Addres A. B., Tribuii" ottlce. Will furuish best ot roHureuces and bond, if required. HORSE SHOER WANTS WORK. STEADY, sober snd Industrious: Best references. W. O'CONNELL, :17 Fourth Street. Hvlluvue, Scranton. unry, 34c; i-'ebruary, &jc; May, jow.; spot prices, No. 2, 3-V.c; No. 2 white, lie; No. 2 Chicago, 334c; no. a, asc; No. 3 white, 30c; mixed western, 33a34c; white do., 37al0c. Beef-Billet. Tlerced Beef Quiet. Cut Meats Dull; middles, nominal. Lard Firmer; western stenm, $7.6,"; city, $7.00; November, $7.14; January, $7.45; re fined, quiet; continent, $".S5; South Amer ica, $8.15; compound, 5u51ac. Pork Dull, steady. Butter Firm; stute dairy, 13a23c; do, creamery, 18a211sc; Pennsylvania do.. 18a 241ic. ; western dairy, llalDc; do. cream ery, h"a26c ; do. factory, 10al4c; Elglns, 25c; do. per case, $3a4.75; limed 10c Toledo Grain Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 10.-W'heat-Rece!pts, 31.- 000 bushels; uhipmnnts, 1,000 bushels; mur ket llrm; No. 2 red cash, O-lljC. ; December, mc; May, 6914c; NO. 3 red cash, 53ic. Corn Receipts, 12,000bushels; shipments, 2.600 bushels; market dull; No. 2 mixed De cember, 4?c. Oats Receipts, 3,500 bliBhol: shipments, 40,000 bushels; market eusy; No. 2 white cash, 32c; No. 8 do., 30ic Clover Seed F.ocelpts, 300 baps; ship ments, 313 bags; market firm; cash, $").4i'; January, $5.62'4; December, $5.521u5.35; March, ?5.55a5.5714. . Buffalo Stock .Marlcot. By the United Press, Buffalo, Nov. 10.-CattlcIlecelpts, 3,000 head; on sale, 20 head; market easy; good culls, $2.05a3. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; on sale. 000 head; market wenk ami 6nl0c. lower Yorkers good to choice, $I.Ora4.70; mixed packers, $4.70a4.75; good mediums, $4.7'a AM; choice heavy, $4.80a4.85; pigs, $l.tk)a 4.70; roughs, $4u4.25; stags, $3.60a4. Bheep und Lambs Receipts, 7,500 head; on sale, 1,200 head; market about steady; good to prime mixed sheep, $2.75o3.25; fair to good, $2.2Da2.05; culls, common, $la2; good nutlve lambs, $3.80a4; fair to good lambs, f3.25a3.7f; Canada lambs, common to best, $3.70a4.20. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. . , ; Chicago, ,Nov. 10. Cattle Receipts, 2, 000 head; market steady; common to extra steers, $3a6.45; Blockers and feeders, $2a 3.60; cows and bulls, $a3.60; calves, $2.5oa 6.75. Hogs-Recolpts, , B.fiOO head; market firm; heavy, $4.40a4.7; common to choice mixed, $4.30a4.65; cholco assorted, it. 50a 4.00; light, $4.2na4.4u; pigs, $2.&0a4.26. Sheep-Itecoipts, 7,000 head; market weak; inferior to choice, $1.25a3.25; lambs, $1.76a4.25. Pbllndclphla Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 10,-Tallow Is dull and weaR. We quote; City prime In htuU, 4a4"fic; country prime, In bbls, 414a4c; country, dark, In bbls, 4V4c; cakes, 6c; grease, 4c. Oil Market. Oil City, Nov. 10. Oil unchanged; closed 82T4C When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!, When the was Child, she cried for Castorl. When the became Was, she clung to Cantoris, When in had Children, she gave tbera Castorl PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to sis Spruce sroet, Scranton, Pa, (Just opposite Court pome square,) DR. A. J. CONNELL, OFriCE tCH Washington avenue, cor, Spruce street, over Francke's drug store. Resldenoo, 722 Vine it, Oflloe hours: 10.30 to 18 h m, and J to 4 and O.JO to 7.30 p. m. Bun j!ay, 1 to p. m. DR. W, E. ALUSN, OFFICE COn, ICK- .. u .. u 1. (kuu iTaauiU&tvti nwu.f wtv. Leonard's shoe store) office hours, 10 10 12 a. m, and 3 to 4 p, m,i evtnlnga at residency 612 N. Washington ttveaue. DR. C, L, FRET. PRACTICE UMITICD diseases of the Eye, Ear. ttatx utd Throat; otBoo, 121 Wyoming are. Real danoe, Vine stryat. ; DR. L. M, GATES, 126 WASHINGTON1 to 3 and I to 8 p. m. Residence SOt Mad ison avenue. JOHN U WENTZ, M. D OFFICES 63 ana oj oommonweaitn Duuaius; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; onice hours, 10 to 12, t to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 130 to 4, evenings at resldenoe. A . specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. DR. KAY, 900 PENN AVE.; 1 to 8 p. m.j can sau. uib. oi women, oostetrice ana and dls. ot chU. LawTers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE K. IIAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN ft KNAPP, AT- rarneys ana counsellors at uaw, ite publlcan building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOR- wTs ana (jounseuom at w; omces and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HANTJ, Attorneys ana counsellors, common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. HENRY M. SEELY LAW OFFICES in Price building, 126 Washington ave. FRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORNEY-AT- at.-w. lioom o, coal uxcnange.ttcran ton, l'a. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 65, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR, ATTORN E Y-AT- i4tw. uiiicc, S17 Hpruce St.. Bcranton.ps. L. A WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, a ijacKawanna ave., acranion, ya. P. P. SMITH, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. umce rooms, 64, 66 and 66 Common wealth building. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT- law, Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEOYS, S21 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estat securltv. 408 Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iw tvyonung ave., scranton, fa.. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, baranton, fa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUBLU MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERQArt- ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open Nov. 19. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY in porcelain, crown ana Drwigo worn, Qdontothreapla. Office 104 North Washington avenue. C. C .LAUBACH, 8UROEON DENT tot. No. 116 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change " Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association wll loan you money on oaslor tcrm and pay you bettor on In vestment than nny other association. Call on S. N. Cullender, Dime Bank building Seeds. O. R. CLARK A CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; atore IV! Washington ave nuo; green house, 1!50 North Main ave nue, storo telephone 782. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO..JONE3 BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 615 LACKAWANNA avenue. Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 12? FRANK- lln avenue. Rates rnasonablo. P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth St., one block east of Broad way, at Union Square, New York. American plan. $3.60 per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE, noar D., L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho Europoan plau. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON 9 TORCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth build I ng. Scran ton. E. I,. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE roar of 606 Washington avenue. F. L. BROWN, ARCH. B. ARCHITECT, Prlco building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. Miscellaneous. BAUEn'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauor, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue.over Uulbort.s mu slo store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, pa;er bags, twine. vvarcnouse, 15U Washington ave., Bcian ton, Pa. CA11S AND SECOND.HAND CAR- rluges tor sale. Also tine glsss Landau. - V. It. rUUTK, AU'T, 1633 Capouse avenue. rtliMV rrTirvr nr Ttrirr t- suie dealers In Woodwaro, Cordage and AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest Improved furnish lugs and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Av. II I Bare yon Bore Throat, PlmplM, 0oprr-0olore4 onm. num. V.U Dunn. UKxrw ,u niw , ,,. t'allinsf Write Conk Uemtiy Co., HOT Urn walaTemple,Chl!aga,Ill.Jor proof! otouraa. Capttnl aUiOO.OOO. Pitlenutiuml Blaeycan nirotPf1t.yiottnrtftTH1weU. 1QO-pnyboofc IWe (onnplly RED LETTER WEEK The Greatest and Cheapest sale of and AT 37Kc 40 inch all wool Henriettas In all the desirable colors, 40-inch all wool Serges; every new shade represented. These two Cloths are noted for their serviceable qualities, and have neyer been sold under GOc. a yard. CONNOLLY & . . fr mmm m-nMNH Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N. A. HUT'S WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINW&Y t SON DECKER BROTHERS MUNICH & BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL flERCHANDlSE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwalloprn Mills, Lit ioi nu county, Pa., and at Wil. mington, Do:aaro, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Gecoral Agout fur the Wyoming District. 113 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Tblrd Natlonil Bank Building. AOCNCIKH ! TH08. FORD, Httston. Pa.' JuIIN B. SMITH & HON. Plymouth. Pa, L W. MULLIGAN, Wllken Barra, Pn. Airenta for the llpauuo t'liemicul Com pany's Uigu Exploairea. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Clevaland, Cincinnati, Chlcaso and SL Louis Ry.) between flinni I Columbus, Bprlngflald, Dayton, Indian apolis, Paorla ana ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleeping curs. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ble gant Coaches and Dining cars. "The Finest Train in America." So that your tlckots read via th BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to 8. J. GATES, Gen'1 Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. T. M. K. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, Qenoral Passenger Agent: B. O. llcCor mlclc, Trafllo Manager, Cincinnati, O. MITKB R80B 00 Ine'p. CafltaUI.OM 0 BEST 11.50 8H0B IK 1'HE WOKU. "A dollar mm it a dollar twmti." t Thta dles Solid r ranch Unngvto Kid Bt ton Boot dtllTerad Ira say when la th. U.S.. ea neoint oi uan, uoney uror, or IVMtal Mete for tlJO. Xeuals erery way the feeoia okt In all tetill etoras for 2.60. We uti Uis boot oanelfe, tlianfor we faof oniM u JU, uuu ma ctmr, ad If any one 1. Dot auMad ire win niuna ui. mnmwj orModaaothtrpalr. Opera loo or uommoQ amm. rldihe O, p, K, K. Itea 1 to I aad halt tea. fmdyow tin; ll JU 10. UIurtraMd Oata. lone rntt Dexter & FEDERAL ST., nti. Ullri BOflTOS, f 1 1 a ram x 4pida ItriM te b Mr IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Dress Goods ever inaugurated in Scranton, Cl'SIIlS FRIDAY, NOW 9, Ends FRIDAY, NOV. 10. Don't Miss it. AT 50c Here is the greatest collection of bargains you ever caw: 48-inoh Serges, staple shades, were 75c; Popolin Ottouiau, 40 inches wide, staple colors, were $1. A large va riety of fancy weaves, including Jacquards, Prunelle Cloths, Hatin Berber's and many others, in ev ery conceivable color. Never sold for less than $1, aud our entire stock of 40 inch all wool Henriettas the regulur 7oc. grade, all go at 60c. a yard, and is the opportunity of a lifetime. WALLACE 209 "?.!"!&! Ave. J CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN to our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their manv pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling S'l'RICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, anil owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo months to mature before grinding. i This careful attention to every detail of milling has E laced Washburn-Crosby Co.'s "flour far above other rands. r-e 9 HEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. AN IDEAL NEW YORK, OLD PiHlll RICHMOND, IBTOMITHJliU, With time to spar for side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for iS hours in the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD . DOniNION LINE And returning leisurely by rail, , The normal climate of Ibis section during the fall aud early winter is delightfal. Tickets include HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire trip. Total cost, $32.00. Write for particulars of this and other delightful trips to OLD DOiON S. S. COMPANY, W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. ' Pier 26, Hortlt River, Few York. Moosic Powder Co, Rooms land 2 Commovealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. . MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RU3II DALB WORKS. ' ' Lafflln k Rand Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Eltctrlc Bstterlts, Fuses for sxplod ; ln( LUuits, Bfty Fuse and RepannoChemical Co.'s HiExplosifes AT 75c 50- inch striped and check Sack ings, specially adapted fqr Child ren's Cloaka and Jackets; very handsome colorings; reduced from, 51- 25. SPECIALS Hill Bleached Muslins, 30 Inches wide, only tic. per yard. Ben Island Brown Muslin, I yard wide, great value, 4c. a yard. 50 genuine Marseilles White Quilts regular number, at $1.25 each. rw w 1 I w WMis Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. patrons: Win. Linn Alien 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Btocks, Bonds and Grain on Naw York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, .either for cash or oa martin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. D1MMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6,002. . What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion! For It, use Pononl's Powder. &? I CONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers