'NIK SOliAKTON TlillULN U -s.U I l!l)A V MOUNIN'U. ' '.NOV KM ItJ-Jl( 10, 1S: I. h;bi.:rss riiLT n Sckjlto.i. fa . bt Till Tbiicii . , ... PCSWSHIMO OOIWAHT. I (. P. HINQaaURV, Pm, r GtN'i Ma. C. M. RlPPkX, Sect un Taut. LIVTS. RICHARD, Eit. W. W. DAVIS, lunnaruilaT. W. W. YOUNGS, An. Mm' uw otnci: TiUBCNi eciuhik numt Oka. MANA01K. INT1KI0 AT TBII POSTO.FXII AT SCKA.NION, ti.. At 8I00BD-CLA88 UAU, MATT1R. "Printers' Ink," the recognized journal for advertisers, rates THt SCRASTOS IKIBI'NE a the best advertising medium In Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers' Int." knows. SCRANTON, NOVEMBER 10, 1894. THE SCKAXTON OF TODAY. Come and Inspect our city. Elevation above the tide, 710 feet. iixtremdy healthy. Kstluiatod population. 1S94, 103,000. . Kf mIhcik(1 voters, in,.'.. Value of school propertv, $7o0,(jfl. Number of school children, li,M. Average amount of bank deposits, J10,- It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. Oan produce electric power cheaper than Xtugura. No better point In the United States ut which to establish new Industries. See how we trow: Population In 1HC0 9,223 Population In 1670 Population In 18S0 Population In HSO ".SljJ Population In lm (estimated) 10:i.'"0 Aiid the end is but yet. Thft Democracy of Lackawanna coun ty haw evidently adopted as Us motto: "Xo Irish Ned Apply." And yet it was this same, party which had the ftWrontery to predict that Kepublloun Irish-Americans like Vuughun 'and O'Malley were "t up only to be knocked down," wherean they lead their party ticket. Voters of Irish extrac tion will not Turcot this circumstance. Look to Common Council. ' At the forthcoming February munici pal election, common couueiimen are to be elected from the odd ward. The Interval could bo profitably devoted to a minute scrutiny of the records of Tnembers who will doubtless aspire to re-election. It is important, of course, that the right kind of men are, from time to time, sent to Wush.iiiu.ton, to make notional laws which only at rare Intervals come homo to the Individual citizen. It is also Important that the legislative assemblies uX Harrlsbuif tdiull be made up of capable and experi enced men; for tho lawn that they make at Harrisbure; sometimes are felt in Scranton. But did it ever occur to you that while they are passing one act at Washington and ten acts at Harris burs which directly concern tho aver- ago Scrantonlan, tho two branches of council at Washington nvonue and Mulberry siroet are called upon to con sider from 100 to 500 propositions every one of which Is of immediate and taim ible local Importance? In (some respect it must be confessed that we are a truly ridiculous people. Here we howl, regularly each two years, over the election of a man to go to congress, where, ainjjly, lie could not help or hurt tia If ho tried, and pay almost no heed whatever to the quality of the Individual whom we Kruclously permit to represent u in councilinanlc deliberations that carry with them the very life or death of local improvement and good local government, and which are often decided by a single vote! There are, of course, exceptions to' this rule, just as there are local councllmen who ore just as well fitted to legislate Tor seventy millions of persons as any man who now attaches "M. C." to his name; hut the most casual observer of the average city council's work will be compelled to admit that these excep lions are few. In this city, for Instance, upon what Krounu, oiner man ignorance, careless ness or downright venality, are we to account for the vast number of valu able municipal franchises that have been bestowed, from time to time, abso lutely without a cent's worth of vis ible profit in return ? Who Is there that doe9 not know to a certainty that while there are undoubtedly homst men in both branches of council, there have been and presumably ore now men In those branches who can be improper ly "influenced'."' These questions are thrown out, not as veiled charges, but simply as incentives to thought The man who is derelict In o position of Xmbllo trust In derelict primarily be cause the public Itself pets him theVx ample. He Is a minor offender com pared with It; and nhouid bo judged with corresponding leniency. We wish, if possible, o arouse the public from this slothful habit of neg. leetlng its duties toward self-govern ment; and as a first step along this line suggest that. It would pay Scrantonlans to get ready, when the time comes, to look to common council. .Tudira Slttaer'n ileftmt f.-.r . ' comes as a gentle reminder that his tory sometimes repeats Itself. If "Iiloody ltrldlfs" Waltc, of Col orado, doen't like this country, -the op portunity is open to him to get prompt ly out. He never would be missed. That the. purposes which inspire the ordinary Democrat are not always as lofty as they might be is shown in tho fact that Judge Clayton's re-election in Delaware county was accomplished not by Republican support but by Demo cratic Indifference. The Democratic Voters of Delaware had It In their power to defeat this unfit man and olovato tt dean Democrat to his place. They neg lected the opportunity, und Clayton thereby pulled through. There are some persons upon whom it seems the les sons of the passing years are utterly and hopelessly lost. One of these per sons, by tho way. Is tho dyed-ln-thc-wool Democrat who Inhabits a strongly Republican county. Wo tiro yet Inclined to believe that the ablest assistants which Republi canism had In the lute unpleasantness were none other than the Democrats themselves. Luzerne county Republicans are cer tainly deserving of congratulation upon their splendid victory, all the more so because Its dimensions are u surprise even to the most sungiiliie prophets. The loyal supirt accorded to the whole Republican ticket in the mother county by those who, after a spirited canvass, were fairly outvoted in party conven tion stands out in conspicuous contrast with the contrary policy pursued by certain self-styled Republicans hi our own county. Hon. Morgan .!. Williams has not only not committed hurl karl; but he has, by his unswerving loyalty, laid the party under new obligations to 1 1 1 in and we dare say will, at no distant day, reeclve adequate proof of the party's gratitude. If a little bogus rooster-printing helps to break the force of th Scranton Times' long fall, he would be a mean man who should begrudge it that con solation. The Official Count. Although the court hus not yf-t com pleted the official footings on its tubu lar announcement of lust Tuesday's result in Lackawanna county: uiul while it hus yet to pass upon the point raised with reference to the Third dis trict of the Kleveiitn ward of Scranton, In which the total vote returned for the ottlce of county treasurer by the elec tion officials exceeds by twenty-three the total number of votes cast In the district, it is definitely known that upon the face of the returns, Trunk H. Clenioiis has been elected sheriff by 43 plurality; and Charles II. Schadt, treas urer by 111 plurality. At the reiust of the atti irneys for Mr. Cletnons and Mr. Da vies, the vote of the Fifth district of the Second ward hus been passed until this' morning, when It Is said Important atlidavlts will be presented. The bearing which these will have upon the ilnal result is not yet known. It is said by Mr. Kalley's at torneys that they will contest Mr. dem on's election; but under the law he will, In any event, assume tho duties of the cilice, and the probabilities arc thut he will not afterward be interfered with. The apparent defeat of Mr. Da-vles Is a cause for genuine regret. Admittedly clean, able und upright, he would have brought to the treasurcrship qualities of the highest order, und an honesty of character and purpose which could not be questioned. Concerning Mr. Schadt, The Tribune has words only of compli ment. Personally unable, honorable and progressive, he has made an ag gresslvc tight and will, if seated, no doubt fully meet the high expectations of his friends. The fortunes of political warfare nre uncertain; but no Republi can will be mean euoui.li to 'curry his disappointment over Mr. Davles' de feat Into a feeling of churlishness toward tho victor. Then, again, It is just possible that Oover is deluding Little Billy with one of llilly's own favorite post ofiice bluffs. Cleveland and BIssjII certaluly owe Hlnes nothing, It will he generally regretted if the official count In Northampton county shall show that Judge Reeder is de feated. Tho clean and straightforward campulgn that he waged in striking contrast with the low-down methods of the utterly discredited Mutchler ring and his own admirable personality deserved u better result. His defeat by so small a margin in a county ordlnnr- lly so heavily Democratic is really a victory; but it lacks essence without Judge Reeder again placed on . the bench. ... Now that the "sockless Simpson" pe riod in Kansas' political evolution has been outgrown in safety, the country is ready for a new frealj. The Common Sense of It. The mistake which the Democratic leaders made In 1SS:! was In supposing that because they had been entrusted with power by an unexpectedly large majority, the best people in the country had suddenly been converted to their way of thinking, and would thence forward indorse whatever the leaders might choose to label with a Demo cratlc brand. They failed to recognize the growing strength of the Independent vote, which recognizes In political par ties only n means to an end, ami not the chief end itself. o are hopeful that the enlightened leadership of the Republican party will not now, under similar circumstances, repeat Democracy's mistake. There was a time, soon after the war, when the partisan prejudices of the people were yet rigid with the tensity of fierce crisis and great emotion. It was then possible for anything bearing a Repub lican lubel to secure a Republican popu lar Indorsement. Rut the softer years of peace have loosened this feeling, until today, In every direction, men nre thinking and studying for themselves, The tidal wave of 1U2, If it had oc curred twenty years earlier, would ad mittedly have implied Democratic su premacy for a decade to come. Hut coming In a period when voters look less for party labels than for desired re sults, its indorsement lasted only a fortnight and was blotted out by an even greater reverse uprising at the very next appeal - to the polls. ' This simply meuus that the citizenship of Uils nation is curing for itself, and does not propose to submit its destiny to the solution of reckless partisan chieftains Interested mainly in them selves. It implies no luck of reusouabl- loyalty to leaders who shall prove worthy tif the name, We say we hope that the Republican primates -will avoid tholr Democratic predecessors' mlstalies;and we base Ms hope upon the already encouraging fact that from men like Reed and Sherman and Allison come words of admonition rather than mere partisan outcries of joy. It cannot bo too earnestly im pressed upon Republicans In official stu tloit that what tho country wants is not now turmoil and new sounding of partisan torn toms, but pence and rest und opportunity to breathe. There is no oetter ugnter man i nonius u. ueed, yet Reed today is as the cooing dove and Sherman is the very personification of caution und moderation. These men thl th 1-irt.Hau chevaliers must to kept in the background, und the , homely muscle und sense of the tilain ! common people be permitted Vt cam their dally bread without reference to Washington. The board of trade of Wilk9 Earre. In selecting a successor to the late Sec retary McKune, has chosen precisely the light man In K. A. Nlven. Th futile pen iif this unliable journalistic leteran Is equally happy hi treating either fact or fiction; and can, when de sired, combine the two In a most artis tic blend. Success to Secretary Nlven, and success to SVilkes-Rarre: Mr, Singeiiy's canvass was decidedly not in vain. It tickled Slngeiiy, pleased the torchlight colonels, Increased tho circulation of the Philadelphia Keeord and didn't hurt, Hastings, In the slight est degree. The esteemed Cnrhohdale Leader need not lose sleep in dread lest the editors of The Tribune and the Times should shed each other's blood. It perhaps does not know Hrotht-r Hudson's l'lckwlcklan tenderness. The Republican congressmen-elect of Pennsylvania will probably need two two men like Kidman and Hurt In the state delegation Just to lemind them thai Democracy still lives. There is no exeluslveiiobs about the Republican party. Its tent Is large ai'd there's yet r.,om for more. Certain it is that Irishmen are not forbidden to apply. It Is uncommonly kind In the Demo cratic newspapers to proffer their able assistance to Governor-elect Hustings In the formation of his cabinet: but we suspect he will not need their help. Merely as one of the inevitable after thoughts we are Impelled to remind our esteemed contemporary, Colom-l Slng eiiy. thut his antl-l'owderlv uon was loaded. " ! The report that Hilly nines will con test Reisenrlng's election may be dis missed by nearly court pluralltv. A TASK FOR IIERCL LlS. From the Commercial-Advertiser. Mayor-elec t Strong has now before 1dm a responsibility as urem u ,.,., i.uu confronted u civil oifieer In the l'iih-d Hlales. An enormous majority of his fel low citizens have singled him out as their agent In an enterprise of almost unparal leled magiiltude-the puraatlon of the government of New Y'ork. o city In the world's history, since Sudnm V.'HM Uftllttw!! I u.r me .ires or uou, hu-s been governed more foully than this municipality Is governed today ; oppressed by criminals mora numerous or more Infamous than those who oppress the oeoLle of this eiie. The mere vote of yesterday effects noth ing. It Is but a mandate. .Mujor Btromf must give effect to that mandate. Uefoivt all things he must remember that this Is not the end of the tight; It Is but the bare beginning. To purify the government of this city will tuke two or three vern-s. Tho work must be carrln-d forward from hour to hour and day by day unceasingly. Knaves must be flung out of office. Kec- ords must be overhauled. RoblH-rv mast be followed up by prosecution. Heoros of Tammany scoundrels must bo sent to the state- prison to Join John V. McKano and his kind. Not one, from the most dis tinguished to the meanest, must be spared. The whole municipality must be stripped a no iiinugaieu. utnerwlse. two vuars hence Tammany will I back In control t and all the old vlleuess and bestiality will begin over again. -rut: poii;ustk: su mp. From tho Commercial-Advertiser. Today's problem Is what has become of the Populists? Throughout the southern states the party seems to have been wiped out. L'p lo a few weeks ugo the outlook was that tho Populists would pull u great vote especially In tleorgla. Instead of that tho return, only emphasize the scarcity of the Populists. Tom Watson, their long-winded champion, has lieen de feated for congress. In Kansas Jerry Simpson, who seemed to have a grip on his seat in congress, is ordered to stay at home by a decisive majority. Lewelllng, the fool-governor of unfortunate Kansas, who made himself and the stale the laughing stock of the world, is burled un der thousands of voles, and Kansas - Is oiK'O more la the hands of Its friends. Hie- Republican party, (letting to the Racky moiintalus the blatant Walle. the man who would wade his horse In blood up lo tho bridles, Is defeated, and l.ufe Pence, the dime museum congressman, will ,iot need to stay around Wushlngton after this winter. The best explanation offered to account for the disappearance of the Populist vole Is that It had to all Intents and purposes been absorbed by the De mocracy. Old political observers predict that the Populists, us a party, will now practically pass out ot, existence, us Ihe National Oreenbuck parly old In llwi, after making a splendid showing In 17S. The 1'asslng of l'eanut Politics. 1 From the Providence Journal. The failure of tho partisan attempt' to j deport Mr. Morton's coaehmmi Is merely another illustration of the usual outcome ' of such riarrow-n.liided political scheme, i There Is no permanent profit In the pur- ' suit, of peanut politic. - I 'cw Hands at the Bellows. From the boston Journal. j More than one hundred members of the present congress, it appears, failed of re- j nomination. When to these are added the i number who fulled of election It is clear that the next congress will be largely j made up of new men. r . The Neat Speukcr. I From the C'ommetoial-Advertisor. It needs no piophtt to predict that, as certainly as anything In the future can be declared certain, the speaker of the house of represeututlves In the Fifty-fourth con gress will be Mr. Thomas B racket t heed, of Maine. " Political Ostracism Played Out. From the Scranton Truth. Evidently the world moves. An Irish Republican senator from this district and an Irish-Uepubllcan representative from the Fourlh district is proof of this fact. Political ostracism, oil race Issues is played out In this valley. Mr. buna's Parthian Arrow. From the New York Sun. Tho Cleveland outfit, must now know that you cannot haul down the American Hug at .home and abroad and sui.veed t or any length of time afterward In this coun try. y " Maintained the Decalogue. From the New Y'ork Tribune. " ' The Ten Commandments have prevailed by majorities that vindicate the light of the people to rule. Sunset auJ Sunrise. . From the Now York Herald. It wits a revolution that closes a dark and opens a bright era In the municipal affairs of New York. A Synonym of Republicanism, From tlie New York World. , -. . The people nre in power and they have shown It. Thut Is what it meann. Slngcrly's Shrewd Guess. -From the I'hUudelphla Keeord. - Senator Quay had Inside informa"" By the Woman Editor. From the t'ommrrrlal-Advrrtlser. Is It lint about time even fur suh h ! ? ZTZX his "nervousness" and mencuiiallly?" of coui-se In. Is "nervous." The very eon-ll- i tlmis ot e.iniein-e iiw-.i the , oullneiit in volve mi apliuiOe In Mm for 1'reu.uenl ano sudden changes In his environment. It Is not "nervousness" that he has to dreu-1, the activity, readlneii and power of thought und will that dUtmguWh hltn; It Is nervelessiiess. f this the clum u the lpe. It Is ItiU that Is the parent cf Ig noble euiuent Willi inlsgovtrtiiiieut uli-1 the rule of vile and vicious men. Hull to the nervous Atnrrleuii and down with 'he servile, nerveless wretch who submits, cur-like, lo the lashing of a brutal master: The liay After. ri om tho Washington Slur. "Wlllam," said the solicitous wife, "vo x inUBt have cheered insanely last nlifht." "Not a cheer," he ifcsponileil, turning upon her a look of unutterable reprouch. "Hut how did you get thut horrible hourscnc-NsV" "1 dunuo; unless 1 jtJl It standing out In' the political frost." "You hud better not be so Indifferent. You ean't speak above u whisper." "That's all right. I ttou't have to. it Isn't my turn to talk." I And he slid Into his overcoat and went I forth Into the desolate chill of a Novem ber morning. Pithy. From tho Minneapolis Times. I'opullsm, purulysls and poverty. HA BY HOOD. Hc-lgh-l.n! Ruby hood! Toll nie whf-rc you linger; Let s toddle home uwuln, for we have gone astray; Take this eager hand of mine and lead rno b.v 1 he linger Hack to the Louis hinds of the far-away. Turn buck the leaved of life; don't read the story -Let's lind the pi. tur and fancy all the rest We ean till the wiiten brighter ulorv pages with a Than nj Time, the story-teller, l stl ut hi') Turn to the brook, where the honeysuckle, tipping U'er lis vase of perfume spills It on the breeze. And the bee and humming-bird In ei stacy arc sipping From the fairy llagous of the blooming locust Ueev. Tin n to the lane, wh-re we used to "teeter totter." l'riiitliig little foot-pulm In the mello v mould ; Laughing at the lazy cattle wading In the water Where the ripples dimpled round the buttercups of gold. Where the duck turtle likes basking on the gravel Of the sunny sandbar, In the middle- tide, And the ghoirtly drugonlly pauses in his travel To rest like a blossom where the Wa Illy dies. Uelgh-ho! Ilabyhood! Tell mo where you lliiKcr; IjjI's toddle home again for we have TilLi fllist l-iiu,.!' hi it 1,1 tif T 1 1 1 "i nti.l liifi.1 111a gone ustray b.v the llncer Buek to the Lotus lands of the far-awav, -.lames Whltcomb Klley. HILL & GONNELL 131 AND 133 WASHINGTON AVE., Have just received a carload of the celebrated n 'The let business desk in the world," which are oflerid at greatly reduced prices. The reduced prices at which this celebrated desk is now of fered make them the cheapest in the market. Within the Reach of all AS LOW AS $19. A full Hue of office Furniture, Type WritiDg Desks and Chairs. s We are now showing the larg est line of Dinner Sets ever dis played in this city. A splendid variety in HAVILAND & CO., CHAS. FIELD HAVILANO, R. DELENINERES & CO., FRENCH CHINA, CARLSBAD AND AMERICAN CHINA, PORCELAIN AND WHITE GRANITE WARE. If jou want a Dinner Set ezamino our stuck before buying. Coursen, demons & Co. iif If ill I e- JV',., I I 1 THAT WONDERFUL WEBER GUERNSEY Tb? Greatest Book Sal? ON EARTH. At less than one-third the price at which similar works are offered by the so called Bargain Bookstores. Read the list of titles ami authors, 16' mo., bound in cloth ami silver as few or as many as you want, at 19 CENTS. ' wut'i'sons hmys LallU Kookll Moore Idylls of tho Klfiv J lenmson I In Memorial!. Tennsbn The Coming Knee Lytton Imitation of Christ A. Kcmpis Lad) or the Lake Scott DruinmoiidN Addresses Ships That Pass t'hn Mdit Harrudcn . Shepp's World's Fair Photographed, over 500 illustrations. Bound in silk cloth, heavy linen paper. Subscription price has been S5.00. Our Special Sale Price Is 98 Cents. ' Clark's Road tO Heaven, containing 714 pages of valuable reading mat. ter and a number of genuine steel engravings; over 1,000,000 copies have been sold by subscription at $3.50: Our Special Sale Price Is 59 Cents. Special sale of Hand-made Sole Leather Toilet Articles, comprising Comb and Brush Sets, Collar and Cuff Sets and Traveling Companions, at one-half the usual price. Eiderdown : Cloakings r or House and Children's Wear. All Wool Faced, New and Strikiug Effects, formerly 69 cents, NOW 49 CENTS. Do You Wear Shoes If you do and need a new paK why not examine the stock of The Lackawanna Store Association, Urn. Corner Lacka. and Jefferson Avet. We are sole ugents In this city for the J. S. TL'KNKR & CO. High Grade Shots for men's wear ithese shoes took first pre mium at the World's Fair, v'hh ago), and for EHWIN O. M'KT CO. '8 Celebrat ed Hhoes for ladles' wear. , We also handle the following lines: FOH MEN. I ForLAblES.MISSIS and CHILDREN. Strong & Carroll. C. P. Ford Co.. J. A H. Fitupatrtck, I Thorn U. Plsnt Co.. 8t,-y, Adams Co., ; H. 8. Albright & Co. If desired, will take measure and order special pairs from any fsi.-tory lu the country. Our aim Is to be prompt, to give our customers the best attention and lowest prices, guaranteeing satisfaction on all our good?. We also carry a fine line of OKOCF.R IKS. HAhDWARE. DRY OOOUa, CLOTHING, OKNTS' FLTtXISfHNUsJ. etc. A trial is wtwtwe nk of our citizens and we will eudesvor to plena?, Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce ments, Reception Cards, Visiting Cards, rionograms, First-Class Work, Prices Low. REYNOLDS BROS. Stationers and Engravers, 317 UCWWaNN ME. DR. HILL & SON ALBANY DENTISTS. Set teeth, io.oO; best set, 8; for gold caps nud teeth without plates, culled crow n and bridge worRV call for prices and refer ences. TONALOIA, for extracting tcftl) Without pain. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Engraving BROTHERS, WYOMING AVE. Sartor ttesartus Starlt't Lt'tlf p Caiivle Hawthorne House or Net en Gables Mosses from an Old Manse " Twlee Told Tales Tales Trom Shakespeare i,ami Story of an African Farm sd.re.der Light or Asia Arnold Vicar or Waketleld Goldsmith SCIENTIFIC EYE China Clossta at from K. to 4H por cett. re auction. NOV. 10, 1891. If You Have auymiouey left after elec tion don't you think it would be a good thing to invest it in a sideboard? All dining-room and bedroom furniture is re duced from 5 to 50 per cent. We are going to move into a new store ou Washington avenue, and Ave want to start with an entire new stock of fur niture, and have there fore made this reduc tion. HULL & CO., 205 WYOMING KVENUE. If you would have the LARGEST Amount of heat from the LEAST Amount of fuel, you must have a Howard Furnace. Foote & Shear Co. r TONE 15 FOUND ONLY IN THE WEBER PIANO BAZAAR Kasselas loiiusou I ncle Tom's Cabin stowe Longfellow's Earlier Poems Frankenstein siuiley Paul and Virginia St. l'krre Dream Lire ik. Munei Heierles or a Bachelor Evangeline Lougidiow Child Harold's Pilgrimage tsyron TESTING FREE BY DK. SHIMBURQ The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Nerrou lies relieved. Latest ana Improved Style of Ere glsesand Hpeotaeles at tse Lowest Prices. Bc9 Artificial Kyes Inserted for ff. 305 Spruce Street, Opp. Old Pottoffle. DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Spociallst, and his asso ciated otaff of Kngllxh and German physicians, are now permanently located at Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The do,-tor is a vraduan of the I'nlver. slty of reiinsylvanlu, formerly demou hi rutor of physiology unit surgery at the Jledlco-t'hirurglial college of fhlluUel phla. His specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood ills oases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dlzzlnc-ss.lack of conlldomw. sexual weakness in men and women, ball rising in throat, spots floating before tho eyes, loss of memory, unable to com-entraie the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed iiilnd.whk-ri minis them for performing the actual du ties of life, inuklng happluesM Impossible, distressing the Hi-tlon of the heart, i-aus-liof flush of heat, depression of splrits.evll forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams. Indi an. .holy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning us whun rotlrlng, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constitu tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those no affected should consult us Immediately a:-d be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam 'ed. He cures tho worst cases of Ner vous Ih.-biliiy, Scrofula. Old Sores. Ca tarrh, files, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Eye, Kar. Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sorrel and contideiilc.;. ottice hours daily from a.m. to p.m. Sunday. 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symtporn blanks and my book called "New Lite." I will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom 1 cannot cure of EM-' 1.EIT1C CONVULSIONS or FITS. ... x OK. K. URKYVER, - Old Post Ofllco Building, coiner IJn avenue and Spruce street. SCRANTON, PA. Maurice River Cove, Blue Point and Rockaway . . Oysters, ri ARIC MEDIUM AND . ; LrLAIYlO LITTLE NECK, All kiuds of Fresh Fish, Lubster, .! Hard Crabs, Escallops und Shrimps; at r .-' PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVENUE. HORSE SHOEING. H AVISO ptirclissea the 1 stosk and rented toe Shoeing Forge ot Willlim Bluuie A Son, I shall now give constsnt attentioa to shoeing horses la a practi cal and scientific maiiB.r.' Quick work and good is tb motto. JOHN HAMLIN, K :w DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY. IP YOUR OLD BOOlM NEED WX ISO, 8KNP THKM TO The Sonntoi Tribune ' Bookbinding Dept. POULTRY AND CAME bbOF ALL KINDS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers