The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 10, 1894, Image 1
( . ''' " ' ' 'j' TEX PAGES 70 COLITMXS. SCRATOX, PA., SATURDAY MORXIXG, NOVEMBER 1 0 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. h MAJORITY STILL GROWING Illinois Semis an Old Time Delegation to Comjress. HOUSE ' .MAJORITY IS X0 151 Ncbruska Shuts Out the Single Populist Scat t'.lulmcd-l'.vnns Is Profciibly 1 lectcd tiovcrilorof Tennessee. Teus Shows Lucid Sign. liy th United rrese. Washington, Nov. 9. 'Chairman Uabcuck. of the Kopubll can congressional committee, continues 1o receive cheering reports from every iiuartef. This morning Chairman lilxey, of Mintii'Sotu, telegraphed Hint the Itopublicnns would send it delega tion to congress. This announcement increases Ua brock's figure of the Ite publleuhs in the next house to 2."4. Mr. Ulxcy said that the H-publicans would have lu majority in the state legisla ture' und that Nelson's majority for governor Is between .Vi.ooO ami Bu.ihw. Chairman Clmrles Trane, of Utah, wires that Cannon (.Kepubllcnni in elected to congress, and' that, unless the Republicans uro counted out, they will control the constitutional conven- Hon. sued tin- ooinany fur '&,, damages Chairman T. B. Cornwall, of Califor-1 for being blacklisted. Ida. says that the Kepubllcans have Me uHi-pex that verbally and in writ rlected six congressmen from that lny the company prevented him from state, und that Magulte. in the only ! getting employment with other roads, Ifcmourat elected. The Republicans j Hiid that a letter written Oct. 20 pie wlll control both branches of the lcgls- vented htm getting employment with lature. but Kste.' U defeated .y about ,m. ' Ketiirnw today lndlcut Illinois has returned a solid ilepubllcan delegation to congress, downing conceding his de feat In the Sixteenth district by Hin akef.' Nebraska, too, now' Is declared to have elected all Hepubllcan coii- Kressinen, the one 1'npullst llrst re- i jiortod .returned having; been shut out. The Revised Table. Tho n-presentatlon by stutcs Is sliown In' the following lablc: l'resont House Next Hmise STATE. it .0 Alabama. ; Arkansas 'alll'ortda I Culoradt Connecticut Delaware Florida ' tteorgrla ; Idaho Illinois Indiana ' town j Kausun , Kentucky j i.ouisiuuu .Maine Muiyland Massachusetts , .Michigan Minnesota I Al isnlsnippl , .' Missouri Montana' Nebraska ...r....: Ncvadu ! New Hampshire ' Now Jersey j New Vork ' North Cuiollna... 1 1 . 1 ... . 11 . 11 . 1'. lv . ti . . A . n . s . 6 ...I 4', 'i 12 12: .1 .. l it,. ' i j i;. ! 8. i I1 ' 15; lt . ! U: ; in, a . i North Unkotu nhlo Oregon i'cntisy lviinla lihode Island , South Carolina Hoiuh liakota TeimeBsee Texas Vermont Virginia Wushlngton "West Vlrglniu t Uconsln Wyoming 1 li 2', 2y in . 4 . V. 4: 6 .1 . I Totals rti 21f 11 253' 95 8 " , , ,..., ' - r,7""u l"u,umy "-ln'rai'0- Democratic majority In Fifty-third con- grese. 52. ttipubllcan congress, HI. Jteptlbllcull congress, 145. plurality mujoiity Fifty-fourth Fifty-fourth HASTINGS AND GROW LEAD. Tne Statesman from UlcnuooJ Closely Follows the Head of the Ticket. By the United Tres?. Philadelphia, Nov. 9. oillcia.1 return from all but a few. counties, und care ful unofficial footings for those few, show u plurality for Hustings of 242,745. The full vote for the various candidates on the state ticket follows: Governor Hustings, JTS.liJS; gingerly, :sao.42?;. AUmati, 13,164:- Hawley, is,4i;o, LhrBhailaut Governor Lyon, Ct3,tiltS; Killing:, 330,389.' Auditor CkMieral Mylin, :ii7,5W; Ma gee. 82".Ss2.;:?.- . Secretary of Internal Affairs Latta, ito.7Sl; Greenland, U27.O90. Congressmen at 1-arge Grow, 570,219; Huff, ,5ti0,9tW; Meyer, 329,9!X; Collins, 322,'. . CONTESTS IX ALABAMA. Two Congressional Dltsrict Ueturns ChnP lenged by Republicans. By the United Press. , Montgomery. Alu..' Nov. 9. The nlll cial returns from the A In bu inn districts show the election of the following con pressmen: . First. Clurk, Democrat; Second, Stnll ings, Jjemocrat; Third, Harrison, Ijem- ocrat; Fourth,' Kobblns, Democrat; Fifth, Cobb, Demoerut; Sixth. Bank heud, Democrat; Sleuth, Howard, Populist; Eighth, Wheeler, Democrat; Ninth, Underwood, Demoerut. Con tests will be tiled by Hobluson, in the Third, und Houdwyn, in the Fifth, Populists, und by W. F. Aldiich, hi the Fourth, and T. II. Aldiich, In the Ninth, Itcpuhllcatis. The contestants will al lege fraud In the elections in their dis tricts. . ... , l:crything Republican There. By the Unlted.ress. J'urgo. N. D.T Nov. 9. Chairman Tiob Itison, of the Hcpubllcuu central cominit tee. has received returns from nearly eVery precinct In the state. They gave Allln tHep.), for governor, tl,m, . und " Johnson (Hep.), representative lor con .." gross, 6,0110. . ' Covey Han Strong. By the United Press. iiust Liverpool, o Nov. 9. The offlclal count for the Klghtivnth district complete g(ves Taylor (Ite)).), i,X35; Haff (Dern.), W,'Jti; Coxey (Pop.l, 8,si. Coxey's vote eseeeds the estlmute of Hepubllcan and lecniocratle committers hy i,iw. ' ,' I uslonlst by Troiid. By the United Press. . . . , Omaha, Neb., Nov. 9. The official ro- turns received from seventy-nine out of ninety counties give Holcomh, Fusion gu beratorlul candidate, 2,503. The Republi can central committee are arranging to contest on nlle-ratlon of fraud. The leg islature Is overwhelmingly Republican, and the congressional tlelegutlun In solid Kcpiihllean. Shut Out in lllluols. By the United Press. Spiiugncld, 111.. Nov. 9. Finis K. IVn lug, of Virginia, 111., reports (hut he hus lost tin; Slxti-enlli district to Klnnki-r by about 2ml Voli-S. This tiki key the con gressional delegation from Illinois solidly Kepuhltuin. t.vuns 1. lusted. By the United Press. . Xaslivlllc, Tcnn., Nov. 9. It now teems , piulitthlc tliut Kvuiiri Itiep.), Id elected aoc I erinir ovr Turney lUi.-m.l. The vote is so close tnnt it miii tune tuc omeiut vote 10 settle it, but tin? Indications point ; to livans. ' I cms l.ieuts One kcpublicuu. Austin, Tex.. Nov. 9. -Tho liilcst esti mate of the plurality of the Democratic nominee for governor Is 4w,oj. There will be eleven Iieinocralic, one lie-publican mid one Populist congressman from this mate. 111. WAS BLACKLISTED. ( Conductor ho lias Been Kept from Km- filoymcnt V tints Pumuges. By the United Press, j Terr Huute, 1ml.. Nov. 9. William Mullet, formerly ti. conductor on the Chicago and Eastern Illinois road, who was discharged for joining in , the Amcrlciiii P.ullwuy union strike, today the Wubash road. 11 AD TUAYELL1) BEFORE. But the Uurul Uuet at a Mutton Hotel I all to Demonstrate Profes-ed knowl edae of Illumlnutlntf AppurutiiK. Special to tho Scrantoii Trlbuin l'lttstoii, Nov. a. Dr. .1. i. Walsh was hastily summoned to the Sinclair house early yesterday inornliiH: to administer to an uKi'lciiliural -Individual named Brown, who it was found did not know as much about illumlnuiing nas as he claimed lie did. ' , The evening previous Brown, who is about 10 yeurs of age, engaged room 1H I of Proprietor Vetmey and retired earl. ' Before retiring he was cautioned about I the gas and in response to the advice, ! replied: "Oh, that's all tight. I've traveled I before- and know all about gas." The porter of the hotel, while making his rounds, discovered the fumes of gas j escaping from the rural gentleman's I room, and fulling, to arouse him noti ! lied Landlord 1'Ven.ey, who quickly arose and dressed. He went to No. 13 una pounued on the door. There was no response.' r'eeiiey' then went uround to the Armory hull, and succeeded In opening one of the windows of No. 19. The rooin was lilted, with gas; brown wus lying til bed apparently dead. . i ue oioiupi arrival oi j.r. waisu un- doubledly saved his' life. HONORS TOR 1'ARKllLRST. But the Committee Hoes Not Gush 0cr the Police. By the United Press, j New York. Nov. 9. The committee of seventy held Its llrst meeting slifce the election, in the chamber of commerce mis iilteinoon, and the occasion was one of general jublilatlon over Tues day's big victory. Uesoluilons were unanimously adopted that the organization of lite committee tie continued for the present, to co-oper .. 1.1. . t I. ... It: I ... .... . i i ! omciuis uomiuaieu Dy , 11 in securing to the city of New York an honest, etllclenl. economical and! non-partisan government. A committee wur (ippolnkd to frame smiie suitable measure and present It to Dr. Purkhurst.' It was also decided to urrange for a public demonstration in honor of the doctor, ' A resolution Indorsing Hie police "for their faithful service on election duy wus Introduced itnd created considera ble bad feeling, many of the members strongly opposing It cm the ground that the policemen were paid to do their duty, and the committee "ought not gush over the good act of li duy." Without disposing of th resolution, the committee adjourned. .Shot One kobbr. By the United Press. Lander, Wyo.. Nov. 9. Tlp-es uikid inua entered E. C. fcjiderle.v'n store a'. Therinopolls. covered the proprietor with guns and compelled him to give them I1.3W from the safe. Mr. liaderley and others pursued the robbers and shot one, who was recognized as Luke Snyder. Be Will die. The others escaped with most of the plunder. , PENNSYLVANIA NOTES. Hubers got th) in stumps at Puller's Mills puslotllce, Center county. Shenandoah voted by a big majority to build new water works for Jje.iw. Despondency led J. Phillips, a teamster, at Northumberland, lo dilnl; a fatal dose of laudanum. A huge drop hammer In u. Poitsvllle blacksmith shop struck Lewis Zubcr, breaking his neck. Lancaster city is unable to cancel nn $30,i0 debt to the county without a di rect tux levy or speciul loan. Becrctary of Interuul Affairs Stewart has ununited as a marksman In the Na tional guard by a good score. , , The state board of hAulth lias finally' de cided that the tWenty-two casew of ty phoid fever among National guurdsnieu In Lunerne county wus due to a case at Get tysburg. While gunning near Long swamp, near Heading, - John llltlen'tieuder was acci dentally shot by Addison Druckeiunlll r and fatally injured. The charge took ef fect In ills abdomen. Pension ertl!lentos of the duto of Oct. 21 have been Issued to the following ier sons: 1 iierease Thomu H. Klannery, Curbundule; original wklons', Caroline M. Duck, Tunkhunnoi-k., Hugh Keogh and William B. Clray, re.U roud contractors, who are building the electric line between Lnneastor and Lltlli, have, made a it assignment. Their indebt edness Is very lurge. While leading In prayer at the altar of Zloir Culled Brethren church, North Leb anon township, lust night Johft Kochen derfer, aged 81, dmpped over and expired iltnot Instantly. "leuth whs due 16 heart trouble. '"Yesterday was the Inst day of the stale convention of the Women's Suffragists at West Chester, and the atteudanco Was large. . Mrs. Hlankenuurg,; of Philadel phia, was elected president and Professor Kemp, of 8 w art h more college, was elect ed Vloe president. ' IRE BONDS TO BE ISSUED; , . Secretary Carlisle Kill Sot Allow the j Surplus to Keuch a Lower 1'oint. WALL STREET HAS A SCHEME A Man to 1'orce th Issue of UouJs by i.oid txpurts in Order to Provide an Investment for Accumulating I cuds of Urol,er.. By tlio United Tress. Washington, Nov. !'. Treasury olllcials huve been aware fur some days of an agitutlon In New York linuiiclul elides In I'uvor of u new bond Issue. It has not e:jcape,d their notice tliat the. financial papers that voice Wall street sentiment dally call attention to the treasury gold reserve und tiugKest that it should be built Up to strengthen public confidence in the treasury's condition. Ia-uws; . too, have been sent to Secretary Carlisle by financiers, ult having: the same end In Vli W. : ' Tin sui nlub .money In the New York banks is very great.: and treasury of ficials here who wa tcli the. course of money mutters, do not hesitate to ex press the opinion that the solickudy eX Iiiessed by Wall street magnates' for the treasury Is not entirely unst'lrish, but that a new bond issue Is desired by VYalll street idinply as a means of pro viding an Investment for their surplus and uccuinulullng funds, yfatlmatlons of gold exports to force tbKireusury to Issue bonds have ranched here through broker sources anil others who keep In close touch with New Vork financiers. That they can do this by presenting United Sfjites notes for gold und thus rediiclnu; the gold reserve, is only too true, us proved by past transactions of the kind. The oplnioii, however, Is cxnressed In treus- ury circles that Secretary Carlisle will permit the gold reserve to reach it much I j lower point than It now Is sixty-one million before he will feed Justltied in the present condition of the treasury ' in making another Issue of United I ! States bonds. A Wall Street Opinion. New York, Nov. . It was stated in Wall sirtet today that there will b nn Issue of $50.UW,W0 or $10U,0uft.w) per rent, government bonds before 'congress again iv-asseiiibles. When the last issue- of .W.ihiO.oiXi was made, und the public declined to take the bonds, -a syndicate of hankers, headed by John A. Stevens, president of I ho United States Trust compnn.v. and Kdwurd King, president of the Union Trust company, made the sale. A banker, who was actively Interested In that movement, makes the following statement : Thcr will lie nu Issue of bonds shortly. The .president and pee- i ret.try of tho treasury have determined ! that the gold' reserve shall hot he fur- ' thor Impaired. They have been advised ! .uiai an export oi goia win negin-hi a few weeks and they- accordingly liave ! determined to take prompt measures." When asked whether a syndicate I would be forined, which would be guar- j anteed a commission to limit the bonds, no repueu: i uo not Know, tnnt nos cerned could only proceed cordially In the discretion of the authorities in and without suspicion in Asiatic affairs, Washington. This much is certain, the ! a great step would be taken to secure 5 per cent, bonds will bo Issued probubly i the peace of the world. upon the 3 per cent, basis, ad before. : But recently the civilized world had They will be offered to the public; but ; hewailed the nssnsslnntlon of the presl the same gentlemen who made the lust . dent of a country with which Kugland issue have assured the president they ought to stand shoulder to shoulder In will carry through the forthcoming is- j the generous commercial rivalry. NW sue." j she had to regret the death of a great The banker added that if $.rie,00o,0'iO emtieror. Hie mas-tor of pence. .U 1.. 1...,..t4l..(.,..l tr.ll I ,x t,i Ai,.t oiniuie n-m ivv",wi uiw- ! woum ie issueu. MOlRMXfl FOR THE tZAR. Mo.cow 1 InapeJ In Ulnck and White. ; Many Costly Emblems Have Keen Or- dered for the 1 nnctal Ceremonies, By the United Press. j Moscow, Nov. 9. The funeral arches j and other designs of mourning iniilti- : ply from hour to hour. The streets of the eltv look uh if thev were cut be- tweou walls of solid black and white. Black framed portraits of Alexander Ill are seen lu hundreds of windows. The United Stutes consul Is Hying the Stars and Stripes wound with crepe. The Siberian Cossacks corps will send to the cathedral a silver wreath eight feet in diameter with crossed sword und sceptre, Joined In the middle with a crow n. The nobility und landed pro prietors of Odessa and Moscow have ordered many silver wreaths With palm brunches crossed upon them. The Ital ian, French and bJngllsh colonies of l,,a..r,u- liijVA ovilareil Tileeea nf utmllrii ..... ...... r. design St. Petersburg. Nov. 9.-The funeral of Alexander III will take place on Nov. 17. Persons of all classee are hnrrvlriu- .e thr,u!iM.Li to th i.,i.-nj f whlch the funeral train will halt fur the celebration of musses. An offlclal order ns to the period of i lu "p " ,nl -'H.-rais nau car- mourning has be.-n issued. The mourn-' rlii ''"'ature, It is probable tliut Ing will lust one year. High Kusslan i 'HWt Ch xeland will show what he officials are required to keen their : t,,Jl,Us or Mr' wnn ''' aw-lnllng him rooms und houses .Irubed for one vear.:at ", !it "II timity tivn ollii.v cm Warsaw. Nov.9.-Many Polish Catho-, mensurate with his poiitlton In, public lie priests, who w ere ttrrested i'or ro-i"'0'' , fusing to swear allegiance to Nicholas The,'p ro"t""1 to ',u,'v If a II. lmve taken the oath and have been ! VIluam'" om,r'i the l"''Jc"'-il bench. released. The report that the bishop of Lublin was arrested for reading t)lv oath in PolfSh has been denied. ' N'utlvc Indian Kevoit. . By tho United Press. -. - Calcutta, Nov. 9. A revolt hus broken out against Rajah flhlel (itspueht, the ruler of the tributary state nf Xyaghtir, in the province of Orlssa. A corps of In fantry and a large force of police have be-eti dispatched to the scene of the dis turbance1. Serious trouble Is apprehended. A Man Buried Alive. By the United Press. Newark, N. J.. Nov. 9. Tony Possmore, while at work with other Italians today on an excavation near Martin Brown's store house, on the outskirts of the city, was burled, under a saiidbunk, which caved hi, and wus dug out nearly dead. His Inju ries are considered fatal. .. National Labor Convention, ' By the United Press. , . ', . New Orleans, Nov. 9. A number of dele gates to the national labor convention which meets 'In this city next Tuesday have arrived. -An executive meeting is now being held. - ; . Job for Billy Kusscll. ' By Iho'TTntted Press. i , ' Washington, 'Nov.- 9. William E.-ltus-Sel, of Massachusetts, ' was today ap pointed by the president a membir of the board ef Ihdlan bommisilonsri,' , LORD ROSEBERY'S SPEECH English Prime Minister's View of the I'liliticul Sitinition. HE U'Ol LDMAKE PEACE IN ASIA The Statesman Thinks That lew Persons Nenlic the Difficulty of keeping a liood Understanding Among Nation. The Press a Disturbing I lcinent. By the United Preis. London, Nov, 9. The most noticeable feature of the Lord Mayor's banquet at the Guild hall this Hvvnlng wus the prime minister's speech on the political situation at home and abroad. The British govern ment had given strong und tangible proof of lis friendship for Japan by concluding the recent comprehensive, treaty, with her. Lord Itosebery said it had also shown its benevolent neu- : truliiy by attempting to promote peace j betweou the two waning powers. In this delicate and dlllictilt business the government, hud' gone hand In hand ; with' Kussiu" "and v-fhef Interest powers. AlthoutheisKas iwt'eit'Si. the government would lose, no on- Iiortuuity to ettle the war. Great Britain's relations to Russia was moot cordial,'1 the difficulty as to spheres of Influence In Asia liming been termiuat- I ed. If all the Kuropean countries con- Alexander a Peacemaker. After paying high compliments to the wisdom and moderation of ,Ale-.ahder 111, Lord Hosebery spoke of his Ser vices In preserving the'peuce of ICurope. Few persons realised, lie said, the diffi culty of keeping u good understanding among the nations. There was also danger In the mighty engine of the press, which often spoke under the In fluence of fierce competition and with out weighing the effects of Its un- noiini nients. He must ask the press to sift Its j Hshing H. news carefully before pub- ' The' foreign policy of England was 1 strictly conservative ami had nothing to do with parly. The government wished' things to lvmnin as they were. 1 it coveted nothing abroad. It wus Hot I worth England's while, with lute-rests alljjver the world, to disturb the exist ing conditions. , WILSON .M AY GO ON THE BENCH The Defeated West Virginian Will lie Cared l or. i, ..,,....,. , !, i v 1 1 '--!. Washington, D. C. N.n'."9.-Now that i the "-'t tliut the Kepubiicuns carried ! Ul Woist VIrlnlu legislature prevents 1 the ejection of Air. to Hie Seti- fte as Camden's successor, which would .have undoubtedly followvd his defeat i e""1 llu' iucme court ot in tne I Circuit courts, which Mr. W llsoii can be 1 Slve"- thftt " wi" be ni-ludnteil to it by 1 tho, ..p.,..l.ltit J NO UANtil-R OF A UKl.fiASi:. Rail l'luver Sweeney Hus lleen Signed for F.ight Vcars, By the United Press. Sun Vrunelsoo. Nov. 9. Charles Swee ney, formerly one of the bes known base ball players In the country, bus a long engagement ' . He was convicted of the murder of Con McManus In u saloon quarrel, and was sentenced by Judge Wallace to eight yeurs' Imprisonment. FOUR HUNDRED MAY BE; SPLIT :'' Mrs. W. K. tauJerbilt's Social Status , .' ; Is a tireut Problem. By tho L'nlted Press. New York, Nov. 9. The question e.f the social status of-.Mrs. yf. K.Vander bllt.nvlu) Is goon to get a divorce, is nu absorbing topic in society circles. Mn. Vanditrtllt Is' to attend the horse show next week, uud . it .Is Haid the ch)r-f so clety .hSterest In the affair, will 'renter iii how she is treated hy the leaders. The problem may yet prove 4 dividing line fn the Four Hundred If Mrs. Van derbUt" should,' on' the caprice of the Grover's One Consolation. moment, conclude to locate herself In i the Fifth avenue residence und enter- tain. MY. und Mis. Cm nellus Vundcr- bllt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yander- j hilt, Mr. and Mrs, W. Douglas Sloane, j Dr. and .Mrs. W. Seward Webb. Mr. and . .Mrs. H. McKay Twomhiy and ( Mrs. Klliott t Sh-pard form a solid social phalanx, and what with their own connection and friends so extensive a circle. Hint putting them all aside would seem to leave a small social mar gin to work in. Sir. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor are also on terms of great friendship with all of the VanderbiUs, and especially with the Webbs, so Hint tiny would naturally abide by their de cision. THEV THAWED DYNAMITE. l'rightful tiplosionut Huntingdon kills Three Men und onnds Many More, and Creates llin oc in llic low u. By tho United Press. Huntingdon, lnd., Nov. 9. A fright ful explosion occurred here tit tie!" this morning anil resulted in the death of three men and the injury of many mure. The deud are: John lliirtnuin, Norton Keefur and John Flynn, all married. The explosion ficctirivil at Flint Creek sewer, which civsseg the entire city from norjbenst to south ivest. Proba bly leiu men' were it and around the ditch on thirst street. Some of them hud built a fire on the hunk and were thaw ing out u nO-potind'bo nf dynamite. There whs'u thunderous eraslt and the entire city, was shuken. Hartman was literally torn to pieces. His body was lifted in the air 30 feet and fell on Market, street sidewalk, a square away. His legs were blown off. his head half, torn away, and the body completely disemboweled., One of Hart man's ifeol was shot through the w eathe-rboardlng of a residence near by. Keefer was not killed outright. His death was caused by .'shock, iu bones being broken.. FlyiilW legs were both broken, his arms broken in several places and tils head flushed. A HERO WITH ONE LEG. He Saves Wife And live Children uud Hoists from names. By the United Preps. Allegheny City, Pa., Nov. 9. A hero is Willum line, although he has but one leg. Kaiiy this morning Haines started lu Kre-ss' box factory and com municated to Crease & Co.'s soap fac tory, the Brilliant till company's ware house und several stables. The tene ment occupied by thV tines was in a court formed by 1he structrue'S named, and had tyken (Ire; before the family hud been aroused . V Pltie succeeded in getting his children and wife through the flames and then forced them through the blazing court yard into a place of sufety. After this he went to tho stable of which he was boss and rescued thirteen horses tied In the stalls. The loss by the fire will reach 2,Xi. , PENNSYLVANIA KLFVI'.N. 'Hie Team Thut' VVUI I lite Up Against t Trenton ToJa- By tlm United Pre.W liilhntelphla. Nov! S. The University of Pennsylvania Knot 1 tall team, which has been at the l'H'hiware Water Uap since Wednesday, will leave there In the morning for Trenton. The team In their contest with lhiticeton will line up ns follows: Bull, "i.-eiitu)'; Woodruff and Wharton, guards; ' Wugouhurst and Minds, tackles; (iilbei t and. Kosengarten, emls; Williams, quarter-buck; Knlpe ami Os good, half backs, ami Brooks, full back. FOKF.IGN NEWS WAIFS. On the occasion of the funeral of the ciair :'.".,i.Ml of St. Petersburg poor will l o provided with dinners. Many noted musicians and literary men attended the funeral at Oinllii, the Ameri can sliigei-, at London. Symptoms ftf cholera have appeared hi the I'ifty-elRlth rrglineut of Infuntry, sta tioned lu Cilogun, Prussian miesla. The appeal of the managers of the Um pire Xjuslc hall of London for a re-heuiiug otj the epiesiion of the liquor license re fused by the count)- council has been duiiled. For shooting a policeman, who hud ar restfd him, Schauta, a Hctila anarchist, was Sentenced to twelve years' Impris onment at hard labor and ten years' loss of civil rights. LIVE PORTING NEWS.' Herman Long has signed a Boston con tract for lip." season of- 189i. Lehigh and Yale uro slated to play a game today at New York, but the Vule maimgenient -is having-trouble over the question of grounds. ; It. now looks us If Johnson's record of 1 ndtiute, 35 3-5 seconds will not be tu-cept-ed hy the racing, bonrd of the League of American Wheelmen, the -objection being that he did not ride on a track und there wre not three timers holding watches for th trial. , . ' CHINA IN THEJASr DITCH T roups Suffering from Cold ahtl Starv i nl (,n the Mountains. SHE MIST SOON SUE FOR PEACE japunesc Have Already Captured a Point North of l'oit Arthur, und the Defense Will Probably Not lust Long, Haw Kecrults Are lieeliig. By the United Press. Shanghai, Nov. 9. Tiic Chinese army of the north has retreated to the mountains, where the soldiers are reported to be starving and suffering severely from cold and exposure. The Japanese army Is-re-pored to be encamped at Feng-Wliang-Cheng. The Japanese are pursuing sonic Ui.OW Chinese, mostly raw re cruits. Port Arthur Is not expected to make n dcU-rmnted stand ngalnst the Japan ese. . . Admiral Sir E. It. Freemontle, in command of Hie Uritibh tied, considers that Port Arthur wll probubly be the scene of the last engagement of any importance hetwoon the Chinese und Japanese. London, Nov, 9. The Central News says that Englund and other powers huve urged China to. make her peace proposal directly to Japan, .nd. to negotiate at once for the cessation of the war. .la nun had promised to re ceive Hie overtures in u benevolent spirit. f . " COOKS RAID A TOWN. The Outlaws Continue to Terrorize kan sus and Oklahoma. By the United Press. Coft'eyvllle, Kuu., Nov. 9.rPrlvate dlsputchcB received hove state that the Cook gang of outlaws raided the little town of Lenapli, twelve gilles south of this city, killed it young mult named Milton and robbed John Sliufeldt. pro prietor of a general store, of $ieu and u gold watch. ' All the outlaws escaped without' In Jury. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. -The accounts of ex-Treasurer Mandru, of .stark county, O., unt found to be ?19, 441 short. As th result of a quarrel over dice John E. 'Uabliieuii, of Ulchniond, Va., fa tally shot Otto Prayser. , Over 3.0OO French Canadians are MM to have emigrated to Massachusetts mill ion centers the past three weeks. For $.'t"),ii(i.i. an Ungllsii syndicate iius bought the electric street railway and lighting company of Vancouver, B. C, New York's supreme court deckles that Governor l'lower did right In taking Plra island dining the cholera scare two years ago. doing to sleep on the face of the C-months-old child nf Jacob Krnntz, of New York, the family cat suiothe-red her to death. H. B. Hmlih, manager for the West Chester, N. Y Veleiihone eompun.y, had a bag thrown over Ills heud and was robbed of U7 yesterday. 1 A verdict, for Ml,:) for tho executor of HUturiau Paikiiiaii's estate was obtained iiRnlnst the city of Itoston for land lakeii for park purposes. After being missing live nionihs front Snow Bill, -Mil., the badly decomposed body of John Henry, colored, was found hanging to a tree near Ocean City. Bishop Matz. of the diocese of Colorado. has tendered his resignation. It is under- ! stood that this 1:: the ilnul outcome of the Ave yeurs' quarrel befit-eon the bishop and l-'athcr .Malone and othors of the- j diocese. WASHINGTON GOSSIP.- Postmaster Ocne-ral Bissell Is still con fined to his home by a colli, . ; Commodore Sumpson says the United Suites has the best armor plate works In the world. .,- ,i . One Craig, a notary .public at Sun V'ranclsco. who solicited uoliie&l asi-.iHi meats lu the custom hoq-4c. has been Or dered to remove his slgnr, from the build-, lug. '' .. A solemn requiem maps for the repole of the .soul of the lute czar was celebrated at the Kusslan legation yesterday. All the members of the diplomatic coriS In the city were present and many- of tho members were accompanied by thslr wives. I. Brigadier General Alexander Mcpowoli ilcCook has been appointed major general of the United States army, vto eleuenl Howard, retired, and Colonel Junea W. Forsyth, of the Seventh eaVulry, iias btl promoted to brigadier general to succeed McCook, 1 WEATHER REPORT.. . t, ' - v . Itttln In tho early morning, possibly chunglng to snow in the Interior during Saturday; followed by fair Saturday vn ing; cooler, " V ''. '",'.' INLETS Offered at Prices Far Below Their Real Value. SO Chilelren's School Umbrellas, 2G or 28-iuch, natural wood or ox- iJized handles, at 43c. l(K) Ladies' TJmbrellas, '-Extra Gloria,"' 2r.-inch raragon frame, beautiful line handles, $1.00. 10 Ladies' Umbrellas, Twilled . Union Silk, natural wood,' rtlbber and horn handles, 1.75, JiO Ladies' ITmbrellaa, TwlUed Union Silk, blaqk, brown, navj garnet 'and green handles, small Dresden knobs, ivory, natural root Or fancy bent .sticks, with tieat silvef trimmings, : 2.25, ,"2. 75, ;.23 and 3.75. " 1(10 Gent's Umbrellas, English Gloria, 75c.;' Silk Gloria, 11.00; Union Twilled Silk, .L50 aud 2; Extra Union Twilled Silk, 82.50, 3.00 and W3.C5; sizes '26, 30 and 32-inch. Handles finest imported natural sticks, Weichsel, Congo, Scotch furze,.' French oak, aeacU and olive in bulbs, hooks, croolc I and roots. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye, MINERS' ! 6 1 L C LO THIN G ' Wholesale and Retail.' e ; H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street. 'telephone, No. 4633.' Wc will have wet Wcallicf, Va will furnish ) ott with SHOES for Wei)' weather. It will be a healthful tnvett iiietit. , 114 Wyoming Avenue. Piono 6iv BUY YOUR PRESENTS OF W, J, WEICHEL, JEWELER, '"'" 408 SPRUCE STREET, And get checks ou tbat beau tiful Piano to be given away Christmas week. N, B. Repairing of Fin Watches a specialty. liili R iv. ( w -.... V i-M t A. A A. A A A-AliiJ