V-' : . - - . M i - y-x ' ji 1 ai hi .-m a i.vifCJ acrni" in 11 a-i t l,.. atf EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCR ANTON, PA., FlilDAY M0KX1NG, NOVEMBER 9, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. SOLID SOUTH IS NO Four States Are Freed from tk Kule of Democracy DEMOCRATIC LEADERS BURIED Later Returns Swell the Republican Ma jorities nt Kvcry Hund Missouri, Ken tucky, Tennessee and Xortfc Carolina in Line. Special to the Scranton Tribune. New York. Nov. R. Tho effect of the popular upilsliiB against the administration of free trade has been emphasized by later election returns from every source. It is now evident that the Republican majority In the next national house of repre sentatives will be much larKer than was expected by the most sanguine pester ilay. Front return to date It Is appar ent that the new house will be composed of 247 Republican members; 2 Demo crats, and seven Populists. The fuslonlsts carried the judicial nml state ticket In North Carolina and six congressional districts, und the re mit In the other three districts Is doubt ful. Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee have also severed the bonds that utdted them with the solid south and huve joined hands with the progressive party of Industry and home protection. Amontr the noted Democratic leaders who have been turned down are Chair man Wilson, of West Virginia. Messrs. Hland, Hatch and De Armond, of Mis souri; Hynum and llolman, of Indiana; Sprintter, of Illinois, and Tom L. John son, of Ohio. The Populists lose Jerry Simpson in Kansas. The Vnlted States senate will proba bly be made up as follows: Republi cans, 42; Democrats, 41, and Populists, 5. The Fifty-fourth Congress. A careful compilation of the next house according to the latest returns is as follows: Present House Next Holts STATE. a a '.lift! a , J 8 l i J Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois . Indiana Iowa Kansas Kenluclty , Louisiana .Maine Maryland s... Massachusetts Michigan . Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York , North Caro'lna North Dakota Obio Oi -,'on Pennsylvania Rhode Island .- South Carolina South Dakotu Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 3!.. 71... 2 2 fi 19!. 291 r 1! 81. Totah 120 218! 121 247:102 ! 7 BAYARD'S BAD C01XSEL lie Advises the democrats to Make All the Mischief Possible While They Kcmuln in Power. By the United Press. fialtlmore, Md., Nov. 8. Ambassador Thomas F. Bayard, speaking today about Tuesday's election, said:" I have had grave apprehension as to the re- suit of the recent elections for some time. It was by no means an absolute surprise to me." The nmbassador said that he had no idea that the change of power was lasting or even meant to be lasting. "I do not want to run afoul of those gentlemen who were responsible for the delay lh tho passage of the tariff bill, but, as I say, the path of duty Is unmistakable, and the necessity for pure Democratic tariff legislation was jiever so great as it is now. The bills for free raw materials should be passed immediately, and then the country will be able to contemplate the Democratic idea of the tariff In full working order for two years before another natlonn election rolls around. If this is done, I have little fear that the verdict will be satisfactory in 1SH." Ambassador Bayard sails from New York early next Tuesday morning for Knglaud. HART IS E LECTE1). lVunsyrYanla Will Send Two Democratic Congressmen. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 8. The full official vote In the Eighth congressional dls trlct Is as follows: Northampton Klrkpatrlck, Republican. 9,172; Hart, Democrat, 8,495. Monroe, Klrkpatrlck, 1,220; Hart, 2,260. Pike, Klrkpatrlck 651; Hart, 972. Carbon, Klrkpatrlck, 3,522; Hart, 3,033. Total, Klrkpatrlck 14.565; Hart, 11,702. Hart's plurality, 197. This gives Pennsylvania two Demo cratlc congressmen. JOHNNY BULL IS RUFFLED. The Triumph of Protection Is Not Relished by Mr. Wilson's English Chums. By tho United Press. jjonuon, rov. 8. The afternoon pa pers of this city contluue the comments upon the recent elections In the United States, The Westminster Gazette says: "While McKlnley has triumphed and Wilson has been defeated, tho decision of West Vlrjclnla vmust be a source of great regret to many Englishmen. Wil son Is a man of high character and broad Views, and his non-success is a distinct loss to congress." The Globe remarks: "The main cause of the Democratic collapse was the pit iable weakness displayed by that party Civer tariff reform. The Republicans will make a profound mistake if they Interpret their astounding victory as a triumph of protection. What It does represent is the indignation and disgust of a great and resolute national being half ruined by feebleness and incapac ity in high places." The Pall Mall Gazette says: "Wil son, who fougnt tor tne poor man most allantly, has gone under In the Ren al, undiscrimlnaling Indignation, but the tariff stands where it did and Mc Klnleyism la a forgotten superstition. in a certain way, we may assume Unit the work is dune. Senator Hill as a Democrat, but President Cleve land is well quit of him. Ills defeat Is absolute, and let us hope that It is permanent." HATS OFF TO MK. PEFIER. The Populist Scnutor Liable to Hold the llalunoe of Power. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. S. Senator Faulk ner, chairman of the Democratic con- resslonnl campaign committee, is in- lined to the opinion that the Republi cans will be able to control the next sen- te if they get the vote of Mr. Peffer, even without North Carolina or Ten nessee. The Republicans gain three members in the senate, now represented by one senator Montana, Wyoming nd Washington. This brings the total up to forty-one. Add to these New ersey, West Virginia and Kansas, and they have forty-tour. The single vote of Mr. Peffer makes tho total forty-live, majority of the whole senate, based upon the full membership of eighty- eight votes. Mr. Peffer has generally adulated with the Republicans, and the Demo crats nre probably not amiss In assum- ug that he will vote with them on this occasion. OHJECTE1) TO HOLMAN. Indiana's Voters Roll I p 40,000 Majority for Republicanism. By the t'nlted Press. Indianapolis, I ml., Nov. 8. Tho re turns are about all In from the state. They bear out the forecast of yesterday to the effect that the Republicans have carried the state by 40,ooo, and elect thirteen congressmen. The defeat of Holman in the Fourth district is the bitterest pill for the Democracy, and Hynum's defeat In the Seventh is a surprise. The latter Is out with charges to tho effect that he had been offered a bribe of $5,000 to secure federal appointment for two leaders in this city, and, spurning the offers, he was stabbed in the back at the polls by the following of the persons in ques tion. His statements have caused sensation In political circles. GREAT VOTE FOR HASTINGS. His Net Plurality Over Two Hundred and Forty Thousand. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 8. Full official re turns for governor have been received from every county In the state except Berks, Butler, Cambria, Clearfield, Ly coming and Westmoreland. With those counties out the total for the various cahdldates are: Hastings, 520.902; Slngerly, 2S6.287J Hawley, 12,936 Aiiman, 9,236. , uuu pluralities have been received from every one of the 67 counties In the state. Hastings has a total plurality in 54 counties of 251,403, and Slngerly carries thirteen counties with a total plurality of 10,778. This gives Hast Ings a net plurality of 240,625. The Women Organize. Denver, Col., Nov. 8. Flcrures receiver! this morning show that the Reuubllcan majority In. the legislature Is 18 on Joint uanoi. ii naving been demonstrated to- uay mui inu wonmns vote in uenver on 'luesday was 55 per cent, of the total vote, the leading women, therefore, formed state organization of their own for the next national campaign, the nuroose be Ing to Increase their political power and importance. Edward W. Biddlc Elected. Philadelphia, Nov. 8. It was announcad last night through an error resulting from a transposition of figures that MarMn C Herman, Democrat, had been elected president Judge In Cumbciioml county over uawaru w. wuuie. Reoub can This was Incorrect. Kiddle was elected he having received 5,251 votes against 4,007 for Herman. Alleged Fraud in Louisiana. New Orleans, Nov. 8. Fuller returns today confirm tho election of all six Dem ocratlc candidates for congress. Repub licans announce tney will make their con test when the Fifty-fourth congress meets, Attorneys have been engaged to handle the cases and evidences of fraud are now being gathered. Iowa's Republican Plurality. Des Moines, Nov. 8. Nearly complete unotliclal returns snow that the net Ho- publican gain in the state is 72,2ti9. Tho congressional delegation is unshaken by later returns ana is solidly Republican, . Morton's Plurality 1 50,781. New York, Nov. 8. Tho totol voto of tho state on governor: Morton, B7l',ii'.'l; 11 111, 013.70: Wheeler, 2X,2B. Morton's plu rality, 1.VI.7K1. These ligures are tiiken from ollk'lul returns and are correct. Governor W'aito In Tired. Denver, Col.. Nov. 8. Governor Walto Is going to taavo Colorado., lie Is tired of the state and disgusted with his defeat. Ho is considering a proposition made to him to take up his residence in Illinois. Connecticut 15,000 Plurality. New Haven, Nov. K The complete vote of the stute hi Tuesday's election was an nounced tonight and Is as follows: Cof fin, Kepubllean, for governor, 7H,.'d8,; Cady, Uemocrat, Bl!,ffi4; Coffin's plurality, in,7H. EASTERN LEAGUE CIRCUIT, Rochester, Toronto and Putcrson Desire to Do Keprescntcd. By tho United Press. Buffalo, N. Y Nov. 8. President Powers, of the Eastern league, was in the city today, and, after a conference with President FlHinklln, of the Buffalo club, and two representatives of the proposed new Rochester club, lie left for New York. It is almost certain that Rochester will be well represented in the Aistern league next season, and the two applications for a franchise for that city will undoubtedly be considered at the annual meeting of the league. Wednesday President Powers was In Toronto feeling the Canadian base ball pulse, and he found it beating very strongly in favor of international diamond struggles. In case a franchise 1 available, the Toronto team will not lose much time in seizing it. Patterson, N. J., has applied for a franchise in the Eastern league and several other cities are knocking at the door. An excellent circuit can be ar ranged for 1895. y RECEIVERS A! TRAINMEN mportant Case of Interest to Mem- bers.of Railroad Societies, GENERAL 0LXEY TAKES A HAND lie Holds That as the Heading Road Is Now in the Control of tho Court, Ke ecivers Have no Right to Force , Hands to Quit Brotherhood. Ey the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov.' 8. The fight which the Reading railroad receivers have begun to force their employes to renounce all allegiance to the Brothehood of Trainmen, or else re tire from their present employment, as sumed national importance and inter est today. The case came up under argument before Judge Dallas in the United States circuit court in this city, upon the Brotherhood's appeal to the court to prevent the receivers, as ofll- ers of the court, from driving the rninmcu out of their order or else out of work. In this connection a letter of advice from United StatesAttorney iTeneralOl- ney, taking sides with the. men anil against the leceivers, was presented and was finally submitted by counsel for the trainmen as a part of his argu ment in their behalf. Upon this point Lawyer Samuel Dickson, an attorney for the Reading receivers, attacked the attorney gen eral severely for what he termed an un warranted and utterly unprecedented outside Interference with a case on argument and awaiting decision In a court of justice. Before permitting Attorney General Olney's letter to be submitted even as a part of the argument of Lawyer Mon tague, of Washington, D. C, for the trainmen, Judge Dallas explained that he had received, but had not yet reud, a copy of the letter and would not do so until it should come before him as part of the proceedings. Argument in the case was finished today and Judge Dallas will render his decision in a few days. .Mr. Olney's Letter. , Mr. Olney submits that the receivers of the road are wrong in this policy. He expresses a belief that Mr. Harris evidently forgets that the road Is not In control of the company Itself, but In the hands of the court. He put the question as being: "Will the court now lay down, the rule that members of the Brotherhood of Trainmen shall, because they are such members, be discharged from the service of the road." He says it cannot be ruled that there is no such thing as a legal strike. He reviewed the company's rule from the standpoint of business expediency, upon which the court would have to pass. This, he said, Involved the right of labor to organize for the settlement of differences. Any action by the court,' he said, might work mischief and unfair confi dence In the Impartiality or capacity of the Judiciary. He said that the mls- chb l' i-pprehended was probably in the future. In summing up he said the rule is of doubtful value as a Btrike preventative, and when the court is the employer, It is positively Injurious in engendering dlsaffectlons. LIKE A TALE BY DUMAS. Mysterious Sailors Visit Florida and Pig l'p Hurled Treasure. By the United Press. St. Augustine, Fla., Nov. 8. A large foreign rigged sloop was sighted off the coast about sunset last Sunday night and twice since that. She has come into the harbor and a portion of her crew came ashore; but only for a few minutes. They were Spaniards appar ently, but they spoke to nobody. Last night ten of them came ushore with picks, shovels, crowbars, etc., aud dug up a large iron chest, supposed to be filled with treasure, on the Old Christ oval property, bounded by the Hospital Charlotte, Fravo and Bridge - streets, Mrs. Roddick, who lives on the prem ises, not knowing what the men were didng, appeared with a shot gun and drove them oft, but not until they had loaded the box, which required several men to carry It, into a vehicle. No trace of the men, who were under a gray-bearded leader, can be found- nothing but some old pottery,' an Iron hook and one silver coin was left by them. The sloop left at daylight for the south. She Is supposed to have carried tho party to Santo Domingo, where the heirs of the original owner of the prop erty, Davlne, lives. A magnolia tree planted by the mother of Mrs. General Blake seventy years ago was taken for bearings to the location of the buried treasurer, which the party seemingly understood. All their measurements lie fore they began digging were tuken from this tree. LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT. Tho Meaning of Thanksgiving Pay Is Ex plained to College Students. By the United Pres3. Easton, Pit., Nov. 8. As there will be no foot ball game between Princeton and Yale In New York city on Thanks giving Day, this year, the managers of the Held have been making un effort for a game to be played on that day be tween the Lafayette college and Brown university teams. The Hludents of Lafayette favored such a gnme, but the faculty would not permit It, President W'arfleld explaining that Thanksgiving Day, having been set apart by the civil authorities as a day for the public recognition of tho goodness of God to our country, and having for many years been conse crated to the purpose, and as a family festival, it is highly improper that a collego founded for the education of youth in tho principles of good morals should do anything to lower the tra ditions or undermine the public regard for such a duy. STATE NEWS NOTES. Resting on his gun barrel while convers ing near Mahunoy City, Peter Mrobst was killed by the discharge ot the weapon. The national convention of the Non Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet at Washington on Nov. 13 and 14. Having been erected subsequent to the spilt in the Evangelical church, the $12.0110 edlnce at Fleetwood, Berks county, will not be yielded up to Rev. W. K. Wleand, of the victorious faction. 2 (smkWmm fll W. . IUU rmoMifn Needs a Weeding Out. luck Sam soliloquizes: "This Odd, I sec, has been pretty badly overrun by weeds; but we'll soon fix that when Tom Reed cets to work." THE VANDERB1LT DIVORCE A Monetary Adjustment Said tu Have been Made SHE IS TO GET THKEE MILLION William K.'s Generosity-tod Given Great Deal to the Smith Girls-Tho Wife's Suit Will Not Be Opposed by tho Husband. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 8. Upon good authority It is reported here than an arrangement has been made between Mr. and Mrs. W'llllam K. Vanderbllt by which the wife will get her divorce and something like $3,000,- 000. She Is now in Newport, where she will continue to live until she acquires the legal residence necessary to procure a divorce. There appears to be no doubt that she In! ends to sue for divorce, and it Is said Mr. Vanderbllt will not con- tost the suit. . - -'. . .-.'. W. K. Vanderbllt, who Is now in Europe, Is expected to arrive here the latter part ot this month, or the first of December. Business Is responsible for Mr. Vanderbilt's coming to New York. An intimate friend of the Vanderbllt family who Is in a position to know of the affairs of W. K. Vanderbllt said to day: "It is no secret that Mrs. Vanderbllt will seek a divorce from her husband and It h:s for some time been known that the conditions upon which the pro ceeding would "be taken have been under consideration for some time past. Mrs. Vanderbllt at first asked for an ' annuity of $300,000. She has Anally agreed to accept $3,000,000 outright. I do not believe Mr. Vanderbllt will defend a suit for divorce no matter what allega tions may be made. The sympathies of the Vanderbllt family are entirely with William K. In this matter. Mrs.' Vanderbllt was never a favorite In thq family, and since the cruise of the W. K. Vanderbllts In the steam yacht Va llant the Vanderbllt family have not been on friendly terms with her. Quiet Divorce Proceedings. Parties who claim to be familiar with the case Intimate that the divorce pro ceedings will be conducted as quietly as possible, and that W. K. Vanderbllt, wanting a divorce himself, would not oppose his wife's action. Mrs. Vanderbllt is now occupying "Marble House," the magnificent man sion which her husband built, fur nlsl d and gave to her. The building cos) Jabout $1,000,000, and the furnlsh- lnrf about $1,000,000 more. The ar- rai tements maue ror the settlement be veen the separated couple were con ducted by William Jay, and are said to be satisfactory to both parties. Mrs. Vanderbllt returned to this country from Europe a little over a month ago, after a somewhat sensa tloual separation from her husbund in Paris. They went abroad on Mr. Van derbilt's yacht, with a small party of friends. After several quarrels they went to Paris, and there It was reported that Mr. Vanderbllt began to uppeur In public with Nelly Neustretter, a notori ous woman, who formerly lived in tills country, but was then reigning as queen of a certain kind of society In the French capital. William K. Vanderbllt Is now 44 years of age and one of the richest men In the world. He married Miss Alvah Smith when she was i!6 years old. She was the daughter of a Mobile, Ala., merchant who came to New York and entered society. Tho Smiths were not rich, but tho daughters of the family were all beauties. One of the girls waB married to Fernando Yznaga, from whom Bhe procured a divorce, and then was mar ried to Mr. Tiffany. Another, Miss Minnie Smith, is now the wife of a poor Fronch nobleman. The youngest sister Is unmarried and is living with Mrs, Vanderbllt. ; William K. Vanderbllt was exceed ingly generous to his wife's relatives, having made them many coBtly pres ents. The Vanderbllt family, is is un derstood, do not sympathize with Mrs, Vanderbllt, and on her arrival in this country the last time no one was at the steamship pier, to meet her.' She pro ceeded to the Grand Central station from the pier in a (fired carriage and went immediately to Newport. . TROUBLE ABOUT A KISS, An Ohio Mayor t'ndcr Arrest on a Some whut Peculiar Charge. By the United Press. Toledo, O., Nov. 8. The grand jury of Lorain county has returned two indict ments against Qeorge Wlckenq, mayor A of the city of Iirain. Thu complainant Is Miss Mida Pershing. Early In the spring she was employed by the mayor as a bookkeeper in his store, but left his employ In May. To a friend she conllded the story uf how Mr. W'lckes had caught her In his arms and kissed her. Rev. Mr. Smith and Miss Pershing called upon an attorney and an affidavit was sworn out charg ing Mayor Wlckeiis with using improp er language In the presence of a female and with assault and battery in having kissed her. Before the Justice the mayor pleaded not guilty und waived examination. The onse was then laid before the grand Jury. DR. TALMAGE RESIGNS. Docs Not I-'cel I.Ike llclng Pursued by the l ire Fiend Further, By the United Preiss. New York, Nov. 8. The association of the Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmago with the Brooklyn tabernacle has been formally severed. His resignation Is due, he said, to the fact that he does not feel that he should ask his old con gregation to build the fourth church for him. Ho advises them to either Join other churches or build for a new pas tor. As to hlB future plans, he says that he will either take a new pastorate or enter evangelistic work, "preaching the gospel to all people without money and without price." The session last night met nnd formu lated a letter to the Presbytery, asking that they formally dissolve the pas toral relations between themselves and Dr. Talmage, and also expressing re gret at his action. DIED FROM HYDROPHOBIA. George Franklc Expires from the Ef fcct of a Dog Bite. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 8. George Frankie. aged 45 years, died in the Hahnemann hospital this morning from hydrophobia, the result of a dog bite three weeks ago. He was a driver of a wagon, and whlli stabling his horses, was bitten by n strange dog. His wounds were dressed and upparentb healed, but a few dar ago he complained of being 111 and wat unable to eat anything for the last two days. All day yesterday he acted In a Btrange way, rushing about in a wild manlier and staring blankly about him him. His wife was much frightened and sent for a doctor, who pronounced his nuilody hydrophobia. WANTS EXPERTS' OPINIONS. Germany May Then Take Off the Embargo on American Cattle. By tho United Press. Berlin, Nov. The prohibition against the lauding of American cattle hiis taken another complexion. It has been agreed that Germany leaves the decision In this matter to the preponder nnce of expert opinions. It Is stated that the Import of English cattle Into Germany will also bo pro hibited. The reason for this step is not stated. ABSENT POOL OPERATOR. Creditors of Georgo Irwin FeiirTliut His Vacation Is Permanent, By the United Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 8. Bulls in at tachments were entered in court today by six persons agulnst George M. Irwin, the absent pool operator, for sums ug gregatlng about $4,300. The statements allege the money was Intrusted to the defendant for invest ment, and that defendant hns ab sconded with intention to defraud cred itors. T. DUE TO BRECKINRIDGE. Kentucky Fanners Indulge in a Fatal Ouurrcl, By tho United Tress. Lexington, Ky Nov. 8. Isaac Doug lass, John Tralnor and Louis Shurpe, prominent Fayette county farmers, met here tonight and discussed tho Owens Denny-Brecklnrldge election and then quarreled. In the fight that followed Trainer shot Douglass through the heart, kill Ing him Instantly, nnd stabbed Sharpe In the side, probably fatally wounding him. Sharpe Is a brother of ex-Stato Treasurer S. G. Sharpe. Blond Admits Defeat. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. A special re celvod from Lf-banon, Mo., snyB that Congressman lllund concedes his defeat by HI plurality in favor of J. L. Hubbard his Republican opponent. Ilavollcard of Election. Reading, Pjl, Nov. 8. One of the Read- lug Iron company's furnaces was started up today after an idleness or two years. - Mr-MA - v-i:- I aim rj"i"'" , "' FUNERAL OF THE EMPEROR Services Over the I3odv of the Czar licforc Kcmoval from Livudia. VERY IMPOSING PROCESSION Nicholas, the Curlnu und the Prince and Princess uf Wales Accompany tho Hcmains on the Journey to Scbnsto-poI-Thc Ceremonies at Yaltu, By tho United Press. St. Petersburg, Nov. 8, The most solemn of religious services were held at noon yesterday In the church at Llvadla, to which the body of Alexander III was removed the pre vious night. Masses were said in the presence of the body. The services were attended by Emperor Nicholas II, tho czarina and the Prince and Princess of Wales, the representatives of various foreign powers and many others. At the conclusion of the services, and af ter the royal visitors present and the troops had viewed the body, the popu lace were formed In line and filed past the coffin to take a lust look at their dead ruler. The cortege left the church at 8 o'clock. The procession was headed by the chief of the palace police and the master of ceremonies, ,both mounted, followed by a numerous troup of sol dlers, including the Crimean division. composed of Tartars; then followed long files of Bervants of the Imperial 'amlly, footmen and domestics. Next in line were representatives of the iemstvo, or district assembly, tKc mu icipal authorities, the public schools and the public Institutions of the Yalta listrlct. Immediately behind them came the clergy, bearing lighted can dles: then followed the coflln. borne by members of the Imperial body guard and sailors from the Imperial yachts. The cortege proceeded on foot from Llv adla to Yalta, a distance of two miles nlong the const. Following the coflln came the czar and his suite, the Prince of Wales and the Russian grand dukes, then the czarina and the grand duchess In coaches. The entire route of the pro cession was lined with troops. Upon the arrival of the cortege at Yalta, prayers were offered for the re pose of the soulof the dead emperor nnd a salute was tired from the shore and from the ships In the harbor. The coflln was then placed ' on board the cruiser Pamlut Merkoorla und the Journey to Sebastopol was begun. Tho cruiser will be escorted by the Iron clad Twelve Apostle and the cruiser Oriel. Sebastopol, Nov. 8. The cruiser Plm- iat Merkoorla, bearing the body of Alexander 111, arrived here this after noon amid the firing of salutes and the tolling of bells. The funeral train started northward at once. High mili tary olllcers will guard the body throughout the Journey to St. Peters burg. 311 Ki: KELLY DI'.Al). The Celebrated base Hall l'lnver Suc cumbs to Pneumonia. By tho United Press. Huston, Xov. 8. Mike Kelly, the base ball player, died here tonight at the Knierffency hospital. He came here Monday mornliiK to Join the London (ialety Olrls Theatrical company, and nas taken sick that morning with pneu monia. He rallied Monday evenlnif, but since then has been failing until his dcu4h to night. Miko Kelly was probably ,'tho best known baHe ball player In America. He flrnt eamu Into prominence as a catcher several years ano when tho maiiaKers of tho lloHton Hkhd Hull club claimed to have paid the Chicago club I10.0H0 for W re lcnse. Ho HuliHoqueutly became Identi fied with the theatrlcul profeKKioii, His lust appearance In the biuso ball Hold wait as caiitalu and mamiKcr of the AlK-utoivn club in tho li nnnylvunla rftmo leaKUe. FLASHED 1-R03I THE WIRES. liurKlars Rawed County Treasurer" C. V. Aycock, at HarrlKon, Ark., ami looted tho safe, getting little booty. Krom wounds received from ballot-box thieves, C.uh Coleander, a ChUiago elec tion Judffo, died In a hospital. Flrlnu; upon a crowd of children who were annoyliiK him, l'hlllp Rodcnburir, a New York Jeweler, shot Katie Uoyer, aged IS, In the leg. Carl FolKeiibaum iwas yesterday, at New York found guilty of murder In tho first degree In killing Mrs. Julia Hoffman In September last. WEATHER REPORT. . flonerally fair; north winds, becoming variable. Rnleys SPECIAL For this week we will offer some Extraordinary Values in White and Colored Blankets UE MENTION A FEW SPECIAL LOTS: ioo pairs io-4, white, at W. ioo pairs 10-4, white, at 7dC atltl JM 50 pairs, 11-4, at .SIX). 40 pairs, all wool, 11-4, at .V2. 5 pairs, all w ool, it-4, at 4.50 On pairs, all wool, Cali fornia Hlaukets, 11-4 and u-4 at $5, Miami $7 These arc all New Goods and the prices are guaranteed the lowest ever offered NEW LINE OP BATH ROSE BLANKETS, DOUBLE FACE CLQAKINGS, EIDERDOWNS, ETC, ETC. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave, MIN OIL CLOT Wholesale and Retail. H. A. KINGSBURY t 313 Spruce Street. Telephone, No. 4633. A FOOT IN A VISE. Couldn't hurt much more than an uncomfortable- shoa. Our "K.OR- RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy. CORK SOLES In Calf and Cordivan are just what you want for Fall and Winter. 114 Wyoming Avenue. Di -BUY YOUR PRESENTS OF W. J. WEICHEL, JEWELER, 408 SPRUCE STREET, And get checks on that beau tiful Piano to be given away Christmas week. N, B. Repairing of Fine Watches a specialty. , ill i lie iv.
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