EIGHT TAES---56 COIXMXS. SCUAXTOX, PA;, THUliSDAY MOKNIXG, NOVEMBER 8, 1891. two cexts A COPY". Returns Indicate Surprisinrj Republican Victories. AX A1TEAL l'OR PROTECTION Suffering People Ail Over tho Country liegisttr 11 n P.mphatic Protest Against the Administration of Evpcriincnt unj Ruin-Confidence Restored. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Washington, D. C, Xuv. 7. Late returns indicate that the half was not told in regard to Republican victories nil over the country at the re rent elections. From nil points of the compass the returns that luive been flashed over the wires show Keptibll can gnlns of a surprising character. ,The most stubborn Democratic parti sans concede that the next national house of representatives will be over whelmingly Republican, while In many Instances In the South the reins of stute government have been placed in the hands of the party of protection for the first time in many years. Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas, Colo rado and other Democratic ami Popu llstiu stronghold hav been tnhen by majorities that give evidence of a gen eral distrust of the Democratic party that has been unequalled for the past (Hiarter of a century, and in every southern state large Republican gains are reported, even In districts where Populism has been gaining temporary ground. The emphatic protest against free trade has been registered In localities that only a few seasons ago were de manding the measure that has been so disastrous to all. THE GENERAL AVALANCHE. Returns from Vuriolis Stutcs Indicate Re publican (Joins ICveryuhcre. By the t'nited Tress. Washington, Nov. 7. C'lialrman Hnb cock, of the Republican congressional campaign committee, estimates that the next house will be 1:11 Democrats and 231 Republican?, anil 4 I'npulists, giving the Republicans n clear work ing majority of nii over all. This esti mate Is based on returns received this afternoon. The Democratic; campaign commit tee concede a Republican plurality of 60 in the next house. Silver Dollar Smith Defeated. New York. Nov. 7. The following total vote of New York city for gov ernor: 3-1 til. U'S.riW: Morton. li'l.TJD; Wheeler. (S. D.l, .7s7: Ainthews I Peo ple's). l.r.30; Matchett rt. 1..1, 4,77; HuM- wln (Pro.), S;i4. Complete returns on the vote for Al derman In the Third district show that Charles Smith (Sliver 'Dollar), Tamma ny, was defeated by Christian Uoetz, Republican. The vote for lieutenant governor, with twenty-nine election districts missing, Is: Loekwood (Dem.1, l;u,427; Saxton (Rep.), lltf.CiiO; Hewson (Peo ple's), 1.5S:t; Steer S. I,.), 3,441!; Miller (Pro.). 4Si!. Tennessee's Republican Governor, Nashville. Teiin., Nov. 7. The re turns from Tennessee indicate that Henry Clay Kvans, Republican, has been elected governor over Peter Tur ney, Democrat, the present incumb ent. The Democrats will have u safe majority in the legislature, and the election of a Democrat to the United States senate la assured to the Dem ocrats. I tali Is Republican. Suit Lake, Nov. 7. T'nofllclal returns which will not be materially changed by the official count, show that the Re publicans have carried Utah by l.OoO, that being the approximate plurality of Cannon over Rawlins (Dem.), for governor. The Republicans will also probably control the constitutional convention. Indiana JO, 000 Republican. Indianapolis, Intl., Nov. 7. Returns received ut Republican state committee headquarters this morning indicate that the Republicans will capture all of the thirteen congressional districts by clean majorities. Returns from the Btato Hhow that Indiana has gone Republican by about 4.1,000, perhaps 50,000, the lcgls lature being surely Republican. Republicans Capture .Missouri. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 7. Chairman Cook, of the state Democratic commit tee, states that from returns received nt headquarters he believed the Repub licans had elected the entire state ticket by a plummy of from 1,000 to 3,000. Michigan Entirely Republican, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 7. The next log. lslulure of Michigan will be composed entirely of Republicans. The Republic can state central committee hns re celved full returns from every repre sentatlve and senatorial district, and announce that Republicans have been fleeted in every district. llrooklyn City Redeemed. Brooklyn, N. T.. Nov. 7. The entire Republican city ticket Is elected by a plurality ranging from 20,000 to 30.000, The vote was against consolidation with New York by about 2,000, and the apportionment was lost by about the tame vote. M joining Solidly Republican. Cheyenne, Wyo.,, Nov. 7. Complete returns from nearly every county in Wyoming show that "the Republicans have elected their entire ticket. The election of two Republican United States senators to succeed Senators Warren and Carey Is assured. .Massachusetts 03,027 Hcpiibllcnn. Boston, Nov. 7. Tho state of Massa chusetts, with ten small towns missing, give Oreenhalge n plurality of 6:i,f27 The missing towns in Wi gave Oreen halge 471 plurality. Republican 1. S. Scnutor from Delaware Wilmington. Del., Nov. 7. The inu Jorlty for the Republican candidate for governor and congressmen Is 1,200 in the state. The next state legislature will stand: Senate, 6 Democrats anil 4 Later Republicans; house, 21 Republicans and 7 Democrats, a Republican majority on Joint ballot of IS. That gives the Re publicans the United States senator. Kansas Populists Knocked Out. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 7. Late re turns Indicate that Merrill, Republican, has carried the state by from 3r.,000 to 4fi,ooo over Llewcllylng, Populist, for governor. Republicans have carried six of the seven congressional districts with the chances greatly In favor of their win ning the remaining one. This gives them seven congressmen sure, a gain of five with the probability of six. The Republicans will have a majority of thirty-nine on Joint ballot in the legislature. t'usionlsts Claim North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 7.-The f union ists claim now that the Democrats lose all the congressmen und that the fu sion state ticket Is certainly elected. The Democrats nre enabled to say pretty positively that they have elected two congressmen and possibly three, but they acknowledge nil the other dis tricts tube doubtful. California Is Mixed. San Francisco, Nov. ".There seems to be no doubt this evening that Cali fornia has gone Democratic so far as the governorship is concerned. An al most solid Republican delegation in congress is assured, and the legislature will be Republican on Joint ballot. Michigan Always In Line. Detroit, Mich., Nov.7. The latest re turns ore that Rich's plurality for gov ernorwlll exceed 80,000 and that the en tire Republican congressional delega tion Is elected by majorities ranging from :i,000 to 10,000. The legislature will be Republican by a large majority, Morton's Plurality. New York, Nov. 7. Almost complete returns give Morton a plurality over Hill of H'J.Oti.'l. The vote so far filed Bhows that the two lieutenant gover nors ran ahead of their respective tickuta. Democrats Carry Texas. Austin, Tex., Nov. 7. Reliable Infor mation received at Democratic head quarters show that the Democrats have curried every congressional district in the state with the exception of one. Republican Delegation from Iowa. Des .Moines, la., Nov. 7. The latest returns show a Republican plurality of 75.0IM), the election of the entire Re publican stale ticket and a Republican delegation to congress. Wisconsin 40.000 Republican. Milwaukee, 'Wis., Nov. 7. Wisconsin gives a Republican plurality of 40,0u0 on the state ticket. Roth houses of the legislature have been carried by the Republicans. OKI-Time Illinois Mujority. Chicago, Nov. 7. Republicans have elected their state ticket by a plurality of at least IW.ooO. For congreBS they have captured 20 und possibly 21 of the 22 districts. .Montana All Right. Rutte, Mont., Nov. 7. The ontira eleven Republican candidates for the legislature are elected. This Insures the legislature Republican by at least twelve. ' Washington Is Doubtful. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 7. It is gener ally conceded that Hyde and Doolittle, Republicans, are elected to congress by greatly reduced majorities. i North Dukotu Republican. Fargo, N. D., Nov. 7. Fuller returns Indicate a Republican majority of from 1,500 to 2,000. The legislature is strong ly Republican. Nebraska Republican. Omaha, Neb., Nov, 7. Estimate In proportion to what has been received the state will go largely Republican. LU KV NEIGHBOR MOM EX. i-och Inherits About $280,000 from Uncles of the Same Nume, but 'Not Ro tated to Pacli Other. Ry the United Press. Newburgh, N. Y., Nov. 7. Another married woman has become the pos sessor of a $250,000 fortune from a dead man named Cornell. A few months ago Mrs. Henry C. Adams, of 4 Bayvlew terrace, Washington Heights, inherited from a late Mr. Cornell, of Poughkeep- sie, her uncle, ?250,000 or more. . This time the lucky woman is Mrs. Frances Itosell. She not only receives about the same amount, but It comes also from an uncle of the same name; the late Thomas W. Cornell, of Cleveland, O., who was In the oil business there with ex-Senator Henry li. Payne. Mrs. Rosell Is a near neighbor of Mrs. Adams, living at 33 Bayvlew terrace. Another singular feature Is that the Cornells are not related In any way nor are the two women, who were both poor. PAULINE HALL DEFAMED. Rev. Dr. Jenkins .Makes a Pew Remarks and Is Sued for I.lbcl. By the United Press. Sioux City, la., Nov. 7. Since Sunday night theatricals were Introduced here recently Rev. Dr. Jenkins, pastor of the First Congregational church, has led the opposition. The Pauline Hall Opera company had advertised to appear, and V. Jenkins wrote a letter to the press, in which he said; "The character of Pauline Hall is such us to prevent re spectable women from associating with her. I take it that her show is of the "Black Crook" order, as she belongs to that gang." When the company arrived yesterday O. B. McClelland, Pauline Hull's hus band, sued Dr. Jenkins for libel and swore to a warrant for his arrest for criminal libel. Sl'ICIDE OF WILLIAMS. Despondent Over Imprisonment for Theft He Takes Laudanum. By tho United Press. Tyrone, Pa.. Nov. 7. Samuel N. Will lams, aged 22 years, who was several weeks ago released from the Hunting don reformatory after serving one year for robbing registered letters in the Tyrone post ollice to the amount of $1,000, committed suicide this morning by taking laudanum, Despondency was the cause of his death. His family Is highly resfpacted in this place , Ex-l'icsitlent Gives His Opinion of Cause of Republican Avalanche. THE DEMOCRATIC WEAKNESS A Party That I ails In Ability to Manage the Government -Work Ingmen Who Voted Their Prejudices In 1802 Vote Their Patriotism This Year. Indlanopolls, Ind., Nov. 7. In response to a request Ueneral Har rison thus expressed himself regarding the election yesterday: "It is the most-extraordinary political revolution the country has ever wit nessed. Wherever there was a free bal lot the vote of confidence given In 1892 to tha Democratic party tlf one was given) has been re-called and a vote of final repudiation substituted. The In coherence of the Democratic party was revealed the moment power was given tolt to deal with national affairs. The Insincerity of its platform makers was expressed when 'lie It enacted took place of 'Re It resolved.' For thirty years party expediency had been sub stituted by Its leaders for party princi ples, and expediency had as many faces as there were congressional districts. Every eccentric cross current of popu lar prejudice was followed as if it were the gulf stream. No position was too wild or violent for a Democratic mount. Classes were created and inflamed to outbreak and disorder. In one state a debauched currency and in another a socialism that was near to anarchy were given a bed. Property, especially mills and factories, were invested and assaulted In one section, and in another trusts were secretly coddled. , , "The old Democratic doctrine that favored the levying of customs duties to the list of an adequate revenue was abandoned. A deficiency to be made good by bond issues or by Inter nal taxes was preferred to the inci dental protection that adequate cus toms duties would give. The sliver question was dealt with in the most irresponsible manlier. "Mr .Cleveland described the situa tion perfectly when he said to Mr. Wil son: 'They (the Democracy) are down cast under the assertion that their party falls In ulilllty to manage the gov ernment.' A vast majority of our peo ple believe in n protective tariff never so many and never so strongly as now. They differ as to the rates and siijed ules, but not us to the principle. They believe in reciprocity us the first method of getting foreign markets. They believe in a progressive and American foreign policy. "The worklngmen voted thlr preju dices in 182, this year they voted their patriotism und 'their love of home. The enormous falling off In the Democratic vote everywhere la no less emphatic In its meaning than .the majorities. The great victory secured by the reformers in New York city ought to have been mentioned in the Thanksgiving procla mation perhaps It would If it had come earlier." CLEVELAND LOOMS IT. Sanguine Admirers Think the Present Democratic Defeat M 111 I uvor His Chances for Third Term Nomination. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 7. Secretary Hoke Smith was at the interior department bright and early this morning. He re fused, however, to be Interviewed on the subject of the election. Assistant Secretary of tho Interior Sima, of Mississippi, said: " Well, I sup pose the Democrats needed chastening at the hands of the people for the way they had worked at cross purposes in congress during the past twelve months. But I did not expect we would receive such a severe lambasting. Still, Demo cratic principles remain, with devoted followers, and I feel sure will attract to them the great mass of Democrats, who will rally und unite with the party be fore 1896." Commissioner of Patents Seymour, of Connecticut, had this to say: "This de feat will lead to a very careful study of the causes therefor, and will result In again presenting the question of tariff reform to the people In 1896. It Is by no means to be regarded as a permanent conquest by the Republican party." A cabinet officer this morning said: "Who else but Cleveland looms up to day in the party who can -lead wl(h any show of success. He Is stronger today than ever, and the malcontents must come to him, I do not believe he wants tho nomination in PiSC. I believe he Is tired of the presidency, ' but who Is there to look forward to? At the pres ent no one but Cleveland." FATAL TRAIN AVRETK. Six Persons killed In the Collision of Pas sender and a Freight Train on the Haiti more and Ohio. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 7. A disastrous collision between a passenger and freight train resulting in the loss of six lives, occurred at Rosen Steel Siding, 103 miles east of Pittsburg on the Baltl more and Ohio railroad at 5.40 o'clock this afternoon. The killed are as fol lows: Knglneer Henry Rush, of the passenger train. Fireman McCarthy, Engineer Browning, of the freight train, Hrakeman Manning, of the freight train. Two mall clerks, names not 'known. The trains wrecked were the Chicago express, No. !, west bound, and the first section of east bound train No. 64, a fast stock train. The freight train had a time order to reach Pine Grove against the passenger train. Knglneer Bush disregarded this order end this caused the accident. J. h. Pierce and J. G. DeOralns, two other mull clerks, were Injured. None of the passengers were Injured. VANDERB1LT WAS BUNCOED. Ills Costly Drome Doors from Trance a I Hollow Sham, By the Unltod Press. : New York, Nov. 7. The discovery has been made that Cornelius Vander bllt was grossly swindled by a French firm Jn the great bronze doors he had made for his $3,000,000 mansion,- - The doors were supposed to be a solid bronze copy of those made by Iorcnzo Gilbert, the famous Itnlan sculptor, 400 years ngo for the baptistry of San Giovanni, In the great cathedral of Santa Maria del Flore, Florence, the finest doors ever turned out by an ar tist. Mr. Vanderbllt sent the doors to Bon nard's foundry here for some altera tions, when It Was discovered the doors were not solid bronze, but were screwed to a common wooden frume, and then backed with a thin metal covering. The wood was weighted with heavy Iron spikes driven Into It, so that the neces sary solid bronze weight could be ob tained. , Mr. Vanderbllt was indignant. The doors coat him 1125,000, but he ordered solid bronze copies of the San Giovanni doors from Bonnard, the American bronze worker, and discarded the French pair. The new doors will also cost $125,000. MARY HAS STEP tlTHBERT. End of the Octogenarian Colonel Bullctt's Romance Murried nt 8:1 to a kentucky Heiress. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 7. The filing of a petition for divorce by Mrs. Mary Ran som Bullitt against Colonel Cuthbert Bullitt, at Louisville, Ky., marks the end of a two-year i romance. Colonel Cuthbert Bullitt is a southern gentle man of the old school. He had been for many years a widower, when, toward the end of September, 1892, at the age of 83, he disappeared from his home In Louisville coincidental!)' with the dls Rpparance of Mrs. Mary Ransom, the widow of General (Ransom and the richest woman In the state of Ken tucky. Mrs. Ransom was said to possess $1, 000,000. She was SO years old and very sprightly, and previous to her marriage to General Ransom she hud been the wife of Kemp Goodloe, a friend and legal adviser of Colonel Bullitt's. The couple came to New York on their wedding tour. They went to the Hotel Imperial and here the llrst trial in Col onel Bullitt's new married life occurred. His trunk arrived with the lock torn off and his diamond shirt stud wus miss ing. "It was a sparkling fellow and quite lighted things up, by gad, sir," said .Co4onel Bullitt, "and. by gad, sir, 1 propose to llnd out who is responsi ble." He thereupon put the hotel and railroad authorities and Home detec tives at work on the matter. Colonel Bullitt was a union man dur ing the war. although he owned negroes and believed In shivery. He was then In the cotton business in New Orleans and the people threatened to hang hhn to a lamp post. A friend asked I he chief of police If he could protect tho colonel from such a fate at the hands of the mob, and the reply was, "I think I can, sir." The mob then around the colonel's house numbered 10.000 peo ple, and the colonel didn't like the chief's word "think,"- by gad, and left by the 'evening train for 1,0'ulMvtIle, 'We all had a drink, sir." said tho colonel, "and by the almighty jingo, sir, I was on my way north at 9 o'clock that night, sir." Colonel Bullitt is a believer In the es tablished social customs of the south, includjng a proper appreciation of line old Kentucky whisky, and when he wus in New York had lost none of tho power of discrimination regarding the bever age. Colonel Bullitt's fortunes were sadly crippled by the war, but he retained enough, ho proudly said while on his second honeymoon, to live like a gen tleman. He entered Into an ante-nup-tlal agreement with Mrs. Ransom wav ing all claim to her great estate. "No honorable man could have done other wise' said he, "and it was made at my suggestion." AN AWFUL CONFESSION'. Mercer Murder Mystery SolveJ-.Mrs. Samuel Jack Tried to Beat Her Brains Out with a Stone. By the United Press. Sharon, Nov. 7. Mrs. Samuel Jack, granddaughter of ex-Sheriff Fleming Smith, whu was found Thursday morn ing entombed In a hollow log half dead, has partially recovered, and there are hopes of her recovery. She has told n startling story of the crime. She Bays she was not assaulted, but nttempted to take her own life. "Becoming discouraged," she saUl. "I decided to end my existence. I came to this decision when I was returning home Tuesday afternoon after a visit with my mother. I entered the woods, and having nothing better to use de elded I would knock my brains out with a stone. 1 laid down on the ground and placed my head on a boulder and with another stone beat myself on the head. 'The stone found on the ground covered with hair and blood was the one I used. I found this was a poor way of taking my life. After I had struck my head twice I grew weak, and the stone dropped from my hand. In a half conscious state I crawled un der a tree about 100 yards distant, where 1 lay for two nights unable to move. About 8 o'clock Thursday morn lug I crawled into a log, where ' I thought I would be left to die." i The searching party located Mrs. Jack by the blood which flowed from the wound in her head. 4KC1IO OF THE COAL STRIKE. A West Virginia Minor Convicted of Mur tier in tho l lrst Degree. Charleston, W. Vtt., Nov. 7. The trial of Ren Clendenln, charged with mur dering J. Davis near Montgomery, Aug. 9, resulted yesterday In his being con victed of murder in the first degree. A new trial was asked for. The trial of Clendenln has been the most desper ate legal battle ever fought In this city, and the lawyers engaged were the most prominent In the state. It was established during the trial that the killing of Davis was the result of a conspiracy on the part of the miners who took part in the battle with Wyunt's men at Kagle during the strike there last March. Many men wre wounded and Dr. Davis was their phy sician.. They feared his testimony against them In the trial, which was then in progress, and the murdered man wes to testify next day. Davis was waylaid on a lonely mountain ruad and shot as he passed In his buggy,. The Yole-Princcton Game. Ily the Vnltod Press. ' i New York, Nov. ".The Tule-Prlnce- ton foot ball game -will be played on Manhattan field, New York, Deo, 1 GREAT Wim HASTINGS His l'lurality Swells as the Later Re turns Arrive, u GAINS IX THE LEGISLATURE The Mouse and Senate Largely Hepub' llcun But One Democrat Will Accom pany Pennsylvania's Congressional Delegation to Washington. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Latest returns estimate Hastings' plurality for governor as 234,855. This may be slightly Increased, as there are some counties not complete yet. Following are revised figures on the vote for governor. Many of the figures are computed from ofikiul returns. Complete returns from all the counties In the state may slightly Increase Hast ings' plurality here given: in t Counties a ! 17"":" 40000 . 2800; , 2200 : , 1000 , Adams Allegheny Armstrong Heaver Bedford Berks UC.-S Blair ....t I 4147 Rradford 4100 Bucks I00O! Butler 2300 Cambria ItiHl' Cameron 250; Carbon !i02 Center S3!)' Chester 590!) Clarion ' 1 416 Clearfield i i IO110 Clinton 1 233 1 Columbia i 12S0 Crawford 327H, Cumberland 7oj Dauphin j r."37; Delaware 1 655R Klk I I 74 Krle 4372: Fayette 211!' Forest 3.T1 Franklin 2071. Fulton J no (Jreene 1211 Huntingdon 21tis; Indiana I 2SH0 Jefferson I 1NX9 I Juniata . i ar.8 Lackawanna 2317; Lancaster 1I7B4 Lawrence ;m, Lebanon 27W U'hlgh i 3117 Luzerne yr.it 1 Lycoming 327 Mt'Keun 2100 Mercer 2XMV Mlfllln 635: Monroe : j 1212 Montgomery I 311.V1 Montour I 2B0 Northampton sooo 1033 Northumberland, 1'erry Philadelphia rike Potter Schuylkill . 1 .i . 9!ir!, . S.-.64.-.,.. . i . lXiit.. . 2000.. . 111:... . 8105.. . 2."0... 223!!.. .! 4404. . .1 10i4i.. . 1400 .. .j 2349 .. .1 2500 .. .1 747,.. . sr,ooi.. .! 42.. 331 Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna .... Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington Wayne , Westmoreland . , Wyoming- , York 897 Total plurality. . 2-17847! 129H2 Hastings' plurality, 234.S5.1. Harrison's plurality, 63,447. f .rEXXSYEVAMA SENATE. The New llody Will Contain M Hcpuhli. cans and 7 Democrats. By the railed Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Tha present senate is composed of 33 Republicans and 17 Democrats. Of these 24 Hepub llcans and 1 Democrat hold over, 9 He publlcans and 16 Democrats retiring; 19 Republicans' und 6 Democrats were elected on Tuesday. They will hold over the next session and participate in the election of a I'nited States senator in 1S97. The next senate will be composed of 43 Republicans and 7 Democrats w ith new members as follows: Second district Klwooa Becker, R Fourth discrict-C. W esley Thomas," R. Blxth district Boise Penrose, It. Klghth district Jacob Croiise, R Tenth district Henrv G. .Alercer R Twelfth district Henry D. Baylor 'r Fourteenth dUtrlctC. Kaufman, R Sixteenth district Harry O. Stiles, R. Klghteenth district Edward H. l.au bach, 1). Twentieth dlstrlct-Jas. C. Vaughan, R. Twenty-second district Lafayotte Row land, D. Twenty-fourth district-James II. Coch ran, 1), Twenty-sixth district-Edmund H. Hard enbergh, R. Twenty-eighth district - Harvey W. Haines, D. Thirtieth district John J. Coyle, R. Thlny-second district Alfred W. Mll lelsen. It. Thirty-second district M. L. :Ic Quown, It. . Thirty-sixth district - M. B. Crltch field, R. Thirty-eighth dIstrlet-Wm. H. Hvde, D. Fortieth district Daniel 8. Walter, R. Porty-second district Arthur Ken tiedy, R. Forty-fourth dlstrlct-WIUIam KUnn, R. Forty-sixth district-Sam. P. White, hi. Forty-eighth rtistrlct-c. M. Hhortt, R. Fiftieth district Wm. 11. Andrews, K. Republicans, 19; Democrats, 0. THE LOWER BRANCH. List of New .Members of the House of Rep resentatives. By tho United Tress. Phladelphla, Nov. 7. Tho present house of representatives Is composed of 135 Hepubllcnns'and 63 Democrats, with six Vacancies. The new house elected on. Tuesday will consist of 178 Hepub Itcans and 28 Democrats, as fol lows; Adams county George. I,. Deardorff, R., and Charles 'II. Duttera. 1). Allegheny county First district, ChiiS, A. Muchblomer and Oliver P. Scaifu, Jr., It.; Second district, William T. Marshall and' William J. McDonald, R.; Third dis trict, Michael B. Lemon and Arch MacK rell, R.; Fourth district, John Keurns, 1).; Fifth district, K. C,. Cotton, David R. Weaver, William M. Culberson, Ueorgo U McParlane, It.; Sixth district, James M, Robb and Matthew M, Wilson, It.; Sev enth district, Joseph T. Ryer and Samuel Wallace ,R.; Klghth district, Thomas Til brook, R. Armstrong county Frank Mast and Bamuel li. Cochrane, R, Beaver county Jacob Weyand and Ira F. Mansfield, R. Bedford county William C. Smith and Jacob 8. Riddle, R. Berks county First district, David West and liclward M. I.uden, R.; Second district, Jacob B. Hertzog, Cyrus J. Rhode, J. A. Welbel, D. Cambria county Jacob C. Steinmiin and Samuel 1). Patterson, R. Cameron county Henry H. Mullen, It. Carbon county J. N. Weller, D. Center county Phil K. Womelsdorf and Henry It. Curtln, R. Chester county D. Smlih Talbot, Dan iel P. .Moore, John M. Marshall and Thos. J. Phillips, It. Clarion county A. W. Smiley and J. H. Martin, D. Clearfield county Charles Dudley Ames and John H. Patchen, It. Clinton coitlity James W. Fredericks,!. Columbia county Andrew L. Fritz, and William T. Creasy, D. Crawford county W. A. T. Andrews, John B. romp ton and Jacob Uoland, R, Cumberland county Benj. K. Spang ler and James L. Young, R. Duuphin county First district, George Kunkle, R.; Second district. V. H. Clay Keen, Sam S. 1'uge and John M. HeaKy.it. Delaware county Ward R. Bliss, Thos. H. Uurvln and Kluhanl .1. Buldwln, R. Klk county Uflorge U. Dixon, D. Erie county First district. Kdward P. Gould, K.; Second district, Kinmet H. Wil cox and James Ross Raymond, R, KEYSTONE DELEGATION. List of Pennsylvania Congressmen and Their Majorities. By tho United Press. V . Philadelphia, Nov. 7. The following Is a list by districts of the congressmen elected In Pennsylvania, with their re spective majorities. Thosel re-electyd are marked with an asterisk': At larg.. Crow, R 210,000 At large Buff, R 210.UOO First 'Bingham,. R - 13,!M3 Second 'Adams, R 12,'XW Third Halterman, R .4r,l Fourth 'Reyburn, It..., 26,3 Flfth-'Harmer ,R M.SUB Sixth-'Hoblnson, R 11,148 Seventh-'Wanger. R..... 4,100 Klghth-Kirkputrlck, R 277 Nlnth-'Krilman, D 1.U73 Tenth 'Brosiu, R R.WO Kleventh 'Scrantun, R... Twelfth Iielsemlng, R... Thirteenth Urumm. R. Fourteenth 'Voomer, R. Flfteenih-'Wiight, R Sixteenth Leonard, It.... Seventeenth Kulp, R Blgliteenth-'Mahon, R... Nineteenth Sthale, R Twentleth-'lllokB, R..... Twcnty-HM 'Helner, R. 2,248 i,l77 2.r.im !l,"S5 li.7uS 4,200 !"J5 7, DUO 2.SS1 9,'jS5 1ii,:,!iII l.INK) 1,111 10 8.IKW lu.ooo 1.-473 B,lJ0 1,125 Twenty-second 'Dalzell. K. Twenty-third 'Wm. A. Stone R.. Twenty-fourth Acheson, H Twenty-lllfth-Phlllips. R Twenty-sixth Giiswold, R Twenty-seventh 'C. W, Stone, R. Twenty-eighth Arnold, R Republican, 2i; Di morrats, 1. 1IIXES, POSTMASTER. Not lleing Able to (lo Hack to Congress, Will Cancel Stumps. Special to the Scranton Tribune. AVllkes-Barrc, Nov. 7. "Little Hilly" Ulnaa la ,lol'onte,l Imt lint linhillKfll. If fimrt -nan h nnv- truth In a tolerably I well authenticated rumor that Is cur rent here today, 'Hines la to be named as Wllkes-Harre's next postmaster. This position was, It is said, promised him by President Cleveland, in, the event of his defeat by John Lelsenrlng; and now that the latter has carried out his half of tho contract by from .1,000 to 6,000 plurality, rimver i .'to e re minded not to forget his pledge; .MAJORITIES' IX WAYNE. Pull Kctnrns (iive Large Hepublican (iain.s. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdule, Nov. 7. Full returns from Wayne county show the election of'the entire Republican ticket with the fol lowing majorities: General Hustings received 752; M. B. Wright, congress, 72ii; E. B. Harden bergh, senate, 730: W. N. Curtis, repre sentative, 90; N. F. Underwood, repre sentative, ."GS; TV V. Curr. judge, 778; William K. Justin, Republican, jury commissioner; O. E. Miller, Democrat, jury commissioner. (.EX. HOWARD RETIRED. i Tho War Veteran und Indian Fighter Wll I.euvo the Service. By tho United Press. Washington, Nov. 7. Orders will be Issued tomorrow placing Major General Oliver O. Howard on the retired list. Generul Howard was born In Maine, Nov. 8, 1S30. His first military service was as chief of ordinance at Fort Bea dle, Fla., during the Seminole, war in 1857. Among the battles in which he was engaged were Bull Run, Fair Oaks, where he was twice severely wounded and lost his right arm; Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, march to the sea and the surrender of Joseph E. Johnston's urmy. From 1872 to 18S1 he was almost con tinuously fighting Indians, and since Dec. 12, 1S88, he was In command of the division of the Atlantic alid department of tho coast. HUGO AGAIX ARRESTED. lie Is in Jail Churged with Crime Com mitted l ive Years Ago. By the United Press. Wilkes-Bnrre, Ph., Nov. 7. John Hugo was arested here today for the murder of John Kosek, which took place in this city five years ago. Hugo was accused at the time and soon after left for Europe. lie returned here a few weeks ago and has been carefully watched ever since. Last night he be came intoxicated and in company with a personal friend talked freely about the murder, which led to his arrest at once. Kosek, the murdered man, was looked, upon here as a king unions the Hungarians. At the time he was killed, he was a wealthy merchant and real estate dealer, leaving a snug fortune to his fumlly. ' AUX AT BELMONT TRACK. The t.lucen of Trotters tails to Cover Her Record. ' By the United Press. , Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Three hundred persons were at the Helmmit truck this afternoon to aee the attempt of Allx, the "Queen of Trotters," to beat her record of 2.03i. The track was In fair condition. Allx trotted the mile without a skip in 2.08?i, which beats the previous best trotting record of the track, 2.104, made by Jay Eye See. , WEATHER REPORT, J'or eastern Pennsylvania, rain; rust winds. INLETS SPECIAL p 11 u For (his Aveek we will offer some Extraordinary Values In White and Colored Blankets ' WE MENTION A FEW SPECIAL LOTS: 100 pairs 10-4, white, at 1S?C. 100 pairs 10-4, white, at 7.C. 811(1 l)Kc, 50 pairs, 11-4, at 40 pairs, all wool, 11-4, at 50 pairs, all w ool, 11-4, at 3.25 4-r Oo pairs, all wool, Cali fornia Blankets, 11-4 and 12-4, at $5, $0 and $7 Tiiese are all Xew Goods aud the prices arc guaranteed the low est ever offered. SEW L1XE OP BATH ROBE BLANKETS, DOUBLE FACE CLOAKINGS, EIDERDOWNS, ETC, ETC. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MIN OIL CLOTHINO Wholesale and Retail. H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street. Telephone, No. 4633. Couldn't hurt much more than an uncomfortable shoe. Our "KOR RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy. CORK SOLES In Calf end Cordivan are just what you want for Fall and Winter. II 114 Wyoming Avenue. D nil 111 BUY YOUR PRESENTS OF ' W, J. WEICllEL, JEWELER, 408 SPRUCE STREET, And get checks ou that beau tiful Piano to be given away' Christmas week. N, B. Repairing of Fine Watches a specialty, m All
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