THE SCltAXTOX TBIBUXE WEDXES1UV MOKXIXG, XOVEMUE1I T, 1801. Cloaks, Jackets, Capes, compiisiiin many oriuinal and exclusive sales, whieh can be found in our Cloak Department Experienced sales-persons arc at 'hand, and no purchaser is al lowed to leave our establishment unless suited in the latest styles and faultless lit. We recognize the truth of the saying, "A Well-Pleased Custer Is the Best Advertisement." ' Ladles', Misses' and Children's iiunrnffAnuniK? UlMllWiiLIll We have. written a warning story be fore about this all-important article of dress:' p.rhaps you did not take our advice but paid a large doctor's bill in stead. Garments of all sizes, weaves and kinds fill the shelves of our exten sive Underwear Department. Union suits, ladies' sanitary underwear, Aus tralian lamb's wool garments, long and short sleeves,anythingyou can possibly Wiiut in underwear can be had here. MILLINERY l'rettily Trimmed Felt Hats, $3, $3.50, $4.50, $5. Knowing the character of our work you will hardly believe , such prices possible. CHILDREN'S HEADWEAR l'orboys,girlsand infants. Cor rect sorts at popular prices. KID GLOVES, HANMEKCIIIEFS, COHSETS, ETC. GORMAN'S Grand Depot OR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. Br. Reeves is now fully established at 412 Hpruco street, Bcrunton. He has per formed tome wonderful cures nml lias rained the confidence of the public. Ho liua come to STAY and will remain PER MANENTLY at hi Spruce street parlors. Jle has had Ions nnd varied experience In hospital and private practice and treats all acuto and chronic diseases of men, wo inou and children. v,nvnedxaadfn8iti8oenr; Free of Charge Ko one Is turned away. He, with hin assistants, treat all dis eases of the nifrvoua system, diseases of t'ie eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, loet vitality, premature Weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous 'ability, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tolns, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy, in uiieretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vitas' danoe, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. FEMALE DEPARMENT. Tho doctor has opened a female depart ment uxclUHlvelyfor females, so that thosn whom "delicacy" has heretofore kept away muy now receive the services of a "lady" whose treatment will prove her ability In all cases. OFFER TO THE FUBLIC FOR "CATARRH." Any one suffering; with "Catarrh" who Xihen to bo PERMANENTLY and QUICKLY cured may receive FOUR MONTHS' THEATMKNT FOR ONLY TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds Rood for thirty days. The doctor has discov ered a SPECIFIC for this dreaded dis ease. You, can treat nnd cure yoursef and faniiy with It at homo. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. office hours: Dally, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. 2ako elevator In Christian's hat store, tjr steps. Romomber tho name and number, DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. QARPETS Oil Cloths, : Linoleums, ' , Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Paper. K - AH the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. (Our doors above Wyoming Housa. Mothers! Mothers 1 1 Mothers!!! ' Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been Used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethlnir, with perfect success. It sooths the child, softens the sums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for di arrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind, Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE RETURNS FROM EACH STATE r Concluded from Page 2. Ity. Johnson, R., Is overwhelmingly re turned to congress. Nl.W VOKK. New York, Nov. 0. New York elected n Governor and Lieutenant Governor for terms of three years, thirty-four t'on Kxossmen, and new Assembly. Tho peo ple also voted upon two proposed amend ments to the constitution of the state, submitted by the Legislature, one of which relates to County JuiIrcs and the Court of Sessions In Klns county, and the other Increases the number of .IikIk'-n of thu Supreme Court. The people also voted upon the revised constitution sub mitted by the recent Constitutional con vention, und separately upon the amend ments relating to the legislative appor tionment and to canul improvement. The candidates for Governor were: David Tieimett Hill, Democrat; Everett 1'. Wheeler. Democratic Reform; Levi Par sons Alorton, Republican; Charles H, .Matthews, Populist: Francis E. lialdwln, Prohibition, and Charles H. Jlatehett, Socialist-Labor. The vote of the State for PresUlunt In Irtlii was: Democratic, 151. WS; Republican, IW9,85U; Populist, US.KIS; Prohibition. 34,341; Socialist-Labor, 2.i,K2:i; xcatlerinif. The caiidldalPB for concress were: Fli'Mt dlstilct-lllchaid C. McCormlck, It.; Jo seph l'luh, D. Second Daniel Uradley, S. D. ; Dennis II. Hurley. K. ; T. O. Cleve land, D. Third Francis H. Wilson, li. Fourth-Israel L. Fisher. R. ; William J. Coombs. D. Fifth Charles U. Bennett, R. ; Anton VlcelliiH. D.j J. L. Mostrand, S. D. Sixth-Jaines R. Howe. R. ; A fl. Hold ers. D.; Daniel Walsh, S. D. Seventh John T. .Murtihy. D.; Franklin Uartlctt, T. 1).; A. K. Ford. H.: J. T. Murphy. E. 8. D. Eighth Walter F. Tabor, Pr.; Jum-s F. Walsh, T. . D. Ninth Timothy J. Campbell, I. I.; M. C. Miner, D. ; John Simpson, R. Tenth Andrew J. Campbell, R. ; Daniel E. Sickles, T. I). : Ceorttc Karsch, K. S. D. Eleventh-William A. .Sttlzer, D.; Ferdinand Eldman, It. Tewlfth Robert A. ChuHbrotmh, R.; Ooo. B. McClellan. T. D.; GeoiRe Walton Green, D. Thirteenth A mo a J. Cuni mitiKS, T. D.; Robert C. Shannon, R.; liaker, E. S. I. Fourteenth Lemuel It. gulKK. R-; John Cunnelly, T. D. Fif teenth Philip II. Low, R.; Jacob A. Cn tnr T. D. ; Robert Greer Monroe. D. Six teenth H. Franklin Lissutter, D.; Dr. James 1'. Daly, D. ; Henjamin L. Fair child. R.: Willium Ryan, D. Seventeenth Benjamin D. Udell, R. ; KiUfene S. Ives, D. Eighteenth Jacob Lei'evre. R. ; Wil liam .M. Ketcliuin, D. Nineteenth Frunk S. lihiek, It.; Churlcs D. Unities, D. Twen tieth G;"rp;e N. Sottthwick, R.; Charles Tracey, 1). ; Ward J. Lee, Pr. Twenty litst George Van Horn, D.; Henrv !, Blester, it.; David F. Wilber, R. Twenty. second-William R. Honsle, D. ; J. L. Wood, I'r.; . M. I'nrtis, 1. It.; John .ie. Owen. P. Twenty-third Wallace Foole, R. ; W. C. Watson, D. Twenty-fourth Charles A. Chlckerlnir, R.; W. T. Hender son, D. Twenty-lirth James S. Sherman, It.; Professor John J. Reese, P. Tueiity-slxth-tieoisc W. Ray, It.: Sherrill H. Smith, 1. Twenty-seventh Charles U. Perkins, Pr.: Walter E. Northrup, D. ; Theo. L. Poole, R. Twcnty-elKhth Sen-no E. Payne, R. : Ely MeConnell, D. Twcniy nlnth Charles W. Gillet, R.; . H. Rob erts, D.; Albert Cult, Pr. Thirtieth Frank H. Martin, Pr.; Francis Alurphy, D.; James W. Wadsworth, R. Thirtv llrst John D. Lynn, D. ; H. C. Brewster, R.; i). T. Wllliuins, I. R. Thirty-second R. H. llnhoney, R.; Joseph C. Gavin, D. Thirty-third Jacob iMorannsteln, D. ; Chas. Daniels, R. Thirty-fourth Warren B. Hooker. D.; D. Frank Allen, P.; A. Y. Freeman, I'r.; S. N. Wood, D. Shannon, R., beats Amos Cummlntcs for couKress by 14 votes. Tammany did not elect a slnle congressman. The Demo crats lost three members In Brooklyn. The state's delegation will stand. L'4 Re publicans to 10 Democrats. Morton's plur ality for governor is placed at midnight at 175.1X10. Colonel Strong defeats Grant for mayor by 7,tKi and Goff leads Smyth for recorder by luo.uOu. Hill carried New York city by loss than 2.5UO and lost Brooklyn and Kings county by 2,0rm. Thu legis lature Is overwhelmingly Republican, and the new constitution wins. OHIO. Columbus. Nov. fl. Ohio elected a Secre lay of Slate for a term of two years, Su preme Court Judge for a term of six years, number of Board of Public Works, Commissioner of Common Schools lor terms of three years, twenty-one Con gressmen. The candidates fur Secretary of State, the head of the ticket, were: .Mil ton Turner, Democrat; Samuel M. Taylor, present incumbent, Republican: Churles H. Martin. Populist; Mark G. McCaslln, Prohibition, and William Wallace, Socialist-Labor. The vote of the state for pres ident in 1S'J2 was: Democratic, UU.llfi; Re publican, W5.187; Populist, 14,8X!; Prohlbl tlon. 2ii,UI2. Tho vote for Governor In 'M'i wus: Democratic. 3Ti2,ai7; Republican, 433,:tl2; Populist, lri.M; Prohibition, 22,4'l. The congressional candidates were: First district-Charles P. Taft, It.; T. .1. Donnelly, P.; W. A. Fox, P.; Judiie 11. D. Peck. D.: Samuel Wells, Pr. Second Jacob H. Bronwcll. U.; R. H. Wheeler, P.; G. Al. Hummel, Pr.; J. II. .Matson, D. Third Paul J. Sorg. D. ; W. H. Kronugu, P.; G. P. .Macklln, P.; Andrew L. Harris, It. Fourth Fernando Lay ton, D.; W. 1). Davles, R.; Jos. M. White, P.; G. C. Knd ors. Pr. Fifth F. B. De Will, R.: Henrv L. Goll, P.; John R Snook, 1).; William T. Chapman, Pr. Sixth George W. Ilulick, R.; Jos. L. Stevens, D.; Charles W. Pulse, P.: Sefh L. Ellis, Pr. Seventh George W. Wilson, P.; Charles E. Gaines, D.; E. S. Thompson, Pr.; Henry Fletcher, P. Eighth Lather .i . strong, k. : n. T. Dunn, D.; George Riddle, P.: T. D. Craw ford, Pr. Ninth James H. Southard, It.; Byron F. Ritchie, D.; George Candcs, It, P. Tenth Lucien J. Fentnn.R.; James it, Yates, D.; John B. Cobb, P.; A. R. Mcin tosh. Pr. Eleventh Charles H. Grosve nor. R.f W. A. Ronsch, Pr.: W. H. Craw ford, P.; E. It. Lash, D. Twelfth Joseph H. Outhwatte, D. ; tieotge F. Elmer, P.; D. K. Watson, Hi: Jacob 1!. Turner, I'r. Thirteenth Amos Keller. P.; Boston G. Young, D.; Oconto W. Dunn. Pr.: Steven B. Harris, R. Fourteenth W. S. Ketr, R. ; J. C. Laser, D. ; W. 11. Funk, I'r.; William delta. P. Fifteenth Henry C. Van Voorhls, R.; Charles Richardson, D. ; Joseph Benjamin. Pr. ; Steven R. Crum baker, P. Sixteenth A. O. Barnes, li.; Lorenzo Danforlh. R.; Jumes Bretcllc, P.; ,1. U. Ball, Pr. Seventeenth James A. D. Richards, 1).; A. S. McClure, R.; W. F. Llovd, P.; James Scott, Pr. Eighteenth Cox'ey, P.; J. Al. Hole, I.; Enos H. Bros IXia, Pr. Nineteenth Stephen A. North way, R.: Henry Apthorp, D. ; C, H. Staun baugh, Pr.; George A. Wise, P. Twen tieth L. S. Coffer, P.; Clifton B. Beach, P.; Wllllnm Wat kins, I'r.; H. B. Harring ton, P., P.; Paul Dinger, 8. L. Twetity llrst Thomas L. Johnson, D. ; Theo. E. Burton, It.; John McConough, Pr.; George A. Groot, P, The chairman of the Democratic state committee concedes that Ohio has gone Republican by lnU,(iOO. Sixteen Republican congressmen arc elected. Tom Johnson, the Cleveland free trader. Is beaten. Democratic State Chairman Taylor has conceded the state to the Republicans by lriO.WO plurality. Cleveland, Nov. n. Congressman Tom L. Johnson concedes his defeat by be tween 'l.tKiil and i',(hi. Johnson's loss from his vote two years ago averaged 85 to tho preclhct. RHODE ISLAM). Providence. Nov. 6. Rhode Island elect ed two Congressmen. The general elec tion of stale officers was held April 4. Thu congressional ciindhlates were: First dis trict Oscar Lapham, D. ; Alelvln Bull, It. Alonzo Williams, R. ; James A. Wlllliams, Pr.; George A. Littlefteld, R. Second Jji-wls E. Remmlngton, Pr.; Warren . Arnold, R. ; L. T. C. Galvln, D. Republi cans carried both. SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia. Nov. fi. South Carolina elect ed a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Sec retary of State, Attorney General, Con troller General, Superintendent of Educa tion, Treasurer, Adjutant, und Inspector General, for terms of two years: seven Congressmen; a Legislature, which will elect a successor to I tilled States Sciia'or Al. C. Butler, (Dein..) whose term expired Alarch 4, Wo. The people also voted upon the (luestlon Uf holding a convention to re vise the constitution of the stale. Flor . l n-nii i V . uovernor uie j iiuuuii j'eiuocraiB nomi nated John Gary Evans, and ho seems to Complete Returns in Later Edition. 1W1 have had practically no opposition. Tho voie or me state lor president in was: Democratic. .11.ti.s9: Reinibllcnii. l:!.;!S4: Pun- ulint, I'.llii. The Indications are that the slate has gone Democratic by a majority of 2o,l"i. The congressional candidates were: First district William Elliot, D. ; Gorge W. .Murray. R. Second W. Jasper Til bert, D. Third Anbury C. Latimer, D. ; Robert Moorman, It.; H. II. Evans. R. Fourth htanyarne Wilson, D. ; Luwstm D. Melton, R. Fifth-Thomas J. Strait, D.: Colonel W. R. Davie. 1. I '. Sixth- John L. Mi-Lauren, D. Seventh J. Wil liam Stokes. D.: J. F. Islar. I. I . : T. Al. Johnson, 1. R. The Republicans claim Johnson's election, and also Melton's, a gain oi one. SOUTH DAKOTA. rierre, Nov. B. South Dakota elected a Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Secre tary of State. Treasurer, Auditor. Attor ney General, Superintendent of Public in struction, Commissioner of Schools and Public Lands, Superintendent of Labor Statistics, for terms of two years; two Congressmen; a Legislature, which will elect a successor to United States Senator Richard F. Pettegrew, (l!ep., whose term expires .March 4, 18. The people also voted upon three pro posed amendments to the (.-(.institution of th- state, one making tho superintendent of schools eligible to hold the olllce more than four yeurs In succession, the second giving women the rluht to vote for school otlicers, and the third empowering the legislature to exempt homesteads and per sonal property from attachment, with cer tain exceptions, to a reasonable amount. The candidates for Governor were James A. Ward, Democrat; Charles H. Sheldon, present Incumbent, Republican; Isaac Howe, Populist; M. D. Alexander, Prohi bition. The vole of the state lor president In K)2 was: Democratic, heM; Republi can. :I4,8.V); Populist. 211,541. The candidates for congress were as fol lows: At Large John A. Plckler, R. ; W. A. Lynch. I).; J. E. Kelly. P.; Ji. .1. Gam ble, It.: Robert F. Connor. D. : Freeman Knowli s. P.; G. A. Aleck, P. The Repub licans will every state ollleer nnd ele t their congressmen at large. The three constitutional amendments arc adopted, TKNNKSSKK. Nashville. Nov. i!. Tennessee elected n Governor for a term of two years; u-n Congressmen; a Legislature, which will elect a Controller and a Treasurer, for terms of two years, and a successor to United States Senator lsham G. Harris, whose term expires Alarch 4, 1x!i5. The candidates for governor were: I'eter Tur ner, present incumbent. Democrat; Henry Clay Evans, Republican; A. L. .Minis, Pop ulist. Tho vote of the state for president In 1!'J2 was: Democratic, i;ii;,l77; Republi can, ,9WTJ; Populist, 2V122; Prohibition, 4,850. The candidates for congress were: First district W. C. Anderson, R.: Thai!. A. Cox. !.; S. R. Cheaves. D. Second John C. Honk, R. ; H. It. Gibson, I. It. Third- Henry C. Siiodsrnss. D.; Foster . Brown R. ; Frank !'. Dickey, I. Fourth Benton Alc.Mlllin. D.; John A. Denton, R.; G, A. Guthrie, I. D. Fifth W. W. Erwln. R. P.; J. D. Richardson, !.- Sixth Tip Gamble, R. ; Joseph E. Washington, D.; T. W. Lewis, P. S-venth Nichols N. Cox, D.; II. F. Ferris. R - J. K. P. Blackburn. P. Elghth-l!enjamln A,. Enloe, !.; John E. McCnll, It.-. James A. Gates. P. Ninth- James C. AIcDenrnion, 1). ; J. E. AleCan, R.; Atwood Pierson, R. P. Tenth Josiun Patterson, D.; J. W. Brown, R. ; It. G, Rawllngs, P. The Republicans retain the first and sec ond districts, iclalm Denton's election in the third, defeating Jk-Allllln. TKXAS. Austin, Nov. C Texas elected a Gover nor. Lieutenant Governor. Controller. Trcnsurer, Land Commissioner. Attorney General. Superintendent of Pub ic In slruetloii, for terms of two years; Chief and two Associate Justices of the Su preme Court and Chief and two Associate Justices or the Court of Crlinina Aimeu s. for terms of six years: Justices of the Dis trict i ourts or civil Ai Is; thirteen Congressmen: sixteen State Senators, and a new Assembly. The Legislature will elect a successor to l nltd Hiale.j Senator Richard Coke, iDem.,) whose term expires Alarch 4, IW5. The candi.liiles for govern or were Charles A. Cullier: on, Democrat; John R. Schniltz, Lily While Republican; W. K. Alakemson, Republican: T. L. Nu gent, Populist; J. Al. Dunn, Prohibition. The vote of the state for president In ISSij was: Democratic, 23D.14S; Republican, 7;, 478; Populist, Wt,ii88; Prohibition, 2,I(ij. i ne eaiulMates lor congress were: First district Joseph I . HutclieHon, D. ; L. ininn, K. ; j. ,i. uurrouglis, P. Second Samuel B. Cooper. D .: W. C. Arvtllo It W. C. Calhoun P. Thlrd-C. H. Yoakum. IV, James Al. Perdue. P. Fourth David U. tuilbertsoti, 1 . : H. S. Sanderson. It. Jim Davis, P. Fifth-Joseph W. Ballev, D.; W. S. Farmer, H.; l Al. Brown, P. sixth Joseph Abbott, D.; Jerome Kear ney. P.; B. O. James, It. Seventh Geoi ge C, Pendleton, D.: 1. N. Barber. P. Eluhlh Charles K. Bell. I).; Charles H. Jenkins. P.; . o. Hutchinson, P. Ninth-Joseph u. nayers, u. icntn .Miles I'rowiev, D. A. J. Rosenthal, It.; J. C. McBride. P Eleventh Win. H. Craln. 1) W Wei, Inn R. Twelfth A. W. Houston, D.; (Jeorge H. Noonan, It.: A. V. Gates, P. Thir teenth B. B. Kenyon, It,; R. C. Cobb. IV, i. it. luiuuiio. i-.: j. .m. uean. n - j i Cockrell, D. It looks like a clean Democratic sweep, . VERMONT. -MOniliel el Xiil- i; Invmnnl r.l.-..l..l n uovernor. iietitenaiit Governor, Treas urer, secretary ol state, Auditor, tot terms of two years; two Congressmen. The candidates for congress were: First district Henry Powers, R. ; V. A. Dullard, 1).; John G. Jeuno, P. Second William W. tirout. R.; George L. Fletcher. 1). Re publicans have elected both and swept tho ntuitr li. uuiiuiu lilt) if(Ul I1IUJOI lUCS, VIRGINIA. Richmond, Nov. fi. Virginia elected ten congressmen. The next state election will bo held ill 18H7. The people adopted a pro posed amendment to the constitution of the state, cinpowrlng Justices of tho Peace to try eases of misdemeanor with out the Intervention and cost of a Jury. i no congressional candidates were First district Win. A. Jones. 1).: James J AlcDonald, I!.: C. B. Morton. P. Second i. Giirrlncr Tyler. D.-. Thomas It. Hoi- land. R. ; T. J. Edwards, P. Third Tase- weu rjinott, u.; Jumes M. Gregory, P. G. Al. Smllhdeal. Pr.: J. W. Southward I R. Fourth R. T. Thorpe, R,; V. it Mc Kenny, 1).; H. Hobson, P. Fifth v.iiiiiuu j. Bwanson, v. ; u. v, Uornett R (. W. B. Hall. P. Sixth-IVier .1 (v 1). : J. Hamilton Ifoire It - n ti Uiw.i.,- P. Pr. Seventh-S. S. Tinner, D. ; It. J. Walker, R. ; G. T. Barbee, P.; Itev. J S Hopkins, Pr. Eighth Ellsha E. Alere- iiiin, ii.; r. u. .MCL-nuil, K.t .1. H. A ason the slate, empowering Justices of thu P. -Nliilh-AI. S. K. Alonison, D.; James a. waiKer, k.; h. p. Howley, P. Tenth Henry St. G. Tucker, D.; Jacob Yost, R. Redmond Cooke, P. Tho Democratic vote Is light, WASHINGTON. Olympln, Nov. 6. Washington elected two congressmen at large, seventeen stale senators, and a new Assembly. The legislature win elect a l tilted States Sen ator to till the vacancy caused bv the full lire of tho last legislature to elect. The candiuaies lor judges were: John L Sharpsteln, Thomas E. Allen, Democrats ltalnh (. Dunbar. Al. J. Gordon, keniii.ii cans; H. L. Forest. J. AlcKcailv. Vniuillut The vote of the state for president in 18H2 was: Democratic, lh.kii; Kepubllean, 3ti, 4611; Populist, 10,116; Prohibition, 2,55a. The candidates for congresH were: At wirge saniuei u. riydo, K. ; ii. F. Hons, ton, D. At Large Wllllnm H. Doollttle, K. ; Al. T. (.'anion, i). ; Henry Drum, Ii Kepuuiicans nave carried the state by 25, tXHi majority. Washington has gono Republican over- wncinungiy, WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling, Nov. (1. West Virginia elect ed four congressmen, a legislature, which will elect a successor to United States senator jonnson n. Camden (Dcm.i whose term expires Alarch 4, 18H5. The congressional candidates were: First il trlct John A. Howard, D.; B. H. Devener It.; J. L. Stealy, P.; .1. Howard Holt, Pr. Second William L. Wilson, J. ; Allison G Drayton, It.; U. A. Clayton, Pr.; John T. janessey, f. rnird John 1). Alderson, D. lames n. nujing, U.J o. II, I'lel'Son, t Judge Harvey, D. Fragmentary returns from the First frCtllKp: Kpietc Kctnrns in Later Edition, Second und Fourth West Virginia dis tricts indicate that thu Republicans have carried all three of ihem and Wilson Is probably defeated, but complete returns muv bo required to settle the result. Ho. urd, D.. is beat en by )'' In the l-'Ir.-U dis trict. The probabilities are mat viesi li-Rlnltt will be representee ny a souu Republican delegation In the next house, tirnfton. Nnv. 8. There Is scarcely a ray of hope for Wllllnm L. Wilson. Day ton has mane xalns in every county as uir as heard from. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee. Nov. R. Wisconsin elected a Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Secre tary of State. Treasurer. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Attorney General. Railroad Commissioner, Insurance Com missioner for terms of two years, ten ongressmeii. seventeen State Senators. and a new Assembly. The candidates for Governor were; George W. Peck, present Incumbent. Democrat ; William Henry I p liam, Republican; D. Frank Powell. Popu list: J. F. fleghorn. Prohibition. The vote of the State for President in W was: Deniocriile, L7, 14S; Republican, 17M,ii-; opullst, 11.870: Prohibition, i:).ui;. The congressional candidates were; First district Henrv A. Cooper, It.; Ham ilton I'lley, P.; A. S. Kay, Pr.; Andrew Mill. I'. Seconil ( iiiiH, ifarwig, i. ; kci ward. Sanei boring. It.; John J. Sutton, r.; 11. Wa.le Hewitt, i'. Tlilnl Joseph W. Babeock, It.: C. Al. Butt.D. P.: J. C. Martin. Pr. Fourth Theobald Otjen. R.: Henry Smith. P.; D. C. Rose, D. Fifth- Blank, D - S. S. Barney, H.; F. W. North, Pr.; F. C. Rung, P. Sixth O. W. Wells, D.; S. A. Cook, R.; Riley Bishop. P.; Byron E. Van Keuren, I'r. Seventh Icorge II. Lewis. D.: Edward. Berg. Pr.: General Al. Grltlln, It.; C. H. Van War mer, P. Eighth Lvman E. Barnes, D.; John Favllle, Pr.; E. S. Allner, It.; A. J. .arraoee. A . Ninth Thomas Lynch, 1J.; Alex. Stewart, It.; J. J. Sherman, Pr.; John F. Allies, P. Tenth John J. Jen kins, R.; Edward C. Kennedy. D. : William Monroe, P.; John Holt, Pr. i he Hcpubllcnn state ticket is elected by au.wm. Republicans gain three con gressmen. W YOMING. Cheyenne, Nov. C Wyoming elected a Governor. Secretary of State, Auditor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, uf the Suoit-me Court for a term of eWht yeurs. a District Judge, one Congressman, thirteen State Senators, and an Assembly. 1 tie legislature will elect a successor to United Slates Senator Joseph Al. L'nrv. (Rep.,) whose term expires .March I, M5, nml a successor to I nlted States Senator Francis E. Warren (Rep.), the last Leg- isltii-e having fulled to elect. The candidates for Governor were: 1- llam H. Ilolliilay, Democrat; William A. Richards, Republican; L. C. Tldball, Pup ullsl. The vote of the state for president In is'! was: Democratic-Populist fusion. 2; Republican. S.454: Prohibition. fi. The candidates for congress were: Henry A. colleen, D.; P. . .MonUeil. R .: K. S. Seeley. P. Richards, for governor, and Alondell, for congress, are elected by 12.WKI plurality. The legislature Is safely Republican on Joint bullot. ARIZONA. Phoenix. Nov. fi. .1. C. Horndon. T.. de feats Nathan O. Alurphy, It., and Win. O'Neill. P.. for delegate. Complete Returns in Later Ltlition. Cuticura Remedies Are Pure Sweet Gentle And Most Economical Because Speedily Effective. Mothers and Children Are their Warmest Friends Sold throuchont tho world. Price, Cuticura, SUc; Soap, U5c.; Rcsolvont, SI. l'nttcr Drug and Cbom. Corp., Sole Fro. prletors, Eoiton. i-"Hov to Cure Skin unit lllood Diseases," mailed freo. GREAT BANKRUPT SALE OF mmwm uqk rm ftp Bought at Sheriff's Sale. The slock of the Hyde Park Hat and Clothing Store was bought by us, and will be sold in their store at a great sacrifice. r n 1 IN THEIR STORE, 114 SOUTH MAIN AVENUE. And will last two weeks only, Come early and secure the these Big Bargains in Clothing and Furnishings. Boys'. Pants, 15c. ) Pi.f ' Ifioys' Waists, 0T25c.)-- SOLD Sale at Hyde Park Hat and Clothing Store 114S. Main Avenue. ( I) 230 SIGN OF TUB i Look for the Sig. NEW MEXICO. Santa Fa. Nov. fi. Antonio Joserdv D.. Is re-elected delegate to eoturress. ilefent- Ing T. B. Catron, the Republican nominee, und T. F. if. .Mill, the Populist tundldatc. " ' I TAIL Salt Lake Citv. Nov. It llclciriilw .Tnsenh L. Rawlins, D., has been re-elected. OKLAHOMA. Oklohoma Citv. Nov. fi TV T Vlvnn. Republican, succeeds himself as delegate to congress. Mr. J, L, GflanUiuei' Nervous and Weak all broken down, unable to sleep, distress and burning In my stomach, smothering and choking spells this was my condition when I bCRan to fce Hood s Sarsaparllla. I have taken 8 bot tles and frel like, another man, can work with case, weigh over 200, and am cored. I shall ever be ready to praise Hood's Sarsap.i- rllla. J. I.. (J Kissinger, New Grenada, l'a. Hood's Cures N. Ii. Bo sure to pot Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills are endorsed by thoiisann-- CO, MlKri-ACIUIlEltS' AOIXTS FOB TRENTON IRON COS . WlRt ROPE. VAN ALEN & COS STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON CO.S M.bRCHANT BAR IROfl. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S . BELTING, PAlKING AND HOSL FAYERWEATKER&LADEW'S "KOri'S" LEATHER flELTIrtli. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "eTAR" PORTLAND CEffiENT. AMERICAN BOILER G0.S "ECONOiHY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S bliNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made n Well Ma of Me, soth Day. prodnccs the above results In 30 days. It a -. tiawcrtully und qiiukly. cures when all others fa. YoiliiK nif u will iviam their Inst mauhood. and 01 meu will recover their youthful vigor by uiit: UKVIVO. It quickly and surely retO!-eNmoui nesa, Lost Vitality, Inivoicucy, Ninbtly KmissioD Lost l'ow.f, Fallins Miuiory. Wastltw Diseases, an til effects ot M-lf-abuse or eicrsaaud indiscretioi which limits one tor study, business or mamas". 1 dui only euros Dy siartuat at the si-at ot disease, b. Is a great ncr.e tonic and blond builder, briu; ir.g uaea me pink glow to pale cheeks and r storing thn tire of youth. It wards off Insauit and Consumption. Insist on haying RF.VIVt), 0 other. It can be carried in Tent pocket. By mat S1.00 per nackauo. or six for 85.00. with a dos tire written' guarantee to cure or refun- tne money. Circular free. Address ROYAL ME1ICINE CO.. S3 River St., CHICAGO, III for sale by Matthews Itroi., Drajrls ecrantou . l'a. HITS fnn HnmThnut PlmnlM rVmnnhTnlnMri Spots, Aches. (Wl Sores. L'lcors In Mouth, llnlr FalllnR? Write Cook Kemedy Co., H07 IU11 onloTrmple, hlciiiro, III., tur proofs of cures. Capital SOO,(MM. I'ullcntsi'uretl nl nr yriir. If llll I UJ as we must vacate the store best. ' You can't afford to miss ; 2for25c BY THE Sale at Hyde Park Hat . and Clothing Store 114S.. Lack. Ave. HELL. , Main Avenue iml THE RUNT k COU rStov rtcti(rTttjhc4 f frum lilt 1 1 re s urn vi uiU9 BANKRUPT SALE mrnwrnrnwimt wm SB LEADERS OF b3- p lilt i 6V- 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. SPECIAL ATTENTION' THE FINEST IN ess j? as? eg jtf e St ads 1 I III GRAND - DISPLAY This Week. GRAND Fall Opening SALE. 51111 WW uhenille Table Covers 6-4 Chenille Cover, $1.00 each; reduced from $1.25. We also carry the 4-4 and 8-4 sizes. Chenille Draperies An endless line of patterns. The low prices will as tonish you. lapanese Screens Black and Gold, White and Gold and Light Colored Cloth Screens. ynfilled Oak Screen Oak Tables 75c, 90c, $1.25, $1.50 Great Bargains. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AfMD 408 LACKA. AVE. Branch at Carbondale. NOVEMBER Has set in after mopping our brow and giving our sleeves an extra roll we are aiming to make a record for the eleventh mouth of the year. Our first floor has been improved in an artistic way. This store has al ways been open to you as a place for sightseeing now more so than ever. Salesmen are here at your request only. Our aisles (of which there are many ) are the public avenues. Pll'ICESYou can net a better idea of these by inquiring, but below we quote a few for pur consideration: $20 Bedroom Suits, $15.00 $12 Sideboards at 23 " " 17.00 15 " " 28 " " 20.00 IS " " 35 " 20.00 22 , " " 40 " 30.00 25 " 50 " 39.00 CARPETS. 35-oriit Carpet at 2S cents I .o-cMit carpet at 42 cents ()5-cint Carpet at 50 cents STOVES. The makes in this department are the best, as follows: "THE PEW ACORN," "OTHELLO," "HOME SINSHIXE" and "SENATOR." We also show a complete Hue of Heating Stoves. . Our Peerless Credit System w ill enable you to make your home the best place 011 earth. . Money nut required; in fact so little it's not to be consid ered wlieii compared w ith the comforts that can be secured at our establishment KEMEMBEK THAT CLOCK, with 5o purchases. THOSE DINNER SETS, with ?75 purchases. - Former patrons ottered special inducements. LOW PRICES. air IS CALLED TO OUR 1 Dill SCRANTON. Frames $1.40 EACH and 2.50 each. These are 1U5 13.50 10.50 iy.50 85-cent Carpet at 70 cents $1.00 Carpet at S5 cents