Till; SI U AN J OX TIIULrXK WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOWfcMUEU 7, 181)4. NORTON'S 8A is now going on at the Old Store, v 322 Lackawanna ave., where the whole of the wrecked stock will In.- sold at prices to interest buyers and ' move the poods quickly. Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Blank Account Books, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Room and Frame Mould ings, which have been dam- by water and smoke, oi little, and must be some price soon to 1 building for repairs. GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. ilL Ul Ul THE GENDIHE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. &CO. IMPRINTED ON ERCH CIGftB. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE AU forms of ITcruiti a specialty. Vo:l known Scruntou pliybieiunsin charge. SCR ANTON GERHflAN RUPTURE CURE CO., MM., 203 Washington Avenue. PERSONAL. Charles MeMullen inui Attorney It Patterson left yesterday for Virginia. H. .1. 8. Swisher, division passenger agent oi the Jersey Central rullroad, returned yesterday from a visit to Tiinkhuiniock .Tom Williams, better known us Koh ( ynon, received u letter from South M ules yesterday containing the sad news of the death of his fulher at Alienlaro. Mrs. Delno Krltx. formerly Miss Maude Churchill, with her husband, Is visit Im )ier parents In this city until Thnrsd i. when they will open at Ninth und Arch theater In Philadelphia, 1)1 SMOKE DOINGS. Fresh oysters received daily at Talin era's market. Charles Warg will spend some time Visiting Munch Chunk friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of West Tittston, are visiting at tieorge Kehrank s, on Collins street. O. S. Malnney expects to sell out his stock and go out of the shoe business In n short time. He will deal In oilier lines of Roods. Thomas McDonnell, of Pine street dropped dead at his home yesterday morning while, making preparations to go to the polls to vote. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Sllsbee gave an enjoyable and informal dinner at their residence at Madlsonvllle. The follow lug guests were present: Mrs. Luclnda J yea, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ives, Mr. und lira. C. H. Ives, W. M. Ives, Mrs. Keen of Aladlsonvllle; Mr. and Mrs. H. M Ives, Mr. und Mrs. W. O. Ives, C.eorgo Ives, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Fritz, of Scran ton. Domlnlck Hastings, of Sport Hill, me With what might huve been u very serious or fatal accident nt the Corners yesterday. Mr. Hastings was engaged with his team and three-seated light wagon In bringing In the unterrllied voters to the polls. He had Junt arrived nt the polling place at the Second ward Second district, with a load of voters, They all alighted and Mr. Hastings started to go nfter another load., In turning around the wagon was upset throwing Mr. Hastings out and under the wagon. The team started to run, but were soon caught. Mr. Hastings was picked up and taken into O'Doii null's hotel. He was not so seriously Injured as he was thought to have been, and soon left for home after unother load. .livery article In silverware purchased 01 uuvioow iirun. is guaranteed as repre seniea or'iuuuey leiuutieti. Have you purchased any silverware of Davldow tiros, mat. was or Is not as rep resented? If so bring it to us anil we will make it snlimiiciory. jiavniow llros. Muy the Weber nd got the best. At Guernsey Bros miu sold cleat 0 A Foe to Dyspepsia 0 ON OTHER SiDEOF CHANNEL L'ussinn Events of tlie Day oa the West Side of the Citv Noted. YEKY ORDERLY ELECTION DAY I uncial of William l.yJiutt from Mis l ute Kcsidcncc on Kynon Strcct-DnvlJ i:. Morgun Is in the 1'icUI for Common Council. Kli'c tion dny. us It wuh observed on thin Hldo yisli'ifluywas a wry enthiiMl antic one. Tim niol'lllliK pasxi.-d off quietly nwhiK to the did wave and xliKht dilzzlimr hiiow which fell. In the afternoon the vote was brottKlil out and the polls were soon Hurroumlid with ardent itciiubliians. An was en thusiasm. A puny of young boyc, who win- evldenily Inibued wiih their father's spirit, organized a broom lint?- ide ami paruded the suveU. shoutini? and eharui.-lerli'.luir each inember of the Republican ticket as u " Jolly gm, fel low." William l.ydiutt nurieJ. The funeral of William l.ydlatt. the man who suddenly died in the hotel of !eore Wueiieh, en West I.aekn wanna avenue, Saturday eveuuih'. took place nt L'.:iO o'clock yesterday afieinoon from his late home on 10 noii street. Ser- lees were conducted by Rev. It: (!. Jones, piisior of the Sumner Ai'enue I'lvsbyterlnn church. The lloral de- slfrns were very pretty. Oxford Aline Accidental fund, of which the deceased was a inember. attended. Interment was: mad" in the Washburn Street emcteiy. The pull bearers were se lected from the fund. Uriel' Xoto- of Interest. Mrs. Thomas Coleman, of Willie Itare, visited friends here yesterday. Conductor Hawley. of the linnniore line, lias been transferred to the Wush- burn street run. Tlie funeral.of the yount; child of Jlr. und Mrs. Needham, of Kynon street, will occur this afternoon. .Miss H. P. (iavln. of C'arboiidale, who was tlie- Rllest of .MIhk Margaret Cad deli, of Scranlon street, has returned home. Mrs. Martin Mdwurds, of St. I'aul, Minn., who has been vlslthif? relativ nere lor some tune, returned Home yes terday. The various hotels on the West Side nave telegraphic reports of the returns last evening;, and consequently did u rushing: business. Daniel K. Morgan, of Tenth street announces himself as a candidate for common council fur the Second district of the Fifth wind. An unique feature colled n backward drllll and dumb-bell exercise wan given in St. David's Episcopal church last eenlng. A large number atteuded. A rehearsal of the cantata, "llcth- any, will be held by the members of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church this evening. All are requested to be present. The Marquette Social club Is consid erliitj the advisability of having a sup per as the means of celebrating i years existence on .Nov. 14. A rear room will bo converted Into n dancing hull, and other preparations will be made for the event. . NOKTH KM) BltlKFS. II. J . Woodwurd, of Mousey avenue. has returned homefrom a visit with his brother In Hawley. Mrs. Thomas I'arry and children, of Rlehmondiile, nre visiting friends in this part of the city. i nu Lieut ware, wickawannii nni Western paid its employes of the Storrs si ifl t yesterday afternoon. I), it. Alherton, secretary of thi board of trade, has returned home from a business (rip to New York. the annual roll call or the (iiven Ridge l'resbyterlan church will be held tonight, commencing at 7 o'clock. The first annual ball of the Father YVhiUy Jlugle corps, which was held In St. Mary's hall last night, was well at tended. A large number of people attended the opening social of the series which v ill be held this winter by Company II. In their armory lain evening. The Ladies' Aid society of the I'ark ruu-e Methodist Episcopal church will hold a conumdrum tea in the church tomorrow evening. A souvenir will be presented all who nre present. Randolph Crippen and Nate Thomp son returned home Monday from New York city, where they attended a htirse sale during the past week. Mr. Crli pen purchased two yearlings, one for $170 and the other for $270. Cunington S. Yon Storch returned home Monday afternoon nfter a visit with friends in und around New York Ho returned home via the Ontario and WeSiern and says that the greater par of the trip was through a snow storm. Maria Jennings swore out a warrant Uefore Alderman liuiley, last Friday charging Patrick Folan, sr., Patrick Folan. jr., and Mrs. Mary Folan, all of Pine Hrook, with having committed as sault and battery on her. They were arrested and brought before Alderman Ilalley, but waived a hearing and held in $2i) bail each, Mark Newell bceom ins thuir bondsman. The Elmlra Cash Register company which has been looking for u location in Scrnnton, Is now an assured Indus try, and a gentleman who Is well in formed In the matter said yesterday morning that it would be established on the Green Ridge flats. It Is also probable that the factory building and machinery of the Gregory Silk Hrald wi.rks will also be put to good use with In a few weeks. A great musical treat was given be fore an enthusiastic and large audience at the rrovldenco Methodist Episcopal church last night, when Professor George K Carter, of Elm Park church ruvo an excellent organ recital. The recital opened with an overture, "Poe and Peasant," which was an excellent introduction to a continued programme of the highest musleul standurd. Pro feasor Carter's skill und delicate man aement of the great Instrument called forth continuous rounds of applause and an enthusiastic vote of' thanks was tendered him for his able service's, Alfred Wooler, tenor soloist, rendered "Leonore," "The Holy City" and "Mary of Argyle" with faultless taste and was warmlycompllinented by the chairman The church was crowded and a sub stantlal sum was made for the benefit of the church' expenses In liquidating the cost of erecting two magiiitlcent chandeliers, which have been made from special designs by I. P. Frank, of New York. . V Lost: A plain gold ring, engraved on Inside Auron and Sylvia, June 2nd, Finder Will be liberally rewurded by re turning to A. Goldsmith, of Goldsmith Illl.UIU'. Have you purchased a watch of Davl ilow Ilro? Isn't .11 running? Does It not keep good time? If It is the fault of the watch bring It to us and we will repair It free of charge. DuvUlow Uros, IX LOCAL THEATERS. The sale of writs for Mrs. Lanstry , promised that shf wil be Ktveted by a I lame audience at the Frothliwham to- j nlirht. "A Wlfo's Peril," which is con- ! xiileivd tho most noijulur In the J.-iey : lily's repertoire, hiiH luvn commented upon favorably by the edorKu.nlght ! and i. the play Heleoti Wliile coming from Enidnnd on the teamer Mrs. I.angtry und company presented the second act of the pled; by special request to the critical audi ence aboard the vessel. All who wit nessed it were warm in their praise of it on their arrival In New York. H is id that the famous beauty hns lost none ot the grace and charm which broke so many hearts and kept her a favorite among American playgoers. Herbert Cuwthorn, the entertaining' j uuedlan who will present his new ' lay, "A Cork Man," at the Frothing- , mi Thursday night, bus established the enviable reputation of always sur- i oundlng himself with a Company oi strong specialty performers and giving good, lively, interesting entertain- I meiits. He comes this year with a bet- . ter and much lurger company and a ; more elaborate production, and a fun- ! nler show than over. ' I John Keinell will entertain the pat rons of the Academy uf Music Thurs day night. He has a new play, "Me- Padden's Klooenient," which is de scribed as a very nmuslng skit. Ker nell uppears as Con Mel'addeu, a light ning rod agent, who manages to keep j himself and everybody else in trouble. ; He Is funny from every view, und there i Is nothing stale or tiresome about his work. Miss Clara Knott, the pretty i soubr-ctte i the .company, ns Tick! Scissors, a cunning young civnture, Is lever in her lines. Scattered through- I out the three acts of the play are a num ber of excellent specialties. Friday and Saturday evenings that popular melodrama, "The Stowaway," will be given at the Academy 'of Music. It Is a melodrama of the modern Eng lish school in which possibilities parade is actual fact and are made doubly Im pressive by rwallstic features that com- iel admiration. It has been newly quipped with a full car of scenery all ! painted expressly lor 11, and the com pany presenting It Is one of unusual strength. The American Flayers are billed for three performances at the Frotliliighuui this week. Friday and Saturday nights they will be seen in "The Count oi Monte Christy," and ul the Saturduy afternoon matinee "I.a Telitation, or Led Astray" will be produced. The company Includes such excellent actors as Frank Karrington and Joseph lt:ui sonie, who are well known in this city. They are thorough artists und have long been Identilled with the 'JLttl dramas staged in this country. WOKK DONE 1JV LAI) IKS. Sutlsfnctorv Report Presented ut the . . .. A. -Meeting l ust Night. A special meeting of the Young Woman's Christian association was held last evening, when Miss Mary S. Dunn. siate secretary, delivered nn admirable address. The members discussed the ipprouchliig convention, which Is to be held 111 Scrnnton. and various arrange ments were made for the convenience of delegates. The following report was read, show ing the Work for the past three months: Totul dally ut tendance,. ii,M; lunches served, 7.84S; new members, 91; re- liewuls, Til; number of socials, 21; num ber of religious meetings, 28; attend- ince at religious meetings, 9nl; con versions, 10; night's lodging furnished :(8; positions secured, 15; boarding places secured. Hi; pupils enrolled, gym nasium, i:i; English, 29; writing, 17; millinery, 17; needle-work, 24: dress cutting, 8; Chautauqua. 1,7; liible, 4'!; total, 294; girls given week's vacation, PJ. The report was regarded as very satisfactory. Attention! To the Public. If you have purchased goods of us that was not us represented cal ut UavMow llros. We will make it satisfactory. ii Tori u red Willi Klieuiuatlsnt tor a Quarter of a Century. Relief Came ut Last to the Patient Sufferer How She Was Cured. Sarah H. Smith, I'lnevllle, Pucks County, Pa,, says: "1 was a great suf ferer from rheumatism. 1 had the dis ease for over twenty-live years, anil inn torture I have undergone the past quar ter of a century no pen could describe. Kvery attack I had, my entire body was racked with pain, and I was in n terri ble condition. I tried doctor after doc tor and every remedy that could be sug gested, but ull with the same result. None of them ever gave me the slight est relief. 1 hud had the disease so Ioiik that It had become chronic when I began to use Munyon's Rheumatism Cure. It was not long before I felt a great deal better, and nfter using it a short time the rheumatism left ine. I huve not hud a trnce of it since, and am convinced that I nm permanently cured." Munyon's Hhoumatlsm Cure is guar anteed to cure rheumatism in any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu matism cured In from one to live days. It never fails to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or soreness In any part of the body in from one to three hours. It is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, Htlff and swollen joints, stiff back, and all pains in the hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain In the back are speedily cured. Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Rem edy Company, of Philadelphia, put up speclfices for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR PRETTY DISPLAY OF PATTERN HATS AND MILLINERY NOYELTIES Every Hat displayed -in our show room is in itself a , beauty. Orders intrusted to us early in the week will receive our most exact attention. , ' HASLACHER'S MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. . 324 Lackawanna Ave RACKED WITH PAIN NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE , . ... ' ... . , . IliUiel htcpcnshl 011(1 iluhn KoDHSKl rnttiA for Thcfr Arresiui lur inui. H - 'NEKAL Of J0HX DOUGHERTY High .Mass of Requiem Celebrated at St. John's Chureh and Interment Made in Hyde Park Catholic Cemetery Other Items of News. Yesterday afternoon Michael Stepen skl and his brother-in-law, John Ilo busk!, were arrested by Couslabl.' Thornton, of the Twentieth ward, on .1 warrant sworn out by Michael Judge, of the firm of Mulherin & Judge, lum ber dealers, charging them with steal ing lumber. During the past two weeks many pieces of lumber have been stolen from j u house on Stone avenue, which is be I ing erected by .Mulherin & Judge, ami the firm found It necessary to employ ! a watchman at the building. Monday evening the watchman secreted hini ; self und watched for the thieves. Short ly belore midnight he, discovered the two Poles on their regular visit to the lumber piles. Tlie appearance of the watchman so astounded them that they stood In . amusement and udmltted their guilt, i Uefore Alderman O'.Mulley they each entered ball to appear ut court. f uneral of John Dougherty. The funeral of the Inte James Dough erty took place from the family resi dence on lrvins avenue yesterday morning and was attended by a niulti lU'le or friends. A solemn high muss was Kiiug at St. John's church by Rev Father Walsh, who preached an elo quent funeral senium. He spoke con solingly of the virtues and peaceful dls position of tlie deceased. Resting on the casket were muny beautiful floral design. The remains were laid to rest in Hyde I'ark Catholic cemetery. General News Notes. The Star Dancing class will conduct a social at Gernmnla hall Nov. 14. Michael Golden, of Palm street, leaves today for a short visit with his parents In Ireland. G. A. Miller, the Cedar avenue livery man, received two handsome new couches yesterday. John Metiraw, u student at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, is visiting his parents on South Washington avenue. One evening last week the ehlckery of Thomas Hanvlt. of Gibbons street, wus entered by thieves und about twenty choice fowl taken. The Rushers Foot I '.all teum will line up uuaiust the eleven reperesentlng the i Scranton Business college on the Stlll- wuter grounds Friday afternoon. The funeral of Frank, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolan, of Genet (street, took place yesterday afternoon. Rurlal was made in Mlnonka Catholic cemetery. The attendance ut St. Paul's church fair lust evening was the largest tdlioe the opening night. Many vulmiblc und beautiful household articles were dis posed of. This evening u musical pro gramme will be one of the features. RAN A WAV FROM HOME, Tired AllentoMii Youngster M ante J Food and Sleep. j There wandered Into the office of Mrs, , Duggan, Associated Charities agent, Monday a wan-faced lad about 10 years i old, who said he was hungry and tired and wanted aid. j Later Investigation led to the belief that the boy Is the same who ran away from his home In Allentowii several i weeks ago and whose description has i been sent by circular to the police of many cities. The lad gave the name of Chnpln and appears slightly demented, Ho you need glasses? J)o your eyes hurt you? Come to us. We examine eyes free of charge. Davldow Hros. Seranton't business Interests. TMKTKim .M! will soon publish a care fully complied and classified list of :h leading: wholesale, bunking, lnanufnctiir Ing and professional Interests of Scran ton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully lllustra- ed with photogravure views of our pub- He buildings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work hits ever given an equal representation of Scrunton' muny Industries. It will be an Invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will at Hurt new com ers and tie un unequalled advertisement i of the city. The circulation is on a pl.in that cannot fall of good results to those concerned us well as the city nt Ian Itepresentatlves of THK TUlUl'Mi will cull upon TlUlSIO WHOBK NAMKS are DKHIKKD In this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In this edition will please leave notice at the olllee. On silverware we have no rhenp (foods, but we have good goods clieap. lMivlilow Pros., 217 Lueka. ave. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satr.'- nay, 2 p. m. Pillsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity of liAPti barrels a day. CAR LOAD '03 Fruiued Pictnrng, latest subject, iu beautiful Etchings, Kr craving and Kial French Fac-Siiaik-N, Tuo Frame Makers had to have mony. We bought tho lot at our price and mark tbvm so they will quickly move out. Oyer 'M atyea of frames. WONDERFUL PRICES We only quote a few: YixW White and Gold 19c Hx' White and UoUl or Solid Oak 49c 30x24 Solid Oak 69o MU White ami (Jolil 98o Rexford Jewelry Co, 9 111 Lacka. Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Photograph mid Scrap Albums, Teacher ami Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gilts, Gold Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ ing Tablets. PRATT STATIONARY - STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. M FAIR FACE CAXX0T ATONE FOB AX INTIDY HOISE." VSE SAPOL O SHAl'X KIII E LAST MU1IT. Received with Much Eu.thuslusm at the Kroililn,;lmni. 'Shaun Rhue" was produced at the Frolhlngham last night in a manner that called forth the warmest applause. In the title role Mr. Murphy was equally us clever as he had been on the previous night In "The Kerry Gow," und his company gave him splendid support. Hetween the acts the election returns, local and general, were read from the stage and were awaited with quite as much Interest ns the development of I he plot ofthe play. The driving Park lots will bo opened to thn public some day next week. The date will be given In Tribune later, liest ' facilities offered, such as street railways, gas and water, etc. Watch The Tribune for the date ot opening. ' The SKMUkl School House for Columbia uvenue has been lid and will lie commenced immo.lmtely. There are still u few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Prothlnghiim, I Mliee, Theater Lobby. No W or 7"c. pickle castors, but pickle castors of lirst quality goods, can be hinl at Davlilow Uros. ' There Is a Satisfaction When Buying a. to know you can replace it at a moment s notice such pieces as get broken. ou don t have to buy a whole set, but can select such pieces as you need. e have one pattern in La Belle China, But you need not buy the full set, if you don't need it, thereby reducing the price to suit your purse. China flail II6 WYOMING AVENUE. T because the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, but drop iu nnd look at our "Oil Uoilgolu" shoes for misses and children. Shoes Arc Cheaper Than .Medicine Ana wnon the children are wearing out shoes it's pretty sure they don't need medicine Then Again Our Shoes Arc Cheaper Than Others U1030 "UH HOlliruias ' nre the kind that have good soles, throw off water and civo you about hall more service for your money than you usually get. Lace or Button. Ladies' Shoes in tho same quality. YOUR SHOE MAN, 410 Spruce Street. ALL MEN Ave not alike. Some would rather be nick, loe several days' work and pay a doctor bill than pay half the money spent that way for a good .n.u.hi.MUMi. There ARE Other meu who buy cheap Mackin toshes because the prico is low, but in a week they will be;ln to leak and you might as well hnvo none. It pays to nay a litt e more uud get a good one. We have them nt all prices. Dont let people say you nre one of the . FOOI S Uiristian, tlie Hatter, 412 cpiutc: en. iiuu uj iauK. me, Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Plnnos. Exceptional In holding their original ful nea of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE. No. 80 Firth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&XO 1 113 Adama Avo.,!New Telephone Bdg Dnner Set 100 PIECESF0RS13.50 DON SCHflNK LARGE VARIETY, GOOD STYLES AND LOW PRICES. We want to show you MEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN ....... . Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 I lie rash loin m I IIS FOR THIS 50 pieces highly colored Plaids, double -widths, Avorth 2ic. 25 pieces Fancy Eiderdowns, for Children's Cloaks, worth 29c. - 100 pairs 1 1 -4 worth $7.00, White WE INVITE YOUR Special Values THE DICKSON PVIANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boiler uniQTiMO ftwn DiiwiDiwn Munuswrrcv ON THE FENCE." Soon lie ovor the soason for ridintr. It you want a blcyrlf now i ttio tlmo to Ki-t It. W aiv i li'iirliiK ip nil stock, nnd will Itlve you such a chance us you never hud liefori. One ot our Iuii'kuIiim. A KIrwt-clusH, HlKh CJrudo SIM lileyclo for d. llrinit your -unh ami GET OFF T1112 FENCE. CLARENCE H. FLOREY, Successor to Floroy & Holt. if FALL AND WINTER Mi, ...t" " " life .Wl. SEE THESE FOR LADIES. Indies' Fine Button Shoes Ladies' Fine Donejola, Opera Ladics piue Donola, Phila. SEE THESE FOR MEN Men offend standing in this town aro slandini; In our shoes: thats why "stand good" and walk with comfort. Men's Fine Buft Lace or Congress, at Men's Fine Satm Calf Lace or Congress, at Men's Genuine Calf Lace or Congress, at All Shapes of Toes. PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters, our and Oxford Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. 3G8 LACKAWANNA AVE. 12Kc. 19c. Blankets, all wool, - $.4.98 INSPECTION TO OUR for the Week. PA., Manufacturers of J hi General Office: SCRANTON, PA. NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. Wo aro now iloliifr u general Drue, Faint and OH business nt the above locution, duiliiK tho erection of our store building recently destroyed by lire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Om TELEPHONE CALL, NO. S2I( All ordors promptly tilled and delivered, itf any part ot tho city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUBi Don't spend more money than 3 oil ntttdit to. i That means: Conic here foP your" shoes. We prepared an immense stock of fine Full Footwear, from which every member of the fam:ly can ho easily suited. While worthy styles ami rcliahla makes alone arc represented, never theless this fall the feet of men and women, hoys and girls, is tripping to the merry jingle of cheapness. $1.00 1.35 2.00 Button, toe, patent leather tip, they Vis' irfr' .25 ',', '.- J .V 1.75 1 1 2.50 v ID SKOi HOUSE PENN AVENUE. S. L. GALLEN