THE SCI? ANTON TI?IBTTNE WEBXESDAT MOIININ'G. XOVEMBEIi 7, 1894. RETURNS FROM EACH STATE Continued from Page 1. dorsed by the Populists. The Republicans elect ten congressmen and the result in the Second district Is In doubt with the chances In favor of the Democrats by a small plurality. KANSAS. Topeka, Nov. 6. Kansas elected a (?ov ertior, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor general, attorney neneral, treasurer, superintendent of public In struction, for terms of two years; asso ciate justice of the supreme court, elKht congressmen, a legislature, which will elect a successor to United States Sena tor John Martin (Dem.-l'op.), whose term expires March 4, 18115. The people also voted upon a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state extending the privilege of the suf frage to women. Tho candidates for gov ernor were: David Overmeyer, D.; Kd mund N. Morril, R.; Lorenzo 1). Lew elling, P.; Cyrus Corning, 1. P.; I. . Pick ering, Pr. The vote of Kansas for presi dent In 1892 was: Democratic-Populist fusion, 1(13,111; Republican, 107,241; Prohi bition, 4,5.18. The congressional candidates were: At Large-William A. Harris, P.; Hlchard "VV. Blue, K. ; Joseph G. Lowe, D.; Prank Holslnger, 1?. First district Case Brod erlck, ft.; Hy C. Solomon, 1). P. Second L. Miller, H. ; H. L. Moore, D. P. Prank A. W'lllard, P. Thlrd-S. S. Klrkpatrlck, R.; W. F. Supp, D.; Rev. J. D. Hotkln, P. Fourth Charles Curtis, R. ; Thomas J. O'Neill, D. ; S. N. Scott, P. Fifth John Davis, P.; W. A. Calderhend, R. ; C. W. Hrandcnburg, D. Slxth-Wllliam Haker, P.; A. 11. Kills, R.; R. d. Heard, D. Seventh Jerry Simpson, P.J Chester J. Long, R. ; E. T. Neal, Pr. Jerry Simpson Is beaten. The Republi cans gain four congressmen and elect the state ticket by 30,000 plurality. KENTUCKY. Frankfort, Nov. 6. Kentucky elected four Judges of the court of appeals, three railroad commissioners, eleven congress men. The vote of the state for president in 18112 was: Democratic, 175,4(11; Republi can, 135,441; Populist, 23,5'JO; Prohibition, 0,442. The congressional candidates were: First district John K. Hendricks, D. ; H. C. Keys, P.; JoslahHarrts, Pr.; J. W. Chit wood, 1. Second John o. Clardy, D. ; Colonel E. O. Bebrce, R. ; Henry F. Tur ner. P. Third-W. G. Hunter, R. ; C. U. JtcElroy, I).; Larklns, P. Fourth Alexander P. Montgomery, D. ; John W. Lewis, R. Flfth-R. J. McDermott, D.; Walter Evans, R.; Francis Rocktcnwald, P.; Albert S. berry. D. Sixth Thomas H. Matthews, R. ; A. 8. Berry, D. Beventh W. C. Owens, D.; George Denny, Jr., R. ; James B. Flnnell, Pr. Eighth J. B. Mc Creary, D. ; Philip Roberts, R.; Oswald Thomas, P.; T. B. Demarel, Pr. Ninth Rolln Hart. D. ; Samuel J. Pugh, R. Tenth J. N. Kendall, D.; William N. Bockner, P.; N. Thomas Hopkins, R.; John U Rosley, I. U.j John O. Yates, I. D. Eleventh Silas Adams, R.; John D. White, 1. R. ; David G. Colson, R. ; John R. Hinuman, I. D. ; George E. Stone, D.; James D. Black, D. It Is believed that Owens, D., Is beaten in the Lexington district. Republicans gain two congressmen. -LOUISIANA. Baton Rouge, Nov. 6. Louisiana elected six congressmen. The general election will not be held until Aurll. 1B9G. The congressional candidates were: First district H. P. Kernochan. R.; Adolph Meyer. D. ; James Leonard, I. Second II. Dudley Coleman, R. ; Charles F. Buck, D.: John M. Callaghan. 1. Third-Tay lor Beattle, R. : Andrew Price, D. Fourth H. W. Ogden, I). Fifth C. J. Boatner, D. Sixth S. M. Robertson. D. Republicans have carried the Second and Third districts of Louisiana and will probably get the First district also. "MARYLAND. Annapolis, Nov. . Maryland cleceted fiix congressmen. Tho statu election Is held separately. The congressional can didates were: First district Joshua vv, Miles, D. ; W. Laird Henry, D. ; A. Lin coln Dryden, R.; Joseph Mallalleu, R. ; Bennett E. Miles, Pr;. James E. Tull, 1J. James F. Anthony, l'r. ; B. 8. Morris, P Becoud-Wllllum B. Baker. R.: John N Parker, Pr.; J. F. C. Talbott, D. Third Ernest Bauer, S. L.; William 8. Booze, R. ; Harry W. Rusk, D. ; William J. H..GIuck, Pr. Fourth T. Melvln Prentiss, Pr.; John K. Corven, D. ; Robert H. Smith, R. Fifth-John G. Rogers, D.: George Wells, D. ; Charles K. Collin, R.; William H. Silk, Pr.; J. C. Lee, IT.; Samuel C. Hulrd, P.; E. N. Burchard, P. Sixth Ferdinand WIlllamB, D. ; C. L. Walllngton, It.; George William Keracefe, P.; Albert E. Shoemaker, Pr. The Republicans have gained two con gressmen, certainly, and perhaps three. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. C Massachusetts elected a governor, lieutenant governor, secre tary of state, treasurer, auditor, attorney general, for terms of one year; seven members of the executive council; thir teen congressmen; and a legislature, which will elect a successor to United States Sentor George F. Hoar, whose term expires March 4, 1895. The candi dates for governor were John E. Russell, D.; Frederick T. Greenhalge, present In cumbent, R. ; George H. Cary, P.; Alfred Wells Richardson, Pr.; David Taylor, S. L. The vote of the state for president in 1892 was: Democratic, 170,813: Republican, 202,814; Populist, 3,210; Prohibitionist, 7,539. The vote for governor in 1893 was: Demo cratic, 150,916; Republican, 192.G13; Popu list, 4,885; Prohibition, 8,556; Soclallst-Lu-bor, 2,033. The candidates for congress wore: First district Jonathan Johnson, P.; Augus tus P. Smith, Pr.; A. B. Wright. R.; Addl Von L. Green, D. Second George M. Stearns, P.; Herbert Lawrence, Pr. ; Ed ward A. Hall, D.; Frederick H. Glllett, R. Third Henry S. Brown, P.; George F. Wright, Pr.; Joseph Henry Walker, R. ; Charles Huggerty, D. Fourth Bertran Sparhawk, P.; John J. Desmond, D.; Louis D. Apsley, R. Flfth-G. W. War field, D. ; W. 8. Knox, R.; Hiram W, K. Eastman, P.; Warren F. Taylor, Pr. Sixth-Joseph K. Harris, Pr.; Henry B. Little, D. ; William Cogswell. R. Seventh William E. Barrett, R.; Walter L. Ramsdell, P.; 8. K. Hamilton, D.; George R. Peare, 8. L.; George M. Buttrlck, Pr. Eighth-Samuel W. McCall, It.; Linn B. Complete Returns in Later Edition. ft What a Lovely Complexion! "Isn't her your plish this that you will wonderno one has spoken to you of it before. Try with each meal, and at bed-time, a wineglassful or more of the Genuine Johann Hoff' Malt Extract, which you will find to be most acceptable to the palate as a beverage, and will lift you right on to the plane of the vivacious and trim-figured sister you admire so much, and who seems capable of enduring endless fatigue. Then, again, we must remember the nursing mother, where two lives are dependent upon the proper nourishing of the one. Surely nothing can be more valuable to the mother, nor give more comfort to the buby, by producing a generous flow of milk, than the - GENUINE JOHANN HOFPS MALT EXTRACT. f Defective nutrition is the foundation of all ailments, t -A healthy, well-nourished body can withstand almost any disease. There is resistance power in such a body. I have been taking the Genuint Johann Hoff's Mall Extract myself for ft year or no, end And it nil excellent tonic ana appetiter. Without doubt it ' is the beat Malt Extract in the market, Whittem . i .. J ' pruggiet, Chestnut Hill. . BCWAREi OF thi genuine kit ilguturt Q0$l4m$( Porter. P.; Charles A. Conant, D. ' Ninth John F. Fitzgerald, D.: Jesse M. Core, R. ; Patrick t . U'.N'elll, B. L. l enin-r. W. Peabody, I. R.; H. H. Atwood, R. ; W. D. Fitzgerald, S. L. ; W. S. McNeary, D.j M. J. McEttrlck, I. D. Eleventh John v linmrl p.! VVIIllHm F. Draner. H.: Bentley W. Warren, D. Twelfth-E. Ger ry Brown, P.; Elijah A. Morse. R.; Will- lam H. Jordan, . D. Thirteenth Jonn KimnUlnn. R Robert Howard. D. epringneid, ssov. . neiurns iroin rum ponirmuslonal district show that Wright, R has ueleatea ureen, u ny i,n. io majority. Gillette, R., has defeated Hall, D., by 2,800 in Second congressional dis- Irlct. Boston, Nov. 6. Ten towns heard irom give tireenhalge, R., 2. Hill; Russell, D., 558. A Democratic loss of 242 votes. MICHIGAN- Lansing, Nov. 0 Michigan elected a gov ernor, lieutenant governor, secretary oi state, treasurer, auditor, attorney general, land commissioner, superintendent or puo llc instruction, for terms of two years: members of tho state board of education, twelve congressmen, a new legislature, which will elect a successor to United States Senator James McMillan (Rep)., whose term expires March 4, ISO",, and one to succeed the lute Kruncls B. Stock bridge (Rep.), whose term expires In lKii'.l. The people also voted upon two proposed amendments of the constitution of the state, one of which will prevent foreign ers from acquiring the right to vote until they have taken out run naturalization papers, alter live years residence, ine other permits inmates of Union soldiers' homos to vote wnere tne nomes nre situ ated. The candidates for governor were: Spencer O. Fisher. D.; JolinT. Rich, pres ent Incumbent, R. ; A. W. Nichols, P.; Albert M. Todd, Pr. The vote of the state for president in 1892 was: Democratic, 2(l2.29(i; Republican, 222,708; Populist, lO.sirJ; Prohibition, 14,009. The congressional candidates were: First district Levi T. Grlllln, 1).; John B. Corliss, It. ; M. J. Dunn, L.; Dr. George H. Sherman, P.; Captain John M. Mc Gregor, 8. T. Second Thomas E. U Barkworth. D. P.; G. A. tfpuhiing, K. Burrows. R.: N. II. Stew- Third-Julius C. art. D.: L. W. Underwood, Pr. ; Fredcr- Ick Lackln, Pr. Fourth Lerry t Wcu F. Thomas, R.; Sullivan ver, D. : Henuy Cook. P.; Mlltln Chase, l'r. Fifth Will iam Alden Smith, R. ; Joseph Tlbbitts, P.; L. G. Rutherford, D.; Myron H. Walker, Pr. Sixth-David I). Aitken, R.; E. R. Wilcox, D. Seventh E. C. Carlton, D. ; Carlton Peck, P.; Horace G. Snover, R. ; B. H. Thurston, Pr. Eighth William 8. Linton, R.; Rowlund Connor, D.; E. L. Brewer, Pr.; W. T. Evans, D.; N. B. Farnsworth, I. Tenth R. O. Crump, R. ; W. L. Churchill. D. ; Alex Forsythe, P. Eleventh John Avery, R.; H. B. Hudson, IX; William T. Pitt, P.; Austin Barber, Pr. Twelfth Samuel Stephenson, R.; Dr. Andrew E. Anderson, P.; Rush Cul ver. D. The Republicans have elected a solid Republican delegation to congress. Rich is elected governor by 50,000. MINNESOTA. St. Paul. Nov. 6. Minnesota elected a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer, for terms of two years auditor, for a term of four years: chief Justice and associate Justice or the su preme court, for terms of six years; seven congressmen, and a legislature, which will elect u successor to United States Senator W. D. Washburn (Rep.), whose term expires March 4, 1895. The candidates for governor were: George L. Becker, D. : Knute Nelson, present In cumbent, R. ; Sidney M. Owen, r. ; H. . Mllllboe, l'r. Tho vote of the state for president in 1892 was: Democratic, 100,579; Republican, 122,73(i; Populist, 20,398; Pro hibition, 14.017. The congressional candidates were: First district James A. Tawncy, R. John Moonen, D.; Thomas J. Meighen. I Second J. H. Baker. IX: Ole Krone, Pr. L. C. Long, P.; H. S. Kollam. Pr. ; James T. McCleary, P. Third-Uses M. Hall, 1). J. P. Heatwhole, R. ; J. M. Bowler, P. Professor L. W. Chancy, Pr. Fourth A. R. Klefer, R. ; E. J. Durrage, IX; F. B. Clark, P. Fifth Loren Fletcher, R. Oliver Erlckson. IX; E. P. Clark, P.; T. 8 Relnstnd, Pr. Sixth Melvln R. Baldwin IX: Charles A. Towne. R.: Hlttle Halver- son, P. Seventh H. E. Boen, P.; Frank M. Eddy, R.; R. N. McLean, IX; Brazilla M. Blount, l'r. Nelson Is re-elected by 30,000. Every congressional district elects u Republi can. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, N.v. C. Mississippi elected seven congressmen. The first general election under the new Constitution will be held In November, 1895. The congres sional candidates were: First district John M. Allen, D.; J. A. Brown, P. Sec ond John C. Kyle. D. : M. A. Montgom ery, R.; N. W. Boynton. Pr.; Robert J. Lyle, P. Third George W. Wise, P.; T. C. Catehlngs, D. ; Thomas E. Mount, Pr. Fourth Hernando Do 8. Money, D.; J. 11 Jameson, P. Flfth,-John S. Williams, D. W. P. Ratcllffe. P. Sixth-Walter M Denney, D. ; C. H. llawthorne, P.; George Hattield, Pr. Seventh A. N. Newman, P.; T. P. Barr, Pr.; J. C. Spencer, D. Tho Democrats made a clean sweep. MISSOURI. Jefferson City, Nov. 6. Missouri elected a Supreme Court Judge, Railroad Com mlssloiier, for term of six years; Superin tendent of Public Instruction, for a term of four years; fifteen congressmen, half the members of the State Senate, and all the membors of the Assembly. The can dldates for Judge were: Francis Marlon Black, Democrat: Waltour M. Robinson Republican; Orvllle D. Jones, Populist; R B. Robinson, Prohibition; Albert E. Sand erson, Socialist-Labor. The vote of tho State for President in 1892 was: Demo cratic, 208,398; Republican, 220,910; Popu list, ii.zu; iTonuiiuon, 4, .til. The congressional candidates were First district William H. Hatch, D.; C N. Clark, R.; W. 8. Little, Pr.; J. N. Lon don. 1. Second Uriel S. Hall, D. Charles II. Loomis, R. ; J. C. Goodson, I Third Aleck M. Dockery, D.; H. G Orton, R.; J. C. Penny, P.; S. S. Manlev Pr. Fourth William C. Ellison, D. George C. Crowthers, R. ; W. 8. Mlssemnr P. Fifth John C. Tarsney, D.; It. T Van Horn, R.; John 8. Crosby, P.; B. P. White, Pr. Sixth David A. De Armon.l, D.; Robert E. Lewis, R.; M. B. Francisco P. Seventh J. T. Heard, D. : J. P. Tracy R.; George T. Tlppln, P. Eighth-Rich ard P. Bland, IX ; J. L. IX Hubbard. R, V. R. Van Wlsker. Pr.; William C. Aid redge. P. Ninth Chump. Clark, IX; Wil liam Treloar, R. ; Jos. Moore, P. Tenth- Richard Burthold, H. ; George H..5Clmmer man, l'r.; t. p. Coppinger. IX; Charl Shattlnger, Pr.; C. F. Bechtold, 8. 1 Kleventh-8. . 8. Rellly, Pr.; Charles F Complete Returns in Later Edition. Complexion charming!" These are expression we heal" every day, made by in reference to others, w'Ach reveal ft pardonable envy, and one which can be gratified. ' : The secret of good health, as indicated by a rich color, and well-rounded figure, is found in a good digestion. Shopping tours, dances and entertainments indulged in, will leave you utterly fagged out, unless you are obtaining all tho value from food ; and it is so easy to accom IMITATIONS. in Neck Ubtl. Joy, R. ; F. E. Richc, P.; F. F. Espen- hield. D. Twelfth N. O. Nelson. 8. T. : Sheridan Webster. Pr.: Beth W. Cobb. D. ; F. M. 8terrett. R. Thirteenth James D. ox. D.: John H. Tliiunv. It.: J. R. Ham- ii, Pr. Fourteenth Marshall Arnold. D.: N. A. Mozeley. R A. H. Livingston, P.; ancey Evans. 1'. Fifteenth Charles D. Burton, R.; Charles H. Morgan, D.; F. M. Hickok. Pr.; D. J. Hitrbee. P. St. Louis, Nov. 6. Bterrett, R for con gress In Twelfth district, nrobnblv de feats Cobb, D. In the Eleventh district Esnensehled. D., for congress, leads Joy, R. The city Democratic ticket is elected by a nar row . majority. MONTANA. Helena, Nov. 0. Montana elected a con gressman, half the members of the Stato benate, und all .the members of the Assembly. The Legislature will elect a uecessor to United States Senator Thom as C. I'ower, (Ren..) and a United States Senator to fill a vacancy caused by the failure of the last Legislature to elect. Tho people were ulso to decide by their votes which city. Helena or Anaconda, hould be the permanent state capital. he candidates for Justice were: L. A. Luce, Democrat; William 11. Hunt, Re- ubllcnn; George W. Reeves. Ponullst. Tho vote of the state for uresldent in 1892 was: Democrat, 17,581; -Republican, 18,851; Populist. 7.234: Prohibition. 519. The uiiKiates ror congress were: fnur es a. llartman, R. ; Robert B. Smith. 1'.: Hal. S. orbett, D. Hurtinan. It., is elected to congress hy an Increased plurality. The legislature Is securely Republican. NI-BKASKA. Lincoln. Nov. (!. Nebraska elected a Governor, Lieutenant Governor. Becre- ary of State. Controller. Treasurer. At torney General, Superintendent of l'unllc Inspection, Printer. Surveyor General. lerk or the Sunremn Court, for term of four years; Justice of the Supreme Court, for a term of six years; one Congressman, four District Judges for terms of four ears; nine State senators, and a new As sembly, who will choose a United Stnfcs senator to succeed Charles F. Mnnderson, Republican. Tho candidates for Gover nor were: P. D. Sturdevnnt, Democrat; Silas .A. Holcomb, Democratic-Populist fusion; Thomas J. Majors, Republican; K. A. Gcrrard, Prohibition. The vote of the state for president In ls:i2 was: Dem ocrat, 21,94:!; Republican. 87.213; Populist, ,250; Prohibition, 4.902. The candidates for congress were: Flrnt dlstrict-J. H. Strode, R. ; A. H. Welt, IX Second David H. Mercer. R. : Jumes F. lloyd. IX : D. Clem Weaver. P.: Rev. Woodbury, l'r. Third Georue IX Melkle- John, R.; G. L. Thomas, D.; W. N. Hen slcy, lx: J. II. Devlne, P. Fourth Eu gene J. Hulner, R. ; W. L. Stark, 1.; 8. 8. Alley, D.; Mrs. Woodward. Pr. Fifth Wllllnm A. AlcKelBhun. L: Wlllinm B. Andrews, R. Sixth Omer M. Kem, P.; Mutt Dougherty. R. ine Kemioiieuns elect Maiors bv 20.000 no ine rest ot tne stale ticket by 30,000. ney elect live out or six eongreshmeji. NEVADA. Carson Citv. Nov. B. Nevada elected State olllcers for four years and the Leg islature, ana voted upon 2d proposed amendments to the constitution of the State, chief among which were sections oiisolidatlng certain State olllces. an thorizing the investment of school monev In other thun Cntted States and Nevada bonds, and refusing umnesty to persons wno, aner reaching the age or 18 years, car arms against the United States. The candidates for Governor were: R. 1 Keating, Democrat; Theodore Winters, uemocrai a. t. i: eve am . Heinil) can George Peckhnm, Populist, and John K. Jones, Hllverlte. The vote of the Statu for president In IS'.C! was: Democratic, n itepuniican. poiiu st. 7.i7: Pro hibition. ST,. J ne cam K ates for concress were: Krancls G. New and. 8.: A. F. Barlino. R. J. K. Clgnoux, D. I.; B. F. Riley. D. ames Doughty. P. Ihe vote betwwen Cleveland and Jonoa for governor is close, but Jones Is prob ably ahead. Bartlne, It., is returned to congress. NF.W IIA.MPSIIIHE. Concord. Nov. (1. New Hnmiishlre elect ed a Kovernor, for a term of two years: two Congressmen, und a Legislature, which will elect a successor to United States Senator William 10. Chandler. The Legislature also elects a Secretary of Stute, Treasurer, und Printer. The peo- ile ulso voted upon the question of hold nir a convention to revise the constitution of the Slate. The candidates for Gover nor were: Henry Onkes Kent. Democrat: 'harlcs A. Htlslul. Renublican: Oeorire D. Kpps, Populist, and Daniel C. Knowles, Prohibition. The vote of the state for President In 1S1I2 was: Democratic, 42,(l; Repuldlcan, 4f),uT)8; 1'onullst. 2M: Prohibi tion, 1,2(7. The candidates for congress were: First district Cyrus A. Snllowuy, R. ; John 1!. Mish, 1).: Dr. Kdward L. Cnrr. Pr.: Joshua A. Whlttlcr. P. Second Ilenrv M. Raker, R. : Charles McDunlel. D- David lleuld, Pr.; Klias N. Rlodgett, P. itepuuueans nave mude a clean sweep. NKW JEKSI-Y. Trenton. Nov. C New Jersev elected eight coiiKressmen, eight State Senators, ami a new Assembly. The legislature will elect a successor to United Stales Scnntor John R. Jlcl'hersori. (Dem..) whose term expires March 4, 18:i.'. The Legislature also elects a Controller and Treasurer. The cundldates for congress were: First district Henry ('. Loudenslager, R. ; John Wilcox, lJ.: Thomas Terrell. D. Second- John J. Gardner. R. ; Cuptaln Martin L. Haines, D. ; William R. Kills, P. Third Heniatnin R Howell. R. : Jacob Gelssen- hiner, D. : P. W. Merrltt. P.: Louis JI. Manning, P. Fourth Johnson Cornlsu. D.: Muhlon Pitney R.; William V. Ram sey, Pr.: William C. Kurrack, P. Fifth James Stewart. R. : Samuel Pursons. Pr.; Fred. W. Hall, S. L. ; Andrew 11. Domorest, D. Sixth Richard W. Parker, R.; Jos. R. Iliichanan, P.; Thomas .Mc Kwan, Jr., R. ; K. A. Stevens. D. : Theo. W. Uurger. Pr. Klghtli John T. Dunn. D.: Charles Newell Fowler, R.; Ralph I'ope. P. Tho chairman of the Democratic state committee concedes the election of a Re publican legislature In New Jersey, insur ing tne election or a Republican senator to succeed JlcPherson. NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh. Nov. C North Carolina elected a Chief Justice and three Associate Jus tices of the Supreme Court to 1111 the unex pired terms, eight Superior Court Judges, nine Congressmen, twelve Solicitors of Judicial Districts for terms of four years, llfty State Senators, and one hundred and twenty members of the Assembly. Tho Legislature will elect a successor to I nlted Stutes benator II. W. Runsom, (Dem.,) whoso term expires Murch 4. lSllii and a United Stutes Senator to 1111 tho term of the late S4. H. Vanco, (Dem.,) w rticn euus aiurcn i, ircw. The candidates for Treasurer uere Samuel McD. Tate, Democrat, and Wil liam H. Worth, Populist, Indorsed by the Republicans. The vote of the stale for president In KK was: Democratic, Republican, 1W.34U; Populist, 44,7:C; Prohi bition, 2,&). The congressional candidates were: hirst district W. A. 11. Hranch, D.; Harry Skldmoro, R. Second F. A. Woodwnrd, D.; H. P. Cheatham, U. Third jonn i'. wnaw, D.; Oscar J. Spears. R Cyrus W. Thompson, P. Fourth Churles M. l.'ooK. D. : T. C. Mil Iken. R. : W. F Stranir, P. Fifth Thomas Settle. R.: An KUBtus w. Graham, D.; Rufus Amis, I., it. Bixtn jumes a. uocKnnn, i. ; oiiv.m H. Dockery, H.; Charles H. Martin, P, Seventh John S. Henderson. D. : A. C Shuford, R P. Klghth-Wllllnm Hf Row er, D. ; R. Z. Llnney. R., P. Ninth-Wil llam T. Crawford, D. ; Richmond Pearson, R. The Democratic state and judicial ticket In North Carolina Is no doubt elected by reduced majorities. The legislature will be Democratic by a good majority. Indi cations are that Democrats have carried seven out or nine congressional districts with even chances In the other two. On the state ticket the Democrats have an overago plurality of from 20,000 to ,- mm. ine congressional delegation is sol idly Democratic. NORTH DAKOTA. Rlsmarclt. Nov. 6. North Dakota elect. ed a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Sec retary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, At torney General, Superintendent of Public Inspection, Commissioner of Agriculture and L.anor, commissioner of Insurance, Public Kxamlner. Land Commissioner. three Railroad Commissioners for terms of two years. Chief Justice of Supremo Court for a term of six years, one Con gressman. It also voted upon a proposed amendment to tho constitution of the state, which prohibits the sale of lottery The candidates for Governor were F. M lutuer, uemocrat; Roger Allln, Republl chii, iiiiioibcu ny ine rTonibit'onisis. P" Klmer D. Wallace, Populist. The Vote of the state for president in 1892 was: Democratic-Populist fusion, 17,700; Republican, 17,519; Prohibition, m. The candidates for congress were: Martin N. Johnson, R ; Walter Mulr, P.; Dr. Ellis, Pr.; N. G. LlrU more, D. ; Bud Reeve, D. Republicans elect Allln by 10,000 plural- Continued on Page 8. m 1 1 A Word. WANTS OW AT.T, KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LE89 THAN 25 CF.NTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AUti INSERTED FRE1S. Agents Wanted. ArANTi D - ACTIVE SALKKMEN TO S"5 per month and expenses paid to all. Gonds ouiireiy new. Apply quicKiy. r. u. oox, oouo, DUHtUII. UU8I. Helo Wanted Females. WANTEU-UIHLS TO WOKK AThHIHT nianufncturiii. Also inexperienced I 1 to lenrn. SOLOMON ZACKEilA Wl Frnklin avenue, third Hoor. I ADIES CAN MAKE Jtf DAILY BY FOLD- U 1111? unit Drlili-iicaitii. ! i-fMilii i a fnr nu. nt I pome. No canviissing. Position pernmnent. Reply with Btuujped envelope. 4I1SS JIAKIE " vivid, isniunu. u. T ADIES YOUR NAME SENT ON - stiiuiped onvelune will give vou steady work; good salary. No canvassing. Nettie narrisoii, Hun Fraiieiseo. Cal. For Rent IOR KENT-?-ROOM HOUSE. (Mi FOUE&T StrBHt. lmtwuun I linUumi VVnrku And k.rln uepot. Kent, Iinniire or M ON HOE bltOWN, Bull's Head. 1j OR RKNT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST L,ackiiwnnna nvenue. Addresi 1 HO.MAS fcVANH, aear UK Luzeruo, Hydo Park. IOR KENT ONE HALF STORE. 1M Ponu avenu.', j;:u pr month. T?OR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge roumi JOHN JEK- "'Ki ii. Wyoming ovonue. For Sale. TOUSALE CHEAP TEAMS AND LiVKKY J- stock. Inquire at 315 Ookford Court. BROWN'S L1VEKY. lOR SALE CHEAP COACH IN OOOD RE- ' Pair. Inquire of OEuHHE MACKKETH, iw.i Ynsiiuuru street, or blacksmith shop. Il'OR SALE-JO SHAKES OF SCRANTON llasnCo. stock. For particulars apply m v . a.. ' lull uuano street, ispw lorn. Wanted To Rent AfANTKD-TO KENT A HOUSE WITH ' eight or nino rooms, with modoru im provements, in scr.'inton or ureen Kiuifo. Aa dress HOME. Tribune olllco, Special Notice. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie s illustrated Week y War lllustratio. a J Htil-18tS5. Two Volume Folio. J18.o(): payable monthly, $2X0. Delivered by express complete, Preiiaid. Addiess t. O. MOOUY, ills Gibson street, Scranton, Pa. 1JLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS; MAOA- 1) znu's, etc-, bound or rebound at lUE TitniL'NC ollico. (juick work. Reasonable puces. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT Hi i'A corner tturueo street und Frauklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for .'M. Good table bonr.l. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- U ceived at tlio ollico of the City Clerk. Scranton, Pa,, until 7M o'clock n. m.. Thurs day. November 15, 1WU, to f urnlah the city of nrnnton a lot oi land to be tisofl by tne city as a slto for house for tho Cumberland HoseCouipsDy : aaldMte to be within the ThirJ ward ot said city. The city reserves the right to reject uny and nil mils. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVKLLE, City Clerk. Scranton. Pa., Nov. 1, 1MH. legal. 17 STATE OF PHEBE ROAKDnER, LATE -lJ of tho city of Scranton. county of Lacka wanna, stata of Poniiflvlvania. deo msed. Lottors tustainetitarv ueou the above named esiato Having beon Krautod to tne unuer signed, all prsons having clnlms or demand against the said estate will prensiit them fnt- payinont, ana thoho niaebted tliereto will pieirso make immeuiatn payment to JOHN II. (SUM.NfcK, Executor. 'Ji Broad, street, Pittston, Pa. TESTATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE J of tho citv of bcrunton, cminiv of Lacka wanna, stnto of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters testamentory unon tho above named I estato having boen granted to the under signed, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for puyment and tins') indebted thereto shall ploaio mak" immediate iniym-nt to tiiuma j. iiLLLiU, txeculor. .iisi-ijsiir' (V ItAiN U, attorneys. Charter Application. YTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT AN 11 application will be made to the governor of Pennsylvania, on the 14th day of Novemner. Kill, ov i nomas u. rniuncr. .lamss v. j nn- son, John A. Law, W. L. Watson and Chanes II. Wellos, under th act of assembly, entitled An act to provide for the ir.onru oration and reguintion or certain corporations, approved April a. ii4, and tne supplements inereto.lor ine riiartor or an intended corporation tn ooca'ied tns "t-rytai L.aite rnra company. the chnractor and olijoet of which is the purchase, and sale of roal estate, anil for these purpos-s to have, potscss. mid enjoy all the lights, benefits and privileges of said act of cs.ommy ana tuo supplements thereto. t. nAKLU.0 a. vt,Ll,r.H, Solicitor. ji Situations Wanted. CITUATION WANTED-A FIRST CLASS O c Hik mid coed nurse wants situation as I nnuscKeoper in respoctaoio widower s raiinly. Will go to either country or city. Address M. A. ii., 21K North Sumner avenue, Scranton, CITUATION WANTED A YOUNG MAN. "i'A ve:irs old. would like a ijoitlon whir I no can make lilmsuir useful. Must liavo work at once. C, Herautou Triouue. CITUATION WANTED - PARISIAN O dressmaker would iilto work immndlnti-lv tiy the day. Cut by tho latent Patidan style. "The Grojt Nymph Svstem." Inquiries and letters, addi-jss to Mjik. A. LkHLANC, VOJ ixirtu Lincoln Avenue. CITUATION WANTED OIKL 1ft YEARS C7 of aze. would like to make herself useful snout House. Address "I. 0.," Tribune oliioj W.L. Douglas Q2 CUrAC 13 THI BEST. 49 I IVta NO BQUCAKINQ, 5. CORDOVAN, FRCNCH&ENAM CUED CALF. 3?S FlNECAlf &KANGAR01 r3.LP0LICE,3 Soles. 2.I.7BoysSchoolSkoes, -LADIES- ,SEN0 FOB CATALOGUE WL'DOUOLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. Von can save money by purchasing VV. L. lt.iN.ln. ta I, ... Becauso, we are the largest manufacturer! of advertised shoes In tho world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, ey fittiufr and wearing; qualities. We have them sold every where at lower price for the Value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your ucuier canuoi auppiy you, we cau. eoit, oy E.J.LEONARD. WhoiEaby was lick, we pare her Castor!, ' When sho was e, Child, she criod for Castorls, When she became Miss, she olung to Castorls, VTben she hod Children, she gavethe;u Castorls onno Worthy of Your Attention. Specially Adapted for Waists. Beautiful and exclusive designs and only a limited quantity. The greatest Silk opportunity you liave ever had. 75c. PER YARD. SOMETHING NEW Liberty Satin, all colors. The very latest novelty. CONNOLLY k Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. J BEST AND N. A.HULBERT'S WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KR&NICH & BACK STULTZ I BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Maiiufacttired at the Wapwnllopen Mills, Lu zerue county, i'a.. ana ut nil miugtou, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent fur the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. AdKNf'IKS : THOS. FORI), Httston, Pn. JOHN B. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. J4ULL10AN, WilkeH Barre, Pa. Agents for the Renauno Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. jjouis iiy.j Detwcen (lin i 1 1) Columbus, Snrinirfleld, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wajtnor Sleeping cars. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ele gant Coaches and Dlnlns cars. " The Finest Train in America." Bee that your tickets read via tha Bid 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information rheorfullv furnished on application to 8. J. GATES, Gcn'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. M. K. Ingalls. President: D. II. Mnrtln. General I'assongor Agent; E. O. McCor mlck, Trafflo Manager, Cincinnati, O. BEIT KB IH0B CO.,Wp.rapl(sl.Sl,000,OW. BEST Sl.oO SHOK IN TI1K MOULD. "A dollar imtd it a dollar tarntd." t This ju lea' Molld Frnnrb Dontolft Kill But ton Boot delivered fm nnywhoro in tha U.S., on receipt oi (jn, uonpy urarr, or 1'a.Ul Kola for 11.60. Eqnal. evory wny the boots sold la Kit retail stores fur t'.'.M). We nmko this boot ourielTds, thereforo wo guar antm tha HI. ttvU and ir, and If any one (a not sailaned will reiiina mo mono raandanotharpalr. Opera Too or Common Benio, width. C. I). E. fc K1C. iiV.ltoa 1 to s and half "M flieo. Sinitvourtttt; Kilt Jit "' !"'" SL lltuitratsd UU. logos FREE Dexter Shoe Co., SS.RAiS I yaai ism (a 1. ' '..V-.v. Mm V mm WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. ri n CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN TO OUR Washburn-Croshy Co, wish to nsstirc their rviny pat rons that they will this. Year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc ' of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. Tills careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. MEGAIEL Wholesale Agents. AN IDEAL NEW YORK. 10 POINT COMFORT, Nil, WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, With time to spare for side trips, if desired. Skirting the sea coast for 18 hours tn the beautiful fast new steamships of the OLD DOniNION .-. LINE And returniug leisurely by rail, The normal climate of this section during the fall and early v. inter h delightfal. Tickets include HOTEL ACCOMMODATION'S at points named, as well as rail and steamer fares for the entire Write for particulars of this and GLO DOMiON W. L. CUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Moosic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND KUSH DALE WOrt ICS. Lafllln & Rand Powder Co.'a Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Bufoty Fuso and Rcpanno Chemical Co.'s HigaEiplosifes Ask to see them. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. Hi THE CITY. PATRONS E33 trip. Total cost, $.''2.00. other delightful trips to S. S. COMPANY 5 Pier 26, North River, New York. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET Tlie Finest in the City. The latest improved furnish' ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave). For Delicacy, For parity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pozioni'i Powder. !V