EIGHT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCK ANTON, PA.; WEDNESDAY 3i01tXTX, NOVEMliElt 7, 181)1. TWO. CENTS A COPY. si lis 0 I it Indignant Wage, Earners, Who Have Had Enough : of Bogus Promises Realized. TAMMANYISM IS WIPED OUT So Is the Democratic Party Kepnlili cans Elected liy Larue Majorities to Conduct the A flairs of New York State Morton Has 175,0110 Plurality and Strom; lieats (irant by 75,000 Wil son Is lieaten in West Virginia. A tidul wave! The cause! of m'ntcotlcm anil clean government hns won nnothr-r decisive victory, beslele which nil Its past vic tories havo been InslKnlllcant. . Hill Ih bcnteit by Morton in New York statu ly 75,000 plurality. Hugh J. Giant, the Tammany candidate for mayor In New York city, Is defeated by ddimel AVUllani Le. Strong, the antl-Tammany vundidnte. by "S.ooO plu rality. Ooff, for recorder, wim hy nearly 100,000 plurality: Alortnn carries llfooklyn and Kings county liy .ift.ooo, nnd every Tammany caiiiHelate for ctetiBt'ess la snowed under, IncludiiiK gallant General Sickles, the valiant veteran who trains politically with a pad crowd. In New Jersey the Uepubllcans cap ture the legislature", insuring the dec lion or a Kepublican te the I'nited States senate in place of Mcl'liersoi), J)emoclat. Jn West Virginia, "Sir" William Wil fon, the author of the new' tuiiff, and th- "member from Grout llritain," is left at lmnie by his alert antagonist, Colemel A. (!. Dayton; and in onler'that lie may not bo too lonesome, the .other three Democratic congressmen are de feated also. "Bloody Hridlcs" Waite, CV.lejrado's l'opullst governor, is tucked under a clean 1S.01M) lteimblicon jdufulity, which also turns down loquacious l.afe Pence, of Denver. At 9 o'clock Chairman Alien W. Thur mun, of the Ohio Democratic commit tee, said: "The wheile country si-ems tei have Rone to liot. There is but one bright spot apparent. South I'nrollita still stands Democratic. We havo heard from only 1 precincts In hio, Mil that is enieiiKh. If it koeis up, the Kepubll cans will carry tin- state by 1,'.0,(W0, It means that there will not be a IVtnn cratlc coiigressmnn elected in Ohio, I think Outhwalte Is defented by at least 2.500." . Illinois goes Republican by 7r.,W, and elects a Kepublican legislature, which insures Senator Cullom's re-election. The KepuMlcans in Illinois have elect ed sixteen congressmen. Springer falls by the wayside. Indiana is safe by frenn 20,000 to 30,0(10, and shows a gain of six .congressmen. The victory in Minnesota and Kansas la overwhelm ing. The whole free-silver west is once more back in line. And even proud old Virginia seems trembling on the brink of a political revolution. All In all, it was a noble victory, and the next con gress will, at the present rata of gains elect Tom Reed speaker by more than fiO majority, THE RETURN'S BY STATES. Pull Pctalls of the Voting in Kvcry Aiucr lean Commonwealth. Klectlons were held yesterday in nil the Btates except Maine, Oregon nnd Vermont, which held their -elections earlier in the season. Helow will be found the result of each election as far as known up to 3 o'clock this morning ALABAMA. Montgomery, Nov. Ahibnma slate eflieers were elected August . Today election passed " quietly. 'j-ne lenu cram captnreel all nf the nine congress' men. Clarke defeated Wlekersham. tl. anil Sibley. P., In the First district; Stall- Ings rlowned Gardner in the Sei-ond; In Complete Returns in Later Edition, the Third General Harrison hnil little sell, Secoml district, Crlsn and Turner, dllHi'itlty In disposing of the fusion can- Fle-venth, all Democrats, hnvo gboel mn-ilielali-, "V. C. Robinson; the Fourth, j jeeritle-s. where two li-iiiocriits. Tom Plowman and I Macon, Nov, . Hnrlleit. D.. carries the Gaston Robhlns. were runniiK on sepa- ! Sixth e-ongrcsslonal district ty from i'.,1.1" rate tickets ugninst a l'opnllsl and a Kit- j to I.mW over SVhilake-r, 1". sio:u.l nas proiiin.iy nen e-urneei nv lowman. Col.l.e Is elected by a round majority In the Fifth: in the Sixth, llnnk head is overwhelmingly re -elected ; 1 ii-n.-on sweeps tile Seventh. Whijcle.t- tho Klglitn and l iidcrwood the Ninth. The vote was light. roiulists made large gains. AKhANSAS. Little Rock,' Nov. i!. Arkansas elected state olllce-r Sept. :i. Following are the congressmen voted for todav: First dlstrle-l-P. ). M.rulloch, Jr., R: It. -M. Col'iniiin, 1'. Second John S. Little, R. Third Thomas C. .Mediae, R Knurth VVIUiani L. Teriv, D. : I'elrie-k Ral-lifh, It.: John H. Che'rrv, P. Fifth Hugh A. Idnsmorc, D. : Thou. J. Hunt, If., John ('. jv, P. Sixth P.obert Nelll, !.; Hairy H. Meyers. It.: A. 1). Tanner, l. The Ueinocrum win In every district. CALIFORNIA. Sacramento, Nov. ft. California elected its full list of suite officers, to servo four years, and the legislature, which will choose a t'nlted Status senator to succeed George I'. Perkins, Itepiiblican, appointed by the. governor upon the death of Senator l.e-laml Stanford. Republican. Tim people of California also voted upon nliiu proposed amendments to their State constitution to establish an educational itimlmcutlun for tho suffrage; to em- j will elect a successor to I'nlteil States lamer the legislature to create new Senator Shelby M. t'ullum, (Kim.,) whose counties; to exempt from taxation fruit term expires .March I, lsill. The people and nut trues under four years of age and j alos voted upon a proposed amendment to grupc vines under three years of age; to : tho constitution of the statu, direcllng the empower the legislature to provide for the legislature .to enact laws rnguliulng eon dlsposltlnti of real estate hereafter ac(Ulr- tracts between corporations ami their clu ed by aliens, the litle to lands now held by j ployes. The candidates for State Treas puch not being disturbed; to permit city j urer are Uermiid J. Clagge -It. Democrat; and country Koverntnents to be merged I Henry WuIlT, Kepubllean; John F. Knu under general laws; to reorganize the dolph. Populist; Howell .1. l'ute-rbaugh, slate board of canalization, making It Prohibition: (Irrlii 1.. .Mann. Independent consist or the statu controller ami on,) member from each of the eight congres sional districts of tho state; to exempt property used lor five public libraries and museums from taxation; to add the presi dent and professor of pedagogy of tho t'nlversity oil California to the stato board of education, and to Increase ihn pay of members of the legislature lo $h)iiu for the session of W days, the present pay being $S per day. The candidates for Gov ernor weie: James II. Kudd,- Democrat; .Morris .l. Kstec, Itepuhlii un; .1. V. Web ster, l'opullst; Henry French. Prohibi tion. The vole of California for presi dent In Ki2 wus: Cleveland (I)eni.), US.. I.'d; Harrison Giep.), his.a-.'T; Weaver (Peep.), lXi.311: lildwell (Ploll.l. MISC. The ongressional numlnivs w ere: First distrli't Thomas J. Geary, D. ; J . II. Gre g ory, IT.; J. A. liarham, II. Second An thony Cumlnelto, H.; Grove h. Johnson, K. ; Xlark Kappel, IT.; Uttrdette Cornell. P. Thlrel Sitmuel ti. Hllhorn, H.: War ren li. Kngllsh, D. ; 1). 11. Scranlon, Pr. Fourth James G. AlcGuire, 1).; T. Ii. Shannon, 11. Fiftli Kugeiie K. Lotnl, H. ; .loseph P. Kelly, I).; James Deiunore, I). Sixth James Mcl.ue.'hlln, K. : Geeuge S. Pattoii, H.; J. K. Mcl'omus. Pr.; Professor W. C. lleiwman, P. Seventh-William W. Mowers, K.J V. H. Alfonl, U: W. 11. Homers. Pr. : 1. L. Gilbert, P. The Ilepiilillians gain three congress men and elect the state tlvket by in creased pluralities. COLOUAIM). Denver, Xeiv. (!. Culorailo elected nil Its state- officers, to serve two years, and the i legislature, whleh will choose a lulled State's senator to succeed Kelward O. Wol coit, Kepublican. The people voter! upon two proposed ameiieliiie-nts to the consti tution of the stale- one of which allow cities of o ll.j.iioo Inhabitants to Incur inelehteelneess to the amount of ." nor cent. of the ir assesseel valuation, ami the othe r irovieies for Sl..r,(W.i.uii of lionets to take- no eiid slate warrants, most of whlvh are now he-lei by the School Fund. Tho can didates feir Governor we're: Charles P. ThomiiM, Democrat; Albert W. Mi lniiri-. Kepublican. Davis H. Walte. on-sent In- cumbent. Populist; George Richardson, l'rohibltion. The vote of Coleiraelo for Preslelent in Hr was; Democrat-Populist fusion, r,3,r,lS; itepulellcan, 3bfiX; Prohibi tion, 1HS7. The congressional candlebites we-re: First district John F. Shatroth. K-. l.at'e- I'ence, I'.: K. It. Rhodes, Pr.; F. T. Iteet- tom, D. heeonel John C. Hell, P.; Thomas M. Howen. K W. A. Rl- e. Pr Giles O. rieree. 1. P. Aie lntlre- eicfe-.-.ts Wake by 18.i).- Sh.if- ! roth detents l'eiie-e. and Uowen wins in i the Second. i COWLCTICI T. Harlford, Nov. 0. Connecticut Heeled a Governor. Lieutenant Governor. Secre tary of State-, Treasurer, Controller, all for terms of two years; a J-eglslatiire, four Congressmen, eight County Sheriffs, for t -mis of four years each, iin.l li:i Judges of Probate for terms of two years. Thee cauillehiie'H for governor were: Kr-ne-st Cady, De-mociat; U. incent I'nllln. Ke-iiublii.iin: I-Mwln C. liliigham, Peiii llst: De W itt C. Pond. Prohlhliion; Jc.P-s F. Tticke-y, Soe-iulist-l.abor. The voteror presMcnt in was: I x tnocratle-. KMK itcpiilillcan, ee.ma: Proh bltueu. n.tm. Th congressional caiielieliete-s were: First ellte- trle-l, I', c. 1'lHtt, Prohlbhle.nist: Stevens Henry, Ke-publle-ien; Louis tfperrv, heiieo- crat. Second district, Janios P. Piuott. De-mueM-at; Henry C, Hiilelwln. Socialist- Labor; X. I). Sperry, Itepublie-an. Thlrel district. Thomas M. Waller. I ,-nieee-i-.et r Charles A. Knss.-ll. R.-pugllcan. .Fourth T lien lln....e.ee district, K. .1. Hill, Republican Robert K. Del-orresl, Uemoe-rat. Plggott. u., in Second d sir ct. Is (1. rcaieei ny fiHr.y. New Haven, Nov. B. Returns from ;tn towns out of lew In the slate, no l ilies. show a Republican gain of l,jt; over the vote of is:-, out of a total of H.iii7. The same ratio through the Mate will elect the Republican ticket. ii:i..iw.Ki;. Dover. Nov. 0. Delaware elected a gov ernor tor 11 term ol tour years; a con gressman anel a legislature, whle lt will el"ct a successor to I'lilte-I States Senator Anthony Hlgglns (K. p.), whose term ex Hires March 4, 1WC,. The peejple also vol.-el upon tne epiestloii ol nolellng a ionvciiil.ni to revise the constitution of the slut.- The i-amll'liete'S for geivernor were; kbo Walter Tnniit-il, Democrat; Joshua Hem- kins JIarvll, Republican; J. Alexanel.-r Fulton, Populist; Thomas J. Pijty, Prohi bition, The vote of De-hiwaref!r presl lleent in ls'.c was: Democratic. ISAM; Re publican. 1S.H77; Prohibition, 310. The con gre'sslemal caaelldates were: Samuel H. Hancrol't, Jr., DiMiiocral; W. W. liul lock, Prohlhliion; Jonathan S. Willis. Kc- publlcan; Charles Readenkuff, l'opullst. v iimuiKion, iov. ii. it looks as If the Republicans will carry Newcastle ami Sussex counties ami lose Kent count. This would Indicate a Republican gov ernor. W ilmington. Now . C The Jlornlng News, Republican, predicts that Dela ware haa gone Republican by 2no to 4n0. 1 1.OKIDA. Tallahassee, Nov. C Florbla fleeted two congressmen. The election of state olllcers was ln-lel Oct. 2. The following wore the congressional candidates: First district. S. Al. Sparknian, Democrat: Dan ell L. Jli-Klnnon, l'opullst. Second dis trict, Charles 'Jl. Coopeer, Democrat; Mont. Atkinson, Populist. Florida, has elected a solid Democratic delegation to congress. GEORGIA. Atlanta, Nov. fi.-Gcorgla elected eleven congressmen. The state officials were elected Oct. S. Following were the con gressional nominees: First district. Ku fus li. Lester, Demoe-rat; J. F, Hrown Populist. See-onei district, Uetijamiii 10. Russell, Democrat; yilllam Lorrlmer Popullst-Kepubllcait Third ellstrle-t Charles F. Crisp, Democrat; William C White. Populist. Fourth district, Charles L. Jloses, Demoe-rat; C, J. Thornton l'opullst. Fifth district, l.eonl.las F, Liv ingston, Detnea-rat; Hubert Toe)d, Popu list. Sixth elliitrle-t, Charles L Bartle-tt, Demoierat; W. S. 'Whllaker. Populist Seventh dlstrle-t, Dr. W. H. Felton, Popit list;. J. W. Maddux, Democrat, Kighlh district, Thomas G-. Lawson, Democrat; W. I. Carter, Populist. Ninth dlstrle't, Farrlsh C. Tate, Democrat; J. Newton Twltty, l'opullst. Teiith district, James C. C. Black, Democrat; Thomas B. W'nt boii, Populist. Kleventh district, Henrv (4. Turner, Democrat; Dr. W. 8. Johnson, l'opullst. Savannah, Nov. . t.er.ter has ubont 8,0111 majority In the First district. Rum- """Complete Ketitrtis in Later Edition. i invito. j V.olse City, Nov. rt. Idaho electee! a Gov ernor, Lle-titi-iiant Governor, Secretary of Stale, Attorney ticncral. "Auditor, Treas urer, all for terms of two years; a C'oii- givsman, u Legislature, w hich will elect a I successor to Ignited States Senator George I.. Khoup, ilicp,.) whose term will I expire March 4, lsti;. The. candidates for I governor were: Kdwunl A. Stevenson, ' Hemocrat: William J. Jh-Comvll, prpsent incumbent. Republican; J. W. llallentlne. l'opullst: Henry C. JleFarluntl, Prohlhl ' tion. The voto of Idaho for t'resldent In i 1KB was: Ucmocratlc-ropiilist fusion, W, , Mil; Kepublican, .s..Vi'.i; l'rohibltion, 2ws. The , candidates for congress were: F.elgar Wil son, K, ; James Gunn, P.; James l.al leittine, I . JleC'onnell Is probably elected, but tho i returns are coming In slow ly and Ihe vote Is close, w llsoii, Jt., is elected to con Kress. ILLINOIS. Springflelel, Nov. tl. Illinois eleclcd u Treasurer for a term of two years, a Sup erintendent of Public Instruction for a term of lour years, three trustees of the State I'nlvcrsity, twenty-two congress inen, twenty-six Slate Senators, l.'a mem bers of I lie Assembly. The j glslaturo. Hepuljlican. The vote or the slate for was: 1 lemocratic. 12-;,- Pre-slelent In 1: 181 : Republle-nn, l'rohibltion. S4.6K4. 1K),'.'SS; Populist, 22,2u7; Thej e-eingresslonnl candlelates were; Klrsfvdlstrlet J. Krank Alflrie-h, It.; W. S, .Met eehias, A. P. A.; .Max Dombussby, I Howarel S. Taylor. P.; William S. Taylor, Pr. Se-e-onel Wllliiim Lorlmer, 1! John .. White-, P.; John .1. Hannahan, D. I Thlnl-Lawrenee.Me-Gann. D. ; J. P. Chirk, P.; Hugh R. Hedkapp, II. Fourth Pat- I rle-k 10. Ryan, D. P.; Frank Diiwle-r, I. I'.; i ,1. Slliningtoii, Pr.; P. .1. .Minster, li. ; Charlies W. Wooelmau, P.. Fifth IMwarel i T. Nnonan. I.; George K, While-, It.; C. G. I Dixon, I'.; H. C. Fram her. L: Kdwar.l T. Neelaii, P. Sixth .luliies S. Golilzler, D.j Louis W. liorges, P.; James L. Llne:han, P.; F.elwarel ). CiMik, It.; Kelwar.l H. I Griggs, A. P. A. Seventh George K. Foss, K. ; Henry D. Lloyd, P.: J. II. j ill rouble. A. P. A. : Louis Long, 1). Kiglith-Alleert .1. .Iloplilns, It.; Lewis i Stewarel. IJ. : George S. Howen, P.: George ' W. L. Slnglinger, Pr.; Xlnth-ltube-rl I!. ! Hill. It.; Daviel F, Thompson. .; Janus I Lamont, Pr.; Shc-pparel 11. Zimmerman, P. Tenth -Philip S. Post. It.; S. T. Shir I e?y, Pr.; Jeinas W. O. lilsem. !.: William W. Mutthews. P. Klevelilh P.oliert K. I GilebeillS, I' I.; Walte-r l!e-e-Ves. I!.; William 1 M. Hlre-hey, P.; 'I'. ('. Fulle-rion, 1!.; .Mar tin Gallup, Pr. Twi-llth Joseph G. Gan non, K.; Rev. K. 'I'. Hayes. Pr.: T. Dono van. D.; l-'rcet D. ReMi-ke, J.: Samuel Lea vitt, P. Thirteenth Vespasian Warner. R.; Anelrew liarr. !.: Nathan .M. Harm-It, P.; lltle el ,M. Kl-lieigg, pr Fourtn'iiih tv i George i. Jlariie-s, i.; J. . Gran, I:.; Me-Culloch. Pr.: Wllllinii L. Heibe-rling, P.; William G. Eggleston, I. i i- irue-iun i ruman Plants, i. ; is. v , j .Marsh. R.; .Martin W. Greer, P.; Samuel W'ooels, P. Sixteenth r'lunls K. Down- ing, !.; John 1. Rlnakei-i It.: P. D. Stout, j P.; Jt. Jl. Cooper, Pr. Seventeenth Wll- Ham JL Springer, D. : Jame-A. Connolly, ! R.; Albert F. Smith, Pr.; James A. Craw ; fui-el. P. i:igliteeieth l-Mwai-'l H. Lane, i I).; Freelerluk Reinanu, K.; J. S. Itarnuin, I.I.; Thomas W. Hyne-s. Pr. Nineteenth Heiison Wooel. R.; Ge-orge- W. Fllhlan, l.; Henry H. Keple-y. Pr. ; Harvey .M. Krooks, I P. TwentlKth-James l. Williams, D.j lorlaneln Hurre-ll, It.; Harry G. Jone-s.P.; I Rev. W. C. Wllle-y, Pr. Twenly-tirst ! John Hlgglns. 1) .;Kverett J. Jluiphy, R.; Henry c. .Mel Mil, P.; James Si. Sawyr, Hr. Tweiily-se-eeinel Geeirge Vt'. Smith, R.; I'ranels Jl. Youngblooel, D.j John J. Hall, P.; Khler Calvin Allen, pr. Ki-publlcaii state? central committee claims Illinois Kepublle-aii by Tu.mu) plur ality. Plxteen cemgi-e -.smcn, at least, and both bniiiches of the- general nssi-mb'.y, which assures the return of I'nite-d States senator. Cook county gives a Republle-nn plur ality of lV.mu. 1NIUAVI. Indianapolis, Nov. C Indiana decled al 3..,.,.,,e,- i.9 Uint., A,,. nr.......... Attorney General. Superlntnnelent of Puli-lle- Inslriie-tion, Staiislie-ian Geoleigist, all for terms of two years: Supreme- Court Clerk, two Jiielgcs of Supreme Court for terms of four years, a legislature-, and thirteen congressmen. The ciniellelaie-s for See-retary of State- were William K. .Myers, lie-inocrat; William D. Gwen, Re-pohlle-an: C, A. Robinson, l'opullst; Wln fivd Jl. Taylor, Prohibition. The vole of Inillana for Preslelent in lve was: l)em-aeratle-, L'llJxlT: Ki-iubllean. ".',i:.:i;i:,; Popu list, .liis; I'rolilbltion, lll.ail. The e-anilldates for congress were; First district Arthur II. Taylor. I).; Junn-s H. He-menway. it.; Jann-s A. liei.iev, P.; .leitin I , n,.. . ' JOIlll 1,. 1,11-1?!, L. Hretz. James A. Iloye-e-, P. Se-e-onel I).: Colonel A. M. Hm-.lv. R. ; Kllsha A. itigglns, P.; William J. Troul. Pr. Thlrel S. Al. Stoe-kslager, li.; Robert J. Trae-ewe-ll. R.; l-'rain-l Jl. G.n-rle-t. P.; Saniui-1 P. i'hi'lnner, Pr. Fourth V. S. Ilolinan, D. ; James H. Wiilsou, It.; R. Grogg. P.; S. V. Wright, Pr. Fifth George W. Coeiper, I).; ,le-sse ( iverstre-et, It.; L. P. De Turk, P.; Fllhu '. Hark.-r, Pr. Sixth Henry I". Johnson, R.j Thomp son Harris. P.; Robert K. 1!. JJndsev,. I'r ; N. A. Klllol. D. Seventh Wllllii'ni I). Hyntun, .; Charles I. Heme. R.j Thomas S. Fast, P.: H. Jl. nioiint. Pr. Flghlh i:iijah V. Rrookshlre, I).; George W. Fan-is, R. ; Morion C. Ranking. P.; A. W. Jaikman. I'r. Ninth J. Frank Hanelli-y, It.: Alemzo !. Hurkhardl, P. I).; L. Al Crist, I'r. Tenth-.!. A. Hutch, H.J Vale-n- tlne .Immertnun, 1).; S. JL Haihorn. P. Kle-vi-ntli Augiistus .Martin, i.j (!e-orge V. Steele, R. ; A. F. Ite-nson. P.; William r.. i iiamiii rs, rr, i weinn William F. Jli-Nagny, D. ; J. 1 1. Lnlghty, R.; Junn-s 13, Grahnin, Pr. ; Freeman Kelly, P, Thir teenth lwellyn Wanner, b.; L. W Royse, II. : J. W. Forest, P. Republicans have galneel live congress men, certainly, and possibly two more. They elect their state ticket bv 25 (lOO. Ilolinan and Hynum ure both defeated. The legislature is close. IOW.V. lie's Moines, Nov. ft. Iowa elected a Sec retary of Stale, Auditor, Treasurer, At torney General, for terms of tvio years; Supreme- Court Jtielge for a term of six years, Supreme Court Judge for a term of four ycaiOKailroael Commissioner fc)r a term of three years, Supreme Court Clerk ami Supreme Court Reporter for terms of four years, eleven congressmen. The present legislature will elie-t a sue--ce-ssor to l'nlted States Se-nntor James F Wilson, whose term expires March 4, Itos! The candidates for Secretary of State were Horatio F. Dale, Demoe-rat; William M. Jli'Farlatid, present incumbent, Re publican; Bylvanns H. Crane, Populht; Reliuett Mitchell, Prohibitionist. The Vote of Iowa for President In 1SSI2 was' Democratic, l!i,41!'; Republican. -21!:M-Populist, 2u,.V,d: Prohibition, K,:ri7. The vote for Geivernor In 1KH3 was: Demo cratic. 174.7HH; Republle-an, 2o7,ir,9; i'opn llst. 23.III: Prohibition, lil,ln7. The icongi-essonnl candidates were: First ellstrlct-8. Jl. Clark, R.j A. Duckworlh, D.j James (. Iti-ebe, P, Sec onel Walter I. Hayes, D.j Jl. Curtis, it.; Charles A. Lloyel, P. Thlrel David 11. Henen-i-son, h.j Steven ii. Hashor, D. P. Fourth Thomas t'lalegraff, R.; .lames F llabcoek. H.J L. H. Wheller, P.; Jl. II Daley, Pr. Fifth Robert G. Cousins, R.j William P. Daniels, 1).; W. H. Calhoun, P.; J. Al, Hamilton, Pr. Sixth-John F. iMvy, R.; W. H. Taylor, D.J Allen Clark, P.; George Gilchrist, Pr. Seventh John A. T. Hull, R. : R. J. Rancrort, D. P. Eighth William P. Hepburn, R.; Frank y. Stuart, D. P. Ninth A. U Hager, R.j James It. Weaver, D. P.; W, H, Parker, Pr. Tenth J. P. Dolllver, R.j J. C. Maker, D. P. Kleventh George D. Perkins, R.j D. 11. Orseser, D.J Jume-s L. Hurtholo mew, P.: H. T. Sutton, Pr. I-Jnough returns are at hand to Indleato the election of the entire Republican stato ticket by ejO.ooil with the exception of Judge Granger ami II. I. Sallinger, for the supreme court, whose opioueuts were In- Continued on Pago 2. Hero of JobosfouJD Elected Governor fl? Fiilfils Chairman Gilkeson's Prediction of a Plurality That Wotild Exceed Grou)'s. flINES IS DEFEATED Joe Sihlcy Succumbs to the Inroads of Matthew Griswold, Buck.ilcw Is Hcaten by Kulp, Strubinner Is Laid Out by Stable, and Mc (Allien lulls He fore a Six Thousand Plurality for Hal terinaii Details of the Culmination of Pennsyl vania's Great Protection Tidal Wave. TABLE OP STATE PLURALITIES Adams line: Allegheny .. 1.H42' UTi 4').iJ I'.tmet 2,tl! l,Jooj "i'.Wi Mem 1.kV I'.Himi, t .'eOn' Armstrong ., Heaver I fed ford He rks R.Hel 3,."yj 1 I Hair j Hn-.elford .... I Mucks , ltutl.-r Cambria .... 1 Cameron ... . Carbon : Center Chest er ..... I Clarion ' Clearlle-ld .. ; Clinton : Columbia ,. ; Cniwfoiel -.. ),sl i'.'.'.", 77!i, 'L7:i7 2.1W l.oSM t ".174; leiO i.'i'd -, iM"t , iVfloi . 4,si; , 2.. i! , -llltl . Il 2.1. KH) I i uiuoeri.iuil 1 i i- .. j-eueieieiei ,,, ! Delaware .. ! F.Ik Krle Faye-uo .... Fore-st 1.1W l! I'll I Franklin ... I- lllloll Greene ' VI,,,, II... ..In.. :Hi: i,7r- ! lneiinnu .... 321 lii'j! ;), ;t..',inj , 2,I.NI , li.lJlKli , ll.iiXl , 2,rioo' . 2,7'JO , Jell'i-rsoii 117 2,el-b Juniata Lai:kawantui Lanc.'iste-r Miu. Lawrencu U-baiion Leleliih .. Luzerne . Lycoming JlcKe-an . Jle-rcer ,. J.SIIi 2172 2.4iWi 7; 2,410, l,i:it 7-;: swe 1.4JI. roej 2,'eOO t.e ;,ejew( I ' Jlimiu Monroe. -Montgomery ... -Montour Northampton .. Northumberland Perry Philadelphia .... Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Siisipichiiiiiia ... Ti.iga I'nlun Venango Warren Washington .... I..'-K) l.imO 2e)U Km 1W,SN r,uu. 70,uv; eiiee Lntr Una 2.7'l' 110' 2. Sent 'i,2ij 174 l.ma, ":js;V 1.S74 ;i r,44i l.lHNI l.Hl, .'.'Ml 1.2ir leiei 250 ;.7i 'AC. ix:: -Ml! Wayne V e-simoivlllllel , Wyoming York Totals ' Total plurality. i447,li5Tl4i4,: Hi, imii2i,siio, .04 1,'J'i,, 13.S7; "Great Jlajorities" Grow has been eclipsed by "Great Majorities" Hast ings. The voice, of lVtisylvaiila has been heard, ami 1 is uncompromisingly and emphatically for protection and clean government! At midnight, conservative estimates save Hastings 2uo,tnjn plurality. Me car ries Allegheny by 4,000; I'hll.ide-lphla by 70,oeu, and swee-ps all but twelve or thirteen counties. Sibley Is defeated for congresj by Griswiild, in the Craw feird-Ki ie district; JlcCulle-n, D., in Randall's old district, is beaten by Hultcimitu, R., by over O.oou; John Deiseni'ing walks away with Hilly Mines' scalp by 2,5a0 in ohl Lu zerne; Sip Is neatly euchred by A he son: and everything points to the do feu t of Strublnser by Stahle and liuck- iilcw by Kulp, In the Nineteenth and ! Seventeenth districts respectively. I Menu tt l-etllt-nu f ,i ,i,i I !., V.ll,tK l,li,.,,t that If Hart has been successful over Judge Kirkpatrlck it will have been by an exceedingly small plurality. General Frank Reeder still claims Klrktin trick's election. - A special dispatch to The Tribune from Wllkes-Hurre at 1 a. m., says: "Indications all point to the election of John LelsenritiK over William II. Mines for congress by a majority of l,s00. The balance of the Republican ticket is declared elected with lesser pluralities." Incomplete state returns received up to 12.S0 a. m., show a net Republican gain over 1x92 of S0,8!)l. The same ratio of gain would, in the districts yet to hear from, indicate a plurality in the stale for Hastings for governor of at least 200,000. Philadelphia gives Hastings from 65,000 to 75,000 plurality. A special dispatch to The Tribune from Monesdulc says: "Seventeen out of thirty-seven districts heard from in Wayne county show large Republican gains. Hastings' plurality is now 400. Mardenbergh, for state senator, has 700 majority. The balance of the ticket gives Republican candidates from MO to 400 plurality. The entire Republican county, ticket Is elected." A special dispatch to Tho Tribune front WIlkeB-Rarre dated 2.80 njclock says: "The raw, Inclement weather of today did not cause interest In the elec tion to lag. Bright and early the party workers got down to work anil the re- h Complete Returns in Later Etitm, I. 5 i I COUNTIES. 1 s ' ; i '1 i 5 ; I s ! r. Ml'; IN LOZERNE COUNTY suit shows heavy gains fed' the Repub licans throughout the' entire county. Owing to the heavy vote polle-d the re turns were slow tei come In, Feir con gress, tejrty-femr ellslrlcts out or a total of 2,riti give a plurality to Jeehn helst-n- rlng of l.r.nj over W. II. Mines. The balance of the county ticket as far as heard from shows heavy gains lor the Republican candidates, thereby insur ing the election of the entire ticket tit from ,:.00 tei li.OfiO pluralities. For president In the last preside ntial elec tieui Harrison carried Luzerne county by a vote of !!.i":;2 over Clovuland, who received 2.409. Comparing the vote with these figure's shows a net gain by the Republicans of 7:i2. while- the Demo crats ran 177 behind, taking Rhone as having the" largest vote. In upper Le high, the home- of Candidate I.elS'-n-ring, a unanimous vole was given him, w hile in Mr. Mines' own ward where he sheiuW have' received a majority of 40 he falls twenty-seven behind Mr. Slng erly's vote-. The Individuality of both men Is roiisvquently very appiiiviit. Jt Is estimated Lelsenrlitg w ill bury Mines by a inujority ranging between l,H) to 6,on0. "At 3 a. m. the vote Btnod as follows: Congress, Lelsenrlng, 8,204; Mines, l,7"ft. Orphans court Judge, Parte, 2, 7!ii; Ithenie, 2,2(1. l'lothotiotary, Lle wellyn, J.linri; Si-liappert, 2.110. Clerk of ceetiils, Wagner, :i,uu.re; lilco, 2,tfti). Dislrle-t attorney, lll, :;,i:in; o'ltoyle, 1,om4. Jury commissioner, Taylor, :l,u7l; Dohl, 1,87'J." J Voivst t : it Returns. Special lo tin- Se-ranloii Tribune, Forest City, Nov. ii. The vote In the Si-ioiiel war, I rrives :i Re-publleiin liuijor ll.'of'17 over the I lemocrals anel Prohibi tionists on the state- ami county ti. ke-1. The- i-oitnl In the First ward Is not yet compli'te-el, but It is probable- thai the ward will go Itepublle-an by 40 votes. yomittg and Stillhun Safe. Special to the- Scranton Tribune. Tiiiikhanuoi k, Nov. t!. Tiffany. Repub lican, eleeteel tei legislature by 2.MI major ity nverWhe-clcr. Sltzer for Judge, home county, by 2w. Sullivan county claim for Dunham, Republie-an, by 2M, will lnelli-ates election of Republican Jiielge. hchti.m; ix t.i;ok(;iA. One Alan killed and Sex eral W ounded in un Lleetiou Melee. By tho l'nlted Pivss. Augusta, Ga., Nov. !. There were several lights here during the day, one ivsulling in the death of one man and the wounding of several others. In the Fifth ward, which has a large i'optt llsile. vote. John Jl. Ge.ss, one of the i'upullst workers, chnllenged a negro vote. In the difficulty that followed (loss drew his pistol ami a general fust lade of shots followed. Geiss was most instantly kllli-d. Among the wounded were: George Heckle-, marshal of Sununervillc, llesh wounds; Dan Howies, llesh wnunds; Will Roll lei-, seriously injured. All parties were white. Others re ceived sngni cuts ami bruises, negroes and white's lighting em both siele-s. 1IIS VICTIM A L1TTLK GIUL. Negro Suspected of Crime Surrenders to Kseiyo Farmers, liy tho l'nlted Press. West Chester ,ln Nov. 0. An ottt- ragi'ous assault was made upon Fran ces 1. Greggs, It Is alleged, by Isaac, i W'oodburn, it colored man. Frances is ' only 14 years old and resides with the family of Jlrs. Klleu Given, at North brook. While alone in the- bouse she was assailed, she says, by Woodburn. When the negro heard the angry threats of the farmers in the neighbor heieid, after the news had spread, he was so badly frightened he surrendered toOonstuble O. W. 1 linked, who brought him to Jail last night. MAX ANT) WIFE MURDERED. The Outcome of a Polltlcul light In Indian Territory. Ry the t'nlted Press. Purls, Tex., Nov. 6. The news was received this morning of the foul mur der of Dixon Irwin and his wife In bed at their home in Cedar county, Choc taw Nation, Saturday night. Dixon was n prominent adherent of tho Ijocke faction, and the murders are believed to have been on account of politics. ' China Sues for Peace. Loinlon, Nov. 0. The foreign offiVe, In response to lniUlrle-s, i-onilrms Ihe report that the Chinese government has reiiucHt eel the powers having Immeellate com mercial Interests at stake to Intervene for the purpose- of securing a settlement of the war with Japan. bullet in Ills breast. F,rh Pa., Nov. fi. James Caullln, Nickel Plato telegraph operator at Swiss Vallev station, was foutiel deml In the of fice toilny, with a biille-l through his brenBt. Hn had often threatened his life. Complete Returns in Later Edition. Till: NEXT CONGRESS. R Will He Kepublican by a Safe Working -Majority. Relow will be found a tabulated sum mary of the congressional returns freim the various states. In Pennsylvania the Democrats are given four congress- : men, but the probability Is that they ' will have to be content with one. At 3 o'clock Mart's defeat was claimed by I Kirkpatrlck and Sibley's by Orlswolel. Brumm carries Schuylkill by 4.0H0. I Rep. Demi Peep i .. i .. ie 2 ,. 1 .. 1 :t l l 3 10 1 l li; u .. S 5 10 1 7 .. 2 2 !l :i 4 3 4 11 2 12 7 .. ., ., 7 n 12 t .. .. T .. 1 1 - 11 2 21 in ,. .. ' 9 .4 1 .. 1.". U I x 1 .. 1 u I 2' .. .. I 4 t! I -; ; ! I " - I -i :: :: I 7 a l A labH ma Arkansas California Coloraelo Connecticut Delaware , Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maim- Maryland Massachusetts Jllehlgan .Minnesota Mississippi .Missouri .Montana Nebraska Ni-vaela New Hampshire New Jersey. ...j New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Ore-gon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington ............ West Virginia I Wisconsin Wyoming Total 20", ' 14.'. A CI. I B KOOKKEKPF.R (iOM,. llu Pocketed the .Members' Hues and Changed the Accounts. By the t'lilted Press. New York, Nov. 6. Bookkeeper Louis I M. Ryeis. of the Brooklyn club. Is, it is j alleged, a defaulter to the extent of $7,d"H or more. On Friday last it was suspected that there was a shortage in his accounts, anil an expert ae-colintant was set to weirk 011 the books. Ryeis disappeared and has not been seen or he'll 1 11 of since. Me had been bookkeeper fed' the club j for nearly ten years, and was implicit ly trusted.1 Of late yeiil'D he paid all the' bills, banked all the money and re ceived the tne-nib'-rs' fi-os. JU) III HUMS' TOOK XVIMiS. Hank n nJ Jewelry House Play Lacli Other as Creditors in Vuin. i By the United Tress. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. C After operat- ! Iiifr similar swindles In New Orleans I and Chlcagei, Oscar St. Clair and T. IT. j Ashteen have fled from here, leaving j in the luri-h all their employes of the I banking linn of J. Otis Stevens & ( V. and the Ashtou Jewel company. Ash- I teen managed both, and tried to make ! Jewelry purchases in New York, nam ing the bank as His Jewell'' firm's back- i e-rs, anel endeavored lo buy expensive bunking llxtuivs here, nanilnif the Jew ell y heiimu as backer of the bunk. Sl'IC.lDi: OF A SALESMAN. I- A. Iiinniuett Hangs Himself in u Pitts- burn Hoarding House, ' Ry the Vnlted Tress. Pittsburg, Nov. li. L. A. Dumtnett, a sali'snuin for an eastern camly manu factory, who has been in Pittsburg for two lneinths, committed suicide by hanging In his room at the home of -iljjohn 0'lo)inell, No. 1 l'ride street, h I .Mrs. O'Dotinell found him suspended by I a roiie from a nail driven in the wall, j Mis hands were grasping the rope, as if ! he had repented of his deed when too late to save himself. Dumiuott was Til years old. Xo cause fejf the d eel Is known. KI'YSTOXi: VIGM-TTLS. Lancaster's pullet! census shows a popu lation of :W,led. Falling timbers In n Mahanoy City initio kllle-el Jlie-liai-1 Ke-elusky. Thlives Steele ?.ii worth of clothing from Peter Faust's store, at Wutsontown, A ellvlele-nil of la per cent, was deedared to creelilors of the defunct Cony N i- te....nl 1.....L' t t',',-i. I no OOIIV Ol llu llllHlie.ll lieaei n-,r fouiiel by the! rallroiiel track near Hath ami muree-r Is suspei-ted.. A stable belonging to Contractors Dooth & Finn, I'ltlsbiirg. cnllapse'el ami William Garhart was fatally hurt. The charter of the Knights of Jlaltil lodge at lialh, Northampton county, him been revoked for Insubordination. At lit risk of her own life .Mrs. Au gustus Swavely, near lilrelshoro, rescued all ihe live stock from a burning burn. CARLE CHATTER. Gladstone's translation of "The Odf of Horace" will be issued la London today. Hovns In Jliulagascar have replied that they won't submit to France, unless fore-eel to. Thousainls at Nuremberg celebrateel the four huinlreiith anniversary of the birth of Hans Sai'lis, the German poet. Ons year's Imprisonment ami a lino of IjMiiii were tmposeel upon Gcrault Rle-haril In Purls for publishing an Insult to Pres lelent Caslmlr Perler. The steamship Ri-rlln, Just arrived al Southampton, hue! the stormiest voyage across the Atlantic that her captain hail expericliceel since 1S77. Thlrel OIHeer Hromlev was washed ove-rbemnl ami two sailors West! biully Injured by tri-menilous seas. ERO.M WASHINGTON. Germany Is said to be dissatlslle-d with postal union rates. Freelerle-k Fitzgerald, a nephew of Col onel Samuel Coll, of Hartford. Conn., was appointed consul at Cognac, Fiance. President Cleveland has commuted te Imprisonment for life Ihe seiitunen of Au gustus Ji-nklns, convicted of murder In the Distrle-t of Columbia, anil sentenced to be hanged this month. The treasury department has liberally e-onstrueel paragraph 1 of the new tariff and directed that window glass piuk-st In cases of el feet square anil multiples thereof be admitted tei entry, FOOT It ALL YESTERDAY. The Cornell university eleven elefe-aled the Crescents of Hrooklyn yesterday by a si-ore of 22 to 0. The Franklin nnd Jiurshiil Foot Pall team at Uini-aster yesterday afternoon defeated the Rutgers' college team by tho score of ON to 4. WEATHER REPORT. For custom Pennsylvania, partly clotnly: slight change In temperature; west winds, becoming variable. Complete Keturns in Later Edition,. INLETS SPECIAL n MM u For this wci'k v will utkr some Kxtraiinlinarj Vaiuos in White and Colored Blankets WE MENTION A FEW SPECIAL LOTS: mo pairs 10-4, white, iit 4 (?, mo pairs iu-., white, at 75('. Ultd ?S('. 1 50 pairs, 11-4, at Jj!.H5.. 40 pairs, all wool, 11-4, at 3.'2-" 511 iiairs, all wool, 11-4, at 4.5l Oo pairs, all wool, Cali fornia Hlankets, 11-4 ami U-4, at $,),$(( and Itf These are all New Goods and the pricei are inaraiitecd the lowesfl ever ollereil, NEW LIXE 01 ' BATH ROBE BLANKETS, . DOUBLE FACE CLQAKINGS, EIDERDOWNS, ETC., ETC. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye. MINERS' OIL CLOTH !N0 Wholesale and Retail, H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street, Telephone, No. 4633. Couldn't hurt much more than an uncomfortable shoe. Our "KOR RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy. CORK SOLES In Calf and Cordivan are just what you want for Fall and Winter. 114 Wyoming Avenue. ii in ftwi BUY YOUR PRESENTS OF W. J. WEICHEL, JEWELER, 408 SPRUCE STREET, Arid get checks ou that beau tiful Piauo to he given away Christmas week. N, B. Repairing of Fine Watches a specialty, 1 XL isllilis