Vr S. THE SCItANTOy TlUliUXK TUESDAV MORNING, XOVEMBEli G, 1894. Coaks Jackets Capes, comprising inauy original and exclusive styles, whieh can be found in our Cloak Department Experienced sales-persons sire at hand, and no purchaser is al lowed to leave our establishment unless suited in the latest styles and faultless tit. Wc recognize the truth of the saying, "A Well-Pleased Custer Is the Best ' Advertisement." Ladies', Misses' and Children's' We have written a warning story be fore about this alNimportant article of dress; 'pirhaps you did not take our advice but paid a large doctor's bill in stead, (jarnients of all sizes, weaves and kinds till the shelves of our exten sive Underwear Department. Union suits, ladies' sanitary underwear, Aus tralian lamb's wool garments, long and short slceves.anything you can possibly w ant in underwear can be had here. MILLINERY Prettily Trimmed Felt Hats, $3, $3.50, $4.50, $5. Knowing the .character of our work you will hardly believi such prices possible. V. CHILDREN'S HEADWEAR x l or boys.girls and infants. Cor. , ,reet sorts at popular prices. KID ( LOVES, ' IIANMEHCHIEFS, COKSETS, ETC. ; GORMAN'S Grand Depot. 412 Spruce St., Scranton. Dr. Reeves la wt fully established at 412 Spruce? street, Scrunton. He lias per formed some wonderful cures and hag Rained the confidence of the public. He lias come to STAY and will remain PElt MANENTLY at his Soruce street oarlors. He has had long and varied experience In hospital and private practice and treats all acute and chronic ulseuses of men, wo- men ana ennaren. Ha alvea advice, ser. ;Free of Charge vices and examinations No one is turned away. He. with his assistants, treat all dis eases of the rirvous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature wanness or uecay id Dotn sexes, nervous aeolllty, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tolns, blood poisoning, fits, epilepsy, in' discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula. St. Vitas' dance. asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, wiuiivb, umuuer, Mtvinm-n. ecu. FEMALE DEPARMENT. The doctor has opened a female depart' tnent exclusively for females, so that those yhom "delicacy" has heretofore . kopt tvway may now receive the services of a "lady" whose treatment will prove her Ability In all cases. OFFER TO THE FUBLIC FOR "CATARRH." Any onb suffering with "Catarrh" who wishes to be PERMANENTLY and QUICKLY cured may receive FOUR MONTHS' TREATMENT FOR ONLY TEN DOLLARS. This offer holds good lor imny uays. ino aocior nas cliseov ored a SPECIFIC for this dreaded dls ease, loil can treat and cure yoursof find family with it at home. It never juiiM io cure, a irini treatateuc rree. . Otftco hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. puiiuv.1 iv u uiiu a 10 Tako elevator in Christian's hat store, or sieps. Remember the name and number, DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. CARPETS Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, 1 Window Shades and .Wall Paper. All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis .419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. (our doora above Wyoming House. TIUHI'NE BULLETINS. The Tribune tonight will bulletin all t'lectldn rot urn 8 upon an Immenne Hereon by mcan.i of a powerful gtoreoptlcon. Vr riiiigoiiientB have been completed Ho set prompt telegraphic service by special wire. jSead The Tribune tomorrow for the belt und fulleni ejection news. DR. REEVES NEWS OF THIS 11IY CAU1JONDALE. On Sunday the new library In the Hereon Baptist Sunday school was ipened. Thellbrarycontains337 volumes of very entertaining as well as very helpful books. Walter Bennett, of Spring street, spent Sunday In Scranton. On Friday evening of this week at '.30 a cottage prayer meeting will be hold at the home of Herman Faatz, No. 1 Klrkett street. Miss Carrie L. Oeary, leader. Singing will bu from Gospel Hymns, No. 5. Oscar "Wanocott, of' Riehmondale, passed the Sabbath In Carbondale. Mrs. E. M. Peck 1 Uniondale, where she has been called by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Hiram Ledyard. C. V. Estabrook mado a business trip to Scranton yesterday. Frank Stoutlnger left last evening for a brief stay In New York city. Miss lona Tyler, of Forest City, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Helen, the 4-year-old daughter of Mrs. Alexander Herbert,., died yesterday morning at' her home on Mill street. Funeral will be held this morning. On Sunday night at 7 o'clock the spirit of Charles Rogers, of boring street, took Its flight for. the world beyond. Deceased was 66 years of age and Is survived by his wife and four children, who are: Howard, of White Haven: George, of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. Charles M. Drlggs, of White Haven, and Mrs. A. L. Derry, of Elizabeth, N. J. Funeral services will be held In this city" Wednesday morning at 9.45 In the Presbyterian church, after which the remains will be taken to White JIaven for interment. W. P. Frank made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. A meeting of the trustees of the Alumni Athletic association was held on Saturday evening, and the following officers were elected: President, 1). L. Crane; secretary, John U. Brldgctt; treasurer, J. E. Brennan; manager of the new park, Fred Forbes. Herrlck Center, a few miles north of this city, was visited during Saturday forenoon by a snow storm, and in the afternoon about 4 o'clock it struck this city. Sunday after Sabbath school exer cises were over In the Baptist school a committee was appointed with M. F. Nye chairman to make arrangements for the Christmas celebration In that church. Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle, of South Main street, ure mourning the death of their Infant daughter, Maud, who died Saturday night of diphtheria. Funeral was held Sunday afternoon. Interment was nmde in St. Hose cemetery. Announcement is made of the coming marriage of John P. Challls to Miss F.llie O'Connor, both of Carbondale. The event will occur on Wednesday, Nov. 21, In St. Rose church at 4.30 p. m, Miss Anna Moyles, of Scranton, spent Sunday In this city. Mrs. William Wolcott, of Dixon Hill, is the guest of Scranton relatives. Miss Myrtle lllatkwell, of Wilkes- Barre, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. A. Wonacott, of Durte avenue. Will Henderson, employed as driver at the Pioneer Steam laundry, Is off duty on account of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins are guests of Mr. und Mrs, Charles Hurt- man, of Jeffrey street. The Republican club having chosen for their headquarters this evening the second story of the Odd Fellows build ing on Salem avenue, had a wire placed In there yesterday morning, and they will have an operator who will receive the complete Associated Press dis patches. These privileges will be for exclusive pleasure of the club which has a membership of about L'Ou. The Lackawanna club are to receive election returns tonight at their rooms In the Municipal building by special wire. Those wishing to vote for Charles A. Kase, the Republican candidate fur common councilman from the Third ward, Bhould not forget to write his name at the bottom of the last column of the sheet, as his nomination was made too lute for his name to be printed on the official ballot. The out-of-town persons who at tended the funeral of the late Alfred Jones on Sunday were Mrs. William Reed, of Philadelphia; Miss Edith Smith, of Mooslc; Mr. and Mrs. II. Will iams, of Bellevue; Mr. and Mrs. John Reese, Mr. and Mrs. John Steed, of Peckvllle, and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ward, of Blakely. Election oltlccru are hereby notified that a plan has been discovered to chaniro tho marka on Republican bullotu. The rlrut person caught doing that uhould be in Btantly arrested. With a free ballot and a fair count the whole Itepubllcan ticket will win. Let no guilty man escape. JIALLSTEAD. William Pike, of thla place, the pri vate secretary for Hon. Galusha Urow, was In Bingliamton on Saturday. Hon. Jumc-.s T. DuBuls, of Washing ton, D. C, Is In town. Mlus Clara Truesdell, of Blnghamton, Is stopping with Airs. Hose Dayton, on Main street. ' C. J. Langley, the popular and hust ling grocc-rymarU Iff this city, YiV.s among the visitors to the Parlor City yesterday. The Odd Fellows' banquet, held at their rooms u few evenings ago, was a very enjoyable event. The musical pro gramme was enjoyed by all present, especially the guitar playing by Miss Carrie Burns, who Is destined to be come a very fine musician. Mrs. M. P. Currier Is visiting her sis ter In Huckcttstown, X. 3. Miss Alice Watermun is visiting friends in Susquehanna. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bernstein expect to leave here Friday for a visit In Xew York city. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It sooths the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the bcBt remedy for di arrhea. Bold by druggists In every part nf the world, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-llvo cents a bottle. 0LYPJIANT. Mrs. Ellzubeth Humphrey, wife of tho late John Humphrey, died at her home on Delaware street Sunduy morning, of heart fullure. Mrs. HumpTirey was a well known and highly respected rest dent of this place. She was born In Wales and was. about VC years of age. The funeral will occur tomorrow after noon at 1 o'clock. Services will be held In the Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist church. Interment will be made In the ltldue cemetery. ' She Is survived by four Children, Mrs. -Thomas Weaver, Mrs. Samuel Parry, Mrs. Edward Mor ris and Oeonre Humphrey. Tho town was In dnrknass last night owing to a break In the water main that supplies the plant. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Longacker, of Hyde Park, spent Sunday with the latler's mother on Luckawannu street.'' Mra. Crans. of WateitOwn. N. J., Is the guest of Dr. Crans iiud. wife, of this place. . Hon. A. F. McNulty will remove his family to Archbald tomorrow, where they will take up their residence. TRIBUNE BULLETIN'S. Tho Tribune tonight will bulletin all election returns upon an Immense screen by means of a powerful stercoptlcon. Ar- rnngemeutB have been completed to set prompt telegraphic service by special wire. Read The Tribune tomorrow for1 the best and fullest election news. TAYLOR. Mr. Dibble, of Windsor, N. Y., is Vis iting his brother, Charles J ut his home on Grove street. There will be revival services every night this week, with the exception of Saturday, at the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. F. A. King will conduct the meetings. , Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. Waters, of Dun more, called on Mrs. Waters' parents, Mr. ami Mrs. William H. Gordon, on asnington street. Night school will commence tonight In this place. VY. I Van Buaklrk Is visiting his mother on Main street. Mr. Vun Bus ltlrk Is a student at the Philadelphia Dental college. The pie social that whs to be held by the Christian Endeavor society of tho Methodist Episcopal church on Friday evening has been postponed one week. The prospects of a big Republican majority in this borough at the election today are very favorable, and judging from present indications and the amount of Interest taken, there will be a large vote cast. A number of candl dates from both parties lliave been working zealously during the campaign to procure the support and votes of our citizens. The Republican workers have awakened renewed Interest In the breasts of the Republican Voters, and have caused them to comprehend the necessity of casting their ballots for protection and the future welfare and prosperity of the country, at the same time dealing a crushing blow to Dem ocracy und the men who have plunged the country into Its present serious and deplorable condition. Every Re publican should see that his vote is properly cast for the men who will carry out his cherished principles. The polls are open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. The German element of Taylor bor ough has successfully organized a new hose company at Taylor, which will be known as the 'JFirst German Hose com pany. Thirty members have already been enrolled and an appeal Is being made to the residents of the borough for assistance In promoting the com pany, which will meet a requirement that has been felt for some time. FOREST CITY. John Matey was a Scranton visitor yesterday. The J W.. Macready Opera company left yesterday for Plymouth. II. O. Likely and George J. Benton, of Carbondale, were the guests of friends in this place Sunday. Miss Orace Bonner, elocutionist and violinist, will give a grand entertain ment In Maxey's hall Wednesday even ing, Nov 14. Adinlsion, adults, 15 cents It Is expected that a large vote will be polled In this place today, and, of course, It will show a lurge ltepublican gain when the votes are counted. "Humpty Dumpty" was given at the Opera House last evening. It was well received. The Republicans held n grand rally last Saturday evening In Maxey's hull The Purest City Cornet band made their first apearance in their new uniforms, which are very handsome. The band marched up Main street to the hull und gave several selections In the hall 'Squire W. J. Maxey was chairman of the evening. Attorney L. P. Wedeman was introduced and made a brief but excellent speech. The principal speaker of the evening was then introduced, John E. Pox, of Harrlsburg. He spoke at considerable length on the history of the political and other issues of the day. He was interrupted by frequent ap pluuse during the course of his speech It was a splendid address. DUCKXELLNOIKS. W. M. Bunnell is recovering under the efficient care of Dr. Oearhart. We are glad to hear that Captain Kauffman, ut the -Lackawanna hos pital in Scranton, in getting along fine ly and Is expected home this week. The new registrar's offlce on the first floor of west wing Is nearly done and the registrar will Boon change his quar ters. Mls3 Grace and Robert Sllfer enter tained a company" of young friends at their home on Saturday evening. The repairing of the gymnasium from the loss occasioned by the recent lire will begin this week. The foot ball team were very much disappointed on Friday, when they were about Itot board the train for Gettysburg to pluy a match game there, to receive a telegram which an nounced that the game was cancelled. This looks as If "Getty" lacks pluck. NEW 3IILF0UD. Dennis Bliay died at his home on Fi t day night. Mr. Shay was nearly 70 years of age, very wldtMy known and very ihluhly esteemed. He leaves a large family of prosperous children and a host or friends to mourn his death Enoch Smith, of Montrose, was call ing on friends In town last week.. Dr. S. 8. Snyder, of Blnghamton, was looking after patients . In thisr pUice Saturday. Attorney W. D. B. AIney, of Mon trose, upent Sunday with his parents In this place. . Attorney A, B. Smith, of Montrose, i . . i , a temperance service was held at the Methodist Episcopal church last L. I). Cronee, of this place, visited friends In blnghamton Saturday. Several cases of whooping cough are reported In this section. 110NESDALK. , Rev. and Mrs. Juhn N. Lewis left for New York yesterday morning for sev eral day's visit. Adam Metzgar, Jr., Is home for a few days. v xne leacners or v ayne county are here In full force to attend the, annual institute. Everything indicates a very Interesting and Instructive session. The 'enlng programme Is attractive and varied, and should command the attention of the people of Honcsdale. The first snow of the Beason fell yes terday. There was a heavy rain and it was much colder than for the pnst two weeks, r . FECKVILLE. A meeting will be held at the Ldyard hall next Frlduy evening for the pur pose of organising a lire company. The employes of the Grassy Island Delaware and Hudson breaker will be paid today. . ... . . Windsor Porter desires to thank, through this paper, all those who so ably assisted In saving his house from the Are last Thursday morning. A party was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Dolph, on -Main street, last Friday evening, In, honor of their daughter Blanches eighteenth birthday. Games were indulged in un til a late hour, when refreshments were served. Miss Dolph was given an ele gant chair and other numerous preu ents. The following were present: Misses Grace Hart, Sudle Warfel, Rob ert Sykes, Claude Dagly, of Scranton; Miss Jennie Morgan, of Dickson; Misses Mattle Pickering, Maggie Williams, Stella Arnold, Emma Barnes, Jennie Williams, Grace Olivers, Agnes Will iams, Ella Couzens, Jessie Hoffeck er, Marguret Williams, Blanche Cool, Lottie Powell, Cassie Williams, Frank and Charles Pickering. Edmond Will iams, Richard Reese, Robert Craig, Francis Ham, Herbert James, Florence Swingle, James Lewis, Allle Snyder, Roy Wldeman, Thomas Johnson, Herb ert Jones, Robert Frew, Joseph Reese, John Jones and Arthur Wlddowfleld. David E. Stearns Is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. William Dougherty, of Carbondale. circulated among friends here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Peck, of Buf falo, are visiting the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peck. The Tribune carriers will be In pos session of extra copies tomorrow morii' ing with full returns of election. Lieutenant James G. Stevens post 304, Grand Army of the Republic. meet3 Nov. 7, It being the regular meeting for nomination of olflcers for the ensuing year; also Inspection night. Comrades are all urged to be present In full uni form. By order of Commander Z. P, Travlss. PR1CEBUKG Bryan Fallon and James Twlss were In Scranton yesterday. John R. Jones' special car passer through town yesterday, and he was saluted by a large number of Republl cans. Mrs. Thomas Arthur Is confined to the house by a sprained back. Messrs. Loftus and Gray, the Peo ple's candidates, were In town Sunday. Hon. John P. Kelly was In town Sun day. Pay day at Storrs' today. A petition against the division of the borough Into wards wus filed in court yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, of Duryeu, vis Ited Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Hara Sun,' day. MAYF1ELI). T. Raddlgan visited Scranton yester day. Professor Klsllng arrived yesterday and will tuke charge of the Maylleld schools today. Indications point to a full vote here today. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bergan and son visited Carbondale friends Sunday. C. S. Hoyt and H. J. DeUraw wit nessed "In His Power" ut the Grund Opera house, Carbondale, lust night. Every voter should do his duty to day. Vote the straight Republican ticket and help secure a return of pros perity. P. Bennett has secured a position with the Traction company. Night school was opened at the May- field public school building last night. DUMEA. Peter A. O'Boyle, of Plttston, Demo cratic candidate for district attorney, called on friends here Sunday. Miss Anna Jones, who has been slightly indisposed for the past few days, Is improving. O. b. Richards has accepted a posi tion us Keneral traveling ugent fur the Wugner Rubber company, with whom he hus been employed for the past two years. v A l'rcqucnt Outing. From Harper's liazar. 'My husband und I never have a dis cussion before the children. If I see a quurrel coming on we always send them out." 'I thought I had seen them in the street very often.". GREAT BANKRUPT SALE OF .Fine (Tothing LW F BN WW PflP FTP Bought at The stock of the Hyde Park Hat and Clothing Stors was bought by us, and will be sold in their store at a great sacrifice. IN THEIR STORE, 114 SOUTH MAIN AVENUE. And will last two weeks only, Come early and secure the these Big1 Bargains in Clothing and Furnishings Bows' Boys' Pants, 15c. Their 2 for 25c. Our Price, 65c. . .t SOLD BY THE Sale at Hyde Park Hat and Clothing Store 114 S. Main Avenue. 230 . SIGN OP THE Look for the Sign: Geo. 11. VietterUh The Plain Facts Are mat l nave had Catarrh 10 Year. No catarrh cure did me any good, but Hood's Bar Hood' s Sarsa parilla aparllla helped me wonderfully. My head l llnnt'l,l Sanaa nf .......II 7ures returning. Hood's Sur- VTiy ,iaLA, IV who u worm ol log. -Ueokue I' Id of good for Thai Tired Feci. 1. JJIfcTTKRUH. Hobb e.Fx Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle, tso THE BUNT k 111 CO., UaKotacicrieus' Aoexts ron TRENTON IRON COS WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & CO.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S MERCHANT BUR IRON. . REVERE RUBBER C0:3 BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A.B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEIKENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest la the City. The latest improved furnish ings anil apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a litllav, r , if. Well Man t,vfs 1 Kth rkav of Me. THE WHEAT 30th lOV. produces the abovo renults In 30 iliiys. It art! powerfully and quickly. Cures wbeu oil others tail Vouus men will n-jaln their lost maubooU.sud old men will recover their youthful vmor by using KK VI VO. It quickly and surely rentoreB Iiervoua- ncu, Lost vitality, Iiupoiency. Nightly Lmlssionu, Lott Power. Falling Mi raory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects ot self-ubuso or excess and indiscretion, which UDllta one (or study, business or marriage. It not only cures by stsrtiuc at the seat ot disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring lrg back the pink clow to rale cheeks and ro storing tho (Ire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no other. It can be carried la vest pocket. By met), 1 .00 per package, or six (or 63.00, wltb posl tlvo written guarantee to care or refund tno money, circular tree. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL For sale by Matthews Bros., Drvtrcle Scranton . l a 1) I1UIUJ Sheriff's Sale. as we must vacate the store. best. x on can t afford to miss Suits, T 1 l Boys' aists, Price,, f 1.50. 2 for 25C. Sale atHvde Park Hat and ClothingvStore Lack. Ave. BEU ' Main Avenue. Mr. dir not.frtikr4 fl A 'T.-rr'yJ BY, 11 BANKRUPT SALE. g"1, .- - LEADERS OF tg - I i i I. 1 The Kir 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. est- J3 SPECIAL ATTENTION (I u THE FINEST IN B I ll I fill III " r GRAND - DISPLAY This Week. GRAND Fall Openin UUMiUilUUMUUUUU Chenille Table Covers 6-4 Chenille Cover, $1.00 each; reduced from $1.25. We also carry the 4-4 and S-4 sizes. Chenille Draperies All endless line of patterns. The low. prices will as tonish yon. , Japanese Screens Black and Gold, White Cloth Screens. Unfilled Oak Screen Oak Tables 75c., 90c, $1.25, $1.50 Great Bargains. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 Branch at Carbondale. NOVEMBER Has set in after mopping our brow and giving -our , sleeves an extra roll we are aiming to make a record for the eleventh month of the year. Our first floor has been improved in an artistic way; This store has al ways been open to you as a place for sightseeing now more so than ever. Salesmen- are here at your request only,. Our aisles (of which there are many) are the public avenues. PRICES You can get a better quote a few for your consideration: $20 Bedroom Suits, $15.00 23 28 35 40 50 17.00 i( i( (i ii c; 20.00 2G.00 30.00 39.00 CARPETS. 35-cont Carpet at 28 cents 50-ci.t Carpet at 42 cents 05-ccnt Carpet at 50 cents STOVES. Tl, I...- 1.. .1 ..... I - 1 lit uiuitia 111 nun Ull'tll luiirui ACORN." "OTHELLO." "HOME show a couinlete line of Heating Stoves. Our Peerless Credit System will enable you to make your home the best place 011 earlll. Money not required: in fact so little it's -not to be consid ered when compured with the comforts that can be secured at our establishment. REMEMBER THAT ( LOCK, with ,s purchases. THOSE DINNER SETS, with $75 purchases. Former patrons oflered special inducements. f--'" 1 TTtrf-irn sin mi inn-'- " ti.iiumiiiimis.ssi i LOW PRICES..: :. - cS IS CALLED TO OUR 1 SCRANTON. i 3 and Gold and Ught Colored Frames S1. AO EACH and $2.50 each. These are LACKA. AVE. idea of these by inquiring, but below we $12 Sideboards at $ 0.75 15 ll.i IS 13.50 1G.50 10.50 25 85-cent Carpet at TO cents $1.00 Carpet at 85 cents iU.. hwf. tic fullnuv "Till' PKVV uic iuv mii - - ....... SINSMXE" and "SENATOR." -We also i av jjl.111 1 M )