THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER Gl 1894. The true A pure crenm of tartar powder. "Pure" manuiacturcr: more FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned lit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. ACKAWANNA THE iAUNDRY. S3 Potrn Avo. A. B. WAR MAN. IF YOU Want Carpets, Draperios, Wall Paper or Window Shades Come to Ds. We haye a Foil Line of Goods, and Onr Prices Are Very Low. 1HH1TV I27 WYOMING AVE. CITY-NOTES. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur dflv 9n. m There will be a moetlnir of the rnnnii liters of the Florence mission at 1U o'clock this morning. The ladles of the Penn Avenue TJnptUt church will give a turkey dinner ami sup per In the uhureh parlors Thursday, Nov. 15. A mothers' .meeting will be held Tues day, Nov. 8, at Z p. m. in the Woman's Christian Temuerance union room. Clo Green lildge street. A meeting of the Green Ridge Womnn's Christian Temperance unlo:i will he new Hi lin lui'iun, mil iiirvii iviugo miui-i, at. u ... i... . i-ifr .......... ... o o'clock this afternoon. N Mrs. Margaret Johnson filed a discon tinuance yesterday of her action agahiMt the Scranton Traction company, huving . received uu in setucmeni. , ' Alderman Wright certilled over 200 pen ' Blotters' forms yesterday. The pensioners of the Philadelphia section, which Includes Scranton, will receive their pay In a few days. Morris J: Andrews was yesterday ap pointed Judge of election of the Kirst dis trict of the Seventeenth ward to till the vacancy caused by tho Illness of A. It. Foote. The Young Men's Institute will hold a social session at its rooms on Lacka wanna avenue tonight, at which elec tion returns, both local and general, will be received. A roll call of the members of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church will be held tomorrow night. Communlcotlons ha've been received from almost all of the MM members, some of whom aro traveling abroad. Mr. Starr, who comes here under the ausHpices or the Kpworth league, will also deliver a lecture on "Child Saving" In the Albright Library building Friday, Nov. 9, at 4.30 p. m. AdmlHston free. All are cordially invited to attend. The third annual ball of the Motormen and Conductors' association will bo held at Turner hall on Nov. 14. James K. O'Boyle Is chairman of the hall commit tee and every effort Is being made to en sure tho success of the evening. Tho 'Woman's Christian Temperance linlnn nrlll mnot nl S n m tiilm, In llin In.- VI ture room of Kim Park church. The dele gates to the late state convention will he present and give reports of said conven tion. Come and bring your frlendB. All are welcome. Caroline and Daniel Kullman yesterday brought actions In trespass agalnHt the Wllkes-Barreand Scranton Railroad com , pany to recover dumages for Injuries done their properties by the alleged encroach ing of the road on the channel of tho Lackawanna river. The Scranton Turnvereln held Its third annual ball at their hall last evening, when about 150 people were present and spent an enjoyable evening. The foliow- .. ing committee had charge of the ar rangements: li. Oorden, C. Stalber, H. I Voekroth, T. Qulnanand, S. Conn. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by Clerk of the Courts Thomas to Isaac T. Sehappell, Scranton, and Eliza J. Proper, Archbald; China Buraon ami Pelachl Malsko, Mayflelil; Stephen Tifok and Julia Kurom, Prleeburg; Michael Coyle and Bridget McOrath, Scranton, A special meeting of the members of the Young Women's Christian association will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. All the members are urged to attend as business of Importance will be presented. Tho sing ers of the association are Invited to como at 7.30 for rehearsal of convention music. The regular monthly meeting of the board of managers will occur Wednesday at 9.30 a. m. Professor C. R. Wells, of Syracuse, Is making a systematic visitation of the city schools and Is supervising the natural method. of handwriting which was Intro duced into the schools last year.. He will meet the teachers In different sections of the city to discuss the same question with them. Yesterday he met the teachers of the central city, today at 4 o'clock he will meet the West Side teachers, tomorrow the North End teachers and on Thursday at the same hour the teachers of the South Side section. A meeting of the auditing committee of councils was held last evening when a large number of bills were examined and approved. i A. M, Wagner presented an account of $30 to the commlttoe, for Sprinkling Mulberry street around the city hall for three months. Questioned as to who had requested or authorized him to do the work, he said that the first month he did the sprinkling without or ders, and after that he thought they would recognize his work and pay him. He was not paid, the matter being re ferred to the mayor and other gentle men. Gentlemen's Driving club races Satur day, 2 p. m. . Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark ling, at Lohman's, Spruce street. $100.00 to $1.00. ' Those peoplo betting that way should obtain money at Davldow UroB'. banking establishment. . , I am prepared to receive a limited num ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., ad dress Richard V. Lindsay, 822 Mulberry Street. pr at Powell's Music Store. iifl S and "Sure;! composition is published on every label, information not given by other1 You know what you are eating when you use Cleveland's. FOR THE FLORENCE MISSION. The Donations Recently Received by That Institution. The Florence mission wishes to ac knowledge the kindness of friends as follows: Mrs. Joseph A. Scranton, Mrs. Olllver, Avoca; Mrs. John Jenkins, Mrs. tten fhaw, Mrs. McKlnney, Mrs. E. N. Wil lard, Mrs. J. G. McAskle, Mrs. W. K. Mi-Lave, Mrs. R. O. Brooks, Mrs. Simon Klt-e, Mrs. Edith White, Mrs. Ilk-hard Matthews, Mrs. W. F. Hallstead, Mrs. A. P. McDonnell, Mrs. V. W. Mason, Mrs. H. M. Koies, Miss HnBtle, Avof.a; Miss li. L. Uronson, Miss Zelda Slovens, Miss Crown, Hubert Oliver. W. II. Pierce, K O. Coursen, P. B. Flnloy, A. R. Raub, Williams & McAnulty, Will lam T. Hnckott, R. H. Fretir, Mrs. Charles Von Storch, Mrs. George W. Finn, the Misses Finn, Mrs. L. U. Pow ell, Mrs. Frank Merrlfleld, Mrs. W. II. Taylor, Bible society, Mrs. A. K. San derson, John Clelland, Coursen & dem ons, Goldsmith Bros., Kerr & Slebecker, Sarah Howley, William A. L. Waters, Mrs. H. S. Smith, James Archbald, Miss NettleUm, children of public schools No. 27 and 28, children of Miss Oer ricky's school, children of Mls3 Worces ter's school, dally papers, Republican, Tribune and Times, Bible society, Con rad Milk company, Mrs. Frances B. Swan, Mrs. E. B. Sturges. TRIBUNE BULLETINS. The Tribune tonight will bulletin all election returns upon an Immense screen by means of a powerful stereoptlcon. Ar rangements have been completed to net prompt telegraphic service by special wire. Read The Tribune tomorrow for the best and fullest election news. ERECTION OF A NEW CHURCH. Members of the Calvary Reformed Church Have Awarded tho Contract. The building; committee of the Cal vary Reformed church held a meeting on Saturday evenljj, when the contract for erecting the new church was awarded to B. F. Diemi at the sum of $G,595. The church has progressed materi ally, sufficiently so to urge the members to build a church worthy of their cause and led by thilr pastor, Rev. Wr. H. Stubbleblne, they have displayed Indom itable energy In carrying on the work In face of serious difllculties, which, however, seemed to urge them on to In creased efforts. Tho congregation Is but one year old, but thirty members have promised $2,250 toward the erection of the new church and, as tho members are practically all working men, the effort has been a noble one. They have proved them selves worthy of public support and contributions will be gratefully received by the pastor at GHO Qulncy avenue. A brief service will be held this even ing at 6.30 o'clock, when the ground for the new church will be broken and Rev. Charles U. Robinson will deliver the prayer of consecration. The new church will be located on the corner of Monroe avenue and Gibson street. PROHIBITION REUNION. It Will Do Held This livening at Con scrvntory Hull. Tlis Prohibitionists of the county are going to hold a reunion this even ing at Conservatory hall, 402 Lacka- wanna avenue, opposite the Wyoming house, when they will receive the com plete election returns of all parties from all over the nation. The ladles will serve refreshments free of charge, and there will be vocal and Instru mental music by Tallle Morgan's male voice glee club and Conrad's orchestra. The gathering will be entirely Informal, and people can come and go from ! o'clock until 2 the next morning. It Is the intention of the Prohibition Ists to begin the next campagn tomor row evening by the organization of a working league, or rather to have the Central league to hold public meetings, and to have every election district thoroughly organized. The county will be organized also on the same plan. The rooms tomorrow evening will be open to all friends of Prohibition whether members of the Prohibition party or not. Election officers are hereby notified that a plan has been discovered to chango the marks on Republican ballots. The first person caught doing that should be in stantly arrested. With a free ballot and a fair count the whole Republican ticket will win. Let no guilty man escape. Y. M. C. A. STANDARD COURSE. Tho Irst Entertainment Will He Given Jfext Monday Night. The lecture committee of the Young Mens Christian association has been generous In Its plans for this year's course, and has arranged for bIx en tertainments Instead of five as hereto fore, though the price of course tickets remains the same. This season's course will be opened on Monday evening next by the John Thomas company, of Boston. It Is said to be a company In which fine humor and artistic musical ability are very agreeably combined. The sale of re served seats for the course Is now In progress at the Young Men's Christian association ofllce. DEATHS OF THE WEEK. Almost Doubled Those of the Preceding i Seven Days. The mortality report of the board of health for the last week shows that the number of deaths nearly doubled that of the week preceding. Last week there were thirty-three deaths from all causes. t Only one death, typhoid, resulted from contagious disease, although eight new enses developed as follows: Two of typhoid, three of scarlet fever, three of diphtheria. Ninety-four deaths oc curred during October against 113 In the month (If September. The average numebr- of deaths In October, for the previous four years waa 115. Turkish nn Rusnlan Baths for Ladles. At the request of physicians and ladles, arrangements have been made to give baths to ladles on Tuesdays from 8 a. m. to p. m. Private entrance through Owens' cloak parlors on Spruce strret. M. J. Purcell, proprietor. tOUC BOWNTHE STRETCH Exciting Struggle of the Dominating Parties for Supremacy. VICTORY TOK KEITBLICANS It Is Practically Assured-Democrats, However, Cluira That They Can Discern a Victory on the Horlzon-So Can Members of the People's Party. Old observers say that not In years has Lackawanna county' seen such a tierce, stubborn and desperate political campaign us was the one which came to a close last night. Beginning In nl most a supine fashion, It came down the home stretch In a regular Garrison finish of bold and daring management on both aides; and not until late to night will it be known, to a certainty, which side has won. Tho ugliness which has characterized the Democratic por- tlon of this contest the lies and libels on tho opposing candidates and the coarse utterances of Democracy's ut terly unscrupulous organ has been n conspicuous, but not necessarily a do- cislve feature. The profane pouring In of administration money would have meant a stubborn battle In any event, whether the smut mill had been leased or not. Then, too, there were other In fluences but the enumeration of them all would take far too much space and time. It Is sufficient to summarize the whole story by saying that the fight winds up In a spirited canter, with tho Republicans well In the lead, but not yet safely under the wire. Both headquarters were besieged all day yesterday by scores and even hun dreds of Impecunious hangers-on. In this particular, honors were even be tween the two parties. Many of these would-be "strikers" alternated with true non-partisan fairness between the rival nead(uarters, nist ' touching a soft-hearted Republican candidate for a contribution to charity and then pur suing a parallel course toward one of Mr. Roche's candldatorlal staff. The drift of opinion at both headquarters seemed to be that the "striker" ought to go. But no one appeared to be quite able to get him to go. Predicts Republican Success. Chairman Ripple, when asked for his opinion, replied: "I never predict. It will be time to do that when the votes are in. Every Indication, however. Is favorable to Republican victory. I can not see why we should not elect every candidate, provided every Republican goes to the polls. Yes, the contest has been an earnest one, but I feel very confident we will win." Mayor Connell was even more out spoken. "You can put It just as em phatlcally as you wish that I predict the election, by good pluralities, of every Republican nominee. I will be the most surprised man In Scranton If we do not." Chairman Roche was found at Demo cratlc headquarters last night closeted with Secretary Sando and others. He was figuring out majorities, he said: "I am confident of the result," Mr. Roche continued, "and firmly believe that the Democratic county ticket is going to be elected by decisive majorities. The re ports we receive from every quarter indicates that fact." " Tullle Morgan, secretary of the Pro hlbltlon county organization, was In charge at Prohibition headquarters and said that his party will poll a bigger vote today than ever before In the his tory of the county. He placed the fig ures at l.oOO. Pcoplcs's Party Claims. M. J. Coleman, chairman of the Peo ple's party county committee, was In terviewed. "We will surprise people to morrow by the vote we will rull up," he said as he puffed at a very Bhort cigar. "Our fight has been conducted on. prin ciple and every honest man in the county will vote with us, I feel sure. I do not think our entire ticket will be elected, but I believe that several of our candidates will pull through all right. This campaign Is but preliminary to a great fight against the corruption that now exists In local politics, against which we propose to wage a vigorous battle In the future.? Boodle In Hyde Park. The day was prolific In Its revelation of Democratic tricks. Early In the af ternoon It became known at Republi can headquarters that the Democrats had planned In, certain districts to erase the marks on Republican ballots and substitute other marks. Arrange ments were at once made for a sys tematic notification of overseers and watchers. Such other precautions will be taken as occasion shall demand. But one of the most daring of these cunningly planned schemes to pollute the ballot was discovered last night when Intelligence was received from a thoroughly trustworthy source that a large quantity of Democratic boodle had been taken to Hyde Park, for use In the attempted alienation of strong Republican wards. The names of the distributors, the amounts to be dis tributed and the name of the candidate In whose behalf It was contributed, as well as the name of the contributor, were made known to tho proper au thorities, and any attempt to carry put this plan will result, it Is said, In Im mediate arrests. Election officers aro hereby notified that a plan has been discovered to change the marks on Republican ballots. The drat person caught doing that should be In stantly arrested. With a free ballot and a fair count the whole Republican ticket will win. Let no guilty man escape. EAST LYNNE SUBSTITUTED. Ono of tho Members of tho Holmcs-l-or ' rest Combination Taken 111. Owlnff to the sudden Illness of one of the leading members of the Holme Forreste combination, "East Lynne" was substituted for- "The Counterfeit ers" at Davis' theater yesterday after noon. Taking Into consideration that the change wai necessary at ' the last moment, the performance Was high ly creditable and an excellent represen tation of the popular novel was given. Last night "Kathleen" vras given In a very satlafastory manner, and will be seen again today and tomorroy. A large numDer wno nave witnessed the production of this popular piece will avail themselves of the opportunity to see a correct and realistic representa tion of that gallantry and chivalry so prominent In Irish life. The Holmes- Forrcste combination is a powerful one and will do justice on the stage to the work they have in hand. "The Coun terfeiters' will be presented during the latter part of the week. SLIP 'TWIXT CUP AND LIP. She Took the Money but Would Not Marry Kaslmer. Anna Rollenayts and Kaslmer Tar- ashavlchls have found to their cost that the course of true love does not run smooth and have proved the truism that there Is danger of a slip between the cup and the lip. Anna promised to marry Knsimer, who resides on Blair avenue. Providence, anu tnings nau progressed sufficiently to take out tho marriage license, when Kaslmer, full of devotion and Implicit confidence in his Anna, bestowed upon her all his accu mulated wealth for the purpose of fur nishing their Intended little cot. Anna accepted the money and In a cold-blooded manner announced to Kaslmer that the match was off. Al though he "loved her still" he was anxious about the money, and Bought the aid of the law, in the person of a constable armed with a warrant, but their efforts were unavailing, and tho abject of his misplaced affections. It is rumored, has used his savings in pay ing the railroad fure of another beau and herself In escaping from the wrath of Kaslmer Yaroshavlclils. HAD A COMFORTABLE HOME. Thut Did Not Mcun Everything to Mrs, Cyrus XV. Dean and She Left Her Hus band. Testimony In the divorce case of Cvrus W. Dean against Kate E. Dean was taken by Stenographer Costen be fore Judge Edwards yesterday after noon. Mr. Dean Is a farmer, who resides at La Plume, where he owns a fifty acre farm. On Sept. 23, 1S85, he was mar ried at Keystone Academy at Factory- vllle to the woman from whom he now wishes to be divorced. Rev. Dr. John II. Harris performed the ceremony. In giving his testimony Mr. Dean said thnt two years ago last May his wife left him nnd went to reside with her parents. Why she did bo he was unable to say. They hud not always lived happily together, but he gave her a comfortable home. They have a son 8 years of age. Frank and Charles Chase testified that Dean had a very comfortable home, but could throw no light on the reason Mrs. Dean left her husband. NEW USE FOR THE TROLLEY. John K. Jones Advertises His Campaign from an Electric Cur. Another original feature of John It. Jones' business-like Republican candi dacy for the oflloe of district attorney was seen yesterday In a gaily bedecked electric car, which made a tour of the city and was run up and down the val ley. It contained the Germanla band, Mr. Jones and a party of friends. On eltner side or tne car was displayed a streamer, which read, "John R. Jones, candidate for district attorney." In the suburbs and at various points In the valley above and below the city Mr. Jones or Mr. John M. Harris made brief speeches. ' ; ' ' The music of the band was almost incessant, and the whole unique outfit occasioned considerable comment and Interest. The music of the band and travel of the car were Incessant, and when evening came it was the general opinion thnt this method of campaign ing had been the most unusual of the present contest. TUNERAL OF MRS. CONNERY. Many Friends Assembled to Pay their Last Tokens of Esteem. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Connery, of South Washington avenue, took place yesterday morning amid many signs of great respect from a large gathering of friends. (Solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated at Ft. Peter's cathedral, Rev. Father Mlllalne being celebrant, Rev. Father O'Reilly deacon, and Rev. Father Golden, sub-deacon. A large number of wreaths and floral tributes were placed on the handsome casket, Including a "Gate Ajar," harp and pil lows. The flower bearers were Daniel Dougherty, Daniel Gelbert, J. H. Du- higg and James Fltzsimmons, and the pall bearers J. Mahgran, Peter Kelly, Thomas McCourt, Patrick Whelan, Luke Moran and John Hawks. The In terment took place at the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. SPECIAL WIRE ON THE STAGE. Election Returns Will Bo Read at tho I-'rothlughoin Tonight. Manager Lalne, of the Frothlngham, has made arrangements by which the election returns will be read from the stage of the Frothlngham during the performance of "Shaun Rhue" by Jo seph Murphy and company tonight. A direct wire has been run on the stage, from which authentic returns of all elections, local, state and United States, will be received. The election returns meeting will be kept up until 2 a. m. An tniquo Exhibition. A shadow gymnastic exhibition will bo given In the Young Men's Christian Association hall Thursday night. It will be very Interesting and amusing, as every thing will be done by shadow. Reserved seats can be had at the Young Men's Christian association ofllce. fin UL DO NOT COST ANY MORE A gentleman came In Satur day and said he w)ild like book and pay monthly; that he had just discovered that we not only sold the BEST, but that his money went farther with us than elsewhere. His name can be seen on our order book Nov. 3. Open to all. E. Q. Coursen 429 Lackawanna Avenul THEY ASKJOBE SED Legal -Steps on Behalf of the Persons Charged with Abduction. HEARING TOMORROW HORNING Joseph Church, of Bull's Head, Has Inter ested Himself In Behalf of Scrafina Canute and Simon Sncher and Ob tained Writ of Uabcas Corpus, Application for a writ of habeas corpus was made before Judge Ed wards yesterday In the Interest of the Frenchman and Italian woman, who are charged with kidnapping a child from Montevideo, South America, and who were arrested by the police Friday night. Tomorrow morning was set for the hearing, and until thaat time the abductors will be under police surveil lance at the St. Charles hotel. Joseph Church, of the North End, In stigated the proceedings on behalf of the accused, and engaged as counsel Hulslunder & Vosburg Rnd John M. Corbett, who applied for the writ. It is expected thut the police department will have received by Wednesday from the Argentine consul general In New York city, to whom has been sent pho- tographsof Sacher, Seraflna Canate and the boy supposed to have been stolen Neither the woman nor tho man has been swerved from their former state ment that Seraflna Is the boy's mother The little fellow Is very fond of her and she displays an Intense affection for him. During their confinement they have been very orderly nnd have won the sympathy of many Interested In the caBe. Election officers are hereby notified that a plan has been discovered to change tho marks on Republican ballots. The first person caught doing that should be In stantly arrested. With a free ballot and a fair count the whole Republican ticket will win. Let no guilty man escape. MEETING OF CITY PASTORS. Discussions on Agnosticism, Sabbath Ob sorvance and the Tent Missions. The City Pastors' union held an in teresting meeting at the Young Men's Christian association rooms yesterday, when Rev. Warren G. Partridge read a well-written paper on "Agnosticism.'1 Rev. Dr. Robinson, chairman of the Moody finance committee, gave a do tailed statement of the receipts and ex pendltures of tho recent tent missions, The sum of $3,702.93 hud been expended and all liabilities were discharged Rising votes of thanks were tendered the reverend gentlemen nnd the other officials of the mission committees. The union also discussed the question of Sunday observance and the methods of carrying out the desires of the com mittee. Election money at Davldow Bros. Committees to Confer. A special conference committee of select council will meet tomorrow even ing ana consider the bids for paving am: curoing west Lackawanna avenue The original award of select council was amended In the common body bo that Dunn Bros., should receive the gutter and curbing work and Nichols & Fahey the paving. Select council re fused to concur on the amendment. Big Uctting Odds. You can get nlentv of betting monev at Davldow liros . banking establishment Mansfield State Normal School. An effective training school for teach ers very liberal provision made for post graduate work and for the prepara tion of students for college. Students ad mltted to the best colleges on our certlll cates. Much attention given to physical culture. 'Superior advantages for special Instruction in music and art. Amply fur nlshed reading room and cabinet. Tho best and most modern physical apparatus. Five flourishing literary societies. strong athletic association and fine grounds for sport. Four large buildings all heated by steam. New furniture In the dormitories of both the ladles' build Ing and gentlemen's halls. An eclevator in the ladies' building. Prospective teach ers receive material aid from the state. Expenses for the Junior year (42 weeks) $18. Senior year sill). Winter Term begins Dec. 3d. For catalouges address 8. II. ALBRO, Ph. D., Principal, Mansfield, Pa, Election money at Davldow Bros. Annual commutation tickets for the use of the Nay Aug Falls and Elmhurst Bou levard for driving purposes can be pro cured at tho office of the treasurer, room 7, Commonwealth building. Price, $15. Election money at Davldow Bros. I have just received a new line of Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and see our new stock. Minn nt leu tf THE OKLIBRATID PIANOS It tt rnienl UM Hoit PopnUr nnd rrcftmd if Leadliif Anuil . WartrMmi 1 Opposite Columbus Monument, 905 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. Inoludlhg the painless extracting of tasth by an entirely new process. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 139 WYOMING AVE. S 1 417 Lickawanna Ave. J ;; mm ITEMS OF INTEREST AT OLWDRTH S The Best Oyster Broilers made, 25c Lap Board, a good one, 09c foot Step Ladder, 7aC foot Step Ladder, gl.00 8-foot Step Ladder, 1.23 hoop Wood Pail, IOC Cedar Pail, 2 brass hoops, 2ik' Ironing Beards on legs, folds up, $1.19 Folding Clothes liars, C9c Coal Hods, IftC Stove Pipe, per joint, 15c Stove Pipe; elbows, IOC ardiniercs,an elegant assortment, from l()l'. to 85.00 each. Rice Root Horse Brush, a "corker" IOC Celluloid Side Combs, imitation of shell, per pair 10C Hair Ornaments, Spears,. Daggers, etc., same quality as above, each - . - 10l' New Class Celery Tray, a beauty, IOC Lots of New Goods arriving every day. Ci SI9 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and GoldStoro Front. ALL NECKWEAR s here and so are mopt men who wear It after the latest Ideas In this line. They una everything new. novel, ilrew-tak- ng and superbly elegant, Inviting goods at still more inviting litit-eH. foiir-ln hands, sailor knots, etc., all of the finest materials and exquisitely nU-hsing In de sign. Always first In the Held, we keep there Indisputably and Irresistibly with an exhibition of Neckwear surprises. CONRAD, HATTER do vou dread Monday washday? Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn t it be better to send your whole tamily wash to us every week ? Special " POUND RATES " to families. Write for these terms. Crop a postal-our wagons will call promptly, Lammidry 322' .on Bl HATS AT Dunn's S.W00LW0RT iiip YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK Many a long mile before you will Gild Shoes to equal our new lines of Fall and Wiuter Footwear. WE HAVE EVERY STLYE and qual ity that is lirst-class and desira ble Our prices are as low, if not lower, than you are paying for poorer Shoes. BANISTER'S, THE PROPER ni AT REASONABLE PRICES BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. Are you aware that we are giving away Handsomely Framed Pictures with sales of $4.00 or over ? AN OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC H AVINQ withdrawn entirely from wholesale trade and having transferred our wholesale stock to our retail department to be offered to our patrons at wholesale prices, w mention a lew or our prices: CIRCULAR CAPES. French Black Ly hx,26 In. 8.00 Electric Seal, " 15.00 Wool r!eal. 18.00 15.00 Astrakhan, FUR NECK SCARFS. Water Mink $1.60 E t'ctrle Seal . . 1.75 Hudson ltay Sable 4.60 Stone Marten 4,50 SOMETHING NEW IS I PARISIAN SCARF With Double Heads. In Ladies' Tailor Made Coats and Capes we carry the handsomest line in the city. 1 In Millinery Department We carry a line line of Trimmed and I ntrini mod, and the latest in a Child's School Cap. Have Your Furs Repaired by the only practical turner In the city. Send for illustrated catalogue. jr. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenue. NEXT DIME BANE. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR Clothiers, Hrfters.FurnisfiEra OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now showing an e& quisits line of LADIES' UMBRELLAS At special prices them in our stock. to introduce OUR NEW RAZOR or Needle Toes for Ladies and Gentlemen are the per fection of the Shoemaker's art They cut their way into favor with every one who sees them. 01R CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT will prove attractive to parents w ho are looking for reliable Shoes at the lowest possible prices. Comer of Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. PLACE FOR I