THE St'KAXTOX TKIlJUXE-Tl'JiSDAl' XOVE.Ullt , 1894. NORTON'S F is now going- on at the Old Store, 322 Lackawanna ave., where the whole of the wrecked stock will be sold at prices to interest buyers and move the goods quickly. Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Blank Account Books, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Room and Frame Mould jugs, which have been dam aged by water and smoke, much or little, and must be sold at some price soon to clear the building for repairs. GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And ahvavs have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. E THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HRVE THE INITIALS G. B. &CQ. IMPRINTED OH ESCH CIGHil Garney, Brown & Co. Mr r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE A11 forms of Hernia .1 pedalty. Wo.l liimwn Scrnntou physicians in charge). SCR ANTON GFN RUPTURE CURE COL, LIfiL. ?03 Washington Avenue. PERSONAL. Mr. anil Mr. J. O. Km-lio arc onirrtnlii IliK Lieutenant J. W. .Ui-Andruw,, ol' tho regular urniy. The inuny friend. of Juiiiph (!. Stevens, of ijrecn liMpc, vill regret to heur of lilii serious Illness. Mr. and Mr. C. 8. We.Hton have 1 11 welcomed home upon their return from 11 11 extended Kuropean tour. Dr. M. J. Williams, of Houth Main uvo mie, h:ui returned home after a tour of the western stutes, which was accom plished in ten days. The marriage of James K. MeC'awlcy of Jefferson avenue, and .Miss Anna Hochu, of Gibson street, will he celebrated nt St. i'eter'n eatheilml Nov. 4 at o'clock. A reception will ho held at the residence of .Miss Koche's brother, J. Hoche oil Uibson street, after the eeremonv. -MR. FARR'S WORK COMMENDED Jly Secretory Mctinlrc of United Brother hood of Carpenters and Joiners. Philadelphia, Oct. 20. John K. Karr: Hear Sir 1 sincerely trusl you may l.o re-elected to the state letftslaturo; i'our course an a member of that body should recommend you to the votes of all worl; Intrmen, regardless of political party or of private Interests. Your work, efforts and votes In behalf of labor measures Ami fair and honest leKhdatlon, should be in dorsed by an lmmenso majority of the citizens of your district. Vour course, particularly In taking charge of the me chanics' lien bill, demonstrated your Influ ence and power as a member of the leg islature. Though the bill Itself was sent you late In the session, and tho changes not one in ten to get It through, still by your faithful, persistent work you se cured special consideration for the meas ure and it passed both house and senate, 1 hunks 10 your untirinir efforts. There Is no question that there is great need for a measure of the kind to protect the Inter osts of mechanics and laborers eiiKURud in the construction und repair of build Iiikh. Today there Is a great deal of In equality and confllctlons in our present lien laws of Pennsylvania. Large losses of moneys aro suffered by the working men each year who have no protection, as Ihey should have under the law, from dis honest and insolvent employers and con tractors. Btlll, contractors and employ ers are fully Beeured and protected, and why should not their workmen nud em ployes be likewise secured? It was tho original Intent and purpose of the me chanics' lien law. that It should be pri marily for the Interests of the mechanics and workmen, The voters of your district BhouM re turn you to the next legislature that you may continue your work for a fair, ade quate mechanics' Hen law in this state. More than ever they now should have your services when Industrial Issues of value and moment to all our citizens are likely to be acted on In the legislature. The worklngmen of your county, organ ized and unorganized, should rally around jrou and vote for you. Yours, P. J. McOulre. - ' 1 - Btiy the Weber -and get tho best. At Guernsey Broi ' it! E SH AFoeto Dyspepsia 0 6N OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL l'iissini Events f the Day on the .-' West Side (if the t'itv Noted. OX MILTON'S 1'AKADISB LOST. Scholurly Lecture of Professor Sprague to the Young Men's Literary and "' bating Club-Social and Hop of. the St. Paul's Tourist Club. The third lecture In the West Side T'nlversity comae, which Is being con ducted by the Young ll-.-n's, Literary and Debuting society, was held lact evening In the Oalvlulsilc Melhurtlut church. The attendance was very flat tering. Professor Sprasue talked on Milton's "Paradise Lost." He said: "It Is u puein In epic form, and was consciously prepared during thirty years' tlmu. Its machinery Is mighti est, Its powers the must marvellous. It Is an epic of universal admiration; It In tlie utory of right versus wroiiff. "Paradise Lost" dlsplayu the Rraudout style that Milton ever penned." Professor Splugtii treated In a graphic and scholurly way the history of Uie Immortal story from the fall of the an gel to tho punishment of Satan and his army. In his treatment of the subject he succeeded In harmonizing the stplrlt of the audience with his forceful ascriptions. St. Paul's Social. The second of a series of entertain ments was held In St. Paul's armory last evening under the auspices of .St. Paul's Tourist club. The rooms were tastefully decorated with fluK and bunlliiK. Timothy. McCoy was chair man. The programme opened with a piano selection by Miss Lynn. It was fol lowed with a vocal solo by Domlnlck Gibbous. .Miss Ciuughaii gave tv piano selection, and a sand jig was given by P. J. Walsh. A vocal solo wits ren dered by Miss Uessle Hand. Solos were then rendered by J. J. O'Malley nud Miss Jessie Jumt-3. A feature of the evening was an cxlio'itlon drill by the members of St. l'aui's cadets. Miss Kate Jordoii gave u lecitatlon, nnd Mr. Battle, of Archbald, guvc a solo. After the entertainment a social was held. The young people enjoyed them selves in dancing to music by Joseph Mi.Dermutt on th pi.'iio. . The commit tees (were: lieceptlt ti, Timothy Mc Coy, K. McCluln and V. J. Walsh; Hour, W. Hasklns, M. Cuikin, MY Colemun and J. P. Murray. Mrs. Hachcl Jones limit J. Funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Ruolicl Jones, who died on Suturduy morning from the effects of blood poisoning, occurred at :! o'clock yesterday afternoon from the fumily residence, 18 Itoland avenue. Services were conducted by Kev. W. S. Jones, of the First Welsh Uaptlst church, nnd liev. J. T. Mun is, pastor of the Helle vue Welsh Culvlnlstlc Methodist church. During the services a choir rendered several selections. Among the floral tributes were a pillow Inscribed "Mother," presented by her youngest son, Evan, and a handsome wreath by Misses Grace Acker, llattle Davis, Mar garet Phillips, Mary .Owens und May Helle Sweetzer. Interment was made in the Washburn Street cemetery. The pall bearers were James Keeue, Itobert Owen, John Hale, D. (.'. Powell, Jacob Jones und Michael Stumni. 1)1 lef Notes of Interest. Mrs. Joseph Summerhlll, of North Sumner avenue, Is 111. The funeral of William Lydlatt. of Kynon street, will take place this after noon. J. Myron Kvans, of the Star dru.j store, has returned from WilUes-LSarre. Miss Adeline Davles, of Wllkes-Barre, was the guej't of friends on this side yesterday. Election returns will be received at the hotels of Km! Warlike and J. K. Hughes. Direct wires to each place. 1HXM0BE BOIXCiS. J. W. Hand is 111. Kd llcyea has returned from a hunt ing trip. Fresh oysters received dally nt Palm er's market. Mrs. A. lirown lias returned from Luke Wlnola. Miss Lottie PJpley, of North Park, Is on the sick list. Frank Cullen has returned home from New York city. Miss Augusta PInckney spent Sun day at Peckvllle. Dr. Brown, of Avoca, expects to lo cate In this town. Mrs. H. Krause spent Sunduy with Nicholson friends. P. (1. Fritz and Oeorgo Ives spent Sunday at Mudlsonville. Kd Noggle, of West Plttston, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. L. It. Fowler has returned home from visiting at Mohawk, N. Y. William Hruntng and Carlton Lctch- M-orth spent Sunday nt Elmhurst. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dempsey have taken up their residence on Webster avenue. John Simpson Is home spending a few days with his parents on Hlnkely street. William Miller, of the Dunmoro Cash store, spent Sunday ut Muuch Chunk. Miss Eva Hess has returned homo after spending n few riaya visiting Ilawley friends. Mrs. P. J. Golden and Miss Uolden at tended the funerul of John Itoche, at Hawley, last week. Superintendent of schools, Professor J.JS. Williams, spent the latter putt of last week nt Elkdale. Miss Carrie Swartu, of Moscow, Mho has been visiting Miss I.ora HriSh re turned home Monday. Professor P. J. Holand, of Carbon dale,' spent last week visiting Dr. Mur phy, on Drinker street. Miss Jennie Puffy, who has been vis iting relatives in town has returned to her home In Carbondule. Miss Kate Griffith, of Jermyn, spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Louise UrIMtli, In this borough. Stephen Geary and wife are Btopplnp at the Exchange hotel. Mr. Geary Is contractor on the new boulevard. Kegular weekly devotional meeting of the Epworth league this evening ut 7.45 o'clock. - A full attendance of mem bers Is desired. Myron Knight, who has been for the past few mouths at Oneonta, N. Y., spent part of last week at L. It. Fowl er's, on Cherry street. . The Loyal legion aro getting ready for their rally on Wednesday evening. Turn out and fill the hall; the entertain ment will Interest you. Everybody welcome. Leo Smith, Hate proprietor of the Dunmore hotel, will move his family Into J. S. Smith's house, corner of Wake ly and Cherry streets, lately occupied by Ed Bone. , . The funeral of Thomas Luton was very lurgely attended Suturduy after- " i noon. Kev. Hugers Israel, of St. Luke's church, und Kev. Mr. Urban, of Dunmore mission, conducted the aer vlces. The Knights of the Golden Engle and Sons of St. George attended in a body. The pall bearers w ere .Ed Angwln, Jr., J. h. Keast, Harry Ed wards, William Wheatcroft, George Dainty and Richard Mead. The re mains were laid at rest In Dunmore cemetery. The funeral of Miss Maggie Kelley was held from her home on Qulncy avenuc yesterday morning at 9.20. fllgh mass of rerjulem was celebrated by Ttev. Father Dunn, ut Green Ridgo Catholic church, at 10 o'clock. The pull henrers were J. It. McDonougli, Thomas Hurke, Thomas Walsh, Thomas Thomas, Andrew Riley, George Campbell. The flower hearers were Miss Mume Riley, Miss Moore, Miss Quinn, Miss Dempsey. The floral offer ings were beautiful; among them a cross and crown, given by. J. R. Me Donough, deserves especlul notice, in terment in Dunmore Catholic ceme tery. Miss Kelley was aged W years, 7 months and 7 duys. She was well known In Dunmore and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. TR1 Bl'Xi: lil'LI.ETIXS. The Tribun tonight will bulletin all election returns upon an Immense screen by means of a powerful stereoptlcon. Ar rangements have been completed to get prompt telegraphic service by special w ire. Read The Tribune tomorrow for the best and fullest election news. SOUTH EM) MIEFS. Miss Margaret Lewis, of Spring street, is visiting relatives in Plymouth. 'Miss Hertha Emory, of East Market street, and Miss Anna Stevens, of Dea con street, spent Sunday In Wllkes Harre. A large number of people attended the entertainment in the Welsh Congregational- church last evening. A very interesting programme was ren dered by the Sunday school scholars. The organ recital In the. Methodist Episcopal church tonight by George 11. Carter, who will be assisted by Alfred Wooley, promises to be one of the best entertainments held In this end. Edward GrHIln, of Wales street, swore out a warrant before Alderman Iloran yesterday afternoon charging Joseph Kzeery with tearing down his fences and stealing his falls. The case was to have been tried last night, but owing to the ubsencv of Important wit nesses it was adjourned until Friday. Airs. Clark Barber, of the Notch, swore out a warrant before Alderman Horau Sunday afternoon charging her husband with having cruelly bi.uu-n and attempting to choku her eaiiii r in the day. Jtarber was arrested by Con stable Davis and tiled bei'ore Alder man Horau, who committed him to the county jail In default of $300 bail. The (list concert of the American Mendelssohn society, which -was held lust evening in the North Main Avenue Baptist church, was a grand success. The church was handsomely decorated with potted plants. The choir, num bering about lifty members, were seat ed on the platform und were conducted by Peter Petiser. and nccompanled by Miss Nina E. Clifford. The annual bazaar of the Primitive Methodist church commenced lust evening. The lecture room is hand somely decorated with bunting and Japanese lanterns. The principal fea ture of the evening was a drill by eight small girls, Alice Hartshorn, Sarah Fidlam. Edith James, -Mary J. Culbert soii, Lulu Price, Jennie Kelley, Flora Savage and Gertrude Wartchlss, who were led by Tallle Williams, a son of Alderman D. M. Williams; the music being furnished by Miss Helle Fidlam. Three tableaux were presented. l or Defeated Candidates. 'TU well to remember that all defeated candidates and other people needing money should call at Duvldow Uros'. banking establishment. Election officers are hereby nollilc.l that a plan has been discovered to change the marks on Republican ballot. The tlr;,t person cuught doing that should be In Hlantly arrested. With a free bullot and a. fair count the whole Republican ticket will win. Let no guilty man escape. How Aro You netting? No difference to us, we want you to uie our money. Davldow tiros', banking es tablishment. Flllshury's Flour Mills have a capacity of 17,500 barrels a day. To l!et Money on Llcction. You can be well supplied with the nec essary coin b calling at Davldow Urns', banking establishment. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR PRETTY DISPLAY OF PATTERN HATS AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES Every Uat displayed iu our show room is in itself a beauty. Orders intrusted to us early in the. week will receive our most exact attention. HASLACHER'S -: MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. 324 Lackawanna Ave. A COMPLETE NEW LINE of Checks,. Stripes and Figures, illuminated and interwoven with the, new shades of Russet, Bluette, Lincoln Green and a variety of other shades. One Price for the entire lot, CENTS ." A Ladies' Wardrobe is not complete without a handsome SILK WAIST, and the chance to obtain one at the price of or dinary .Waist .Goods is yours. MEARS - & - HAGEN, 415 LAC KA. AVE. .' NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE Death of John Uuunherty, it Respected Kcsident of Irving Avenue. CHl'KCH l'AIK X0V bEING HELD New Public School tlulldln- Heady for Oeeupancy Social of St. John's Society- Itcmnrd Miller Mas Recovered from liffects of His Vail. .ionn jjougnerty, 01 li ving avenue, an old and respected resident of this side, died Sunday afternoon. He was about M years of age, and Is survived by his wife and live children. TI19 funerul will take plate this morning with a high mass at St. John's Catholic church. In terment will be made In Hyde Park cemetery. Successful Church hair. The fair under the auspices of St. raid's German Lutheran church was largely ut tended lust evening. Many beautiful articles were disposed of und a short niuslcul programme rendered. I'p to last evening the receipts of the fair amounted to nearly $900. The fall will remain open every evening this week. (icueral Jottings. Miss Jullu Duffy, of Pear street, is visiting In Plymouth. Patrick Fell, of Chicago, 111., circu lated among South Side friends yester day. Tho forthcoming marrluge of Miss Annie Graham to Michael Norton Is announced. Miss Mary Mears, of Plttston avenue, has returned after a short visit with her parents at Vundllng. llernord Miller, who was Injured by falling from a ladder two weeks ago, Is able to be around again.' ' Frank Scheuer nud Daniel Webber will leave Wednesday for a short hunt Injj trip to Ilowman's creek. A well nttended meeting of the sight reading music class of St. John's parish, was held last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scheuer, of Cedar uvenue, have returned after a short visit with Carbondule friends. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vaughun, of lilitghamton, visited Mr. yaughau's parents on Plttston avume yesterday. The Crescent Social club will hold a social ut the new South Side hall, cor ner of Plttston avenue and Elm street. Dec. 21. The St. John's Total Abstinence and Henellt society conducted a social at their hall on Stone avenue. It wus well attended und a pleasant time was had by all. A u-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurch, of Cedar avenue, died yes terday afi.-rnoon, after a two weeks' attack of diphtheria. The funeral will take place this ufternoon. The new public? school, which Is sit uated on Stalford avenue, above tho Erie und Wyoming Valley railroad, is ready for occupancy. It Is expected thut one room will be opened next Mon day. Lawrence Joclockskl, tho fi-year-old son of John Joclockskl, of Fig street, died yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place this morning. Inter ment will be made in the Polish ceme tery at Mlnooka. TKIBI'NF. ltl'LLETlNS. The Tribune tonight will bulletin all election returns upon uu Immenna screen by moans of a powerful stereoptlcon. Ar rangements have been completed to ;,et prompt telegraphic service by speelal wire. Heud The Tribune tomorrow for the be.t und fullest election news. 1 lection Moucy at Davldow Bros, banking establishment. Kly.ctlou officers are hereby notified that a plan has been discovered to change the marks on Kepublieun ballots. The first person cuught doing thut should be In stantly urrested. With a free ballot and u fair count the whole Republican ticket will win. Let 110 guilty man escape. CAR LOAD 703 Framed Pictures, latest uljact, in beautiful Etchings. Ergravinus aril h nl Krsueh Fae-Siniilus. Tho Fiauie Makers had to bave money. We bought the lot at our pricn arid mark thtiu so they will quickly move out Over SOU styes of frames. WONDERFUL PRICES Wo only quota a ten: U1' Whlti and (iuld 190 Uail Whit and Cold or Solid Oak 49c Mill guild Oak 69c Stasis White and OoU 98c Rexford Jewelry Co, 213 Licka. Av. XBBSI9B&BS3 SBSSSSESaV School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous liooks, Photograph and Scrap Albums, Teacher and Family Bibles, Pic tures for Wedding Gifts, Cold . Pens, Fine, Stationery and Writ ing Tablets!! PRATT STATIONARY STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. The Driving Park lota will be opened to the public some day next week. The date will be given in Tribune later. Best facilities offered, such as street railways, gas and water, otc. Watch The Tribune for the date of opening. 1 There Is a Satisfaction When Buying a. to know you can replace it at a moJiients notice such pieces as get broken. You don't have to buy a whole set, but can select such pieces as you need. We have one pattern iu La Belie China, But you need not buy the full set if you don't need it, thereby reducing the price to suit your purse. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 WYOMING AVENUE. T Itccausc the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, but drop in and look at our "OH DoilKOlu" shoes for misses aud children. Shoes Are Cheaper Than .Medicine Aud when the children are wearing out shoes it's pretty sure they don't need medicine Then Again Our Shoes Are Cheaper Utah Others Those "'Oil Doil?olasM are the kind that have good soles, throw off water and cive you about hall more service for your money thau yon usually get. Lace or Button. Ladies' Shoes in the same quality. SCfiflNK YOUR SHOE MAN, 410 Spruce Street. ALL MEN Aro not alike. Some would ratber 1 siok, lose several days' work and pay a doctor bill than'pay half the money spent that wa. for a good .MACKINTOSH. There ARE Other men who buy cheap Mackin toshes because the price Is low, but in a week they will begin to leak and you might as well have none. It pnys to nay a lltt e moro and get a good one. We have them at all prices. JJont let people say you are one of the FOOLS Christian, the Hatter, 412 Spruce St. and 205 Lack. Ave. Instrument In every sense of the term s appllmi 10 Pianos. Exceptlonul In holding their original ful ne of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. SO Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1115 Adama Ave. New Telephone Bdg Dinner Set t 100 PIECES FQRS13 DON REEFERS LARGE VARIETY, GOOD We want to show you our MEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN . . . Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors 3Q8 LACKAWANNA AVE. The-Fashion GREAT MONEY SAVERS FOR THIS WEEK: 50 pieces highly colored Plaids, double widths, worth 2IC - - - - 12I'jC. 25 pieces Fancy Eiderdowns, for Children's Cloaks, worth 29c. - - - 19c. 100 pairs 1 1-4 White , Blankets, all wool, worth $7.00, - - . $4.98 WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION TO OUR BY AND Special Values 1 THEDICKSON MANUFACTUR1NGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ueneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. "ON THE FENCE." Pnon be over tho season for riding. If you want a likyrlf now Is the time lo Ri't il. We are i-lfHiintf up nil Htock, an. I will Klve you such a vhunc-e u you never buj before. Ono of our liuruln'. A Flrat-cluKH, Jllich Oracle ?1W Uicyc-lo for Bring your cash nml GUT OFF THK KEXt'K. CLARENCE H. FLOREY, Successor to Floiey & Holt. FALL AND. WINTER J mm 4.V. V r.'.r.? mm SEE THESE FOR LADIES. Ladies' Fine Button Shoes Ladies' Fine Dongola, Opera Button, Ladies' Fine Dongola, Phila. toe, patent leather tip, SEE THESE FOR MEN . y Men of (ion ' standing irt this town standing in 011 shoesj that's why "stand good" and. nalk with comfort. Men's Fine Buff Lace or Congress, at - ..$1.25 r i- Ttt.. Ci.'.. ' ! Lace or Congress, at , 1.75? Men's Genuine. Calf Lace . or Congress, at ' . '2.50 NfS PENN CLOTHING 13.7 AND 139 Complete Ou otters, REEFERS STYLES AND LOW PRICES. and Oxford Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. 303 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 i for the Week. PA., Manufacturers of TT 1; EW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. Wo are now doing u !?MiPral Drug. Taint and Oil bu.sints lit ihe above IikhMuii, during tin- erei-iion of our stor building Vcc-eiitly destroyed by lire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. orn TELKi'Hoxr: tall. All orders) promptly tilled aud dc tiny part of the city. NO. 21. llvered t 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. lhin't sncutl nunc money tliiin yoit ouuht to. 'That means: Come here for yoitf shoes. , We prcfai'Cil an immense stock of line Kail footwear, from vhicli every member of the family can he easily suited. While worthy styles and reliable- 1 makes alone are represented, never-' theless this fall the feet of meii and women, boys anil yirls, is tripping to the merry jingle of cheapness. $1.00 1.35 2.00 arc they , 1 - txi-f-r- 3. cU'V-WAt! V3t AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. S. L.'GALLEN, asm 1U t