The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 05, 1894, Image 1

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Prospects of Democratic Defeat All
Along the Line.
Virginia Voters Are l.iuble to Kepudiato
the Author of the 'Wilson llill-I.oulsl.
una Sugar Planters lluvc Also Uud
Enough of Dcuiocratie Hulo.
New York, Nov. t.
The campaign of ISM Is at an end. It
has been a stirring one In many states
and the American people are aroused
as seldom before In a year In which tha
presidency Is not at stake. Issues of
Importance have been presented, and
the verdict of the people at the polls
on Tuesday Is expected to practically
determine which will be the dominant
party in 1S96. Forty-one of the states
In the Union elect representatives to
the lift(y-foiirth congress, and twenty
one states elect state legislatures which
choose United States senators. Besides
this, twenty states elect governors,
nine elect minor state officers, and three
states, New York, California and South
Carolina vote upon important constitu
tional amendments.
In three states, Maine, Vermont and
Oregon, elections of congressmen and
state officers have been held. Kach nf
these Btates has elected full. Republi
can delegations. Republicans claim
that this is a Republican year, and pre
dict a reversal of the present status of
the two parties in the house. They
have made the tariff the main issue,
and count upon gains in nearly all
northern and western states and also
in several southern Btates. The Dem
ocrats on the other hand claim that
they will hold their own except in two
or three states where the Populists have
made rapid strides.
Iemocratic Majorities Will Be Reduced.
It is generally conceded by unbiased
observers that the Democratic major
ity in the lower house will be decreased,
while the Republicans and Populists
will make gains.
The present house has 214 Democrats,
120 Republicans and 12 Populists. There
will be ar6 members in the next house,
and either of the leading parties must
elect 179 men to obtain control. The
Republican managers express them
selves as conlldent of electing at least
CIO representatives, while the Dem
ocrats say that though they may lose
one or two of their present congress
men, they will surely gain enough oth
ers to make their representation 230 in
the next house.
Great interest has been manifested
in the fight for re-olectlon of William
a. Wilson, chairman of the ways and
means committee.' Roth Republican
and Democratic campaign committees
have sent orators of national renown
into his district in West Virginia, and
the result of the election will be anxi
ously watched. In New York city four
congressional districts which are easily
Democratic in other years are in dan
ger of being lust to, that party by rea
son of two Democrats being in 'the
field against one Republican in each
district. The state Democracy and'
Tammany hall have failed to come to
an understanding and the Republicans
stand a good chance of carrying three
out of the four districts.
Stampede of Sugur Planters.
In Louisiana the stampede of the
sugar planters to the Republican party
some weeks ago made a gain of three
Republican congressmen in that state
possible. Recently the Democrats have
injected the race issue into the cam
paign and now claim that they will
hold the state delegation. In Georgia
the Populists carried several districts
at the recent state election, and claim
that they will carry them again on
Tuesday. They also expect to gain sev
eral representatives in North Carolina,
Texas and the slh'er states. Legisla
tures have already been chosen in Ala
bama, Arkansas, Georgia, Maine, and
Oregon, which will elect United States
senators. These legislatures will chose
of the same political party as that of
senators whose terms have expired.
The states which will elect legisla
tures on Tuesday which will have the
naming of United States senators are
California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho,
Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michi
gan, MlnneBffta, Montana, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, North
Carolina, South Carolina, South Da
kota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington,
"West Virginia and Wyoming. Each of
these states elects one senator except
Michigan, Montana, North Carolina
and Wyoming, where two senators nre
to be chosen. In the upper house there
are at present 44 Democrats, 36 Republi
cans, 3 Populists and the 2 sliver sena
tors from Nevada.
In addition to the twenty-one new
legislatures which will elect United
States senators, there Is a possibility of.
New York's legislature having to name
a successor to Senator Hill. His elec
tion as governor and the election of a
Republican legislature at Albany would
lose the Democrats a vote in the senate.
The states which elect governors on
Tuesday are California, Colorado, Con
necticut, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New York, North Dakota, Pennsylva
nia, North Carolina, South Dakota,
Tennesse, Texas and Wyoming.
Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 4. Tuesday
nine congressmen are to be elected.
The legislature has already been elect
ed, and the return of Senator Morgan
Is assured. The Republican managers
conceded the election of seven Dem
ocratic representatives, but claim that
two districts will be close, with a good
show for the election of a Populist in
one of them.
.'Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 4. Wisconsin
will, elect state olllcers and the legisla
ture. The chalrma of the Republican
state committee says the state will go
Republican by a plurality of from 18,000
to 22,000.
Columbus," O., Nov. 4. Secretary of
Btate Samuel M. Taylor claims that
the republicans will elect sixteen con
gressmen, six more than they elected
in 1832, and that the Democrats will
.elect only Ave out of their delegation
of t welve in the last congress. So far
as i.he state ticket is concerned, it is
conceded .by the managers of the Dem
ocratic campaign that the outcome is
qne of Republican plurality only. Last
year the ticket headed by Governor Mc
Klnley received a trifle over 80,000 ma
jority. Richmond, Va., Nov. 4. Unless all
the signs fall there will be a break in
the delegation In the next house from
the- old Virginia commonwealth." The
Populist chairman claims three repre
sentatives for his party, and gives the
Republicans an equal number and the
Democrats four.
Des Mojnes, la., Nov. 4. Iowa will
vote for eleven congressmen. The Re
publcans claim the ten districts they
now hold and say they have a fighting
chance in the eleventh. Democrats are
confused, owing to the uncertainty of
the Populist vote.
Providence, R. I., Nor. 4. There is
little doubt that the Democrats . -will
lose both congressmen in this state,
Chicago, Nov. 4. The chairman of
the Republican state central committee
says the Republicans will carry i the
state by 55,000 plurality, that they will
elect at least sixteen congressmen .. nd
both branches of the legislature, which
will insure the election of a Republican
Boise City, Ida., Nov. 4. Idaho will
elect a fulll state ticket, a legislature
and a congressman. The Republican
chairman is very confident of a clean
sweep. The Populists, however, are ex
pressing confidence and are assisted by
Democratic fusion.
Jacksonville, Kla., Nov. 4. Florida
will vote for two members of the na
tional house of representatives, and it
is certain the Democratic nominees will
be elected.
Indianapolis, Ind Nov. 4. Indiana
will elect state officers except governor
and lieutenant governor and the legis
lature. There are thirteen congress
ional districts. The chairman of the
Republican state committee expects
the Republicans to carry at least ton
districts, while the Democrats decline
to go Into nnv particulars.
Denver, Col., Nov, 4. Both the Re
publicans and Populists claim they will
carry their state ticket Tuesday.
Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 4.-The Dem
ocrats claim that they will certainly
elect eight and may elect nine congress
men, while their opponents declare
that they expect to elect no less than
four congressmen.
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 4. The chair
man of the Democratic state commit
tee does not expect the Democratic
candidate for congress will be elected
unless the Republicans trade off their
congressional candidates in order to
continue in control of the state legis
lature. Trenton, N. X, Nov. 4.-New Jersey
on Tuesday will elect eight congress
men, six state senators and sixty as
semblymen. Eleven Republican sena
tors bar a majority of the sennte hi.lri
over, so the Republicans will control
tnat body. The congressional delega
tion now consists of two Republicans
and six Democrats. The Reoubllcnna
will return their members In the First
and becond districts, and claim that
they will gala' the Fifth. Sixth unit'
Eighth districts.
The people are recolllnar from smut-
sheet nustlness.
Will Probably Carry New York by a Ma
jority of 50,000-Sueh is the Opinion of
Charles W. Haekctt.
By the United Tress.
New York, Nov. 4. The Republicans
are confident of winning. Charles V.
Hackett, chairman of the state commit
tee, predicts Morton's election by 60,000.
Thomas Cr Piatt says: "I am entirely
conlldent of the election of Mr. Morton."
The betting is in favor of Morton at
odds of 10 to 7, and ninny henvy wagers
have been laid that Morton's plurality
Will exceed 20,000.
The American Protective association
has been one of the leading Issues pre
sented by the Democratic speakers.
The proposed re-apportionment and the
tariff have also figured prominently
In the campaign. These factors and the
uncertainty as to how they will affect
the independent voters make the result
The Republicans olulm they will gain
three In this city, three in Brooklyn and
Ave up the state. Tho Republicans also
expect to elect a Republican legisla
ture and to carry the constitutional
amendments framed by the constitu
tional convention, which sat all sum
mer. In this city Tammany hall, has
one of the hottest fights In its long
history on its hands. Tho revelations
of the Lexow investigation committee
have been used by tho Republicans,
the commttte of seventy and all tho
other anti-Tammany organizations
to down the local machine,
The London Daily News Predicts Repub
lican Victory.
By the United Press.
London, Nov. 4. In a leader pre
dicting the victory of the Republicans
In America on Nov. 0, the Dally News
will say tomorrow: ,
"Roth sides are now tariff reformers,'
but the Democrats have not shown
governing power."
Edward Merrlfleld, are you satisfied to
appear us the ubettor and silent benefici
ary of blackguard journalism and polit
ical sllme-squirting? If not, why not say
so like a man?
Clevclund is studying tho silver ques
tion. Cambrlacountylsexpectod to give Hast
ings 2uo plurality.
Tom Reed on Saturday made a rattling
speech in Troy, N. Y.
The claim of Allegheny Republicans is
a 3fi,000 Hastings plurality.
C. E. Qulncy in Gotham Saturday bet
$10,000 to $4,000 on Morton.
In four days Ohaunoey DepeW made
fifty-live speeches to 1)0,000 persons.
Assistant Secretary Reynolds Is rapidly
making votes for Hastings In Bedford.
Tammanyltes have privately advised
friends In Serunton to bet on Morton and
David Martin says Philadelphia will
give Hastings between 7li,wo and 80,000
Chairman Dawson predicts that West
Virginia Republicans will elect four con
gressmen. Even Democrats now concede MoCul
len'a defeut In Rundall's old district by
5,000 plurality. "
Tho Rending Times claims Dr. Trex
ler's election over Congressman Erdmun
In the iRerkH-Lehlgh district. :
One of Tom Johnson's tricks, it Is said.
Is to employ foul-mouthed .speakers to
make alleged Republican .speeches that
are offensive. !
The nomination by Georgia Democrats
of Walsh for I'lilted States senator Is a
direct snub to the administration, which
wanted him side-trackvd, , V
General Hastings and Colonel Singerly
Discuss the Issues.
The Gubernatorial Asplrunts Meet Before
Thousands of Partisans und Discuss
the Points of tho Cumpulgn in u
1 riendly way-Great tntbusiusm.
By the United Press.
Norrlstown, Nov. 4.
The most unique event in the history
of political campaigning in Pennsyl
vania occurred In this city at the wind
up of the gubernatorial canvass last
evening, Two candidates for the high
est office in the gift of the grand old
commonwealth of Pennsylvania faced
each other before thousands of parti
sans in joint discussion of the issues of
the duy.
Such crowds were never seen in Nor
rlstown as gathered in her opera house,
and -in Montgomery county's court
house to hear the distinguished gentle
men speak. Men and, women struggled,
not for a place to stand or sit, but for
a place to hear. Thousands were
turned away, because as early as 6
o'clock the green about the stately pal
ace of justice was dotted with eager
groups of partisans, while crowds
pressed close against the closed doors
of the opera house and waited with the
patience of expectation for them to
Bwlng Inward two hours later.
The Democratic mass meeting at the
court house first received the attention
of the rival candidates. Colonel Sin
gerly arrived first, escorted by the Jef
ferson club and a brass band, whose
way was (Illumined by a noonday blaze
of red fire and rockets. General Hast
ings arrived shortly after, escorted by
the Republican Invincibles and another
band, while the darkness of the night
was punctured by blazing stars and the
glare of coston lights. Upon the arrival
of Gen. Hastings Col. Singerly quickly
walked toward the handsome Republi
can, cordially took him by the hand,
and the pair of candidates stood before
the audience for a few seconds, when
the Democrat said, in a quick, decisive
way: "Now, I want the best order ever
had In a Democratic meeting, out of
respect to our gueBt. I ask that for my
self.". Tho nsqulesence came In the form
of cheers of approval.
General Hastings spoke about half an
hour and then gracefully yielded the
floor to Colonel Singerly advising his
hearers, who at times became enthusi
astic, to save their npplause for the last
At the Republican Meeting.
It was close to 9 o'clock when a com
motion at the rear of the stage In the
Opera House announced the coming of
the candidates. As General Hastings
appeared arm In nrm with Colonel Sin
gerly, a great shout went up, ami then
from all over the house, from crowded
orchestra to packed gallery a multitude
of small flags flashed out. The audience
was hidden beneath them. It seemed
as if every man and womun in the
audience had one of the tiny emblems
and was bent on giving the distin
guished guests a red, white and blue
Chautauqua salute.
District Attorney George F.' Graham
and Major George B. Orludy, of Hunt,
ingdon, had been holding the audience
till the coming of the candidates. On
the outside General James W. Latta
had been spenklng to tho disappointed
thousands who could not get in doors.
Mr. Graham immediately closed his
speech and called upon the audience
to show to Colonel Singerly the dis
tinguished consideration which was due
him as a gentleman and the candidate
of a great party. The chairman of tho
meeting, Judge Stlmson, then intro
duced. Colonel Singerly. Ills reception
was a striking one, the audience burst
into loud applause und cheers and tho
Hags fluttered all over the house.
At the conclusion of his address nt
the Opera house before the Republican
meeting. Colonel Singerly and his party
were driven to the Rending depot,
where a special train was In waiting to
carry them to Philadelphia. If Colonel
Singerly could have remained he would
have heard a striking reply to his quo
tations from Republican sources on tho
subject of a reduction of tariff duties.
Colonel Singerly quoted President
Arthur, President Grant, Senator Mor
rill, Senator Allison and other Republi
cans as the subject, but, General Hast
ings demonstrated from documents at
hand that Colonel Singerly had quqted
only isolated extracts from speeches
on modifications of certain tariff sched
ules, and hefiad not, therefore, given a
true expression of sentiment on the
subject. More than that, with master
ful force General Hastings showed con
clusively from documents that tho
Democratic leaders from President
Jackson down had vigorously opposed
the very doctrine which Colonel Sing
erly advocated. His peroration forced
tlfe fact that no' Republican president
had ever spoken of his party as Grover
Cleveland has done, charging it with
acts of perfidy and dishonor.
General Hastings was followed by
Hon. Charles Emory Smith, who gave
an eloquent and logical review of the
lssuues of the campaign. , '
Charles H. Schadt, do you believe In
libelling, lying about nnd Blanderlng.thoso
who oppose you In politics? If not, why
not say so like a man?
Postmaster Dunlap Is Murdered by the
Cook Gang.
By the United Press.
Perry, O. T., Nov. 4. Samuel J. Dun
lnp, postmaster at Red Fork, O. T., lo
cated in the eastern part of the Chero
kee strip, forty miles east of here, wus
shot and killed yesterday by the Cook
gang of outlaws, who then robbed the
store and poBtofilce.
The gang is said to be headed for this
part of Oklahoma.
Russians Insist That Dr. Zacharln Poi
soned tho Czar.
By the United Press.
London, Nov. 5. The Dally News
correspondent in St. Petersburg says
that Nicholas II la expected to reach St.
Petersburg at the end of this week.
- A mob has been in front of Dr. Zach
arln's house all day shouting that he is
a poisoner and the murderer of the
, .... i i i '
The Most Severe Shocks Felt Since
the Year 1886.
Three Disturbances Tuko Place on a Pes
thai Day Cuusing Punic in Theaters.
People Kneel in the Streets W liilo
Hells Clung In Swaying Toners,
By the United Press.
City of Mexico, Nov. 4.
The earthquake which visited this
section of the republic Friday evening
was the most severe which has been
since 1SS0. Reports of damage to the
and property nre skuv in being col
lected, but it is known that thirteen
people were killed In this city, and nt
least three at outside points. Many
roofs of old buildings fell and in some
instances crushed to Instant death the
occupants of the houses. All of the
killed are among the lower classes.
Tho earthquake was preceded by a
rumbling subterranean noise followed
by a movement of the ground from
north to south. This was followed in
a few seconds by another undulating
and stronger vibration from west to
east, which in turn was succeeded by a
shock from northwest to.southeast. The
three shocks, coining ns they did from
different quarters, badly cracked the
strongest buildings.
From telegraph advices from Central
and Southern Mexico the disturbance is
shown to have covered the state and
federal District of Mexico, and lasted
from one to four minutes. Keing a
holiday and one of the chief festival
days of the year, the theaters were
thronged and panics ensued. Several
people were hurt In the rush of exit and
many women went into hysterics. The
songs on the stage were succeeded by
Impassioned prayers for forgiveness
and confession of error. The plays
were genetrally abandoned nnd the au
dience remained in the theuters kneel
ing in prayer.
Kinging of the Church Dells.
Drivers deserted the street cars and
coachmen their hacks to kneel in prayer
along with the throng sending up their
supplications. The threatened destruc
tion was made more solemn by the
ringing of bells in the swaying church
In prlsoiti twhoi many desperate
criminals are con lined the scenes wit
nessed were curious as the walls swayed
and the earth cracked, threatening to
entomb the imprisoned Inmates. The
convicts ulmost without exception fell
upon their knees on the floors of their
cells with loud voices crying out pray
ers and supplication. Many, suppos
ing their time had come, shouted out
confessions of past crimes. This Is one
of the most dramatic passages in the
passing of the event and may be of use
to the olllcers of the law in unraveling
a number of mysterious crimes in
The supply of water pipes lending
from Chapultepec were broken, and the
city will suffer a water famine if the
pipe Is not repaired at an early hour.
Political decency is not dead in Lacka
wanna county, the Democratic campaign
management to tho contrary notwith
standing. V ALL OF I'ONG WONG.
The Japanese Capture Arms, Ammunition
and Supplies,
By the United Press.
London, Nov. 4. Tho Central News
has this dispatch dated at Kullenchao
on Nov. 3: "After tho capture of
Kullenchao on Oct. 26 tho Japanese
headquarters were moved from Wiju to
this point. Two columns chased the
Chinese to Sato nnd attacked Andong.
The Chinese fled Without fighting,
throwing away arms and drums in
their flight. General Tatsuml started
for Fong Wong on the 27th and arrived
there on the SIM. The garrison made
no show of fight, but fled ns soon as
the Japanese approached.
By the capture of Fong Wong tho
Japanese came Into possession of 65
cannon, 20,000 rounds of ammunition,
1,500 muskets and 2,000 cartridges, be
sides an enormous quantity of miscel
laneous suplples.
Troops Arc Held In Readiness to Quell
Disturbances at LIcctlon.
By the United Press.
Butte City, Mont., Nov. 4. Nov. 6
will be a memorable day in Butte. The
unprecedented bitterness which has
been aroused in the city during the
campaign will certainly culmlnn
election day and if bloodshed Is avoided
u win be most fortunate. In addition
to this grave fears are entertained of
a conflict between the Catholics and
the American Protective Association.
The mayor has ordered all saloons
Closed on election day, and it Is under
stood that the governor has ordered
all the state militia to be In readiness
to go to Butte nt a moment's notice.
Shoots His Wife Because She Is Not Im
moral, By the United Tress.
New York, Nov. 4. Michael Copez
euto, 33 years of age, an Italian, tired
three bullets Into his wife, Anna, aged
23, this morning, Inflicting probably
fatal wounds. The would-be murderer
was arrested.
In her ante-mortem statement the
woman said her Husband shot her be
cause nhe would not consent to live in
a house of prostitution.
Are Injured In a Big Tiro at Louis
ville. By tho United Press.
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4. Six fircmpn
were hurt, two probably fatally, by
falling walla during a lire that origi
nated in the store of tho Singer Manu
facturing company this afternoon. The
loss by lire and water will amount to
$52,000; insurance, $.10,000.
The 'stage oft ,the Avonue theater
filled with smoke, but tho matlneo au
dience was dismissed without disorder.
Secretary Carlisle Reverses His Decision
In tho Case of tho Stable Hoy Tngagcd
by Hon. Levi .Morton.
By tho United Press.
New York, Nov. 4. Secretary Car
lisle's decision In the case of John How
ard, the coachman imported by lion.
Levi Morton and detained on Ellis Isl
and ns an alien contract laborer, was
received yesterday. The secretary de
cided that after having examined the
evidence taken by the board of special
Inquiry he wos of the opinion that How
ard's case came under the proviso In
the act which allowed the importation
of personal or domestic servants, and'
ordered the Immediate release of the
The commissioner of immigration Im
mediately scut for Howard and told
him of his release. Ho also purchased
for him a ticket to Rhlnecliff, near
which is KUcrsllo, Mr. Morton's farm.
Furthermore, he informed (the little
chap that the government would pay
for the transportation of his baggage
and for his meals at the 12111s Island
restaurant during his detention.
The gentleman who has just left Ellis
island, where privileges such as are
given to political prisoners have been
granted to him, was formerly associat
ed with Lord Alllck, of England. He
entered the service of Levi P. Morton
In England as an under coachman. His
duties were to clean the carriages, tend
the horses and sometimes to drive a
road wagon. He came over hero to
perforin the same offices at Ellerslle.
He was arrested on si warrant issued
by the secretary of tho treasury
charged with being nn alien contract
laborer. He was ordered to be deport
ed. Mr. Morton Instituted habeas pro
ceedings, and Judge Lacombe decided
that tho man wns a domestic servant.
As such he could not be a contract la
borer within the meaning of the law.
Judge Lacombe, however, said that the
matter came only within the Jurisdic
tion of the secretary of the treasury.
Mr. Carlisle had the evidence taken and
announced his decision yesterday,
which agreed with that of Judge La
combe. He reversed his own ruling
nnd broke nil the precedents of the de
partment. P. P. Smith, lo you Individually sanc
tion mud-sllnglng and scurrilous per
sonal abuse of Republican candidates?
It not, why not say so llko a man?
A bill to Incorporate tho Nicaragua
Canal company was introduced into the
Vermont senate.
Ex-Senator T. W. rainier, of Michigan,
Is 111 with nervous prostration at the liat
Ue Creek sanitarium.
In a tit of Insanity, Mrs. George Sheets,
of Bolivar, Tenn.. chopped her J-year-old
child to pieces with an adze.
Oenoral Master Workman Sovereign,
speaking at Dallas, Tex., urged working
men to use ballots and not strike.
A cousin of .Miss Laslum, at Deatsvllle,
Ala., shot her and her lover, J. Walls, for
bringing disgrace upon the family.
While temporarily Insane. William Glpp,
aged 20, of Muffalo, Bhot his father dead,
wounded his mother, and then lied.
While handling a revolver, Frederlrk
Schmidt, aged Hi, of Hlnghamton, N. Y.,'
fatally shot his younger brother, Willie.
For kissing Isabello Jennc, the daugh
ter of General J. M. Jeane, of Hrooklvn,
Philip 8. Finn hns been sued for Jltuuo
Peru's buslnes Is paralyzed by the guer
illa warfare now being waged.
Ex-Chancellor von Cnprlvl, of Germany,
has gone to Switzerland for a long rst.
' Municipal elections were held through
out England and Wales, with victories
generally for the Conservatives.
Eugene) Esperanco Oudln, Uin noted
sinner who was stricken with paralysis
two weeks ago, died at lximlon yesterday.
Premier Segasto, of Spain, who re
signed in company with all his colleagues
several days ago, has reconstucted the
cabinet. .
I'ittston Iron Workers Repudiate Lu
zerne's Little Statesman,
They Arc of the Opinion That Ulilcs' Heart
Docs Not niccd for tho Worklngmnn
After Election and Think Ho Should
Ho Consigned to Qblivion,
By the United Press.
Pittston, Nov. 4.
Hon. W. II. Hlnes, who desires re"
election at the hands of the voters of
Luzerne, seems to be unfortunate in
encountering obstacles all along the
line. The laboring classes, who fail to
observe any benefit that they have re
ceived at the hands of Mr. Hlnes, do not
seem to be backward in entering their
protests ngaiust the course of their
representative in the halls of congress.
The undersigned coinmltteeof Pittston
Local, No. 3.'!, of tho Iron Moulders'
union of America, met this evening and
adopted the folic vlng preamble and reso
lutions concerning ih candidacy of
Hon. V. H. Hlnes, who desires re
election at the hands of the voters of
Luzerne county:
Whereas, Labor Is the basis of national
wealth and material advancement and
progress, all of which can b fostered and
sustained by intelligent, honest and sym
pathetic legislation at Washington, and
Whereas, The tone, spirit unit trend cf
legislation bearing upon ull Industrial and
business Interests must bo seriously af
fected by the character of the men who
represent us In the legislative halls at the
national capital ami,
Whereas, The Hon. W. H. Ilincs, tho
representative from the congressional
district has proved himself recreant to all
business, professional and representative
responsibilities so far as these relate to
the interests of the working classes, car
ing only for hlH own selllwh Interests and
Ignoring the welfare of his own district
and the stato of Pennsylvania and,
Whereas, We consider thut a true rep
resentative of the complex Interests of
this Important congressional district and
this still more Important state should not
need pay to protect the Interests of this
district or state, and still further should
not be guilty of the Ineffable meanness
and treachery of surrendering those In
terests Into unfriendly hands for tho
privilege of peddling political patronage
to the highest bidder Independently of all
business, personal or political considera
tions of merit in the bcnetlciarv, and
Whereas, We consider that the interests
of labor would bo safer In the hands iif
an honest capitalist whose Interests are
Inseparably connected with the true In
terests of labor rather than In tho keep
ing of a tricky demagogue whose heart
bleeds for the poor work logman until u
convenient opportunity presents itself for
selling them out. Therefore be It
ltesolved, That we repudiate the candi
dacy of the Hon. W. H. 1 lines who as
pires to represent this district In tho na
tional halls of legislation and recommend
our fellow workmen throughout tho coun
ty of Luzerne to rebuke his treacherous
treatment of their Interests ami to con
sign him to that political oblivion from
which ho should never have emerged.
Resolved, That this nreninbln and those
resolutions be published In the newspa
pers circulating in tho congressional dis
trict. Signed James Carney, W. TUittor. J.
M. Fahey, T. Cowan. John J. Qulnn. Tom
VKlcmtng. Tom, Comity, James Coyne,
John Sullivan. Pittston, Pn., Nov. 4, 'lMH.
James Q.Baley, do you personally sane
tlon the pirate policy which would llo
you Into ofllce over the remains of your
antagonist's libelled reputation? If not,
why not say so llko a man'.'
victim or toot ball.
Princeton Frcsbtnnn Suffering from In
jury to His Spine. .
By tho United Press.
Washington, Nov. 4. P.ort E. D.
Breckinridge, son of General J. C.
Breckinridge, Inspector general United
States army is contlned at his
home here with a severe Injury to his
Mr. Breckinridge entered the fresh
man class at Princeton last September
and became a member of the class foot
ball team. In a recent game at Hlghts
town, N. J with a school eleven of
that place, Mr, Breckinridge received
a bad wrench In his back.
The people are recoiling from smut
sheet mistiness.
Last month stato bonds for Jl6,600 were
During October sixty-five charters were
granted to 1'omiHylvanlu companies.
Heading's board of trade urges tho olty
to borrow $l,00O,UO0 for public Improvement.
Detectlvo Dennis O'Connoll, of Altoona,
who traveled on a railroad and charged'
faro (o the county, has been prosecuted.
A thief Intimidated the servant in R. J.
Fay's residence, Altoona, and then ran
sacked the house, stealing much property.
It has been discovered In the state de
partment at Harrlstiurg that the error In
tho marriage license net of 1893, making
It go Into effect in 18it6, was made by u
In a collision, of passenger trains on the
Baltimore nnd Ohio railroad, at Hunkln
station. Engineer P. C. Hralnard was
killed nnd Fireman Frank Cunningham
builly Injured.
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair, prob
ably preceded by showers In the early
morning; cooler: wlndsshlftlng to north
west; fair Tuesday.
For this week we will offer fcomo
Extraordinary Values In
White and Colored Blanket!
'ioo pairs 10-4, white, at 49(Y
ioo pairs 10.4, white, at 75ft B1M1
50 pairs, 11-4, at 81.35.
40 pairs, all wool, 11-4, at 3.2.1
50 pairs, all wool, 11.4, at 4.5!
60 pairs, all wool, Cali-
furuia Blankets, n-jand
i at $5, $6 and $1
jjThese-areuall New Goods antLthe price
ore guaranteed tho lowest
ever offered.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave,
Wholesale and BetaiL
313 Spruca Street,
Telephone, No. 4633.
A FOOT II 1 11,
Couldn't hurt much more than ary,
uncomfortablo shoo. Our "KOfU'
RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy.
In Calf and Cordivan are Just what yoit,
want for Fall and Winter.
114 Wyoming Avenue,
And get checks on that beau
tiful Piano to be given away
Christmas week.
N, B. Repairing of Fine
Watches a specialty.
n i