The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 03, 1894, Image 1

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nix pa;es 70 columns.
mi , tLrpv'w iir i u - .nan ili i i in i n mi in i jm jm i im
I!e Points to the Koail That Kill Lead
to (i 0(1(1 1 illR'S.
An lUoqiicnt Hovjcw of the Chungcd Con
dition of Th.'iif; I nJcr tlic Mute of
ihe 1'iirly of lixpertincnt The
Way Out of Jiiffltiilty.
By the I'nlted Press.
All.atiy. N. Y., Nov. 2.
.'t vast crowd greeted cx-Pr -sldcnt
llunlsou ns his train rolled into th
station ,at4.:;u ibis afternoon., as
soon as the in-lii came to :i ntr Cni
forct I). tlregory liitroiiiu-i-il the ex-p osi- j
dent. It was .some time before Mr.
Harrison ci-uld lie heard, because of tlio '
cheering of t lie crowd. In the coursi.
of Ids remarks lie .Maid:
"Where Is the man or woman in this
vast corn-nurse who lias not felt the hard
times, where is the inert-hunt who has
not seen his stock shrink upon his
shelves, where is the capitalist who lias
not seen his securities diminish. And
why all this? Simply that some gontli--inen
w ho have a theory im.y experiment
wlih it In (lie legislature.
"My countrymen, the reports of our
great i-onuneivlnl agencies, tli' stalis;
tics of commerce, and tin- statistics
compiled in our last census lvturns. all
show" the country In (fond condition.
Tlie workliigmui hail employment at
fair wages; tho mills were running;
every man's heart was full with hope,
nnd every line of business was bringing
In a K'ood profit: We have seen times
since, when no busluesi: was prospering
and every man was wondering whether
his little savings would hold out until
the hard times were over. Many of the
savings have been exhausted and many
families how anxiously await the enm
1i'K' of the snows this winter without
knowing If they shall be comfortably
provided for.
"Now my fellow countrymen, you will
have- it In your power this November,
at least, to stop this crusade. ' you
choose n Ueptiblli-Hii congress, there
will be halt declared once and for all
upon lliis destructive blight which has
come over every American industry."
Chairman Cilkcsou's luvoruble- Reports
from State Headquarters.
By tho I'nlted Preps.
Philadelphia. Nov. 5. Keptibllcan
State Chairman J!. 1-'. CilKeson when
asked today what the Hepuhlicun pros
pects of success in the mate election
are. replied:
"I believe thnt our majority of the
state ticket will reach jtio.000 at least.
Philadelphia and Allegheny counties
will show an unprecedented majority
by fall. In the? rest of the Btate the He
publican organization is In the- best
condition it has been for many years.
The only thins that we have to fear
nt nil as affecting; our majority Is a pos
sible indifference upon the part of Ue
pnblican voters as to th necessity of
going to the polls on next Tuesday. I,
however, do not have much fear of
'his since the reports us they come to
me from our county chairmen, as will
as from other sources, indicate that the
people are all anxious to vote and that
there will be few, if any, stay at homes
this election.
"I believe that we will carry every
congressional district with the excep
tion of three, and In thi e three we
have a fighting chance.' Viie Indica
tions are that the state senate and the
house of representatives will be more
nearly unanimous than ever In the his
tory of Pennsylvania."
Lnthusinstic Deception Tendered Gov
ernor .Mckinley nt Krie.
By the failed Press.
Kile, 'a Nov. 2. After the midnight
reception that followed the meeting at
Sandusky, the McKluley special made
a flying trip to Krie. mo miles distant,
where It was side-tracked until day
light. At o'clock when it wns brought
into the fnion depot, tho whistles of
acores of locomotives and manufactur
ing establlsments set up an Indescrib
able din which continued until ho
reached the market house, where 10,000
people were awaiting him. The gover
nor's visit was in the especial interest
of Matthew tiriswold, tho nominee
abnlnt-t "Honest Joe" Sibley.
Ciovernor Mcl-Clnley spoke for an hour
on the tariff. Issue, and while refrain
ing from referring to Mr. Sibley by
name, took occasion to sny: "The K---puhlican
parly still stands for the great
principle of protection to American In
dustries." At the conclusion of bis ad
dress 5,000 people accompanied the gov
ernor to Ihe train.
Narsini;a Cold In Order to Meet Mr. Sin-
Py the f nltrd Tress.
Philadelphia, Nov. 2. Ceneral U. H.
Hastings did not fulfill any of his en
gagements to speak today or this even
ing; at Republican meetings. His cold
is still troubling him and he Is nursing
his throat so that he will be uble to
meet Mr. Slngerly. the Democratic
gubernatorial candidate In joint de
bate tomorrow' night at Norristown.
Ueneral Hustings will not speak 'n
Pottstown, as he expected to do tomor
row, but will remain In the city until
he goes to Norristown In the evening.
Mr. Slngeiiy Delivers His Heady Made
Address ut l'ottstown.
By the f nlted Press.
Pottstown, Pa., Nov. 2. Candidate
for governor, William M. Slngerly, canii
here this evening and addressed u large
and enthusiastic Democratic audience
in the opera house.
Mr. Slngeiiy's speech was In the same
line as the many he delivered during
his tour.
m ou ktenVuiTg o al.
Japanese forces l:.pect to I'nlto Soon
ruder Its Walls.
By tho f nlted Press. .
Yokohama, Nov. 2. The second Jap
anese army landed at a point four
days' ; ninrch from Kinchow, on the
Oulf of Liuutung. A battle Is expectod
nhortly. '
It Is announced here thnt the Invest
ment of Fort Arthur by the Japanese
forces lias been completed by land and
by sea, and that the forward move
ment of both the Japanese armies In
the direction of Moukden is bolng rapid
ly pushed. It is added that u portion
of Field Marshal Count Oyumu's force
will attack Kinchow, which is occu
pied by Die Chinese troops. In the
meanwhile General Nodzu's advance
column is approaching Fung-Whang, a
fortified town on the main road be
tween WIJu and Moukden, to which
place all the Chinese troops retreated
after leaving their positions north of
the Yalu liver. The Japanese expect
to defeat the Chinese at both places and
then unite their columns before, the
walls of Moukden.
oi tragi: against British.
Htportcd Jliirning of iho Consulate at
Culluo, Peru, wiili .Murder.
ISy the I'nlted Press.
Victoria, R C, Nov. 2. The flagship
Koynl Arthur and four other ships of
the British squadron have been ordered
"to Callao, Peru, at once. The British
consulate at that place has been taken
possession of by revolutionists und the
consul made u prisoner. U!s wife and
daughter have been killed and the con
sulate has been burned to the ground,
The llagship left under full steam last
night. Admiral Stepht nson Is on board.
Washington, Nov. 2. The Hrltlsh em
bassy here has received no Information
yet of the reported sacking of the lirit
ish consulate in Callao. It is said at
the embassy that the ambassador
wduld not be oflicially notified at once
of such an occurrence In South Amer
ica, in the ordinary course of events;
that it would be reported directly to
the foreign oflloe. The Hritish consul
at Callao Is Alfred St. John, lie is of a
family long identified with the diplo
matic service, and has been stationed
at different posts for ten years past.
bicyclist Porter Smashes the World's
HceorJs-Johnson Also Cullies to the
1 rout lit Cliilicotlie.
P.y the Pulled Press.
Walthain, Mass., Nov. 2. Arthur
Porter, of Wnltham, the Class A cycle
champion, this afternoon broke three of
the world's records (,lhut Tjler had
worked ho hard to establish.
Porter'B first nttempt was a half mile
flying start, paced, inuking the half In
":! seconds, one secund faster than his
own Class A time. His next attempt
was at one mile, paced, standing start
his own Class A record was 2 min
utes. He beat the latter easily and but
for a swerving' of his wheel would have
clipped a slice off the world's record,
1.5" :!-"'. He finished the mile In 1.58 1-5,
within S-5 seconds of the world's and
1 4-5 seconds faster than the Class A
1 latterly und Williams then rode for
the paced tandem record and made the
nuarter In 25 4-5 seconds, the third In
::4 2-5 seconds, both new world's records,
and the half in 5?. 1-5, new Chin A time.
. Chillicothe, O., Nov. 2. This after
noon John S. Johnson smashed the one
third and one-half mile records at the
kite track. Johnson reduced me record
for one-third of a mile from 84 1-5 sec
onds to ;ii 2-5, lowering the record 1 4-5
seconds. He also cut the half mile
from 52 1-5 to 51 2-5 seconds, lowering
the record 4-3 of a second. 'Both the
above records were made by Harry
The Hammond Packing Company's Lstab
lislimcnt ut South Omaha Totally Be
strojed vrwo l iremcii Killed.
Iiy the I'nlted Proas.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 2. A fire this
morning with u loss of $:io0,0oo, fully
covered by insurance, wiped out the
beef killing and several oilier depart
ment of the Hammond Packing com
pampany's plant at South Omaha, and
resulted in the dcalh of two firemen,
John Steele and Hunk Peters.
The lire originated in the cloak-room
of the beef killing department, and is
supposed to have been caused by a
lighted tobacco pipe in the pocket of
some one's ovc-i at.
Depew, in four days, made forty-five
Hackers of Grant are few, among bet
ting men.
Senator Walsh, of fleorgla, has been re
nominated. Gresham "has a cold," nnd will not
speak in I'ldiaiiu.
General Harrison captured New York
ers by that speech.
Quay predicts that Hustings will have
nearly 2j0,u0U majority.
Chairman Habeock claims that the next
house will contain 2(W Hepulilleuns.
Slngerly' free ore and free coal talks In
Ihe anthracite colonics have tost him
hundreds of votes.
A prospective deudlock In the Georgia
Democratic senatorial tight muy res'ilt
In the nomination of Speaker Crisp.
. General Sewell says New Jersey Pe
publicuns should carry the legislature
llrst and elect their senator afterward.
Chairman Strunahiin has not yet re
pudiated Lawyer O'Connor's scurrilous
Johnstown attack on General Hustings.
lty a mistake, 25O,0in) copies t Gorman's
speech denouncing Clevelund und Wil
son were sent by the Democratic congres
sional commit teo into Wilson's district.
It Is claimed in Washington that llol
man, Kynuni. Springer and Outhwulte,
who constitute, a Democratic congres
sional Itlg Four, will all be del'euted Tues
day. The talk of colonization of voters bv
Congressman Tom L. Johnson lias be
come so common that the Republican con
gressional committee of the Twenly-tlint
Ohio district have taken legal action.
Notification has been given that recal
citrant Democratic olllee holder In the
Third dlctrlct would lie reckoned with by
the Wusliiiiglou authorities if Tues
day' returns should result In McCullen'
Congressman Alderson's plan of .-am-pulgnlng
out In the West Virginia moun
tain Is to present to every woman con
stituent a new calico dress. He burrowed
the Idea from Senator Kennu, who used
to fiddle ut country dances ami take
kodak "snap shots" of mountaineer fam
ily groups, free.
Senator Quay made a speech at New
Brighton the other night which revealed
him In a new light. Of Colonel Stone,
Ihe Pittsburg congressman, the senator
said that the rigidity of Heed's rules had
suppressed tho tariff thunder in congress,
hut I hunks to the hixlty of senate regu
lations he had been able to suy a few
words on tho subject himself. This sully
brought down the house. Senator Quay
added: "1 hope and believe -that on
Tuesday next you will make your most
triumphant deliverance, on that day the
greatest disaster which ever befell u polit
ical party in this country will overtake
whut, as an organization, I probably i Itu
grcutest of our political parties, greut in
Its long term of oxistence, In Its discip
line; In the devotion of Its masses and In
lis historic endurance of punishment und
puln. It fulls now beculise, though never
cowardly In battle nor panic stricken In
defeat. It nver Imprvvw . uutaiuv".
Russia's Xtw Czar Publishes
First Proclamation.
A Policy of Peace and (iood Government
is Outlined - I he Hitler Promises to "
lies clop the Power and Glory of
His 11c love J Country.
P.y the raited Press.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 2.
The Ollkial .Messenger this morning
publishes the llrst proclamation of Kin
peror Nicholas II. of Uusjiu, in which,
after formally communleutliig in the
nation the news of the death of lis
father, Alexander 111., says:
"May the knowledge console us that
our grief is the 'iief of the entire be
loved nation, and may the nation not
forget that the strength and lir.nn -.-s
of holy Russia lies in its unity and un
bounded devotion to us. In this
sad und solemn hour in which
w- ascend our lliioite
of the Husslan empire, mid the ci;ar
dom of Poland and the grand duchy .f
1-inlaiid lii'lissoluMy linked with It, v.--.
however, remember the legacy Kit to
us by our lamented father, und, hnhu d
with it, we, in tile presence of the Most
High, take a. sacred vow to make our
whole aim the peaceful development of
the power and glory of our beloved
Russia and the happiness of all our
t.-'thful subjects."
The maiilfeulo concludes by command
ing that the oath of allegiance be taken
to him, Emperor Nicholas 11., and to'
his heir presumptive, Grand Duke ;
George Alexandrovitch, ills brother,
wlio is to lie entitled czarowitch until
God muy bless Willi a son the union
which his Majesty Is ubout to enter Into ;
with Princess Ali.-c, of 11 esse-Darn;- !
stadt. !
Berlin, Nov. 2. The marriage of Km
peror Nicholas 11, and Prices Allx, of
llesse, is expected to take place soon
after the funeral, as the law of the
Orthodox Greek church prohibits mar
riage between Nov. 2ti and Jan. IS.
I.avudia, Nov. 2. The body of tho
late Czar Alexander HI, after being
embalmed and attired in the uniform of
tho Preobiejensky regiment of tin
guard, was taken tills morning to the
small private chapel of the palace. The
bier was surrounded with lighted can
dles and Is watched by priests und of
ficers of the army.
At the religious services which were
held in the chapel, all the members - f
the imperial family and household were
London, Nov. 2. The Standard's St.
Petersburg correspondent sas: "The
young czar's manifesto is received with
opt n delinht, probably ttnparalled in
the history of Russian ofllclal deela-ra-Hons.
The dignified and almost affec
tionate tone is freely compared with
that rif the proclamation upon the ac
cession of Emperor William II."
Tho Standard's Vienna correspondent
says: "Some time; ago a deputation pe
titioned the cBurowitch to cntervcre for
the Husslan Jews. A member of that
deputation tells that the ozarowich re
plied:'! despise and condemn the ex
pulsion oi your countrymen, out my
hands are tied.' "
A Shipwrecked Ainu Suved After Lying
Two Days on the Seashore.
By the Pulled Press.
Nanimo, B. C Nov.' 2. Alexander
Smith, an engineer, was brought to llii-i
city last evening from Newcastle Is
land by an Indian lu a pitiable condi
tion. Smith, with a man named Will
lam Martin, had gone out Monday lu an
open rowboat In search of two mil)
who were supposed to be adrift lu the
gulf. While adrift a mile froiti shore
their boat upset. Smith clung to tho
keel, while Martin tried to swim ashore.
After several hours drifting the boat,
with Smith still clinging to It, was
luud on to the bench of New Castle
Island. Smith swooned from exhaus
tion ns soon ns he reached land. When
found he had been lying on tho beach
twwo days and two nights; most of the
time it was raining. He Is a very sick
man. Nothing more vas seen of Mar
A Boston Tuilortiot Nothing Instead of
,;io,oon forllis$u,.Mo.
By the United Press.
Boston, Nov. 2. Moyer J. Cohen, a
tailor nt 78 Prince street, this city, bus
reported to the police the loss of $H,500
by u gold dust swindle. Cohen, through
a friend, made a deal with a slrange:
to purchase forty pounds of alleged gol J
dust, claimed to have been secured in
the Siberian mines, where tho swindler
said he had served sixteen years of a
life sentence before he escaped.
The value of the dust was said to be
$10,000, but the swindler would take $(!,
COO for It. Cohen paid tho money and
tho dust proved to be Worthless, and
the police are searching for the swind
The Moscow Populucc Itcportcd to Have
Wrecked Ills Kcsldcucc.
Iiy the I'nited Tress.
St. Tetersburs, Nov. 2. It Is reported
here that the populace of Moscow, In
dignant ut what they believe to have
been the malpractice of Dr. Zuchnriu
in the case of the czar, are wrecking
the doctor's house lu that city. The
telegraph ofllces are crowded with
newspaper correspondents seeking to
send their reports, and peasants, ofllcers
and merchants waiting for the latest
news from l.evadla.
The garrisons at Prnnstadt and St.
Teterslmvg have taken the oalli of al
legiance to the new caar.
Precautions Have Again Ilcen Taken in
Interim Deportment.
By the I'nlted Tress,
Washington, Nov, 2. Further precau
tions have been taken at the Interior
department for the prevention of small
pox. Thedepartmentwlllbeclosed today
at noonh'or unother (borough fumltfntlon.
Secretary Smith did not attend tho
cabinet meeting today, not, ns he said,
because he was afraid of carrying con
tagion, but In order that there might
not be cause of uneasiness.'
Another new case was reported by the
hrklih authorities today, a colored man
in the employ of ex-Surgeon General
Moore, of the army, at Sua Sixteenth
Susqiicliuuna Liable to Lose a iownnnJ
an Assemblyman.
By tho f nite.d Press.
Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 2. The depart
ment of Internal affairs has prepared
for the authorities of Susquehanna
county copies of the original papers,
maps and other documents made at the
time of tho oriKlnnl survey between
Susquehanna and Luzerne counties.
The same ofllclals have also made in
ijuiry at the state department for the
names of the commissioners appointed
by Hie governor for the survey for a
boundary line between the two coun
ties. A dispute has arisen between the
authorities of these counties us to the
location of this line and tne matter
will have o be settled by the courts.
The department of Internal affairs
bus a map prepared in IblG by & Uu'i
Chapman, a member of the commis
sion appointed to survey tills boundary
line, which show the line between the
two counties, but it cannot be ascer
tained when the original line was run
on the ground. If the contention of the
Lackawanna authorities is sustained
Susiiuehaiiun. will lose l-'orest City
surrounding hamlets, the population
oi' which is hullicii iit to entitle Susque
hanna to one !- ss member of the lcgis-latur.-.
President llippolltc Is Preparing to Coicll
Possible I prising.
Iiy the I'nlted I'n ss.
New York, Nov. 2. The steamer Al
venia, from Costa Ricu, arrived tills
morning. It was learned in Hie office of
Porwurd & Kellock, to whom she is
consigned, that uffuirs In Huytl, where
she stopped on her pussagc- down, are
in a very disturbed stale.
The rumor that Hippolite will resign
is discredited, but he is taking every
precaution against a possible uprising.
Grand Jury I lads True Hill Against th
slaver of the Arabian.
By the I'nlted Press.
Wilkes-Barre, Nov. 2. The grand ',
Jury lu session here today found a true ;
bill against William 1'enn Bowman for j
murder. j
It will be remembered that the pris
oner a few days ago confessed to the i
killing of Mike John, the Arabian pod- ,
dler. j
Houses in the City Shaken in an Alarm
ing Manner.
By the I'nited l'rcss. '
City of Mexico. Nov. 2. A severe !
earlhouake, lasting more than half -i '
minute, shook this cvxy ut 6.40 o'clock .
All houses were shaken, but damage
was slight.
Robert J. und Gentry Compete in the
Kaccsat Point Itrcczc-Kohert liiuhle to
Cover His Previous Time.
By the I'nited Press.
Philadelphia. Nov. Hubert J., the
fleet son of Hartford, whose pacing
work of 2.01U is the sensation of the
year, was sent against Ills record, ac
companied by a runner, this afternoon
at the Point Breeze track, but the best
he could do was 2.0B. Prior to the trial
Robert J. and John K. Gentry, 2.0.1-i4,
met in a match race for a purse of
$2,0(10. Robert J won two heats rather
easily in 2.0S und 2.12',i, und then Gentry
was withdrawn because of a cut on his
fore-leg. which injury has bothered
the stallion more or less all season.
Tomorrow Allx will go against her
record of 2.0:l-1i; Fantasy, the fastest
4-yeur-old trotter, will endeavor to beat
her mark of 2.0t'i and Directly, the
champion 2-year-old pacer,
lower his record of 2.07.
will try to
class, trottlngl-nurse, J1.500
Amite, li. it., by Whips, dam Josio
1 1
3 2
in. (Oeersi
l'lieohe Wilkes, br. mCUe.Heiiry).
Time. '1W. 2i(,- -'.to.
Match for a purse.of S2.nW.
Robert J, b. g- by Hartford, dam Gcr-
uldine (Ueers).... I
John R. Gontry b. ., by Ashland
Wilkes, dam Daniewood (McHenry) 2
'I'line 2. OH. 2.121-..
2.1 class, trotting; purse, $M).
Gnitz. b. K
by Bourbon Wilkes
Martin K
Serunton Belle
Willis A
Time, 2.I1I4, 2.1S'-.-, 2.1!v
1 1 i
North Dakota's corn oereago Inerensed
175 per eeut. over last year, reai-lilug Hi'-HeO
Infant Insuianre Is alleged to have
paused several child murders In I'hultu-
The flight of Jul.s lteese, steward ,jf
the Washington I 'ark club, I'lik-aa", re
veals u i:,uihj duruli-atiou.
A stnuiKO disease, somewhat resemlillng
hdtophohla, kllh-d two young sonn of
John lirannou, Abbeville, Ala.
1-Vediuy Inoculated meat fo swine Is the
cure for hog cholera Indorsed by Htute
Veterinary Tonssnnl, of Wisconsin.
Tor passing forged checks at Trlsco,
Burgeon II. H. Dunbar, of the t'nltel
Htaii-s steamer Bennington, was arrested.
Suing Lottie Collins, (he actress, for 57
for ten inedli-ul visits, lr. W. K. Klssune,
of New York, was beaten, being awarded
bill SMI.
In a rock-drlllliiK contest, at Leadville,
for the world's championship, .MuKee and
Ue.Meyer won, scoring IKilj Inches iu lllf
teeu minutes.
Theft of $10,000 from the Tlrst National
bank, at Huntlnnlon. W. Va., caused the
an-MHt of Cashier Charles Wilkinson, a
social leader and Sunday school worker.
A bur of Iron In a Heading foundry
struck and killed Cyrus Uelliiler.
A thief who entered (ieorgn tloche
lialer's cellar nt. Boiling Springs got a
loud of shot In his body.
Beimlrs costing J.'AOOil huve been made)
upon tho log hooni ut WUllittnspnrl, which
Wus damaged by the May Howls.
Overtaxed by carrying buck his steps,
which Halloween mummers had stolen,
aged James Templar dropped dead at Al
legheny City. '
The large factory of the Hei-g company,
fertilizers, at Thlladelphlu, was almost to
tally burned late last night, Tl.u lire
was caused by a vat of fal overboiling.
The loss Is
Thomas II. Lu tinier, dry goods dealer,
Allegheny, confessed Judgments yester
day aggregating HT..("H. Lutlnu-r has
been in business many years. He attrib
utes his embarrassment principally to
Shiimefiil anil Incredible Talc of
I'td ice Oppression.
$30,000 1'OK l'ROTKCTlOX
The Witness Relates a Shocking Story
before the Lexow Committee-Vain i;f.
forts to Save Her Niece from
u Life of Shame.
By the f nlted Press.
New York, Nov. 2.
Mrs. llerreinann, the woman whom
Lawyer Golf alleges wus spirited away
from this city by certain police ollicers
high in authority, who was found in
Chicago, and who created such a sensa
tion by being urresled with the Lexow
committee detectives in Jersey City,
was the star witness before the Lexow
committee today. She told her story of
police persecution nnd police protection,
and involved Police Justice Hogan,
Captains Brogan and Ryan with their
wardmcn In li. r testimony. She re
fused to mention the name of a certain
captain and Policeman Cuoiiey, us
they wore her friends.
.111?. xiei I euuvilll B-l-e noiuc t i'i i p-u-
satlolial testimony. She declared she
was protected in her business by the
New York police, and that these same
police thwarted her in her efforts to
save her 17-year-old niece from a disre
putable house.
Mr. Guff examined the witness:
"How long have you been in this
"1 came lure from France in P2."
And you opined a house at 1J1 West
Third street .' Yes.
Guff questioned the woman as to her
life in West Third street. She told
how she had moved from one part of
that thoroughfare, to unother. At one
time and another she opened five dif
ferent houses ou the street. Once she
had possession of three at the same
Mrs. lli-i'ivmanii, you had a niece, of
whom you were very fond, who was
sent to you from France by her lather'.'
She came to you a good girl and you
kept her a good girl'.' Yes, she thought
I kept a respectable boarding house.
Whut was your niece's name? Yaet
tee llerreinann.
After you hud her here did not her
mother get her away from you'.' Yes;
when 1 was sick. She took her to no
place, 141 West Third street.
A l.'evolting Story.
A story revolting in its details fol
lowed. Mrs. Herromanu told how th-
young woman, Yacttue, was treated in
the house kept by her mother. "I wrote
to the police, to Captain Hauglicy, and
begged them to get (lie young girl away.
My sUU-r was paying Petterinau,
Captain llaughuy's wardman, $1"i a
week. He refused to take my niece
away. He threatened to send me to
prison for five years if I did not leave
my sister alone. I threatened to go and
shoot my niece."
Toward the close of her testimony
her memory began to fall, but when
pressed she declared there was one po
lice captain she desired to save.
She testified that she had cleared
from $1,000 to $l,."oo a month from her
business, but now she did not have as
much as $1,000. She had paid out large
amounts, aggregating $:'.0,0U0, to police
to protect her business. She further
testified that she was sent uwuy from
New York by the police who bad ac
cepted bribes from her. The witness
then said that money was offered to her
to go awny, and sho said she only
1 wanted her expenses.
"I asked the ge ntleman if Captains
j Haughery nnd Bropan were in it, and
he said they were. I asked If Captain
j Ryan was In It. and he said yes."
"Xow you got that $1,700 lii order
not to appear before the Lexow com
mission?" "Yes, sir, I did."
"You met a lot of old friends in Chl-
I "Yes, they are there from all over
! New York."
"Waiting for the Lexow committee to
: get through?"
i "Yes, sir."
I "Who employed Mr. Daly, of Jersey
City, to keep you over there?"
"I do not know."
"Did you give him any money?"
"He said If I gave him $uOO. he would
get me out on bull. 1 did not give any
money to him."
An adjournment was taken until to
I nprovuked Crime of a Young .Man In
iiy the I'nited Tress.
Huflalo, Nov. 2. William fiipps early
tills morning, at his home, No. ti,'8 Ful
ton street, apparently without provoca
tion, shot and killed his niolln-r and
shot and fatally wounded his father.
j 1ih is a Lehigh car inspector who
works nights. He returned home this
! morning ut about the usual hour, and
: as soon as lie entered the house pulled
! a revolver und, (timing it directly at his
mother, fired twice, one bullet striking:
her in the temple und the other in her
! body. She died Instantly,
j The shots and the screams aroused
the family. The father was the first to
I appear, und the son lived twice at him,
I one bullet striking him at the corner
of the right eye near the nose, and tho
I other taking effect in his right breast.
( i'he other sons then entered the room
und grappled with William, trying to
wrest the weapon from him. After a
brief Btruggle ho got away from them
and ran out into the back yard and es
cuped over the fence, lie has thus far
eluded capture. The father Is at the
hospital, still alive.
A Chicago l.ndy Attacked in ller Home by
1 Supposed Hcportcr.
By the United Tress.
Chicago. Nov. 2. An attempt wns
made yesterday to lob Mrs. M. E. Tuge,
wife of u confectioner, at her home, 44B
Uarileld avenue. A young woman
called upon her, claiming to be a re
porter for a newspaper, and naked for
a report of n society affair in which
Mrs. Page was Interested. Mrs. Page
Invited her into her reception room, in
tho second story of the building, and
after a time spent In conversation, the
young woman requested Mrs. Page to
sing und play for her. Mrs. Page con
sented, and seated herself at the lano,
but had hardly placed her hand upou
the keys, when ihe reoelved three
heavy blows from behind upon the top
of the head. The blow fell upon her
nulr which wus colled upon the top of
her head, and she was only slightly
stunned, and cried out loudly for help.
Tho young woman then tied down the
stairway to the street.
Mrs. Page followed her, and found
that she had been stopped on the side
walk by two young men who geemed to
be having trouble to hold her. One of
tho young men advised her to return to
the house to sse whether any of her
Jewelry had been stolen. Mr. Pa fa
did so, and after llndlng nothing miss
ing, returned to the street, but the two
young men and the young woman had
disappeared and have not since been
seen. The police think that the young
men were accomplices of the woman,
and that It was their aim to get pos
session of Mrs. Page's diamonds and
I'.xeeptions to the Cluiin of Senatorial
Candidate Al. L. McUonuld-Story of a
W est Side Aliuer.
It will interest Luekuwaniia, crmnty
voters und particularly laboring n.on t )
consider the following story which
chielly concerns Michael K. McDonald,
t tie Democratic candidate for senator,
und James F. Butler, a hard-working
miner who lives at 242S Jackson street.
The facts were volunteered by Mr. But
ler, who will soon Institute proceedings
against Mr. McDonald and the Ameri
can Safety Lump and Mine Supply com
pany to recovorhlsfHutler'B.) complete In
terest in a mine drill, of which he is the
Contracts and other documents were
produced to substantiate tho honest
miner's story, which shows how he hus
been prevented from receiving any re
muneration from his patent and lias
been compelled to spend considerable
money In a hopeless endeavor to have
it brought to public notice. Mr. Butler
"I am a practical miner, but I am now
loading coal for a living in the Conti
nental mines as a result of mistaken
confidence In Senator McDonald. My
experience with him has not been such
as will bear him out In his frequent as
sertions of lute that he Is the 'friend of
the workingmaji.' He has been the
means of depriving me of many months
of fruitful labor and 1 believe him capa
ble of misleading the hopes of others,
Jtutlcr (Ibtiiined a Patent.
'in January, lhJV.i, I secured a patent
ou a mine drill and in October of that
year made a contract with him as presi
dent of the American Safety Lamp and
Aline Supply company to manufacture
the article, and under the agreement
the contract was to hold good unless
notice to the contrary was given by the
company. 1 was to huve, control of the
sules and was to receive 25 per cent,
commission and lit per cent royalty;
the company was to receive $0 for cacli
drill manufactured lu addition to the
60 per cent, of sales' funds.
"1 condemned the first drill made,
which was not 'perfect and workman
like' according to a clause. In our con
tract. .When I wanted to take a drill
into the mines for a practical test, Mr.
McDonald refused me permission un
less I paid for the drill. 1 tried in vari
ous ways to secure a drill for trial but
he put me oft at intervals of weeks und
months until I was heartily discour
aged. Finally it was suggested that
the sales privilege be given to n certain
machinery supply firm in tills city. I
consented and signed a contract giv
ing the sales firm 25 per cent, and re
serving 5 per cent, for myself. After
signing the contract I was refused a
copy und have not ohtulned one since. -
"A few months ugo .Mr. McDonald
agreed to reliiuiulsh his company's In
terest if 1 would secure other parties
to interest themselves iu tho matter. T
spent considerable money und time in
doing this and then Mr. McDonald re
fused to withdraw.
. "The firm which has had the sales
j privilege has sold only a comparatively
j small number of drills. I feel satisfied
) that the whole history ot tho case has
j been dragged along for tho purpose of
j compelling me to sell my interest for a
"1 tedd Mr. McDonald Several months
ago that he had treated mo unfairly
I but he made further avowals of good
j faith and I foolishly believed him.
j Aside from any political bearing of the
story It Is a simple evidence that he
will treat others as he has treuted me."
Given Ten Years for Abducting I.lttls
.Mamie Kcjei,
I3y the Vnited Tress,
Philadelphia, Nov. 2.-Charle9 "A.
Wilson was today sentenced by Judge
Heed to ten years imprisonment for the
abduction of -MamUi 'Keyer, aged 7
years. Wilson a few weeks ago took
the child to New York and kept her a
Upon reading in a newspaper the an
nouncement that $'00 reward was of
fered for his capture he returned with
i the child nnd placed her on a street car,
giving the conductor her parent s ad
dress with the request that he leave her
off there. Wilson was arrested the same
Three Churches Wrecked and l'ruit Or
chards Laid to Waste.
By the United l'ress.
Willis, Tex., Nov. 2. A teriltlc wind
h tor in (struck this place ilast night.
Three churches were wrecked, resl-
! deuces and Btore houses damaged to a
greater or less degree. Many houses In
I the country were destroyed and pear
I and peach orchards were laid to waste,
J No lives are reported lost so far, but
full returns are. not yet In. The town
of Montgomery Is reported as having
suffered severely.
Enormous damage to crops in northern
Frunce have been done by floods.
Prince llohenlohu formally ussumed the
olllee of chancellor of Uermaiiy yester
day. Tribes in one district In Morocco are
fighting llercely unions: themselves, and
suverul buttles have already occurred.
Many tribesmen have been killed on both
Tho London Saturday Hevlew. which
was bought in August by L. II. Kdmunds,
a wealthy young barrlsisr, hus now- been
sold to Reuben (Bassoon, an intimate
friend of the Prime of Wales.
For eastern Pennaylvanlu. rain: cooler
Saturday ei-ening; full- SiiliUU) ; south
winds, shitttng ta west vines.
i it it r'n
For This Week,
28 pieces. 40-inck all wool Henri
cttus, best shades, 50c quality,
Special Price, 35c.
20 pieces, 4O-it1c.l1 all wool Henri'
etta, 05c. quality,
Special Price, 45c,
18 pieces, 3-inch all wool Assabet
Dress Flannels, 40c quality,
Special Price, 29c.
25 pieces line English Suiting,
changeable effects,
Special Price, 43d
su pieces Silk und Wuol Miitnres,
05c quality,
Special Price 48c.
Our line of black C.uods comprises
the Latest and best Designs ut' Iho.
leading Foreign Manufacturers. i
510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye,
I- - - - -'
Wholesale and Retail. ,
313 Spruce. Street,
Telephone, No. 4633.
Couldn't hurt much mora than artj
uncomfortable shoe. Our "KORV
RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy.
In Calf and Cordivan are just what yoili
want for Fall and Winter.
114 Wyoming Avenue.
And get checks ou that beau-'
tiful Piano to be given away,
Christmas week.
. N, B. Repairing of Fino
Watches a specialty.
I! iW