THE FCEANTON TRIBUNE Till) IiSDAY MORNttTO. NOVEMBER 1, 1S94. Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. An underground trolley . transit, the dream of all our large cities, seems to be In a fair way toward consumma tion If we may believe an article In a Milwaukee paper relative to the system of trolley propulsion Invented by Her luf A. F. Peterson, of the Peterson Electrical works of that city. Ever since electricity was first employed for the propulsion of street cars it has been the study of electrical workers to devise an underground conduit which would be safe and absolutely re liable. Numbers of conduits have been devised, but the difficulty with nil that have been tried thus far is that no pro vision was made aginst the accumula tion of dirt and moisture in the conduit containing the electric conductors. In fact these objections to the conduit system have been so great 'that they have prevented the adoption of same, and the street railway companies have stuck to the overhead trolley. The Peterson system will. It is said, do away with all the overhead wires and poles, together with the danger of life and property resulting from their use. The Peterson system also does away with the corrosion of water and gas pipes, telephone cables and other metallic property burled in the ground, which is caused by electrolysis from the ground return current of the present overhead system, and it is said to in volve a saving of 40 per cent, upon the present cost of the overheud trol ley lines. The' principal object of the Peterson system is to provide an underground conduit of such construction ns to ef fectually guurd against the admission of moisture to that portion of the con duit occupied by the conductors or wires, and to prevent the condensation of moisture on the walla or the conduc tors or the insulated supports for the conductors.' The Peterson system also provides for the ready removal of any dirt which may find its way through the slot by which the conduit communi cates with the surface of the ground. Another object of the invention is to provide means for maintaining a circu lation of dry cold air within the part of the conduit in which the conductors are located, in order to keep the con ductors dry as well as to provide means for regulating the operation of the ven tilating apparatus. This system also provides means for operating the switches upon the tracks as well as ad justing rails within the conduit by means of electric switches located upon the car and within reach of the motor man, while the car Is yet at a distance from the track switch, so as to enable the motorman to adjust the switch rails and the conductors to enable the car to continue straight ahead on the main track or to branch off onto a side track, as may be desired. The entire casing or conduit is located entirely leneath the surface of the ground, and is divided Into two longitudinal pass ages or compartments. The casing of the conduit may be made of any desired or convenient form and may be made from a number of sections fitting close ly together at their abutting edges so as to form water-tight joints. In every case, r longitudinal slot Is provided in the top of the casing, for the admission of the contract carrying device, which Blot communicates directly with one compartment or passage of the con duit, which is arranged to communicate at Intervals with a sewer, so that any accumulation of dirt or water which comes through the slot may readily pass off through these connections to the sewer. The second compartment In which the conductors are located communicate with the first compartment by means of longitudinal openings which are ordi narily kept closed by a suitable flexible closing device which is engaged by the contact carrying arm ns the car ad vances and opens just sufficiently to permit the pasage of the arm and closes , ,-1 : .. . i . . . . i. . , . jmuitTuiaitiy uner uie arm lias passeu. A steel broom is attached to, the. car nnd arranged to extend down Into the first' compartment which has the slot In its top, and Is arranged to continu ally sweep any dirt that enters this compartment to the sewer connections. In this manner the conduit will be con tinually cleaned. The second compart ment containing the electric conductors are located out of line with the slot so that any water which may drip from the sides of the slot will not Btrike the opening of said compartment or the closing device. The slot rail is extended down at he side of the slot next to the compartmentcontalning the conductors far enough to carry the water which enters the slot down past that opening Into the compartment where the con ductors are located, and thus prevent water from entering the compartment. To prevent aiy condensation of mois ture on the walls of the compartment containing the conductors, or upon the conductors themselves or their In sulated supports, a circulation of air is kept up. Instead of using trolley wires, which have heretofore been found to be unre liable underground, this system cm ploys metallic contact rails. These rails nre divided Into sections of about 100 feet In length or of any other desired distance. Each section of the contact rails Is connected with a switch and a safety cut-out device placed in the man hole, so that in case'any trouble Bhould occur, the particular section of the con tact rails where the trouble is located can be switched off without Interfering with traffic on the rest of the line. By means of the safety cut-out in case of an accidental short-circuit, the fuse will burn out and thus cut out the section where the trouble occurs. As the con tact rails are of considerable size In H 1 PUBLIC IS BEWARE OF FRAUDS For the Sake of Profit Thoy Will Sacrifica Principle, Health, Etc. Unscrupulous doalors aro trying to sell or dinary Glauber Halt or mixture of Beldlitz Powdoras "Artificial Carlsbad Salt," "Spru del Salt," "German Salt" or "Improved Carl bad Salt," and under other similar namos. Tbe Natural Kcmsdies of Carlsbad can not bo Imitated. "What Nature makes, man can Dot im prove upon." Artificial made wines will never replace the natural juice of the grapes. Neither can the natural waters of Carlsbad nor the Carlsbad Bprudel Salt be replaced by the cheap substitutes offered to a guiloleis publlo for the take of the larger profit made tbcieon by these unscrupulous dealers. No one would buy artificial wines know ingly. Why buy the imitation of the Carls bad prod not f when your health is at stnkof The Car la bad Hprudcl Waters are a spoolflc for all dlsoases of the stomach, livor and kid neys, and hay been used with groat bonofit by hundreds of thousands of people. The Carlsbad Bprudel Salt, which is ovaporated from the Bprudel Water at Carlsbad, is an ex cellent Aperient, liaxativo and Dlaretlu; is an alterative and eliminative remedy, which dis solves tenacious bile, allays irritation, and removes obstruction by aiding nature, an d sot by sndden and excessive irritation, as most cathartics do. Use the imported Carls, bad waters, or if it Is sot oonvenlont to us the waters, or when A more decided laxative effect is desired, use the Carlsbad Bprudel upon the genuine, which is Imported dlroot from Carlsbad, and must have the sig nature of Eisner A Mendelson Co., Sole Agents for the United States, tW and 154 Frsnklln street, New York, on every bottle. IMPOSED UPON Commercial. cross section, and are divided Into short lengths or sections. Iron will be sum clently good conductors for the purpose. The. con tact rails may be held in posi tion in various ways, so as to be per fectly Insulated from all other parts. Furthermore the whole compartment is coated on the inside with a waterproof Insulating paint. The muln feeders are laid in metal pipes, thoroughly insu lated. The contact carrier has an arm arranged to extend through the slot ana provided with a lateral behd nr ranged to bring its lower end into the compartment containing the conduc tors. This arm is provided with two contact shoes so arranged as to slide on the contact rails so that they cannot accidentally jump oft from the rails. The contact shoes are provided with swivel Joints bo as to enable them to tuke up any unevenness of the conduct Ing rail and springs serve to keep the shoes in proper contact with tho con ductors. These shoes are so constructed that the car may run back and forth without making any change in the nu justment of the shoes. A wire extends from each contact shoo up through tho hollow arm to tne motor, and the open Ing at each end of the arm Is hermetic ally sealed. The contact carrier arm is provided with suitable joints for per mitting motion of the arm in any direc tion and springs serve to hold the arm In its proper position while at tho same time permitting tho arm to yield freely In either direction without straining any of the parts. The contact carrier Is provided with lever mechanism Dy means of which the motorman upon the platform may lift the contact car rier out of the couduit at a manhole without delaying tho cars more than a few seconds. With this system the same cars that are used in connection with overhead wires may be employed by the Blmple addition of the contact carrier arm whlph enters tho; slot, and the same car may be used on either kind of a line. This arrangement is to provide for sys tems where an underground conduit will be required for the part of the line running through the central part of a city, and where overhead wires may be used in the suburbs or outskirts of the city. The contact carrier will simply be lifted from the conduit at a manhole located at the end of the road and held up underneath tho car, and tho over head trolley brought into use, or vice versa. This conduit can, if everything be true that Is claimed for It, be applied to any street car track aiivudy in use, without disturbing the track or traffic, Here, then, is a pointer for municipal legislators who want to do away with tne ueaaiy overhead wire. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: A SOrioUS scarcity nf enra la ronnrtnrl in the Hasslprnri rpflnn Moulders at the Weatherly shops must uccepi a zu per cent. cut. George Smith succeeds John Fox as ticket boss at Polerillno nnltlnrv The Jeanosville Hhnns will mum hrlm out an improved electrical pump. coai nas been lound on Daniel Wal ton's farm in Rntlnr Vnllnv. The pnnl is a fine quality but small amount. me rottstown Hosiery mill has Just started on full time nnd has orders ahead to keep it running to Its full capacity for some timc John R. Taylor aifl Richard Still man, of Philadelphia, have contracted for the erection of a machine shop In Pott3town which will employ a number of hands. The Kannockburn Textile company, which has erected a large plant. In Pottstown, will start operations in a few days and give employment to sev eral hundred hands. Another new industry, tho Ingleton Manufacturing company, will shorts be established in Pottstown, and the bhultz Manufacturing company has purchased a building for the purpose of making patent locks and other ar ticles. The statement which has been made that the Jersey Central railroad will re ceive the output of the Sllverbrook col lieries for transportation over their road after Dec. 1, or not later than Jan. 1, is set down as a rumor, without any foundation In fact, by those who are in a position to ' know . whereof they speak. The Jeanesvllle mines of J. C. Hay don & Co., which have, according to current report, been sold to the Lehigh Valley Coal company, are among the steadiest working and best paying operations In the anthracite region. The shops are also worked steadily, being at present crowded with orders, the result of the reputation for first class work gained. STOCKS AND BONDS. By tho United Press. New York, Oct. 31. Ptocks rnled firm this morning and the tendency of prices was upward until the September state ment of the St. Paul wns made public. This report, showing as it did a de crease in net earnings of $101,5C0, wn3 unfavorably interpreted and was the signal for a general attack on the Hangers. In the early trading the market as stated ruled firm and there was a disposition to cover short con tracts In the anthracite coalers, some of the purchases being traced to brok ers Identified with Inside Interests. New Jersey Central recovered 2, Delaware and Hudson 214 and Lackawanna 2. The other active stocks moved up U to 1 per cent, Chicago Gas, the Grangers and Manhattan being most prominent. American Sugar was quite a feature It opened steady at 84', broke to HVA rose to m, and closed at 84. Specu- Z'RLoSed weuker- Total sales were 193,000 shares. iLh.ra?se..futoilny'8 ',,'le,, fr the an- 2ickB.f tha ?w York n,ock market nihhed The Tribune by G. du ii. Dlmmlck, manager for William Linn, Alien fe Co stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, Op'n, High- Low- Clos- "ff Am. Cot. Oil 21 est. est. Ing. 21 '4 21 Vi 21 &!Vj 834 m r'i b 5 4'J-i 494 4!1',i ' 18 17T, IS 7 Hi 7.1 71 1"14 974 99 '. 71' 71ft 3iVa . sou m r.9ft r,9vf, 60(4 fill',6 0014 .... 122i 123'4 lKHi 15714 1M'.4 1H 9ft 9ft 3514 34 3134 lSl- 131 131U, 53 53 53 307 1 KKtft OS US Mi 2Sft 27 27 13 J2ft 12ft 39 ' 39 39 951,4 9314 Dift AS 74 97 30ft 30ft 30ft 12ft 12ft 12ft 42 41 '4 42 ' IO14 IG14 Kift 15ft K1V4 151,4 17 17ft 17 17ft 16ft 174 9 9 6 11(4 , lift lift 14. 13ft 13ft 87 80ft 86ft A ten., To. & S. Fe. Can. South '. ' 5'4" 49i Chhsfgo Gas....;.... 7:1 Chic. & N. VV Ml Chic, 11. & q 72V.- C. C. C. & St. L. ...... Mai Chic, Mil. & St P... 1 Delaware H: Hud. ...122 Gen. Electric... .....'35 Lake Shore ..131. Louis. & Nah...., r3M Manhattan Klo lliS1" Mich. Central 93' MO. Pacific 27' Nat. Lead 39 N. J. Central 83'' N; Y. Central 98 N. Y., S. &'V., Pr" 4H Nor. Pacific, Pr 1fi', Rich. & W. P Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash. Pr West. Union . 17 . 9 . 11'4 . 14 ; 87 Scrnntort Wholesale Market. Scrnnton, Oct. n. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per' lb., 0a7c.; evaporated apples, lOallc. per lh.;Turklsli prunes, 5a 6ftc: English currants, 2u2'io.; layer rais ins, $1.75al.80; muscatels, Jlal.40 per box; now ValenclRs. a7c. per lb. Deans Marrowfats,$2.40a2.50 per bushel; mediums, tl.70a1.75. Peas Green, $U0aU4 per bushel; split $2.50a2.00; lenteht, 6a8c. per lb. Potatoes 0a7Oc. bushel. Onions Hushel, 60nR5c. liutter 17u24c. per lb. Choese 9allftc. per lb. Ekkb Fresh, 19a20c.; coolers 17al8c, Meats-Hams; llftc; small hams, lie.; nklnned hams, 12ftc; California hams, 8ftc; shoulders, V4c; bollles, Sftc; smoked breakfast bacon, lOfto.. Smoked. Beef Outside. 13ftc; sots, 15c ; Insldes and knuckles, IGifcc.; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lta. cans, $2.43 dozen. Fork Mobs at $17; short cut, jl8. 1 Lard-Leaf, In tierces, at stye. In tubs, 9c; 10-pound pails, lOfto. per pound; 5 pound pulls, loftc. per pound; 3-pound imiis, iu'..c. per pound; compound lam, tlcrera. lifte.: tubs.'6'ic: 10-uound naild. 7Vc. per pound; 5-pound palls, 7c. per pounu; j-pounu pans, ivac per pound. e lour Minnoaotu natcnt. ner barrel $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana umocr, J3; urnnam, j; rye nour, J. Feed Mixed, per cwt.. SI. IS, Grain-Rye, 63c. J corn, BOaOlc; oats, 87a tov:. per uuuuei. Rys Straw Per ton, $12a14. Flour $2.15u2.20 per 100. Hay-?14.50al0. New York Produco Market. By the United Press. New York. Oct. SI Pinup nulot ivnnlr Wheat Dull, ftc. lower, steady; No. 2 i iura and elevator, W;4C.; afloat, O.T4( : f. O. h.. 5.",.V.Il5(,..'V.n Iinvi-n.ln.1 P,l 5"a5(ic.; No. 1 northern, tMftaiilc.; options ;.u.-"i Bieauy; jNovemuer, M-Uc; Decem ber, 55'ic; May, line. Corn More active, firm; No. 2, 61o, elevator; Me. nlloat; options weak, aftc, lower; November, 57ft; December, otic: January, 54ftc; May, 5tft Oats Dull, easier: outinns fnlrlv nc. five, weaker; November, 32:!tc; Decem ber, 231 ,c; January, 3414c; February, 3Wo.; No. 2 white November, Stiftc; De cember, tafte.; spot prices. No. 2. 3214a 'ic; wo. z wnite, suv.; No. 2 Chicago, hUT..',. Vn y Mj. u ,..1.0.. mixed western,' 33u;tiftc.; 'while do. and" wiiiie state, suiukic. 1 Hoof Quiet. Tiercpd lieef Inactive. Cut Moats Dull. Lard Quiet, firmer; western Btoam J.J;; city, tiftc; options, none; refined, iihiki; continent, 5,.j; south America, $8: compound, 5Via5ftc. Pork Active, steudv. Huttcr Moderate demand, fancy Hicuiiy; siaie uuiry, 3a22c; io. creamery 17a23c. ; Pennsylvania do.. 17ii2;!c: west ern dairy, HiUOc; do. creRinerv, 15a23U.c; do. factory, 10ftn14c; Elglns, 231 ic; Imlta- uon creumery, lzalsc. Cheese Quiet. Kkks Ouiet. rholofl firm? ntntn nnd Pennsylvania, 2Dn2lftc; ice ihounc, 15a ii'i.c. ; western tresh, 17a20c; do. per ca3e, 2.75al; limed, lGftullic. Toledo Grnin Market. Ey the United Press. Toledo. Oct. 31.-Vheat-Rocolptfl, 5.900 iMi.-ijiriH; HiupimniH, none; market easy; No. 2 red cash, (Bftc; December, 52fto.; .nay, uiw.; 1NO. 6 red ca in, iU.O. Corn Receipts. 5.000 bushels: shin- ments, 1.000 bushels; market firm; No. 2 uiiM-'i ijccpniuer, ; ftiuy, fiiKse. tints Shipments, 7.IKI0 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 white oauh, 3lc. Clover Seed Receipts, 5uo bags; ship ments, 425 bags; market firm; November 83.22',;.; February, t5.32Viu5.35. nuffulo Stock .Market. By the United Press. Buffalo. N. Y., Oct. 31.-Cattle-Recelpts, l.utio head; on sale, 40 head; market opened and closed dull; good feeders, $3a3.G0; fair tn irnnil f:it ,.rnv- i." Jii-j-j ir. Hogs Receipts,' 12,'M) head; on sale, 3.200 iii-mi, iiiui.-it-t upeneti ueiive ana buiii?. higher; Yorkers good to choice, $lu4.70; good mixed, t4.fi5u4.70; choice medium, $4.70; common rough lots, tl.55a4.57ft; pigs, in active demand at t4.85; roughs, $3.75a4.10; slugs, t3.25a3.75. Sheep nnd Lumbs Receipts, 3,200 head; oil sale, (i.SOO head; market closed firm for sheep and very dull and fiat for lumbs. Chicago Stock Market. Ey the United Tress. Chicago, Oct. 31.-Cnttle Receipts. 20, 000 head; market weak; common to ex tra steers, t2.85uK.25; Blockers and feeders, $2u3.50; cows and bulls, tla3.50; calves, $2.25 Hogs Receipts. 2S,0(yi head; itnarkct strong; heavy, tl.35n-l.75; common to choice mixed, tt.23a4.75; choice ussorted, t4.55a4.C5; light, S4.25a4.ri5; pigs, $2.50a4.25. Sheep Receipts , 13,000 head; market strong; inferior to choice, $la3.25; lambs, tl.75a4.25. Pliilndolplilu Tullow Market. By tho United Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 31.-Tallow Is dull and weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4ftu4c.; country prime, in bbls, 4o.; country, dark, in bbls, 41.C.: cakes. 5c; grease, 4c. Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg,. Oct. 31. Oil closed at 82ftc; the only quotation. CLAIMED TO KE INNOCENT. Young Woman Mixed I p In a Gotham Green Goods Sw indle. By the United Press. ' New York. Oct. 31 tv.ii,.,. -0.i Gallagher cot n reo-iiini,.n nM i circular from Illinois recently, and his correspondent said he had been directed to send his letter to 290 Third avenue. There is a caol office at that number and private letter boxes are also rented there. Tho circular gave the number of a certain box, nnd Captain (Inllugher directed a detective to watch the box and arrest the person who should take out the mall. HIS OrdeiS Were nhevorl nrwl n Vinnrl. somely dressed young woman entered me omce, opened tne box referred to. In the circular and removed several letters. The detective arrested her and at that she seemed greatly surprised. She said that Bho knew nothing about the contents of the lntlera mul Hint Bhe had got them for a man nnmed nnow. biie answered an advertisement that he inserted in a morning paper recentlv. she snhl. nnd hn nnfrnir.i h,, to direct envelopes. The girl has been commuted to tne custody of United States Commissioner Shields. TO RECOVER $300,000. AIlcghcny-Klnziiu Kiiilroad Company landholders firing Suit. By tho United Press. New York. Oct. 31. Genprnl R. O'Beirne, on bphalf of himself and tho other bondholders of the Allegheny and Kinzua 'Railroad company, has started proceedings against the com pany for the recovery of the value of bonds to the amount of t300,000. The complnlnt states tho Spencer S. Bullls and Mills W. Iiarse, the projec tors of the road, came to New York from Olean and floated the bonds, giv ing as security not only the road Itself, but 46,000 acres of what was repre sented to be valuable timber land. It now transpires that the promoters were owners of only about half the tract, and of this only about 1,900 acres is timber land. Tho road runs through Bradford, Pa., to Corydon, with a bianch running- to Iledhook, N. Y. TO STUDY SOCIAL CONDITIONS Australia's r.x-Attonicy General Is Here to Meet Labor Leaders. By the United Press. Philadelphia. Oct. 30. Sir Henrv Wrlxon, of Melbourne, is here. He is ex-attorney general of the colony of Victoria, ana is in this country under special enmmlsidon by the government to Inquire into the stnto of socialism, the question of labor and to find out any matter that can have any bearing upon a federation of Australian colo nies, which is the greatest question of the day there. Three years ago a constitution wnn framed which took in the best parts of the constitution of this muntrv. hn it rell through. Now tile subject is being agitated again. ANOTHER PROBLEM. Cleveland Must Soon Decide Where That I'nintinR Is to Hong. By tho United Press, . Washington. Oct. 31. President Cleveland, in addition to' his worries about his cabinet officers going off and making campaign speeches, studying the map for indications of good duck hunting weather, seeing to it that his family is properly vaccinated and con sidering an occasional matter of state, has another question to solve which re quires more acumen and brain energy than anything that has yet come be fore him. He must decide where the celebrated painting of "Love and Life," which Mr. Watts, the English painter, donated to tills government and which has been accepted by act of congresB, is to hang. There is nothing llko Dr. Thomas' Kc- lectrlc Oil to quickly cure a cold or re lieve hoarsoness. Written bv Mrs. M. J. Fellows, Burr Oak, HU Joseph, Co., Mich. A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADK, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS, THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREli Agents Wanted. "lyANTEU KM ERC4ETIO WORKER MOD- oiuto pay, to begiu yearly rontrant aftsr satisfactory trial. Call t) a.m. D.M. TUOtoAS, LmraryUulldiiiir. SALESMAN WANTED IN EVERY TOWS in Western Now York and Northwestern 1 onnsylvania tr snll approvod securities. H i application will bo considered from any but relniblo men, well acquainted in tholr own community, Itercroncu lnunt be furnished when applications are made for particulars. Adilrosi Luck Box 107, ISlmlra, N. V. AGENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO ii- sell tho lutest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, soils at Mcht, delivered free, se cure territory. B.implo in Volvot lined case witn full information, 10c. Catalogue fre. Aluminum ..Novelty Co., 833 Broadway, New Y urk. WANTr ACTIVE SALESMEN TO ' handle our line, no paddling. Salarr, S10 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely now. Apply quickly. P.O. BjX, 5308, Luston, Mass. Helo Wanted Females. ATmoTWfttKlrmGEAL housework; 3 conks, 2 dining' room girls. Star Employment Agency.-ia,1) Spruce St, WANTED PROTESTANT OIRL TO DO gonoral housework. Apply 1M) Jeffer son nvunuo. T AD1ES CAN MAKE S3 DAILY BY FOLD ing and tddreKsing circulars for us, at home. No canvusaiiiK- Position permanent. R'.'ply with stumped envelope. MISS MARIE WORTH, Ashland, O. T ADY WANTED TO WRITEa!UDO X a liuht work ut homo; f l i weekly. No can vass ug. bend stump. Pearl Peak, South Bend, hid. LADIES - Y'OL'R NAME SENT ON stumped envelope will givo you steady work; good silury. No canvassing. Nettio Harrison. San Kriiticlsec, C'al. Help Wanted Male. WANTED - RELIABLE MAN, PERMA limit position. Stump and references. A. T. MOUHIH, care, this paper. For Rent 1X)R RKNT-SliVEN ROOMS AT 4 N. i- Ninth Htruut, with or without barn. All modern improvement!). FRANK SHIFFER. VOli RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST A Lackawanna avenue. Address 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, near 1132 Luzorno, Hyde Purk. yOB RENT-ONE HALF STORE. la) Penn -L aveuiiD, JI10 r month. . yoR KENT NICFLY FURNISHED HALL h ,..?u!t,r,b, ,or IotlB rooms. JOHN JER MY N, 110 Wyoming uvonue. Wanted To Rent. yANTED-TO RENT A HOUSE WITH cifc'lit or nine rooms, with modoru im provements, 111 Bcranton or Orcon ltidue. Ad UruBs HOME. Tribune otRee, Special Notices. YwTANTmsTtEl A Frank Lesllo's lllustratod Weok.y War IllustratioiS 1I11W. Two Volumo Folio, J10.i0; payable monthly, Sli.CO. Delivered by express completo, Prepaid. Addioss P. O. MOODY, (ilK UiliHon stroor, Scrantou, Pa. LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. JIAOA JJ zincs, etc, bound or rebound ut Tub Tltllil'.NE ollicc. (uick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BK HAD AT HI rornot Spruce street and Franklin ave nuo. Twenty meal tickets for 53.00. Good uiblo bonr.l. . 1 ! Charter Application. i appl oitioa will 1 0 made to tho Governor of Pennsylvania on Friday, November 10, lWIt, by Reeto O. Brooks, Thomas H. Dale, Thomas H. Brooks, Oeiirge O. Brooks ami John 11. Brooks, under the Act of Assembly "An Act to provide for tho incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations" approved April 20. Is7l, and tho supplements thereto, for a chnrter of an intended corporation to bo called "LaHinCoal Company," the character and ob ject of which is tho mining, prtpirlng, loading, shipping and selling untlira citoctalin nil the various branches thereof, with Mich business as limy lie necessarily np- Enrtenant thereto. And for theso purposes to live. jiosHees and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and pilvilegeS of snid Act of Assembly, uud supplemnnts thereto. WILLAliU, ARRElfl & KNAPP. Solicitors. Situations Wanted. YoluNTTMTiTYEA fsi, miiu iiiuu-i 1 iuun, uunii iis employment as clerk iu any (loot 11 1 and reliable store lu Scranton. A. HUMPHREYS. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED (j dressmaker would like to go out by the day. Address H., -12 Spruco street. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY a young man with long experience. Can come well recommended and can command a good trado and hoard at. homo or with em ployer. Address BUTCH Elf, Tribune office Sll UATluN WAN J ED BY A HOOD OIUL O to do geuorKl housowork. Would prefer a place in a small family. Address Cedar avenue. Kcranton. "I ARTENDKR a NEAT, SOBKH NDIN-" J dustrions young man, would like to se cure a sternly position; is a hustler and can furnish Al ref rences. Addreis Bartender, 4!0 Lackawanna avenue. CURES BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. I fcnvo boon luffering trn yoirs with Erysipelas. IIa8 taken doctors' medicines snd f stout medicines of most all Inds, but nemo to do ms any (rood. I finally mvie no my mind to try Hurdock Blood Elttsia, Bare used Tour bottles of B. t. b, and think myself entirely cured. Mlts N. J. MoOatlt, . SoivJoe, Boaver Co , fa. Purifies The BLOOD, RESTORES VITALITY. ' . Made a we!l Mar lCthDay.l of Me. inuuHtAr SOth Dnv. prailncas tho above results ln'30 days. It art. fiowe if idly and oulrkly. Cures whan sll othors tali Voiidr mu will regain their Inst manhood, sad cli man will recoter their jrouthtal vuor by iiiId; RH VI VO. It qnlchly snd sui-ely restores Nrnrout sais, f.f t Vitality, Irapoteuoy. NiRbtly Umiwlonf Legt I' Fulling M.niory, Wsstlns Wtenspo. am ill elfccts ot slf-biio or sxcoissnd lndlscrctloi: vhlrh nntits one (or study, Unslness or oi.rrlmp. I lot ouly carus by tnrtin( tt the srst of dlsocse. bn issrjrcsl nerve tonic and blood builder, brinp Ins bsck the pink Blow to iiale cheeks acdn itorinir the (Its of youth. It ward c9 fnuaait and Consumption. Iablst on hsvlna RKVlVO.n. ither. It can be carried in t packet. Dy urj! 11.00 per luckatto, or all for WS.OO, with a poa! Ito written Rnarsntoo to care or return he money. Circular free. Addreas OTAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 Rlsr St., CHICAQ0, IU Cor sale by Matthews Bros,. Erurslal Scrantou , l'a. 1'" rr (onnollo P&sa aj Worthy of Your Attention. Specially Adapted for Waists. Beautiful and exclusive designs and only a limited quantity. The greatest Silk opportunity you have ever had. 75c. PER YARD. SOMETHING NEW Liberty Satin, all colors. The very latest novelty. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in , Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND N. A. liULRERT' r WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEIN WAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH t BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at tho Wnpwallopen Mills, Lu aorno ooiinry, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Gonoral Agent for tho 'Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. Aukkpies: TITOS. FORD, Uttstou. Pn. JOHN B. SMITH & bON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULI.K1AN, Wilkes-Bnrro, Pn. A Rents for the Keiiour.o C'hoiiilcal Com pany's Uigh lxpluslvcs. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Ky.) between IflM (I Columbus, Sprlnirfteld, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Warner Sloopinir cars. Combination Library and Cafe care. lilo gant Coaches ami Dining cars. " Tbe Finest Train in America." Boo that your tickets read via tha BIG 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information chocrfulljr furnished on application to 8, J. GATES, Ocn'l Eastern Ag't. 40 Exchungo St., Buffalo, N. T. M. E. Ingalls, President; D. B. Martin, Gononil Pnsonger Agent; E. O. McCor tnlck, Tralllo Managor, Ctnolnnatl. O. imm snos cr ino'p. cspitsi, HEST 8llOK IN THE WOULD. "A dollar lamtl is a dollar tarnetl." This T.ailtrs' Solid Prenrh Doniroln Kid IHi ton lloot dollvorcd anywliiiis Id tho U.S., on receipt oi man, money tirucr, or Postal Note for (1.60, EnM.itn everv wnv Oia boots aolil in nil retail alnrcs for fSM. W's maka this boot ouraslvca, tlieroforo wo guar antee the fit. ttult nnd uwir, and if any ono is not aatlalled ire win rouina iuq bwuvj oraoDdnuottiorpaJr. upara Too or common eemt, Idths (.', P, B, fc Kit. ica 1 to s son nan Ues. Stnd your tin; II n: you. IllualraUil Calo loans FREE FEDERAL ST., uulSfJ&ttSESr' 1 III 1 1 M N WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. 5 J" tt 3d era R Era Q B CHEAPEST IRON BEDS TO our patrols: Washhurn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their ninny rat rons that tlioy will this year hold to their usual custom of milling SIKICTLY OLl WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling hus placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flttur far above other brands. Wholesale Agents. Lis By the Beautiful New Steamships of the OLD DOMINION LINE to OLD POINT COMFORT (HVGEIA HOTEL), OR VIRGINIA BEACH And return. Most Delightful Resorts on the At lantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS for SIB OLD POINT COHFORT VIRGINIA BEACH - A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING EVERY EXPENSE of nitalu nnd berths eu route, a day and a quur- tor's board at either hotel. Thin trip is an ideal one, as the course skirts the coast, with little likeli hood of 6enHiukne8.s, and passes in review many watering places and points of Interest. For printed mutter aud full particulars, address ni n nfuamiffiM a a tins 111 11 mi ufi mm m t:u YL L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. oosic Pow I11 Rooms 1 and 2 Cominowealtii Bld'g, SCRANTON. PA. MINING 'and BLASTIiCG POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUSII DALIfi WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.'s Orange Gun Powder Electric Pnttorlcs, Fuses for explod ing blusts, Balcty Fuso and fiepannoChemical Co.'s HigliExploslYos -H (to Wallace Ask to see them. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. a IN THE CITY. (PRINCESS ANME HOTEL.) $16.00 047 $17.00 I J SKI I'M 1 ui uwisoi mi 1 Pier 23, Horth River, Hew Tort. Stand at the Head. For thirty years Ducbcr Watch Cosos have been cailorsodby every prominent dca lcrlntlioUnltedStatcs, Tfco Duobor trad nmrU In this country, and tho Hall mark 1 , 1 Ennlnnd aro a cuaran- I tee of puro metal. If , Jewel Hampden niovo- ments in Ducbcr cnies stand r.t tho lioad. If your lolcr docs not ltscp our wntchos mull IIS yOll. DUIireKt uiiu .n mik name uf n Ui'alcr who does. XkH Iiusass) , ViVitU Wouits, Caiitoo, O. . .. . . .. . ...,.J "3 I'sPonrl skin. Ladies Who Valuo A reflned complexion mnstuse Fooonl der. It prodneoss soft snd bcantlrul 17 RUBY JLWtLLU Vlffli ADJUSTED IS II AWYft WATCHES Xi'i