The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 01, 1894, Image 1

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Ovatiou Tendered the Ex-l'rcsidcnt
and Mr. .Morton at Carney ic Hull.
Crowds began to Assemble at the Hull at
l ive O'clock In the Afternoon in Or.
der to lie on Time to lleur the
Greut Statesmen.
By the X'nlted Press.
.' Now York, Oct. 31.
The hour fixed for the Republican
niuss meeting nt Carnegie Music hall
tonight was S o'clock, but the fact that
L. P. Morton, the. llcpublican camlitlute
for governor was to preside, combined
with the additional attraction uf ex
President Harrison ns the principal
speaker, attracted a tremendous crowd.
Which begun to assemble as early as
CoO. At 7 o'clock, when the doors
opened, there -was such a rush that in
less than live minutes the hall was filled
from top to bottom. After the hull was
full the balance of the crowd outside
pressed forward und those in front were
curried in.
On the singe the chairs were all occu
pied by three-quarters of nn hour before
the meeting opened, except the front
row, which was kept clear for the prom
inent people present. AVhen ex-ProsI-ileut
Harrison, Ievl P. Morion and
Charles W. Huekett arrived, every one
In the hall stood up und cheered. It
was fully ten minutes before the cheer
ing ceased, during the whole of which
time Messrs. Harrison and Morton were
bowing right and left.
When iulet had been restored Mr.
. Morton spoke as follows:
.Mr. .Morton's Speech.
Fellow Citizens I um honored by being
culled on to preside over this vhsI as
semblage of people of the city of New
York. 1 thank you for your cordial greet
ing and for the hearty welcome you have
extended to the soldier citizen, with
whom It was my privilege to be associat
ed in the official service a few years ugo.
It has been foreign to my Inclinations to
take part in public meetings after my
own nomination to public olllcc, 1 desire
to be judged by the record I have made,
rather than by any professions manu
factured for an occasion. If I am not
worthy to administer the greut trust
which will be committed to me, when the
will of the Itepubllcan slate convention Is
ratified bv the people, nothing I can say
will relieve the situation. The Issue he.'e
involves the power of honest men to gov
ern themselves bv honest administration of
public affairs, and while 1 should not fall
to battle for the right with all my ener
gies, 1 still prefer even now not to ob
trude upon discussions which necessarily
involve the candidates as well as prin
ciples, did I not warmly desire to stand
once more bv the side of u valued friend,
in this great anil distinguished presence.
The people are engaged in one of the
most important civic contests ever wug'd
in this countrv. The standard of vb tory
was sit u few weeks ago by .Maine In the
east and Vermont In the north, and It Is the
earnest hope of the .friends of KepuMleun
principles und the lovers of good govern
ment throughout the land that the Km
plre state will on Tuesday next indorse
these victories and ulllrm t,Uo verdict
which she herself rendered a year ago.
Because of this widespread hope and In
the earnest desire to advance Its fulllll
ment, a citizen of Indiana, resolute in war
and accomplished in the civil councils
of the nation, has come to this metropolis
to lend you the encouragement of his
salutation, und give you the ripe results
of his observation und experience. I
shall no longer detain you. and now have
the pleasure of presenting Benjamin Har
rison. The ex-presldor.t was greeted with
tumultous npplause when ho stepped
forward to. make his address. He said:
I thought T had made an Inflexible reso
lution that I would not speak In this cam
paign outside the limits of Indiana, but I
found us I often had done before in my
experience that inflexible resolutions
have been broken. 1 cannot say very
much about the lust ndinlnlslrallun und
it Is somewhat delicate for me to upeaK
about the present, liut, my f. How chl
asens. men are of little consequence In the
administration of our public ulTulrs; they
do not determine events; the important
mutter is the principle or policy that the
respective parties represent.
It Is of consequence nnd ought to be
of concern to the people of the T'nlted
Slates from St. John to l'ugel's Sound
whether the governor of the stale of New
York shall be a man of clean, personal
life, a man who illustrated in his own life
the history the virtues of blah American
citizenship, whether he shall be a man
who loves our free institutions, v-ho pre
serves the sanctity of the ballot ix and
the equality of men before the law, or
' whether he shall be n man who consorts
with those who prostitute the ballot box,
who consorts with those who degrade
public oliice and public administration.
I believe the candidate of the Kepub
llcan party, Levi 1. .Morton, Is altogether
worthy of the support of Ids fellow citi
zens and is altogether qualified for tho
high duties of governor of this great
stale. Nor do I regard this great con
test which Is being waged In the city of
New York for pure, clean, decent mu'nlc
luul government as a local Issue: the
whole country watches that great strug
re. II has read with amazement and
disgust the revelations of munlcloul cor
publlcnB ' llus bwn luM More tho
Theex-presldent went on to discuss the
recent tariff legislation and created
considerable laughter by lils humorous
allusions to the munner in which the
Democratic party took up the work of
revising the tariff. "No business man "
he said, "could tell upon what basis the
tariff was to be ndjusted, there being no
forecast issued by the revisers or any
intimation of the adoption of principle.
They were as bad as the grasshopper!
the Insect almost without un objective
i point, which can never tell where it is
i going to light. It may be on a flower or
i it may be In some horse pond." Mr.
I Harrison continued at length upon this
i luck of an object.
; filimpse nt the Lively Political Cnmpuign
I Where They Say Such Things and They
ho Such Things.
, Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Now York, Oct. 31. Lovers of the
picturesque are mightily Interested Just
now in the unprecedented campaign
which Is waging in the Howery congress
district. It. Is a trilateral fight, with
Tim Campbell, of Tammany fame, oc-
cupying the central position nnd John
ire Simpson and Harry Miner, of
theatrical fame, grouped around him.
It all began when Tammany threw Tim
down. This made Tim mad, und he
. went gunning for Tammany's Bcalp.
First, he tried to get a Republican
, indorsement. But there was a Repub
I Ilcan, a typical Howery' Republican.
1 wh j had set his heart upon the nomlna
il tlon, Johnnie Simpson by name, quite
as much of a character in his way as
Campbell. He is populur on tho Bow
cry, and when the Republican conven
tion met he had things all fixed. His
friends rushed his nomination through
with a vengeance, and without having
allowed the delegates a chance either to
vote or express their opinion, the chair
man, a friend of Simpson s, declared
that Johnnie had been nominated, and
that the convention was adjourned sine
Hie. But even thin did not discourage
Tim. He got together part of the Re
publican convention the next night
and had them Indorse him. Then there
was a legal quarrel to see whether Tim
or Johnnie should go on the official bal
lot us the regular Republican nominee.
First the matter went to the board of
police commissioners. Hut the commis
sioners split even, when it came to a
decision, the two. Republican commis
sioners voting for Campbell and the two
Democrats for Simpson. Then Camp
bell and Simpson went to the courts,
and here Simpson won n victory. Hut
us fast ns one Judge decided in John
nie's favor, Tim Would appeal to un-
other Judge, until after he had his case ,
thrown out of court four times in one
day he desisted. Then he got the In
dorsement of tho ("trace Democracy nnd
started his campaign.
Harry .Miner Nominated.
In the meantime the Tammany men
had met and nominated Harry Miner
of theatrical und Bowery fame. For
llfleen years Miner has had a seat In
congress in view. He has contributed
liberally to Tammany's bank account
and Tammany promised him two years
ago that in 18H4 he should be the nomi
nee. But Johnnie and Tim have raised
the cry that Harry Is a "carpet bag
ger" and does not live In the district a
verv formidable cry down on the Bow
ery for before this that district has
defeated men who tried to run for of
fice there while they lived somewhere
else. Jn Miner's case it is true. Of
late years he has lived up on Madison
avenue. In a big house on a corner. In
the days when he used to stroll along
Fifth avenue, dressed In a bright blue
frock suit, with white gaiters, a red
und white shirt, brllliantly-hued tie and
silk hat, he lived in the Bowery section.
Hut afterward he discarded part of
this attire and removed his residence
from the place where "they say such
things and they do such things."
A campaign between these three men
is like a perpetual picnic. As an offset
to the cry of "carpet bugger" Miner is
going around the district pointing the
finger of scorn at Campbell, because
Tim went to Washington to llnd a
wile, instead of taking a partner from
the Bowery. Johnnie Simpson is hold
ing barbecues and similar festivals for
hungry voters, and Tim and Harry are
making nightly tours of the Bowery,
shaking hands, slapping backs and
kissing babies. Nobody can tell how it
will all end.
I.ucrnc's Congressman brings
Against the Hulcton Sentinel.
By the United Press.
Wilkes-Burre, Oct. SI. Con .-ssman
'William H. Hlnes, of the Tw :h con
gressional district, today brio it suit
against the Mnzleton Sentinel Publish
ing company Alvln Markle, Senator C.
W. Kline and tieorge Mane for de
famatory libel.
Hlnes claims damages in the sum of
$HM),muu. The- alleged libelous articles
appeared In the Sentinel on Monday
Don Dickinson has put money Into Hill's
Ileed Is making a tour of the southern
Wilson Is sluted ' to Inherit Graver's
mantl. ... ,
Strong Is still the favorite among those
who bet,
Nebraska Democrats have split and
are quarreling.
The opinion is growing that Tammany
will prove Hill's deathstone.
Hill's friends think that Carlisle might
at leust write him a postal card.
Odds of 2 to 1 are given in tlotham that
Morton will have 2u,utl pluiallty.
Cleveland's check Will do service, for
W ilson; and they say it's a big one.
John Boyd Thatcher vet nrof esses to be
lieve thut drover will indorse David.
Republicans are In a fair wnv to carry
the Fourtl: Virginia congress district.
Ex-Judge Maurice J, Power thinks
Strong will defeat Grunt by 70,00'J plu
rality. Jersey Republicans expect to gain two
congressmen, and eupture the state legis
lature. Henry Watterson says he Is "out of pol
itics," but his friends want him to run for
Coxey is using a monologuo nrtist as a
crowd-druwer In his Oldo cumpuign for
it really looks as If J. Hampton Hoge,
irgliiia Republicanism's recent pick-up,
would win.
Cleveland cannot help Hill, but last year
he gave 1,0UU to Fltzhugh Lee's Virginia
On-sham wants to stump Indiana and
the Democrats, very naturally, ure not
anxious to have him do it.
Ell Qulgg has a hard fight on for re-election
to congress, but declares with oonll
denee that he will pull through.
Tammany will throw tlw.noo Into th
belting places before next Tuesday, to
stiffen up Grunt mayorulty stock.
Congressman Boutelle, of Maine, who
has Just stumped Ohio, says Republicans
will elect sixteen congressmen there.
There are five caiulldutes for tho ono
congressional seat to which Nevadu Is
entitled, und It looks as if the Siherlte
would win.
Since Muhane lias taken charge of tho
Republican camuulgu in Virirlnlu. the
Democratic leaders have been badlv
Kven Democrats are heelnnlnir in fonr
thul Colonial Shannon. Rep., will defeat
Amos (.'winnings in the Thirteenth .New
i oi k insirict.
Indications are that Rourk fnckrnn's
old district will elect a Iteoiililican con
gressman Tuesday, much to young George
AicuieuunB regret.
Thoso who know say many Second dis
trict West Virginia Democrats who uro
nominally supporting the purty will
scratch Wilson next Tuesday.
No one in Washington ilnnhtu Hint Me
Cleveland expects to appear before the
country one more ns the leader of a tarilf
reiorm and rree trade policy.
Shrewd Gotham politicians say Phil
Low, Rep., will have a walk-over In isa
dor Straus' district against Colonel Mon
roe und Senator Jacob A. Cantor.
This Is said to be the Hill programme:
Democratic success in New York next
week, and Hill for the Democratic candi
date, and free raw material for tho Dem
ocratic Issuo, In ls'.Hi.
Hill's friends say Hill really believes
that If he Is elected governor of New
York next week It will be on tho cards for
hi in not only to bo nominated, but elected
president two years hence.
The story that Congressman W. L. Wil
son und the West Virginia Democratic
committee were robbed of campaign cor
respondence is ridiculed at Grafton,
where the alleged robbery Is said to have
When Proprietor Hitchcock, of the
Omaha World-Herald, sold editorial space
to tho Republican state committee, Kdltor
llllam J. llryun, who has senatorial as
pirations, threatened to Toslgn, and Hitch
cock took water.
Austin K. Ford, son of Editor Patrick
i-ord, or the irlsn world, Is waging a
first-class fight against Congressman
Burnett in the Klglitn Tammany (lis.
trlct; nnd It would not surprise Republl
cans if he should win.
It Is elaborately explained by Cleve
land's defenders that he Is for Wilson, be
cause Wilson represents the administra
tion's views, while he Is against Hill, be
cause Hill doesn't represent anything,
except an Inordinate atnmuon.
Andrew J. Campbell, an Iron manufae-
turer of twenty-llvo years' standing, who
nnver reduced the wages of his men, Is
i he Reuubllcan opponent of General
Sickles In the Eleventh Gotham congress
district and bids fair to win in a canter,
The I'ttlittcal Struc(itc in aitc's Bail
iwick Unique in Every Kespect,
They .Make Uattling Stump Speakers, Arc
Alert in Orguniution und Have In.
tioJueed ii New I ru In
Western Politics.
By the United Press.
Denver, Oct. SI.
Colorado has had a campaign of sur
prises. The re-election of Governor
Walte would be the most sensatlonul of all. The Populists are as
enthusiastic at the close of the cam
paign as they were at the outset. They
are funatlcal In their ussertlons that
they have carried not only the state,
but the entire west. They even now
talk of Walte for president, and declare
that he cannot be beaten.
Tom Patterson, the former dictator
of the Democratic party, Is another of
the campaign surprises. At tho outset
of this campaign he was Intolerant In
his enmity to Wiiitc. Now he is stump
ing the state in the Interest of the
ticket and speaking words of praise
for Walte. It is claimed that he does
this In the hope that with a majority
of combined Democratic nnd Populist
votes in the legislature he will be elect
ed United States senator to succeed
The Women Voters Arc Active.
Another surprise lias been the enor
mous registration made of the woman
vote. In Denver the woman vote out
numbers that of the men and on elec
tion day the. women will all go to the
polls. What the outcome will be no
one can safely predict.
Another surprise In this campaign Is
the interest shown in public meetings.
Two years ago in tho great Bllver cam
paign Republican speakers In many
places were almost mobbed when they
attempted to talk. They were reviled.
Insulted, interrupted and disturbed;
this year they are given a respectful
hearing. The Republican party In thin
state never sent out so many talkers.
Senators Wolcott und Teller huve been
compelled to travel throughout the en
tire stute, speaking often twice n day to
audiences which never before had the
pleasure of listening to them. Teller
and Wolcott huve made the campaign
upon the local Issue that Colorado must
be redeemed from Populist misrule and
Governor AValto has made a remark
able canvass. He has traveled from
the first day of his nomination, making
long speeches, often several In a day.
and never hesitating to travel at night
to save time. Everywhere the Popu
lists have received him with the honor
of a hero returning from war. He has
been carried on the shoulders of miners,
he has been drawn In cnrrlages by
howling men nnd his addresses hnv'e
been cheered to the echo. Curiosdty
has drawn mnnv to hour him i.t ....
candidate ever had more enthusiastic'!
Women tho Best Orators.
A surprising feature of the Populist
campaign Is the fact that the best
orators have been women. Tho Repub
lican party has developed no stump
speakers among the women, but It bus
found in them the most active and per
sistent workers. They have made poli
tics a social fad, and in Denver ull the
society leaders of Capitol Hill have
been active In campaign work. They
have formed cnmpuign clubs in every
precinct; they huve organized great
muss meetings where society turned
out In full arrny; they have held in
numerable afternoon receptions where
candidates and clever speakers have
told of the evils of Populism and have
applauded tho virtues of the grand old
party; they have visited from house to
house to solicit support for the party
nnd for the purpose of interesting
the Women In political affairs: anil they
have through n county organization
made the most thorough canvass of the
city ever known. This the women have
done with the aid of n single cent of
campaign money. Kquul suffrage in
Colorado has demonstrated one thing.
The candidates as a general rule have
been men of a better cluss than the
average put before the public In past
Tear of the Pair Sex.
The fear of the woman vote has made
many county conventions place better
men up for office than Is usual. The
saloonlsts declare that the entrance of
women Into the campaign hits killed
their usual business. Candidates, they
say, do not dare to work the saloons
for votes for fear that the women will
make a row.
Election day promises to bring forth
other surprises. The enormous regis
tration and the small number of pre
cincts makes it Impossible for the entire
vote of Denver to be cast during the
twelve hours that the polls are open.
Add to this the fact that the women
are supposed to lie unfamiliar with the
casting of an Australian bullot, und the
dllllculty of getting all the votes In may
be Imagined. Governor Walte has ab
solute control of the city police force,
which he can handle ns he may wish.
The sheriff is a stanch Republican, and
has a large force of deputies who may
come In conflict with the police. It has
been openly stated that If any at
tempts at intimidation are made blood
will flow.
Construction on the Proposed Midland Pa
cific to Commence Shortly.
By the United Press.
New York, Oct. 31. Major George n.
Hibbard, who has recently returned
from an extensive trip through the
northwest and northern portions of the
Pacific slope, has been able to enter
Into contract with United States Sen
ator R. F. Pettlgrew, of South Dakota,
for the building of the Midland Pacific
from Sioux Falls, S. I)., to Seattle and
Tacoma, Wash., a distance of some
l.CUO miles. The success Is thus assured
of what will undoubtedly be one of the
great transcontinental routes.
Asked If the construction of the road
was to be undertaken at nn early date.
Major Hibbard replied: "The llrst sec
tion, extending from Sioux Falls to the
coal fields of Wyoming, about 400 miles,
will be built in the season of 1895."
Tho Operator Induces Ills Victim to Allow
Him to Hang Her.
By tho United Tress.
Sparta, Wis., Oct. St. Samuel S. Bux
don, who wus arrested Saturday on the
charge of having murdered Mary A.
Jones at her home a few miles from this
city on Oct. SI, where she was found
hanging by the neck, has confessed
the murder. ' .
The crime is a revolting ono. . Three
years ago, Buxton, by a series of letters
purporting to come from a witch and
directed to Miss Jones, it Is alleged,
hypnotized her and caused her ruin.
P.y the same system of deceit, the In
fatuated woman consented to be strung
up by the neck, in the belief that it
would cause the death of Buxton's
wife. The second time the experiment
was tried Buxton pushed away the
chuir on which the foolish woman
Buxton took what money, was in
the house and left for his home, a short
distance away, where he wus arrested,
brought to this city and lodged in Jail.
His motive for committing the murder
is that he was tired uf the woman.
He Is Committed to WllkerSurre Jail
Without Bull.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Pittston, Oct. 31. Thomas Marley,
the young man who was charged with
having committed an assault upon the
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Moakes, was cuptured this evening at
the home of his father, Frank Marley,
of Butler street.
Marley was given a hearing before
'Squire Gibbons at 8 o'clock, at which
the mother of the child, Dr. Underwood
and Mrs. Morris gave testimony. At
the close of the evidence Marley was
committed to Jail, the offense being un
Attorney General licuzel Says That the
Krror in Printing Does Not Lessen tho
Forco of the Act. .
By tho United Trens.
Philadelphia, Oct. SI. Despite the
clerical error in the iiiurrlage license
bill by which it Is made to read as
going into effect Oct. 1, 1X115, Instead of
Oct. 1, 1893, couples Intending to marry
will have to procure a license as hereto
fore. The mistake does not lessen the
force of the original act of Ixsri, for
the amendment of 18HH did not nnnul
the act of 1S83, It simply supplemented
Attorney General Hensel, when ques
tioned on the subject lust year, wrote
to the clerk of the license court here
bidding him advise ull Inquirers thut it
was still needful to procure a license
lu order to secure legal solemnization
of marriage.
Mckinley Delivers fourteen
dresses In Twelve Hours.
By the United Press.
Zattesvllle, O., Oct. SI. "The Iron gov
ernor of Ohio," us William McKlnley
was called today by a presiding olllcer
who compared him with the "Iron chan
cellor of Hcrmany," delivered fourteen
addresses between daylight and sun
down to audiences varying In size from
300 to us many thnusuuds, while on his
arrival lu this city tonight he spoke
to u.'nOO people In Memorial hull, nnd
subsequently tulked to un overllow
His route today lay through the Duck
Creek and Muskingum valleys. Be
tween Xevvcomerstown and this city It
Is only thirty-fives miles by air Hue,
but the schedule as arranged was a
veritable zUzus and the party has cov
ered overpn miles rt ivad.
China's Kulcr Would Like to know Why
Japan Still Exists,
By tho United PreBS.
London, Oct. 31. A despatch to the
Central News from Tien Tsiu says: i
"The Pekin learns that the emperor Is
intensely angry at the existing state of
things, and is determined to investigate
affairs personally. Accordingly he Is
summoning the viceroy governors and
other otllciuls before him.
The Father of the Sun Intends to learn
why a smull country like Japan cannot
be exterminated.
To Be Given Three Months for Insulting
the Judiciary.
By the United Press.
Purls, Oct. St. The Judges of the
Seine assises, sitting without a Jury, to
day pronounced condemnation in de
fault upon Henry Rochefort sentencing
him to three months Imprisonment for
having published an article In the In
translgeant Insulting to the Judiciary.
The anarchists, Paul Recklus, Pon
get, Cohen, Martin nnd Dupnut, were
condemned In default to twenty years
Imprisonment each at hard labor.
Notwithstanding the Haiti He Is Greeted
by l.urgc Crowds.
By the United Press.
Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 31. Despite the
rain the Republicans of Rucks county
turned out In large numbers today to
welcome General Hustings. An enthu
siastic meeting was held in Lenape
General Hastings made a short ad
dress, in which he referred to the de
pressing effects of the Wilson Bill.
Steamer Tormcs Wrecked Off Milford
lliivcn-Scven of the Crew Hcscued.
By tho United Press.
Milford Haven, Oct. 31, The steamer
Tonnes struck Crow Rock, near Mil
ford Haven, last! night. Twenty-one
men, Including the captain and ofllcers,
were drowned.
Seven of the crew were saved.
The Consort of tho Chincso Kmpcror Said
to Have Taken Her Own Life.
By the United Press.
Shanghai. Oct. 31.-The young Em
press or China has committed suicide.
She was rebuked by the emperor, who
slapped her face, whereupon she took
Highwaymen beat Charles Hoffman,
aged veurs, so budly on the streets of
Keudlng that his life is despaired of.
An effort is being made to secure a par-
don for Hugh F. Dempsey, leaner in ino
ulleged plot to poison the non-union men
at Homestead in
A O. Furst will resign the present
Judgeship of the Forty-eighth judicial
district composed of the counties of Ou
ter and Huntingdon, on Nov. 15,
The Dubs faction of the Kvangellcal as
sociation have broken ground at Bethle
hem for a new lai.uoo church edltleo jn
the very heart of the town.
Owing to the strong pressure of public
sentiment the county commissioners of
Luzerne county doubled the reward of
fered for tho apprehension of tho men
whol blew up the Hungarian shanty,
near Fslrvlew on Sunday morning.
The department of Internal Affairs
will certify to the auditor general a list
of all the steam and street passenger rail
ways operating In Pennsylvania which
have failed to file a report of their oper
ations for the year eneil June 30, 8W, as
required by law. An attempt will then be
made to collect a penalty of i,000 from
eauh, as thelaw provides. ,; , ,
Three Men Meet with Horrible Death
in a Collisiotj tit Foster.
lie Pulls the Wrong l ever on a Switch
und Directs a Coal F.nglne on tho
Truck In Front of the
Past Impress.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Foster. Pa., Oct. 31.
Three employes of the Delaware, Lack
awanna und Western railroad met with
u horrible death In u collision at this)
plac about 1 o'clock this morning. The
midnight passenger from Scranton Col
lided with a coal engine about 100 yards
north of the station. The engineer of
the ctal engine, and fireman of the pas
senger engine were killed instantly, and
the fireman of the coal engine was taken
to the Moses Taylor hospital in Scran,
ton, where he died at 9 o'clock. The
dead are:
JAM KM LYNOTT, coal engineer, aged
3D years, of Serunton; ieuves a wife
and four children.
ELM Kit SCULL, i-oal flremun, of Mos
WILLIAM F. HOSEY, passenger lireman,
aged 'Si years, unmarried; of Conk
lln, N. Y.
None of the passengers was injured.
The Buffalo express is one of the fast
est trains on the Lackawanna road and
left Scranton on lime, drawn by a cost
ly und monster engine known as No,
24o. When the stretch of track just
south of the station was reached and
while the train was rushing through
the darkness at lightning speed the
black hulk of a coal engine appeared
in dim outline ahead. The engine was
dushing from the south bound truck.
No Time for Jumping.
There was no time for reversing of
levers or leups for life. In less than
thrt-e seconds the passenger engine had
plunged into the side of the coalers
tender with an awful crush and mo
mentum which sent the former from
the rails and along the embankment for
a distance of fifty feet. Here it lay on
Its Side fifteen feet above the roadbed
with its wheels churning' until the
steam was shut nit by the engineer,
who escaped death by a miracle.
The coal engine was toppled over
on the south bound track with Its engl
peer pinioned beneath tho wreckage
and released from suffering by Instant
death. Fireman Scull was conscious
and able to converse with those who
bore him from the scene to be taken
to Scranton n few hours later. Opiates
were administered to him by Dr. John
ston, who iicoinpaiiled the unfortunut
man to the Moses Taylor hospital,
where he died from shock and Interna!
The force of the collision threw tht
baggage car from the track. I he car
remained upright and aided in bringlnf
the train to a midden stop. Startled
passengers swarmed from the sleeper:
and day conches and aided materially
In starting the work of clearing tht
wreckage, which was completed by
Superintendent Bogart and the wreck
ing crew, from Kcranton.
llrukeman's l ntnl Mlstukc.
From trainmen and passengers the
cause and particulars of the horribli
accident were learned as follows: t oui
enirlno No. 111! wus south-bound and
running backwards and pulling the cu
boose. A stop was made to take somf
enintv cars from the siding to hcrunlon
The lever which throws tho switch tt
the siding Is located near u switch
from the soulh-bound to tho north
bound track. Brakeinnn William Du
val, Scranton. by mistake pulled the
wronc lever, and before the engineei
Knd discovered the error the tender of
his engine waa on the nortli-hounr'
track. Quicker almost than though!
the headlight of the express flashed out
In the darkness and the fatal crash
Hrnkoinnn Duval disappeared In th
excitement and was reported as havlni:
been last seen walking with llgiueu lan
tern along the road to Nicholson.
ivoiihictnr Hurt Canwell was il
charge of the passenger train and Da
viii Wallace was the conductor oi in
i,iii!-ino and caboose.
At 11 o'clock this morning the rmi'
engine hud been placed uprlgnt nnu tin
track cleared for tho passage of No. 4.
which arrived in Scranton at 12.40 on
time. Ge nernl Munuger Hullsteurt
reached here nt 1 o'clock this afternoon
on the "Comet" from liuitaio.
rreil,.n..e was civen in this city last
.iiht in a rumor that William Duval
the missing brakeman, was crushed be-
tumth the passenger engine on me uuiik.
Additional weight was given the rumor
renin Passenger Knglneer liUlieri
statement that his engine hud struck
ii nisn who carried a lantern. The en-
u-lne wns raised from Its fallen position
at ti o'clock last night and set upon Its
ivhee Is. No body nor evidence of death
other than mentioned in The Tribune's
ilistiutch from Foster was round.
From all the information obtainable
from railroad employes in this city it
Is probable that Dtivul is in hiding near
the scene or tne disaster or mm wan
dered off Into Susquehanna or Wyom
ing counties. Superintendent Wolf, of
the wrecking crew, was seen at nn
home In this city lust night. He scout
ed the probability of Duval's death.
Peter Kelly, the middle brnkeman of
the coal crew, claims that he found the
crossover switch locked and set proper-
Iv for the south bound track Immediate
ly after the accident. If this Is true
the only way In which the coal engine
could pass to the north bound truck
was by Jumping over the point of the
switch rail.
Duval has been several years in the
employ of the railroad and among his
fellow brakemen lins. been considered
cautious-nnd competent. They cannot
believe he was the cuuse of the acci
dent and attribute his flight to tempor
ary excitement.
i:f forts of Ills Congregation to Secure a
New .Meeting 1'luvc.
By tho United Press.
Xew York, Oct. 30. Kev. Dr. T. De
Witt Tulmage is expected home on
Suturduy on the Majestic. The trustees
of the Brooklyn Tubernacle will at-
range to receive the doctor. The state
of Mrs. Talinage's health precludes any
attempt at a big reception. The doctor
was compelled to cut short his' Euro
pean trip because of his wife h Illness.
Some of the trustees were anxious to
prepare a place where Dr. Talmage
could preach upon his return, but the
doctor sent back a message requesting
that the trustees do nothing until his
return. Upon Dr. Talmage's return, the
trustees will endeavor to Induce him to
rally about him the old Tabernacle con
gregation and become their pastor, liut
It Is thought thut the doctor may deem
It necesssury to give up church work
for a while and take Mrs. Tulmage upon
a long trip for the heneflt of her health.
Another project that has found great
favor, aad which many believe will be
eventually adopted, Is that of building
a one-story church on the old taberna
cle site.
I.ddy Martin Suffered Death Rather Than
lletruy u Friend.
By the United Press.
Cincinnati. Oct. 31. A special to the
Post from Princeton, Ky., says: News
reached here this morning of tho lynch
ing of F.ddy Martin In the Reptnn
neighborhood in Crittenden county,
yesterday morning by a mob. Murtlu
was called upon at his home after mid
night. Opening the door he wns seized
by a dozen men who asked for Informa
tion of Bill Goode, the pauper commis
sioner of Crittenden county. The mob
told him they had come to hang him,
but if he would turn state's evidence
upon Bill Goode he would be spared.
"If these ore the only terms, gentle
men," suld Martin, "let the bunging
proceed. Bill Goode has been u friend
of mine and 1 will shield hlrn." The
mob quickly did the work and left the
dead body swinging from a limb in a
lone country road.
Physicians Are Wrangling and un Km-
palmer Has Been Ordered.
By the United Press.
Vienna, Oct. 31. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Neue Frele PreBS
says In a dispatch published in the
evening edition: Dr. Ziiclmrln and
Professor Leyden had violent quarrels,
each accusing the other of giving the
czar improper treatment.
hen Professor .Leyden 8 opinions
were accepted, Zacharin declared he
would return to Moscow. General Tlc
herevln forbade his leaving Llvadiu.
threatening to detain him by force if
necessary. Professor Wywodzeff. a
specialist In embalming, haB been sum
moned to Llvudia. The c2ar has grown
worse steadily. He Is hard v able to
recognize his relatives.
f ifteen Midnight Regulators Are t njer
Arrest lit Tennessee. I
By the I'nited Press.
Knoxville, Tenn.. Oct. 31. Great ex
citement prevails throughout Sevier
county over the arrest of fifteen men,
charged with being members of the
white cap organization wheh caused
three men to be killed recently. Two
men who revealed the secret were
placed In Jail ut Sevlerville last night,
inn it required heavily armed men to
keep lynching parties away. The men
are now being brought to Knoxville for
The blue bills, a rival nriranlziillon
of the white caps, have developed great
sireiigin aim a n?tit seems probable.
Will l ight llcr Husband's Divorce Suit to i
the Bitter I nd.
Ily the T'nlted Tress.
Trenton. X. J.. Oct. 111. The
of .Mrs. James Coleman Drayton in the
suit for divorce instituted by her hus
band, was tiled this afternoon. She de-
lies every charge of marital infidelity
made by her husband. Instead of I
leaving him In London, us he charges, i
she says he left her und that she has i
not known of his whereabouts since.
This means that Mrs. Drnvtoo win
ilght the suit to the bitter end." i
lack skclly Has an Altercation with Some
1 ellow Pugilists. I
By tho T'nlted Press. I
Xew York, Oct. 31. Jack Kkellv. the
pugilist, is nursing a very sore ear at
nls home, in Urooklyn, us the outcome
of a light in a restaurant early in the
II I' "I II II IK OI UCl. is,
fiKelly suvs he was ouHmr u!i.
friends In the restaurant, when m.,.
'.oney and freed, fellow pugilists,
'tiolced in and shouted tuuntu ut hi,,,
He went to the door and to usk them to ,
uny, wnen nntn sprung at him. and
each jabbed the tines of n fork thmiwh ' '
ills our. .
The l.chigh Vnllcv Shuns Ut L'lllllL'I'lv t,l 1
Work Xinc Hours, i
Ily the United Press. J
Hazleton. rn.. Oct. 81. The Lehigh .
alley liailroad comnany has re-called '
ihe order reducing the wnires of em.
doyes In the Weatherly shoos. Work !
.v 1 1 1 be resumed tomorrow at the old
Fifty men were suspended this even- l
Ing. The shops will work six nine hour !
Jays a week hereafter. !
The 1 uinily of l'rcdcrlck kratcr 111 from
Kf fects of l'ork Diet.
liy the 1'nlted Press.
Altoonu, Pa., Oct. HI. Four members
of the fnmlly of Frederick Kruter ure
III ut his home, 114 Lexington avenue.
from the effects of some hogshi'iid
cheese which they uto on Sunday even
ing. This Is the third case ot the kind In
this city inside of a week.
An Asylum forthc Insane injocnkocplng,
Sweden, destroyed.
By the Vnited Press. i
Stockholm, Oct. 31. An
the insane at Joenkoenlng has been de
stroyed by tire.
Fifteen of the inmates of this Institu
tion were burned to death.
Two .Miners Are Horribly .Mangled in a
Cnvc-in ut l.spy.
By the United Press.
Wllkes-Barre, Oct. ' 31. A number of
miners were engaged this afternoon in
re-openlng an abandoned slope at the
Espy Uun mines, near Hanover, a few
inlles from this city, for the purpose of
making an airway to a new colliery
While the men were removing the
debris that had acumulated there for
some years, the roof began to cave In
and Walter Jones nnd William Buck-
land were caught In the fall and burled
beneath tons of rock and coal. Their
dead bodies were recovered at 7 o'clock
tonight horribly mangled.
The trail of the notorious anarchist,
Merllno, has begun In Florence,
In unveiling a statue of Kdmiind Burka
at Bristol, Kng., Lord Hosebery attrib
uted Burke's character to the fact thut he
loved reform and hated revolution.
The Umpire theater management at
London will apply for a mandamus com
pelling the London city council to renew
Its drinking auditorium llcetrse without
Captain Dreyfus, an officer in tho
French urmy, has been arrested for trea
son, It being alleged that he had sold
plans of frontier fortification to the Ital
ian war office.
For 'eastern Pennsylvania, generally
fair weather; westerly, winds.
For This Week.
28 pieces, 40-inch all wool Henri'
cttas, best shades, 50c quality.
Special Price, 35c.
20 pieces, 46-inch nil wooi Henri'
ctta, (15c. quality,
Special Price, 45c.
18 pieces, 36-inch all wool Assak-1
Dress Flannels, 40c quality.
Special Price, 29c.
25 pieces line English Suitings,
changeable effects,
Special Price, 43c.
20 pieces Silk and Wool Mixtures,
65c. quality,
Special Price, 48c.
Our line of Black Goods comprises
the Latest and Best Designs of the
Leading Foreign Manufacturers.
S10 and 512 Lackawanna Ave,
Wholesale and Retail,
! H A K I N (tSB U K Y
; L1' ' AVI J. VTvJJJ W 1.
313 Spruce Street.
I Telephone, No. 4633.
Couldn't hurt much more than an
uncomfortable shoe. Our "KOR
RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy.
In Calf and Cordivanare just what yoil
want for Fall and Winter.
114 Wyoming Avenue.
Difl ftilfP
U Ull
And get checks on that beau
tiful Piano to be given away
Christmas week.
N, B. Repairing of Fine
Watches a specialty.