4 If ft ETGHT PAGES 5C COLUMNS. SCRANTOX, PA., WEDNESDAY MOHXIXG, OCTOBER 31, 1804. TWO CENTS A COPV THE LEGISLATIVE BATTLE It Looks ns IF Pennsylvania Would Show Big Kqinlilkiin Gains. SENATORIAL SEATS BECKON ltUtt Sure Tiling That liepublleans Will Have Tony of the Fifty State Senators-Will Gain In the House. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. The overshadowing importance of se curing a big showing for protection In Pennsylvania's congressional delegation which Is to be elected next Tuesday has not blinded Chairman Gllkeson to the need of keeping a sharp eye on the state legislative ticket. lie Is confident that In this direction the returns of next week's battle at the polls will vindicate Ills wise management of the closing campaign. Twenty-five senators are to be elected. Of the retiring senators nine me l.c-publlcan and sixteen Democrats, In the nine Republican districts Thomas, Penrose and ('rouse, of Phila delphia ;Kaun"nian, of Lancaster ;Crltch fleld, of Somerset, Bedford and Fulton; Kennedy .and l-iynn, of Allgheny; Shortt, of Warren and Venango, are certain of election. Hecker, of the Sec ond district of Philadelphia, represents a Democratic constituency, but It la in the Third congressional district, and the McAleer-Harrily fight makes his re election practically certain. Of the seventeen districts now represented by Democrats, three, Heaver and Washing ton, Crawford, and Susquehanna and Wayne are Republican, and will un doubtedly redeem themselves by the election of S. P. While, ex-State Chalr- mun W. II. Andrews and ex-Uepresen' tatlve K. B. llardenberg. In the Susquehanna-Wayne district the Populist candidate for governor, Ailman, has ordered his followers to drop their own candidate and vote for Saunders, the Democratic candidate. But it gave Harrison 1)23 majority, Jackson l.liil. and Grow 2,97", ttnd llardenberg Is sure of election. Other Senatorial Struggles. In the Tenth district, Bucks county. George Ross, Democrat, had 6'1 1 major lty In 18'JO. Harrison lost It by only 160 votes In 1S92, Jackson carried It by 4S6 laBt fall and Grow by l,5uii In February. The Republican candidate for senator Is reasonably sure of election. In the Twelfth district. Montgomery county, Dr. A. D. Markley is trying to repeat Ms 1,:IS2 majority of lS&- but the odds are dead against him. The Republi can slump of that year will not be re peated in ls:M. Jackson had SXi major ity and Grow 2M2. 'Democratic times" have had their effect In Montgomery and Saylor will defeat Markley. The Sixteenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-second and Twenty-fourth districts Lehigh Northampton, Monroe-I'ike-Carboiiand Lycomingi-Montour-Sulllvan-Columbla, will elect Democrats. The Twenty eighth and Thirty-second, York and Cumberland-Adams, may do the same, although the same causes that make the election of a Republican congress man probable In the district they com pose may make the result somewhat doubtful. In the Twentieth district, composed of part of Luzerne and Lackuwuuiiu, M. E. McDonald, Democrat, is having a hard light for re-election. The Re publican candidate, James C. Vaughau, Chairman Gllkeson says, is an active young Jrlsh-Ameilcan, who Is giving Senator Alt-Donald a cli.se chase, and Is more than ' dy to land a winner. The same sltluuon practically exists in the Thirtieth district, made up of part of Schuylkill. in the Thirty-fourth, Clinton. Clear field and Center, the Democruts have two candidates, Matthew Savage, of Clearlleld, and S. Woods Caldwell, of Clinton. The courts have been Invoked to settle which is the legal candidate, ar.d no matter how it is settled.trouble will ensue. All three counties went Republican In February, and M. L. McQuown, of Clearfield, the Republican candidate, has a hold on the people that will go a long way toward perma nently redeeming the district from Democratic representation In the state senate. in the Thirty-eighth, com posed of Cameron, Klk, Clarion and Forest, and the Fortieth, composed of Fayette and Greene, there are stronir chances of Republican success. The Kreat revulsion in political feeling in ures to the benefit of the Republican candidates, and that it Is not at all Im probable that they will win out at the polls. s Tlio Situation in Brief. Twenty-four of the twenty-five hold over senators are Republicans. Twelve of those to be elected next Tuesdav are . in districts surely Republican. 'Two Democratic districts will certainly elect Republicans, and there are five others whero the chances for Republican suc cess are highly favorable. That the Republicans will have forty of the fifty senators is practically settled. They may have forty-four. There wen IS) Republicans In the last house. A careful canvuss of the situation In the different counties shows that probably this number will bo In creased to 150, and possibly to 100. SINGERLY DRAWS NIGH. He Invades the Lower Coal Regions and Is Cordially Received, l'.y the United Press. Rending, Oct. 20. Candidate Singorly was well received here today In the Schuylkill anthracite coal regions. From Pottsvllel through to Ashland his reception was especially cordial. At Pottsvllle there was a parade quite Imposing In point of numbers and en thusiasm. The meeting, which was largely at tended, was presided over by A. W. Schulck, and the speeches were made by Candidate Singerly and Robert K. Wright, of Allentown. At Tamaqua the opera house was well filled. Mr. Sing erly delivered his usual speech In his usual manner, and got the usual num ber of cheers. CANADIAN COMPETITION. Line Counties Strengthened on Republi canism by the New Tariff. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Malone, N. Y., Oct. SO. Farmers! on the Canada line are finding Just where tne uorm.in-wnson tariff pinches. Al though counties there have been steadi ly Republican, they are more than Im pelled to vote that way this year. Gov ernor MeKlnley's reply to the West Virginian who asked "What about the force bill?" might be repeated here: "It In the board bill and not the force bill that is troubling worUlngmen." ' Farmer huve found themselves un dersold by Canadians In their own home markets. The Iron deposits In Kssex, Clinton and Franklin counties no longer invite labor. The congressional district Is the lanrest In point of population in the state, and last time gave Weyer a plurullty of 8,123. Wallace T. Foote, the candidate this year, wM proba bly increase that plurality very largely. Republican assembly candidates will al most certainly be elected In all four of the counties composing the congress dis trict. .MORTON'S NEAT PLURALITY. Chairmnn Huckett Figures That lie Will Have Over Fifty Thousand. Special to the Scranton Tribune. New York. Oct. 30. The Republican state committee has completed a can vass of the state. Chairman Ilackett says that It Is most gratifying to their side, and from it he figures out a clear plurality for Morton of fiO.OO. "We will come down to this city," he said, with at least H0.00O. and I do not believe Hill will meet It with over 40.000 from this side. No one knows how many votes Wheeler, the independent Dem ocratic candidate for governor, will poll, but he will certainly get enough to cut down the normal Democratic ma jority at this end of the state several thousand." , , A close analysis of the registration figures In this city disclose a still more unfavorable showing for Tam many than was apparent last night. In round numbers there is a falling off In the Tammuny strongholds of about 10.000 and a gain In the Republican dis tricts of nearly 12,000. Prominent Tam many men themselves admit privately that they ure disappointed with the re sult of the registration. They are afraid that it foreshadows the defeat of their local ticket. GENERAL HASTINGS ILL. limbic to 'Address the Audience at tier- muntoun Last Night. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. -A disappointed gathering of Republicans assembled in their own hall, Oermantown, tonight, with the expectation of hearing Gen eral Hastings speak. When he did ap pear he stated ho had a sore throat and regretted that he would not be able to speak, as every word he uttered gave him pain. Ex-Mlnlster to Russia, Charles Em ory Smith; ex-minister to Italy, Will turn. Potter: A. J. Colborn, jr., of Scran ton; Representative John T. Harrison, of Germantown, and others made ad dresses. POLITICAL POINTS. Quay predicts an avalanche. Cleveland will speak for Wilson. Kx-Congressmun Little bolts Hill. Plutt now figures on lw,0u0 for Morton. Luniont, at least, will vote for David B. him""11 M' We?tl du"lu'1 ,hHt he wl" hol' Curl Schurt Is lighting Hill tooth and null. Berks Republicans are making great in roads. Dr. Depew begins a tour of Now York today. Hooker, of Mississippi, has gone to Wil son s u I I . Nebraska Populists are crowded off the oIHclul bHllot. Deli: watc Democrats back number. say Bayurd Is a If defeated, Wilson will strive to be elected senator. Some Deinuc PIltM 111', llf-ttlnir tn '.' An McCullen's election. Senator Faulkner Is very sore over his snub from Cleveland. , Btranuhan has "touched" Senator" Faulkner for more cash. McKlnley on Monday made seventeen spefi 10 luO.OOu voters. "Our Jack" Colborn is stumping with Hastings In Philadelphia. It looks as If Congressman Tracey, of. Albany, would be beaten. Postmaster General Blasell registered at Buffalo early this mouth. Campbell Jobes, who fought Acheson two years ago, is for him now. William It. Grace says the A. V, A Issue should be kept out of polltks. Ex-Collector Cooper Is putting up an electric fight agaliiHt Judge Clayton. Postmaster Dayton is working hard for the success of the Tammany ticket. The chances are Republicans will gain two congressmen even In Tennessee. A careful poll of Wilson's district nhows that Dayton will win by 1,200 majority. i Uourke Cockran Is making speeches throughout New York slate for Senulor Hill. Tammany Is scouring the big cities for ' floaters, offering $10 and expenses per head. Hon. Virgil P. Kline has repudiated the silver plank of the Ohio Democratic plat form. The Republicans claim to have a light ing chance In five of the Kentucky dis tricts. , Chicago politicians of all oartles ure busy accusing the other fellows of gross frauds. . Hasting and Singerly will travel to N'or ristown together, as guests of Colonel McClure. , John Boyd Thatcher, who Is managing Hill's canvass, says Carlisle would speak If he had time. Senator Martin, of Kansas, called ex Collector Acers a gambler, and will be arrested for libel. There Is a great demand for tickets of admission to ex-President Harrison's New iorlt speech. Senaor Blackburn, of Kentucky, denies that he was paid money to vote a cer tain way on the tariff. Governor McKlnley Is wanted by three times as many campaign committees us he can possibly gratify. Dan Vonrhees will retire from public life, und his protege, John K. Lamb, will, it is thought, succeed him. Having Just stumped Illinois, Candidate MacVeugh, Dem says he will win; but Kcpumicans say otherwise. F. T. Adams, of the New York Stock exchange, has bet S3.7M to (3,000, that Mor ton will huve lij.UW) plurality. It Is thought that the decisions of the courts have destroyed all of Tim Camp bell's chances for re-election, Wilmington Democrats atoned David Healey, of the Irish World, who was muxiiig a neputucan speecn. Clerk James Kerr expects the Demo crats to bag eight Pennsylvania congress men. HO says Merrltleld will win. Matt Savage's name will go on the of ficial ballot In the Thirty-fourth senator ial district as the candlduto of the Citi zens' party. Colonel Thomas O'Brien, of 'Wheeling, W. Ya., who recently deserted Democ racy, was mobbed by Democrats lust Sunday night. Chairman Apsley, of tho Republican congressional committee, ha never made a false prediction yet; and ho sees victory all along the line. The Michigan friends of Senator Patton will combine with the anti-Burrows men In order to prevent the congressman from securing tho senator-ship. Perry Belmont and ex-Secretary Whit ney have taken a deep interest In Senator Hill's candidacy. Mr. Belmont would like to succeed Mr. Hill In the senate. Senator Faulkner claims Peck will carry Wisconsin: says Cullom will b beaten In Illinois, thinks Indiana Is safe and Is even disposed to claim New York. The Brooklyn Kagle Ib authority for the statement that President Cleveland re quested Ambassador Buyard to refrain from making a speech In New York. A member of the cabinet Is authority for the statement that President Cleve land holds Hill to be a renegade and un worthy of Democratic support for his course during the tariff fight In congress, The contest In the Cleveland, O., district Is of the most exciting nature, und it is thought Congressman Tom L. Johnson has an even chance of winning, although the district gave McKlnley C.Oik) plurality last year. It Is the present Intention of the presi dent not to give any utterance, directly or indirectly, upon the political sttuutlon In New York, nor to indicate In any man ner what Is his attitude toward the Dem ocratic candidates. - SEVEN PEOPLEJfflOTHERED Caught Asleep by a Mysterious IMrc and Suffocated bv Smoke. MANY SAVED BY PIKE ESCAPES Forty People Sleeping In a New York Ten cment House Arc Surprised by Fire, and Those I utible to Keach the Escapes Are Suffocated. By the United Press. New York. Oct. 3(1. The five story single tenement house, 210 West Thirty-second street, was damaged by fire early this morning. Seven of the inmates were suffocated In their rooms and an eighth victim, a woman who Jumped from a third story window. Is lying fatally hurt. The dead are: Annie Appleblatt, 22 years old. George Friedman, 4 years old. Levi Friedman, 3 years old. Mrs. Margaret Klllian, 70 years old. Jacob Klllian, her son, 40 years old. George Lovey, her grand son, 20 years old. Mrs. Lena Mitchell. 24 years old. Injured: Mrs. Lena Friedman, 28 years old; leaped from window, horribly burned. Just what caused the fire to start up so suddenly nt a time when the tenants of the house wero asleep is not known. The only thing definitely known Is that the fire started In the rear portion of the cellar at 3.20 o'clock, and that It shot up the stairway with startling speed. The house contained seven families and In all about forty nersons wn'' asleep In the house when the fire started. The smoke penetrated on every floor in less than five minutes after the the flames began the little narrow tire escape was swarming with lightly clad and almost naked figures of men, women and children who were half crazed with fear. All those In the front of the house escaped, but the occupants of the back rooms were cut off by the flames and overcame by the smoke. The damage to the building Is esti mated at not more than $300. ANYONE CAN MARRY. It Is Discovered That the Present .Mar riage License Law Doesn't Go Into Kf feet I'ntll Next Year. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Oct. 30. William Reardon, In criminal court today, raised a point of law which amounts to a legal sensation. He was defending Thomas MeQuIrk, charged with perjury for falsely swear ing to the age of the woman he mar lied, and Mr. Reardon moved to quash the Indictment on the ground that there was no such offense under the law, as tho marriage license was not in force and no license was required to be taken out by parties who desired to be mar ried. This cauod Judge Magge to remttrk: "Why, Mr. Reardon, you don't make such a statement in earnest?" "1 do, your honor, and I can prove it. The marriage license act was passed In 1W5, and was amended In 18M. liy that amendment on and after Oct. 1, ISM, parties desiring to be married in this state must take out a license." The acts of 1SS3 and 1S93 were Kent for and read to the court. Judge Mugee said that If the act was correctly printed Mr. Reardon was right and the present murrluge license law would not be in force until 1S15. The point Is a new one, and will make Pennsylvania iv regulur Gretna Green, ns any one can then get married In this state without a license. CHAIN OF NEWSPAPERS. Senator llrice Said to lie a Leading Stock holder in the Scheme. By the United Press. Youngstown, Oct. 30. A syndicate In cluding capitalists in Boston and Xew York, and also some in this city, has been quietly organized to engage In the newspaper business. They pur pose securing control of a line of dally newspupers Irom the Atlantic to tne fuclnc, uuu wnen newspapers uncaoy established cannot be purchased, they will put In new plants. Those interested assert that there .is no politics In the scheme, und that It is purely a business Investment. Thus far the syndicate has, It Is al leged, cloBed deals for the purchase of the Boston Traveller, the Youngstown Telegram, the Kansas City World and the Columbus Press-Post. They huve obtained options upon newspapers in St. Paul and St. Joseph, and have pre sented propositions for the purchase of newspapersln other leading cities of the country. It is asserted Unit unions the large stockholders is Senator Urlce. MEXICO'S WAR SPECK. Guatemala Frightened Over the .Mossing of Troops on Her Frontier. By the United Press. Guatemala, Oct. 30. The government here Is frightened because It is known that Mexico has sent troops to cover her frontier. The-feeling Is freely ex pressed that the troops may Invade Guatemala, and that this Is surely due to appointing Kmlle de Leon as minis ter plenipotentiary to Mexico, who will positively leave about the middle of November. The opposition press here attacks Mexico, and these articles are causing the greatest sensation. DEATH OF ANOTHER VICTIM. Kasha Cotcrleh Dies in a Wllkcs-Barrc Hospital. By the United Press. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 00. Kasha Cofcerlch, aged 19 years, one of the vic tims of the dynamite plot on the Wllkes Uarre mountain on Sunday morning last, died at the hospital today. Jo seph Oolletz, whose back was broken, Is sinking rapidly nnd his death Is looked for at any moment. The county commissioners met again this afternoon and raised the reward to $2,000 for the arrest nnd conviction of the perpetrators of the horrible deed. BURGLARS AT LEBANON. Itrewlng Company'! Safes Arc Mown Open and Rifled. By the United Press. Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 30. Burglars en tered the office of the Lebanon Brewing company eurly this mornlngt removed the combinations and rilled the safes of their contents. The exact amount taken Is not known, but is said to be considerable. This Is the third snfe that has been blown open In this city the past week. ATE POISONED FOOD. Two Altoona Families tho Victims of Some Mysterious Work. By the United Press. Altoona, Oct. 30. This city has been greatly startled by the poisoning of two highly respected families. John Myers, a prominent florist, and wife, together with a niece und nephew who wero visiting thein. have been taken critically and mysteriously 111 from eating some sausage nnd cheese which was part of the noon-duy meal.' The family of II. C. Arbegust lias also been stricken by eating hogshead cheese supposed to have been poi soned. Much mystery surrounds both cases, but no theory as to the cause can be attributed to the apparent lwholesale attempt ot poisoning. FIEND IN' HUMAN FORM. Shocking Crime Is Committed by Thomas Marley, a Young Resident of Pittstun. Avengers on His Trull. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Pa., Oct. 30. The citizens of that portion of this borough known us Welsh Hill was thrown Into a vortex of excitement today over the Intelligence that an assault had been committed upon the 5-year-old daughter of Wlllum Moakes, a well knowinvsldent of Nufus street. Thomas Marley, aged 21 years, n son of Frank Marley, was employed with the latter In building a stone cellar wall at the rear of the Moakes' prop erly. Marley was seen to act friendly with the child whenever he went for water to Moakes' house. The child was missed for a few minutes by its mother and the latter commenced a seurch. On coming out of the kltchtn she saw Marley emerging from the garden house and Inquired of him If he had seen her daughter. He replied that the child had fallen from oil' a fence and Injured herself and thnt he had carried her i into the building. Mrs. Moakes, upon going to the build-1 lug, discovered that something wus wrong. She charged Marley with the crime but he llatly denied It. He also denied it to his father. Seeing the temperament of the people when the news became known the villain fled and was not captured at this writ ing. Several citizens of the neighborhood armed themselves and huve gone in search of the wretch, and the proba bilities are If lie Is caught he will be roughly dealt with. WRECK oF A (PAL TRAIN. Thrco Men Provided with Revolvers, Bur glar Tools, Masks and Other Imple ments Are Killed In the Smashup. By the United Press. Willlamsport, Oct. 30. A frightful coul train wreck, In which three un known men were killed, and Lewis H. Trump, of Wllllnnisport, was badly In jured, occouvred about three-quarters of n mile east of Viaduct, o station near 1'eale, on tne line ot me i;eecu Creek railroad, at an curly hour this morning. A coal train was moving past Viaduct, when one of-the bmkebeums dropped down, and seventeen cars were quickly piled up In a confussed muss. The first deud man found had ills lll'llll .-uiiif-i r-.i ....... ..... .""j'l The other two wero found under a coul ! car. It Is supposed that they were 1 either trumps or burglars, as in their clothes were found it lot of burglur tools, seven masks, three revolvers, and a number of cartridges. Lewis Trump, the Wlllamsport man who was on the same train, had bis skull fractured and was otherwise hurt. He was taken to the Cottage hospitnl at Phillpsbui HOLMAN IS ON THE RUN. Hcnuhllcuns Now Hope to Defeut the Great InJiunu Objector. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Greensbiirg, Intl.. Oct. 30. Politics Is at high pressure In the Fourth district, and Judge William S. Holmun's piivnto Hcreturv now only claims tno unjcc- tor" Will be elected by MV plurality in the congressional district, the usual maturity ranging in the past about 3.0M0. The Republicans are greatly In hopes of redeeming the district through Watson, whose campaign Is a wonder ful succession of ovations wherever he goes. Discord rules among the Dem ocratic leaders, and two of the machine politicians came to blows last night lit the utti.ee of the Hotel De Armoud. F.x-Senator forte Kwing, a son-in- law of (iovernor Matthews, of Indiana, ! hu,j jU!U n.lUrned from milking a po- liticHl speech ut Hamburg, when Polk I points to the loss of that control liy tne Arniingtoii, an cx-olllce holder under ; Democrats. The terms of thirty seiin Cieveland. and leader of the anti- tor will expire In the present congress. Kwing wing of the local Democracy, I Fourteen of the UO are Democrats. The passed through the olllce ami heard an ugh the olllce and heard an Insulting epithet applied to himself by Ewlng. Armlngton knocked Ewlng i down and would huve finished him up but the crowd held him on. hen re tained Armlngton left the hotel and started for his room about two blocks away, stopping at a drinking fountuln to wash the blood from his Injured hand. Kwing pursued him with a knife, but Armlngton stood him off with a rock until Night Watchman Bunnell put Ewing under arrest. The ex-senator was put behind the bars in the jail until his friends hunted uu the Democratic Mayor Northern and balled him out. The Kwings have been a power In Democracy here und have upheld Hol man for years, but their Influence hus been greatly weukened, and Holmun's personal following here Is almost brok en up. He sooke here last week to an audience of about S'iO, and Watson spoke Sunday night of this week to an audience of over 2,000 and It haB been this way all over the Fourth district. TICKS FROM THE WIRE. Forest fires are doing considerable dam age In the vicinity of Corinth, Miss., and Trimble, Temi. A gas well recently drilled north of M uncle, lnd., Is yielding over 7,U00,iju:) cubic feet a day. After several months of negotiations, J. A. llulley has become absolute owner of the Barnuin show. The great reflnery of the Standard OH 'Company at Lima, O., narrowly escaped destruction by lire. v Thai Ilaumbartens, tho lurgest mica operators in Europe and America, have just mvesteu largely in i anuua. During a quarrel at Buffalo, X. Y Adiini Eberle was struck Hiicl inutuntlv killed by a fist blow by John Llske. Charged with robbing the safe of his employers In Chicago, lj-yuur-old Isaac Sternberg was arrested in New York. After a week's chuse tho murderers of J. K. Marsh, mayor of Kinsley, Kan., were captured In a cave In Logan county. Robert Overton, a young farmer near MoOregor, Tex., was stabbed to death with a penknife during a quarrel with J. 8. Hudson. Men giving the names of Arnold and Harvey have been raptured and confessed to murder of Mayor J. F. Marshall, of Kinsley, Kan. Three hundred men are hunting for an unknown man who assassinated Jones Hvndiiekson, a colored school teacher, at Uoodlettsvllle, Temi. Charles J. Bearey, the trnln robber, was bronght before Justice Fltshugh at Fred ericksburg, Va., for a preliminary heal ing and wulvcd an examination. State College Foot Ball club, play tho University of Pennsylvania at Philadel phia on Nov. 8; Prlncetrtn, Nov. 17, and Franklin and Marshal, Nov. 24. D. D. Roe, of Dayton, Mo., became In sanely jealous on the eve of his wedding, und. after ttrlnir four shots at his SUD- posed rival blew his own brains out, AS TO THE JEH CONGRESS Con(rcssiqnl Elections of Great Im portance to Both Parties SPECULATING OX THE RESULT The Republicans W ill Have to Win f ifty . Three More Seats 'Minn They Huve Now to Obtain Control of House Terms of Thirty Senators to Expire. Speclal to the Scranton Tribune. Washington, Oct. 2!. One vote In any close congressional district may determine the complexion of the next congress. One vote cast for or against a Republican cntuUdutc for congress, or one Republican vote care lessly left unpolled, may decide whether the next house of representatives sliull be for protection or free trade. One vote cast for or against a Republican candi date for the state senate or slate house of representatives, or one such vote im properly marked or left ut home, may decide the political destiny of the Uni ted State senate nnd perhaps change the whole future of America's economic policy. This Is true because this year's congressional buttle Is likely to be ex ceedingly close. One uuthoiity, a well-known political correspondent, aptly expresses the sltu atoin when he says that both political parties will have a majority in the next house If the predictions made by the party malingers should come true. In quiries mu.de dully at both headquarters' discover un apparent confidence in the success of both parties next month'. To prove that this confidence Is based on good foundation the gentlemen In charge of the congressional headquar ters present exhaustive documents con taining In detail' the exact situation In all the congressional districts. Reports are received at those headquarters from all over tho country every week und sometimes several times a week, Ac cording to the utterances of the gentle men appointed to speak to the press neither party headquarters has received any but the most roseate-hued reports. Such a thing ns admitting prospective defeat has never l?en known. It lakes more honest men than has ever yet been placed at the congressional headquar ters of either party to even admit that tlu outlook in any quarter is nt least dubious. All this Is by way of showing how bootless Is an Inquiry' to either plane dining the campaign. The Situation Reviewed. The Republicans, to obtain control of the next house, will have to win lifty three districts more than they hold in the present congress. Tne Democrats of the tlfty-third congress had 21S scats; in Republicans 12G and the Populists Should the Democrats lose 41 vots it would deprive them of a majority and enther trai.sl'er It to the Republicans or give the balance of pow'cr to the Popu lists. There seems to be a feeling In tho air that the Republicans will make con siderable gain In the forthcoming elec tions, but whether sufficient to over come the big majority now held by the I Democrats is it mutter requiring very nun cuicuiauons. jv great ucui, nt course, will depend upon the speed with which general business throughout the country revives. The loss to the Dem ocracy will di-creuse in corresponding ratio to the revival of business. It Is a difficult thing to win 53 districts from the Democrnu. The Republicans have practically nothing to hope lor In the south with the possible exception of a vine or iwo in j.ouimihiiu, uwihs 10 uie sugar insurrection. Slioulil the jjemo. crats lose Bents in that section of the country It Is much more likely that the loss will be the Populists' gain rather than the Republicans'. Hence it is that whatever seats the Republicans are to win from the Democratic party must be In the northern states. In the Senate. The forthcoming election will also in volve the political control of the senate after March 4, liMO. Consecutive belief senators wnose terms win expire are: Democrats Berry, Arkansas; P.utlor, South Carolina; Caff cry, Louisiana; Cuiuden, West Vlrglnu; Coke, Texas; Colquitt, Georgia; Harris, Tennessee; Hunton, Virginia; Lindsay, Kentucky; Murtln, Kansas; McLnurln, Mississippi; McPherson, New Jersey; Morguu, Ala bama; Ransom, North Carolina. Republicans Carey, Wyoming; Chandler, New Hampshire; Cullom, Ill inois; Dlxson, Rhode Island; Dolph, Or egon; Frye, Maine; Hlgglns, Delaware; Hour, Massachusetts; Mandcrson, Ne braska; McMillin, Michigan; Pcttlgrew, South Dakota; Power, Montana: Shoup, Idaho: Washburn, Minnesota; Wilson, Iowa; Wolcott. Colorado. Senators Cuffrey nnd l'.lanchard have been elected to succeed themselves. A Republican has been chosen to succeed Mr. Wilson and a Democrat to succeed Mr. Hunton. There Is little doubt felt by either party except In the states ot Illlouols, Delaware, Kansas, South Car oline nnd New Jersey. It Is pretty gen erally believed that Tillman, the Popu list, will succeed Senator Butler in South Carolina. Tho Republicans hope to elect a successor to McPherson In New Jersey nnd to Martin in Kansas. As an offset to this the Democrats ex pect to elect MeVeagh In Illinois nnd a Democrat to succeed Senator Hlgglns. Colorado Is doubtful for although the Republicans dlum It there Is a possibil ity of a Populist being elected to suc ceed Wolcott. Changes Already Foreseen. In the senate the membership is now eighty-live, vacancies In Montana, Wyoming nnd Washington. The pre sent senate consists of forty-three Dem ocrats, thirty-seven Republicans and five Populists. The three vacancies now existing will probably be filled during the coming session and the senators chosen be Republican, in which event the Republican strength will be forty. Supposing that the Republicans by the coming election lose Collnm nnd Hlg glns and gain the seats now occupied by Martin and McPherson, their strength will suffer no loss, while the Democrats by losing Butler In South Carolina would reduce their number to forty-two and thereby place the balance of power In the hands of the six Populists, Jones, of Nevada, Allen, Kyle, Peffer, Tillman and Stewart. Thus it will be seen that the Democracy runs a great risk of los ing the senate In the next congress. The Democrats may retain New Jer sey and win seats In Delaware and Illi nois, but that would only make their strength 43 and with a full membership 45 would constitute a majority. New Mexico and Utah, the new states, will probably send senators to the Fifty fourth congress. Possibly the Demo crats might thorby secure a majority. If all four senators elected In the new states should be Republican, the Re publican party would still lack one of a majority; but it the Democrats, should win all of thein they would have a strength of 47, a majority of one, as the addditlonal senators would make the membership 92. Republicans Can Win. Without regard to the majority of the senate in the Fifty-fourth congress it is interesting to note thnt the Demo crats are by no means sure of retain ing their domination In the coming short session. Should (senators be selected to fill the present vacancies and those selected be Republicans, 4fi votes would be required for a majority and the Democrats have only 43, count- ! lug in lrby, of South Carolina, who Is to say the most, a decidedly uncertain quantity. It would be very dltficult for either the Democrats, with whom ho has usually trained, or the Populists, by whom he was elected, to depend on him. In the event of the present vacancies being filled the six Populists, should they combine, would be able to dictate terms to either of the two great parties In the matter of organization and composition of committees, in view of which it is easy to see that the forth coining election is destined to be of great importance. The Republican party expects every friend of protection to home Industries, every believer In a preserved home market, every wisher for renewed pros perity and every advocate of honest money to do his duty next Tuesday. OUTLOOK IN MINNESOTA. Republicans Are l ighting Their Hardest battle in History of the State. Special to the Scranton Tribune. St. Paul, Minn., Oot.30. At the pres ent time the Republicans In Minnesota are fighting one of the hardest buttles in which they were ever engaged. The Democrats have given up all hope of electing their ticket. Instead of polling the second highest vote, they will be third In the list. The question is, can Nelson, the Republican nominee, beat Owen, the Populist?. It may be stated that he can, but everybody will know that a battlo has been fought. In the First congressional district Tawney will be elected easily, in tho Second McCleary can read his title eieiir. i ii me tnira district Jt is a close fight between Hall, the present Democratic Incumbent, and Heat AVnole, Republican. In. tho Fourth Klefer, Republican, will be returned as far as can be discerned. In the Fifth Fletcher, Republican, will go back unless the unexpected happens. In the Sixth, Towne, Republican, will surely replace Baldwin, the miners on Iron Range absolutely repudiating the hitter. In the Seventh, Kddy, Repub lican, has n good chance of defeating RciKU. Populist, und present incumbent, owing to his great local popularity. The Seventh district Is strongly Popu list so thnt the DenincrntHi party has almost passed out of existence there. There is a strong Populist tone to the 1 Sixth district and the Second Is badly ; tainted in the western counties. Many claim that the Populists have lost in the country but have gained In the cities. It Is problematical whether that Is the case, and only the ballots will show. The hard fight is on the gover nor and congressmen. The Republican stute ticket will be elected ut ull events. HASTINGS IS TIRELESS. The Kcptiblican Candidate Pusses Another Busy Day on the Stump. By the United Pross. West Chester. Pa., Oct. 30. The larg est gathering- of Republicans within the history of Chester county was that which assembled here today to greet General. Hastings and party. General Hastings arrived at 10 o'clock this morn ing and was met at the station by a lurge delegation of citizens and n bund. They proceeded to tho Mansion House, where a reception was held and about 5,000 people shook the standard bearer's hand. At it o clock tne meeting was called tqJ order by County Chairman Kyre. The Opera House was packed with people, several hundred ladies having-seats on tlie stuge. Thomas Hooper, one of the proprietors of the lurgest manufactur ing establishments in West Chester, presided nnd introduced General Hang ings us the first speaker. The general spoke for a half hour and was frequent ly Interupted by applause and cheers. He compured the times enjoyed by the worklngmen under the present ad ministration with under the Republi can, and drew an evident moral there from. He was followed by Congresmun Jack Robinson, William I. Sehnffer. of Chester, and Colonel H. Frank Kshel man, of Lancaster. General Hastings left West Chester at 12 lo'clock .for Phenixvllle, accompanied by the recep tion committee. He addressed the lion workers there and then went to Phila delphia, where he spoke this evening to enormous audiences. In company with A. J. Colborn, jr., of Scranton. KEYSTONE VIC.NETTES. The collection of Gentian mannfactured products hus been added to the Slate college museum. George Shltagu. a miner, nged 3d years, wus Instantly killed by a full of ruck and coal In the Alden mine at Wllkes-Burre. The man killed nt Cheshire, Conn., while trying to escape urrest has been Identified us Michael Rogers, ot Allen town. The coroner of Bucks county will to duy hold un Inquest on the bodies of tho two men killed in the Pennsylvania rail road wreck at Croydon. Marlon Nymslck, while In the act of blasting coal in the north shaft of the Susquehanna Coal company at Nantlcoke, was family burned by an explosion of gas. A Philadelphia syndicate Is negotiating for the purchuse of the Reading und Per klomen turnpike as u step toward the, con tinuous trolley line from Reading to Phil adelphia. Peter Noviskl, a miner employed at the Katydid colliery, operated by the Red Ash Coal company, wus caught beneath a full of rock und coul and crushed In a horrible manner. The suit of Mrs. K. M. Byers, ot Pitts burg, against Dr. Tallman und other Chl cagoans to recover her Insane husbund, now in a Philadelphia usylum, was dis missed m tne v muy rity. The board of pardons has recommended that William II. Bradley, of Philadelphia, In the penitentiary for larceny, be par doned. James Newton, Hill's death sen tence wus commuted to lifq Imprisonment. Colonel A ,B. Colt, whose regiment re cently shot Into a mob at Washington Court House, O., nnd ho hus been In hiding In western Pennsylvania, has gone to New York stute to escape mob violence. , FROM WASHINGTON. The cruiser Cincinnati will be Inspect ed Thursday. Senator Gorman hail n. "long talk" with Secretary Curllsle Monday. The supply of World's fair souvenir half dollars is being rapidly, exhausted. Tho president has approved the dis missal from th army of Captain William 8. Johnson, retired, for refusal to pay his debts at Denver, Col. Washington corrfyjpondentr. have just learned that a New York syndicate writer was last winter Intrusted with a large sugar trust fund for the "boys," which he has not yet dared attempt to distrib ute. - WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, threaten ing weather and ruin; cleurlng during the day; south winds; cooler Wednesday night, : , pNLEY'S A FEW SPEGIALS IN (I 0 For This Week. 28 pieces, 40-incli ull wool Heuii ettas, best similes, 50c quality, Special Price, 35c. 20 pieces, 46-inch all woui Henri etta, 05c. quality, Special Price, 45c. 18 pieces, .i-incli all wool Assaliel Dress Flannels,' j.ne. quality. Special Price, 29c. 25 pieces line English Suitings, changeable cflccts, Special Price, 43c, so pieces Silk and W ool Mixtnrcs, 65c. quality, Special Price, 48c, CHOICE NOVELTIES FOR EVENING - WEAR Our line of lilack (itiods comprises the Latest and Best Designs of the Leading Foreign Manufacturers. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave, MIN OIL CLOTHING Wholesale and Retail. H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street. 'Telephone, No. 4633. A ll IN A VISE, Couldn't hurt much more than an uncomfortable shoe. Our 'KOR RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy. CORK SOLES In Calf and Cordivanare just what you want for Fall and Winter. !lDl 114 Wyoming Avenue, D BUY YOUR PRESENTS OF W. J. WEICHEL, JEWELER, 408 SPRUCE STREET, And get checks on that beau tiful Piano to be given away Christmas week. N, B. Repairing of Fine Watches a specialty. r. I, All.