, - TII1-.SCRAXTOX TiniirXE ITliSDAV -MORNING, OCTOBER 00, ISO J. a AT 1H PS Aiming the manil'olJ ud alliace ous offerings made by us this, season in foreign dress stuffs, none surpass the one made today, viz: FANCY MIXED Sill !IC. indies wide, at 58c. PER YARD. l- xocptional quality. I'iftlit choice coloriii:s. Never before sold for less than t.OO. JACKETS CUP In Hi) corresponding period" of past seasons has the activity in the Cloak and Suit department heen so great as at the present time. The sales last Meek were greatly in excess of any previous October week in the history of the depart ment. TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Q 0 This department has never heen more comprehensively equipped With moderate-priced, stylish. Trimmed and I ntriinm.-d Hats und Itonnets than at the present lime. Ti'iiiiHH'il Ji lls and Bonnet from im up. I n I riii; ill t d Huts from st.00 to VIM. GORMAN'S Grand Depot. 412 Spruce St., Scranton. Tr. Roovf! 1 now fully established St 41:! Kprm-oMtr?ett Soninlon. H ) han per J'ornieil some wonderful cures mul lias Kuliieil thn iiiillcliTire of tlm pulillr. He !m i-nmi to ST.vy ami will remain 1'ER MAXKXT1.Y ut IiIm Spiiue streut parlors', ilf has liml loiifr mill vuU-ii ..xperience in linjiliul ami prlvute praottoo and treats tiil acini' und i lironlc dtaenxi.'S of men, wo men mid children. vices and examinations Free of Charge Mo one In turiK-d away. . Ue. with his assistants, treat all dl. eaaes of the nervous system, diseases of the eye. ear, noso and ihioat, dvupepsla, rliKiiniailsm. lout vltalitv. pfomature weakness or dei-ay In both sexes, nervous Meliilii;-, catarrh, tumors, rancors, erup tions, blood poisoning, tits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of vouth. lobl man hood, etRema, Kerofula, tit. Vitas' daneo, HHthina, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, Momui h, etc. FEMALE DE PAR ME NT. The doctor has opened a female depart ment exclusively for females, sothnt thoso whom uellr-acy" has heretofore kept nway may now receive the serviees of a "lady" whn treatment will prove her aliility i:t all cases, OFFER TO THE FUBLIC FOR "CATARRH." Any c.o Buffering with "Catarrh" who wishes to be FKRM ANKNTI.Y and 'JI.'K'KTV cured may receive FOUR MONTHS' TKEATMKNT FOR ONLY TEN lU,ARg. This offer holds Bood for thirty days. The doctor has discov ered a SPKCIFIC for this dreaded dis ease. V'ou can treat and cure youraef pud family wilh It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. Ortke hours: Dally, 9 a.m. lo ! p.m. Sundays, io to 13 and 2 to 4. . Take elevator in Christian's hat store. Or steps. .Remember the name and number. DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St., Scranton. QARPETS ' Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, Window Shades and Wall Paper. All the Latest Designs. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. four doors above Wyoming Houso, .Mothers .' .Mothers ! ! Mothers '. ! ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothinpt Hyruphas been used for over llfly years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, With perfect success. 'It sooths the child, Wnt'tens the KUins, allays all pain; cures w ind colic, and Is the best remedy for dl nriliea. Hold by druggist in every part of (lie world. I!e sure and ask for "Airs. Wlnviow'H HoolhliiK Hyrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle, Cure for Croup.Vee D. Thomas' Kclee trlc Oil according to directions, it Is the best remedy for all sudden attacks of colds, pain and Inllamniutlon, and 'it Jurle:;. , , IS. 1 NEWS OFJIS VICINITY CAHRONDAliK. The following named young men and others will form a club, and they are now lonWintr for suitable rooms In which to spend the winter evenings: Messrs. Tied Watt. Oeiirife GIUIb, Albert F. Jlirkett, Charles Milliard, Itoger Wil liams, Lewis K. KobertR. Fred Klcht myer, Alexuuder .Mitchell und lteuben Kinback. Mr. und Mrs. Kdwnrd Hinted and son, of Darte avenue.left on Saturday murn ltiK for a visit at Dallas, I'a. They will be tiliests of Mrs. Hlsted's sister. Miss Kva Whitney, of Susquehanna, spent a few hours in this city on Friday afternoon with her cousin, Miss J.lzzic. Aminernian, of Canaan street. She is now the Kuest of Miss lona Tyler, of Forest City. Dr. Sltterly is not the new manager at the Hotel American, as was stated in Saturday's Tribune. W. J. Maxey, of Forest City, was a Cnrbondale visitor Saturday. The committee who have the cornlns firemen's fair in charge are meeting with splendid success. On Tuesday evening of this week a ."Mother Hubbard" entertainment will be given in the Kaptlst chapel. It will lie given by the children of the Subbath school under the direction of Mrs. J en son.' Tickets are on sale for li cents each. A very pleasant social event was held at the home of .Miss Bessie Corby, on Wyoming street, on Friday evening. It was given in honor of her guests, Misses Mabel and Grace Cullender, of lilakely. The hours' were happily spent. Those present were Misses Maude Copeland, Lottie Kills, Marie- Adelle Williams, Alenu Herring, Leila Uolton, Maude Miller. Anna Idewsoti, Stella Hunter, Maggip Clarkson, Gertrude Bronson, Jessie Yannau, Bessie Kills, Mabel Jad w 1 ii. Florence Harrison, Minnie Hey tiolds, Messrs. G. li. Samson, A. H. Van Dermark, Isaac Singer, i. L. ('rune, K. M. Shepherd, Kdward Yarrlngton, U. II. Paul. Hal Judwin, Dr. J. J. . Thompson, .Max Lnthrope, J. H. Keese, K. A. Jad wln. C. W. Perkins, R. A. Mason, Kd ward Jones, of Olyphunt. ' ' William If. Breese, of Lincoln avenue, is visiting friends in Honesdale. Miss Adelaide Stewart, of Chicago, will be the guest of Mrs. F. M. Fox this week ut Hotel Anthracite. T. J. MeTlghc removed his househ ld goods from Hotel American on Satur day. Carbondalo was well represented at the foot bull gunie in Scranton on Sat urday afternoon. One of the greatest musical events of the season will be held on Saturday eve ning. Xov. :t, when Marie Louise Bailey and Nina Kuthbones' piano and song recitul, with George Carter, accompan ist, wlllappearlnthe lecture room of the Presbyterian church, under the au spices of the Ladies AM society of thut church. Miss Hazel Wheeler entertained a number of her young friends nt her home on Church street, on Friday eve ning, in honor of her tenth birthday. W, J. Hamilton is entertaining his mother and sister, of Albany, X. Y., ut Hotel Anthracite. .Miss Annie J. McDonough died Satur day at- her home on Brooklyn street. Deceased was "0 years of age and is u daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Donough. The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning in St. Rose church. Interment in St. Rose cemetery. J. M. Alexander, treasurer of the school district, is In receipt of a check of $l:!.L,:U.75 from the state treas urer. This Is the amount of the appro priation made by the legislature for the support of the Carbondule schools. Our share last year was J1,04l'.43. This year we received tl.Wi.32 more, the Increase being due to the large enrollment. The funeral of Miss Blanche Bolton, who tiled Saturday evening at the home of Jesse Bagley, on Canaan street, will be held this morning at Clifford. The remains will be taken from Mr. Bag ley's home at V o'clock. The pall-bearers from this city are clerks In S. and H. S, Bolton's store, and are Messrs. George Alvord, George Schrader, Harry Lee and Shell' Male.. The "Mother Hubbard" entertain ment, which was to have been given in the Baptist chapel this evening, has been postponed until Wednesday even ing of this week. Announcement Is made of the coming marriage of Miss Mary A. O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Connor, to Patrick J. Flannery, of Brooklyn street. The event will take place in SI. Hose church on Wednes day, Nov. Li, at 3.30 p. m. Kvery Republican who can vote should vote on Tuesday next. "From the breaker to the state house." Vote for Charles P. O'Malley. A musical treat will occur on Friday evening of this week in Masonic temple, when the Old llomestend quartette will sing. The artists are: Al Oreutt, first tenor; Val P. Akerly, second tenor; Albert Barnes Meyers, baritone; Gus Kammerler, basso. Mr. and Mrs. William Eltel have re moved to Carbondalo from Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Colwell will re turn to Jersey City today after spend ing the summer In this place. .Miss Gruce Churchill, of Klkdale, is the guest of Miss Ollle Lee, of Belmont street. riTTSTOX. A serious wreck that required nine teen hours to clear occurred on the "cut off" branch of the Lehigh Valley road near Jenkins' water tank Saturday afternoon. Jenkins' tank is located be tween Avooa and this pluce. Engine 3rt3, one of the heaviest on the road, pull ing a train of laden coal cars, was mak ing for Cox ton at a pretty lively gait, there being a heavy down grade at the point Indicated. Suddenly a cow stepped on the track. Berore the engineer in charge or any of his crew could drive her off the engine struck her. Instead of throwing her from 'the track the wheels passed over her and jumping the track sped along over the ties for a con siderable distance. Fifteen of the cars also left the truck and were badly wrecked. Several truins that hud left thn Junction for points south upon en countering the obstruction were forced to turn back and proceed by way of the old route. Luckily nobody was hurt. John Tenant is lying at his home In Port Giiitlth suffering from injuries sustained Saturday night. Tenant was in Mangan Bros . saloon when an alter cation ensued between himself and the proprietors. The altercation finally de veloped Into a free fight. Tenant, who Is a powerful man, It appears was, too much for the brothers und as a means of subduing him It Is alleged the broth ers overcame their physical disability by procuring and pounding Tenant with a mallet such as is used in tapping beer. When the fracas was over Ten ant was found to be suffering from a scalp wound nfid several painful contu sions on the body. He was taken to a physician who dressed his Injuries. Tenant threatens to prosecute. The Father Matthew society held their regular semi-monthly meeting yesterday. All of the Pennsylvania Coal company mines except No. 10 will work this week. One week from today the voters of tills borough will be given an opor tunlty to say by their ballots whether they desire Pittston to become a city of the third class or not. It is a question that will bear much study and consid eration and one that should be thor oughly agitated. Unfortunately this is not the ense. Scarcely a word Is spoken either one way or another, a circum stance that would indicate little inter est Is being manifested In the move i.ient. The work of the ambltlouB candidate Is fast drawing tea close and with it the trials of the voters. Judge Rice has decided that Burgess Maloney had no right to tine Bert Dy mond, Broad & Co.'s fruit huckster, sev eral months ago. Dymond's counsel, Lawyer Sherwood, now threatens to sue the borough for $J0,0u0 damages for false imprisonment. If the voters decide In favor of a form of city government on Tuesday next ; it will legislate Burgess Moloney and ; such couiicllmen as hold over, out of office. Rev. n'. S. Hulsart. the new pastor of the Methodist Protestant church, occu pied the pulpit for the first time Sun day and created a favorable Impression, PECKVILLE. Mrs. Huldey Barber, of Illinois, Is vis iting at the home of A. S. Newton. Miss Nellie Glanvllle, of Bell Place, is rusticating with friends nt Parsons. Robby Williams, of Waverly, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Hattlo Williams. The 1-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Boltery, who dld of croup, was burled in Prospect cemetery lust Sunday. Mrs. John English and Mrs. Z. P. Traviss spent Sunday at Carbondalo. Mr. and Mrs. P. Snedlcor, of Hickory street, entertained many of their friends at their home last Suturduy evening, the occasion being Mrs. Snedicor's forty-fourth birthday. Mrs. Snedlcor was the recipient of a beautiful Bet of dishes, consisting of 124 pieces, and sev eral other costly presents. Mr, Snedl- j cor was also presented by his two grand ; children with a splendid rocking chair. Many literary and musical features were on the programme of entertain ment,, and refreshments were served. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Wells C. Warner, Air. and Mrs. Z. P. Tinklepaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Subboth Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Fos ter, Mrs. Huttle Sayres, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Peck, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Guest, Mr. and Mrs. Judson C. Cullen der, Mr. and Mrs. David Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William. Warneld, of Peckvlle; Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pyne, of Dutnnore; Mrs. J. W. Price und daughters, Hattie and Edith, Mrs. William Sykes, of Green Ridge; George A. Conner. Miss Lena Shone, und Mrs. Thomas Sayres, of Scranton. items of special interest for The Tribune can be left at (.5. A. Bells store. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bensconter spent Sunday with their friends at Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Raub, of Scran ton, and Mrs. Lord and son, of Chicago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barber, on Main street, last Sun day. Mrs. Vale and two children, of Green field, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Martin, on the Wild Cat road. M. J. Coleman is suffering from a pain ful injury to one of Ills eyes, which re sulted from his being struck with a piece of coal at the Ontario and West ern works. Miss Annie Wldeman, of Fleetvllle. returned home yesterday, after visiting with Miss Mabel Harding. ' Maynard Finch circulated among friends here Sunday. F011ES1' CITY. Epworth league tonight. Miss Eva Whitney returned to her home In Susquehanna yesterday after a few duys" visit with Miss lone Tyler. George J. Benton, of Carbondule, spent Sunday pleasantly with friends in this pluce. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Trim, of Pittston, spent Sunduy with the former's parents; ;Professor and Mrs. W. G. Trim, in this place. Miss Delia Hurd. of Hawley, was also a guest at the same place Sunday. Miss Leona Spettigue, John H. Brou wer and K. J. Spettigue, of Honesdulo, were guests of Mr. und Mrs. W. H. Hlgglns Sunday. Miss Mattle Spet tigue, of Carbondale, visited at the same place. Sunduy. Misses Lena Reynolds and Louise Westgate visited ut Gibson Friday and Saturday. Hon. Charles L. Hawley, of Scran ton, Prohibition candidate for gover nor of Pennsylvania, gave two excel lent addresses in this place Sunday, In the morning at the Methodist church and in, the (evening at th Baptist church, to large and attentive audi ences. Mrs. E. Ij. Blakeslee, of Montrose, Is visiting at the home of Dr. V. R. Blakeslee. on Delaware street. Miss Maude Reynolds, one of Forest City's popular young ladles and a suc cessful teacner in our public school, wus married lost Thursday In Blng humton to George Wedeman, a promi nent merchant of Vandllng. Tomorrow at 12 o'clock the mar riage of Miss Josephine Milne Alexan der, of Carbondale, to Howard Pente cost Johns, of this place, will be sol emnized at the residence of the bride's parents. Miss Alexander is a sister of Merchant Tailor Charles S. Alexuuder, of this place. The eminent actor, J. W . Macready, and his magnificent company under the management of Harry Ltnson, opened a week's 'engagement at Davis Opera house last evening in the interesting drama, "Uncle Daniel," or, "The Mess enger from Jarvls Section." The oom pany have their own orchestra and bund and the entire company gave first-class satisfaction. This evening "A Celebrated Case" will be given. A short time ago the "Clemeneeuit Case was given in this place, but the play this evening is entirely different. Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents. JERMYS. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Robinson have re turned from a ten days' visit with friends In Columbia county. This evening the St. Aloyslus society will celebrate their anniversary by an entertainment In Enterprise hall. Rev. p. J. McManus, of Green Ridge, will deliver an address on temperance. The reverend gentleman Is a forcible speuk er. All are Invited to be present. John J. Farrel, of this place, and Miss Maggie Qulnn, of South Carbondule, will be married Wednesday afternoon, A slight fire caused by a lump explod ing in the "barn" of the Valley Trac tion company at Mayfleld, at 4 o. in. Monday, was extinguished by the em ployes who were sleeping in the build ing. A number of cars were slightly damaged. The funeral of Mrs. Staples, who died at Montdale, will take pluce this afternoon. Interment In Jermyn ceme tery. C. L. Bell has bought the tract of timber land In Tennesee which he has been negotiating for during the sum mer. All members of Rushbrook encamp ment, No. 2ti:i, are requested to be jn-es-ent at the Friduy night meeting.' John F. Nicholson spent Sunday In Scranton. Mlsa Clara Davles, who has been 111 for some days, Is again attending to her duties In the Store of C. D, Winter &Co. OLYPUANT. Early-Friday evening, Catherine Bro gan, a lady 60 years of ags, while under a tit of temporary insanity, jumped from the upper story of the home of James Langan on Duninore street, und dis appeared. A diligent search was made and at an early hour Saturday morning she wus found dead In the middle of the Lackawanna liver, neur Kddy Creek breaker. The remains were taken to James Langan's home, from where the funeral will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment wil be made In the Catholic cemetery. Deceased was a sis ter to the late Mrs. Patrick Jordan, of Scranton. Alfred IX, the two-year old son of Mr. und Mrs. Alfred Haines, of Biukely, died ut 12 o'clock Friday night, of spinal menlngnltis. The funeral will take place from the residence this afternon at 2 o'clock. Hu will be Interred at Proupect cemetery. There Is nothing like Dr. Thomai' Ec lectrlc Oil to quickly cure a cold or re lieve hoam-ness.. Written by Mr. M. J. Fllows, Burr Oak, St, Joseph, Cu.Mlch, CIAKK'S GKEEX. The sudden death of our greatly es teemed friend and cither, Mr?. J. c. Clurk, formerly Amy Frederick, In the cemetery grounds while attending the uUl cen riior.ini rites of the lute llenrv bii-'en or. .Sunday last atahiu 4 o'clock P. m.. has cast a gloom upen this vicin ity that will belong remembered. A physician being upon the grounds no tlmewas lost In rendering all assistance possible. The deceased had been a resi dent since early girlhood and had at tained to the age of 80 years. She is survived ; by her husbund, an only daughter, Sophia, und an only "sister, Mrs. L. J. Northup, of Scranton.-' The services will be held at 2.110 p. m today. Interment In-the cemetery here. Installation of the officers of the Elec tric Star lodge. No. 40, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, on Saturday evening lust drew a large delegation from Green Ridge, Celestial and Robert Burns lodges. These accompanied the district deputy grand master. A verv enjoyable time was had. Several de grees are to be confered at the next Saturday's meeting. A general attend ance Is desired. A.-A. Dnvls was an attendant of the Epworth rally on Saturday last. Mrs. B. F. Stanton and children, ac companied by her sister, Mrs. A. A. Davis, left yesterday for a visit among friends in Hyde Park. The contract for building the new Methodist Episcopal church at the Summit has been awarded to the Green Ridge Lumber company for the consid eration of $3,200. The death of Henry Slsco, of our placer is felt by a large circle of friends. Mr. Slsco was born and reared here and occupied many offices of honor and trust during his long life, being 75 years of age. He Is survived by u large family und many relatives. The funeral was conducted by the Waverly Lodge of Masons, u large concourse attending. t. D. Purker, of Pitston, visited among relatives here over Sunduy. juSSdale. Only a few years ago North Park, which is one of Honesdale's beauty marks, was a swampy piece of ground surrounded by vacant lots on all sides, but now It is greutly changed. That piece of ground is no longer a swamp but a handsome park. Homes of our citizens have been built upon the east anr south sides of it and the latest Im provement Is the clearing up of build ing lots on the side hill to the west of it. One cottage, that of Fred Gray.ls already In course of construction on one of the lots, and the foundation Is being laid for, a handsome cottuge of W. H. Wood, und oilier cottages will soon grace this beautiful hillside. The cantata given by the young peo ple of the M. E. church lust Thursday and Friday evenings was a success financially, and the cantata itself wus well played. Several of those who participated in the play showed marked ability, and thut their efforts was thor oughly appreciued by their .audience wus shown by the frequent and hearty applause. Attorney-General Hensel will deliver an address at the court house Thurs day evening, Nov. 1. Benjamin Qulnney, of Kullspell, Mon., is the guest of his uncle, William yuinney. Mr. Qulnney is on his way to Kngland to visit his parents and will leave Honesdale in a few days. The young people of the Methodist Episcopal church cleared $12 at their recent entertainment. Miss Vlnnle Rose, Miss Antoinette D. Ball and Miss Martha Jenkins will act us bridesmaids at the marriage of Miss Flora Shinier to Mr. Wells, In Port Jer vls, today. J. Kirk Rose will act as one of the ushers. A large number of Honesdale's society people will uttend the wedding. Rev. J. B. Sumner, of Pittston. is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Toi ler. ' AKC11BALD. Margaret A., youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Duffy, of Ceme tery street, died on Sunday night after a lingering Illness: Death was due to lung trouble. The deceased was be loved bv a laree circle of frlenda u-lmm she had attracted to her by many lov- auie qualities. The funeral will take place on Wednesday morning. A high muss nf rentiltmi icdl tit. aimer in ut Thomas' church at 10 o'clock, after wnicit interment will take place In the Catholic cemetery. Michael Dunn, of South Main street, a veteran of the late war, whose arm was amputated a few months ago as the effect of u. hiilh.t wi-mtwl uM,.h Via received at the storming of Fort Gregg, is not improving as rapidly as his many friends, would like. .Tames A. Kenrnev nf T.nnrl utrt spent Sunday with his brother, Dr. p! n. ivearney, oi scranton. PMCEBURG. Isaac Dawe, who had his arm broken at Jermyn's breuker a few days ago, Is able to be around again. The body of Mrs.Brogun.of Olyphant, was found floating on water of theLack awunna river Saturday morning. She was an old and respected lady. She resided In Olyphant. The funeral will tuke place today. Improvements are being made around the Primitive Methodist church. William Kelly, jr., of Lincoln street, visited Scranton friends Saturday. The members of the Prlceburg local branch of the New York Mutual Savings und Loan association are requested to attend a meeting In Smith's Music Hull Monday evening, Oct. 20, for the pur pose of reorganizing and election of officers. MAYF1ELD. Attorney F. T. Okell, of Scranton, was a Mayfleld visitor Monday. H. J. DeGraw was In Wllkes-Barre yesterday. 'Squire Sullivan and M. Sharak were in Scranton Monday morning. 'I. F. Kllker visited the Pioneer City last night. Cornelius Sullivan una 'In Pm-lu-.n. dale yesterday. C. S. Hoyt was In Tlttston over Sun day. Ed Bennett was In Archbald Sunduy afternoon. A oartv consisting nf TiM Muu,.i. it J. DeGraw und Grunt und Frunk Bell took a trump" over the Ridge to the Pot Hole Sunday afternoon.. ' Cuit't Raise a Laugh. From tho Chicago Mall. Democratic papers treating tho hard times as a joke II nd it hard to get a re sponsive luugh from the public. W.L.Douclas S HOE NO SQUEAk'no. 93. CORDOVAN, 4.a.vFiNECAifiiNeAran 5.l?P0LICr:,3SoLES. BOYiSCHOOLSHOESi LADIES SEN0 FOR CATALOGUE wi.nouoLAS, You can taTomonijrbvurehailBt W. Ih Deuiu k. we are tue lurgtit manuiacturen oi Hu.EiuKii muci in me wmiu, tuu guarantee the value by (tamping the Dame and price on the bottom, which protect! vou against higU prtcea and the middleman's proAta. Our ahora equal custom work In etyle, eaujr futluf and weeriug Dualities. We have them sold erery. where at lower price for the value given than a., a, olha, ...a V a V.Ii. m ..tulllHl. 1 f dealer cannot supply you, we cits. Bold by E.J.LEONARD,. 0 Mr. A. J, Davenport Impure Blood f-lii.Arl la.na nSl- . m t. I was tol'.i to ta'to Hood's Parsaparilla faithful- Hood g Sarsa- parilla ures ly, and after using 3 bottles was free from all eruptions. I am per fectly cured and in ex- yOm f' celNmt health. A. J. Daveni'oi.t, Milton, N. J. Hood's PIII9 are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. Try a box. 20c, CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES X Child's Bicycle, Rabbsr Tire, now S9 A hikl's Bicycle, Hub. -or Tire, na,w 10 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, now 1 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 1 i Boye' or Girls' Bicycle Cushion Tire, nevr 00 down to 38 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire.new.. 35 t Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tire.sec- ond hand "SO I Victor B Bicycle, Pnumatio Tire, new 80 1 Secure B oyc!, Pneumatic Tire, sec- ond-i and , SO 1 Lovel Diamond B cycle, Solid Tire, iocond-hand 10 1 LadieV Bicycle, Build Tire, second hand 25 3 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, oecond- hand is 1 Vietor O Bicycle, lJi in. cushion Tire, secondhand 35 1 Victor B Bicycle, 14 in. Cushion Tire, second-hand 40 1 Columbian 'SI Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, 55 1 Chainless Bicycle, Pneumatio Tire, nearly new 1 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a (lis count of one-third Tor two weeks. J.D. WILUflMS&BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional in holding their original ful ness of tone. NEW VORK WAREHOUSE, Xo. 80 Filth avenue. SOLD 3Y E.C.RICKER&CO 1 115 Adams Ave.New Telephone Bdg AYLESWORTH'5 MEAT MARKET The Finest in the t it). The latest improved furnish' lugs anil apparatus for kcepiug meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. 230 Lackawanna Ave. IN A FEW DAYS WE'LL HAVE FOR YOU. TVATCH FOR IT. THE 0 Reliable Advertisers of tacts. 230 Lack. Ave. - SIGN OF THE BELX,'- ! , ' I. CM"? 111 THE BELL LEADERS OF i i j E 11 1C 1 Gil fr 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. 1- SPECIAL ATTENTION' or THE FINEST GRAND This 2 II Ml' f Miinn E BR z mum iu GE & a GRAND MONDAY, ,oPFstt;love.r' !Te $5.00 PER PAIR TjCsrThese were previously sold at $7.00. Six colors to select from. TABLE COVERS A new line of Chenille and Tapestry Covers. Rich Velour Table Covers. Elegant line of Got lin Tapestry Covers and Pillow Covers. BASKETS Four sizes of All new. Waste SCREENS and EASELS ALL PRICES AND KINDS. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. JEWELERS AND CHINA DEALERS May have noticed a depreciation in trade during the past two months. If they have, we are greatly to blame. The way those Clocks and 100-piece Dinner Sets have been leaving our establishment you would think people were getting them for nothing. So they are. And in conjunc tion with the free gift of a Clock we give the best and greatest value for $50.00. Likewise with our Dinner Sets with $75 worth of goods of equal worth. We're busy all over the store in consequence. October proves to be the banner month in our career. "Easy Payments" have some claims on the improvement. Our object is to furnish at as low figures as possible. FORMER PATRONS Can get special inducements upon inquiry. LOW PRICES. IS CALLED TO OUR IN SCRANTON. DISPLAY Week. Z1 OCTOBER 8. Hampers, in a variety of colors, and Scrap Baskets. nn ' I A J i .1