THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1894. 3 The k strength of Cleveland's baking powder comes from pure cream of tartar and soda only. It effervesces , more slowly than powders containing alum, ammonia or tartaric acid. A( rounded ' spoonful jof; Idoes better workJ kthan a heaping spoonful r fottarv tTo have the best results REMEMBER,' the oven should not be too hot," and it is not necessary to hurry the dough into the oven. Clevelcnd Dakli Fonder CoXew York, Successor to Cleveland Brother. Norrman & Moore . FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. IF YOU Want Carpets, Wall Paper or Window Shades Come to Us. We a Fall Line of Goods, and Onr Prices Are Very Low. I27 WYOMING AVE. No Oriental opium-scented linen frayed, fretted and worthless, but all returned tit for wear, ironed with care, and all of it there. R ACKAWANNA LaAUNDRY, 808 Penn Ave. . . A. B. WAR MAN CITY N PTES. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Satur day, 2p. m. The Thirteenth regiment will resume drills on Nov. 5. A ball will be held by the Young Men's Hebrew association at Turner hall to night. . There will be a full rehearsal of the Sa cred Music society this evening at Con servatory hall. The Independent club of Mlnooka will .hold a meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock at Cuslck's hotel, Bouth Side. The streets and bridges committee of select council will meet In the city clerk's office at 2 o'clock this afternoon. ,:A contract was executed by the city yesterday with Contractors Flunnagan & O'Hara for building the Fourteenth dis trict main sewer. A new music class was organized at the school of music by Tallle Morgan. There was a large attendance. The class will meet every Monday evening at 8.15. The regular weekly meeting of the Wo man's Christian Temperance union of Green nidge will be held thin afternoon at 3 o'clock at the rooms, 315 Green Kldgc street. The Scranton Civil and Social club will give Its lirst annual dinner at the Bicycle club house at 7 o'clock tonight. Addresses will be delivered by Thomas Cochrane, of St. Paul, Minn., and Fred Pratt, of Brook lyn, N. Y. The traction company has began lay ing tracks on Main avenue north of Swot land street preparatory to extending the line to the North End, where a connection will be made with the Providence line. William McCann was arreRted last even ing charged by "Doc" Smith with the theft of a pocketbook containing $;17. He was released in the gum of $5110 bull furnished by P. P. Jordan for McCann's appearance before Alderman Fltzslm- jnona today. Catharine Richardson, of Nay Aug ave nue, was yesterday sentenced In police court to thirty days In Jail for disorderly conduct and required to furnish a bond of ouu 10 Keep tne peace with her neighbors. Saturday she was arrested for threaten ing the lives of her noighbors. walk only by The sale of seats for thA .Tnnonh rnnic lecture at the Frothlngham next Thurs day indicates a large house. It is not of ten that such opportunities are given to hear the greatest of American speakers, and it Is possible that this is the lust time that the noted lecturer will appear in this city. His subject will be: "HumsellerS as rimers." Marriage licenses were granted to the followlngyesterdayby Clerk of the Courts Thomas: Thomas O'Connor and Mary Agnes neap, ttcranton; William H. Har. vey and Kllzabeth GlencroRS, Dunmore Harry Davis and Annie Kline. Scranton Andrew Talljan, Dunmore, and Mary Tanko, Scranton; Michael Guchia and uuncna locKa, 1'ine Brook. The managers of the Flnrenra mlnulnn of 107 Spruce street, will hold their recep tion and donation dav at the hnmn nn Thursday. An extended roport of the worn or me past year waR recently pub llshed In The Tribune, and from the snlnn. did achievements recorded, the managers have a slronn claim unnn 1h eenernHltv of the public, and a pressing Invitation is extended to all Interested to attend the reception which will be continued the whole of Thursday. Articles made by the Kins win oe ior sale a u ring the (lay. The members of the Young Women's Christian association are reminded of the Invitation extended by Mrs. H. M. Bolos to visit her home on Clay avenue today .mm wii w p. m. 10 see ner oeautlrul uis play of flowers. esDeclallv th nhrvHnn themums. Members of the board of man agers will assist Mrs. Boles and members of the entertainment committee will es cort parties from the rooms at 3, 4, 7 and 8 o'clock. As the invitation is extended to members only, they are requested to how membership tickets at the door. Gentlemen's Driving olub races Satur day, j p. in. Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark, ling, at Lohman's, Spruce street. . ' : Tli.w Din m. T J 1 Dwurii oc ii.jiiuwbki, oi new tone te kuii prui.wuiMK BfiMUBi nermoiu Friend, wie Ttc niuc. lOTiomny unuer me act . '.atlve to fraudulent debtors to recover ti:bA rjl Wank T Vnali.n ... thu i Vuuu.w. - Villi ,J(J- gan a similar action against the same man tn rai-nvpr tlflfi. , .. Gentlemen'! Driving Club races Batur day. I P. m. THE SURFACE IS SINKING ' i Cavc-in That Began in on Old Plane in the Von Storch Mine. HOUSES THAT ERE INJURED The Ground Is Still Settling Somewhat but It Is Believed That tlio Greatest Damage lias Already Ilccn Done. A settling of the earth In the neigh borhood of the Hlghworks and the Brisbln breaker at Providence Is creat ing much uneasiness among the resi dents of that portion of the city. Early Sunday morning the roof of what Is known as the "old No. 2 plane of the Von Storch mines" began to fall and the result of the full soon became noticeable on the surface. There are three veins In the Von Storch mine, the Diamond, Fourteen foot and the Clark, which lie In the order named beneath the surface. It Is supposed that the fall started in the Fourteen foot, or middle vein. The plane leads from It and has been abandoned fur a number of years and the timbering becoming decayed was no longer able to sustain the weight of the rock above and succumbed. The fall quickly spread to plane No. 3 and to the Brisbln and Cayuga work ings, which are connected with the Von Storch. Protecting Cayuga Workings. Men employed In the Cayugu mine heard the rumbling and knew that a fall was In progress and at once began to put up props and throw collars across the points where they feared the cave would invade that mine. This prompt action saved the Cayuga from any great injury, but there was sufiiclent caving In both the Cayuga and Brisbln to throw a number of men out of employment yesterday. The greatest disturbance to the sur face Is noticeable near the Back road, but about Stanton and Fulton streets und vicinage there is also direct evi dence of the havoc that was being wrought In the bowels of the earth. The properties of Patrick and John Mulhern and Edward Corrigan, on Kuane street, and Mrs. Mary Martin, on Back road, have been damaged by the settling of the earth. The build ings have sunk and' cracked, while doors and windows refuse to open or close. Water pipes have burst and the wells In the affected districts are dry. The water has all leaked out of a reservoir on the West mountain. Although the ground is still settling somewhat, It Is thought that the great est damage has been done. IIF.R PINK AND WHITE PARTY. Little Miss Sutherland Kntcrtulns a Lurgo Number of Friends. A pink and white birthday party was given yesterday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Sutherland at their home, CIS Washington avenue, for their daughter, Mabel May Sutherland. It was the fourth aniversnry of her birth and the event was celebrated by about twenty masters and misses between 3 and 6 o'clock In the afternoon. Noth ing was lacking in the exquisite taste of the floral and, table decorations and other details necessary to carry out the pink and white idea. Mrs. Sutherland was assisted In re' celvlng and entertaining the little ones by Miss Kelper, of W ushlngton avenue. and Mrs. Charles Guldott. The house was arranged with autumn leaves, palms, evergreens and pink and white chrysanthemums. Two large refresh ment tables located in the reception room and parlor contained birthday cakes with pink alid white frosting and candles, individual bouquets, paper napkins and plates colored pink and white. The four candles lighting the birthday cake and the many dainty re freshments Included ns far as possi ble the baby color Idea. Even the lit tle hostess was attired In a frock of these colors. The guests Included Miss Mabel's kin dergarten and other friends as follows: Helen Gates, Colonel and Sidney ver nov. Marguerite and Samuel Barker, Nanny Frazor, Helen Miller, Carrie Koch, Mildred Kice, Katharine ana Carl Schadt, Kate Davis, Laura and Arthur Schlmpff. Marion Gross, Jeanette Foster, Florence and Willie McKenney, Estella Hirscnileia, weine Hart, Beatrice and Tristine Morris, Grace and Hazle Browning, Alta Hop kins, Emory Stone, Wallace Leonurd, Jean and Minnie Samter, Harry Suth erland. THOMPSON IN NEW YORK. Ills Bondsman, J. G. Reese, Very Anxious for Ills Return. An echo to the suspended publication of the Scranton Evening Free Lance appears in the flight of Benjamin F. Thomnson and the anxiety of his bondsman, J. G. Reese, who will lose Jnnn If ThomDSon Is not captured. Thompson was arrested Saturday evening on a warrant issued by Alder man Wright on complaint of Walters & Co., who did the printing for the Free Lance publishers. The firm charged Thompson, its manager, with obtaining money under false pretenses and appropriating to his own use Tunas due the Free Lance which were ordered nald to Walters & Co. Alderman Wright at Thompson b requesicontinuoa satur- day night s hearing until yesterday morning after accepting ball for Thompson's appearance furnished by Mr. lieese in the sum or ;uu. Thomoson did not materlaize at the appointed hour yesterday, and later in the day it was learned ny teiegrapn that he Is In New York. The prosecu tors refused to release Mr. Reese from his bond save on the condition that he would make good his friend s pecula tlons. As It would cost more to do this than to bear the expense of re-arresting Thompson In New York, the bondsman chose the latter method, and hopes to have Thompson under arrest at an early hour this morning. CITY NOW OWNS IT. Large Sum Paid for Land Yesterday to the Piatt Heirs. One of the largest warrants ever is- sued by the city of Scranton for real estate was yesterday signed for 135,000 In favor of Joseph C, Ella J. and Frank E. Piatt, heirs of the Piatt es tate. This large sum of money Is the pur chase price for a portion of the Piatt homestead at the head of Spruce street and bordering on JefTerson avenue, The property will be used as an rd proach to the contemplated Roaring Brook bridge. The papers necessary to the transfer of the deed were execut ed by the city ofllcials and the Piatt heirs yesterday. FANTASMA LAST NIGHT, It Was Produced in an Elaborate Manner at the Academy of Muste. Hanlan's great spectacle. "Fantas ma," was produced at the Academy of Music last night before a large audi ence. Several changes have been made in tne spectacle since last seen here in the way of Introducing new and clever Illusions and in the transformation scenes. The second act closes with the transformation "The avenue of Foun tains," which U one of the most beau tiful ever staged In this city. Miss Elsie Irving, a young woman with an attractive face and sweet voice. Is the good fairy queen, Fantasma, who assists Arthur In rescuing his beloved Lena from the power of Zamallel. the designing king of Hades. The latter character Is ably Interpreted by Nat V. Jones, an old and finished actor. Entertaining specialties are Intro duced by Miss Irving, Blanche Rher Sherwood.' Leon E. Nlef. W. A. Mack and the McDonough brothers. The piece is staged throughout In an excel lent manner. It will be Droduced at the Academy again tonight. IX LOCAL THEATERS. Tonight at the Frothlngham the White orchestra will give its first con cert of the series that has been ar ranged by Manager Laine. The or chestra, which consists of Miss Nellie B. Chandler, conductor, and Miss Elea nor T. Mouser, first violin; Miss Zlta M. McDonough, violin and viola; Miss Florence E. Beckett, flute and plcolo; Miss Christine E. Allendorfe. clarion ets; Miss Gertrude A. Packard, cornet; Miss aiooei u. wilmot, trombone; Miss Minnie A. Grover. contra-bass: Miss Alice Fracena White, drums; Miss Ger trude MoiyoKe French, harpist, will be assisted by Miss Annette Reynolds. contralto; Miss Stallborg, soprano, and unaries noiiman, tenor. The pro gramme arranged Is a discriminating one and sure to be enjoyed by lovers'of music. Nellie McHenry In her new and oriel- nal farce comedy. "A Nlirht at the Circus," will be at the Academy of Mu sic Wednesday night. The play re volves on the character of Mile. Electra. a circus rider with the Groat Imperial snow. Mile, miectra has a twin sl3ter, a governess In the family of Nicholas Frlskle, an attorney-at-law. The gov erness has charge of the education of four young ladies In the Frlskle family. hne rveks to bring them un with every possible attention to decorum. Electra hus a quurrol with Signor Bonanza, niuriager of the Imperial circus, and re signs her position. Bonanza seeks to force her to keep her contract by having her arrested. To perform thlB legal work he engages the services of Archi bald Banger, an attorney-at-law and partner of Nicholas Frlskle. Electra visits the two lawyers. Both Immedi ately fall in love with her, Banger for a moment carrying her off. Electra, to escupe their persecutions, exchanges places with her governess Bister and then the fun begins. They are taught dances, comic songs and circus acta, in Btead of the piano and French conver zazlone. Finally the scene Is transferred to the circus tent Itself where the fun grows fast and furious until It Is time to ring down. A comedy company of unusual excel lence is promised the patrons of the Academy Thursday, headed by those popular comedians, Tim Murphey George Richards and Eugene Canlleld. Mr. Murphey Is best remembered by his portrayal of the grizzled congressman In A Texas Steer . Mr. Richards be ng famous for his Impersonations of Yankee character in "A Midnight Bell and "Temperance Town." Droll Eu gene Canlleld needs no Introduction, as his characterizations are too well known to be expatiated upon. That these three young comedians will be accorded a generous hearing Is best evidenced by the seat sale, which Indicates a large house on their opening, Thursday night, The comedy In which they will appear Is by Henry Guy Carleton, entitled 'Lem Kettle," and depicts rural Me In Delaware county, this state, in sup port of this trio ire piquante Dorothy Sherrod, pretty Lornine Dreux, tne vi vacious soubrette. Clara Tliroun. Clar ence Handyslde and George Mueomber and others. There Is no actor who annually visits this city who is assured of a heartier greeting from our theater-goers than Charles T. Kills, the Bweet singing uer man comedian who comes to the Acad emy on Friday, Nov. 2. At his coming visit he will present, for the lust time here, his most popular comedy-drama, "Casper, the Yodler." For Its parting tour he has decided to make a special feature of the comedy and scenic effects, It will have a very strong cast, and the scenerv will be new. bright, and painted from photographs or the places tney represent. The "Blarney Castle" set Is particularly good; It is an exact copy or the celebrated painting Dy u arret, the well known Irish painter. " 11 11 , , , Saturday afternoon and evening In nes and his famous New York band of sixty musicians will give concerts at the Frothlngham. They delighted Scrantonlans early in the season with two concerts and will no doubt attract large audiences on Saturday. The magnificent spectacle, "War and Peace," will be given In connection with the concert and local military com panles will assist. There will also be an artillery accompaniment, brass cannon being carried by the company for that purpose." War and TJeace was given by the Innes band during the recent Grand Army of the Republic en campment at Pittsburg and evoked the warmest praise from the old veterans. Tonight at Carnegie Music Hall, New York, Miss Marie Louise Bailey makes her first appearance before an Ameri can audience, since she was a child and made considerable fame as a prodigy, Cesar Thomson, the great Belgian vio llnlst, will also make his American de but, and the concert, being the first of the season by the Symphony orchestra, under the direction of Walter Dam rosch. 1b Bpoken of by the New York Daners as one of the most important of the present season. Miss Bailey has been bo very highly praised Dy foreign papers and critics that great interest centers about her first apearance In this country. In view of her concert here at Young Men a Christian Asoclutlon hall on Thursday evening The Tribune will take pains to Informs Its readers of the success she meets with tonight before a metropolitan audience. CONFERENCE OF CHAIRMEN. Pleasure and Business Combined at the Y. M. C. A. Last Night. A supper and conference was held at the Young Men's Christian association rooms last night, when the chairmen o committees and friends mot to discuss nuestlons affecting tne association. Supper was laid by Mr. Hanley's as slstahts at 6 p. m., when the following srentleman sat down to a Bplendld re past: A. W. Dickson, W. J. Hand, E, E. Teal, H. B. Cox, W. Frink, H. R, Gough, W. R. MeLave, Professor W, H. Buell, F. E. Piatt, F. L. Phillips, W, A. Wilcox. Tallle Morgan, W. W. Ing lis. Lewis Smithing, James B. Watson F. W. Pearsall, W. E. Fenno, of New York, and others. After supper a' conference was held at which answers were written to the following questions: What Character istics should a chairman of a commit tee possess? How can your committee be made more effective? The answers to the first question were commented upon by F. W. Pearsall, and the sec ond question by W. E. Fenno, who has been an active worker In the New York association for ten years. President A. W. Dickson made a Btlrring address In concluding the meeting. GETTING READY FOR FRAY. County Commissioners Putting Booths end Election Houses in Order. Preparations for the approaching election are being made by the county commissioners, who are getting the still election houses In Bhape and, where It Is possible to do so, are having elec tion booths fitted up In the building not owned by the county, which are used for election purposes. . In some of these buildings the booths cannot be put up until the night before election, but in all others the booths will be erected this week. By the end of the week the county commissioners will have the work of distributing the bal lots to undertake. Ehrgood In Trouble Again. Mrs. Sarah Carey, a Spruce street boarding house keeper, and O. D. Khr good,, of Dunmore, were arrested at Mrs. Carey's house last night on a warrant Issued on complaint of Mrs. Ehrgood. The latter charges Mrs. Carey with keep ing a disorderly resort and maintaining Improper relations with Ehrgood. Ehr good was charged with the last men tioned offense. Ex-General Master Workman Pow der.)' Favors Hastings' Election, HE IS OrrOSED TO SIXGERLY The Latter, He Asserts, Is Not a Friend of the Vt'orklnginun While the Former Has Always Been a Truo Friend. Hon. T. V. Powderly has made the following statement with reference to the present Republican campaign in this state: "Where right and wrong contest for the supremacy In the affairs of state It becomes the duty of the citizen to search for the truth In order , that It may become so well known that error will fall before it. In their personali ties, apart from every other conBldera? tlon, do the candidates of the Demo cratic and Republican parties for gov ernor of Pennsylvania represent right and wrong. The worklngman Is ap pealed to for support by elements rep resenting both candidates, and from the labyrinth of slander and campaign misrepresentation It Is scarcely possi ble to discern whnt the characters of the two men stand for. We cannot by looking to the future alone form an es timate of what the official life of either of them may be. We can, however, form nn idea of how public affairs will be administered if we study carefully the past records of those who aspire to office. By comparison, too, we can more accurately Judge as to the fitness of the men and the probable superiority of one of them. Some Facts Related. "In comparing the record of General D. H. Hastings with that of William M. Slngerly one need not hesitate as to how he should vote, and In addressing myself to the workingmen of Pennsyl vanla on the subject I do not presume to advise or judge as between the can didate. . It shall be my aim to relate facts, state conclusions arrived at after reviewing these facts and then leave the matter in the hands of those whose wlllmustdccide whether right or wrong shall triumph. It has been the aim of some to obscure the real issue in this campaign behind a cloud of falsehood concerning General Hastings. His rec ord as an employer of labor and a friend to labor has been attacked and misrepresented. He has never posed as a champion of labor, and his record as an employer Is consistent and honor able. In July, 1S82. when members of the Knight of Labor were arrcBted for conspiracy In Clearfield, It became my duty to open up a correspondence with General llastlnirs. then practicing law at Bellefonte, with a view to securing bis aid in defending the men. In my letter to him I suggested that the pros pect for a very large foe Bhouid not teniol him to take the case, and from his answer I quote tho toiiowing: v.,t the fi-e "ht the lustlrc of the cause Is what 1 shall tie influenced by. These men are poor; they may have acted n,..iaiv hut mxn mora experienced than they huve erred, und It shall be my effort to remove tlio ciouu inui iiumk uh-ivvk;".. Advise your men to be canum wun we; leave nothing unsaid, bo that 1 may know my ground. Would Tukc No Pay. tt defended the men, and up to the present time I have never received u bill for his services. I have never heard of his presenting a bill to any of the men. His example shone out rc Hiiieiwimitiv In 1NS7. when he went Into the coal business extensively. He abolished the company store at the mines which he purchased, lemoveu tne bluck list on which the names of sev eral union men hnd been Inscribed, recognized the union ns an organiza tion worthy of respect, and continued to treut with It as tha equal of the corporation of which he was a part, When strikes or controversies took place In the coal regions committees representing the mining fraternity called upon me frequently at Phila delphia to seek assistance In settling the pending difficulties. The need of an arbitrator, or more acurately speak Ing, a conciliator, presented Itself on each occasion, und through the infiu ence of General Hastings, acting as peacemaker, several very ugly affairs were settled with honor and aatlsfac tlon to the men. On one occasion, when the employers were contending against tne recognition or the miners' organiza tion, General Hastings said: " 'I have tho greatest resnect for this organization, and would far rather treat with Its officers than be In constant worry over each Individual case. The men have un undoubted right to be heard through their elected officers. Think of how diffi cult, how Impossible It would be for every worKmnn to come down nere trom West moreland to present his grievance as an Individual. It would never do, and I do hope that this objection against treating wun me organization win oe waiveov It was waived. Were I to enter upon a recital of the many acts In the career of General Hastings which re dounded to the Interest of the workmen It would take too long. I have never seen or heard anything to his discredit and believe that such a man would command tho respect and confidence of employer and employe as governor of tins industrial comonweaith. Mr. Singcrly's Record. "Tho record of William M. Slngerly Is not such as would commend him to the friendship, confidence or support of workingmen. He is opposed to organized and unorganized lahnr nn well when It demands a fair price for services rendered. His paper, the Philadelphia Record, while presuming iu Bin-ttK ior me mooring element on nnnnnmln niiaatlntu, u-muunn. lliaUKUl HieU & policy In Philadelphia which would, If successful, drive every union printer uui ui me irHae nna reduce an who fol lowed that calling to beggary. " In December, 1801, the members of me lypograpnicai union employed on the Record asked for an increase in their wages. The answer given to them by Mr. . Slngerly was the discharge of some ninety-three men. Their places were filled by cheap men, known in the printing trade as 'rats,' and since then the Philadelphia Record has been printed oy non-union neip. Boon arter tnstltut Ing his policy of 'cheapness' he Intro duced the typesetting machine to the EATING APPLES "Jersey" Fall Pippins Fancy Kings, Quinces Sweet Pippins. Bargains in Fine Grapes, ' Fancy Catawbas, , Niag ara and Concords. Florida - Oranges and Florida Lemons. First . consignment of good fruit 1 i I E. G. Coursen 429 Lackawanna Avenue). Record office, and with it made nn effort to break the power of the union through out the olty.. No reasonable objection could be raised to the operation of the linotype on the Record, but Mr. Sln gerly Isues a circular to the publishers of Philadelphia, offering to do their printing with the aid of the machine at reduced rates, and their refusal alone prevented the hardship which Mr. Hingeny intended to vlBlt on the print ers who favored American wages for American work. "Slngerly would have no man In his employ who believed that he should have a nay In regulating his own wages. "Hastings always met the workmen half way In disputes concerning wages. "Slngerly would make use of the wealth saving machine to drive the Belf respecting American workmen Into the street. "Hastings always treated his em ployes with the same consideration he demanded for himself. "Slngerly never recognized or affili ated with, American workmen until after his nomination. "Hastings never hesitated to meet the workmen on a level with himself. 'The Issue In Pennsylvania, aside from every other consideration, Is squarely drawn between a man who believes In the right of the workman to fair wages and treatment and a man who would deny to workmen the right to organize or expect fair wages or treatment. The 68.000 organized workmen of Pennsyl vania will have the selection of the next governor, and If they vote true to their pledges to labor they will cast every vote squarely against William M. Slngerly." . WILL FAVOR FIREMEN. Local Republican Candidates Meet the Firemen's Pension Fund Issue Fully and Fairly. The following correnpondence is self- explanatory: Dear Sir At the convention o fthn State Firemen's asoclutlon held ut Norrlstown. Sept. 18 to SI, an honorury vice president was appointed for each county, whose duty it is to see personally all candidates for senator and representative and ask their assistance in having the bill pass providing for the Betting aside, for a pen sion fund for firemen, of 1 per cent, of tne money paid by foreign insiuum-o companies doing business In the mute. A bill passed at the last session was vetoed by Governor Paulson on the grounds of unconstitutionality. At this bpssIuii a new bill will be presented overcoming the defects In the last one. t'andtdutea Musi ngs and Slnarerly have agreed to lend their assistance in the framing of this bill. An the time Is short und knowing you will need ull Of It for the advance ment of your own Interest, kindly ud vlse bv mall. If elected, will you look to the Interests of the lliemen of Pennsyl vania and use your Influence to have the bill, to bo presented, pass your brunch of the stule government : Vury rospectrully, laudore Goodman. Honorary Vice President, Lackawanna county, I'ennsylvanlu state l- iremeii a Assoeiution. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 17, 18U4. Mr. Vaughnn's Reply. The following reply was received from J. C. Vaughnn, Republican candi date for state senutor: Dear Sir Yours of yesterday duly re ceived. You ask me. If elected, will 1 look to the Interests of the llremeii of Pensylvanlu, and use my influence to huve the bill presented, miss the senate, l most assuredly will, the more gladly as 1 am a volunteer fireman myself, being presi dent of Eugle company, No. 5, of tills city, cry respec-truuy, J. C. Vaughnn. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 18, 1894. Hon. John R. Farr, of the First legis lative district, replied as follows; Dear Sir Mv course on the proposed bill will be Identical with my action of lust term. I not only voted for tho bill, but championed It. I have always worked In the Interest of the firemen or rennsyi vunlu. and will contliiuo to do so. John 11. Farr. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 23, 1804. Alexander T. Connt-ll, Republican candidate for the legislature from the Second filstrlct, sent the following re sponse: Dear Sir Yours of the 17th lnnt. at hand; contents noted; would .say In re nlv that I have been a flremnn for up ward of seven years: was one or tne or ganizers of the William Connell Hose company. No. 9, and was Injured in un accident whilo running to a fire that laid me up for seven weeks. I am and ulwnys w.111 be In hearty sympathy with the vol unteer firemen, and my voice win aiwuys bo raised in their support. Being un old flromun myself I probably understand their needs pretty well. Yes, sir, you eun depend upon me to look after your Inter ests, If elected. fraternally yours, Aiex v. council. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 13, liAH. Charles P. O'Malley, Republican leg islatlve candidate In the Fourth dls trict, answered Mr. Goodman as fol lows: nenr Sir Tn renlv to vour letter of the 17th I would say emphatically that if elected I will support with vote and voice and all my ability uny legislation that the firemen desire, and especially the ono providing for a pension fund for nremen ery iruiy youm, C. P. O'Mulley. Olyphant, Oct. 19, 1894. Turkish on Russian Baths for Ladles At the request of physicians and ladles, arrangements have been made to give baths to ladles on Tuesdays from 8 a. m to p. m. Private entrance through Owens cloak parlors on spruce strret. M J. Purcell, proprietor. PUlsbury's Flour "Mills have a capacity 01 lf.ouu barrels a uay. I have just received a new line of Cut Glass AND Sterling Silver for Wedding Gifts. Step in and sco our new stock. THE CELEBRATED PIANOS t(t tt Fluent lb Vort Pqpol.r ul rnftrnd bj Laultiii Xrll.14 Wirtrooml : Opposite Columboi Monument, o Washington Av. Scranton. Pa. Including the palnleii txtraotlng of teeth by an ontlrely new prooeaa, S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., . 138 WYOMING AVE. i jUitMi-Aw.t',;J SEE OUR Of Clocks. A new fea ture for us, but we can assure you that we have some beautiful goods in this line, and they are first-class time-keepers. Prices range from 79c. to $12.75 each. C. S. W00LW0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front ALL NECKWEAR Is here and so are most men who wear It after tlio latest Ideas In this line. They find everything new, novel, dressy-taking and siiiii-ilily elegant. Inviting goods ut still inun Inviting prices, t'uiii-in- nanns, sailor Knots, etc., ull 01 the finest muteriuls and exquisitely pleasing In de sign. Always first In the Held, we keep there indisputably und irresistibly with un exhibition of Neckwear surprises. CONRAD. HATTER :lo you dread Monday washday? Can't blame you much slop dirt confusion heat enough to drive you out into the street. Wouldn't it be better to send 3'our whole family wash to us every week ? Special "POUND RATES " to families. Write for these terms. Crop a poital-aur wajon.s will call promptly. Laundry 322 WasMmgton Bl warm AT '8, iff YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK Many a long mile before you will find Shoes to equal our new lines of Fall and Winter Footwear. WE HATE EVERY STLYE and qual ity that is first-class and desira ble Our prices are as low, if not lower, tlian you are paying for poorer Shoes. BANISTER'S, if UMBRELLAS, 26-inch Fast Black Gloria, Q(r Fancy Silver Handle, - - VUC UMBRELLAS, Fast Black Sateen, Fancy 7 Nickel Handle, - - OC Also a full line of Ladies' and Men's flackintoshes BROWN'S" BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. AN OFFERS TO THE PDBLIC HAVING withdrawn entirely from wholesale trade and having transferred our wholesale stock to our retail department to be offered to our patrons at .wholesale- prices, we mention a few of our prices: . CIRCULAR CAPES. French Black Lynx,25 in. $6.00 Electric Seal, " 15.09 Wool Seal, 18.00 Astrakhan, " 15.0J FUR NECK SCARFS. Water Miuk K cctrlc Heal Hudson ltay 8ablo.. Btone Marten ..$1.50 - 1.75 ... 4.50 ,. 4.50 SOMETHING NEW IS A PARISIAN SCARF With Double Heads. fn Ladies' Tailor Made Coats and Capes we carry the handsomest line in the city. In Millinery Department We carry a fine line of Trimmed and Untrimmcd, and the latest in a Child's School Cap. Have Your Furs Repaired by the only practical Furrier in the city. Send for illustrated catalogue. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenus. J? EST DIUE BAKU. The Longest Overcoats In Town SEE ' OUR WINTER UNDERWEAR Clothiers, HBttGrsFurnisnera OSLAiWS 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now showing an ex quisits line of LADIES' UMBRELLAS At special prices to introduce them in our stock. Ol'R NEW RAZOR or Needle Toes for Ladies and Gentlemen are the per fection of the Shoemaker's art They cut their way into favor with every one w ho sees them. 01R CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT will prove attractive to parents who are looking for reliable Shoes at the lowest possible prices. Corner of Lackawanna and Wyoming Avenues. 1! i 1 V..: 1 1 J 1