TIIK SCUAXTOX T;iIi;yKTTUJ-SlAV 3!OilNIN. Ori)UKU jjo, 1894. Norton's New Store 115 Wyoming Ave. :01d Republleau Jiuildlnn) Entire New Stock received since the fire, which destroyed -all out stock in the old store, Lacka. Ave. Miscellaneous Hooks, in .cloth and leather bindings, single vols, and full sets, suitable for wedding and other gifts. Choice .Stationery for social .' use. Mercantile Stationery, all sorts. School 1 looks and School Stationery. Blank Account Hooks, all sizes and all styles, from Penny Book to Bank Ledger. Bibles, Prayer aud Hymn Books. All the Popular New Books, in cloth and paper covers. A Foe to Dyspepsia 4 $ GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston WW Co, THE GENUINE POPUUR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. & CO. IMPRINTED ON EACH CIGftR. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE .Ml forms of Hornin a specialty. Wo'.l known Scrniitou pliyBicmnsin cliarge. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE Cd.LIB., 203 Washington Avenue. PEKSOXAL. Mrs. John V. jioir la visiting her pa rents in I'liiluilelnhiu. 1 Arjn 1 'dwell, of Clinton iilaoc, upont .faiiii.uty in WilkeH-IJm-iv. iJVT,' J' .Vj i"10?1''1 or ''arbon.lalp, vls Itc'l Uif iiithediul lvsiUi'inw ,vcstnlH.v. ''',l,fe n";' Hp1- M. Howards' Pje HHMKliiiB u f.-w days in Xw York i lly. Attorney un,l Mrs. M. V. Snndn went to , J 5 VM.1,'r'lav t0 "it nd Hie funeral of Airs. huiKlo s ulster. Mierirr John J. Knln-y whs takon wick J-utunlny nlKhl and Is mmlm-il to his liomi- on North Washington avi'iuir. W. 10. I'cnno, who Is Kion.lliiw a few days in the c ity, holds responsible posi tion with the 1'ullmnr. far roinpuny jit Xew ork. Kx-Jury f'ommlssioner Klein, who is low teaehliiK srhool in Snsqiiehanna ?T?' W.L,M '" 5,H' ,;ltv yxtor'luy and at tended the afternoon session of the hoi'isiy tea,'hers' titute at tho court LETTERS 1 ROMTlli; PEOPLE. (fnder this heading nhort letters of in terest will ho published when ueeompa nled. for pnldKation, by the writers name Tho Tribune will not be held ro upoimlble for opinions here expressed.) Air. lturkc nnJthc l rcc Text Hook 1)111. Editor of The Tribune. Slr-I have patiently waited, until all theeyelonlefaetH have been presented bo fore replying to Air. Burke's letter which iippeured In the Truth, chantlnif ,,, , belnsc a "liar" and so forth. Since then Mr. Kurkn has been hopelessly exposed Hlr. to be a miner Is to be a poor man' yet it does not substantiate the fact thai thoiiRh he Is poor and Ignorant, he knows nothing, and should not lake a part in political discussions, lie has the snmo right as M. T. Hurke or any other polit ical JiiRtler of this kind to express his opinion on the merits or demerits of a can Uldate, whoever he may be. Hlr, In regard to my letter of the 22d tilt., 1 wish to slate thnt the sentiments contained therein were sincere and gen. nine, and were not written with the pur- nose f.f ilfiliiir Inlii... ..... rather for the more laudable aim of MUMikuiK dtinn it. r niT lor tne nenellt he had confi-rreil on nio us a working man. .Mr. Kdllor, who Is the proved "liar," M. r. Hurke or myself? The facts have been presented, the public can Judgo for them selves. Mr. f T D.,..l. i ti , Trlend of the working class find at the j ..... m mining vne epitneiH on an noni-Ht workman who dared to express an OlHllloil In thn mikll.. ............ Will tne honest-minded worklngm'en of ..... ..,,,,, ...Huiri cam uietr votes ror this man that has been inibllclv and lllSllV CXIinse.1' IMu .... ....! .. .1.1 . ". , - ' " ' " Hill, Ull.M defamer of an honest woiklnginan; this . h u riiuious 1 leinoeracy ! no: they will not, If they know their own In terest, us he who dares to trample ill... 11 the poor man, will ilnd. to his dismay, re-Hcntmcnl.- bitter and uniiieiiehable. This Hurke. Kir. has construed things to suit himself, so that he could di hide his onn Mlluency and gain their votes. Hut he has been exposed, and It Is the duty of the electors of the fourth legislative district to hurl him Into oblivion, ami elect that worthy young man, (.'. l, 0'Muii,.y. George V. llowen, Wayne ove. I nm prepared to twelve a limited num ber of piano pupils. Kor terms, eto., ud drcs Richard P. Undsay, . 822 Mulberry Street. Or at Towell's Music Btore. ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL - - . 1 Pussinii Uvcnts of the Day on tlic West Side 'of the Citv Noted. MK. AM) MRS. BVANS HONORED Social in Their Honor at Home of Mr. unJ Mrs. It. K. Hughes Intcrcstinj; (iiinu of I'oot Hall Inner 11 1 of Cat rick Vlctning. . A social was held last evening at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. 1). K. llugh.'S. "ti Division stivt. in honor of Mr. ami Mrs. Hurry T. Kvans. of Salt 1-tiko City. The evening was a inost elljuya Ide one. (iiinifs ami tmisic furnlslied iinich amusement for those present ami Weil' continued until a lute hour, when refreshments were served. This is one of many receptions -which iiavc been tendered .Mr. and Airs. Kvnns during their few weeks slay here, and each occasion brought many woot ''collections of g 1 old times when Mr. Kvuiim was a resident here, twcpt.v seven years ago. The' social last eveii liif was no exception to the rule. ClUXC UllCStloilS DlsCIIHMid. A regular meeting of the Young Men's Literary und Delntling society was held last evening In the library room. A discussion on lust Monday evening's lecture 011 Milton by rt-ofjssof Spraguc opened the programme. Tile question Ijo. was then passed und among the questions which Interested the members Wiiie:"VIio was the belter Reneral In the civil war. I.ee or Urant?" "Will the use of free raw material benefit or be detrimental to American .Interests?" "Which Is the better-acting play of Shakespeare, 'Hamlet' or King h ear?' " The last question evolved into material for a debate which will bo held two weeks hence. Kmerson 1). Owen, John 1-M wards and W. A. lYlce will uphold "Hamlet." und Myron Kvans, I). II. Williams und Howard Davis will cham pion the cause of "King Lear." Cuitic of l oot Hull. Number M and IS schools Indulged In a game of foot ball at 1M.::u o'clock yes terday morning. The game was called to order by Kefereo Kmetvst Joseph. The 1 eat tires were a .Vyard run made by Waller Davles, of No. 14, and the Interference mude by his team. Score, Hi to 8 in favor of No. 14 school. Thy teams lined up as follows: no. 11. :o. m. Moisi; center I'olhamiiB I'. Coons. .....right half back...J. Thom.is L. Lfuhter left half buck Millar Williams right Krd..J. II. Thomas Hhllllps left guard K. Hughes Carsoii right tackle J. Hughes Phillip left tackle J. Lewis Ltuttler left end Williams Martin right end ljal. Davis full back Thomas ToJJ in a l ew Lines. Miss Harriet Tyler, of Montdale, Is In the city attending the meeting of th" touchers' institute. The funeral of 1'atrick l'loming, of Lafayette street, who died on Friday morning ut Ids home, occtired estetday morning nt i o'clock. The remains were removed to St. I'ntrlck's chuti li, wlU'iv a solemn IiIkIi mass of requiem was celclirated by Kev. I'athirr liutine. The church was tilled with the many acquaintances of the deceased. The Moral offerings were numerous und in cluded many line tributes. Father Whelun branch, Irish Catholic Hctievo leiil union, of which -Mr. Fleming was a member, attended. Interment Was made In the Hyde 1'ark Catholic ceme tery. Tho pall bearers were selected from that organization. l'ATTF.USOX .MAKLS DENIAL. lie Disputes Statement .Made hy W, II. Tuloron the SuinJ. There was another hearing yester day before Judge tlunster in Ihe In junction case of the Silver Creek Min ing company against l. K. Taylor, W. W. Patterson and J. Alton Davis. The testimony of Cieorge Ileitis, W. S. Hoyd, jr., Harry W. Kingsbury, K. P. Kings btirv. I'.eorge S. Harris, of 1'ottsvllle; T. N. Hoyle und W. H. Tuylor was heard and then complainants rested. Major 'Warren asked that the injunc tion lie dissolved as to J. Alton Davis. There was 110 opposition to tho request and . Mr. 'livts. name was ordered stricken fromt he case. An exemplification of the records of Schuylkill county showing that two ejectment suits have been heijtin there by the Silver Creek company for the land now In dispute was offered In evi dence. A. 11. Holmes and W. W. Pat terson were then called for the defense. Mr Patterson flatly contradicted the greater vart of W. H. Taylor's testimony, and said that In con versations ' he had with that gentleman concerning the Karp tract nothing was said about the Silver Creek company. Air. Taylor referred to no one hut himself -when speaking of theHP matters. Mr. Patterson was under cross-examination when the hearing was continued until today. DARKEST ENGLAND. General Hooth's Scheme Kevicwcd hy Kev. 11. J. Williams, of Pcckville. A meeting of the Baptist Pastor's union was held nt the Penn Avenue church yesterday morning, when , the P.ev. 1). J. Williams, of Peokville, read 'i paper revlewitiK tho book and scheme of General Hoolh for reaching "the submerged tenth" of Kngland's popu lation. . ; General Hooth's scheme, wlilcn is en titled "Darkest England and the Way uut," Is well written, und the discus sion of the general's st-heme yesterday was hlRhly Interesting. AN ALLROUND SAVANT. Kev. Joseph Cook, the Boston Lecturer, Has a HcmarknMc Range. Perhaps no other man on the lecture platform covers as wide a range of subjects and treats them with such keen analysis as Hew Joseph Cook, D. D.. the lloston Monday lecturer, who will deliver an address In the Krothlng ham Thursday night of this week. Ho Is said to.be bettor fitted to dis cuss the problems which progress has pressed uton the attention f this gen eration than any other livlnff man. liny the Weber and get the best. At Ouernsey Bros NORTH EXP BRIEFS. A very large audience gnthered at tho North Main Avenue Hapttst church Sunday evening to hear the address on Oliver Wendell Holmes by Hew W. (J. Wutklns. He said that Dr. "Holmes was born on Aug. ill, 1809, nt Cam bridge, Mass., and died on Oct. 7 of this year. The year 18ti was a remarkable year in the history of this world, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Al fred Tennyson and William 10. (Hud stone huving hfen born 1b It, all of whom are now dead except Mr. Glad stone. Dr. Holmes began his educa tion at Phillip's academy and finished In Harvurd university when he was about 20 years old. graduating In the same class ns Dr. S. H. Smith, the au thor of our national hymn, "Our Coun try 'Tls of Thee.". He afterward studied law for a year nt Harvurd, and the next year took up the study of medicine, which was his favorite. He began to write poetry very early, even when he was In the academy, and when ut Harvurd contributed a number of articles to the college papers. At the uge of 21 he wrote "Old ironsides," which he published In the Boston Ad vertiser, but which was copied by near ly every paper in the land, thus instant ly bringing him Into national repute, iir. Watklns hoped that the lime would soon corne that the young people 01' his church would organize n society for tho purpose of reading the works of tho best authors of the world, us hcthotight that the pure iunguagc used in them could not but make them the bett-r for huving studied it. 1H XMflKK DOhftS. Mrs. N. Ferguson is visiting at Avoca. Mrs. M. McDonnell Is visiting in Phil adelphia. Stanley Cain spent Sunday at his obi home in Hav.iey. . Airs. Ann Fox Is danger, mslv ill nt her home nt No. 7. James Klrwin, .r Olyphant, is visit ing friends in town. Air. and .Mrs. Kdward Atigwin, Jr., are visiltn-r in Hawley. Airs. Isaac liuii. r, of Cherry street, is conllned to her home by Illness. Albs Maggie Duggan has returned from a two months visit at lOrie, Pa. The Democrats held a big rally at Temperance hall Saturday evening. The Tribune and all other leading papers utv for sale at T.udwig's dru:,' Store. William Eden spent Saturday in ilkes-liartv isitlng his brother, John 1-Melt. Frank Stevens has purchased the Winters homestead on Green Kidge street. Air. and Airs. James N. Crosby and son liiuiry. of Philadelphia, are visiting in to 7 George W. Durshinier, of George town,' spent the latter part of last week in town. Air. and Mrs. S. G. Jackson, of Drinker street, have returned home from a wockV visit in the country. Air. and Airs. Thomas Hall, of Prico burg, are visiting at the residence of Hali Thornton, on Drinker street. The Turnpike company are . muking much needed improvements on Drinker street, hear Spencer's Coal company shaft. ' Fresh oysters received daily at Pal mer's market. Kev. J. W. Williams preached an In teresting yermon to the Patriotic order Sons of America last evening. Thiri order is composed of aggressive mem bers that are trying to build up the order. Harry Hockciidorf, of the Kile und and Wyoming Valley railroad, a lire nun, hud Ills hand crushed while coup ling his engine to a caboose. Frank Sanders, of West Plttston. has moved Into John Shaffer's house on Cherry street. Air. Sanders Is 1111 em ploye of the Penn Coal company. George Crabb, a brc.keman mi the Erie cud Wyoming Valley railroad, had his lingers pinched between the binnp trs v.hll" coupling cars at No. 0 breaker. The residence of Henry Webber, on Center street, waa the scene of a pleas ant gathering Saturday evening. Air. Webber gave u very pleasant entertain ment with his eclipue magic lantern. Alany beautiful views were shown. Those given of tilt' mines and coal min ing were cspecialy Interesting, IT IS A 11 NE COMPANY. I itcle Tom's Cabin Chen tin l:ecllent Presentation ut Havls' Theater. "I'ncle Tom's Cabin" was presented to a large audience at Davis' theater yesterday and was heartily appreci ated. The company is one of the larg est that has performed at this popular theater, and the old story is made as fresh as ever in their presentation. Tho diaint'.tizatlou is entirely n-w and the interest is maintained throughout. Speciul mention should be made of AiliiS Daisy Alarkoe as Topsy' and 111! Fuiiong as I'ncle Tom. There is no doubt that, to those Interested In this wonderful story, a real treat Is provided for them by Manager Davis and an op portunity will be given during the en tire week to those who are anxious to see this excellent company. t'tii'ej ut 75 Years of Age. Aluy 25. ISt. I. I am a man of seventy-five yeurs of age, Hid for the past thirteen years have been a sufferer from rheumatism. I cuuld not walk without canes, and It was only by iheusu of hot applications that 1 could ob tain any rest ut night. 1 have taken three boxes of Dr. Potter's IthHimalle Pills and can now walk without euties. The pain has all left me, and I feel as Well as ever. 1 also had what the doctors pro nounced a cancer 011 my face, which had been removed, leaving u hard lump. The pain in that was 11 11 bearable but since taking the pills (be pain lots ail lelt that too. 1 highly recommend tlieni to ail who suffer as 1 did. J. S. Alills, Shortsvllle, X. V. Dr. Potter's Kheumatic Pills are a rad ical cure for P.heuniHlIsm, lullaminatory Rheumatism. Gout, Uheumatlc Gout, both acute and chronic, and ull diseases de pending upon or having their origin In the uric end diathesis. Price $l.im a box. For sale by Matthews Hros. Wholesale anil retail. Shoes for the Rising (Icncratiou. While attending the Institute, teachers should visit the well known and reliable shoe dealers, Lewis, Itellly & Davlis, 111 Wyoming avenue, who have made spe cial efforts to please those who Instil knowledge Into the minds or the rising generation. A most superb line of Fall and Winter footwear is shown, and ll will pay to cull and see the slock. THE LEADING WINTER OPENING THURSDAY and FRIDAY HASLACHER'T MILLINERY H. LANGFELD, SUCCESSOR. ' 324 Lackawanna Ave. NEW GOODS. ' ' i WEAllE SHOWING A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S CLOAKINGS. NEW LINE OF 50 inches wide, $1.25. ; Also, Two-Tone Diagonals, 50 inches wide, in the new Lincoln Green, Mode j ' and Blue' Grev Shades.. " , MERR5 & IflGEN NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE Listtniiiji to the Voice of the Siren J Leil Siiiirc rolliinl Astruj. HASG0XB TO 1'AMS INKNOU'nJ His Wife Spoiled a .Meeting Itctuecn Him and the Charmer-Caught on the l aves-(jetting Heady to Kan Curs to .Vtunsic. It Is the old story of a week minded man and a more or less charming woman, the discovery of the Intimacy by the angry wife, and Might to escape well merited wrath. Squire Pollnrd lived with his wife and family ut 1X11 Pltit'ton nviiiue until last Thursday. He is well known oil tho South Side, liHVlIng for three years been employed at the Saunuolt silk mill as night watchman. Ho was discharged seven weeks ago. and It has since developed that the cause of his downfall was a young woman named Hlehards, who is marrjed, but has not lived with her husband In four years. Air Pollard, to u Tribune reporter last night, related the following story: She had been told by some of her neighbors that Pollard and the lllcli ards woman were not demeaning them selves as the laws of propriety would Insist. On several occasions she saw that the actions of her husband fully justified the stories of scandal, and It was not until Thursday thnt she was able to catch her husband In a coin promising way. She learned thflt he had an appointment with the woman and determined to outwit them. She went to the trysting plne ahead of her husband and there found the woman in waiting. A hair pulling match ensued, but Pollnrd did not ap pear and has not since showed tip at home. Workman's Narrow Lseupe. One of tho slaters employed at the new building on the corner of West Plllston avenue and Kim street had a fortunate escape from death yesterday morning. The scaffolding on which lie was standing broke beneath him and he caught the caves of the house, hanging there with llrm tenacity until a ladder was pushed up to him. He Is a German In the employ of Schmidt Hros.. slaters. Not over a week ago another workman had such another escape, but, as in this case, lie caught before falling. Another Trip Yesterday. The Traction company oflkials made another trip over the roud to Aiooslc yesterday and will make another to day. The purpose of these trips is to guage the time required to run a cur to Atoosle. so that the schedule may be arranged and everything got In readi ness to open the road for business. It is understood that curs will be run to the Aiooslc depot until such time ns the crossings are put 111 and the road opened for more extended traflic. The road bed from Greenwood to Aiooslc is tlic linest on any of the lines of the Traction company. South Side Jottings. Thomas lloye, of littslon avenue, Is dangerously ill. South Side Turners conducted a ball and concert last night ut Natter's hall. The concert of tin. Srrttnton Suenger rtinde society will be hold tomorrow night at Natter's hall. Rose Kaeder. tile 7-vear-old child of William Itaeder, of Fig street, fell yes terday and fractured her collor bone. The fiim-ial of Airs. Ann Downes, of Irving avenue, will be held this morn ing at 9 o'clock. Interment will be made In Dunniore Catholic cemetery. The essay on politic delivered by T. J. Coyne, of llreck street, ut the insti tute meeting Sunday afternoon was a painstaking and eloquent effort, and lias received favorable mention. St. Paul's German Kvungellcal con gregation of Prospect avenue opened Its fair last night at the church unci started out very uusplcloiisly. There was a large attendance and a profitable business was done. The lhUinji Park lots will be opened to the public some day next week. The dute will be given in Tribitn later. Hest facilities offered, such ns street railways, gas and water, etc. Wntch Tho Tribune for the dale of opening. CAR LOAD (f) Frampil Picture latest sulijucts, in lK-nutifnl Etching. Krfrraviii(n nml Heal Freui-li Fnc-Siniiles. Tho Frame MnUr hnd to have money. N e hought the lot at our prioo mid mark them on Ihoy will uuirkly move out. Over 2(10 bIvos of frame WONDERFUL PRICES Wo only quota a f(w: l:;xl(l White ana Hold 19c HxJ2 White nml (told or Solid Oak 49c '.Di-.'t Solid Oak 69c Ulx White and Hold 98c Rexford Jewelry Co. ( -M3 I.aika. I Ave. School Books and Supplies. Blank and Miscellaneous Hooks, I'hototraph ami Scrap Alliums, Teacher and l'atnily bMhlos, Pic tures for Wedding (lifts, (luld Pens, Fine Stationery and Writ ing Tablets. PRATT - STATIONARY - STORE 312 Lackawanna Avenue. ods in If for 79c; they CITY'S DEATH RATI'. Mortality, Keport Shows a Very Pro nounecd Deereuse. Last week witnessed a lilecr.aso in the city deulh rate proportionate to the week . preceding. Only seventeen deaths resulted from all causes, al though during Seiitember and early October from twenty-live to thirty deaths occurred weekly. During the last week the number of new cases of contagious diseases was unusually large, there being f, of ty phoid fever. 2 of scarlet fever and 7 of diphtheria-. Twti deaths resulted from the latter disease. LAMP ON Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Satur day night, Nov. i, 2 and 3, wc will have on exhibi tion for your inspection the largest line of Lamps aud Silk Shades ever shown in this city. Come and bring your friends. CHINA HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 Wyoming Avenue. DON'T KICK liccutisc the Children Wear Out lots of shoes, Imt drop iu and look at our "OH lioiIKOlit" shoes for misses and rhildreu. Shoes Arc Cheaper Until .Medicine And when the childicu are wearing out shoes it?s prelty sure they don't need medicine Then Again Our Shoes Are Clietiper Than Others Those (HI Doilgokls'' are Iho kind that have good soles, throw oft' water and give you about 10 in service for your dollar. Laeo or Button. Ladies' Shoes in tho same quality. YOUR SHOK MAX, 410 Spruce Street. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE RAIN- In plenty this Tall and we have the Mackintoshes to suit yon. They arc waterirunfs tliat are waterproofs and we i;iiar a n tee iliem. Prices to suit every taste and purse. Trunks and Has. Both Stores. CHRISTIAN, THE HATTER. 4I2SPRUCEST., and, 205 LACKAWANNA AVE. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All lon tuviiy with lv tho tisp of HART .MAN'S I'ATKNT 1 'AIN'T, which consists of IniiivilleiitM well-known to nil. It cun ha applied to tin, imlvunlxrtl tin, Hhcct Iron roofH, bIho in luic k ilwelinits, which will prevent itlwnluMy nny riuinhllnK, crook liiK or liroakliiK of the brick. It will oni hint tlnniiiK of any kind by ninny yearn, und It's cost iloe not exceed one-lil'th thnt of thn cost of tlnniiiK. In fold by tho job or iimiiin. v oiv.uicis lam-n ny ANTONIO HAltT.MAWN, fc7 Birch St. are good value at i SCflnNK 415 Lack. Ave., j Scranton. THE NOBBIEST Worn Today is the a l-Iacle from a fine imported HACKINT0SHE5. MARTIN & DELANY, Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. The Fashion 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. SPECIALS FOR 5 pieces, 6o-inch wates-proof Cravencttc, in black and navy, worth S2.00, for - 1.69 10 nieces. ;i-ineli Storm Srrtnv in Mrirl- nnr X 7 J I ' O ' -'.v navy, worth $1.00, for - 50 dozen Children's Corset Waists in white and drab, worth 50c., for - 100 dozen Ladies' Woven Corsets in drab tan and white, worth 59c., for Remember Our I IN El See Our Styles and THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO 5CRANT0N AND WILKES Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. 'ON THE FENCE.' Soon 1 over tho nouson for rljini?. If you want u blcyrlt- now iH th lime to Ret It. Sv in clearing up all Mock, and will Klvo you kucIi a chiuic hh you never ha'l bffori". One of our bart!nliiK. A Klrrt-iluss, HlKh liiauV J1.7) P.icy?lo for iii.l. Hrlni; your caih ana GET OFF TUB FK.NCK. CLARENCE M. FLOREY Sucfcssor to Florey & Holt. AND OVERCOATS. r f v '' i-"In I h 1(8 Jj REMEMBER Our Gift to the Boys, a Scholars' Companion, fully equipped, and Book Strap combined, FREE.. PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters. fc Hi m H mm Kersey Blue and Black. MACKINTOSHES. .ttttH.4.t.U4iM.tM.iMt 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. THIS WE V75 .25 .39 Prices Before Buying. - BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of 111. NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now doing a if-nernl Dniff, Point and Oil busim-oH ut tin uoovr locution, dm-lntf the rrevdon of our xtoje building recently destroyed by iir IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Om TF.LKPHONK OA LI NO. S21. All orders (ironiully tilled and delivered tu any part of ihu city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. Afi Dill Ill 1 tin its W c want every iientlciuan in Scranton U see our magnificent assurtinent of Men's lrull Suits at Kqtial to Tailor Miulo in Fit. Kqual to Tailor Made in Finish. , Kqual to Tailor Made in Fabric. There's lut one ilill'crcnce between thcd aud -Custom Suits IT'S T1IK PRICE. A Custom Suit equal to these would cost yon ,J5. You pav us JUST $15.00. in We've a matchless line of new, Stylish Overcoats at the popular price of $1.1.00. Hundreds to show you in Kerseys, Mel tons, Cheviots and Worsteds. The lit of the garments is perfect. The make and trim of the highest class. o old or out-of-date styles to palm oil" on you l'ere, and a selection is bound to give you satisfaction. Overcoats like these cost you last year i:o aud fi" They're down this season to ONLY $15.00. AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. S. L. G ALLEN. J