THE FCKA1 TMBTJNE TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 30, 1894. 2 Industrial and Commercial. MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. , The current stock movement against the coalers has been so bitter that It indicates to the Philadelphia Record either that the rumored demoralization In the coal trade has been arranged for the Bake of enabling the cliques to buy that sort of shares, or that the ehort interest has been so extensive that its representatives will stop at nothing to facilitate their own attempts to cover. Throughout yesterday the streetwas treated to an extraordinary combina tion of rumors, among which was one giving the earnings of the Jersey Cen tral for the first eight months of the current year, accompanied by a state ment that the net result was less than the fixed charges of the company for the same period, and that its dividend might be passed for nn indefinite time. As Jersey Central is now very closely held. It would have been Impossible to gain a knowledge of the real condition of the company, unless it had been ob tained from the officials of the road, and their object in the circulation of such yarns could only have been aimed at frightening real holders of that class of stocks Into selling before the Novem ber rally commences. Another rumor was directed specially against the Dela ware and Hudson company in claiming that the company's coal beds are near the point of exhaustion. The latter was a specially gratuitous piece of informa tion that could only have started from people who desired to depress the com pany's stock quotation. The latter two stocks, as well as Lackawanna, broke severely in their quotations. Lacka wanna dropped from 162 to 156, Jersey fell from 102 to 98, and Delaware and Hudson from 126H to 123. ' In all the melee, however, Heading was at no time as low as It had been on the pre dnv. thereby demonstrat ing that the drive against the other coalers had been used as a cover under which some clique had been buying Reading. Real owners of Reading would prefer a coal war because It would enable the company not only to regain a portion of its lost percentage r,i allotments hut because the road ivoniii mnke much more through n- creased shipments than it could possi bly lose through a decrease in pi we, A prominent official of the Reading Cnn nnrt Iron comnanv. who is thor oughly conversant with the coal busl og onl.l tn a Khnmnkln Dlsnatch re norter. in speaking of the alleged threatened coal war: "I am not a prophet and will not atempt to say what may occur in the future so far as the coal situation is concerned. The actual situation today so far as the Reading is concerned, at least, Is that we are selling all tne coal we are mm ine. and for the past two months, ow ing to the restriction In production, we have sold considerably more coal man we have mined, at least 100,000 tons more, and In consequence thereof, have very materially reduced our stock of coal on hand. The time is now on hand," . he added, "when the coke regions and New England points will have to begin to stock up before lake and river navigation comes to a close for thl3 winter. This wll permit oi un restricted mining for Novembei' at least and the future will depend entire ly on the severity of the winter. Should the months of November and December be mild a curtailment In the produc tion will naturally follow." Another prominent official referring to the re port that the Delaware and Lacka wanna has withdrawn from the coal compact said that the company, like all others, would not turn a '.customer away after its quota had been mined Their representative at the meeting Wednesday, Mr. Holden, the Reading official said, was In no wise antagonis tic, but was in accord with what was done. As to the prices of coal fixed upon for November the Reading official said, notwithstanding the Increase they were considerably lower than for the same month last year. The Reading mines, except some special collieries In cluding those of the Shamokln district closed down Thursday and will remain closed today, but after Nov. 1 they will be operated throughout the month. Railroad men expect better reports of earnings from this time on. As one of them explains to the Indianapolis Journal: "Wearenow coming to a place In business with the railways where they cf n tell about what they are doing in the way of earnings. Everything is getting down to the hardpan basis. "While most roads are carylng a larger tonnage than last year, and freight earnings show an Increase, still moBt roads in this section show a decrease In passenger earnings up to the present time, but the tide will now turn with the passenger department, as after the third week in October the world's fair business did not cut a very impor tant part in receipts from the passenger service, the business carried being mostly homeward bound on the return part of the ticket. I look for better things with the passenger department from this on, for the reason that for weeks past the receipts from the pas senger business have compared favor ably with 1892, which was a better year for some roads than was 1893." The building alone, without the land it will occupy, .will coat l,OOtt,0P0. It will be Are proof, five stories high,' and be constructed of steel, brick, granite and terra cotta. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: Fixed charges of the Jersey Central are about $400,000 a month. - a he furnace of the' Temple Iron com pany, at Temple, -Pa:, has resumed blast. ' The Superior Steel comnanv. of Pitts burg, has put up a building for the pur pose of tempering steel. oross earnings for thlrtv-seven roads for the third week of October show a net decrease of $165,027. or 2.64 per cent. uross earnings of seventy-four roads for the second week of October Bhow a net decrease of $360,316, or 4.26 per cent. Aldace P. Walker is quoted as saying that he will not accept the presidency of the Sante Pe while he Is the receiver. The plant of the National Bolt. Nut and Rivet works, limited, of Reading. Pa.. which was closed down for a short time, Is now In full operation. ine Pensylvania Steel comDanv. of Steelton, Pa., has started furnace No. 11, of the open-hearth department, for the first time. The furnace has a capa city of fifty gross tons. General Pasenger Agent Edwards, of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, has instructed agents to take coupons from mileage books of traveling sales men in pay for excess baggage. ireulctlons of an earlv advance for Bessemer pig and for steel billets re main unrealized, with the outlook Indi cating nothing favoring materially higher quotations until February. xne Chesapeake and Ohio will build an electric light plant at Rlchmond.Va., to supply Its storage batteries, which areuaedonitspnssengertralns for light ing them, and which are proving a great success. ' The N. & G. Taylor Co.. tlnplate man ufacturers, of Philadelphia, are running eighteen stacks. The demand for its plates during the latter part of Septem- Der compelled It to run up to 10 o clock at night. The gross earnings of the Missouri Pacific the second week of October reached a little over $500,000 and came within $9,000 of its hieh water mark. The Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City. in the second week, earned $35,818, and increase this year of $823. H. E. Collins & Co., of Pittsburg, have received a contract for the iron build ing to be erected for the Keystone Roll ing Mill company; alBo to erect for the Philadelphia company, at Murraysville, Pa., two buildings, both to be con structed of Iron and stetM. The plant of the Beaver Falls Steel works, of Beaver Falls, Pa., manufac turers of cast steel, which has been run ning single turn since March 1 of this ypar, has started up on double turn. The firm reports the outlook as fairly good, and hopes to run double turn all winter. Never In the history of the enst-and-west lines has there been so largo a movement of empty cars eastward to seaboard points to be loaded with west ern business. The billing shows that west-bound 'tonnage Js 40 :per cent, larger than In October, 1893, and largely of the higher class freights. The decision of Judge Field, of Louis ville, in a damage suit that the Pullman company is not a common carrier,- and therefore not responsible for damages, as it did not control the running of the trains, is looked upon as an important one for that company, if the decision is sustained by the higher courts. There seems to be but small hope that the eastern freight question can be ar ranged for the better, at least at the present time. General managers and general freight agents who have re turned from the meeting at Cleveland say that no efforts were made to strengthen the east-bound pool, and this, under the present condition, amounts to the practical cessation of all efforts to keep up the pool. The Leechburg Foundry and Machine company, of Pittsburg, has now ready for shipment the equipment for the new tinplute plant of the Norton Tlnplate company, at Cambridge,. O. The equip ment Includes three hot mills of the regulation size, , three cold mills, three doubling shears,- two squaring shears, one Mesta patent pickling machine and one No. 2 roll lathe. The Leechburg Foundry and Machine company is also erecting the tlnplate plant of Wallace, Banfleld & Co., limited, at Irondale. A charter of incorporation was re cently granted to the Monongahela Tln- piaie company,1 oi ruisDurg. rnis con cern is closely Identified with the Oliver Iron and Steel coippany, of that city, but at the same time is a distinct or ganization. Contracts have been let to the Robinson-Rea Manufacturing com pany, of Pittsburg, for the erection of nine hot mills, 24x32 Inches in size. It is proposed to engage In the manufac ture of tin and terneplate on an exten sive scale, and contracts for the neces sary additional machinery will likely be let in a short time. H. W. Oliver, of the Oliver Iron and Steel company, Is un derstood to be prominently identified with the new venture. May . ...v.,;?..... 324 W4 32 32'i VecvmirQr 2S 28 28H 284ii November 28K 27 Wi CORN. May 5014 5014 604 60H December 60 . 49"4 604 November E2 ' 52 61V 61 LARD. January g.70 6.77 6.70 6.77 October 6.87 6.90 6.b7 8.90 November 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90 PORK. January u.67 11.77 11.67 11.70 October 11.95 11.95 11.96 11.93 Scranton Wholcsalo Market. Scranton, Oct. 29. Fruits and Produce Dried apples, per lb.,fia7c; evaporated apples, luallc. per lb.;Turklsh prunes, Ca ovfec.; Knifllsh currants, 2a2,,tJc; layor rais ins, $1.75al.80; muscatels, $lal.40 per box; new Valenclas. 6a7c. per lb. Beans Marrowfiite,tf.40a2.60 per bushel: mediums, Il.70a1.75. .oV.fr6611, uoil-14 per bushel; split $2.50a2.e0; lentels, 6aSc. per lb. Potatoes 6ri70c. bushel. Onions Bushel. 60n65c. ' Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9all'c. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 19V4u20c.; coolers, 17al?3. Meats Hams, lUfec small hams, '12c. i skinned hams, 12,fcc; California hams, 8V4c; shoulders, Sic; bellies, 9ftc.; smoked breakfast bacon, 11V-C Sniokcd lieef-Ou tildes. 1314c; sets, 15c; Insides and knuckles, 1614c: Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.45 dozen. Pork-Mess at $17; short cut, $18. invardLeaf m threes at 10c; In tub, 10!4c. ; 10-pound palls, 10c per pound: 6 Pound palls, 107.c. per pound; 3-pound pails, 1114c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 714c; tubs, 714c; 10-pound palls, 8c per pound; 5-pound palls, 814c per pound; v r.. imiin, o,iiu. per pouna. .orolVr -Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.80a4; Ohio and Indiana amuer, $3; Uraham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., I1.1R urain itye, 60c; corn. 59a61c: oats. 87a ) ' 0 CENT A Word. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. SALESMAN WANTED IN EVEK Y TOWN in Western Now York nd Northwestern Pennsylvania ti sell approved securities. H application will be considered from any but reliable men, well acquainted la their own community. References must be furnished when application! are made for particulars. Addrcsi Lock Box 107, Elinira, N. Y. AGENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO II. sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous protlts, sells at Bight, delivered free, se cure territory. Sample in Velvet lined case with full information, Hc. Catalogue froe. Aluminum Novelty Co.. 335 Broadway, New York. AXfANTrD ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V handle our line, no peddling. 8alar, t"5 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods Apply qmcsiy. r. u. box, owo, entfrelv new. llostou, Mima. 43o. Kye btraw Per ton, $12al4 Buckwheat Flour-$2.25 per 100. Hay $14.60alC. New York Produce Markot. S?,k',0ct; 2.-Flour-Qulet, easy, tiTLy9J?,ffe edV,ylnter wneat- low grades, $l.foa2.40; lo. fair to fancy, $2.40a2.70; do. paten s. I2.66all.90; Minnesota clear. $2.10a :M-o'i?k 81tnlBht',. !.9oa3.25; do. patents. Ulia3(,5; low extras, $1.8f,a2.40; city mils, $3.3;.; do. patents, $3.40a4.0o. Wheat-Dull, lj,c lower, steady; No. 2 vi vln a2d eIuva'r, WV,a54'1!c.; alloal, iu.Wic; f o. b c-nM.'fte.; ungraded ri-i, M)attjc.; No. 1 northern, G4c; option, closed steady at 14c under Saturday with trading dull; May and December moat ac tive October, W:S.e.; November, 61'ia; He- ?i?m 'r ' February, 57c ; March, WHo ; May, W)p. Corn-Dull, firm, 14c. higher; No. 2, 6p0c. elevator; 60c. afloat; options dull and firm at l2alc advance; May und December most active; October, 60c; November, Muy':C4eCembr' 6Sf'4C'' unuary' W,c-' Oats-Quiet, firmer; options dull, firmer; October 32c; November, 32'4c; December hJ lamary- 33c; May, 30'4.; No. 2 white November, X.'iaMc. ; eloslng Stic sT ISW 1 wh,', 3"i-: No. 2 whu4: Nn" 1 hi'' 2-WC-i NO. 3, 3U4C n? - h ,6, fc'Wc-imlxed western, 3214a 35l2a39c " 35u39c-! white state. Kerf Quiet: fnmllv mio. .... $8n8.50. cAira mess, Heef Hams Dull: Jl7ni7Kn mTirot,lf-Inacllvi c"y extra India ,oC"l.?.!lat39uiet. weak; vcMeii bellfeR. in,..,. Ti' r-; ""'"led shoulders, oa 514 ; Pickled hams, 9a91iic; middles, nom- ih?rrQ.'i!ot' firm; western steam, $7.30 t?,: 6,!taW-c-: ORtobor . nom" tnal; Januarv rlnMpri in nui..i. dull; continent, $7.70; South America, SS; compound, 5a5!4c sii--ri7J; '' ,Bteu,,v: "a'es, 75 bbls; mess, ?13.(ual4.50; extra prime, steady. dalTv nTn,T" ' ' , nD0Ut stenil': Btate Pennsylvania do., 17a2314c; western (mtVy! 1414al0c; do. creamery, lRa2314c; do. fnc- n.iiy. Aigins, zs'AjQ.; imitation iit-a.utHjr, j.mion; JUne creamery, Piu22c t-iieeHo-yuiet, steady; state large, 8a 1014c. ; do. fancy, loall4c; do. small. SKn ,; avi.-uc; run skims, 2!ia3c "KK3 nun, cnoice steady; state and Pennsylvania, 2a2114c;; Ice house, lua western iresn, 17al9'4c; do. case, $2.7oa4; limed, 1514al6c. Helo Wznted Female. T AD1ES CAN MAKE ti DAILY BY FOi-iD I J ing and addressing circulars for ns, at borne. No ranvabsint;. Position permanent. Keply with stamped envelope. MISS MARIE WORTH, Ashland, O, T ADY WANTED TO WRITE AND DO J J light work at home; $15 weekly. No can- per Superintendent Lawall of the Ve- high and Wllkes-Barre Coal company says that beginning on Monday they will work eight hours a day and six days a week. The Lehigh and Wilkes Barre controls eleven collieries and em ploys about 3,000 men. Mr. Lawall said, however, that the full time Is con tlngent on the weather. The past few weeks of raw and disagreeable weather created a brisk demand for anthracite coal and the surplus stock was exhaust ed. The Delaware, and Hudson Coal company has also posted a notice that their mines would work full time. ' Work on the largest street car house In the world will begin this week at Fiftieth street and Seventh avenue, New York city. The structure will be the property of the Metropolitan Trac tion company, and the aim or this cor poratton will be to make the new build ing an ornament to the city. The terms of the contract call for the com pletion of the car house within twelve months, and part of it will be in read! ness to receive cars within six months. (1 I. Where Science ends and Common Sense should rule. Persons of seden tary habits are liable to indigestion or dyspepsia. These, in turn, will bring on nervous disorders, kidney com plaints, constipation, etc. This is cs pecially the case with merchants, stu dents and scientists. They will give the exact dimensions of Jupiter, the distance from Saturn to the sun, to foot, but they cannot or will not tell themselves what will cure this train of disorders. , For ailments resulting from seden tary habitsInactivity of the liver. habitual constipatioq, etq."-the entire medical fraternity of Europe and Amen ica almost unanimously recommend the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt and the Waters of Carlsbad. Eisner & Mendclson Co., Sole Agents, 15J Franklin Street, N. Y. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, Oct. 29.-Wheat-Recelpts. 21 vo ousneis; shipments, 75,000 bushels; market very dull; No. 2 red cash, 52c; December, 62J;c; May, 56"4c; No. 3 red Corn-Receipts, 2.000 bushels: shlnmenta 9.6U0 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 mixed uui-emuur, inc.; fliay, 49c. uais-Keceipts, none; shipments, 200 uunuum; marxci nominal. Clover Seed Recelnts. 7M ht. ments, 10 bags; market easy; prime cash, $5.20; November, $5.20a5.2214; February. $j.3o; March, $5.35. Buffalo Stock Market. .Mu?a,0:N- T., Oct. 29.-Cattle-Reccli)ts neau; on sale, 4,800 head; market dull uiiu lower; gooa 10 extra export steers, M.suao.dti; light to medium steers, $3.7ria 4.40; common and rough fut steers. i3.!k)a 3.75; light butchers, $3.25a3.C5; mixed cows and heifers, $2.75a3.40; fat cows, fair to good, $2.25u3; oxen, $2a3.75; bulls. fat, $2.65a Hogs R ccelpts. 17,700 head; on sale, WW neau; nf(vltet steady and firm lorkers, M.50a5: m xed. 4.45a4.(iO: iroo.l mediums and heavy. $4.60a4.65: ultra. 14.50a i.n'j, rougns, fci.f!a4.iu. Sheep and Lambs Recelnts. 8.000 hear! on Bale, 18,000 head; market steady; fair to good sheep, $2a2.50; extra, $2.75a3; culls and common. $lal.75; lambs, $4a4.25; fair to good, J.ftm3.50; Canada lambs, J3.Ma4.2r,. STOCKS AXD BONDS. vasBng. B' Bend, Ind. :ud stump. Pearl Peak, South T ADIE8 - YOUR NAME SENT ON U stanmed envelope will uivo vou stead work; good snlarv. No canvassing. Nettie Harrison. Run Franclsen, Cal. Help Wanted Male. TUTANTED-A MNE FOREMAN. IN W nuire of W.M. JEH.MVN. Pricebursr.Pa. WANTED - RELIABLE MAN. PERM A V nent nosition. Stamp and references. A. T. MORRIS, care this paper. For Rent. OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUHE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address 1 HOMAa E, EVANS, soar 1132Luzorne, Hydo Park. VOR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. 120 Penn X avenue, $30 ver month. I70R RENT NICE LY FURNISHED HALL J' suitab e for lull rooms. JOHN JEK JIYN, 110 Wyoming ovenuo. Wanted To Rent WANTED-TO RENT A HOUSE WITH ' eight or nine rooms, with modern lm provements, in Bcrunton or Green Ridge. Ad ilress HOME, Tribune office. Special Notices. AOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations 1801-1803. Two Volume Folio, 810.60; payable monthly, S'.'.CO. Delivered by express complete rrenaia. Atlaioss r. o. iiiuuui, ain uioson street, acranton, ra. NK ztnes, Timii.ND prices. 11LA 11 zm BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAQA etc. bound or rebound at The office. Quick work. Reasonable MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144 111 corner bpruco street and Franklin ave uuo. Twenty table boar J. meal tickets for D.50. (iood Proposals. vvvwwwwvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvv CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O ceived at the office of the Secretary of the Hcrantou Board of Control until 7.8(1 o'clock, Monday evening. Nov. 12, 1MH, to furnish the district wiin coal lor tne ensuing year, t oai to be irood uualitv. free from slate and dust, 2.0W pounds to the ton. fall weight Bidders will state price for different sizta. Tliecit; will be divided into tour districts. Buildlns 4, 5, 0. 7, 28, at. M, 86, 80, will comprise the first district. Buildings 2, 8, A. 7, 8, 10, 11,30 nnu .11 the second District. Buildings 13, is. it, 15. 10.17. 18. 10. 20. 20. 31 and 82. the third dis trict. Buildings 21, 22, 23. 21. 25 and i0 the fourth district. Bids will be received for each district aouarately. The right is reserved to rejert any or all bids, liy order ot the bcrau ton Board of Control. EUOENE D. FELLOWS, Secretory, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 27. 1804. V onno Hp & Wallace 1 Worthy of Your Attention. Specially Adapted for Waists. Beautiful and exclusive designs and only a limited quantity. The greatest Silk opportunity you have ever had. 75c. PER YARD. SOMETHING NEW Liberty Satin, all colors. The very latest novelty. Ask to see tliein. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 Washington Ave Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. IBlf BEST AND CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN THE CITY. N. A. HULBERrs II 11 Si WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY & SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH ft BACK STULTZ I BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. S1 EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Re ceived at the office of the Citv Clerk. Seranton, Pa until 7.80 o'clock p. m.. Thurs day, November 1, lritli, to construct the sub structure. Including excavations and mason rv, for brldfto over the Koaring Brook, from Bpruco atreet to Front street. Each bidder shall Inclose with each proposal certified chock for 10 per cent, of the amount of bis bid, an a guarantee that the contract will la exe cuted. The check of the auccesHfuI bidder shall be forfeited to the city If hs shall fail or refuse to execute a contract for ihe perform ance ot the work and a bond lu the sum ot ten thousand dollars, conditioned, for the fulthful pel formnnco of the work under said contracts. The chocks of unsuccessful bidders shall be returnod to them after ths contract is award ed. The city reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. By oi der of City Councils. M. T.LAVBLLE, City Clerk. Scranton. Pa., Oct. t 18U4. By the United Press. New York, Oct. 29. Business at the Stock Exchange was moro active, but the activity was at the expense of the values. As of late the anthracite coal ers were the features of speculation, but today the high priced Investment stocks and the Grangers received more attention. Liquidations were oulte pronounced In the cases of the coalers. Grangers and other Issues. For a long time past the bulls have been boasting that the efforts of the bears to dislodge long stock were unavailing and that each attack only served to Increase the short Interest. They can say so no longer, for today there was enough Btock. In the Industrials. American Sus-nr was weak early in the dav, but later the price was bid up to 86 from 85; closing transacting were at 86. In the final trading a fractional rally oc curred and the market left off some- wnai steadier in tone. - Net changes show losses of; Vi to 1. Sales were 202,700 shares. The ranee of torinv'a nrlnea tn k. ... tlve stock of the New York stock market are glvn below. The quotations are fur nished The Tribune by d. du B. Dimmlck. manager for William Linn. Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Bcrun- ' . Op'n-High-Low-Clos. infl- fat oot In. aiii. ouKar lie k t-o Chicago Stock.Market. union Stock Yards, 111., Oct. 29. Cattle Receipts. 18,000 head: market firm: com mon to extra steers, )2.85a6.2f; stockers and feeders, J2a3.M; cows and bulls, ila 3.50; calves, $2.2Tu5.50. Hogs Receipts, 36,000 head; markot weak; honvy, H.2Gn4.65; common to choice mixed, $4.15a4.60; choice asorted, $4.50a4.40; light, $4.15a4.45; pigs, tL'.50a4.25. Sheep Receipts, 15,000 head; market firm for good and wenk for poor grades; inferior to choice, 75c.a$3; lambs, $1.5ou4. Atch.. To. & S. Fe Can. South Ches. & Ohio....... Chicago Gas Chic. & N. W..,..., Chic. B, & Q....I.. (J. U. C. St. Lt Chic, Mil. A St. P Chic, R. I. &P...J Delaware & Hud.,..1234 D L. & W i..l68 Dist. & C. F...i 9VJ Gen. Electric. 83 Lake Shore 134 Louis, ft Nash MM. Manhattan. Kle....10f, 4 6 50 . 18 18 .73 7S-T4 .101 101 ,. 72 73 ,.37 .i 37 611. i 60 60 ' 00 124 158 134 53 ior. 28 13 39 27 13 39 . 98 .98 30 , 13 , 13. 43 Mo. Pacific, Nat. Cordage.;.... Nat, Lead N..J. Central N. Y. Central.!.... N. Y. & N. E N. Y., L. E. ft W.. N. Y 8. W N. Y.. 8. & W.. Pr. Nor. Pacific 4 Nor. Pacific, Pr 16 Ont. & West 15 Phil. & Read 16 Rich. & W. P 17 Texas Parlflc 9 Union Pacific 11 Wabash ' Wabash,' Pr, 14 West. Union 86 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES, , . Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. WHEAT. May 66 December October . Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 29.-Tallow Is dull and weak. We quote: City prime In hhds, 4a4c; country prime, In bbls, 4c; country, dark, in bbls, 4c; cakes, 6c.; grease, 4c. Oil Markot. Pittsburg, Oct. 29. Oil Unchanged; closing 82c. An Admirer of McKlnlcy. From the Rochester Post-Express. The most effective campaign speaker In the Republican party today and undoubt edly the most popular man In that party, Is William McKlnlcy. Kovernor of Ohio. He has been speaking for two weeks or more. Everywhere It Is the same story of large audiences, effective speaking and great popular enthuuiaum. JamesU. Blaine was a great political speaker, Benjamin Harrison delivered some short speeches in 1888 that were remarkably adroit. Thomas B. Reed Is an effective orator: but McKlnley has more energy than Blaine, greater endurance than Harrison, more skill In sustained argument than Reed. One secret of his popularity. aside from the graces of oratory nnd complete familiarity with the subject, lies In McKlnley s personality. However peo pie may differ with him on the question of protection, there can b no difference of opinion an to McKlnley1 as a man. He Is recognized by all as an exceptionally able politician, but, beyond and above that, as a patriotic, pure-minded, and honorable man. Seasonable Preparations. He bought him a new waste basket That would hold a bushel or so. For he knew they soon would begin to come in. The poems on beautiful snow. , Chicago Intor-Occan, SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Re ceived at the office of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., uutil7.HU o'clock p. nu, Thurs day. November 1, 1MI1. to construct the sub atriotur9. including iXavationa Lnd mason ry, for tne unjen Htreet over the Lackawanna river. Each bidpV-r shall inclose a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount ( r his urn as a guarantee uat tne contract will bo executed. The check of the successful bid der shall be forfeited to the city if he shall fail or refuse to execute a contrnct for the per formance of the work, and a bund in the Bum of ten thousand dollars, condittono'i, for the faithful performance of the work. The checks of unsuccessful bidden shall be returned to them after too coutraot la awarded. Tne city reserves tne rignt to roject any ana an Dins. By order oi uuy councils. M T. LAVELLE, City Clork, Scrantr n, Pa.. Oct 25, 1W4, 17 17 9 11 6' 14 r Sllcnco Explained, Mrs. McSwatters How do you know that the Sphinx represents a man? McSwatters Do you suppose If it had been a woman It could nave kept Its mouth closed for nearly four thdusand years? Syracuse Post Consideration. "Is the Colonel through with his speech yet?" "Yes; he's now tiptoeing off the stage." "Whv does he do that?" "Dosn't want to wake up the audience." Atlanta Constitution. ....... 66 67 62 62 01 6114 66 62 61 60 62 U Dr. Wood's Norway Fins Byrup was uHed for years as a prescription bv successful physician. It Is In all respects the best cougn medicine maua today Sold by all druggists on guarantee of MtlHMUOII , tiEALED PROHOSALH WILL BE RE- LI ceivad at the oflloo of the Secretary of tne peranum nonra oi iraue uniu i:m o ciuck, Monday eveninc, Nov. 12, 1894, for the erection and comnletion of a twolve room school build ing, to be known as No. ID, and to be located on th westerly side of Hobccca avenue be tween Jackson ana rrico streets, in tne ourtn Ward of Scranton, iu accordance with plana and ape cificatioiii now ready In the hands of Davis s van oujrcu, aruuitecis. common wnltli Hul dim. Scranton. Pa. The sum of (500 in cash or certified check shall be enclosed with cacn proposal, wuica sum snail De lor felted to the School District in oau of refusal nr omission oi tlx part of the contractor whose proposal ehill be accepted, to execute contract within ton days aitor tne awnraini oi s pnntrnnt. The Bonrd reserves the rlirlit to Ject any nr all bids. By order of the Scranton Eoard of Control. EUUKNK D. r ELLuwtJ, Secretary. Scrcnton, Pa., Oct. U, 1694. .!i Situation WanUd. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like to go out by the day. Address n., in spruce stroei. SITUATION WANTED AS TjUTCHER BY avoanffman with lonff exnerienee. Can como well recommended and can command a rood trade and board at borne or with em ployor. Address uu iuaiit, xriuune onico. blfUATioN WAN ! ED BY A HOOD GIKL ) todogonorsl bomcwerk. Would prefer a place in a small family. Address ftftU Cedar avenue, Scranton. "I) ARTENDER A NEAT, SOBER AND IN- JJ dustrlcus young man, would like to cure a ateaay pnaiuon; n a nastier and can furnish Al references, Addrets Bartender, tOU LKKIWRIinS 1VHUUB. Wm, Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or on margin. ,...- 41$ Spruce Street.' LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. daB. DIMKICK, Managed TELEPHONE 6,002. DU FONT'S WINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, La lerne county, ra., ana bi w it miugton, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. 4W TO our patrons: tVashburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pat roiw that they will this vear hold to their usual custom of millinu STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owinu to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take wheat tully tnree no risks, and will allow the new months to mature before urindinii. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Wasliburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. POWDER MEGARGEL COMELL Wholesale Agents. AGENCIES TH08. TORD. Httston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MUI..LIUAN, wiiKesuarro, ra. A vents for tbe Kuuauuo Chemical Com pany'! High Explosive!). THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs dally via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago ana St. LiOUll liy.J oeiweeu (li I) (i By the Beautiful New Steamships of the OLD DOMINION LINE to OLD POINT COMFORT iHYOEIA HOTEL), OR VIRGINIA BEACH (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL.) i And return. Most Delightful Resorts on the At lantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS for Indlan- Columhus, Springfield, Dayton, polls, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleeping cars. Combination Library and CafB care. Elo gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." See that your tickets read via ths Bid 4 ROUTE. Time tables and information cheerfully furnished on application to S. J. QATE8, Gen'l Eastern Ag't, . t0 Exchange at, Buffalo, N. Y. M. E. Ingalls, resident; D. B. Martin, Ooneral Passenger Agent; E. O. McCor mlck, Trafflo Manager, Cincinnati, O. PmB RH0I CO.. Iae'p. CaplUlJljW&M httSX 1.0 8HOB IN TUB WOULD. -A dollar itti M a dollar tmrui." i ThlsLadto' Halld French pongoU Kid Bat tonjloot daltvend tree nnywber in the U.S., on reeeinioiuwR, luonojr p nr l'aaul Note for tl.tU. Kquali every way the boon old in all null tton for ti.tO. We niake this boot oartotvee, thtrefore we par ent tt Xktjtt, tlyu oa mr. iid tf any on ( not aaUatitd ra will refund momy or send another pair. Opera Toe or comnioa oe, widths J, 11. tt, a UK. Iim 1 to s aoa oau Senaymrtuii II Ml you. llluatrmtcd Cata-tonus 43 FEDERAL 8T H BOSTON. UAHO. Bfiuiai Ism it linw Dexter Shoe Go, S16 OLD POINT COHFORT VIRGINIA BEACH - $16.00 (17 $17.00 OK A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING EVERY EXPENSE of meals and berths en route, a day and a quar tet's board at either hotel. This trip Is an ideal one, as the course skirts the coast, with little llkell (1 of scnaickness, and passes in review many watering places and points of t or printed matter ana iuii particulars, auureau hood interest, OLD DOMINION S. S. COMPANY, W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. Pier 26, Horth River, lei York. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowoalth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllln & Rand Powder CO.'s Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and fiepacno Chemical Co.'s HigH Explosives Dueber-Hampden 17-Jewel Watches are known by rail road men and other experts to be un equalled for weai and accuracy. Tbe Ducber Watch Works, Cinton, G. (f rubyjeweled! llffl ADJUSTED off VuV WATCHES JtW , Ladles Who Value A refined complexion must use Pononl'i It produces s soft and besatlfnlsklti, der,